Articles by TutsPlus - Code from February 2018
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05:37 pm - Tue, February 27, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Storing Data Securely on Android
app's credibility today highly depends on how the user's private data
is managed. The Android stack has many powerful APIs surrounding
credential and key storage, with specific features only availa...
02:00 pm - Tue, February 27, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
10 Best Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency WordPress Plugins
Bitcoin is booming.In February of 2018, someone bought $400 million worth of Bitcoin. But this isn't just an isolated instance. While $400 million is certainly newsworthy, the truth of the matter is t...
01:45 pm - Tue, February 27, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
9 Real-Time Code Collaboration Tools for Developers
Real-time code collaboration has been improving at a fast pace in recent years, impacting how developers work within teams touching the same code base. In this article we’ll dive into some of the be...
01:00 pm - Tue, February 27, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Eloquent Mutators and Accessors in Laravel
In this article, we'll go through mutators and accessors of the Eloquent ORM in the Laravel web framework. After the introduction, we'll go through a handful of examples to understand these concepts.I...
12:37 pm - Tue, February 27, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
10 Best Android Photo App Templates
Photo apps are among the most popular in the Android app categories worldwide and if you want to ride the wave of that popularity by creating a photo app or two yourself, read on to discover the 10 ...
12:00 pm - Tue, February 27, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
A Gentle Introduction to HOC in React: Learn by Example
This is the second part of the series on Higher-Order Components (HOCs). Today, I will cover different higher-order component patterns that are useful and implementable. With HOCs, you can abstract re...
11:55 am - Tue, February 27, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
This is Bootstrap 4
Bootstrap is one of the most popular front-end frameworks for web designers, and its eagerly awaited version 4 just launched! In this free live stream Adi Purdila will take a look at what’s...
01:15 am - Tue, February 27, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Code a Widget for Your Android App: Updating the Widget
Application widgets provide your users with easy access to your application’s most frequently used features, while giving your app a presence on the user’s homescreen. By adding a widget to your p...
12:33 am - Tue, February 27, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
New Course: Code a Registration Form Using Bootstrap and jQuery
What You'll Be CreatingAlmost every web app is going to need a registration form. Find out how to code one the right way in our new course, Code a Registration Form Using Bootstrap and jQuery.What Yo...
11:46 pm - Mon, February 26, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
WordPress Live: Code a Child Theme
Child themes are a great way to customize an existing WordPress theme. You can add styling and functionality that the original theme designer never thought of, and you don't have to worry about lo...
06:12 pm - Mon, February 26, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Code an App With GraphQL, React Native and AWS AppSync: the App
What You'll Be CreatingIn these tutorials, I'll show you how to create and interact with a GraphQL database using AWS AppSync and React Native. This app will have real-time & offline functionality...
01:00 pm - Mon, February 26, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Why Are My Mobile Phone Images Rotated on My Desktop?
One day, my friend sent me some images to test my algorithm on. The algorithm worked just fine, and I got everything running through. When analyzing the results, however, I saw that some images had be...
12:00 pm - Mon, February 26, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
A Gentle Introduction to Higher-Order Components in React
Higher-Order Components (HOCs) are an interesting technique in React used to refactor similar components that share almost the same logic. I know that it sounds abstract and advanced. However, it is a...
12:00 pm - Fri, February 23, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Creating a Sense of 3D With the Perspective Property of CSS3
What You'll Be CreatingIn this tutorial, we will create an interactive element with the CSS3 perspective property in order to give a sense of three dimensions. This tutorial will also teach you how to...
12:49 pm - Thu, February 22, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
How to Code a Settings Screen in an Android App
What You'll Be CreatingThe material design team at Google gives a clear definition of what settings in your Android app should do:App settings let users indicate preferences for how an app should be...
12:00 pm - Thu, February 22, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Understanding Recursion With JavaScript
IntroductionSome problems are more naturally solved using recursion. For example, a sequence like the Fibonacci sequence has a recursive definition. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previ...
05:00 pm - Wed, February 21, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Firebase Remote Config for Android Apps
Firebase Remote Config is a unique service designed to give you fine-grained control over instances of your apps while they are installed on user devices. By using it, you can reliably modify the look...
12:00 pm - Wed, February 21, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
JSON Serialization With Golang
OverviewJSON is one of the most popular serialization formats. It is human readable, reasonably concise, and can be parsed easily by any web application using JavaScript. Go as a modern programming la...
08:32 am - Wed, February 21, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Stimulus: A JavaScript Framework for People Who Love HTML
Stimulus is a “modest JavaScript framework”, built by the folks at Basecamp who brought you Rails.It is, in many ways, the opposite of other modern frameworks available today. While you might see ...
02:29 pm - Tue, February 20, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
My Favorite Front-End Development Extensions for Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code is one of the newest kids on the IDE “block” and it’s making a lot of noise. It’s taken a little while to gain traction, perhaps because it’s one of Microsoft’s few open...
02:00 pm - Tue, February 20, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Easier React Native Development With Expo
Expo is a collection of tools that make it easier to code React Native apps. In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how you can quickly create React Native apps using Expo.With Expo, developers can c...
12:00 pm - Tue, February 20, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Introduction to Multiprocessing in Python
The multiprocessing package supports spawning processes using an API similar to the threading module. It also offers both local and remote concurrency. This tutorial will discuss multiprocessing in Py...
01:00 pm - Mon, February 19, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Custom Events in Laravel
In this article, we are going to explore the basics of event management in Laravel. It's one of the important features that you, as a developer, should have in your arsenal in your desired framework. ...
12:00 pm - Mon, February 19, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Creating a Blogging App Using Angular & MongoDB: Delete Post
In the previous part of this tutorial series, you learnt how to implement the functionality to edit the blog post details.In this part, you'll implement the functionality to delete an existing blog po...
12:51 pm - Sat, February 17, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Connect Android Things to a Smartphone With Nearby Connections 2.0
One of the first things users will want to do with a new smart home device is get it on their wireless network. Many IoT devices lack a screen or keyboard, so one way to do this is by allowing users t...
10:34 pm - Fri, February 16, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Code an App With GraphQL, React Native, and AWS AppSync: The Back-End
What You'll Be CreatingIn these tutorials, I'll show you how to create and interact with a GraphQL database using AWS AppSync and React Native. This app will have real-time and offline functionality...
01:39 pm - Fri, February 16, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Code an App With GraphQL, React Native and AWS AppSync: the Back-End
What You'll Be CreatingIn these tutorials, I'll show you how to create and interact with a GraphQL database using AWS AppSync and React Native. This app will have real-time & offline functionali...
12:00 pm - Fri, February 16, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Creating a Blogging App Using Angular & MongoDB: Edit Post
In the previous part of this tutorial series you learnt how to create the add post component to add new blog posts. You learnt how to create the REST API endpoint to add a new post to the MongoDB dat...
12:00 pm - Thu, February 15, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Creating a Blogging App Using Angular & MongoDB: Add Post
In the previous part of the Angular blog tutorial series, you learnt how to create the ShowPostComponent to display the list of blog posts on the home page. You fetched the records that were inserted ...
01:40 pm - Wed, February 14, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Code a Widget for Android: Input and Display
Since Android 1.5, application widgets have enabled users to get information, control apps, and perform crucial tasks, all from the comfort of their homescreens.In this two part series, I’ll be show...
01:00 pm - Wed, February 14, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Introduction to Mocking in Python
Mocking is a library for testing in Python. It allows you to replace parts of your system under test with mock objects and make assertions about how they have been used. This tutorial will discuss in ...
12:00 pm - Wed, February 14, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Creating a Blogging App Using Angular & MongoDB: Show Post
In the last part of the tutorial series, you saw how to write the REST API endpoint for user login. You used Mongoose to interact with MongoDB from Node. After successful validation, you saw how to u...
12:00 pm - Tue, February 13, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Creating a Blogging App Using Angular & MongoDB: Home
In the first part of the tutorial series, you saw how to get started with creating an Angular web app. You learnt how to set up the application and created the Login component.In this part of the seri...
01:00 pm - Mon, February 12, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Phoenix I18n
In my previous articles I covered the various aspects of Elixir—a modern functional programming language. Today, however, I would like to step aside from the language itself and discuss a very fas...
12:00 pm - Mon, February 12, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Creating a Blogging App Using Angular & MongoDB: Login
Angular is a one-stop framework for creating mobile and web apps using the same reusable code. Using Angular, you can divide the whole application into reusable components, which makes it easier to m...
08:09 am - Mon, February 12, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
New Course: Build APIs With GraphQL
What You'll Be CreatingGraphQL is designed to work with data represented by a graph, and it has a powerful query syntax for traversing, retrieving, and mutating data. Learn how to use it in our new co...
12:00 pm - Fri, February 9, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Creating Your First Angular App: Implement Routing
Before going ahead with this tutorial, it is a good idea to summarize everything we have done so far in order to avoid any confusion and errors. If you have missed any of the steps from the last three...
01:00 pm - Thu, February 8, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Persisted WordPress Admin Notices: Part 4
So far in this series, we've covered two separate ways to dismiss persistent WordPress admin notices. We'll build on that in this fourth and final part of the tutorial series by looking at two more sp...
12:00 pm - Thu, February 8, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Creating Your First Angular App: Components, Part 2
In the third tutorial of the series, you learned how to create the HomeComponent of your country information app. We will create two more components in this tutorial. One of the components will list ...
01:00 pm - Wed, February 7, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Persisted WordPress Admin Notices: Part 3
Welcome back to our series on persisted WordPress admin notices. We're now in a good position to be able to extend our admin notice functionality and control when they appear on the page.After that, ...
12:00 pm - Wed, February 7, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Creating Your First Angular App: Components, Part 1
The second tutorial of this series taught you how to store data inside the Angular app and access it using a service class. In this tutorial, we will create the HomeComponent for our Angular app.The h...
01:00 pm - Tue, February 6, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Persisted WordPress Admin Notices: Part 2
In part one of this series, we learned how to implement a basic admin notice that appears at the top of every WordPress admin page. In this tutorial, we'll start to build out a plugin to contain all...
12:00 pm - Tue, February 6, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Create Your First Angular App: Storing and Accessing Data
In the first tutorial of the series, we learned how to get started in order to create an Angular app. After successfully completing that tutorial, you should now have your first functioning Angular ap...
01:41 pm - Mon, February 5, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Creating Your First Angular App: Basics
Angular has become very popular over the past couple of years. You can use this open-source JavaScript framework to build web and mobile apps. If you've been thinking about learning Angular but don't ...
01:00 pm - Mon, February 5, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Persisted WordPress Admin Notices: Part 1
WordPress admin notices provide a convenient way to display messages to users in the admin area, e.g. after a post has been updated or a plugin has been activated. They're also used by many themes and...
07:47 am - Mon, February 5, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Start Learning PHP for WordPress in Our New Course
If you work with WordPress sites, you probably know that they're built in the PHP programming language. But do you know how PHP really works, beyond copying and pasting code snippets?In our new short ...
01:00 pm - Fri, February 2, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Error and Performance Monitoring for Web & Mobile Apps Using Raygun
Fixing a bug is a whole lot easier when you know how it occurred, but that may not always be the case. Once the software has been shipped, you are left at the mercy of customers, who may not always r...
12:00 pm - Fri, February 2, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Using Luxon for Date and Time in JavaScript
Working with date and time can be a confusing task for developers beginning with JavaScript. In this tutorial, you'll learn about a new JavaScript library called Luxon which makes it a breeze to work...
02:00 pm - Thu, February 1, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Code a Measuring App With ARKit: Placing Objects in the Scene
Along with many other things which have quickly been replaced by our modern technology, it looks as if the common tape measure may be the next to go. In this two-part tutorial series, we're learning h...
02:00 pm - Thu, February 1, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Code a Measuring App With ARKit: Interacting and Measuring
Along with many other things which have quickly been replaced by our modern technology, it looks as if the common tape measure may be the next to go. In this two-part tutorial series, we're learning h...
12:00 pm - Thu, February 1, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
15 Membership Plugins for Adding Members to Your WordPress Site
The landscape of blogging, marketing, and content creation has radically changed over the past several years. It's caused many content creators to rethink and reimagine monetizing their content.One of...
04:00 pm - Wed, January 31, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Code a Measuring App With ARKit
Along with many other tools which have been made obsolete by modern technology, it looks as if the common tape measure may be the next to go. In this tutorial, we'll learn to bridge the gap between re...
04:00 pm - Wed, January 31, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Code a Measuring App With ARKit: Objects and Shadows
Along with many other tools which have been made obsolete by modern technology, it looks as if the common tape measure may be the next to go. In this tutorial, we'll learn to bridge the gap between re...
12:00 pm - Wed, January 31, 2018
TutsPlus - Code
Exception Handling in Laravel
In this article, we're going to explore one of the most important and least discussed features of the Laravel web framework—exception handling. Laravel comes with a built-in exception handler that a...