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September 11, 2011 05:00 pm GMT

Linkswitch #85, Strategic Synergy, Dark Art, Creative Potential


Spark Your Freelance Business with Strategic Synergy

Are you trapped selling buckets of time? Bouncing from one freelance project to the next? There is a better way develop a synergistic approach to your freelance business.

At times we all need to take the work that comes before us to generate income, yet we should develop a personal strategy to minimize this. I propose that we do so by building synergy among a range of products and services. This approach maximizes your time, utilizes your energy, and when done well builds long term income.

The Dark Art of Pricing

We found our first job. After a couple years we wanted a change of pace and found a new one. Things were good. Life was easy. Mornings were spent perusing cute overload before the coffee kicked in. We designed without ever having to really deal with clients, invoicing, negotiatingall the icky businessy stuff that bums everyone out. Our left-brain atrophied.

Vision Without Obstruction: What We Learn From Steve Jobs

In recent days, everyone has taken the news of Steve Jobs’ resignation and illness in different ways. For me, it has conjured up admiration and curiosity. More than anything else, I have always respected Jobs’ clarity. True, the man has always shunned the status quo, but I believe his rebel ways were only a consequence of his efforts to stay true to an original vision. Jobs didn’t “think different” just for the sake of it, he just refused to conform to traditional expectations and limitations.

11 Freelancer and Virtual Assistant Outsourcing Sites

Ever since Tim Ferriss wrote The Four Hour Workweek, the small business owner market has been aware of outsourcing and its benefits. Find a virtual assistant or contractor of just about any flavor and your work life will be easier. Thats the promise. The reality is a little different. Sometimes it takes a while to find the right person (as in regular employment), and it often takes more management than you expect, especially when the person is working from a remote location. However, I have used several of these services as a business owner and can attest to their value.

7 Steps to Setting Blogging Goals that Stick

I suspect that all the technical information you could ever need to be a successful blogger is out there in the public domain. If that is the case, why do the vast majority of blogs fail when it comes to providing the owner an income they can live comfortably on? Firstly, I think many bloggers grossly underestimate the psychological side of blogging and what is needed to get their heads right in the first place.

8 Things That Are Harming Your Creative Potential as a Professional

Obviously, as creative people, stunted creativity, and the lack of productivity, and strength of mind and character that come with it, is something to address and reduce.

How to Get Paid

It sounds so easy, but getting paid can feel like pulling teeth sometimes. These are the basics the essentials of getting paid the amount you invoiced, on time, every time.

Revenue and Profit: The Heartbeat of Business

Revenue and profit are the lifeblood of any business. They have a direct impact on a business’ ability to invest in future growth, stay competitive and deliver the best possible service and product.

Building your network: Brushing shoulders with the industry greats

Your goal is to get ahead in your industry right? To make a substantial living and be able to provide for yourself and your family with your skill-set. To brush shoulders with the heavy hitters in your industry and become one yourself. To be remembered as someone remarkable that everyone should model themselves after. If any of these sound familiar, youre reading the right e-book.

Traits of Successful Website Welcome Pages

Many websites these days have some form of welcome area on their homepage. Welcome pages generally act as an introduction for new visitors, explain the website and often prompt an action on the part of the user.

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