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June 24, 2022 05:24 am

Extending HTML by Creating Custom Tags

 In this tutorial I will show you how easy it is to extend the HTML language with custom tags. The custom tags can be used to implement various behaviors, so they are a very convenient way to write less code and keep your HTML documents simpler.

What Is a Custom HTML Tag?

With HTML you use the <b> tag, for example, to show bold text. If you need a list, then you use the <ul> tag with its child tag <li> for each list item. Tags are interpreted by browsers and, together with CSS, determine how the content of a webpage is displayed and also how parts of the content behave.

Sometimes, just using one HTML tag is not enough for the functionality needed in web applications. Usually this is solved by using multiple HTML tags together with JavaScript and CSS, but this solution is not so elegant. 

A more elegant solution would be to use a custom tag—an identifier enclosed in <> which is interpreted by the browser to render our intended functionality. As with regular HTML tags, we should be able to use a custom tag multiple times in a page, and also we should be able to have tag attributes and sub-tags to aid the functionality of the custom tag.

In simpler terms, custom elements can be used to unlock the following features:

  • define and build new HTML elements

  • build elements that extend other elements

  • create elements that can put together custom functionalities in your application

  • use existing DOM elements, and extend their API

In this post, we are going to learn about custom elements by building a custom tag called <codingdude-gravatar>. This custom tag that will display the Gravatar picture for a certain email address. 

The customElements API in modern browsers makes this easy!

1. Creating the Project

To implement and test our tag, we will need to create a few things:

  • an index.html file to use the custom tag

  • a codingdude-gravatar.js file to implement the custom tag

2. Modifying index.html

Let's edit the index.html file and make its content look like this:

If we load index.html in the browser now, the result is not that impressive because we have yet to implement the code for our custom tag. 

One thing to notice is that the browser is very forgiving, so you can have unknown tags in a document and the browser will just ignore them. To have our custom tag actually display the Gravatar picture for my email, we have to first understand how Gravatar works.

3. Registering the New Tag

Step 1: Choose the Right Name

In order to create a custom tag, you need to make use of window.customElements.define().

The very first argument in customElements.define() is the name of the tag. This is what we have mentioned in the HTML file. The name should always have a dash (-). Tags with names like <codingdudeGravatar> are invalid. This allows the parser should be able to differentiate a regular element from a custom tag. 

Custom element tag names must always have a dash (-).

Step 2: Choose the Right Prototype

customElements.define() has a second optional object. This object is used to mention the prototype of the new element. By default, the custom elements inherit from HTMLElement. The above piece of code is equivalent to the following:

If you wish to create a custom element, that extends another HTML element, the native element has to be extended in customElements.define(). Custom elements that inherit native elements are also known as "type extension custom elements". 

A couple more things to watch out for:

  • You cannot register the tag multiple times. If you try this, the browser will throw a DOMException.

  • Custom element tags cannot be self closing.

4. Instantiating the Custom Element

All standard rules of HTML elements apply to custom elements. Just like standard elements, you can create a custom element in the DOM using JavaScript, or declare it in HTML.

Declaring custom elements in HTML:

Creating a custom element in the DOM using JavaScript:

Instantiating type extension elements in HTML:

Creating a type extension element in DOM using JavaScript:

5. Adding Markup to the Custom Tag

Adding markup is rather simple in a custom tag. To begin with, you need to create a class that extends a parent HTML element. In our case, we are going to extend HTMLElement. Inside the HTMLElement, we'll make use of the constructor to add an event listener, and adjust the innerText of the custom tag. Remember to call super(), because that will help inherit the methods and properties of the parent class. Always remember, this inside the constructor points to the custom-element that gets created. 

Here is a simple overview, of how our component would look like.

6. LifeCycle Methods

Before you start adding markup to the custom tag, you need to be aware of the lifecycle methods associated with custom tags. There are four lifecycle callbacks.

constructoran instance of the custom tag element gets created
connectedCallbackan instance of the custom tag element gets inserted into the document
disconnectedCallbackan instance of the custom tag element gets deleted from the document
attributeChangedCallback(attributeName, oldValue, newValue)an attribute in the custom tag element was added, removed, or updated

The skeleton of our custom tag with these callbacks will look as follows:

We have already seen how to use the constructor in a custom element. Now, let's use the other callback methods in our code! Let's begin with connectedCallback.


The connectedCallback can be used to check for the email attribute in our custom tag. As soon as the element gets added to the document, this check will take place. We would make use of a getter function to check if the custom tag has the attribute email or not.

When the custom tag is inserted in the HTML, you'll see something like this:

However, when the email attribute is set in the custom tag the screen would be as follows:


The browser would call the lifecycle method attributeChangedCallback for all attributes listed in the observedAttributes array. The goal behind this is to improve the performance of the custom tag. For example, if the user decides to change a style, you would not want the attributeChangedCallback to be fired. In our case, we would want the attributeChangedCallback to be called only when the email changes. To achieve this, the code would appear as follows:

Based on the above piece of code, an alert will be seen every time we change the email.

The callbacks in custom elements are synchronous. If you call el.setAttribute('email','newemail') on the custom element, the browser will trigger attributeChangedCallback() immediately. 


Last in our list of lifecycle methods would be the disconnectedCallback. The moment you remove the element from the document, this method will be called. The method is extremely useful when you want to clean up the effects caused by a custom tag. You can remove custom tags easily, using the el.remove() method.

However, you must be very careful on how disconnectedCallback() is used. This callback will never be triggered if the user chooses to close the tab, or browser.

7. Properties to Attributes

In any HTML-based app, it is quite common for developers to use properties that reflect back on the DOM. For example, hidden is a property that can be used to hide an element. For example: <div hidden></div> would just hide the element from the DOM. It is natural for developers to want these properties to work on custom tags as well. 

Since we extend from a HTMLElement, these properties will be present in the custom element by default. However, the behaviour of these properties can be modified. Most of the time, the getters and setters in Javascript classes are used to control the properties. 


Everything discussed in this post, can be experimented with in the following demo.


Hooray! We have come to the end of our post on how to create custom elements. Now, you should be able to create a custom element, and use it in your HTML markup. Do give it a try! You will be astonished to see how much can be accomplished.

This is just the beginning of how custom elements work. There is so much more to explore, and learn in this area. Keep watching this space for more posts on custom elements, and it's advanced concepts.

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