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March 27, 2022 02:59 pm GMT

AWS Controllers for Kubernetes Hands-on


  • In the world of Infrastructure as code (IaC) there are many tools support us to create AWS resources quickly such as CDK, Pulumi, Terraform. Today I introduce AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK)
  • AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) lets you define and use AWS service resources directly from Kubernetes. With ACK, you can take advantage of AWS-managed services for your Kubernetes applications without needing to define resources outside of the cluster or run services that provide supporting capabilities like databases or message queues within the cluster.
  • This post provides step-by-step to create AWS RDS postgres in private VPC using ACK and then access the database to prove it works.

Table Of Contents

  • Introduction of ACK
  • Install the ACK service controller for RDS
  • Create ACK ServiceAccount base on IRSA
  • Create RDS secret keys
  • Create subnet group
  • Create security group to allow traffic from EKS pods to the RDS
  • Create DBInstance
  • Access RDS through EKS pod
  • Clean-up workspace
  • Conclusion

Introduction of ACK

Install the ACK service controller for RDS

   $ export HELM_EXPERIMENTAL_OCI=1   $ helm pull oci:// --version=v0.0.17   $ tar xf rds-chart-v0.0.17.tgz   $ helm install rds-chart --generate-name --set=aws.region=ap-northeast-2

Create ACK ServiceAccount base on IRSA

  • This step requires IAM role for service account here is ACK RDS. Note that the role needs permission to manage RDS resource. We can limit permission by restrict resource. And to protect the resource from incident of deleteing the DBInstance (describe later), we can set Deny action of rds:DeleteDBInstance
  {      "Version": "2012-10-17",      "Statement": [          {              "Condition": {                  "StringEquals": {                      "aws:RequestedRegion": "ap-northeast-2"                  }              },              "Action": "rds:*",              "Resource": "arn:aws:rds:ap-northeast-2:123456789012:*",              "Effect": "Allow",              "Sid": "CreateRds"          },          {              "Action": "rds:DeleteDBInstance",              "Resource": "*",              "Effect": "Deny",              "Sid": "DenyDeleteRds"          }      ]  }
  • Generate SA yaml and update IRSA to apply, replace the IAM ARN role with yours.


    apiVersion: v1    kind: ServiceAccount    metadata:    labels: controller ack-rds-controller    name: ack-rds-controller    annotations: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/ack-rds-controller-d1

  • Apply the manifest
  kf apply -f ack-sa.yaml

Create RDS secret keys

  • Best practice is to protect the RDS user password
  export RDS_DB_USERNAME=rds_username  export RDS_DB_PASSWORD=rds_password  kubectl create secret generic rds-postgresql-user-creds \    --from-literal=username="${RDS_DB_USERNAME}" \    --from-literal=password="${RDS_DB_PASSWORD}"

Create subnet group

  • The subnet group contains all subnet of EKS private VPC
  • Get subnets from EKS VPC, replace the VPC ID and the region with yours
  EKS_SUBNET_IDS=$(aws ec2 describe-subnets --filters "Name=vpc-id,Values=vpc-0eb6477bf2c8430cd" --query 'Subnets[*].SubnetId' --output text --region ap-northeast-2)
  • Generate yaml file inherit ${EKS_SUBNET_IDS} above
    cat <<-EOF > ack/ack-rds-subnet-groups.yaml    apiVersion:    kind: DBSubnetGroup    metadata:    name: rds-postgresql-subnet-group    spec:    name: rds-postgresql-subnet-group    description: RDS for app in EKS    subnetIDs:    $(printf "    - %s
" ${EKS_SUBNET_IDS}) tags: - key: stage value: development - key: owner value: dev EOF
  • Apply the manifest
  kf apply -f ack/ack-rds-subnet-groups.yaml

Create security group to allow traffic from EKS pods to the RDS

  • First we create a SG in the EKS VPC to attach to the RDS, replace the VPC ID with your EKS VPC ID and appropriate region
  RDS_SECURITY_GROUP_ID=$(aws ec2 create-security-group \         --group-name rds-postgres-sg \         --description "SG to allow traffic from EKS pod to RDS" \         --vpc-id vpc-0eb6477bf2c8430cd \         --output text --region ap-northeast-2       )
  • Then we need to allow traffic from EKS worker nodes. There are two ways

    1. In RDS SG, allow traffic from CIDR range of the EKS VPC
      • Get CIDR range of EKS VCP using command line
       EKS_CIDR_RANGE=$(aws ec2 describe-vpcs --vpc-ids vpc-0eb6477bf2c8430cd --query 'Vpcs[].CidrBlock' --output text --region ap-northeast-2)
    • Create ingress in the SG to allow traffic from the above CIDR

       aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \ --group-id "${RDS_SECURITY_GROUP_ID}" \ --protocol tcp \ --port 5432 \ --cidr "${EKS_CIDR_RANGE}" \ --region ap-northeast-2
  1. In RDS SG, allow traffic from the security group which is attached to all EKS nodes (in general, traffic is allowed from the network interfaces that are associated with the source security group for the specified protocol and port, read more from Understand Pods communication at Security groups for your VPC specifying a security group as the source for a rule)

Create DBInstance

  • Create DBInstance manifest, replace security group ID in vpcSecurityGroupIDs with the one you created in previous step RDS_SECURITY_GROUP_ID. Here we select RDS instance type db.t3.micro as it is free tier, master user and password maps with the RDS secret keys created in previous step, engine: postgres version 10 ack/ack-rds-postgresql.yaml
      apiVersion:  kind: DBInstance  metadata:    name: "rds-postgresql-dev"  spec:    allocatedStorage: 20    autoMinorVersionUpgrade: true    backupRetentionPeriod: 7    dbInstanceClass: db.t3.micro    dbInstanceIdentifier: "rds-postgresql-dev"    dbSubnetGroupName: rds-postgresql-subnet-group    engine: postgres    engineVersion: "10"    masterUsername: "rds_user"    masterUserPassword:      namespace: default      name: rds-postgresql-user-creds      key: password    multiAZ: true    publiclyAccessible: false    storageEncrypted: true    storageType: gp2    vpcSecurityGroupIDs:      - sg-009c3a2658d1f7165    tags:      - key: stage        value: development      - key: owner        value: dev
    • Apply the yaml
      kf apply -f ack/ack-rds-postgresql.yaml
    • Check created DBInstance
       $ kf get DBInstance  NAME                 AGE  rds-postgresql-dev   1h

    Access RDS through EKS pod

    • This step proves RDS works well and EKS pods in private VPC can read/write to the RDS use master user
    • Build postgresql-client docker image and push it to ECR or any container image repository
      FROM alpine:3  RUN apk add --no-cache postgresql-client  CMD while true; do sleep 5; echo psql-client; done
    • Create postgresql client deployment psql-client.yaml
        apiVersion: apps/v1  kind: Deployment  metadata:    labels:      app: psql-client    name: psql-client  spec:    replicas: 1    selector:      matchLabels:        app: psql-client-deployment    template:      metadata:        labels:          app: psql-client-deployment      spec:        containers:          - image:            name: psql-client
      • Apply the deployment and then get pod
        ~ $ kf apply -f ack/psql-client.yaml  deployment.apps/psql-client created  ~ $ kf get pod  NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE  psql-client-9d45f759-8swtr              1/1     Running   0          44m
      • Go into the pod to access RDS, get RDS private endpoint in the console or using AWS CLI or using kubectl
        ~ $ aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier rds-postgresql-dev --region ap-northeast-2 --query 'DBInstances[0].Endpoint.Address'  ""  ~ $ kubectl get dbinstance rds-postgresql-dev -o jsonpath='{.status.endpoint.address}'  ""  ~ $ kf exec -it psql-client-9d45f759-8swtr -- sh  / # psql -h -U rds_user -d postgres  postgres=> \du                                                                    List of roles        Role name      |                         Attributes                         |                          Member of    --------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------    rds_user           | Create role, Create DB                                    +| {rds_superuser}                       | Password valid until infinity                              |    rds_ad             | Cannot login                                               | {}    rds_iam            | Cannot login                                               | {}    rds_password       | Cannot login                                               | {}    rds_replication    | Cannot login                                               | {}    rds_superuser      | Cannot login                                               | {pg_monitor,pg_signal_backend,rds_replication,rds_password}    rdsadmin           | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS+| {}                        | Password valid until infinity                              |    rdsrepladmin       | No inheritance, Cannot login, Replication                  | {}  postgres=> CREATE DATABASE "rds-test";  CREATE DATABASE  postgres=> \l rds-test                                      List of databases    Name   |       Owner        | Encoding |   Collate   |    Ctype    | Access privileges  ----------+--------------------+----------+-------------+-------------+-------------------  rds-test | rds_user | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |  (1 row)

      Clean-up workspace

      • Delete DBInstance, note that if you deny rds:DeleteDBInstance in ACK role to protect your RDS then this step requires more action such as remove the deny or delete RDS manually then force delete DBInstance. Here assume ACK RDS role has permission of deleting the RDS
         $ kf delete DBInstance rds-postgresql-dev "rds-postgresql-dev" deleted
      • Delete psql-client deployment
         $ kf delete -f ack/psql-client.yaml  deployment.apps "psql-client" deleted
      • Delete RDS secret key
         $ kf delete secret rds-postgresql-user-creds  secret "rds-postgresql-user-creds" deleted
      • Delete RDS security group
         $ aws ec2 delete-security-group --group-id sg-009c3a2658d1f7165 --region ap-northeast-2
      • Uninstall ACK RDS
         $ helm list  NAME                    NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                   APP VERSION  rds-chart-1648053478    default         1               2022-03-23 23:38:11.397906502 +0700 +07 deployed        rds-chart-v0.0.17       v0.0.17   $ helm uninstall rds-chart-1648053478  release "rds-chart-1648053478" uninstalled
      • Finally delete the IRSA for ACK RDS
         $ cdk destroy AckControllerSA --profile vc-mfa  Are you sure you want to delete: AckControllerSA (y/n)? y  AckControllerSA: destroying...    AckControllerSA: destroyed


      • Using ACK to create AWS resources is a big plus for those ones love managing AWS resources through k8s manifests within the EKS cluster
      • We can combine cdk8s to crea


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