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April 19, 2024 09:20 pm GMT


  void process::Prioridad() {      //se ordena por prioridad      node *p = head;      while (p != nullptr) {          node *q = p -> next();          while (q != nullptr) {              if (q -> prty() > p -> prty()) {                  char idx = p -> id();                  int tmex = p -> tme();                  int prtyx = p -> prty();                  p -> setid(q -> id());                  p -> settme(q -> tme());                  p -> setprty(q -> prty());                  q -> setid(idx);                  q -> settme(tmex);                  q -> setprty(prtyx);              }              q = q -> next();          }          p = p -> next();      }      node *r = head;      float tR = 0, tRT = 0;      int Q = calcQ();      cout << "
Id //" << " Tiempo de ejecucion //" << " Prioridad //" << " Tiempo de retorno //" << " Procesos restantes (ID Tiempo Prioridad)" << endl; while (r != nullptr) { if (r -> tme() <= Q) { tR += r -> tme(); tRT += tR; cout << ""<< r -> id() << ""<< r -> tme()<< ""<< r -> prty()<< ""<< tR<< ""; node *t = r -> next(); while(t != nullptr){ std::cout << " | " << t -> id() << " " << t -> tme() << " " << t -> prty() << " | "; t = t -> next(); } cout << endl; r = r -> next(); }else{ tR += Q; r -> settme(r -> tme() - Q); r -> setprty(r -> prty() - 1); node *t = r; while(t -> next() != nullptr && t -> next() -> prty() == r -> prty()){ t = t -> next(); } r -> next(t -> next()); t -> next(r); cout << ""<< r -> id() << " no terminado"<< r -> tme()<< ""<< r -> prty()<< ""<< tR<< ""; cout << endl; } } cout << "
Tiempo promedio: "<< (float)tRT/n<< endl; cout << "
Quantum: "<< Q<< endl; }

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