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May 31, 2012 07:59 am

Origami, The Art of Designing and Manufacturing Masterpieces

Nowadays there are so many forms of art, where it is really hard to distinguish real artistic value from kitsch. But when comes to a form of Japanese artistic expression, Origami, which is hundreds of years old we can be sure theres no room for bad taste.

Origami is the traditional Japanese art of paper folding. It started in Japan in the 17th century and was introduced to western culture in the 1900s. It has since evolved into a form of modern art. One might be inclined to consider this artform easy given that many of us have been folding paper since childhood. Far from it. After spending about 4 hours with an Origami book, and armed with the one hour Youtube tutorial, and still being unable to get it right; I can safely say Origami is not for everybody.

Each piece is a wonderful tale of precision, beauty, sophistication, mystery and enthusiasm that transforms something ordinary like a piece of paper into a masterpiece. Which is the very essence of art. Origami itself is a great learning tool for every designer, of any kind.

As a designer, you create something visually beautiful from nothing, just as this amazing art creates masterpieces from a simple piece of paper. The millimetric precision, the careful design, the perfect proportions, the symmetry present in every piece can and should be a real inspiration for every designer.

Below we present you a number of Origami masterpieces for your inspiration.

Gallery of Origami Creations

Brachiosaurus v2

Ohmu V2

Octopus - Kamiya

Bear Cub - 1999

Spinosaurus -Kamiya

Origamido Giganotosaurus

Atlas Beetle New Version Painted

Western Dragon v3

Mantis Shrimp -Ermakov

Asuka v1

Kabuto mushi angled view

Etsy Account Oh and a Triceratops



Gemsbok Collage

White Shark


Loggerhead Sea Turtle

Treefrog 3.5 and 3.6


Evangelion ver. 1 and 2

Tesselated Mask Cooper

Spinosaurus modification

Ryu Zin (Ryujin) 3.5

Origami Cow (Llanque)

Redpath Pteranodon


Tenma H7 (pegasus)

Bahamut 2.1


Scorpion Varileg



origami Bull










Origami Hummingbird

Origami alligator, by Michael LaFosse and Richard Alexander

Additional Origami Resources (Making of videos)

What Did You Think?

After trying to make the Origami Fox, presented in the first video above, a new found respect for this form of art was gained. It takes a lot of patience, skilland sense of proportions to create a beautiful masterpiece like these. Have you ever tried your hand at Origami? What were some of the pieces from this showcase that really stood out to you?


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