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Articles by Wal You from October 2011

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10:08 pm GMT - Sun, October 30, 2011
Wal You 7 In-Home Efficiency Gadgets
Being a gadget freak can be a bit of a contradiction when you look at your 10-plug power strip jammed to the last ground. Thankfully, electronic innovators are creating gadgets to cut down on grid ove...
07:40 pm GMT - Sun, October 30, 2011
Wal You Google Plus Business Profiles Via Google Apps
Google announced its Google+ social networking service to businesses, universities and schools which has made many in the industry quite glad.However, one may need to use Google Apps as well, alo...
07:10 pm GMT - Sun, October 30, 2011
Wal You Whats the Difference Between Plasma, LED and LCD TVs?
Shopping for HDTV’s can get confusing if you don’t know exactly what you want. Don’t get fooled by resolutions or prices, this is what you should consider. We have wanted to do this ...
11:24 pm GMT - Sat, October 29, 2011
Wal You Zombie Gameboy Wants Your Brain!
Back in the early 90′s, moms used to say videogames had negative effects on our brains… this gives the idea a whole new twist. This time around, the videogame console actually longs for y...
07:08 pm GMT - Sat, October 29, 2011
Wal You Nikon DSLR Camera Costume Takes Real Photos
Quirky costumes can be mildly amusing, but when you go as a giant banana or a cardboard robot, the novelty wears off quickly. However, this camera costume adds another level of interest by actually be...
05:27 pm GMT - Sat, October 29, 2011
Wal You Sociopoly: Social Media Sites Turn Into a Monopoly Board
With Social Media almost rubbing shoulders against mainstream media, there has been a lot speculation about its importance for businesses, as a platform and for what it’s worth in itself.Social ...
11:31 pm GMT - Fri, October 28, 2011
Wal You Where Will Your Skills Take You In the World Wide Web of Jobs? [Infographic]
If you graduated from college recently, wondering what to do with that piece of paper in these interesting times, and you know a little bit about the Web, then an infographic might help you.The infogr...
08:48 pm GMT - Fri, October 28, 2011
Wal You 7 of the Creepiest Wikipedia Pages
With the All Hollows Eve just around the corner, our appetite for horror stories grows larger and larger. Listed below are 7 of the creepiest pages found on Wikipedia.The Licked HandThe Licked Hand is...
06:21 pm GMT - Fri, October 28, 2011
Wal You Pixar Luxo Jr Halloween Costume Is the Coolest
Pixar Animation Studios have a legendary image in the field of animation and that is because the venerable animation company has won almost 25 Academy Awards, and continues to enthral their audience e...
05:13 pm GMT - Fri, October 28, 2011
Wal You Rate the Chef and Service with We and Co iPhone App
The next time you see that hot barista or sous-chef, here is how you can flatter him so that you can get some favours.All that you would need to do is, start using We&Co, which is a really fun app...
08:45 pm GMT - Thu, October 27, 2011
Wal You Face Projection Creates Digital and Artistic Representation of Human Facial Expressions
With facial recognition growing as a consumer technology in itself, using expressions and gestures to interact with robots and machines has increased dramatically.What once was a solely human domain h...
07:42 pm GMT - Thu, October 27, 2011
Wal You Steve Jobs Tribute Made with Apples
It has been three weeks since Apple’s co-founder passed away. Since that day, tributes in one form or another started pouring. What is more suitable for a Steve Jobs portrait than the very symbo...
07:00 pm GMT - Thu, October 27, 2011
Wal You Kippt Offers Dead-Simple Web Bookmarking
If you’re looking for a place to store your bookmarks online, you have lots of sites to choose from. There’s Delicious, Read It Later, Instapaper, and Pinterest, among others. But one new ...
06:30 pm GMT - Thu, October 27, 2011
Wal You Now A Social Networking Site for Neighborhoods
The latest social networking site on the block is ‘Nextdoor’. was announced on the 26th of October, and claims to be an intimate ‘neighbourhood-only’ networking si...
04:44 pm GMT - Thu, October 27, 2011
Wal You Walyous Halloween Roundup: The Ultimate Guide
Yep its that time of theyear,Halloween is just around the corner and its time to get ready for it. Here in walyou we have published over the yearsseveralof articles regarding ...Continue Reading on Wa...
11:15 pm GMT - Wed, October 26, 2011
Wal You Project Gaems G155: Gaming on the Go
If you are the type of gamer that cannot leave his console behind while traveling, Project Gaems G115 is the perfect product for you, as it allows you to safely transport and even use your gaming box ...
10:14 pm GMT - Wed, October 26, 2011
Wal You Vintage 1920s Gypsy Arcade Machine May Fetch $3 Million
Technology can change so fast that within a few years, each of the gadget that we use ends up becoming an antique. Consoles that we used a decade ago fetch a lot of money among collectors and gadgets ...
08:58 pm GMT - Wed, October 26, 2011
Wal You Steampunk R2-D2: Because Star Wars Needs More Brass
Everyone’s favorite robot now looks like it could serve in Queen Victoria’s court in London.Re-imagining Star Wars is always awesome, as artists get to show an alternate version of George ...
07:13 pm GMT - Wed, October 26, 2011
Wal You Man Gets Smartphone Dock Built in to Prosthetic Arm
Smartphones may soon be built into prosthetic arms which would help people to use gadgets even if they lack functionality of their arms or limbs.Trevor Prideaux is a 50 year old British man who is the...
06:40 pm GMT - Wed, October 26, 2011
Wal You Wishing Our Readers a Happy Diwali
Diwali or Deepawali is an Indian festival that is celebrated by most people in the country. It is known as the ‘festival of light’ and is celebrated to rejoice the conquering of darkness b...
11:18 pm GMT - Tue, October 25, 2011
Wal You Top 3 Artificial Intelligence Innovations
Artificial Intelligence has always been one of the frontiers of computer science research, and it’s always important to take a look at the roots of this exciting field.LispWith the death of AI p...
08:56 pm GMT - Tue, October 25, 2011
Wal You 10 Ultimate Halloween Characters & Their Geeky Side
Pumpkins, candy, and trick or treating is not the only thing we associate with Halloween. There’s also the murderers, and there’s lots of them! Mwa-ha-ha!The spookiest night of the year do...
07:24 pm GMT - Tue, October 25, 2011
Wal You Operational Miniature Black Powder Steampunk Cannons
You’ve probably seen desktop missile launchers and cannons before, but I doubt you’ve seen a working black powder desktop cannon until now. Sort of a mix between miniature artillery and th...
05:32 pm GMT - Tue, October 25, 2011
Wal You Roomba Robot Vacuums LED Light Paintings
The Roomba is one of the most versatile commercial robots out there: it won’t just clean your house, it also has the potential to create art.For those that have never heard of Roomba, it’s...
08:21 pm GMT - Mon, October 24, 2011
Wal You Google Analytics Real-Time Announced
Every web administrator or site owner has spent hours checking the data that Google Analytics has had to offer, and will continue to do so in order make sure the traffic is stable.If there are any flu...
06:11 pm GMT - Mon, October 24, 2011
Wal You Totally Pimped Out: Gold Xbox 360 Controller
We know your playing skills are gold, and now you can have a controller that lives up to them. If you’re looking for a distinct and unique Xbox 360 Controller mod to show off, here’s an id...
05:11 pm GMT - Mon, October 24, 2011
Wal You Component Video Cables Vs. HDMI: Which is Better?
The transition from analog signals has been slow, but steady, and nowadays it’s not uncommon to see HDTV’s in people’s living rooms. Here’s how to get the most of them. Up unti...
04:12 pm GMT - Mon, October 24, 2011
Wal You Diamond Wireless Range Extender Lets You Avoid Wi-fi Deadspots
There is nothing more annoying than a gadget losing network signals because one strayed too far from a Wi-Fi hub, right within the house. This usually happens when you take a sunbath in the garden or ...
11:54 pm GMT - Sun, October 23, 2011
Wal You Social Gaming: How I Got Hooked on Cityville
Since social gaming tycoon company Zynga launched a few years back, I’ve been a huge skeptic and opponent of the phenomenon, considering it mostly to be spam. Today, I put my head down to write ...
07:19 pm GMT - Sun, October 23, 2011
Wal You Rock Your World: Hi-Fi Metal In-Ear Headphones [Hands-On Review]
Rock your world (and keep the rest out) with your favorite music through a pair of high fidelity in-ear headphones.V-moda’s True Blood REVAMP Metal High-Fidelity in-ear headphones have replaced ...
06:37 pm GMT - Sun, October 23, 2011
Wal You 10 Geeky Halloween Cupcakes & Cakes
Om nom nom nom … Halloween is upon us and its time to get creative. There’s no douththat Halloween is the most creative holiday of them all, we look forspecialdecorations, ...Continue Read...
09:17 pm GMT - Sat, October 22, 2011
Wal You 25 Pokemon Pumpkin Faces
Halloween is a great time to tribute to awesome pumpkin carvings and pumpkin face … and hardly anything gets more universal love than Pokmon pumpkin carvings. There’s been a whole generat...
06:10 pm GMT - Sat, October 22, 2011
Wal You The Ultimate Toothbrush Gadget
The design of the tooth care products took a 180-degree turn with the introduction of the OHSO travel toothbrush. First of all, the OHSO toothbrushes include a watertight cap with a clip that could pr...
06:10 pm GMT - Sat, October 22, 2011
Wal You The Ultimate Toothbrush
The design of the tooth care products took a 180-degree turn with the introduction of the OHSO travel toothbrush. First of all, the OHSO toothbrushes include a watertight cap with a clip that could pr...
05:20 pm GMT - Sat, October 22, 2011
Wal You Duck Hunt in HTML5 and JavaScript
If you have pleasant memories of blasting ducks on your NES, then a new version of “Duck Hunt” on the Web will allow you to relive your youth using modern Web standards.The game was create...
11:20 pm GMT - Fri, October 21, 2011
Wal You Duck Hunt in HTML5 and JavaScript
If you have pleasant memories of blasting ducks on your NES, then a new version of “Duck Hunt” on the Web will allow you to relive your youth using modern Web standards.The game was create...
11:00 pm GMT - Fri, October 21, 2011
Wal You Worlds Largest Balloon Sculpture: 45 Foot Wide Spider
We all used to love getting balloon animals when we were kids, and some of us still go to Red Robin for that simple joy of paying the man a dollar to make a sculpture of your choice. Adam Lee shares t...
10:37 pm GMT - Fri, October 21, 2011
Wal You Action-Packed Video of Cosplayers in Combat
Comic conventions are truly a unique experience, with the most obvious aspect of them being the convention-goers dressed up in a variety of costumes. This costume play, or cosplay, can also lead to so...
06:06 pm GMT - Fri, October 21, 2011
Wal You Lenovo to Enter the Console Market with the iSec in China
Lenovo, known for its line of notebook computers, plans on entering the console market next year in China with a system called the iSec.The iSec stands for “Sports Entertainment Center”, t...
05:05 pm GMT - Fri, October 21, 2011
Wal You The Reddit Invasion [Infographic]
In the past few years, an upstart social new site known as Reddit has leaped over the rest of the competition to become one of the Web’s hottest destinations. An infographic prepared by the folk...
04:07 pm GMT - Fri, October 21, 2011
Wal You Google+ To Support Pseudonyms
In a reversal of its previous policy requiring users to use their real names, Google+ is allowing users to use pseudonyms, AllThingsD reports.Senior Vice President of Engineering at Google Vic Gu...
02:07 pm GMT - Fri, October 21, 2011
Wal You Google+ To Support Pseudonyms
In a reversal of its previous policy requiring users to use their real names, Google+ is allowing users to use pseudonyms, AllThingsD reports.Senior Vice President of Engineering at Google Vic Gu...
12:18 am GMT - Fri, October 21, 2011
Wal You Modern Goes Old School 16 Bit Video Game Demakes
Who needs polygons? Video games died as soon as 3D was first introduced… right? Demake, as it name implies, is sort of the opposite of a remake: recreating something with less resources than it ...
12:15 am GMT - Fri, October 21, 2011
Wal You Ghostbusters Hello Kitty Costume Sighted at New York Comic Con Event
The world’s most famous Japanese bobtail cat has to be Hello Kitty, and is known to have a cult following among many geeky adults in spite her target audience originally being pre-adolescent gir...
11:26 pm GMT - Thu, October 20, 2011
Wal You Awesome Teenage Mutant Ninja Watermelons
Maybeit’stime to stop carvingpumpkinsand start carving watermelons, beacuse these watermelons are awesome!           This is theway to do H...
06:34 pm GMT - Thu, October 20, 2011
Wal You Halloween Goes Victorian: Steampunk Pumpkins
Let’s face it: everything looks better with a Steampunk touch and your Halloween pumpkins (and their pumpkin faces) are no exception. Deviantart user Yamiguru decided that a regular, plain Jack ...
05:39 pm GMT - Thu, October 20, 2011
Wal You Steve Jobs Mural Made From Post-It Notes
Some people in Munich, Germany decided to honor Steve Jobs’ memory in a low-tech way: they made a mural of the co-founder out of Post-It notes.A five-person team used 4,001 Post-It notes on the ...
10:00 pm GMT - Wed, October 19, 2011
Wal You Super Mario Bros. Wedding Invitations
One couple announcing their wedding recently did it in a geeky way with Super Mario Bros.-themed wedding invitations.When artist Larry T. Quatch‘s friends, Esther and Ryan, decided to get marrie...
09:12 pm GMT - Wed, October 19, 2011
Wal You Mass Effect 2 Incisor Sniper Rifle Prop
Mass Effect is ripe for art projects, and the varied weaponry in particular is appealing to gun buffs, sci-fi geeks, and simply many gamers in general. That’s why projects like this M-29 Incisor...
07:30 pm GMT - Wed, October 19, 2011
Wal You Teotronico Is a Robotic Pianist
Purists may disagree, but using robots to play music isn’t such a bad idea after all. Teotronico is a robot with 19 fingers who’s been designed particularly to play the piano, accompany hi...
06:32 pm GMT - Wed, October 19, 2011
Wal You Pumpkin Faces Occupy Wall Street
Far from trivializing revolutionary movements, some artists decided to pay tribute to them… in pumpkin form, just for Halloween. There’s a lot going on around the world, with stuff like .....
05:30 pm GMT - Wed, October 19, 2011
Wal You Samsung Galaxy Nexus and Android 4.0 Scheduled for November
Samsung changed the name of its latest Google phone from the anticipated Nexus Prime to Galaxy Nexus and officially announced the launch of this Android 4.0 mobile device for November.The official ann...
09:46 pm GMT - Tue, October 18, 2011
Wal You Megatron and the Decepticons Cook Energon Cubes
Building one’s culinary skills is not what one expects to be on a geek’s priority list, but once you take a look at this cool video by Epic Meal times, you might change your mind.The lates...
09:13 pm GMT - Tue, October 18, 2011
Wal You Siri Duet Professes Fan Boy Love for Inanimate Assistants [Video]
In the wake of Steve Jobs death and the release of the iPhone 4S featuring Siri, a responsive computerized personal assistant, videos featuring the slightly feminine, robotic Siri have hit the Web.So ...
07:32 pm GMT - Tue, October 18, 2011
Wal You 7 Best Viral Web Promos Of All Time
Hilarious viral videos are nothing new. Hell, Tosh.0 is in its third season of dedicating 30 minutes to lewdly making fun of the people in them. But what about the ...Continue Reading on Walyou ...
06:30 pm GMT - Tue, October 18, 2011
Wal You The Angry Birds Get to the Mainframe in Tron: Angry Birds
What if instead of an arcade game, the cult film Tron had been all about iPhone apps? Despite it’s humble origins and lukewarm reaction when it first came out, Tron has become a world renowned ...
05:08 pm GMT - Tue, October 18, 2011
Wal You Throwable Panoramic Ball Camera Revolutionizes Photography
If you thought cameras couldn’t get better than their impressive megapixels, zooming and auto focus technologies, you might want to read about the accomplishments of certain talented designers l...
12:44 am GMT - Tue, October 18, 2011
Wal You Sir Richard Branson Opens Virgin Galactic Spaceport
The dreams of space flight are being rekindled as Sir Richard Branson officially opens the first commercial spaceport in New Mexico.“Today is another history-making day for Virgin Galactic,̶...
11:28 pm GMT - Mon, October 17, 2011
Wal You Apples Find My Friends App Is the Latest Home-Wrecker
It is not the first time that someone was caught cheating with the help of a location finder or a GPS app.However, the latest home-wrecking app seems to be iOS 5‘s ‘Find My Friends’ ...
07:26 pm GMT - Mon, October 17, 2011
Wal You Advancements in a Surgical Technologists Arsenal: Would You Let a Robot Operate on You?
Sci-fi movies love to portray the future as some robotic filled universe where the work of humans are replaced by magnificent machines that can do the work in twice the time and double the efficiency....
05:53 pm GMT - Mon, October 17, 2011
Wal You RedEye Universal Remote Control App Released for Android Devices
Universal remote control devices have been around for quite some time, but their universal-ness has always been limited, if you wanted to know the truth.A remote control that works on all platforms re...
09:28 pm GMT - Sun, October 16, 2011
Wal You Spy On Your Friends with the AR.Drone Remote Control Copter
Want to spy on your friends with a neat gadget right out of a Bond movie? The AR.Drone spy copter is remote controlled, has a video display and really flies.Marketed as something of a flying video gam...
08:43 pm GMT - Sun, October 16, 2011
Wal You DIY Angry Birds Costume for Halloween
Ever since the amazing game of Angry Birds was created people across the world have included them into their lives in some or the other form. You too must be one of them and having anything related to...
07:17 pm GMT - Sun, October 16, 2011
Wal You Control the Mini Rover Spy Tank Using Your iPad or iPhone
A new remote-controlled “spy tank” has a built in camera and wi-fi that lets it be controlled through an App for your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch.This nifty little device is the latest piec...
03:29 pm GMT - Sun, October 16, 2011
Wal You Steampunk Darth Vader: Who Needs Space When You Have Europe?
What if lightsabers were powered by steam? What if the Millennial Falcon was a biplane? What if the Death Star was the Death Zeppelin? We say that’d be Awesome. And the guys at B Campbell Studio...
08:32 pm GMT - Sat, October 15, 2011
Wal You Drag and Transfer with JustBeamIt
JustBeamIt is a web site that facilitates file transfers between computers, no matter what size the files are.JustBeamIt may not be the most original method of transferring files, but it represents a ...
06:59 pm GMT - Sat, October 15, 2011
Wal You Snapdragon S4 Smartphone Powered by Bug Circus Generator
Hamster wheels are so yesterday’s thing! The bugs are the future, or at least that is what Qualcomm wants us to believe, judging by the latest Snapdragon commercial.The whole idea in the below v...
05:22 pm GMT - Sat, October 15, 2011
Wal You Store Your Puzzles Inside These Rubiks Cube Drawers
The Rubik’s cube is an iconic piece of imagery and a timeless “toy,” one which is pretty much associated with the idea of a mental and physical puzzle. With its bright colors and thr...
04:51 pm GMT - Sat, October 15, 2011
Wal You The Future is Now! Nikes Back To The Future Shoes
Park your DeLoreans over there, dear readers, the future is finally here. We loved the Back to the Future series, and protagonists Marty McFly and Doc Emmet Brown. One of the scenes we enjoyed the mos...
09:34 pm GMT - Fri, October 14, 2011
Wal You Waze 3.0 Puts You On The Right Track
Waze, the GPS app that relies on the driving community for helping individual drivers, has been recently updated to version 3.0.This video presents the highlights of the first version of Waze. In the ...
07:40 pm GMT - Fri, October 14, 2011
Wal You The Best 8 Video Games For Halloween
With Halloween just around the corner, we’re already decorating our rooms, houses and dorms with appropriate motifs… but what about our screens? Well, the best option for us gamers are ......
06:56 pm GMT - Fri, October 14, 2011
Wal You Ubuntu 11.10 Released
During the month of October, most people are getting ready to celebrate Halloween, but serious computer geeks also have another tradition. October is one of two months each year months that a new Ubun...
10:08 pm GMT - Thu, October 13, 2011
Wal You Apples Siri Makes References to the Classics
Apparently, the Apple engineers who designed Siri, the speech recognition-based personal assistant that made its appearance on iPhone 4S, have a weird sense of humor, exemplified in the following pict...
07:47 pm GMT - Thu, October 13, 2011
Wal You The iPhone 4: What it Really Costs [Infographic]
Apple uses competitors to build the iPhone 4 while making one sweet profit off of you. What will be the case for the iPhone 5?This is a rundown of the iPhone 4, its manufacturing costs and the cost to...
06:41 pm GMT - Thu, October 13, 2011
Wal You Unix and C Creator Dennis Ritchie Dies at 70
Dennis Ritchie, the creator of the C programming and co-creator of the Unix operating system has died at the age of 70.Ritchie’s passing was announced on Google+ by Rob Pike, a Google engin...
05:43 pm GMT - Thu, October 13, 2011
Wal You Blow Off Some Steam With The Steampunk Xbox 360 Controller
Style matters the most, and that’s why we love when our modern gadgets go Victorian, even if that implies becoming a bit unpractical. The idea of mixing up steampunk and videogames is always att...
04:33 am GMT - Thu, October 13, 2011
Wal You Moves Like Jabba " Star Wars Dances To Maroon 5
Star Wars characters have starred in viral videos before, and that’s nothing new. But replacing pop culture references to Jagger with Jabba? Well, that you don’t see every day. And make no...
01:35 am GMT - Thu, October 13, 2011
Wal You Use The Force to Combat Heat: 16 Star Wars Snow Sculptures
Winter is around and unless you are unlucky enough to settle down in a tropical country or city, your backyard is very likely to be covered with snow to play ...Continue Reading on Walyou ...
01:01 am GMT - Thu, October 13, 2011
Wal You Apple iOS 5 Is a Nifty Upgrade
As promised earlier, iOS 5 is finally here and it does not seem to be a drastically different from iOS 4 but does pack a lot of features and fixes that people have been waiting for.However, October ha...
12:41 am GMT - Thu, October 13, 2011
Wal You Portal Comes To iPad!! At Least, In Sticker Form
Sorry, guys, we didn’t mean the best-selling game by Valve Software, just a kickass tribute by a devoted fan and owner of an iPad. Get ready to be amazed, fans of clever designs, iPads, and game...
08:48 pm GMT - Tue, October 11, 2011
Wal You No Warrant Needed: California Cops Allowed to Search Your Gadgets
The Governor of California, Jerry Brown, has vetoed a bill that would have required a warrant for police officers to search cell phones of people they arrest, Wired reports.This means that in the Gold...
06:56 pm GMT - Tue, October 11, 2011
Wal You Evolution of Video Games [Infographic]
Video games have evolved dramatically since their inception in 1972, and this infographic does its best to boil down almost 40 years of gaming history into one image. Infographics like this one by Ric...
05:56 pm GMT - Tue, October 11, 2011
Wal You Manliest Costumes of the Year: Disney Princesses [Pic]
If you’re like the rest of the Americans preparing for a Halloween even more awesome last year, then it’s time to start planning for your costume (if you haven’t already).However, yo...
05:46 pm GMT - Tue, October 11, 2011
Wal You Creepy Family Guy Art
If watched “Family Guy” recently and wondered who came out with those trippy visuals during one sequence, your answer is Joe Vaux.Vaux, a New York-based artist, came up with the nightmaris...
04:46 pm GMT - Tue, October 11, 2011
Wal You The Best AT-AT Costume Ever
Is that a dog dressed as an AT-AT or are you just happy to see me? Now here’s an idea for you and your puppy to do in Halloween night. This cute guy over here, his name is Bones Mello, he is an ...
03:13 am GMT - Tue, October 11, 2011
Wal You Facebook Launches iPad App
Facebook has finally launched an official iPad app after months of rumors, Mashable reports.Although the app pretty much does everything you’d expect the regular Web-based version of Facebook do...
12:43 am GMT - Tue, October 11, 2011
Wal You Make Informed Shopping Decisions Using Yotpo
Social media has begun to influence the way we think, the way we behave and even the way we purchase and understand products. These views and opinions about products are based on reviews that we belie...
10:39 pm GMT - Mon, October 10, 2011
Wal You What Astronauts Do When Theyre Not in Space
With the end of the shuttle program earlier this year, and a replacement for the Space Shuttle not due for the next few years, it looks like NASA astronauts will have to find other things to occupy th...
09:41 pm GMT - Mon, October 10, 2011
Wal You 10 Played Out Halloween Costumes (and their better alternatives)
Halloween is coming, and geeks should start getting ready. We love having an excuse to dress up, and have some fun, and even though Halloween means liberation and doing whatever ...Continue Reading on...
07:45 pm GMT - Mon, October 10, 2011
Wal You The 10th Anniversary of the iPod [Infographic]
This October marks the 10th anniversary of the iPod, the device that truly made the modern Apple, going on sale. An infographic takes a look at the evolution of the music player over its first decade....
06:51 pm GMT - Mon, October 10, 2011
Wal You 30,000 Piece Lego Star Wars Death Star Hangar
Jay Hoff, a super geeky teacher, had motive to give his little cretin banshees an assignment involving Legos for Science Discovery Day – he wanted to build a 30,000 piece replica of the Star War...
02:02 am GMT - Mon, October 10, 2011
Wal You East Meets West: Star Wars Sushi
There doesn’t seem to be a single aspect of daily life that you can’t fill with Star Wars… not even our desire for Japanese sushi. And as unlikely as that combination sounds, that...
05:42 pm GMT - Sun, October 9, 2011
Wal You Addiction: This is Your Brain on Media [Infographic]
Crack-cocaine, move aside; another form of addiction is taking over your spotlight … the addiction to (all sorts of) media.Rasmussen College presents “Multitasking: This Is Your Brain On M...
05:10 pm GMT - Sun, October 9, 2011
Wal You New iCub Robot Looks and Moves like a Scary Baby
A new robot called the iCub looks and moves like a scary baby right out of a horror movie, and while it’s cool, it also creeps me out.The iCub robot is the latest in a line robots designed by th...
04:39 pm GMT - Sun, October 9, 2011
Wal You UI Stencil Kits for Budding App Developers
It might not be the right moment, but developers will continue to think of cool apps for Apple products.If you are a developer and were wondering how you could put that million-dollar idea on paper, a...
06:30 pm GMT - Sat, October 8, 2011
Wal You Ford SUV Lego Mod for Legoland
The mere thought of it might sound very bizarre but when companies get down to adopting marketing strategies means they can come up with amazing ideas. Take for example the very popular automobile com...
06:00 pm GMT - Sat, October 8, 2011
Wal You DIY Art: Yoshi Paper Mache
Can we ever have enough of Super Mario? It has been decades since this amazing game was first launched and since then it has left every consecutive generation affected by it. There have hardly been an...
05:30 pm GMT - Sat, October 8, 2011
Wal You Wood and Metal Steampunk NERF Gun
The modification of Nerf guns has become a surprisingly popular pastime, with fans of all ages performing a variety of changes to the “stock” models. Whether it’s a simple recoloring...
04:50 pm GMT - Sat, October 8, 2011
Wal You Accurate Clock Reminds You that You Will Die
A Memento Mori is an object that reminds us that death is approaching, and that we are all racing towards our own graves. These artefacts are created in order to remind the viewer that his or her life...
11:15 pm GMT - Fri, October 7, 2011
Wal You Google Launches Own Beer
If you’re a Google fan, you probably not only search a lot of things all day, use Gmail, or even Google+. But now with the cooperation of the Dogfish Head brewery, the search giant has come...
08:41 pm GMT - Fri, October 7, 2011
Wal You Facial Recognition Software Can Reveal Your Social Security Number
A new study that was unveiled by Carnegie Mellon Universitys Robotics Institute in Pittsburgh showed that it is possible to find your social security number using facial recognition software.Just by t...
07:36 pm GMT - Fri, October 7, 2011
Wal You Welcome to Rapture: Art Deco Case la Bioshock
Certain video games lead to so strong reactions that people start creating things inspired from virtual realities. Such is the case (pun indented) of the Bioshock mod presented below. Gregory Mrocz, t...
06:34 pm GMT - Fri, October 7, 2011
Wal You QR Code Clock Freezes Time and Space into a Static Pattern
It is no secret that one can alter the time of a picture when it was taken. There are many ways to maintain false records on our Smartphones when it comes to placing a certain media or activity at a p...
04:52 pm GMT - Fri, October 7, 2011
Wal You Humongous Telescope On a Witch Hunt to Find Aliens
Usually we talk about rocket science when it is not required to be brought into conversation. For instance, your friend might tell you that cooking stew is not ‘rocket science’ and that yo...
10:41 pm GMT - Thu, October 6, 2011
Wal You Star Trek Interactive Kids Book
Call it a quiet book or a textured book; these lovely little pieces are one of the best ways to teach little ones in a fun filled manner. You can easily put together all the stuff you want for your an...
09:00 pm GMT - Thu, October 6, 2011
Wal You Video Game Decals, Large and Small
Stickers and decals hold a certain, unique appeal, which is why even as adults we’ll throw down money for cool ideas like this which we can plaster onto our walls or other objects. As children, ...
05:00 pm GMT - Thu, October 6, 2011
Wal You 8 of the Best iPad Cases and Covers
Some iPad cover manufacturers focus more on the design of their products, while others are more concerned about the protection the cases can offer. The best iPad cases, however, combine both these asp...
03:43 pm GMT - Thu, October 6, 2011
Wal You A Look Back at The Life and Work of Steve Jobs
The tech world has lost one of its most creative and dynamic people when Steve Jobs died on October 5 at the age of 56. This is a good time to look at the incredible legacy the Apple co-founder has le...
04:12 am GMT - Thu, October 6, 2011
Wal You RIP Steve Jobs: Apple Co-Founder Passes Away
Apple co-founder Steve Jobs has died the day after the launch of the iPhone 4S.Apple announced Jobs’ death on their website with a short message:Apple has lost a visionary and a creative genius,...
01:35 am GMT - Thu, October 6, 2011
Wal You Google Earth Downloaded 1 Billion Times [Bonus Infographic]
Over 1 million people have used Google Earth to zoom around the world from the comfort of their computers or mobile devices, the company announced, along with a great new infographic.“How large ...
11:56 pm GMT - Wed, October 5, 2011
Wal You Star Wars: Jedi vs Online Training [Infographic]
The epic saga of the Star Wars first appeared on the scene much before the computer and the internet. None of the characters was ever aware of the existence of computer technology. With time things ch...
08:02 pm GMT - Wed, October 5, 2011
Wal You Angry Birds Speaker Docks
Angry Birds take over the world or at least that’s how things look like. After money banks and plush toys, we now also get Angry Birds-themed speaker docks for Apple devices.Gear4, the manufactu...
07:00 pm GMT - Wed, October 5, 2011
Wal You The Essential Geek Movie List: 80s Edition
The 80′s were a great time for geeky movies, as some of the most beloved classics first aired then. These movies pretty much shaped the modern conception of the geek. ...Continue Reading on Waly...
06:11 pm GMT - Wed, October 5, 2011
Wal You Something Big is Coming: Samsung Nexus Prime
The event that Samsung will hold next week will most probably mark the launch of the next Google phone. Until then, the Korean manufacturer teases us with some details about Nexus Prime. While Apple c...
11:09 pm GMT - Tue, October 4, 2011
Wal You Apple Event Reveals iPhone 4S but No iPhone 5
Apple Event must be the biggest event in the past few weeks in the world of technology, and the rumours have been spinning continuously, and relentlessly.Today, they unveiled the iPhone 4S, which come...
10:00 pm GMT - Tue, October 4, 2011
Wal You AlphaDog Robot Moves like an AT-AT Walker from Star Wars
A new all terrain robot called the AlphaDog looks and moves strangely like the famous AT-AT walkers from the Star Wars films.Our childhood fantasies have just about come true: those walkers that first...
09:30 pm GMT - Tue, October 4, 2011
Wal You Facebook "Matchmaking  with WhoIsJustLike.Me
WhoIsJustLike.Me is a web site that compares the similarity between Facebook members based on their likes and interests.After getting to WhoIsJustLike.Me, you are greeted by a gray rectangle with a &#...
09:00 pm GMT - Tue, October 4, 2011
Wal You 5minMedia Editors Room Makes Finding Online Video a Snap
A new service by 5 Minute Media lets news organizations and other media professionals find video content to embed into their blogs and other websites easily.If you’re a professional writer, repo...
08:30 pm GMT - Tue, October 4, 2011
Wal You Amazing LEGO Star Wars Photography
LEGO has done much for the Star Wars franchise, introducing plenty of awesome sets for fans, and it’s amazing to see what some fans can do with them. While many classic Star Wars fans either dis...
07:55 pm GMT - Tue, October 4, 2011
Wal You Microsoft Tags Chrome as Malware
It is a well known fact by now that Google and Microsoft don’t really get along with each other. Of course, Apple doesn’t get along with either of them and skirmishes are common.The latest...
01:11 am GMT - Tue, October 4, 2011
Wal You Google Docs and Sites Get a Facelift
After months of preparation, Google finally decided to roll out the new design for Docs and Sites to all of its members, as until now these had been available only to a small number of people.Google s...
10:33 pm GMT - Mon, October 3, 2011
Wal You Facebook Frictionless Sharing Causes a Lot of Friction
Of late, people have begun to worry about their online privacy and the way websites use their info0rmtion a lot.This apprehension has turned into a sort of fear psychosis after Facebook announced it T...
09:04 pm GMT - Mon, October 3, 2011
Wal You Samsung Sidekick II [Walyou Giveaway]
Want to be a superhero? Who’s going to be your Sidekick? Win a Samsung Sidekick II from T-mobile in this special Walyou Giveaway.Sand stuck in the cracks of your phone ...Continue Reading on Wal...
07:00 pm GMT - Mon, October 3, 2011
Wal You 3 Must-Have Chrome Gaming Apps
Google Chrome has been around for three years now, but the cool-factor of this speedy web browser has yet to fade. A feature we love is the Chrome Web Store, where one can download fun and useful apps...
05:30 pm GMT - Mon, October 3, 2011
Wal You Crowdmug Gets You Paid for Cellphone Pics
Crowdmug is a smartphone app that gets you paid for your cellphone pics, provided that you are at the right place at the right time.The application involves two types of users: people who request phot...
04:00 pm GMT - Mon, October 3, 2011
Wal You Angry Birds Revive the Finnish Economy
As Nokia fired 3,500 employees and prepares to close its plant in Romania, it is pretty obvious that things are not actually peachy for the communications giant, nor for the Finnish economy. Now it is...
07:11 pm GMT - Sun, October 2, 2011
Wal You Angry Birds Revive the Finnish Economy
As Nokia fired 3,500 employees and prepares to close its plant in Romania, it is pretty obvious that things are not actually peachy for the communications giant, nor for the Finnish economy. Now it is...
07:00 pm GMT - Sun, October 2, 2011
Wal You How to Get a Job in Tech [Infographic]
It’s undeniable. We’re facing tough economic times all over the world, but if you’ve get the right skills, you can still land yourself a job on the tech world, as this infographic sh...
06:00 pm GMT - Sun, October 2, 2011
Wal You Comparing Android Mobile Browsers
Every Android smartphone consumer relishes in the fact that they can, and are encouraged, to play with their phone and optimize it. But what about the more simple user who can only download apps (inst...
05:03 pm GMT - Sun, October 2, 2011
Wal You Facebook Timeline Brought to Court
Facebook did not even get to launch its new feature properly that it has been already sued for it. Timelines, Inc. accuses the social network of trademark infringement, among other things.The domain n...
09:14 pm GMT - Sat, October 1, 2011
Wal You In Case of Emergency Use Social Media [Infographic]
Unfortunately, Mother Nature reminds us from time to time that it is she who ultimately runs the planet. When natural calamities hit various parts of the world, social media helps us stay in touch and...
06:05 pm GMT - Sat, October 1, 2011
Wal You Axe Murderer Door Cuts it a Bit Too Close for Comfort
With Halloween approaching soon, it’s never too early to plan for costumes or haunted house props. It’s also a fun time to go over the top with either, and this animatronic door adds a rea...
05:00 pm GMT - Sat, October 1, 2011
Wal You What Reaction Do Superhero Fetus Sculptures Evoke In You?
There is a certain mystery about the way we are born, and how a fertilized egg can develop into a fully developed baby, when it comes out that is. If Superheroes were real, they would have to be born ...
04:14 pm GMT - Sat, October 1, 2011
Wal You Lilypad Solar Case Keeps iPad Alive for a Fortnight
There are many solar iPad chargers out there, but none like this one. Lilypad comes with HDMI and several other features that really make it stand apart in the crowd.Battery life is one of the major c...
09:00 pm GMT - Fri, September 30, 2011
Wal You NES Case Mod for Battle Kid Fans
A long time ago when the world of gaming was nascent, and my generation was quiet nascent itself, NES or the Nintendo Entertainment System was released. That was way back in 1985, when the 8 bit video...
08:00 pm GMT - Fri, September 30, 2011
Wal You Stylish Rings Designed for the Distinguished Geek
If you’re tired of boring rings with boring gemstones, these beautiful and clever geek-culture rings may be what your fingers have been aching for. There are precious few rings designed with men...
05:30 pm GMT - Fri, September 30, 2011
Wal You HTML For Babies: Its Never Too Late To Start Them Early
If you have a baby or know anyone who does and you want them to turn out geeky, then why not give them a copy of a new book, “HTML For Babies”?The new book, by John C. Vanden-Heuvel, Sr, a...
04:00 pm GMT - Fri, September 30, 2011
Wal You What You Didnt Know About Nintendo
Nintendo has been a staple of many gamers for years, but there are a lot of things that even some die-hard fans don’t know about the company. This infographic helps to not only share some intere...