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April 18, 2024 09:48 am GMT

My Docker stack to deploy a Django Celery web app

  • Introduction
  • Project Structure
  • Stack Diagram
  • Docker images
    • Django image
    • Nginx image
    • Redis image
  • Docker Compose
    • Environment Variables
    • The file
  • Deploying
    • Building
    • Deploying with Docker Compose

After many iterations, this is my current process to deploy a django application.

The cool thing is that I'm now deploying with only an .env file and nothing else.

Note that this is just a single instance of the stack, without Kubernetes or any kind of load balancer.


My stack consists on:

  • A Postgres database
  • A Redis database
  • A django instance
  • Celery beat and workers

I won't go into details of how to set up anything like this here, if you want to learn more about celery in their docs.

Project Structure

To understand the docker-compose.yml file below, it's important to see how I structure my django project:

MY-DJANGO-PROJECT/ core  # lives here app1/    migrations    ... app2/    migrations    ... data  # A data directory where I store stuff like logs nginx/    certs/       fullchain.pem       privkey.pem    conf/       default.conf       prod.conf       staging.conf    Dockerfile Dockerfile Pipfile ...

Stack Diagram

To visualize the flow better here's a diagram that describes how everything is interconnected:

Docker Stack Diagram

Docker images

The stack, though it might seem complicated, is only composed of 3 images, 2 of which are custom:

Django image

This is a custom image built from python.

This image will be used for django, celery workers and celery beat containers.

Here's the Dockerfile for it:

# Python as the base image# I use bullseye because I'm more comfortable with it# but you can use Alpine for a more lightweight containerFROM python:3.11-bullseye# Exposes port 8000# Make sure to change this to your used portEXPOSE 8000# Keeps Python from generating .pyc files in the containerENV PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1# Turns off buffering for easier container loggingENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1# Working directoryWORKDIR /app/backend# Install pipenv# This is not necessary if you use pip in your codeRUN pip install -U pipenv# Install pipenv requirements# Turns the Pipfile to a requirements.txt# so it can be installed globally with pipCOPY Pipfile Pipfile.lock /app/backend/RUN pipenv requirements > requirements.txtRUN pip install -r requirements.txtRUN rm -rf ./Pipfile ./Pipfile.lock# Copy all the code overCOPY . .# Create the media directoryRUN mkdir -p /app/backend/media# Create a volume for the media directoryVOLUME /app/backend/media# Create a volume for the static directoryVOLUME /app/backend/django_static# Make the entrypoint scripts executable# There's one entrypoint for each service that uses this imageRUN chmod +x /app/backend/entrypoint-django.shRUN chmod +x /app/backend/entrypoint-worker.shRUN chmod +x /app/backend/ Set the default entrypoint in case this Dockerfile is run# by itselfENTRYPOINT ["/app/backend/"]

These are the entry point files for each service:

django entry point

#!/bin/bash# Migrate any new migrations to the database on deploymentecho "Migrating..."python migrate --no-input# Collect static filesecho "Collecting static files..."python collectstatic --no-input# Ensure the data directory exists# I use the data directory to store files such as logsmkdir -p data# Start gunicornecho "Starting server..."gunicorn core.wsgi:application --forwarded-allow-ips="*" --bind

Worker entry point

#!/bin/sh# Wait until the backend directory is createduntil cd /app/backenddo    echo "Waiting for server volume..."done# run a worker# I like having only one task per worker but you can change it# by increasing the concurrencyecho "Starting celery worker..."celery -A core worker -l info --concurrency 1 -E

Beat entry point

#!/bin/sh# Wait until the server volume is availableuntil cd /app/backenddo    echo "Waiting for server volume..."done# run celery beatecho "Starting celery beat..."celery -A core beat -l info

Nginx image

This container serves the application.

I create a custom nginx image that includes my certificates and configuration, so I don't have to copy them over to the server.

Note: I don't use certbot, as I find it more straightfoward to generate the certificates from cloudflare and just store them in the custom image

This means that the image should be secure in a private registry with authentication, otherwise you risk security of your web app.

Here's the Dockerfile for it:

FROM nginx:stable-bullseye# Export ports 80 and 443EXPOSE 80EXPOSE 443# Copy the nginx configuration files to the imageCOPY ./conf/default.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.confCOPY ./conf/prod.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/prod.confCOPY ./conf/staging.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/staging.conf# Copy the CloudFlare Origin CA certificate to the imageCOPY ./certs/fullchain.pem /etc/nginx/certs/fullchain.pemCOPY ./certs/privkey.pem /etc/nginx/certs/privkey.pem

Redis image

I just use the default Redis image for this.

Just want to note that, because this is a single instance deployment, I like deploying Redis directly here as I find it's enough.

It is recommended, though, to spin up a Redis database somewhere more centralized.

Docker Compose

Environment Variables

Before I get into the gist of the Docker Compose file here are some environment variables I put in my .env file for deployment:

  • DOCKER_REGISTRY: My private, authentication enabled, docker registry where I upload the build images
  • DJANGO_DOCKER_IMAGE: The name I give the django image
  • NGINX_DOCKER_IMAGE: The name I give the NGINX image
  • DOCKER_TAG: Usually the version I want to deploy, i.e.: 1.5 or latest

The file

version: "3"services:  redis:    container_name: redis    restart: unless-stopped    image: redis:7.2.0-alpine    expose:      - 6379  backend:    restart: unless-stopped    image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${DJANGO_DOCKER_IMAGE}:${DOCKER_TAG}    env_file:      - ./.env    entrypoint: /app/backend/    ports:      - 8000:8000    volumes:      - ./data:/app/backend/data    healthcheck:      test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "http://localhost:8000/healthcheck/"]      interval: 30s      timeout: 10s      retries: 3      start_period: 20s   worker:    restart: unless-stopped    image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${DJANGO_DOCKER_IMAGE}:${DOCKER_TAG}    env_file:      - ./.env    entrypoint: /app/backend/    volumes:      - ./data:/app/backend/data    depends_on:      backend        condition: service_healthy      redis        condition: service_started  beat:    restart: unless-stopped    image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${DJANGO_DOCKER_IMAGE}:${DOCKER_TAG}    env_file:      - ./.env    entrypoint: /app/backend/    volumes:      - ./data:/app/backend/data    depends_on:      backend        condition: service_healthy      redis        condition: service_started  nginx:    restart: unless-stopped    image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${NGINX_DOCKER_IMAGE}:${DOCKER_TAG}    ports:      - 80:80      - 443:443    depends_on:      backend        condition: service_healthy

As you can see, the compose file has the 5 services, Redis, django, celery worker, celery beat and NGINX.



First I build the images and push them to the registry. Before, I did this manually, now I use a GitHub action. You can learn more about this automation here.

Deploying with Docker Compose

Then I head to the server where I want to deploy this. Make sure that the .env file is updated and then just:

  1. docker compose down: Spin the old instance down
  2. docker system prune -a -f: This makes sure I remove the latest image to force the download of the new one from the registry.
  3. docker compose up --scale worker=5 -d: Spin the new instance upThat's it!

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