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October 14, 2011 10:00 am

Illustration Inspiration for the Weekend

On multiple occasions in the past, we have compiled the works of several artists to give our readers an extra dose of inspiration for the weekend. This post follows along that theme, only we are refining the inspirational artists to a particular medium, illustrators. So this installation is going to veer off a bit from its predecessors, but we promise the inspiration will still deliver.

Below is a showcase of some artists you may or may not have heard of before, but who’s work we couldn’t help but shine a light on. Their illustrations range in styles and depth, but all share one important trait; their ability to connect with viewers and inspire them. We hope you enjoy this illustration inspiration collection.

Joe Fenton

Joe Fenton has a gallery filled with rich and deeply detailed work, often featuring retro-styled, exaggerated cartoonish characters. This injection of whimsy still maintains something of a dark edge, however, giving the work attitude and tone.

Jacqui Oakley

Jacqui Oakley has a colorful, vintage style of work that embodies an innocent nature. His vibrant illustrations feel like they could have been lifted right out of another era. Such a simple feel, from pieces that are actually anything but.

Irina Vinnik

Irina Vinnik has a wonderful, almost Victorian artistic sensibility that shines through from her gallery. Such gorgeous illustrations brimming with soft colors and layers of detail.

Pale Horse

Pale Horse has a gallery that is full of highly intricate, masterfully detailed pieces that speak volumes to the viewer. This emotive, at times darkly so, portfolio varies in theme, but never in quality or lacking in punch.

Natalie Sklobovskaya

Natalie Sklobovskaya is an illustrator with something of a uniquely simplistic seeming style. When in reality, the work is deeply layered and at many times abstract. All of which feeds its poignancy.

Miss Led

Miss Led has a gallery that is rife with passion and playfulness, lightly circling the edges of sensuality at times. Subtle and mostly character driven, these fantastical pieces are rich without being overpowering.


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