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April 13, 2022 12:52 pm GMT

Hide system commands from users and add bot description to Telegram bot on NestJS

Links - source code of bot - current bot in telegram

Add category property and usage with admins

Append admin property to bot command config


export const BOT_COMMANDS_CONFIG = Symbol('BOT_COMMANDS_CONFIG');export interface BotCommandsConfig {  admins: string[];  maxRecursiveDepth?: number;  prepareCommandString?: (command: string) => string;}

Append enum for basic types


import { getText } from 'class-validator-multi-lang';export const BotCommandsEnum = {  help: getText('help'),  get: getText('get'),  state: getText('state'),  reset: getText('reset'),};export const BotCommandsCategory = {  system: getText('system'),  user: getText('user'),};

Append category property to help message interface


export interface BotCommandsToolsGenerateHelpMessageOptions {  locale: string;  name: string;  descriptions: string;  usage: string[];  contextUsage?: string[];  customHelpFields?: { [field: string]: string[] };  category: string;}

Update bot command tools service


import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';import { getText } from 'class-validator-multi-lang';import { isMatch } from 'micromatch';import { render } from 'mustache';import { CustomInject } from 'nestjs-custom-injector';import { TranslatesService, TranslatesStorage } from 'nestjs-translates';import {  BotCommandsConfig,  BOT_COMMANDS_CONFIG,} from '../bot-commands-config/bot-commands.config';import { BotCommandsCategory } from '../bot-commands-types/bot-commands-enum';import { BotCommandsProviderActionMsg } from '../bot-commands-types/bot-commands-provider.interface';import {  BotCommandsToolsInterceptor,  BOT_COMMANDS_TOOLS_INTERCEPTOR,} from '../bot-commands-types/bot-commands-tools-interceptor.interface';import { BotCommandsToolsGenerateHelpMessageOptions } from '../bot-commands-types/bot-commands-tools-types.interface';@Injectable()export class BotCommandsToolsService {  @CustomInject(BOT_COMMANDS_TOOLS_INTERCEPTOR, {    multi: true,  })  private botCommandsToolsInterceptors?: BotCommandsToolsInterceptor[];  @CustomInject(BOT_COMMANDS_CONFIG)  private botCommandsConfig?: BotCommandsConfig;  private lowerCaseTranslates?: TranslatesStorage['translates'];  constructor(    private readonly translatesStorage: TranslatesStorage,    private readonly translatesService: TranslatesService  ) {}  isAdmin<    TMsg extends BotCommandsProviderActionMsg = BotCommandsProviderActionMsg  >(msg: TMsg) {    const admins =      this.botCommandsConfig? =>        String(admin).trim().toLocaleLowerCase()      ) || [];    return (      admins.includes(msg?.chat?.id.toString() || '') ||      admins.includes(msg?.from?.id.toString() || '')    );  }  generateHelpMessage<    TMsg extends BotCommandsProviderActionMsg = BotCommandsProviderActionMsg  >(msg: TMsg, options: BotCommandsToolsGenerateHelpMessageOptions) {    const isAdmin = this.isAdmin(msg);    if (options.category === BotCommandsCategory.system && !isAdmin) {      return '';    }    if (      this.botCommandsToolsInterceptors &&      this.botCommandsToolsInterceptors.length > 0    ) {      for (        let index = 0;        index < this.botCommandsToolsInterceptors.length;        index++      ) {        const botCommandsToolsInterceptor =          this.botCommandsToolsInterceptors[index];        if (botCommandsToolsInterceptor?.interceptHelpMessageOptions) {          options =            botCommandsToolsInterceptor.interceptHelpMessageOptions(options);        }      }    }    const usageWithLocalized = Array.from(      new Set(        [          ...options.usage, =>            this.translatesService.translate(u, options.locale)          ),        ].filter(Boolean)      )    );    const contextUsageWithLocalized = options.contextUsage      ? Array.from(          new Set(            [              ...options.contextUsage,     =>                this.translatesService.translate(u, options.locale)              ),            ].filter(Boolean)          )        )      : null;    const caption =      ? `__${this.translatesService.translate(, options.locale)}${          !isAdmin && options.category === BotCommandsCategory.user            ? ''            : ` \\(${this.translatesService.translate(                options.category,                options.locale              )}\\)`        }__`      : '';    const descriptions = options.descriptions      ? this.translatesService.translate(options.descriptions, options.locale)      : '';    const usage =      usageWithLocalized.length > 0        ? `${this.translatesService.translate(            getText('usage'),            options.locale          )}: ${ => `_${u}_`).join(', ')}`        : '';    const contextUsage =      contextUsageWithLocalized && contextUsageWithLocalized.length > 0        ? `${this.translatesService.translate(            getText('usage with context'),            options.locale          )}: ${ => `_${u}_`).join(', ')}`        : '';    const customHelpFields = Object.keys(options.customHelpFields || {}).map(      (customHelpFieldKey) =>        `${this.translatesService.translate(          customHelpFieldKey,          options.locale        )}: ${(options.customHelpFields?.[customHelpFieldKey] || [])          .map((u) => `_${u}_`)          .join(', ')}`    );    const replayHelpMessage = [      caption,      descriptions,      usage,      contextUsage,      ...customHelpFields,    ]      .filter(Boolean)      .join('
'); return replayHelpMessage; } clearCommands(text: string | undefined, commands: string[], locale: string) { const words = (text || '').split(' '); const lowerCasedWords = => c.toLowerCase()); const lowerCasedCommands = => c.toLowerCase()); lowerCasedCommands.forEach((command) => { lowerCasedWords.forEach((word, wordIndex) => { if (command === word) { words[wordIndex] = ''; } if (`/${command}` === word) { words[wordIndex] = ''; } if (this.translateByLowerCase(command, locale) === word) { words[wordIndex] = ''; } if (`/${this.translateByLowerCase(command, locale)}` === word) { words[wordIndex] = ''; } }); }); return words.join(' ').split(' ').join(' ').trim(); } checkCommands(text: string | undefined, commands: string[], locale?: string) { const lowerCasedText = this.prepareCommandString( (text || '').toLocaleLowerCase() ); const lowerCasedCommands = commands .map((c) => this.prepareCommandString(c).toLocaleLowerCase().split('|')) .reduce((acc, val) => acc.concat(val), []); if ( lowerCasedCommands.find( (command) => lowerCasedText.includes(command) || lowerCasedText.includes(`/${command}`) ) ) { return true; } if ( lowerCasedCommands.find( (command) => lowerCasedText.includes( this.prepareCommandString( this.translateByLowerCase(command, locale) ) ) || lowerCasedText.includes( `/${this.prepareCommandString( this.translateByLowerCase(command, locale) )}` ) ) ) { return true; } return false; } checkMicromatchCommands(text: string | undefined, commands: string[]) { const lowerCasedText = this.prepareCommandString( (text || '').toLocaleLowerCase() ); const lowerCasedCommands = commands .map((c) => this.prepareCommandString(c.toLocaleLowerCase()).split('|')) .reduce((acc, val) => acc.concat(val), []); if ( lowerCasedCommands.find((command) => isMatch(lowerCasedText, `${command}`) ) ) { return true; } return false; } prepareHelpString(text: string | undefined) { return (text || '').split('*').join('\\*'); } getRandomItem<T>(items: T[]) { return items[Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length)]; } capitalizeFirstLetter(text: string | undefined, locale: string) { const [first,] = (text || '').trim(); return (first || '').toLocaleUpperCase(locale) + rest.join(''); } getLocale< TMsg extends BotCommandsProviderActionMsg = BotCommandsProviderActionMsg >(msg: TMsg, defaultValue: string) { let locale = msg?.from?.language_code; if ( !locale || !Object.keys(this.translatesStorage.translates).find((key) => locale?.includes(key) ) ) { locale = defaultValue; } return locale; } private translateByLowerCase( key: string, locale?: string, context: unknown = {} ) { this.initLowerCaseTranslates(); const lowerCaseKey = key.toLowerCase(); if (!this.lowerCaseTranslates) { throw new Error(`lowerCaseTranslates not set`); } const value = (locale && this.lowerCaseTranslates?.[locale]?.[lowerCaseKey]) || lowerCaseKey; return value ? render(value, context) : value; } private prepareCommandString(command: string): string { if (this.botCommandsConfig?.prepareCommandString) { return this.botCommandsConfig.prepareCommandString(command); } return command || ''; } private initLowerCaseTranslates() { if (!this.lowerCaseTranslates) { this.lowerCaseTranslates = {}; Object.keys(this.translatesStorage.translates).forEach( (translateLocale) => { if (!this.lowerCaseTranslates) { throw new Error(`lowerCaseTranslates not set`); } this.lowerCaseTranslates[translateLocale] = {}; Object.keys( this.translatesStorage.translates[translateLocale] ).forEach((translateKey) => { if (!this.lowerCaseTranslates?.[translateLocale]) { throw new Error( `lowerCaseTranslates by locale "${translateLocale}" not set` ); } this.lowerCaseTranslates[translateLocale][ translateKey.toLowerCase() ] = this.translatesStorage.translates[translateLocale][ translateKey ].toLowerCase(); }); } ); } }}

Append category property to all commands as example of quotes


import {  BotCommandsCategory,  BotCommandsModule,  BOT_COMMANDS_PROVIDER,} from '@kaufman-bot/core/server';import { ScraperModule } from '@kaufman-bot/html-scraper/server';import { DynamicModule, Module } from '@nestjs/common';import { getText } from 'class-validator-multi-lang';import { TranslatesModule } from 'nestjs-translates';import { QuotesGeneratorService } from './quotes-generator-services/quotes-generator.service';@Module({  imports: [TranslatesModule, BotCommandsModule],  exports: [TranslatesModule, BotCommandsModule],})export class QuotesGeneratorModule {  static forRoot(): DynamicModule {    return {      module: QuotesGeneratorModule,      imports: [        ScraperModule.forRoot({          title: getText('Quotes generator'),          name: 'quotes',          descriptions: getText(            'Command to generate text with a random quotes'          ),          usage: [            getText('get quote'),            getText('get quotes'),            getText('quotes help'),          ],          contextUsage: [getText('more'), getText('next')],          contentSelector:            'forismatic > quote > quotetext, forismatic > quote > quoteauthor',          spyWords: [getText('quotes'), getText('quote')],          removeWords: [getText('get'), getText('please')],          uri: '{{locale}}',          contentCodepage: 'utf8',          headers: [{}],          category: BotCommandsCategory.user,        }),      ],      providers: [        {          provide: BOT_COMMANDS_PROVIDER,          useClass: QuotesGeneratorService,        },      ],      exports: [ScraperModule],    };  }}

Append category property to all commands as example of quotes

Update app module for use admin from envs


import { BotInGroupsModule } from '@kaufman-bot/bot-in-groups/server';import {  BotCommandsModule,  PrismaClientModule,} from '@kaufman-bot/core/server';import { CurrencyConverterModule } from '@kaufman-bot/currency-converter/server';import { DebugMessagesModule } from '@kaufman-bot/debug-messages/server';import { DialogflowModule } from '@kaufman-bot/dialogflow/server';import { FactsGeneratorModule } from '@kaufman-bot/facts-generator/server';import { FirstMeetingModule } from '@kaufman-bot/first-meeting/server';import { JokesGeneratorModule } from '@kaufman-bot/jokes-generator/server';import {  DEFAULT_LANGUAGE,  LanguageSwitherModule,} from '@kaufman-bot/language-swither/server';import { QuotesGeneratorModule } from '@kaufman-bot/quotes-generator/server';import { ShortCommandsModule } from '@kaufman-bot/short-commands/server';import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';import env from 'env-var';import { TelegrafModule } from 'nestjs-telegraf';import {  getDefaultTranslatesModuleOptions,  TranslatesModule,} from 'nestjs-translates';import { join } from 'path';import { AppController } from './app.controller';import { AppService } from './app.service';const TELEGRAM_BOT_WEB_HOOKS_DOMAIN = env  .get('TELEGRAM_BOT_WEB_HOOKS_DOMAIN')  .asString();const TELEGRAM_BOT_WEB_HOOKS_PATH = env  .get('TELEGRAM_BOT_WEB_HOOKS_PATH')  .asString();@Module({  imports: [    TelegrafModule.forRoot({      token: env.get('TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN').required().asString(),      launchOptions: {        dropPendingUpdates: true,        ...(TELEGRAM_BOT_WEB_HOOKS_DOMAIN && TELEGRAM_BOT_WEB_HOOKS_PATH          ? {              webhook: {                domain: TELEGRAM_BOT_WEB_HOOKS_DOMAIN,                hookPath: TELEGRAM_BOT_WEB_HOOKS_PATH,              },            }          : {}),      },    }),    PrismaClientModule.forRoot({      databaseUrl: env.get('SERVER_POSTGRES_URL').required().asString(),      logging: 'long_queries',      maxQueryExecutionTime: 5000,    }),    TranslatesModule.forRoot(      getDefaultTranslatesModuleOptions({        localePaths: [          join(__dirname, 'assets', 'i18n'),          join(__dirname, 'assets', 'i18n', 'getText'),          join(__dirname, 'assets', 'i18n', 'class-validator-messages'),        ],        vendorLocalePaths: [join(__dirname, 'assets', 'i18n')],        locales: [DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, 'ru'],      })    ),    DebugMessagesModule.forRoot(),    BotCommandsModule.forRoot({      admins: env.get('TELEGRAM_BOT_ADMINS').default('').asArray(','),      prepareCommandString: (command?: string) =>        (command || '').split('').join(''),    }),    ShortCommandsModule.forRoot({      commands: {        en: {          '*joke*': `get jokes`,          '*quote*|*thought*|*wisdom*': 'get quotes',          '*fact*|history': 'get facts',          'forgot me': 'meet reset',          '*what you can do*|faq': 'help',          'disable debug': 'debug off',          'enable debug': 'debug on',        },        ru: {          '*joke*|*|*|*|*||||':            'get jokes',          '*quote*|*thought|*wisdom*|| ||*|*|**':            'get quotes',          '*fact*|history||*|*': 'get facts',          'forgot me| ': 'meet reset',          '*what you can do*|faq|*  *|': 'help',          'disable debug| ': 'debug off',          'enable debug| ': 'debug on',        },      },    }),    BotInGroupsModule.forRoot({      botNames: {        en: ['Endy', 'Kaufman'],        ru: ['', 'Endy', 'Kaufman', '', ''],      },      botMeetingInformation: {        en: [`Hello! I'm Endy `, 'Hello!', 'Hello '],        ru: [` !   `, ` !`, '  '],      },    }),    LanguageSwitherModule.forRoot(),    CurrencyConverterModule.forRoot(),    FactsGeneratorModule.forRoot(),    QuotesGeneratorModule.forRoot(),    JokesGeneratorModule.forRoot(),    FirstMeetingModule.forRoot({ botName: { en: 'Endy', ru: '' } }),    DialogflowModule.forRoot({      projectId: env.get('DIALOGFLOW_PROJECT_ID').required().asString(),    }),  ],  controllers: [AppController],  providers: [AppService],})export class AppModule {}

Append TELEGRAM_BOT_ADMINS to env file



Prepare files and translate dictionaries

npm run generate

Translate all need words

Translate all need words

Convert po translate dictionaries files to json

npm run generate

Commit changes, wait end of deploy, for test without admin role

Commit changes, wait end of deploy, for test without admin role

Check from telegram, we must see only user commands

Check from telegram, we must see only user commands

Append description of bot with @botfather

Show bot info
Show bot info

Show bot info 2

Set description

Currency converterconvert 1 usd to eur, converter helpFacts generatorget facts, get fact, facts helpQuotes generatorget quote, get quotes, quotes helpJokes generatorget joke, get jokes, jokes help

Set description

Set description result

Set about text
Set about text

Set about text

Set avatar
Set avatar

Check from telegram

First open bot
First open bot

Show bot info
Show bot info

Send help commands
Send help commands

Add admin id to env

Get your id

Get your id

Append env with this id to github settings

Append env with this id to github settings

Update deploy config


name: 'deploy'# yamllint disable-line rule:truthyon:  push:    branches:      - feature/73jobs:  migrate:    runs-on: [self-hosted, develop-vps]    environment: dev    steps:      - name: Cloning repo        uses: actions/checkout@v2        with:          fetch-depth: 0      - name: Apply migrations        run: |          curl -o- | bash          . ~/.nvm/          nvm --version          nvm install v16.13.2          nvm use v16.13.2          npm i --force          export POSTGRES_HOST=$(dokku postgres:info global-postgres --internal-ip)          export ROOT_POSTGRES_URL=postgres://postgres:${{secrets.ROOT_POSTGRES_PASSWORD}}@${POSTGRES_HOST}:5432/postgres?schema=public          export SERVER_POSTGRES_URL=${{secrets.SERVER_POSTGRES_URL}}          npm run rucken -- postgres          export DATABASE_URL=$SERVER_POSTGRES_URL && npm run migrate          export DEPLOY_DATE=$(date +'%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S')          export DEPLOY_COMMIT=$GITHUB_SHA          export DEPLOY_VERSION=$(node -pe "require('./package.json')['version']")          dokku config:set --no-restart kaufman-bot SERVER_POSTGRES_URL=$SERVER_POSTGRES_URL          dokku config:set --no-restart --global POSTGRES_HOST=global-postgres          dokku config:set --no-restart kaufman-bot GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=google-credentials.json          dokku config:set --no-restart kaufman-bot GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS=${{secrets.GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS}}          dokku config:set --no-restart kaufman-bot DIALOGFLOW_PROJECT_ID=${{secrets.DIALOGFLOW_PROJECT_ID}}          dokku config:set --no-restart kaufman-bot TELEGRAM_BOT_WEB_HOOKS_DOMAIN=${{secrets.TELEGRAM_BOT_WEB_HOOKS_DOMAIN}}          dokku config:set --no-restart kaufman-bot TELEGRAM_BOT_WEB_HOOKS_PATH=${{secrets.TELEGRAM_BOT_WEB_HOOKS_PATH}}          dokku config:set --no-restart kaufman-bot TELEGRAM_BOT_ADMINS=${{secrets.TELEGRAM_BOT_ADMINS}}          dokku config:set --no-restart kaufman-bot DEPLOY_DATE="$DEPLOY_DATE"          dokku config:set --no-restart kaufman-bot DEPLOY_COMMIT=$DEPLOY_COMMIT          dokku config:set --no-restart kaufman-bot DEPLOY_VERSION=$DEPLOY_VERSION  deploy:    needs: [migrate]    runs-on: ubuntu-latest    environment: dev    steps:      - name: Cloning repo        uses: actions/checkout@v2        with:          fetch-depth: 0      - name: Push to dokku        uses: dokku/github-action@master        with:          branch: 'feature/73'          git_remote_url: 'ssh://dokku@${{secrets.HOST}}:22/kaufman-bot'          ssh_private_key: ${{secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}}

Check new logic in telegram bot

Show botinfo in personal user chat

Show botinfo in personal user chat

Show botinfo in groups chat

Show botinfo in groups chat

Show help in personal chat

Show help in personal chat

Show help in groups chat

Show help in groups chat

In next post I append semver and create changelog with released features and fixes, and maybe I close issue

Original Link:

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