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Articles by TutsPlus - Code from June 2015

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07:45 pm - Mon, June 29, 2015
TutsPlus - Code AngularJS For Test-Driven Development: Open Assignment
What You'll Be CreatingThis AngularJS contact management app was the course project for the new Tuts+ course AngularJS for Test-Driven Development by Daniel Stern, available to Tuts+ subscribers, or a...
06:15 pm - Mon, June 29, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Coloring Android Apps with Palette
One of the defining features of material design is the use of color to compliment and emphasize content on the screen. Using the Palette class, developers can extract prominent colors from a bitmap fo...
01:00 pm - Mon, June 29, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Build an AngularJS App Powered by Python EVE: Part 2
In the previous part of this series, we implemented the sign-in and sign-up process using the Eve API we created in the first part of the series. We used Node.js and AngularJS to create and get our ap...
12:00 pm - Sun, June 28, 2015
TutsPlus - Code The Beginners Guide to WooCommerce Taxes, Part 2
In the previous article, we discussed half of the configuration options for Tax Settings in WooCommerce. Today we are going to complete the settings of Standard Rates, Reduced Rate Rates, and Zero Rat...
12:00 pm - Sat, June 27, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Self-Hosting Your Own Analytics Server With Piwik
What You'll Be CreatingPiwik may be the most polished open source analytics tool you've never heard of. Not only has it had more than two million downloads, it has a rich set of features and excellen...
05:15 pm - Fri, June 26, 2015
TutsPlus - Code An Introduction to ClockKit
IntroductionAt WWDC 2015, Apple announced its first major update to the Apple Watch software, watchOS 2. This new update brought with it many new APIs and features for developers to take advantage of,...
01:00 pm - Fri, June 26, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Creating a Web App From Scratch Using Python Flask and MySQL: Part 7
In the previous part of this series, we implemented image upload functionality for the users while adding a wish. We also added a few more options related to a user's wish on the Add Wish page. In ...
01:00 pm - Fri, June 26, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Create a Custom API in Magento: Part One
IntroductionFor any successful platform, it's vital to keep up with the cutting edge features and provide them to compete in the market. Exposing APIs for your platform is one of the important feature...
12:00 pm - Fri, June 26, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Create a Custom Payment Method Module in Magento: Part One
Being a successful e­-commerce framework, Magento provides lots of payment methods in the core itself. However, you can also create a custom payment method extension to plug in your choice of payment...
09:03 am - Fri, June 26, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Mobile Devices: the Gap Between Creation and Consumption
Can you create for the web using your mobile device?This question has erupted from the mouths of web designers and programmers since the earliest models of smart phones. How capable are modern mobile ...
02:00 pm - Thu, June 25, 2015
TutsPlus - Code ECMAScript 6 Power Tutorial: Template Strings
Welcome to the second part of my series about ECMAScript 6! One of my favorite new web standards of Microsoft Edge, the new browser rendering engine we’re creating at Microsoft, is the extensive su...
01:00 pm - Thu, June 25, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Creating a Web App From Scratch Using Python Flask and MySQL: Part 6
In the previous part of this series, we implemented paging for the wish list on the user home page. In this part of the series, we'll implement an option for the user to upload an image representing a...
12:00 pm - Thu, June 25, 2015
TutsPlus - Code The Tuts Guide to Template Tags: Third Batch
In the third part of the series, we went through the second batch of WordPress template tags. In this fourth part, we're going to go through the third batch of the almost 200 template tags. Throughout...
07:16 pm - Wed, June 24, 2015
TutsPlus - Code New Course: Easy Hosting With Azure Websites
Cloud services have fundamentally changed the web, and Microsoft's Azure is at the forefront of the cloud revolution. Azure offers a wide array of services, from virtual machine instances to SQL datab...
05:15 pm - Wed, June 24, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Create a Native Apple Watch App for watchOS 2
In this tutorial, you will learn how to take advantage of new APIs and functionality in watchOS 2 to make a native Apple Watch application. This includes picker interface elements, native animations, ...
01:00 pm - Wed, June 24, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Creating a Web App From Scratch Using Python Flask and MySQL: Part 5
In the previous part of this series, we saw how to implement the Edit and Delete wish functionality for our Bucket List Application. In this part we'll implement the paging functionality for our user ...
12:00 pm - Wed, June 24, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Programming With Yii2: AuthClient Integration With Twitter, Google and Other Networks
What You'll Be CreatingIf you're asking, "What's Yii?" check out my earlier tutorial: Introduction to the Yii Framework, which reviews the benefits of Yii and includes an overview of what's new in Y...
07:27 am - Wed, June 24, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Meet Tuts Reader Andrew Garcia
Name: Andrew GarciaLocation: Manila, PhilippinesTopics of Interest: PHP, WordPress, Laravel, Magento, MarketingOccupation: Web developerIn our series of Tuts+ community stories so ...
07:19 pm - Tue, June 23, 2015
TutsPlus - Code A Fast, Accurate Way to Test Internet Explorer on iOS, Mac OS X, and Android
Earlier this year, the Microsoft team launched a new tool to make it easier to test sites in IE regardless of which platform you’re on; seriously! It’s part of their work on Microsoft Edge and its...
01:00 pm - Tue, June 23, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Creating a Web App From Scratch Using Python Flask and MySQL: Part 4
In the previous part of this tutorial series, we implemented the required functionality for a logged-in user to add a wish. We also saw how to display the wishes entered by a user on the user home...
12:00 pm - Tue, June 23, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Want to Work For a Top Digital Company? Here's What They're Looking For
We all hear talk of the technical skills shortage and how tough it is for employers to hire the best talent, but if you're looking for a tech job, it might feel like things are the other way around. F...
12:00 pm - Tue, June 23, 2015
TutsPlus - Code The Beginners Guide to WooCommerce Taxes
Now that we've finished looking at WooCommerce Products and their associated settings, let's look into the tax configuration options for WooCommerce.Tax SettingsBeing an online store owner you will ne...
06:14 am - Tue, June 23, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Win a Free Session With a Tuts Expert
We recently launched Tuts+ Experts, your one-stop shop for individual training! Get your most pressing questions answered by your favorite Tuts+ instructors in a private hour-long session for jus...
04:10 pm - Mon, June 22, 2015
TutsPlus - Code An Introduction to Kotlin
Introduction Ever since Apple released the Swift programming language for iOS, lots of Android developers have wanted a similar language for Android development. If you are one of those developers, yo...
02:19 pm - Mon, June 22, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Introduction to Craft CMS
What You'll Be CreatingFor developers who want more control and performance than WordPress offers, Craft CMS offers a compelling solution. In this tutorial, I'll introduce you to Craft CMS and su...
02:00 pm - Mon, June 22, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Build an AngularJS App From Scratch, Powered by Python EVE
In the previous part of this series, we saw how to get started with Eve, a Python REST API framework, and create some APIs. In this part of the series, we'll make use of those APIs to create an appli...
12:00 pm - Sun, June 21, 2015
TutsPlus - Code A Look at More WooCommerce Product Settings
In the previous article, we configured how an online store owner can set some of the product settings. We configured half of the setting and in this post we are going to completely configure them.Prod...
12:00 pm - Sat, June 20, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Magento Pre-Launch Checklist
Making a Magento website live is not child’s play. If you are a Magento developer you know that this a daunting task for even a seasoned developer. It's the final step of a long and stressful journe...
05:38 pm - Fri, June 19, 2015
TutsPlus - Code iOS 9: Staying Organized with Storyboard References
Even though storyboards have been around since iOS 5, many developers are reluctant to use them in their projects. A typical remark is that storyboards are great for small projects, but fall short for...
01:00 pm - Fri, June 19, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Creating a Web App From Scratch Using Python Flask and MySQL: Part 3
In the previous part of this tutorial series, we implemented the sign-in and logout functionality for our Bucket List application. In this part of the series, we'll implement the back end and front ...
04:45 pm - Thu, June 18, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Getting Started With Android: Creating a Customized Toolbar
Creating native Android apps allows you to deliver a first-class mobile experience to your users. In this short video tutorial from my recent Android course, I'll show you how to add a customized...
01:00 pm - Thu, June 18, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Creating a Web App From Scratch Using Python Flask and MySQL: Part 2
In the previous part of this series, we saw how to get started with Python Flask and MySQL and implemented the user registration portion of our application. In this tutorial, we'll take this to the ne...
12:00 pm - Thu, June 18, 2015
TutsPlus - Code The Tuts Guide to Template Tags: Second Batch
In the second part of the series, we went through the first batch of WordPress template tags. In this third part, we're going to go through the second batch of the almost 200 template tags. Throughout...
03:15 pm - Wed, June 17, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Combining the Power of SpriteKit and SceneKit
What You'll Be CreatingIntroductionSpriteKit and SceneKit are iOS frameworks designed to make it easy for developers to create 2D and 3D assets in casual games. In this tutorial, I will show you how t...
01:00 pm - Wed, June 17, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Create a Simple Shopping Cart Using AngularJS: Part 3
In the previous part of this tutorial series, we created a custom directive and used it in our simple shopping cart application. In this part of the tutorial series, we'll see how to make the total...
12:00 pm - Wed, June 17, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Programming With Yii2: Rich Text Input With Redactor
What You'll Be CreatingIf you're asking, "What's Yii?" check out my earlier tutorial: Introduction to the Yii Framework, which reviews the benefits of Yii and includes an overview of what's new in Y...
11:49 am - Wed, June 17, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Free Course: Create an Image Gallery in Ruby
Ever wanted to try a video course with Tuts+, without paying for a subscription? Now's your chance, because we're offering a short course on creating an image gallery in Ruby, absolutely free.What You...
01:00 pm - Tue, June 16, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Creating a Web App From Scratch Using Python Flask and MySQL
In this series, we'll be using Python, Flask and MySQL to create a simple web application from scratch. It will be a simple bucket list application where users can register, sign in and create their...
12:00 pm - Tue, June 16, 2015
TutsPlus - Code A Look at WooCommerce Products Settings
Products hold a key position for an online store. In the previous article, we learned how to configure the General settings in WooCommerce; today we will look into the various settings for Products.Pr...
12:00 pm - Tue, June 16, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Simple JavaScript Inheritance: What You Need to Know
A lot of my friends are C# or C++ developers. They are used to using inheritance in their projects, and when they want to learn or discover JavaScript, one of the first questions they ask is: “But ...
04:50 pm - Mon, June 15, 2015
TutsPlus - Code iOS 9: Getting Started with UIStackView
Like every iteration of iOS, iOS 9 brings forth a lot of new features. UIKit changes with every release of iOS, but one particular addition in iOS 9 will change how developers fundamentally think abou...
01:00 pm - Mon, June 15, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Styling Sections in a Page-Based Site Differently
In an earlier tutorial I showed you how to style the categories in your site differently so that if your site has sections for each category of post, you can make them look quite different.But what i...
12:00 pm - Mon, June 15, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Using the Digital Ocean API to Manage Your DNS
What You'll Be CreatingDNS Hosting at Digital OceanIn November 2014, Digital Ocean announced its newly upgraded DNS hosting service. In addition to being fast and reliable, users have experienced near...
10:07 am - Mon, June 15, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Qihoo 360 Secure: The Most Popular Browser Youve Never Heard Of
One of the most popular desktop browsers in China is one you’ve probably never crossed swords with, but it’s huge. According to the tech analytics peeps over at CNZZ, Qihoo 360 Secure Browser (Wi...
06:57 am - Mon, June 15, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Create and Win with the Envato Remix CodePen Challenge!
Several times this year we’ve run CodePen Challenges on Tuts+ and they’ve all been a huge hit. So I’m seriously excited to announce that we’re running another, but taking it to the next level!...
12:00 pm - Sun, June 14, 2015
TutsPlus - Code The Beginners Guide to WooCommerce: General Settings
In the previous article, we gave an introduction to WooCommerce. Let’s talk about the General Settings of WooCommerce now.Installation and ActivationBeing a WordPress-based plugin; its installation ...
12:00 pm - Sat, June 13, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Use a Custom Post Type for Your Sidebar Content
What You'll Be CreatingI often use the text widget to add custom content to sidebars on the sites I develop. These are useful widgets as they accept both text and HTML, so if you can write HTML, you c...
03:50 pm - Fri, June 12, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Detect and Resolve Performance Problems on Android
IntroductionNo matter how innovative and useful your Android app is, if it’s laggy, prone to freezing, or hogs memory, no one is going to want to use it.Performance is very important, but it’s als...
12:00 pm - Fri, June 12, 2015
TutsPlus - Code A Walkthrough on Conditional Tags in WordPress: Series Finale
It was a long run, but we finally got to the last part of the series. I hope it was a fun and educational journey and you enjoyed the series as much as I did. What We Learned The first part was abou...
09:54 am - Fri, June 12, 2015
TutsPlus - Code New Course: Comparing Front-End Frameworks
There are so many amazing front-end JavaScript frameworks out there, and sometimes it can be hard to figure out which one to use! Each framework has its adherents who will tell you how great it is, bu...
02:00 pm - Thu, June 11, 2015
TutsPlus - Code ECMAScript 6 Power Tutorial: Class and Inheritance
I’d like to share with you a series of articles about ECMAScript 6, sharing my passion for it and explaining how it can work for you. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did writing them.Firs...
01:00 pm - Thu, June 11, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Building a Product CSV Export Tool in OpenCart
If you're running an online store or any web business and you don't know the importance of CSV (Comma-Separated-Value), then it's time to upgrade your knowledge about data manipulation. To understand ...
12:00 pm - Thu, June 11, 2015
TutsPlus - Code The Tuts Guide to Template Tags: First Batch
In the first part of the series, we had a look at what template tags are, where they can be found, how they work, and how to use them. In this second part, we're going to go through the first batch o...
01:00 pm - Wed, June 10, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Create a Simple Shopping Cart Using AngularJS: Part 2
In the previous part of this tutorial series, we saw how to get started with creating a simple shopping cart using AngularJS. We created a simple design but there wasn't really enough AngularJS to cal...
12:00 pm - Wed, June 10, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Keeping Ahead of the Game in Your Web Career
If you're anything like me, every time a new website builder or CMS is launched (at least a good one), a little part of you goes cold.As someone who's made a living for a few years developing sites fo...
12:00 pm - Wed, June 10, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Programming With Yii2: Working With Asset Bundles
What You'll Be CreatingIf you're asking, "What's Yii?" check out my earlier tutorial: Introduction to the Yii Framework, which reviews the benefits of Yii and includes an overview of what's new in Y...
10:25 am - Wed, June 10, 2015
TutsPlus - Code WWDC 2015 Aftermath
Earlier this week, Apple officially kicked off their annual WWDC (Worldwide Developers Conference) event in San Francisco. As always, the event began with a keynote during which Apple announced update...
01:00 pm - Tue, June 9, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Accessibility, Part 6: Going Beyond Code Best Practices
In this series we've looked at some simple ways theme developers can help make their theme accessible. If you follow all the recommendations in this series, you will more than exceed the minimum requ...
12:00 pm - Tue, June 9, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Tuts Is Hiring Course Instructors for New Web Technologies
Are you excited about the React or Polymer frameworks? Do you use the Go language or DevOps tools? What about sharing your knowledge through teaching online video courses?We're expanding our coverage ...
12:00 pm - Tue, June 9, 2015
TutsPlus - Code The Beginners Guide to WooCommerce: Introduction
Creating an e-commerce website can be a daunting journey. Imagine if it were nothing more than a matter of few clicks. Thanks to WooCommerce, this is now possible. WooCommerce is a WordPress plug...
04:45 pm - Mon, June 8, 2015
TutsPlus - Code How to Use Kotlin in Your Android Projects
Introduction Kotlin, the open source programming language designed by JetBrains, is becoming increasingly popular among Java developers. It is often touted as Java's successor. Compared to Java, it of...
01:00 pm - Mon, June 8, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Style Different Categories in Your WordPress Site Differently Using CSS
What You'll Be CreatingIn the previous tutorial I showed you how to style the posts on your main blog page according to their category, creating color coding by category.A lot of sites that use this t...
05:28 am - Mon, June 8, 2015
TutsPlus - Code What You Can Learn From Some of the Web's Most Creative People
Sometimes we all need a little inspiration. There are days when everything seems too hard, the to-do list seems too long, and the goal we're working towards seems to have disappeared beyond the horizo...
12:00 pm - Sun, June 7, 2015
TutsPlus - Code A Walkthrough on Conditional Tags in WordPress: 53 to 65
In this series, we're going through one of the fundamental features of WordPress: Conditional Tags. In this sixth part, we'll finish introducing and reviewing the Conditional Tags. Be sure to check ou...
12:00 pm - Sat, June 6, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Launching WordPress at Digital Ocean With ServerPilot
What You'll Be CreatingWhat Is ServerPilot? is a cloud-based hosting control panel akin to cPanel and its alternatives. Unlike others that attempt to work generically with any host, Ser...
12:00 pm - Sat, June 6, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Using Firefox Developer Edition For Web Development
What You'll Be CreatingFirefox Developer Edition was released by Mozilla during the tenth anniversary celebration of Firefox last year. Recently, 64-bit builds of Firefox Developer Edition have also b...
06:05 pm - Fri, June 5, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Google I/O 2015 Aftermath
Every year developers sit on the edge of their seats waiting for Google I/O to come along and wow us with the introduction of new features, services, and development tools. Last year Google ...
01:00 pm - Fri, June 5, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Using the Digital Ocean API to Manage Cloud Instances
What You'll Be CreatingWhat's Digital Ocean?Digital Ocean is one of the fastest growing web hosts, in part due to its fast SSD-based servers and inexpensive $5 monthly hosting plans. Spinning up insta...
12:00 pm - Fri, June 5, 2015
TutsPlus - Code A Walkthrough on Conditional Tags in WordPress: 40 to 52
In this series, we're going through one of the fundamental features of WordPress: Conditional Tags. In this fifth part, we'll continue introducing and reviewing the Conditional Tags. Be sure to check ...
09:01 pm - Thu, June 4, 2015
TutsPlus - Code New eBooks Available for Subscribers
Do you want to learn more about functional programming in JavaScript? How about Bootstrap for Rails, or KnockoutJS? Our latest batch of eBooks will teach you all you need to know about these topics an...
01:00 pm - Thu, June 4, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Introduction to Jenkins: An Open Source Continuous Integration Server
What You'll Be CreatingThis is the first of a two-part series on Jenkins. Part two will be written by Ian Lollar because he has the best instructor profile image of any Tuts contributor. He also wrote...
12:00 pm - Thu, June 4, 2015
TutsPlus - Code The Tuts Guide to Template Tags: Introduction
We've stated many times on this website that WordPress is a very powerful content management system and that its power comes from its extensibility. If a product is extensible, people will contribute ...
05:55 pm - Wed, June 3, 2015
TutsPlus - Code WatchKit Navigation, Transitions, and Contexts
IntroductionApple's WatchKit framework for developing Apple Watch applications provides several ways for you, as a developer, to present different types of interfaces to users of your app. This includ...
01:00 pm - Wed, June 3, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Create a Simple Shopping Cart Using AngularJS: Part 1
In this tutorial series, we'll see how to go about creating a simple shopping cart using AngularJS. This tutorial series will focus on the use of AngularJS directives. AngularJS directives are the cor...
01:00 pm - Wed, June 3, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Creating a Web App From Scratch Using AngularJS and Firebase: Part 7
In the previous part of this tutorial series, we implemented the edit and delete post functionality in the welcome page. In this part of the tutorial, we'll add a Ladda loading indicator into our app...
12:00 pm - Wed, June 3, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Programming With Yii2: Specialized Validations
What You'll Be CreatingIf you're asking, "What's Yii?" check out my earlier tutorial: Introduction to the Yii Framework, which reviews the benefits of Yii and includes an overview of what's new in Y...
04:12 pm - Tue, June 2, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Accessibility, Part 5: Understandable
This is the last principle we'll look at. Broadly speaking it states that the content and the navigation of the site must be understandable. While the responsibility of implementing a lot of these rec...
01:00 pm - Tue, June 2, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Get Started Building Your Blog With Parse.js: Router
What You'll Be CreatingIn the last session, we built an "Add a New Blog" function, and now users can post into the blog system. A natural extension would be to enable users to change and delete exist...
12:00 pm - Tue, June 2, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Accessibility, Part 6: Going Beyond Code Best Practices
In this series we've looked at some simple ways theme developers can help make their theme accessible. If you follow all the recommendations in this series, you will more than exceed the minimum requ...
05:30 pm - Mon, June 1, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Automating User Interface Testing on Android
Introduction Android's Testing Support library includes the UI Automator framework, which can be used to perform automated black-box testing on Android apps. Introduced in API Level 18, the framework...
01:00 pm - Mon, June 1, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Style Posts by Category on Your Main Blog Page
What You'll Be CreatingLarge news-based sites sometimes use some sort of styling to differentiate between the sections of their site. Often this takes the form of different colors for each section.A g...
12:00 pm - Mon, June 1, 2015
TutsPlus - Code Building an App Image to Resell at Digital Ocean
What You'll Be CreatingIn this tutorial, I'll guide you in creating a pre-configured server instance running WordPress (or other LAMP-based apps) which you can repeatedly clone and transfer to clients...
12:00 pm - Sun, May 31, 2015
TutsPlus - Code A Walkthrough on Conditional Tags in WordPress: 27 to 39
In this series, we're going through one of the fundamental features of WordPress: Conditional Tags. In this fourth part, we'll continue introducing and reviewing the Conditional Tags. Be sure to check...