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June 14, 2022 02:32 am

How to Set Up a Full-Text Search Using Scout in Laravel

Full-text search is crucial for allowing users to navigate content-rich websites. In this post, I'll show you how to implement full-text search for a Laravel app. In fact, we'll use the Laravel Scout library, which makes implementation of full-text search easy and fun.

What exactly is the Laravel Scout? The official documentation sums it up like this:

Laravel Scout provides a simple, driver-based solution for adding full-text search to your Eloquent models. Using model observers, Scout will automatically keep your search indexes in sync with your Eloquent records.

Basically, Laravel Scout is a library which manages manipulation of the index whenever there's a change in the model data. The place where the data will be indexed depends on the driver which you've configured with the Scout library.

As of now, the Laravel Scout library supports Algolia, a cloud-based search engine API, and that's what we'll use in this article to demonstrate the full-text search implementation.

We'll start by installing the Scout and Algolia server libraries, and as we move on we'll go through a real-world example to demonstrate how you could index and search your data.

Server Configurations

In this section, we're going to install the dependencies that are required in order to make the Scout library work with Laravel. After installation, we'll need to go through quite a bit of configuration so that Laravel can detect the Scout library.

Let's go ahead and install the Scout library using Composer.

That's pretty much it as far as the Scout library installation is concerned. Now that we've installed the Scout library, let's make sure that Laravel knows about it.

Working with Laravel, you're probably aware of the concept of a service provider, which allows you to configure services in your application. Thus, whenever you want to enable a new service in your Laravel application, you just need to add an associated service provider entry in config/app.php.

If you're not familiar with Laravel service providers yet, I would strongly recommend that you do yourself a favor and go through this introductory article that explains the basics of service providers in Laravel.

In our case, we just need to add the ScoutServiceProvider provider to the list of service providers in config/app.php, as shown in the following snippet.

Now, Laravel is aware of the ScoutServiceProvider service provider. The Scout library comes with a configuration file which allows us to set API credentials.

Let's go ahead and publish the assets provided by the Scout library using the following command.

As you can see, it has copied the vendor/laravel/scout/config/scout.php file to config/scout.php.

Next, go ahead and create an account with Algolia as we'll need API credentials in the first place. Once you have the API information, let's go ahead and configure the necessary settings in the config/scout.php file, as shown in the following snippet.

Note that we've set the value of SCOUT_DRIVER to algolia driver. Thus, it's required that you configure the necessary settings for the Algolia driver at the end of the file. Basically, you just need to set the id and secret that you've got from the Algolia account.

As you can see, we're fetching values from environment variables. So let's make sure that we set the following variables in the .env file properly.

Finally, we need to install the Algolia PHP SDK, which will be used to interact with Algolia using APIs. Let's install it using Composer, as shown in the following snippet.

And with that, we've installed all the dependencies that are necessary in order to post and index data to the Algolia service.

How to Make Models Indexable and Searchable

In the previous section, we did all the hard work to set up the Scout and Algolia libraries so that we could index and search data using the Algolia search service.

In this section, we'll go through an example to demonstrate how you could index the existing data and retrieve search results from Algolia. I assume that you have a default Post model in your application.

The first thing that we'll need to do is to add the Laravel\Scout\Searchable trait to the Post model. That makes the Post model searchable; Laravel synchronizes post records with the Algolia index every time the post record is added, updated, or deleted.

With that, the Post model is search-friendly!

Next, we would like to configure the fields that should get indexed in the first place. Of course, you don't want to index all the fields of your model in Algolia to keep it effective and lightweight. In fact, more often than not, you won't need it.

You can add the toSearchableArray in the model class to configure the fields that'll be indexed.

Now, we're ready to import and index existing Post records into Algolia. In fact, the Scout library makes this easy by providing the following artisan command.

That should import all the records of the Post model in a single go! They are indexed as soon as they're imported, so we're ready to query records already. Go ahead and explore the Algolia dashboard to see the imported records and other utilities.

How It Works Altogether

In this section, we'll create an example which demonstrates how to perform search and CRUD operations that are synced in real time with the Algolia index.

Go ahead and create the app/Http/Controllers/SearchController.php file with the following contents.

Of course, we need to add the associated routes as well.

Let's go through the query method to see how to perform a search in Algolia.

Recall that we made the Post model searchable by adding the Searchable trait. Thus, the Post model can use the search method to retrieve records from the Algolia index. In the above example, we're trying to fetch records that match the title keyword.

Next, there's the add method, which imitates the workflow of adding a new post record.

There's nothing fancy in the above code; it just creates a new post record using the Post model. But the Post model implements the Searchable trait, so Laravel does some extra work this time around by indexing the newly created record in Algolia. So as you can see, the indexing is done in real time.

Finally, there's the delete method. Let's go through it as well.

As you would have expected, the record is deleted right away from the Algolia index as soon as it's deleted from the database.

Basically, there's no extra effort required from your side if you want to make existing models searchable. Everything is handled by the Scout library using model observers.

How to Make a Custom Search Engine/Driver

By default, the Scout library supports the Algolia and MeiliSearch drivers. Additionally, you can also use the database driver for a lightweight database. On the other hand, if you want to implement your own custom engine, Scout allows you to achieve that. You just need to write your custom engine and register it with Scout!

Your custom engine class may look like this:

Of course, you need to implement abstract methods as per your requirements.

Once you've implemented your custom engine class, you just need to register it. You can do it with the help of the boot method of the service provider, as shown in the following snippet.

And finally, after your custom engine is registered, you can use it in the config/scout.php file.


Today, we discussed how you can implement full-text search in Laravel using the Laravel Scout library. In the process, we went through the necessary installations and a real-world example to demonstrate it.

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