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January 8, 2016 04:54 pm

International Artist Feature: Spain

For this article in the international artist series, we turn to Spain, featuring four illustrators and designers who create fantastic work, from lettering to character design and more! I asked each artist how their country and culture inspired their work, and they delivered fantastic answers. Enjoy!

Baimu Studio

Baimu Studio focuses on Art Direction and lettering in Barcelona, Spain. Their work, which you can check out at their portfolio, is fun and filled with movement. Check out a few selections below!

OFFF & Showusyourtype

"Ever since I have had use of reason I've felt like a citizen of the world, with no strings or boundaries. And especially nowadays, we are all connected, social networks and the internet break the last frontier, in my opinion.
OFFF  Showusyourtype
OFFF & Showusyourtype

Yorokobu—Chocolate Tune

"On the other hand I think the passion I feel about my work is connected with my culture. As a Spanish-Mediterranean guy I have warm blood. I don't conceive of designs or illustrations as a flat process, so I look at every project excited to discover what is going to happen.
Yorokobu - Chocolate Tune
Yorokobu—Chocolate Tune

Cupcake Lettering

"'Lettering is connecting the emotional side of letters with illustration'
"I understand lettering as a visual dialogue with the observer, and it is essential to transmit on an emotional level what we communicate.
Cupcake Lettering
Cupcake Lettering

JUNGIBLE. Lettering for "DeadWords" Project

JUNGIBLE Lettering for DeadWords project
JUNGIBLE. Lettering for "DeadWords" project

Fresh Mind—Drop Lettering

"I love to get involved and put my heart and soul in every project, for me this is more than my profession: it's my passion. And I love to show and transmit those feelings in my work."
Fresh Mind - Drop Lettering
Fresh Mind—Drop Lettering

Jorge Lawerta

Jorge is an illustrator in Valencia, Spain. His work, which you can catch in his portfolio, focuses on strong character design with a great sense of typographic design and composition. Check out a selection of his work below!

Polo Jugando al Polo

"Well, I think it´s obvious that your surroundings influence you. So my city, my country, my neighborhood influences me. The houses I see on the street, the people I say, 'Hi' to every day... Those are the things I see and those are the thing I have in my mind when I draw.
Polo jugando al polo
Polo Jugando al Polo

Falla Sant Torquat

"I wouldn´t say that the flag, the national anthem, or the folklore influence me, but on the other hand living here with the culture we have, the traditions, even the weather makes us different than countries like Sweden or Russia.
Falla Sant Torquat
Falla Sant Torquat

Miller Lite Summerfest Milwaukee 2015

"People in Spain are very social; we love to party. We're also big fans of humor, so I would say all those things inspire and influence my work."
Miller Lite Summerfest Milwaukee 2015
Miller Lite Summerfest Milwaukee 2015

That Look

That Look
That Look




Squid&Pig are an illustration and design duo in Valencia, Spain. Their work, which you can check out at their portfolio, is utterly adorable and fun. Check out a small selection of their work below!

Little Bear—LOVE SAVOR's Kawaii Mascot Design

"The truth is that we have a 'kawaii' style, and it's influenced by Japan. In our country, this style is not as common as a form of communication; it's interpreted as something specifically aimed at a young audience. This limits us a little from time to time in our work, and that's why 90% of our clients are international.
Little Bear - LOVE SAVORs Kawaii Mascot Design
Little Bear—LOVE SAVOR's Kawaii Mascot Design

Supergato Stickers for MunkeeApps

"The 'kawaii' style is simple and usually pretty static. Our culture gives expression to our characters. We often make exaggerated and joyful characters, sometimes in excess.
Supergato Stickers for MunkeeApps
Supergato Stickers for MunkeeApps

Viber's Kawaii Food Stickers

"The European style has influenced us to add light and shadow to our designs, sometimes even textures, which are not usually as common in the Japanese style."
Vibers Kawaii Food Stickers
Viber's Kawaii Food Stickers

La Mocaorà—9th October Fest Tribute

La Mocaor - 9th October Fest Tribute
La Mocaorà—9th October Fest Tribute

Chuck the T-Rex Stickers for Indoona

Chuck the T-Rex Stickers for Indoona
Chuck the T-Rex Stickers for Indoona

Jordi Villaverde

Jordi is an illustrator and character designer in Barcelona, Spain. His work, which you can see more of in his portfolio, is character-driven and full of life. Check out a selection of it below!

Forest Tiki

"I think my country didn't influenced my work too much, but maybe the city where I live, Barcelona, influenced me to love the arts, music, and culture in general because Barcelona is one of the most multicultural cities in the world.
Forest Tiki
Forest Tiki

La Forêt Oubliée Project Cover

"About the culture of my country, I think the Catalan people have a different culture as the other countries in Spain. We have our own culture and our own language, and maybe that has set us apart from the other Spanish people.
La Fort Oublie project cover
La Forêt Oubliée project cover

Arale Chan!

"I am influenced, like the others artists of my generation, by the anime series we watched in our childhood, like Dr Slump, Dragon Ball or Ranma, and the movies we watched in those years of our lives."
Arale Chan
Arale Chan!

Mad Max: Fury Road Fan Art

Mad Max Fury Road Fan Art
Mad Max: Fury Road Fan Art

Mr Sun

Mr Sun
Mr Sun

Many thanks to the wonderful artists featured above. You can follow them further around the web at the following links:

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