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Articles by TutsPlus - Code from August 2012

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03:08 am GMT - Thu, August 30, 2012
TutsPlus - Code Improve Your Apps Performance with Memcached
One of the easiest ways to improve your application’s performance is by putting a caching solution in front of your database. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to use Memcached with Rail...
07:31 pm GMT - Tue, August 28, 2012
TutsPlus - Code Node.js Infrastructure: Part 1
It’s been a while, but now I’m back! Theses next two sessions will dive into the infrastructure that’s grown up around Node. We’ll take a look at two tools that will help you m...
10:08 pm GMT - Mon, August 27, 2012
TutsPlus - Code Building and Testing a Backbone App
In this tutorial, we’ll develop a Backbone.js application, while testing it with Jasmine. Not good enough for you? We’ll do it all using CoffeeScript. Trifecta!We’re going to work on...
10:08 pm GMT - Fri, August 24, 2012
TutsPlus - Code Behavior-Driven Development in Python
behavior Driven Development is an excellent process to follow in software development. With testing often a practice that is pushed aside to the last minute (or ignored, entirely), baking the process...
12:59 am GMT - Fri, August 24, 2012
TutsPlus - Code Automatic Testing for TDD with PHP
Traditional test-driven development can, at times, be cumbersome. You have to stop writing code in order to run your tests. Luckily, there are solutions, which provide the ability to automatically run...
06:36 pm GMT - Wed, August 22, 2012
TutsPlus - Code TextExpander for Web Developers
For those unfamiliar, TextExpander is a fantastic productivity app for Mac that has the potential to save you hundreds of hours over the course of a year, and, with the latest release of Version 4, it...
06:39 pm GMT - Tue, August 21, 2012
TutsPlus - Code Building an ASP.NET MVC4 Application with EF and WebAPI
ASP.NET MVC has come a long way since “The Gu” jotted down some ideas during an airplane ride to a conference in 2007. In just under four years, ASP.NET MVC has seen its fourth release, an...
12:25 am GMT - Tue, August 21, 2012
TutsPlus - Code Vagrant: What, Why, and How
This article will help walk you through using Vagrant to manage your virtual machine instances, and explain how you can take advantage of Puppet to provision various resources, like PHP and PostgreSQL...
11:43 am GMT - Mon, August 20, 2012
TutsPlus - Code Announcing The Envato Birthday Bundle!
It’s Envato’s sixth birthday and, to celebrate, weve created the Birthday Bundle! Envato has grown up fast over the past six years to become the bustling network of sites it is today, and ...
09:52 pm GMT - Fri, August 17, 2012
TutsPlus - Code Node.js for Beginners
Event-driven programming can be overwhelming for beginners, which can make Node.js difficult to get started with. But don’t let that discourage you; In this article, I will teach you some of the...
10:35 pm GMT - Thu, August 16, 2012
TutsPlus - Code Automatic Testing for TDD with PHP
Traditional test driven development (TDD) can sometimes be cumbersome; you have to stop writing code in order to run your tests. But that is starting to change as new solutions provide a means to auto...
07:16 pm GMT - Thu, August 16, 2012
TutsPlus - Code An Interview with Dojo Toolkit Creator Dylan Schiemann
One of the most prominent figures in the JavaScript and open-source world is Dylan Schiemann, and for good reason. Dylan appears at conferences all over the world, supports open source projects with ...
05:54 pm GMT - Tue, August 14, 2012
TutsPlus - Code Better CoffeeScript Testing With Mocha
Recently, I’ve been doing a considerable amount of CoffeeScript work. One problem I ran into early-on was testing: I didn’t want to manually convert my CoffeeScript to JavaScript before I ...
07:14 pm GMT - Mon, August 13, 2012
TutsPlus - Code Apache 2 Advanced Configuration on Unix-Like Systems
In a previous tutorial, we took a look at some of the most basic, but important, Apache configuration directives – what they are for, and how to edit them to fit our needs. For a very basic webs...
07:00 pm GMT - Fri, August 10, 2012
TutsPlus - Code The Best Way to Learn Python
Python is more popular than ever, and it’s being used everywhere from the back-end web servers, to front-end game development, and everything in between. Python is a true general purpose languag...
10:45 pm GMT - Wed, August 8, 2012
TutsPlus - Code How Web Developers Can Use Alfred
In this screencast, we’ll use Alfred to create an extension that assists us when creating new projects. As you’ll find, Alfred makes the process of executing predefined shell scripts a cin...
08:47 pm GMT - Wed, August 8, 2012
TutsPlus - Code Troubleshooting Ruby Performance Problems
In this video tutorial, you’ll see a full performance troubleshooting cycle from problem identification and diagnosis, to fixing the problem code, and then testing the optimized code and verifyi...
09:37 pm GMT - Tue, August 7, 2012
TutsPlus - Code WebGL Essentials: Part II
This article will build on to the framework introduced in part one of this mini-series, adding a model importer and a custom class for 3D objects. You will also be introduced to animation and controls...
07:01 pm GMT - Mon, August 6, 2012
TutsPlus - Code Lets TDD a Simple App in PHP
In this tutorial, I will present an end-to-end example of a simple application made strictly with TDD in PHP. I will walk you through each step, one at a time, while explaining the decisions I made in...
07:23 pm GMT - Fri, August 3, 2012
TutsPlus - Code ASP.NET AJAX Server Controls with Client-Side Functionality
Over the course of this tutorial, we’ll look at how to create a custom ASP.NET AJAX server control as a wrapper for the Google Maps JavaScript API. The server-side code will be written in C# (wh...
11:52 pm GMT - Thu, August 2, 2012
TutsPlus - Code Best of Tuts+ in July 2012
Each month, we bring together a selection of the best tutorials and articles from across the whole Tuts+ network. Whether you’d like to read the top posts from your favorite site, or would ...
09:35 pm GMT - Wed, August 1, 2012
TutsPlus - Code Password-Protect Folders in Seconds
In this lesson, I’ll demonstrate how easy it is to password protect folders with Apache. There will often be situations when you don’t need to build a full authentication system from scrat...
10:35 am GMT - Wed, August 1, 2012
TutsPlus - Code Password-Protect Folders in Seconds
In this lesson, I’ll demonstrate how easy it is to password protect folders with Apache. There will often be situations when you don’t need to build a full authentication system from scrat...
05:10 am GMT - Wed, August 1, 2012
TutsPlus - Code 10 Reasons Why Your Projects Should Use the Dojo Toolkit
The most powerful and underutilized JavaScript utility is one and the same: the Dojo Toolkit. While nearly every JavaScript framework or toolkit promises to do everything you need, the Dojo Toolkit ma...
09:39 pm GMT - Tue, July 31, 2012
TutsPlus - Code Recently in Web Development (July 12 Edition)
Web development is an industry that’s in a state of constant flux with technologies and jargon changing and mutating in an endless cycle. Not to mention the sheer deluge of information one has t...
12:32 am GMT - Tue, July 31, 2012
TutsPlus - Code Build Web Apps From Scratch With Laravel: Filters, Validations, and Files
In this Nettuts+ mini-series, we’ll build a web application from scratch, while diving into a great new PHP framework that’s rapidly picking up steam, called Laravel.In this lesson, w...