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July 17, 2018 06:54 pm GMT

Exploring teamLab Borderless: a digital art museum in Tokyo, Japan

Exploring teamLab Borderless: a digital art museum in Tokyo, Japan
Exploring teamLab Borderless: a digital art museum in Tokyo, Japan
AoiroStudioJul 17, 2018

I am personally quite excited to share this exhibition currently happening right now at the Mori Building, more precisely in Roppongi, Minato. In this exhibit and as I quote: "MORI Building DIGITAL ART MUSEUM: teamLab Borderless present a borderless world that visitors can explore freely without following routes". Just to give an idea, you will experience about 50 interactive artworks, some completely new, in a huge 10,000 sqm area with five zones. The interactive artworks have no borders separating them from the other works. Some extend beyond their installation rooms and into the corridors, some overlap with other works and some even fuse with other works. Since there are no boundaries, the immersive works keep the boundaries between people in a state of continuous flux. Visitors physically enter and explore the works as well as experience interactions with other visitors. The result is a totally new kind of interactive digital art experience the likes of which cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

The digital art museum will feature approximately 50 interactive artworks, some completely new, in a huge 10,000 sqm area with five zones. The interactive artworks have no borders separating them from the other works. Some extend beyond their installation rooms and into the corridors, some overlap with other works and some even fuse with other works. Since there are no boundaries, the immersive works keep the boundaries between people in a state of continuous flux. Visitors physically enter and explore the works as well as experience interactions with other visitors. The result is a totally new kind of interactive digital art experience the likes of which cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

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About teamLab

teamLab (f. 2001) is an art collective, interdisciplinary group of ultratechnologists whose collaborative practice seeks to navigate the confluence of art, science, technology, design and the natural world. Various specialists such as artists, programmers, engineers, CG animators, mathematicians and architects form teamLab. teamLab aims to explore a new relationship between humans and nature, and between oneself and the world through art. Digital technology has allowed art to liberate itself from the physical and transcend boundaries. teamLab sees no boundary between humans and nature, and between oneself and the world; one is in the other and the other in one. Everything exists in a long, fragile yet miraculous, borderless continuity of life.

Exploring teamLab Borderless: a digital art museum in Tokyo, JapanExploring teamLab Borderless: a digital art museum in Tokyo, JapanExploring teamLab Borderless: a digital art museum in Tokyo, JapanExploring teamLab Borderless: a digital art museum in Tokyo, JapanExploring teamLab Borderless: a digital art museum in Tokyo, JapanExploring teamLab Borderless: a digital art museum in Tokyo, JapanExploring teamLab Borderless: a digital art museum in Tokyo, JapanExploring teamLab Borderless: a digital art museum in Tokyo, JapanExploring teamLab Borderless: a digital art museum in Tokyo, JapanExploring teamLab Borderless: a digital art museum in Tokyo, JapanExploring teamLab Borderless: a digital art museum in Tokyo, JapanExploring teamLab Borderless: a digital art museum in Tokyo, Japan

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