Articles by TutsPlus - Code from January 2017
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09:37 pm - Mon, January 30, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
New Course: Start Coding With ASP.NET Core
It's never been a better time to get started with ASP.NET. Not only has the ASP.NET team redesigned the framework from the ground up, but they've made it completely open source and cross-platform. It'...
02:00 pm - Mon, January 30, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Authentication in Rails Using Clearance
Clearance is a simple authentication system with email and password built by the team at Thoughtbot. It has opinionated defaults but is intended to be easy to override. The system is actively maintain...
01:00 pm - Mon, January 30, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Mathematical Modules in Python: Statistics
Statistical analysis of data helps us make sense of the information as a whole. This has applications in a lot of fields like biostatistics and business analytics. Instead of going through individual...
12:00 pm - Mon, January 30, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Building Your Startup: Advanced Scheduling Commands
What You'll Be CreatingThis tutorial is part of the Building Your Startup With PHP series on Envato Tuts+. In this series, I'm guiding you through launching a startup from concept to reality using ...
04:32 pm - Fri, January 27, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Swift from Scratch: Variables and Constants
In the first article of Swift from Scratch, you learned about Xcode playgrounds and wrote your first lines of Swift. In this article, we'll start learning the fundamentals of the Swift programming l...
12:10 pm - Fri, January 27, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Android Sensors in Depth: Proximity and Gyroscope
Why always expect users to tap buttons on their touchscreens? By using some of the hardware sensors available on mid-range Android phones today, you can create apps that offer far more engaging user e...
12:00 pm - Fri, January 27, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Erlang and Elixir, Part 4: ControlFlow
If, else, and logical operators are probably the most common similarity between the popular languages, and unsurprisingly Elixir has them, too. The if, case, and cond macros are provided for giving us...
08:38 am - Fri, January 27, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
How to Share 360 Panorama Photos with WebVR and A-Frame
In recent times we've been seeing a surge in the popularity and technical capability of virtual reality. Typically, when we think VR we think gaming and dedicated desktop software. However this is no...
12:00 pm - Thu, January 26, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Using Illuminate Database With Eloquent in Your PHP App WithoutLaravel
Illuminate is Laravel’s database engine minus Laravel. It comes bundled with the Eloquent ORM in Laravel. If you would like to build your PHP apps with ORMs and prefer not to use Laravel, this tutor...
07:29 pm - Wed, January 25, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Using the Speech Recognition API in iOS 10
What You'll Be CreatingIntroductionSiri has been a core feature of iOS since it was introduced back in 2011. Now, iOS 10 brings new features to allow developers to interact with Siri. In particular, t...
05:00 pm - Wed, January 25, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
New Coffee Break Course: How to Use the Angular 2 HTTP Service
What You'll Be CreatingIf you are building an Angular 2 app, there will come a time when you need external data. The way to make this happen is through the HTTP service. HTTP allows you to make reques...
12:00 pm - Wed, January 25, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Get Started Building Your Blog With Parse.js: Migration to Your Own Parse Server
What You'll Be CreatingSadly, is shutting down on 28 January 2017. In the previous series, I walked you through the entire journey of building a blog system from scratch. But everything was ...
09:08 pm - Tue, January 24, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
How to Convert Vertical Video to 16:9 Horizontal in Just 1 Step
Many smartphone users record video vertically, holding the phone in front of themselves, up and down. It's not hard to see why: this is the natural way to hold a small, chocolate-bar-shaped object. Ho...
12:00 pm - Tue, January 24, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Building Your Startup: Automatic Time-Zone Detection
What You'll Be CreatingThis tutorial is part of the Building Your Startup With PHP series on Envato Tuts+. In this series, I'm guiding you through launching a startup from concept to reality using ...
08:03 pm - Mon, January 23, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Swift from Scratch: Introduction
In 2014, Apple took the developer community by surprise with the introduction of Swift, a brand new programming language. Swift has come a long way, and it is hard to believe that the language is cele...
01:00 pm - Mon, January 23, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
20 Best WordPress Login Forms on CodeCanyon
WordPress natively incorporates user profiles and access levels. It only makes sense that it can be easily used for membership sites, directories, and more. This is one of the reasons why those buildi...
12:23 pm - Mon, January 23, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Passwordless Authentication With Account Kit
About Account Kit
What Is Passwordless Authentication?Passwordless authentication skips using a password for registration or login. Instead, user authentication is confirmed either with a one-time SM...
12:00 pm - Mon, January 23, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Mathematical Modules in Python: Random
Randomness is all around us. When you flip a coin or roll a die, you can never be sure of the final outcome. This unpredictability has a lot of applications like determining the winners of a lucky dra...
12:00 pm - Fri, January 20, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Erlang and Elixir, Part 3: Functions
Elixir is built on Erlang, and in both Erlang and Elixir a function is not just identified by its name, but by its name and arity. Remember: Everything in Elixir is an expression.To give you a clear...
12:00 pm - Thu, January 19, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Adding Custom Fields to Simple Products With WooCommerce
WooCommerce is arguably the most popular way to sell products using WordPress. With WordPress powering roughly 25% of the Internet and WooCommerce powering roughly 39% of all online stores, it's a sa...
04:27 pm - Wed, January 18, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
New Coffee Break Course: Reactive Programming With RxJS
Reactive programming is a popular new programming paradigm that makes it easy to code apps and interfaces that respond to dynamically changing data. Now reactive programming has come to JavaScript tha...
10:42 am - Wed, January 18, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Crash Reporting With Crashlytics
In Android, there is a high probability of your app crashing even after you have manually and automatically tested it. This can be due to factors such as incompatibility with different API levels, scr...
12:00 pm - Tue, January 17, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Using Namespaces and Autoloading in WordPress Plugins, Part 4
If this is the first tutorial you're reading in this series, then I highly recommend catching up with what we've covered thus far.Essentially, you're coming in at the end of the show. At this point, w...
12:00 pm - Tue, January 17, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Building Your Startup: Preparing for Text Messaging
What You'll Be CreatingThis tutorial is part of the Building Your Startup With PHP series on Envato Tuts+. In this series, I'm guiding you through launching a startup from concept to reality using ...
10:16 am - Tue, January 17, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Introduction to Android Things
For over a year, Google worked with the Project Brillo operating system (which was built on the lower levels of Android) for Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices, even going so far as to have le...
12:00 pm - Mon, January 16, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Mathematical Modules in Python: Decimal and Fractions
Even the most basic mathematical operations can sometimes give an erroneous result. This happens due to limitations in storing the exact value of some numbers. You can overcome these limitations by u...
02:00 pm - Sun, January 15, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Show Us What You've Made With Envato for a Chance to Win $250!
Have you created something using a tutorial here on Envato Tuts+? Whether it's an illustration, an audio project or pretty much anything else, you can submit it to this month's Made With Envato contes...
12:00 pm - Fri, January 13, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Erlang and Elixir, Part 2: Data Types
Elixir has a wealth of data types available. The usual basic types integer, float, boolean, and string are here, but so are the atom / symbol, list, tuple, and anonymous functions. You'll learn all a...
06:28 pm - Thu, January 12, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
New Code eBooks Available forSubscribers
Do you want to learn more about developing iOS apps with Swift? How about building web applications with Go, or functional programming in JavaScript? Our latest batch of eBooks will teach you all you ...
12:56 pm - Thu, January 12, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Easy iOS Push Notifications With back4app
IntroductionIn this tutorial, I will be showing you how to easily implement push notifications in your iOS app using a cloud-based, third-party back-end service. We will start by looking at the requir...
11:30 am - Wed, January 11, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Envato Market in 60 Seconds: Author Ratings
In this super-quick video I’ll introduce you to Envato Market’s author ratings. Author ratings are important because they communicate the quality of your items, whilst serving as a metric of custo...
11:27 am - Wed, January 11, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Getting Started With a React Native App Template
Designing a React Native app from scratch is often a cumbersome process—especially the design part, because you have to plan for both Android and iOS devices. Not only that, but you also have to mak...
01:00 pm - Tue, January 10, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Understanding Forms and Events inReact
In this tutorial, you'll learn about forms and events in React. We'll start by creating a simple React-based app and then add a form and some elements. Then we'll see how to add events to the form ele...
12:58 pm - Tue, January 10, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Firebase Security Rules
Firebase Realtime Database security rules are how you secure your data from unauthorised users and protect your data structure. In this quick tip tutorial, I will explain how to configure your datab...
12:00 pm - Tue, January 10, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Building Your Startup: IncreasingSecurity
What You'll Be CreatingThis tutorial is part of the Building Your Startup With PHP series on Envato Tuts+. In this series, I'm guiding you through launching a startup from concept to reality using ...
07:49 pm - Mon, January 9, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Coding Functional Android Apps in Kotlin: Lambdas, Null Safety & More
In this three-part series, we’ve taken an in-depth look at Kotlin, a modern programming language for Android apps that runs in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). While Kotlin is far from the only alte...
01:00 pm - Mon, January 9, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Integrate External Libraries in OpenCart Using Composer
Almost every framework nowadays has built-in support of Composer, an awesome dependency management tool in PHP, and OpenCart is no exception. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to use Composer to inte...
12:00 pm - Mon, January 9, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Mathematical Modules in Python: Math and Cmath
When writing programs in our day-to-day life, we usually come across situations where we need to use a little maths to get the task done. Like other programming languages, Python provides various oper...
02:59 pm - Fri, January 6, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Create SiriKit Extensions in iOS 10
What You'll Be CreatingIntroduction
Since Siri was introduced back in 2011, iOS developers have been asking for the possibility to integrate third-party apps with it. With the release of iOS 10 dur...
12:00 pm - Fri, January 6, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Introduction to Erlang and Elixir
Elixir is a fast, dynamic and scalable language which is fast becoming adopted by the startup crowd and established businesses alike for production applications. Pinterest, Brightcove, Discord, and C...
06:00 pm - Thu, January 5, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
What's New in iOS 10? Find Out in This Short Course
Want to start the New Year by getting up to date with all the latest changes in iOS 10? Our new short course, What's New in iOS 10, has you covered. In just 38 minutes, you'll get fully up to speed wi...
02:27 pm - Thu, January 5, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Create an Android Cardboard 360 Video Viewer
Augmented and virtual reality, while still relatively new, have quickly become popular for apps, including for gaming and education. Previously, I showed you how to install Cardboard using the Android...
12:00 pm - Thu, January 5, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Erlang and Elixir, Part 5: Phoenix Framework
So far we have seen how to use the basic data types and coding principles of the Erlang VM via the Elixir language. Now we will go full circle and create a working web application using the Phoenix We...
03:23 pm - Wed, January 4, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
How to Build an Angular 2 Service
Angular 2 is a powerful and feature-complete framework that you can use to build the best web apps. Built with TypeScript in mind, Angular 2 takes advantage of futuristic language features such as dec...
12:00 pm - Wed, January 4, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Crafting APIs With Rails
Nowadays it is a common practice to rely heavily on APIs (application programming interfaces). Not only big services like Facebook and Twitter employ them—APIs are very popular due to the spread of ...
12:00 pm - Tue, January 3, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Programming With Yii2: UsingtheDebugger
What You'll Be CreatingIf you're asking, "What's Yii?" check out Introduction to the Yii Framework, which reviews the benefits of Yii and includes an overview of Yii 2.0.IntroductionIn the Program...
01:29 pm - Mon, January 2, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
Quick Tip: How to Use Android's Assist API
Android users today no longer have to open a browser and perform a search to learn about things they stumble upon while using an app. They can instead use an assistant. If you own a device that runs A...
12:00 pm - Mon, January 2, 2017
TutsPlus - Code
20 Best CSS Animations on CodeCanyon
There was a time in internet history when you had to use Flash if you wanted to add some visual effects to your website beyond an animated GIF. Fast forward to today, and we find Flash dead and things...