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Articles by TutsPlus - Code from June 2013

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01:01 am GMT - Fri, June 28, 2013
TutsPlus - Code Building a Web App From Scratch in AngularJS
In a previous AngularJS tutorial I covered all the basics of how to get up and running with Angular in around 30 minutes. This tutorial will expand on what was covered there by creating a simple real ...
01:40 am GMT - Thu, June 27, 2013
TutsPlus - Code Diving Into Symfony 2
Frameworks are hot topics in the web-industry and have been for some time. In this vast sea of flavors is Symfony – an extensive PHP framework that follows the ever popular MVC paradigm. Its lea...
12:02 am GMT - Wed, June 26, 2013
TutsPlus - Code Advanced Unit Testing Techniques in JavaScript
By now, everyone knows about Test-Driven Development and unit testing. But are you using the testing frameworks to their fullest?IntroductionIn this tutorial, I’ll introduce you to some of the m...
09:02 pm GMT - Mon, June 24, 2013
TutsPlus - Code How to Setup Recurring Payments
It’s likely that, at some point, you’ll want to implement recurring or subscription payments for a SaaS or other service. Thankfully, PayPal offers the tools we need to implement a fully i...
01:35 am GMT - Sat, June 22, 2013
TutsPlus - Code From Procedural to Object Oriented PHP
This tutorial was inspired by a speech given by Robert C. Martin that I watched a year or so ago. The main subject of his talk is about the possibility of picking The Last Programming Language. He add...
12:44 am GMT - Fri, June 21, 2013
TutsPlus - Code Developing With Sass and Chrome DevTools
In this article we’ll take a look at how we can better integrate Chrome DevTools into our Sass development workflow.Tutorial Sneak Peek!Here’s a peek of what we’ll be doing in this t...
10:39 pm GMT - Wed, June 19, 2013
TutsPlus - Code Interview With David Walsh
Have you ever meet a brash punk kid that annoys you to no end but he's so damn talented that you can't help but want to work with him? That's how I felt when I first met David Walsh severa...
04:20 am GMT - Tue, June 18, 2013
TutsPlus - Code Advanced Python Data Structures
The aim of this tutorial is to show off Python’s data structures and the best way to use them. Depending on what you need from a data structure, whether it’s fast lookup, immutability, ind...
06:01 am GMT - Sat, June 15, 2013
TutsPlus - Code Building Ribbit in Meteor
This is a continuation of the Twitter clone series with building Ribbit from scratch, this time using Meteor.For this tutorial, please do not expect an in depth explanation of the Meteor framework. Yo...
07:12 pm GMT - Fri, June 14, 2013
TutsPlus - Code Tuts+ Jobs is now free!
Our awesome new job board is now free and full of enticing opportunities!Tuts+ Jobs is a job board for full time, part time and casual employment opportunities for web and creative professionals. A br...
05:33 am GMT - Fri, June 14, 2013
TutsPlus - Code Combining Laravel 4 and Backbone
For this tutorial, we’re going to be building a single page app using Laravel 4 and Backbone.js. Both frameworks make it very easy to use a different templating engine other than their respectiv...
12:33 am GMT - Fri, June 14, 2013
TutsPlus - Code New from Envato: The Easiest Way for Web Devs to Get Design Work Done
As weve talked about before on Nettuts+, sometimes it feels impossible to keep up with all the skills, languages and tools you need to learn to be a great web developer.In an ideal world wed be master...
03:53 am GMT - Thu, June 13, 2013
TutsPlus - Code Intro to Flask: Signing In and Out
Many web applications require users to sign in and out in order to perform important tasks (like administration duties). In this article, we’ll create an authentication system for our applicatio...
05:49 am GMT - Wed, June 12, 2013
TutsPlus - Code Working With Data in Sails.js
Sails.js is an up and coming Node.js framework, with a focus on freedom and smart defaults. In this article we’ll take a look at some of the data features Sails provides out-of-the-box, for easi...
02:30 am GMT - Tue, June 11, 2013
TutsPlus - Code What Are You Using?
We spend a lot of time following the thought leaders in web development, in many cases using the tools and libraries they’ve built, reading the posts they’ve written, articulating cool tec...
01:27 am GMT - Fri, June 7, 2013
TutsPlus - Code Parallel Testing for PHPUnit with ParaTest
PHPUnit has hinted at parallelism since 2007, but, in the meantime, our tests continue to run slowly. Time is money, right? ParaTest is a tool that sits on top of PHPUnit and allows you to run tests i...
06:56 pm GMT - Wed, June 5, 2013
TutsPlus - Code Whoops! PHP Errors for Cool Kids
Whoops is a small library, available as a Composer package, that helps you handle errors and exceptions across your PHP projects.Out of the box, you get a sleek, intuitive and informative error page e...
04:12 am GMT - Wed, June 5, 2013
TutsPlus - Code Creating a Multi-Page Site with Meteor
As with any web application, creating multi-page sites requires a specialized set of tools. In this article we’ll take a look at developing a library, that not only can differentiate between the...
12:24 am GMT - Tue, June 4, 2013
TutsPlus - Code From Zero to Hello World in Scala
Scala is one of the most attractive programming languages out right now. There is a lot of hype around it and programmers world-wide are publicly recognizing it as the possible next big thing in progr...
08:54 pm GMT - Fri, May 31, 2013
TutsPlus - Code Just Released: Laravel Testing Decoded
After months of effort, I’m proud to announce the release of my new book, Laravel Testing Decoded! It’s my hope that you won’t find a better, more approachable resource for learning ...
07:56 pm GMT - Fri, May 31, 2013
TutsPlus - Code The Fundamentals of Bash Scripting
Shell scripts are widely used in the UNIX world. They’re excellent for speeding up repetitive tasks and simplifying complex execution logic. They can be as simple as a set of commands, or they c...
01:48 am GMT - Fri, May 31, 2013
TutsPlus - Code Say Hello to PowerShell
PowerShell has been in development for over ten years. Microsoft continues to invest in its development and adoption. These investments have transformed the ease and robustness with which developers a...