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Articles by TutsPlus - Code from March 2011

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02:00 pm GMT - Wed, March 30, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Top 15+ Best Practices for Writing Super Readable Code
Twice a month, we revisit some of our readers' favorite posts from throughout the history of Nettuts+.Code readability is a universal subject in the world of computer programming. It’s one ...
07:24 am GMT - Mon, March 28, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Singing with Sinatra "" The Recall App
Welcome to Track 2 of Singing with Sinatra. In part one, we reviewed Routes, how to work with URI parameters, working with forms, and how Sinatra differentiates routes by the HTTP method they were req...
02:02 am GMT - Sat, March 26, 2011
TutsPlus - Code The Ins and Outs of Amazon EC2: New Premium Series
In this epic 6-part screencast series, we’ll explore Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) — a highly scalable, reliable, and cost effective means of cloud computing. Whether you̵...
12:17 am GMT - Sat, March 26, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Vim Essential Plugin: SnipMate
The SnipMate plugin aims to mimic the popular snippets feature in TextMate, which allows you to type a sequence of characters, and then automatically expand to a full block of code or html by pressing...
12:08 am GMT - Sat, March 26, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Create a Comic Book Themed Web Design, Photoshop to HTML + CSS (Part 2)
A couple weeks ago, we learned how to create a comic book theme web design over at our sister-site, Webdesigntuts+. Today, we’ll tackle the second part: it’s time to slice the design ...
12:50 am GMT - Fri, March 25, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Mastering Sass: Lesson 2
In lesson one of our quick tip series, we learned how to install Sass, and how to use variables, nesting, and compression in our stylesheets. Today, we’ll review mixins and selector inheritance,...
09:32 pm GMT - Thu, March 24, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Vim Essential Plugin: Sparkup
The sparkup plugin, inspired by the popular ZenCoding, allows you to rapidly create HTML structures. It’s an essential tool in your Vim handbag!Download the Sparkup PluginUsage Sparkup is incred...
02:20 am GMT - Thu, March 24, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Quick Tip: What The Heck Is A Hex Value Anyway?
In today’s video quick tip, Adam, editor of the awesome Aetuts+, explains the history and logic behind a color’s hex value. Enjoy!Press the HD button for a clearer picture. Download T...
01:42 am GMT - Thu, March 24, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Vim Essential Plugin: Surround
Surround.vim, by Tim Pope, is easily one of the most useful plugins available. As the name suggests, it allows you to surround, update, and delete wrapping characters and tags with ease! Download the ...
04:25 pm GMT - Wed, March 23, 2011
TutsPlus - Code New from Rockable Press: Freelance Confidential
We’re very proud to announce the release of Freelance Confidential, Rockable Press’s newest book on freelancing. This book aims to provide the hard numbers on the biggest issues of freelan...
08:38 pm GMT - Tue, March 22, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Why Cloud9 Deserves your Attention
IDEs are a pretty divisive topic among developers – and rightly so. We’re creatures of habit, creating our entire workflow around the tools we use.Today, I’d like to talk a bit about...
05:03 am GMT - Tue, March 22, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Mastering Sass: Lesson 1
After numerous requests, we’re launching a 3-part quick tip video mini-series on mastering Sass. To begin, in this introductory eight-minute screencast, I’ll teach you how to install Sass,...
09:23 pm GMT - Mon, March 21, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Free Mac Utility App: Structurer (New Version)
At the end of 2010, we released an exclusive Mac utility app, called Structurer. This app allows you to rapidly create file/folder structures for your new projects. Less than a month later, the develo...
09:02 pm GMT - Mon, March 21, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Easy Script Loading with yepnope.js
Officially released by Alex Sexton and Ralph Holzmann in late February of 2011, the yepnope.js resource loader features asynchronous, conditional loading and preloading of both JavaScript and CSS reso...
04:07 am GMT - Sun, March 20, 2011
TutsPlus - Code GitHub Pages and Auto-Updating Demos FTW: New Premium Tut
In this Premium tutorial, we’ll learn a handful of neat tricks. Firstly, we’ll learn how to use the new online editor, Cloud9, to access, edit and update a GitHub repository from any compu...
11:45 pm GMT - Sat, March 19, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Ruby for Newbies: Working with Gems
Ruby is a one of the most popular languages used on the web. We’ve started a new Session here on Nettuts+ that will introduce you to Ruby, as well as the great frameworks and tools that go ...
07:17 pm GMT - Thu, March 17, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Singing with Sinatra
Welcome to Track 1 of “Singing with Sinatra.” In this mini-series we’ll be taking a look at Sinatra; a small, yet incredibly powerful DSL for quickly creating Ruby web applications. ...
02:16 am GMT - Thu, March 17, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Speed up your Workflow in the Terminal: New Premium Tutorial
The terminal is great, especially for web development, but typing out long, obscure commands and directories deep in the filesystem can get tedious. Aliases and functions allow you to create short, me...
08:32 pm GMT - Wed, March 16, 2011
TutsPlus - Code You Have a Disease. Here's the Cure.
I have a disease. No, not life threatening, luckily; but one that does hinder my ability to be both productive and well-rounded. And you know what? It’s quite possible that you have it too. ...
08:14 pm GMT - Tue, March 15, 2011
TutsPlus - Code The ABCs of Web Development
Web development can often be an utterly perplexing affair. Today, aimed at beginners, I’d like to introduce you to twenty six concepts or technologies, each mapping to a letter of the alphabet. ...
03:06 am GMT - Tue, March 15, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Quick Tip: 2 Chrome Extensions you Must Install
In this video quick tip, rather than focusing on some specific coding technique, we’re going to review two excellent Chrome extensions that I highly recommend you install: StyleBot and Vimium.Su...
08:52 pm GMT - Mon, March 14, 2011
TutsPlus - Code What Internet Explorer Got Right
It's the browser that everyone loves to hate—sometimes justifiably so. What was once the most innovative browser became the thorn in every front-end developer's side. Amidst the turmoil and comp...
08:52 pm GMT - Mon, March 14, 2011
TutsPlus - Code The Things Internet Explorer Got Right
It's the browser that everyone loves to hate—sometimes justifiably so. What was once the most innovative browser became the thorn in every front-end developer's side. Amidst the turmoil and comp...
07:05 am GMT - Sun, March 13, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Canvas From Scratch: Advanced Drawing
In the previous article in this series, you learned about the canvas element, and the basics for drawing on it. In this article, I’m going to demonstrate some of the more advanced drawing functi...
02:38 am GMT - Fri, March 11, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Can You Hack Your Own Site? A Look at Some Essential Security Considerations
Twice a month, we revisit some of our readers' favorite posts from throughout the history of Nettuts+. This tutorial was first published in July, 2008.Version one goes gold! Visitors are landing ...
05:18 am GMT - Thu, March 10, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Getting Started with CouchDB
NoSQL has been one of the most talked about topics over the past couple of months. This tutorial will introduce you to CouchDB, a NoSQL implementation and teach you how to get started with the platfo...
10:56 am GMT - Wed, March 9, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Ruby for Newbies: Working with Directories and Files
Ruby is a one of the most popular languages used on the web. We've recently started a new Session here on Nettuts+ that will introduce you to Ruby, as well as the great frameworks and tools that ...
10:00 am GMT - Tue, March 8, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Record a Screencast, Make $1,000
The regulars on Nettuts+ will be well aware of our popular weekly video tutorials, which provide the visual learners among us with a more hands-on approach to coding. I’d like to find a new...
04:21 am GMT - Tue, March 8, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Code Your Own Juicy Tabbed Slider (using the Nivo Slider)
A week ago, on our sister-site, Webdesigntuts+, we showed you how to design a “Juicy Tabbed Slider” in Photoshop. Today we’re going to show you how to actually code it in a few ...
11:17 pm GMT - Sun, March 6, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Now Offering PeepCode Screencasts on the Tuts+ Marketplace
We’re pleased to announce that we now have the pleasure of offering PeepCode’s fantastic screencasts on the Tuts+ marketplace! If you’re unfamiliar with PeepCode, they offer top...
11:26 pm GMT - Sat, March 5, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Essential Plugins for Every WordPress Installation
One of the reasons why people gravitate toward WordPress is the seemingly unlimited numbers of open source plugins available. Today, I’d like to go over a few plugins that I think absolutely wa...
03:23 am GMT - Sat, March 5, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Quick Tip: Nonintrusive CSS Text Gradients
Though not completely cross browser compatible, there are ways to nonintrusively create pure CSS text-gradients with a bit of trickery. The key is to use a mix of attribute selectors, webkit-specific ...
07:49 am GMT - Fri, March 4, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Create a Dynamic Content Editing System: New Premium Tut
In this week’s in depth Premium tutorial – in both written and video formats – we are going to learn how to create a dynamic content editing system using the jQuery UI Widget Factory...
11:09 pm GMT - Thu, March 3, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Language War: PHP vs. Ruby
It’s time; queue the “Going the Distance” theme from Rocky. In the red ring: Envato developer extraordinaire, Ryan Allen, who built the original FlashDen with his cold bare hands. In...
01:19 am GMT - Thu, March 3, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Automate your Projects with Apache Ant
Ever find yourself doing boring, repetitive tasks as a web developer? Today, I’m going to show you how you can cut those meta-tasks out of your development cycle with a little bit of automat...
10:25 pm GMT - Tue, March 1, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Best of Tuts+ in February 2011
Didn’t catch your usual Tuts+ reading during February? Here’s a catch-up on the best we had to offer!Cgtuts+ CG and 3D Tutorials The Soviet Machine’ – ...
10:15 pm GMT - Tue, March 1, 2011
TutsPlus - Code Scaling WordPress for High-Traffic
Just because you didn't get to go to that awesome conference doesn't mean that you can't still watch the lectures! Each week, we feature one recommended web development lecture on Nettuts+.This t...
07:28 pm GMT - Mon, February 28, 2011
TutsPlus - Code 9 Useful PHP Functions and Features You Need to Know
Twice a month, we revisit some of our readers' favorite posts from throughout the history of Nettuts+.Even after using PHP for years, we stumble upon functions and features that we did not know a...