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April 18, 2024 05:17 am GMT

Difference between Func() , ()=>Func() , {Func} , ()=>Func in JS

Here's a breakdown of what each syntax typically means in JavaScript, which seems the most likely context for these snippets:


1. Function():

  • This is a direct call to a function named Function. If Function is a predefined function in your code, this syntax immediately invokes it and evaluates to the result of the function call.

2. () => Function():

  • This is an arrow function that returns the result of calling Function() when it is invoked. Arrow functions are a feature of ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) and provide a concise syntax to write function expressions. They do not have their own this, arguments, super, or bindings, which means they are often used when you do not need to access these values, or you want to maintain the lexical value of this from the surrounding code.

3. {Function}:

  • In a JavaScript context, this typically represents an object literal containing a shorthand property Function. If Function is a variable in the scope where this object is defined, the property's name will be Function and its value will be the value of the Function variable. This is not a function call or a function definition by itself.

4. () => Function

  • This arrow function returns the function Function itself, not the result of calling Function(). This is useful when you need to pass a function as a callback without executing it immediately.

Heres a practical example to illustrate these differences:

function example() {  return 'Hello, world!';}// Invokes the function and prints the return valueconsole.log(example());  // Output: "Hello, world!"// Defines an arrow function that, when called, will invoke example()const arrowFunctionCall = () => example();console.log(arrowFunctionCall());  // Output: "Hello, world!"// Creates an object with a property example that holds a functionconst objectWithFunction = {example};console.log(objectWithFunction.example());  // Output: "Hello, world!"// Defines an arrow function that returns the function itselfconst arrowFunction = () => example;console.log(arrowFunction()());  // Output: "Hello, world!"

In this code, example() *calls the function directly, *() => example() defines a function that returns the function example, {example} is an object with a property example that is the function, and **() => example **defines an arrow function that returns the function example itself.

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