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March 6, 2011 05:00 pm GMT

Linkswitch #59 Data Backup, Creative Design, Planning for Retirement

Backupify: The True Data Bodyguard

A major USP of the cloud and SaaS apps is data security. Anyone with logical thinking would understand the benefits of having their data stored in a world class data center managed by experts and their data duplicated across multiple centres across the globe for redundancy.

7 Ways to Garner Local Clients and Referral Business

It is assumed in the online business, especially in the design field, that most big clients are international.

But that doesn't mean that all lucrative projects are with international clients. As companies such as the controversial BlitzLocal have discovered, there's a vast and lucrative market for providing local businesses with online visibility.

The Netsetter: Reviewing Ad Spending for Competitive Intelligence

You don't always have to look at what your competition's doing to be successful, but there are times when it makes sense. You might already have a website that's plateaued in some way. It might get lots of traffic that doesn't convert, or you might have a site that's absolutely adored by a small audience that needs to grow by an order of magnitude.

8 Tips for Feeling Happier During an Unhappy Time.

At some points in life, it’s not possible — or at least not easy — to feel happy. However, even then, it’s sometimes possible to feel happier. By taking whatever steps you can manage to give yourself whatever happiness boost is possible, you give yourself a deeper reservoir to deal with your happiness challenge.

Start Now, Planning for a Freelancer's Retirement

Retirement is a topic that freelancers shy away from. Bring it up with your fellow freelancers and you'll probably hear at least one person proudly proclaim that they plan to work until the day that they die.

There's a certain sense among many of us that we actually enjoy what we do. Since we don't have a boss to drive us crazy, why would we want to ever retire?

UnMarketing: Stop Pushing and Praying, Start Pulling and Staying

When marketing consultant Scott Stratten worked with the owners of a new restaurant, he recommended inviting residents of a nearby condo complex to a free dinner. Over two nights, the owners could get 150 people to start the buzz about the new restaurant in town.

7 Essential Things All Bloggers Should Be Doing

With the number of blogs online growing every day, it is increasingly difficult to stand out and achieve success with your blog. In the end, many bloggers that start out with high hopes and expectations wind up deciding that blogging really isn't worth their time. Those who have some patience and a plan to achieve specific goals with their blog will have a much greater likelihood of long-term success.

10 Ways to Zap Freelancing Stress Now

Freelancers may have escaped office politics to pursue what we love from the comfort of their homes" or the nearest coffee shop. But that does not make us immune from stress.

In fact, if anything, life as a freelancer can be just as stressful""or even more so""than life as an employee.

Creative and Effective Ad Designs

Advertisements are one of the best ways to promote goods and services of any organization. With an effective and successful advertising campaign, organizations not only leave a strong impact on their customers but also communicate the company's philosophy in an effective manner.

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