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May 10, 2021 09:19 am GMT

Style your frontend with an engineering flavour by using JSS

Choosing between numerous options for styling your app could be a project in and of itself.

I've tried several styling solutions and approaches on frontend like:

Projects which used them were written either with Vanilla JS or with some modern JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS, Angular 4, React or even React Native.

After all I have a huge favourite regarding styling options world which is not mentioned above. I would vote for it on new project anytime (sorry, there are local elections soon here in Croatia).

To finally get closer to the point, I like to write my styles just as rest of the app. In JavaScript. Which means I use the same programming language and the same syntax both for logic and for styles. This is really cool, but it's not the main motive behind it. It's because I find JavaScript much more powerful and capable than CSS.

JavaScript brings more of the engineering flavour into the app styling process. And it's possible with CSS-in-JS solutions, or shorter JSS.

I used JSS for the first time while I was working on projects built with Material UI. In their docs, you can find out why they use such approach after abandoning Less and custom solution inline-styles. Actually they did some pretty interesting comparison when choosing styling solution.

I've mentioned engineering flavour so let's show some examples of what I thought.


You can simply keep any style in a variable.

const COLOR_PRIMARY = "black";const COLOR_SECONDARY = "#f0f0f0";

Also group them into a JS object.

baseTitle: {    fontSize: 24,    fontWeight: 600,    color: COLOR_PRIMARY}

You could think now: nothing special, I can do that with extended CSS too. Be patient...

Spreading, default properties and overriding

Let's say we want to extend this basic title for some other use.

sectionTitle:  {  ...baseTitle,  //override font weight from base title  fontWeight: 800,   //extend base title  fontFamily: '"Roboto", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif',  fontStyle: 'italic',}

Notice that you don't need to learn any new syntax, you actually write CSS but you just use camelCase instead of the kebab-case: font-size fontSize. And have JS power on top of it.


Then, you could also keep all your reusable styles in one place and build your whole theme - which is simply JS object.

const theme = {  backgroundColor: COLOR_PRIMARY,  color: COLOR_SECONDARY,  ...};

That theme could be considered a config file but for styles . Use Material UI theme for inspiration. From breakpoints, typography to colour palette and spacings.

Integrate JSS with React

There is a JSS Core library which can be used in any Javascript app, but React developers will be more interested in React-JSS.

Dynamic Values

Give attention to Dynamic values .

JSS uses Hooks API where you can use hooks like createUseStyles.

There is a cool example I will borrow from JSS docs about how to start with it. I will just separate a style from components, because it is always a good practice not to make a big clutter in one file. Also, it reminds of the CSS modules approach which have a separate isolated style for each component.

import {createUseStyles} from 'react-jss'const useStyles = createUseStyles({  myButton: {    padding: props => props.spacing  },  myLabel: props => ({    display: 'block',    color: props.labelColor,    fontWeight: props.fontWeight,    fontStyle: props.fontStyle  })})

Notice how elegantly you can change the style depending on props values passed from the component.

import React from 'react'const Button = ({children, ...props}) => {  const classes = useStyles(props)  return (    <button className={classes.myButton}>      <span className={classes.myLabel}>{children}</span>    </button>  )}Button.defaultProps = {  spacing: 10,  fontWeight: 'bold',  labelColor: 'red'}const App = () => <Button fontStyle="italic">Submit</Button>


Besides hook for creating style there is the useTheme combined with a ThemeProvider wrapper. It also provides a theming solution which makes it a lot easier to start writing themed apps with reusable styles, and to quick start your new project.

Would you give it a try?

What are you thoughts?
Which styling solution do you prefer?
How do you deal with theming and reusable styles?

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