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Articles by Spyre Studios from September 2015

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12:25 pm PDT - Wed, September 23, 2015
Spyre Studios How To Improve User Experience With Heatmap Testing
Getting traffic to a website is one thing, but managing to allocate it to specific pages and offers is a totally different story. While search engine optimization might be considered as more technical...
10:33 am PDT - Wed, September 16, 2015
Spyre Studios Customer Care Chat Design Tips Which Will Increase User Engagement
Attracting customers on your website is not only a matter of good rankings and relevant traffic. It’s about finding the right way to speak to your customers and educate them on why your service ...
05:00 am PDT - Mon, September 14, 2015
Spyre Studios The HTML5 Mega Cheat Sheet
An infographic that will serve as the HTML5 Mega Cheat Sheet for you. Quick and handy reference that you'll use regularly.The post The HTML5 Mega Cheat Sheet appeared first on SpyreStudios....
06:01 am PDT - Thu, September 10, 2015
Spyre Studios 5 of the Best Paywall Plugins for WordPress
One of the most effective way of monetising a blog or website, once youve built a community and steady readership, is moving content behind a subscription fee much in the same way the traditional prin...
06:17 am PDT - Wed, September 9, 2015
Spyre Studios Catchy Free Font Pairings For Headings and Paragraphs
Creating the right font combination is a matter of skills, eye for detail and understanding of the different font types. There are a few font pairing tools which let you fall in love with a font pair ...
08:35 am PDT - Thu, September 3, 2015
Spyre Studios Striking a Balance: Features vs. Functionality
Its a tale thats common in design circlesyouve designed a beautiful website with lots of features. You and your client are quite pleased with the finished product, until that dreadful day when the cus...
05:30 pm PDT - Wed, September 2, 2015
Spyre Studios 21 Free For Commercial Use Resource Websites Youll Really Love
Diving deep into the realms of design requires true passion, inspiration and a strong skill base. Yet, there is another factor which plays a leading role in the battle between time efficiency and qual...
05:30 pm PDT - Wed, September 2, 2015
Spyre Studios 21 Free Design Resource Websites For Commercial Use That Youll Really Love
Diving deep into the realms of design requires true passion, inspiration and a strong skill base. Yet, there is another factor which plays a leading role in the battle between time efficiency and qual...
07:13 am PDT - Tue, September 1, 2015
Spyre Studios The Flat Revolution is Here: Things You Need to Know about Flat Design 2.0
Flat design is one of the many design trends from years past that was expected to make an impact in 2015. A reaction to the real This approach is a departure from the skeuomorphic design trend that wa...
08:17 am PDT - Mon, August 31, 2015
Spyre Studios 4 Great Apps for Reducing Eyestrain
That chances are that youre spending at least a few hours every day behind your computer screen. Our generation, unlike any other in history, has the unique challenge of staring at computer screens al...