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Articles by Slashdot from August 2012

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11:05 pm - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot 2nd Largest Liquefied Natural Gas Producer Knocked Offline In Malware Attack
chicksdaddy writes "Securityledger reports that, days after Saudi Aramco said it had cleansed its network of a malware infection, Quatari firm RasGas, the world's second largest producer of liquefied ...
10:05 pm - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot Apple Rejects Drone Strike App
eldavojohn writes "Developer Josh Begley, a student at Clay Shirky's NYU Media Lab, created an application called Drones+ that allows users to track U.S. drone strikes on a map of Pakistan, Yemen...
10:05 pm - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: What Should a Unix Fan Look For In a Windows Expert?
andy5555 writes "I am hardcore Unix (and recently storage) fan responsible for our server department. Most of the servers run (you guessed it) different types of Unix. For quite a long time, Windows s...
09:05 pm - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot Windows 8 Is 'a Work of Art.' But It's No Linux
colinneagle writes "Earlier this week I installed the final version of Windows 8. And it is awesome. That's not a joke. Windows 8 is absolutely, unequivocally stellar. And yet, at the end of the day, ...
08:05 pm - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot Microsoft's Sneak Attack On Apple: SkyDrive, Not Surface
New submitter curtwoodward writes "Microsoft won't become a hardware company — unless you count mice and keyboards, former Microsoftie Charlie Kindel argues — because that would mean compe...
07:05 pm - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot GNOMEbuntu Set To Arrive In October
First time accepted submitter Rzarector writes "Good News Everyone! Thanks to the Ubuntu Gnome Community and Jeremy Bicha, it seems that the popular distribution will ship a flavor with a relatively p...
07:05 pm - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Where To Report Script Kiddies and Other System Attacks?
First time accepted submitter tomscott writes "So I've been using using Linux for over ten years now and I'm sure like most Linux users I've got SSH running on my box and port 22 open on my cable mode...
07:05 pm - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot Side-Effect of the Apple v. Samsung Trial: Increased Sales for Samsung
First time accepted submitter jbernardo writes "There seems to be an interesting side-effect of the flawed jury verdict of last Friday — Samsung sales have surged. Even with the approach of the ...
06:05 pm - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot Can the UK Create Something To Rival Silicon Valley?
An anonymous reader writes "Hoping to bring together ambition, creativity and energy in one place, the UK government hopes to grow East London so that we can benefit from the same sort of success that...
05:05 pm - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot IDT and Intel Join Forces For Wireless Charging
MojoKid writes "Intel has selected Integrated Device Technology (IDT) to develop an integrated transmitter and receiver chipset for the company's Wireless Charging Technology (WCT) based on magnetic r...
05:05 pm - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot Weebots: Driveable Robots For Babies Who Need Them
toygeek writes "Babies, as you may have noticed if you own one, like to get into all sorts of mischief, and studies show that exploring and interacting with the world is important for cognitive develo...
05:05 pm - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot Meet Interesting People at a Mini Maker Faire (Video)
There are Maker Faires all over the world, but this video was made at the one held in Ann Arbor this June. It's a random selection of demos given by people Slashdot editors met while cruising the exhi...
04:05 pm - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot Gelsinger Shoots Down EMC On ARM
Nerval's Lobster writes "EMC president and incoming VMware chief executive Pat Gelsinger most likely shot down any hope that the company's storage arrays would be built around the ARM architecture. Ge...
03:05 pm - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot Kindle Fire Is Sold Out Forever
An anonymous reader writes with this excerpt from "Amazon has released a rather bizarre bit of news today. The Kindle Fire has completely sold out. You can no longer buy one, and the wording...
03:05 pm - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot Calorie Restriction May Not Extend Lifespan
sciencehabit writes "Slash your food intake and you can live dramatically longer — at least if you're a mouse or a nematode. But a major study designed to determine whether this regimen, known a...
03:05 pm - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot NASA Launches Twin Radiation Belt Storm Probes
eldavojohn writes "A press release announced the launch of NASA's Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) mission at 4:05 a.m. EDT Thursday morning. The probes are listed as healthy and ready to begin thei...
02:05 pm - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot Polish Researcher: Oracle Knew For Months About Java Zero-Day
dutchwhizzman writes "Polish security researcher Adam Gowdiak submitted bug reports for the current Java 7 zero day exploit that's wreaking havoc all over the Internet months ago. It seems that Oracle...
01:05 pm - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot Linus Torvalds Says Linux 4.0 Could Be Out In Three Years
darthcamaro writes "The wait between Linux 2.x and 3.x was a long one but the wait to Linux 4? Well that's will only be a matter of three years according to Linus Torvalds. '"It's just mentally much e...
01:05 pm - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot US DOJ Drops Charges Against Two Seized Websites
angry tapir writes "The U.S. Department of Justice has dropped its case against two Spanish websites that stream sports events nearly 17 months after U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement seized th...
10:05 am - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot Is Innovation the Most Abused Word In Business?
dcblogs writes "Most of what is called innovation today is mere distraction, according to a paper by economist Robert Gordon, written for the National Bureau of Economic Research. Real innovations inv...
08:05 am - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot San Diego Zoo Creates Biomimicry Incubator
waderoush writes "The San Diego Zoo has built a world famous reputation as a tourist destination, for helping to rescue the California Condor, and maybe (if you're old enough) for Joan Embery's appear...
08:05 am - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot Google Talks About the Dangers of User Content
An anonymous reader writes "Here's an interesting article on the Google security blog about the dangers faced by modern web applications when hosting any user supplied data. The surprising conclusion ...
05:05 am - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot Japan Considers '911' Calls From Twitter, Social Networks
itwbennett writes "The Japanese national Fire and Disaster Management Agency today hosted the first of 3 panels to discuss allowing emergency calls to be placed through social networks. For the event,...
04:05 am - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot NASA "Mohawk Guy" To Host Radio Show
An anonymous reader writes "NASA's 'Mohawk Guy' Bobak Ferdowsi, a flight director for the Mars Science Laboratory mission that lowered the Curiosity rover to the Martian surface in early August, will ...
03:05 am - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot "Real-life Tricorder" To Be Tested On International Space Station
cylonlover writes "While still impressive, the capabilities of early 'tricorders,' such as the Scanadu and Dr Jansen's tricorder, fall well short of the Star Trek device that inspired them. But a new ...
01:05 am - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot Harvard Creates Cyborg Tissues
MrSeb writes "Bioengineers at Harvard University have created the first examples of cyborg tissue: Neurons, heart cells, muscle, and blood vessels that are interwoven by nanowires and transistors. The...
12:05 am - Thu, August 30, 2012
Slashdot Is an International Nuclear Fuelbank a Good Idea?
An anonymous reader writes "A roundtable at the Bulletin of the Atomic Sciences explores the notion of nuclear fuel banks which would offer nations a guaranteed supply of low-enriched uranium if they ...
11:05 pm - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot Survey Reveals a Majority Believe "the Cloud" Is Affected by Weather
SmartAboutThings writes "In a recent survey performed by Wakefield Research, it has been discovered that the majority of the surveyed Americans are quite confused about the notion of Cloud, when it re...
11:05 pm - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot New iOS App Sends Users' Web Traffic Through Its Proxy Servers
New submitter spac writes "AllthingsD has an interesting story about how a startup called Wajam requires users of their service to download a script that sets up a proxy to handle all network requests...
10:05 pm - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot AMD Preps For Server Graphics Push
Nerval's Lobster writes "AMD named John Gustafson as senior fellow and chief product architect of AMD's Graphics Business Unit, the former ATI graphics business unit. Gustafson, known for developing a...
10:05 pm - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot Samsung Unveils Windows Phone 8 Device and Android-Based Camera
MrSeb writes "Today Samsung joined Nikon in announcing an Android-powered camera. The Samsung Galaxy Camera weighs 305g, features a 16-megapixel CMOS sensor, 21x super zoom lens, a quad-core 1.4GHz So...
10:05 pm - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot NASA Uncovers Millions of New Black Holes
coondoggie writes "NASA today said its Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer satellite has unearthed a 'bonanza of new-found supermassive black holes and extreme galaxies called hot DOGs, or dust-obscur...
09:05 pm - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot Book Review: Drupal For Designers
Michael Ross writes "Of all the open source content management systems used for building websites, Drupal has a reputation for being one of the most flexible and powerful available, but not the easies...
09:05 pm - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot Malaysian Cyber Cafe Owners Liable For Patron Behavior
An anonymous reader writes "Malaysia's new internet law maybe simply the toughest on the planet. According to the new law which was amended because of protesters the originators of content are those w...
08:05 pm - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot Scientists Find Gene That Predicts Happiness In Women
An anonymous reader writes "For reasons that scientists have not conclusively determined, women are happier than men. And now, researchers think that they may have pinpointed one of the reasons for th...
07:05 pm - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot Misunderstanding of Prior Art May Have Led to Apple-Samsung Verdict
One of the interesting tidbits that came out of last week's billion-dollar verdict in Apple v. Samsung was that the jury's foreman, a patent holder himself, was instrumental in leading the other membe...
07:05 pm - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot Russia Wants a Hypersonic Bomber
derekmead writes "Hot on the heels of the U.S. Air Force's most recent failed test of an unmanned hypersonic vehicle, Russia now says it wants to jump into the hypersonic game with a long-range bomber...
06:05 pm - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot Internet Standards Groups Unite Behind Open Processes
alphadogg writes in with an excerpt from Network World:"Five leading Internet standards bodies have joined together to articulate a set of guidelines for the creation of open standards that they say w...
05:05 pm - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot Robot Brings Patch-Clamping To the Masses
scibri writes about robots helping neuroscientists dig into the brains of (animal) test subjects. From the article: "Robots designed to perform whole-cell patch-clamping, a difficult but powerful meth...
05:05 pm - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot 2012 EFF Pioneer Award Winners Revealed
An anonymous reader writes "In 2012, EFF Pioneer Award winners are Hardware Hacker Andrew (bunnie) Huang , Anti-ACTA Activist and La Quadrature du Net cofounder Jérémie Zimmermann, and Groun...
04:05 pm - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot Wave Glider Robot Helps Forecast Hurricane Isaac's Path
redletterdave writes with news of a drone that's helping weather forecasters this hurricane season. From the article: "Hurricane prediction is not always an exact science — back in 2005, Hurrica...
03:05 pm - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot NASA's Kepler Discovers Multiple Planets Orbiting a Pair of Stars
DevotedSkeptic writes "Kepler has continued its stellar (pun intended) discovery spree, this time locating a multiple planets orbiting a Binary Stars. This is especially interesting because this prove...
03:05 pm - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot Iranian Players Blocked From World of Warcraft Due To Trade Sanctions
cold fjord writes "Is this the end of the world . . . of Warcraft? Maybe for Iranian gamers who are undergoing a forced morale check due to tightening sanctions cutting access to their game of choice....
02:05 pm - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot In Wake of Samsung Verdict, HTC Does Not Intend To Settle
Taco Cowboy writes "The recent lost by Samsung in a court battle against Apple apparently does not put a dent to other parties determination to fight Apple, inside and outside of the court system HTC'...
01:05 pm - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot Another LulzSec Member Arrested
hypnosec writes "Raynaldo Rivera, aged 20, suspected member of LulzSec, has been arrested for his alleged role in the breach of Sony Pictures Entertainment last year. The first suspect, Cody Kretsinge...
01:05 pm - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot How Apple Killed the Linux Desktop
An anonymous reader writes "Klint Finley discusses Miguel de Icaza's thoughts on how OS X killed Linux on the desktop: 'de Icaza says the desktop wars were already lost to OS X by the time the latest ...
11:05 am - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot Are You Gaming For the Right Reasons?
An editorial at IGN discusses healthy (and unhealthy) ways to play video games. The author says that while gaming is a perfectly legitimate hobby, it needs to be approached with moderation and an unde...
10:05 am - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot Large Bitcoin Ponzi Scheme Collapses With a Loss of $5.6 Million
New submitter beltsbear writes "Despite the many people calling it out as a Ponzi scheme from the beginning, Pirateat40 was able to collect millions of dollars worth of Bitcoins from thousands of Bitc...
08:05 am - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot The History of the Floppy Disk
Esther Schindler writes "Ready for a nostalgic trip into the wayback? We had floppy disks long before we had CDs, DVDs, or USB thumb-drives. Here's the evolution of the portable media that changed eve...
07:05 am - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot Don't Build a Database of Ruin
Hugh Pickens writes "Paul Ohm writes in Harvard Business Review that businesses today are building perfect digital dossiers of their customers, massive data stores containing thousands of facts about ...
06:05 am - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot Meet the Very First Rover To Land On Mars
toygeek writes "Before Curiosity, before Opportunity, before Spirit, and before Sojourner, the very first robot to land on Mars was this little guy, way back in December of 1971. Called PrOP-M, the ro...
05:05 am - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Is the Rise of Skeuomorphic User Interfaces a Problem?
An anonymous reader writes "The evolution of user interface design in software is a long one, and has historically tracked the capabilities of computers of the time. Early computers used batch process...
04:05 am - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot Haiku OS Ported To Intel 64-Bit Architecture
An anonymous reader writes "The BeOS-compatible Haiku OS operating system has been ported to x86_64. As part of the Google Summer of Code, a student made a 64-bit port of the kernel and user-space and...
03:05 am - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot AMD's Next-Gen Steamroller CPU Could Deliver Where Bulldozer Fell Short
MojoKid writes "Today at the Hot Chips Symposium, AMD CTO Mark Papermaster is taking the wraps off the company's upcoming CPU core, codenamed Steamroller. Steamroller is the third iteration of AMD's B...
01:05 am - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot New Zealand Draft Patent Law Rewritten After Microsoft Meeting
ciaran_o_riordan writes "After two private meetings with Microsoft and IBM, New Zealand's proposed new patent legislation has been changed by 'replacing an exclusion in clause 15(3A) (which relates to...
12:05 am - Wed, August 29, 2012
Slashdot Tennessee Crater Inches Toward Recognition
tetrahedrassface writes "Slashdot carried the story of an-as-yet unverified impact crater in Tennessee a couple of years ago. After a few weeks of fairly hardcore sample taking, digging, obtaining som...
11:05 pm - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot US Doctors Back Circumcision
ananyo writes "On 27 August, a report by the American Academy of Pediatrics concludes for the first time that, overall, boys will be healthier if circumcised. The report says that although the choice ...
10:05 pm - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot LiftPort Wants To Build Space Elevator On the Moon By 2020
Zothecula writes "When the late Neil Armstrong and the crew of Apollo 11 went to the Moon, they did so sitting atop a rocket the size of a skyscraper that blasted out jets of smoke and flame as it hur...
10:05 pm - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot Air Force Openly Seeking Cyberweapons
Gunkerty Jeb writes "The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center posted a broad agency announcement (PDF) recently, calling on contractors to submit concept papers detailing technological demonstration...
09:05 pm - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot Forensic Test Predicts Eye and Hair Color From DNA
An anonymous reader writes "A forensic test that has been developed to help police nab perpetrators of crimes can predict a suspect's eye color, hair color, and ethnic origin. The test's ability and t...
08:05 pm - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot Why Juries Have No Place In the Patent System
New submitter Isara writes "GigaOm's Jeff John Roberts has a compelling writeup about patent trials and how juries are detrimental to justice in such cases. Roberts uses the recent Apple-Samsung trial...
08:05 pm - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot Firefox 15 Released: Silent Updates, Compressed Textures, Add-on Memory Leak Fix
Mozilla released Firefox 15 today, and it brings a number of interesting changes. First, the browser is finally switching to a "silent" update model, like Chrome. (No doubt in answer to endless compla...
07:05 pm - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot White House Finalizes 54.5 MPG Fuel Efficiency Standard
The Obama Administration announced today it has finalized new fuel efficiency standards that will require new cars and light-duty trucks to have an average efficiency of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025....
06:05 pm - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot Welcome to the University of Michigan's Computer and Video Game Archive (Video)
After watching this video, a lot of you are going to wish you wereDave Carter, who works at the University of Michigan's Computer and Video Game Archive. He deals with video games, from the oldest han...
06:05 pm - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot Bill "The Science Guy" Nye Says Creationism Is Not Appropriate For Children
timeOday writes "BigThink has released a video missive by Bill Nye ('The Science Guy') in which he challenges the low level of acceptance of evolution, particularly in the United States. He does not m...
06:05 pm - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot VMware Back-Pedals On vRAM Scheme, Back To Per-Socket Pricing
Last year VMware introduced a complex pricing scheme based on the size of the memory associated with each virtual machine instance. New CEO Pat Gelsinger announced this week that this system (which he...
05:05 pm - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot VMware Back-Pedals On vRAM Scheme, Back To Per-Core Pricing
Last year VMware introduced a complex pricing scheme based on the size of the memory associated with each virtual machine instance. New CEO Pat Gelsinger announced this week that this system (which he...
05:05 pm - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot A Month After Grum Botnet Takedown, Spam Back To Previous Levels
wiredmikey writes "It's been over a month since spam-spewing Grum botnet has been shut down, but spam experts say there hasn't been a noticeable impact on global spam volume. Symantec researchers at t...
04:05 pm - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot IBM Mainframe Running World's Fastest Commercial Processor
dcblogs writes "IBM's new mainframe includes a 5.5-GHz processor, which may be the world's fastest commercial processor, say analysts. This new system, the zEnterprise EC12, can also support more than...
04:05 pm - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot The Programmers Go Coding Two-by-Two — Hurrah?
theodp writes "The Wall Street Journal reports that pair programming is all the rage at tech darlings Facebook and Square. Its advocates speak in glowing terms of the power of pair programming, saying...
03:05 pm - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot Confessions of a Left-Handed Technology User
harrymcc writes "Over at, I wrote about my trials and tribulations as a left-handed person who uses technology products. An awful lot of them have clearly been designed with the right-handed ...
03:05 pm - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot Lexmark To Exit Inkjet Printer Market
Barence writes "Lexmark has announced it will stop making inkjet printers and cut 1,700 jobs as part of a cost-cutting restructuring move. Lexmark will stop all inkjet development worldwide by 2013, a...
02:05 pm - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Rescuing a PC That's Been Hit By Scammers?
New submitter malcus writes "My father was hit by scammers the other day and even though he has handed over all computer service tasks to me they were able to sweet-talk him into: (1) Running some 'ch...
02:05 pm - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot Can Data Mining Win a Presidential Campaign?
Nerval's Lobster writes "According to the Associated Press, Mitt Romney's campaign has contracted consumer-analytics firm Buxton Co. to drill deep into consumer data, with the aim of digging up 'wealt...
02:05 pm - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot Study Shows Marijuana Use In Teens Correlates To Decreasing IQ
retroworks writes "The BBC reports on a paper published in the U.S.'s Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showing a correlation between persistent, regular cannabis use and risk of lower I...
01:05 pm - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot Apple Seeks To Block 8 Samsung Products After Court Win
angry tapir writes "Apple has asked a U.S. court to block sales of eight Samsung Electronics products, following the iPhone maker's victory in a patent lawsuit against Samsung. In a filing to the U.S....
01:05 pm - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot LendInk EBook Lending Service Returns, Receives Fishy DMCA Notice
Ian Lamont writes "Remember LendInk, the legitimate ebook lending community that got knocked offline at the beginning of August by a mob of misguided authors? The site's owner, Dale Porter, received a...
10:05 am - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot Diaspora* Announces It Is Now a "Community Project"
History's Coming To writes "Decentralised social network startup Diaspora* announced on their blog today that they will become a 'community project' with the intention of making it an entirely communi...
08:05 am - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot UK License Plate Cameras Have "Gaps In Coverage"
Aguazul2 writes "UK police are sad that despite having the most comprehensive driver surveillance system of any developed country, there are still gaps in their coverage. From the article: 'The camera...
05:05 am - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot Micromotors Race About By Turning Water Into Hydrogen Gas
MTorrice writes "Microscopic particles of aluminum and gallium rocket around using water as their fuel. The particles, which are 20 micrometers in diameter, are asymmetric: A chemical reaction on the ...
03:05 am - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot Exposure to Backlit Displays Reduces Melatonin Production
alphadogg writes "Researchers have discovered that relatively little exposure to tablets and other electronics with backlit displays can keep people up at night by messing with their circadian rhythms...
01:05 am - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot UKNova TV Torrent Tracker Shut Down After FACT Issues C&D
New submitter Volfied writes with bad news for fans of UK shows that aren't available for purchase anywhere. From the article: "The UKNova website has stopped letting users share links to copies of UK...
12:05 am - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot Nanoscale Device Can Weigh a Single Molecule
DevotedSkeptic writes "Caltech scientists have created an ultra-sensitive device that can weigh an individual molecule for the first time. The device is invisible to the naked eye and vibrates at a sp...
12:05 am - Tue, August 28, 2012
Slashdot Man With World's Deepest Voice Can Hit Infrasonic Notes
An anonymous reader writes "The man who holds the Guinness record for the world's lowest voice can hit notes so low that only animals as big as elephants are able to hear them. American singer Tim Sto...
11:05 pm - Mon, August 27, 2012
Slashdot Creative Commons Urged To Drop Non-Free Clauses In CC 4.0
TheSilentNumber writes "A member of Students for Free Culture has just published a thorough and detailed post calling for the retirement of the non-free clauses, NoDerivatives (ND) and NonCommercial (...
10:05 pm - Mon, August 27, 2012
Slashdot Robots To Go Spelunking In Martian Caves?
astroengine writes "Scientists are beginning to sketch out plans for NASA's new Mars rover Curiosity to climb Mount Sharp, but future robots may have a more direct way to access the planet's history b...
10:05 pm - Mon, August 27, 2012
Slashdot Study Suggests You Can Learn New Things In Your Sleep
bbianca127 writes "Researchers studied classical conditioning in 55 study participants while sleeping or awake. According to the article, 'Classical conditioning teaches a person or animal to associat...
10:05 pm - Mon, August 27, 2012
Slashdot Google Launches Hurricane Isaac Site
redletterdave writes "Google Crisis Response, one of Google's thousands of active projects that merges various Google tools like Maps, Docs, Forms and Earth, posted a new webpage on Monday dedicated t...
09:05 pm - Mon, August 27, 2012
Slashdot FAA To Reevaluate Inflight Electronic Device Use
coondoggie writes "If you have been on a commercial airline, the phrase 'The use of any portable electronic equipment while the aircraft is taxiing, during takeoff and climb, or during approach and la...
08:05 pm - Mon, August 27, 2012
Slashdot How Long Do You Want To Live?
Hugh Pickens writes writes "Since 1900, the life expectancy of Americans, driven by improved hygiene, nutrition, and new medical discoveries and interventions, has jumped from 47 years to almost 80 an...
07:05 pm - Mon, August 27, 2012
Slashdot PC Makers In Desperate Need of a Reboot
nmpost writes in with a story about how hard it is to be a successful PC company in today's world. "Hewlett-Packard Co. used to be known as a place where innovative thinkers flocked to work on great i...
07:05 pm - Mon, August 27, 2012
Slashdot New Face Paint Protects Soldiers Against Bomb Blasts
Zothecula writes "For millennia, face paint has helped soldiers avoid being seen by enemy forces. Recently, however, a team of scientists from the University of Southern Mississippi announced that a n...
06:05 pm - Mon, August 27, 2012
Slashdot Experts Develop 3rd-Party Patch For New Java Zero-Day
tsu doh nimh writes "A new exploit for a zero-day vulnerability in Oracle's Java JRE version 7 and above is making the rounds. A Metasploit module is now available to attack the flaw, and word in the ...
05:05 pm - Mon, August 27, 2012
Slashdot The Pirate Bay Launches Free VPN
bs0d3 writes "The Pirate Bay team is going to be making the RIAA angry, with the launch of a new ad supported VPN service. PrivitizeVPN is available for free from thepiratebay. Instead of earning reve...
04:05 pm - Mon, August 27, 2012
Slashdot Google Distances Android From Samsung Patent Verdict
Nerval's Lobster writes "On August 24, a California court ruled in favor of Apple in its patent-infringement case against Samsung, hitting the latter with a $1.05 billion fine. Tech pundits spent the ...
04:05 pm - Mon, August 27, 2012
Slashdot Would You Pay an Internet Broadband Tax?
An anonymous reader writes "Remember the Internet Tax Freedom Act? The whole point was to prevent the government from ever taxing the Internet. But that's the proposal from the FCC — and backed ...
03:05 pm - Mon, August 27, 2012
Slashdot VMware To Join OpenStack Foundation
hypnosec writes "OpenStack Foundation, backed by virtualization players like Rackspace, Red Hat and IBM, is going to get a unexpected new member – Vmware. According to a post on the OpenStack Fo...
03:05 pm - Mon, August 27, 2012
Slashdot Stanford Researchers Discover the 'Anternet'
stoilis writes "A collaboration between Deborah Gordon, a Stanford ant biologist, and Balaji Prabhakar, a computer scientist, has revealed that the behavior of harvester ants, as they forage for food,...
02:05 pm - Mon, August 27, 2012
Slashdot Dropbox Adds Two-Factor Authentication
angry tapir writes "File-sharing service Dropbox is now offering two-factor authentication, a system that makes it much harder for hackers to capture valid credentials for a person's account. Dropbox,...
01:05 pm - Mon, August 27, 2012
Slashdot What Developers Can Learn From Anonymous
snydeq writes "Regardless of where you stand on Anonymous' tactics, politics, or whatever, I think the group has something to teach developers and development organizations,' writes Andrew Oliver. 'As...
01:05 pm - Mon, August 27, 2012
Slashdot The Sweet Mystery of Science
Hugh Pickens writes "Biologist David P. Barash writes in the LA Times that as a scientist he has been participating in a deception for more than four decades — a benevolent and well intentioned ...
10:05 am - Mon, August 27, 2012
Slashdot Saudi Aramco Reveals Cyber Attack Hit 30,000 Workstations
An anonymous reader writes "Saudi Aramco, the world's biggest oil producer, has resumed operating its main internal computer networks after a virus infected about 30,000 of its workstations in mid-Aug...
07:05 am - Mon, August 27, 2012
Slashdot Russia's Former KGB Invests In Political Propaganda Spambots
An anonymous reader writes "The newspaper Kommersant [Google translation] reports that the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (formerly part of the KGB) has invested 30 million roubles (USD $940,000...
04:05 am - Mon, August 27, 2012
Slashdot New Flat Lens Focuses Without Distortion
yahyamf writes "Applied physicists at Harvard have created an ultrathin, flat lens that focuses light without the distortions of conventional lenses. 'Our flat lens opens up a new type of technology,'...
01:05 am - Mon, August 27, 2012
Slashdot Tata Intends To Sell Air-Powered Car In India
Diggester writes "Tata Motors (an Indian car manufacturer) is changing things up with the first car to run on air, the Airpod. The Airpod's technology was originally created in France at Motor Develop...
11:05 pm - Sun, August 26, 2012
Slashdot Arctic Sea Ice Hits Record Low Extent
mdsolar writes "Arctic sea ice has hit a record low extent for the period of satellite observation. Further, this record has been set in August when the minimum annual sea ice extent (and the prior re...
10:05 pm - Sun, August 26, 2012
Slashdot A (Mostly) 3-D Printed Race Car Hits 140 Kmh
An anonymous reader writes with an excerpt from a story describing the efforts of a 16-person team called "Group T" competing in the Formula Student 2012 challenge. They've created a car called the "A...
09:05 pm - Sun, August 26, 2012
Slashdot Hackers Dump Millions of Records From Banks, Politicians
hypnosec writes "TeamGhostShell, a team linked with the infamous group Anonymous, is claiming that they have hacked some major U.S. institutions including major banking institutions, accounts of polit...
07:05 pm - Sun, August 26, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: How Did You Become a Linux Professional?
First time accepted submitter ternarybit writes "By 'Linux professional,' I mean anyone in a paid IT position who uses or administers Linux systems on a daily basis. Over the past five years, I've dev...
06:05 pm - Sun, August 26, 2012
Slashdot Doctorow on the War on General Purpose Computing
Cory Doctorow has posted the content of his talk delivered at Google this month on what he calls the coming civil war over general purpose computing. He neatly crystallizes the problem with certain ty...
05:05 pm - Sun, August 26, 2012
Slashdot Inside the Business of Online Reviews For Hire
Rick Zeman writes "Consumer reviews are powerful because, unlike old-style advertising and marketing, they offer the illusion of truth. They purport to be testimonials of real people, even though some...
04:05 pm - Sun, August 26, 2012
Slashdot Solid State Quantum Computer Finds 15=3x5 — 48% of the Time
mikejuk writes "The Shor quantum factoring algorithm has been run for the first time on a solid state device and it successfully factored a composite number. A team from UCSB has managed to build and ...
03:05 pm - Sun, August 26, 2012
Slashdot Apple v. Samsung Jurors Speak, Skipped Prior Art For "Bogging Us Down"
eldavojohn writes "PJ over at Groklaw has consolidated some of the more interesting juror comments made following the landmark $1 billion settlement. Apparently the foreman (a patent holder himself) t...
02:05 pm - Sun, August 26, 2012
Slashdot The Oatmeal's Fundraiser Tops $1M Toward Tesla Museum
The Oatmeal's call to raise funds for a museum celebrating Nikola Tesla seems to have electrified enough people. From Digital Trends: "The Oatmeal has raised over $1 million on IndieGoGo in an effort ...
01:05 pm - Sun, August 26, 2012
Slashdot StethoCloud Project Diagnoses Pneumonia On the Cheap
Hugh Pickens writes "According to the World Health Organization, nearly one in five childhood deaths worldwide is caused by pneumonia, each year killing an estimated 1.4 million children under the age...
10:05 am - Sun, August 26, 2012
Slashdot Gartner Says Application Development Is a $9 Billion Industry
CowboyRobot writes "Although not as lucrative as video games or movies, Gartner projects the software application development industry will pass the US$9 Billion mark this year. They credit 'evolving ...
07:05 am - Sun, August 26, 2012
Slashdot Hubble Neatly Captures Messier's Ancient Stars
New submitter DevotedSkeptic writes "Hubble has produced a crisp image of the Messier 56 Globular Cluster. Messier originally noted that this object was nebula without stars. When he originally viewed...
04:05 am - Sun, August 26, 2012
Slashdot Photo Reveals UK Plan: "Assange To Be Arrested Under All Circumstances"
politkal writes with the lead from a CNN story: "A policeman in London appears to have accidentally revealed an arrest plan for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, in what UK media have branded an embar...
01:05 am - Sun, August 26, 2012
Slashdot A Modest Proposal For Sequestration of CO2 In the Antarctic
First time accepted submitter Alienwise writes "Judith Curry reports a scientific concept of an atmospheric CO2 sequestration plant. It would be based in the Antartic to profit from the cold weather, ...
11:05 pm - Sat, August 25, 2012
Slashdot Microsoft Denies Windows 8 App Spying Via SmartScreen
An anonymous reader writes "Microsoft has denied Windows 8 SmartScreen is spying after research by Nadim Kobeissi indicated otherwise." Whether it's "spying" or not, Microsoft is collecting certain in...
10:05 pm - Sat, August 25, 2012
Slashdot Weather Delays Two NASA Launches
RocketAcademy writes "Weather has delayed two NASA launches which were scheduled for today: an Atlas launch from Cape Canaveral carrying two Radiation Belt Storm Probe satellites and a Terrier-Improve...
09:05 pm - Sat, August 25, 2012
Slashdot Can Android Revolutionize Spacecraft Design?
An anonymous reader writes "NASA's Ames Research Center is working on a new project designed to drastically cut the cost of launching and operating small satellites in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). The proje...
08:05 pm - Sat, August 25, 2012
Slashdot Astronaut Neil Armstrong Has Died
dsinc writes "Neil Armstrong, first man on the Moon, has died. NBC News broke the news, without giving other details. Neil was recovering from a heart-bypass surgery he had had a couple of weeks ago. ...
07:05 pm - Sat, August 25, 2012
Slashdot Amazon, Apple Expected to Strut Their Small-Tablet Stuff Soon
After a few years of rumors and hints, All Things Digital says that a smaller iPad will debut in October. And Amazon may be trying to steal their thunder with a revamped Kindle tablet: Nerval's Lobste...
06:05 pm - Sat, August 25, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Best *nix Distro For a Dynamic File Server?
An anonymous reader (citing "silly workplace security policies") writes "I'm in charge of developing for my workplace a particular sort of 'dynamic' file server for handling scientific data. We have a...
05:05 pm - Sat, August 25, 2012
Slashdot App Can Prevent Users From Texting While Driving
Hugh Pickens writes writes "Scientific American reports that while laws prohibit texting while driving in many states, many people still find it impossible to resist. Now researchers at Pacific Northw...
04:05 pm - Sat, August 25, 2012
Slashdot Will Your Books and Music Die With You?
theodp writes "Many of us will accumulate vast libraries of digital books and music over the course of our lifetimes, reports the WSJ, but when we die, our collections of words and music may expire wi...
03:05 pm - Sat, August 25, 2012
Slashdot Would You Open Your Home To a Hacker – For Free?
coondoggie writes "What do you get when you mix access to Google's ultra-fast fiber network and old fashioned grass roots business ideas? Well, in this case you'd get someone living on your couch for ...
02:05 pm - Sat, August 25, 2012
Slashdot Republican Platform To Include Internet Freedom Plank
First time accepted submitter jay.madison writes "The new Republican Party platform includes language which promises action to promote freedom on the Internet. The move is being driven by Rand Paul's ...
01:05 pm - Sat, August 25, 2012
Slashdot Why WikiLeaks Is Worth Defending
SomePgmr writes "By now, anyone with even a passing interest in the WikiLeaks phenomenon is familiar with most of the elements of its fall from grace: the rift between founder Julian Assange and early...
11:05 am - Sat, August 25, 2012
Slashdot Shamoon Malware Linked To Saudi Aramco Attack
angry tapir writes "A timer found in the Shamoon cyber-sabotage malware discovered last week matches the exact time and date when a hacktivist group claims to have disabled thousands of computers from...
08:05 am - Sat, August 25, 2012
Slashdot OSU's Microbial Fuel Cell Could Make Waste Treatment an Energy Source
An anonymous reader writes "A team of engineers from Oregon State University has developed a breakthrough microbial fuel cell that is capable of generating 10 to 50 times more electricity from waste t...
05:05 am - Sat, August 25, 2012
Slashdot Chinese Automaker Launches Remote-Control Family Car
cylonlover writes "When we think of remote control cars, we generally think of scaled-down vehicles that can easily get caught up underfoot. Not so Chinese automaker BYD, which has upsized the remote ...
02:05 am - Sat, August 25, 2012
Slashdot NIST Publishes Draft Guidelines For Server BIOS Protection
hypnosec writes "The U.S.'s National Institute of Standards and Technology has come up with a set of proposed guidelines for security of server BIOSes— the mechanism on which most modern day com...
02:05 am - Sat, August 25, 2012
Slashdot Arch Linux For Newbies? Manjaro Is Here!
Penurious Penguin writes "Well within the top ten Linux distros, Arch Linux has a strong following for sure. But with an installation process requiring a little more involvement than the average distr...
01:05 am - Sat, August 25, 2012
Slashdot Power Problems Force Seattle To Throttle City Data Center For Days
Nerval's Lobster writes with an except from sister site SlashDataCenter: "On Aug. 23, Mayor Mike McGinn of Seattle informed residents that the city would partially shut down its municipal data center ...
12:05 am - Sat, August 25, 2012
Slashdot Victory For Apple In "Patent Trial of the Century," To the Tune of $1 Billion
pdabbadabba writes "The jury is in in the epic patent dispute between Apple and Samsung and Apple appears to be coming out on top. The court is still going through the 700+ items on the verdict f...
11:05 pm - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Serious Problems With USB and Ethernet On the Raspberry Pi
First time accepted submitter rephlex writes "The USB controller used in the Broadcom BCM2835 (which is the SoC the Raspberry Pi uses) has buggy drivers which have been causing problems for many of it...
11:05 pm - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Incredible New Photographs of Live Coelacanths
zapyon writes "German magazine Spiegel Online has just put some incredible photographs of coelacanths on their site. The article is pointing to the current German edition of National Geographic." ...
11:05 pm - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Why Mars Is Not the Limit For Human Space Flight
"Mars is not just the next or most accessible human destination, it is the ultimate one," writes Louis Friedman, executive director emeritus of The Planetary Society. He says the concept of manned spa...
10:05 pm - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot IT Industry Presidential Poll: 'Not Sure' Beats Both Obama and Romney
CIStud writes "A new poll conducted of IT industry executives and integrators shows a divided and unsure industry regarding which presidential candidate is better for Information Technology to prosper...
09:05 pm - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Lance Armstrong and the Science of Drug Testing
Hugh Pickens writes "As the media reports that seven-time Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong says he will no longer fight doping charges from the US Anti-Doping Agency, which will strip him of hi...
09:05 pm - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Explaining Role-Playing Games To the Uninitiated?
An anonymous reader writes "As a kid in the late 1970s and the 1980s, Dungeons and Dragons, as well as many other fine tabletop roleplaying games, figured heavily in my life. From learning about vario...
08:05 pm - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Location Privacy Act Approved By California Legislature
New submitter wermske writes "Ars Technica and ZDNet report the Location Privacy Act of 2012 (SB-1434) was passed by the California legislature on Wednesday. The California Location Privacy Act, co-sp...
08:05 pm - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Old Cars Are Getting Ahead With New Tech
An anonymous reader points out an ExtremeTech article that begins:"Historic car races might seem like the last place you'd find modern auto technology. The cars are lovingly restored to their full, au...
08:05 pm - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Iran Universities To Ban Women From 77 Fields of Study
New submitter jasper160 writes "An August 20th, 2012 announcement from Iran places restrictions on female university students. Iran will be cutting 77 fields of study from the female curriculum, makin...
07:05 pm - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Facebook's Project Prism, Corona Could Ease Data Crunch
Nerval's Lobster writes "Facebook recently invited a handful of employers into its headquarters for a more in-depth look at how it handles its flood of data. Part of that involves the social network's...
07:05 pm - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Why Professors Love (and Loathe) Technology
dougled writes "A survey of 4,500 college professors (and campus technology administrators) reveals what faculty members think of digital publishing (they like it, but don't do it very much), how much...
06:05 pm - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Does Recent Goodwill Undo Years of Patent Trolling For Intellectual Ventures?
CowboyNeal writes "Controversial patent-holding company Intellectual Ventures has beencovered on Slashdot before, but a recent CNET article takesa look inside the company, at how they work, and what t...
06:05 pm - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Aussie Tax Office Wants Phone Tapping, Data Retention
schliz writes "The Australian Taxation Office has called for phone-tapping powers while backing a controversial proposal to force telcos to store web traffic and subscriber data for up to two years. I...
05:05 pm - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Voyage to the ATX Hackerspace in Austin, Texas (Video)
The place is big. It has lots of bats. And the people there not only make things, but play games and just plain hang out. Some are making a TARDIS they hope to take to Burning Man. Others are college ...
04:05 pm - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Windows 8 Tells Microsoft About Everything You Install
musicon writes "According to Nadim Kobeissi, Windows 8 is configured by default (using a new featured called Windows SmartScreen) to immediately tell Microsoft about every app you download and install...
04:05 pm - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Judge Orders Release of Ex-Marine Detained Over Facebook Posts
Penurious Penguin writes "A few days ago, news of an ex-marine detained for his Facebook posts reached far and wide throughout the interweb. It was a hotly debated affair and considered from many pers...
03:05 pm - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Radio Royalty Legislation Described As 'RIAA Bailout'
An anonymous reader tips an article at TechDirt about draft legislation from Representative Jerry Nadler (D-NY) that would dramatically increase the music royalty fees for cable and satellite radio to...
02:05 pm - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Paying Through Facebook May Become a Reality
SmartAboutThings writes "A recent story at the NY Times talks about a possible partnership between Facebook and mobile billing company Bango. 'You might want to buy a game or concert tickets or an ast...
01:05 pm - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Apple and Samsung Both Get South Korea Bans
New submitter Mackadoodledoo sends this quote from the BBC:"A South Korean court has ruled that Apple and Samsung both infringed each other's patents on mobile devices. The court imposed a limited ban...
01:05 pm - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Study Finds Unvaccinated Students Putting Other Students At Risk
New submitter haroldmandel writes in with a story about the increase of certain diseases in school-age children due to parents not having their kids vaccinated. "Parents nervous about the safety of va...
11:05 am - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Fathers Pass Along More Mutations As They Age
ananyo writes "In the 1930s, the pioneering geneticist J. B. S. Haldane noticed a peculiar inheritance pattern in families with long histories of haemophilia. The faulty mutation responsible for the b...
10:05 am - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Ex-Lulzsec-Head Sabu Rewarded Six-Month Sentencing Delay
hypnosec writes "Ex-Lulzsec-head and hacker Hector Xavier Monsegur a.k.a. Sabu has managed to get his court case delayed by six months – thanks to his cooperation with the US Federal authorities...
08:05 am - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Samsung Opens New Apple Store In Australia
An anonymous reader writes "Samsung opened its first retail 'Experience' store in Sydney, Australia today and its design and ethos, even in the most generous light, bear an uncanny resemblance to thos...
06:05 am - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Twin Craft To Study Space Weather From Within Earth's Radiation Belts
Early Friday morning (just a few hours from now), if the Florida weather holds, two satellites are set to launch (here's the live-blogged play-by-play) from NASA's launch facility on Cape Canaveral on...
05:05 am - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot BitInstant Continues Bitcoin Paycard Plan
judgecorp writes "Virtual currency exchange BitInstant says its BitCoin credit card is still on track. even though Mastercard denied any involvement with the plans yesterday. BitInstant says it is app...
04:05 am - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Best Use For an Old Smartphone?
zaba writes "The original iPhone was a dream come true for me. Phone, camera, mp3 player and data all in one device. It had more cpu and memory than my first computer! Several generations of smartphon...
03:05 am - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Review: Google Compute Engine
snydeq writes "InfoWorld's Peter Wayner takes an in-depth look at Google Compute Engine, the search giant's response to Amazon Web Services and Rackspace. 'If you want to build your own collection of ...
01:05 am - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Robot Learning To Recognize Itself In Mirror
First time accepted submitter Thorodin writes in with a story at the BBC about scientists at Yale who have built a robot that they hope will be able to recognize itself in a mirror. "A robot named Nic...
12:05 am - Fri, August 24, 2012
Slashdot Only English Final Fantasy 2 NES Cartridge On Sale for $50K
Croakyvoice writes "In what seems to be the in thing at the moment comes another auction to add to last months Zelda Nes auction and that crazy Million Dollar Collection. This time for RPG fans this c...
11:05 pm - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot Should Developers Be Sued For Security Holes?
An anonymous reader writes "A Cambridge academic is arguing for regulations that allow software users to sue developers when sloppy coding leaves holes for malware infection. European officials have c...
11:05 pm - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot Greatfire Keeps Tabs On Chinese Censorship, Automatically
First time accepted submitter percyalpha writes "Greatfire is a website that automatically monitors Internet censorship in China. Recently, we improved our system to share all testing data with Herdic...
11:05 pm - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot CPUs Do Affect Gaming Performance, After All
crookedvulture writes "For years, PC hardware sites have maintained that CPUs have little impact on gaming performance; all you need is a decent graphics card. That position is largely supported by FP...
10:05 pm - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot Hurricane Could Make a Mess of Republican Convention
Hugh Pickens writes "ABC News reports that Hurricane Isaac, currently a tropical storm brewing southeast of Puerto Rico, is on track to hit Florida the same day that Mitt Romney and 50,000 Republican ...
10:05 pm - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot XCOR Aerospace Plans a Florida Base For Lynx Suborbital Spacecraft
New submitter RocketAcademy writes "With the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex as a backdrop, XCOR Aerospace has announced its intentions to establish an operational base for the Lynx spacecraft in...
09:05 pm - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot New Judge Assigned To Tenenbaum Case Upholds $675k Verdict
NewYorkCountryLawyer writes "In SONY v Tenenbaum, the new District Judge assigned to the case has disagreed with the previous judge, and instead of reducing the $22,500 per file award to $2250 per fil...
08:05 pm - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot Mario Bros. Clone Released For Atari 2600
YokimaSun writes "The world of Homebrew Coding never ceases to amaze, even on an old system like the Atari 2600 a coder over at the Atariage forums has released a clone of the original Nes game Super ...
08:05 pm - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: IT Contractors, How's Your Health Insurance?
An anonymous reader writes "In the tech industry, as the economy continues its downturn, IT folks in my circles who were either laid off or let go are turning to contract work to pay their bills. Layo...
07:05 pm - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot Microsoft Unveils First New Company Logo In 25 Years
Barence writes "For the first time in 25 years, Microsoft has issued a new company logo to usher in the Windows 8 era. Made up of a newly square Windows symbol alongside grey Microsoft logo type, it's...
07:05 pm - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot OS X 10.8 vs. Ubuntu On Apple Hardware, Benchmarked
An anonymous reader writes "OS X 10.8 has been benchmarked against Ubuntu Linux with some interesting results. From the tests on a Apple Mac Mini and Apple MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion was clearly ...
06:05 pm - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot 'Wiki Weapon Project' Wants Your 3D-Printable Guns
Sparrowvsrevolution writes "Earlier this month, University of Texas law student Cody Wilson and a small group of friends who call themselves 'Defense Distributed' launched an initiative they've dubbed...
05:05 pm - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot Satellite Uplinks For the Masses
kgeiger writes "Intellectual Ventures has spun out Kymeta to develop and mass-produce their mTenna product line. mTennas are based on metamaterials like the invisibility cloaks discussed on Slashdot a...
05:05 pm - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot Revisiting the Macintosh ROM Easter Egg
eldavojohn writes "NYCResistor has published photos of what they call 'Ghosts in the ROM' after dumping Apple Mac SE ROM images from a roadside Motorola 68000-era Macintosh and looking at all the data...
04:05 pm - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot Baserock Slab Server Pairs High-Density ARM Chips With Linux
Nerval's Lobster writes with a report at Slash Datacenter that a portion of the predicted low-power-ARM-servers future has arrived, in the form of Codethink's Baserock Slab ARM Server, which puts 32 c...
03:05 pm - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot New eBay EULA Prohibits Class Action Lawsuits
First time accepted submitter dangthill writes "On August 21, eBay updated its end-user agreement by adding a binding arbritration clause. By accepting the new agreement, users forfeit their right to ...
03:05 pm - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot Recent Warming of Antarctica "Unusual But Not Unprecedented"
First time accepted submitter tomhath writes with a link to the abstract (full article paywalled) in Nature of an "Ice core study that concludes that climate change and associated melting of ice in An...
03:05 pm - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot ToorCamp: Adventures In an American Hacker Camp
jcatcw writes "While a tech camping event might sound like an oxymoron, hackers, makers, breakers and shakers assembled at the northwestern tip of the USA for ToorCamp and dispelled the notion that al...
02:05 pm - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Single-Handed Keyboard Options For Coding?
First time accepted submitter dubbreak writes "I was recently injured in a car accident which will limit the use of hand for six weeks or so. I'll be taking a little time off, but deadlines march on, ...
02:05 pm - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot Sources Say ITU Has Approved Ultra-High Definition TV Standard
Qedward writes with this excerpt from Techworld: "A new television format that has 16 times the resolution of current High Definition TV has been approved by an international standards body, Japanese ...
02:05 pm - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot Booted From Airplane For Wearing Anti-TSA T-shirt
Cigarra writes "PhD student Arijit learned the hard way that in Brave New America you can't mock TSA's Security Theater and go on about your business. According to a recollection in 'After bei...
01:05 pm - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot Designer Jon McCann: "More Optimistic About GNOME Than In a Long Time"
An anonymous reader writes "In an extensive interview with, GNOME designer Jon McCann shares his thoughts about all the criticism GNOME 3 currently faces and why he doesn't think at all...
01:05 pm - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot 19 Million Americans Cannot Get Broadband Access
First time accepted submitter paullopez writes "The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has announced during its eighth annual broadband progress report on the state of broadband/Internet access i...
11:05 am - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot Music Memories Stored In Different Part of Brain Than Other Memories
An anonymous reader writes "Scientists have long believed that the ability to learn and appreciate music was stored in a different part of the brain than other types of memories. Now, researchers in B...
10:05 am - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot BBC Criticized For Snooping Under RIPA Powers
judgecorp writes "The BBC and other UK public bodies have been criticized for excessive and secretive use of snooping powers granted under RIPA (the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act). The act al...
09:05 am - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Best VPN Service For Australia?
New submitter frrrp asks, now that "Australia has proceeded on its merry way towards being an absolute nanny/surveillance state," what the best way is for Australians to avoid government snooping."The...
08:05 am - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot Australia Passes 'Lite' Data Retention Laws
schliz writes "Australia's parliament has passed a bill that will allow law enforcement agencies to force internet service providers to store data on subscribers while an official warrant is sought. T...
05:05 am - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot Logitech Releases Washable Keyboard
MrSeb writes "Logitech has released its first washable keyboard. We're not just talking about 'splash proof' either — you can take the K310, immerse it in up to 30cm of water (12in), and give it...
04:05 am - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot Sea Chair Project Harvests Plastic From the Oceans To Create Furniture
cylonlover writes "You may have heard about the huge floating islands of garbage swirling around in the middle of the Earth's oceans. Much of that waterlogged rubbish is made up of plastic and, like E...
03:05 am - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot Windows 7 Is the Next Windows XP
snydeq writes "Windows XP's most beloved factors are also driving business organizations to Windows 7 in the face of Windows 8. 'We love Windows 7: That's the message loud and clear from people this w...
01:05 am - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot Google Building Privacy Red Team
Trailrunner7 writes "Google, which has come under fire for years for its privacy practices and recently settled a privacy related case with the Federal Trade Commission that resulted in a $22.5 millio...
12:05 am - Thu, August 23, 2012
Slashdot Why Cell Phone Bans Don't Work
sciencehabit writes "You can take the driver away from the cell phone, but you can't take the risky behavior away from the driver. That's the conclusion of a new study, which finds that people who tal...
11:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot Phony Laser Security System Proves Perception Is Reality
Hugh Pickens writes writes "Softpedia reports that Global Link Security Solutions are offering a product that doesn't actually do anything to alert an owner of a break-in to their home or business, bu...
11:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: What Would Your 'I've Got To Disappear' Plan Look Like?
New submitter diacritica writes "This Ask Slashdot is inspired by manhunts à-la-Bourne movies, but taking a more realistic approach to the world we live in. You are native to and live in a big ci...
10:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot FAA Denies Vulnerabilities In New Air Traffic Control System
bingbong writes "The FAA's NextGen Air Traffic Control (ATC) modernization plan is at risk of serious security breaches, according to Brad Haines (aka RenderMan). Haines outlined his concerns during a...
10:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot The Rebirth of PC Gaming? Bring On the Modders!
Deathspawner writes "The future of PC gaming is oft-debated, but one thing's for certain: modding has always made it better. With that, wouldn't it make sense for developers to focus more on giving th...
09:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot Do Antibiotics Contribute To Obesity?
sciencehabit writes "Farmers have long used antibiotics to make cows, pigs, and turkeys gain weight faster. Now, scientists claim that receiving antibiotics early in life may also make children grow f...
09:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot Crisis Trojan Makes Its Way Onto Virtual Machines
Trailrunner7 writes "The Windows version of the Crisis Trojan is able to sneak onto VMware implementations, making it possibly the first malware to target such virtual machines. It also has found a wa...
08:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot Private Key Found Embedded In Major SCADA Equipment
sl4shd0rk writes "RuggedOS (A Siemens Subsidiary of Flame and Stuxnet fame), an operating system used in mission-critical hardware such as routers and SCADA gear, has been found to contain an embedded...
08:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot Former Xerox PARC Researcher: Windows 8 Is a Cognitive Burden
New submitter LiroXIV writes "You know you've messed up big time when someone related to the development of one of the first graphical interfaces for computers thinks you've messed up. Usability exper...
07:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot T-Mobile Returns To Unlimited Data Plans
New submitter kevmeister writes "Today T-Mobile decided that unlimited data plans are a good thing after all. Over a year after discontinuation, T-Mobile announced that unlimited data is coming back. ...
06:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot Ubisoft Claims PC Piracy Rate of 93-95%
silentbrad sends this quote from GamesIndustry:"Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has told GamesIndustry International that the percentage of paying players is the same for free to play as it is for PC boxed...
06:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot Workers Working An Extra 20 Hours a Week Thanks To BYOD
Qedward writes with the apparent downside of bring-your-own-device policies. From the article: "Many employees are working up to 20 additional hours per week unpaid as a result of bring your own devic...
05:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot Slackware Documentation Project Begins In Earnest
New submitter vtel57 writes "A recent thread at Jeremy's lit a fire of enthusiasm for a new Slackware documentation initiative. A new SlackDocs Wiki has been started on Alien Bob's ...
05:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot $900,000 Raised For Buying Tesla's Lab
icebraining writes "As Slashdot reported earlier, The Oatmeal's Matthew Inman launched a funding campaign to help the Tesla Science Center, a 503(c) non-profit, buy the place of Tesla's final laborato...
05:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot Sony Closes WipEout Developer Studio Liverpool
RogueyWon writes "Eurogamer is reporting that Sony has closed its subsidiary developer Studio Liverpool. Beginning its life in 1984 under the name Psygnosis, the development house has played an import...
04:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot Improving Uranium Extraction From Seawater, Inspired by Shrimp
New submitter Celarent Darii writes "Prospects for harvesting Uranium from seawater turned interesting by using shrimp shells as a sort of catalyst."Researchers at ORNL presented their findings from a...
03:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot AT&T Defends Controversial FaceTime Policy Following Widespread Backlash
zacharye writes "AT&T is wasting no time hitting back at critics of its decision to limit the use of popular video chat app FaceTime over its cellular network to users who sign up for its shared d...
03:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot Cats Not Linked To Brain Cancer After All
sciencehabit writes with good news for cat owners everywhere. From the article: "Last year, cat owners got a scare when a team of French researchers reported a possible link between felines and brain ...
03:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot Polish MP Returns iPad Citing Lack of Control
rysiek writes "Polish MP and spokesperson for one of Polish political parties Dariusz Joski returned his state-issued iPad citing lack of control (Google-translated). Polish Free and Open Source Softw...
02:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot A Call For Science Policy Debate Among Presidential Candidates
Marissa Fessenden writes about a campaign to get Barack Obama and Mitt Romney to address important scientific issues in the run-up to the 2012 presidential election. and Scientific A...
02:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot Earth's Corner of the Galaxy Just Got a Little Lonelier
Hugh Pickens writes "Only four stars, including Barnard's Star, are within six light-years of the Sun, and only 11 are within 10 light-years. That's why Barnard's star, popularized in Robert Forward's...
02:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot After Hacker Exposes Hotel Lock Insecurity, Lock Firm Asks Hotels To Pay For Fix
Sparrowvsrevolution writes "In an update to an earlier story on Slashdot, hotel lock company Onity is now offering a hardware fix for the millions of hotel keycard locks that hacker Cody Brocious demo...
02:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot The Worst Apple Store In America — An Employee Confession
Cutting_Crew writes "Gizmodo has a piece that describes one of the worst and most corrupt Apple stores. Two employees recount management exchanging brand new computers for face-lifts (and other things...
02:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot Video Purports To Show Successful Hover Bike Test Flights
Zothecula writes "Videos released by California-based tech research company Aerofex appear to show successful test flights of a prototype hover bike that gains lift from two large ducted rotors. Aerof...
02:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot Neal Stephenson On Fiction, Games, and Saving the World
An anonymous reader points out an interview with Neal Stephenson at The Verge in which he talks a bit about his upcoming "research-heavy" novel, his Mongoliad project to reinvent the fiction novel as ...
02:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot Android Piracy Sites Seized By US Government
Dupple writes with news that the DOJ took a few Android app piracy sites offline. From the release: "Seizure orders have been executed against three website domain names engaged in the illegal distrib...
02:05 pm - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot Mastercard Denies Plans For BitCoin Credit Card
judgecorp writes "Reports that BitCoin is to issue a credit card have turned out to be false — or at least premature. Mastercard has denied there are any such plans and given details of the proc...
04:05 am - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot Nintendo Power To Shut Down
stillnotelf writes "Ars Technica is reporting that the official Nintendo magazine, Nintendo Power, is shutting down after 24 years. The gaming magazine has been run by independent publisher Future US ...
03:05 am - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot Mobile Operator Grabs 4G Lead In UK — But Will Anything Work On It?
pbahra writes "Finally, the U.K. is going to get a 4G mobile-Internet service. For a country that was once at the cutting edge of mobile telephony, its lack of high-speed mobile broadband was becoming...
01:05 am - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: To AdBlock Or Not To AdBlock?
conner_bw writes "Is there an acceptable compromise to behavioral targeting? On the one hand, I don't want to be profiled by unscrupulous advertisers. On the other hand, I feel that the advertiser is ...
12:05 am - Wed, August 22, 2012
Slashdot Cheap Four-fingered Robot Hand Edges Closer To Human Dexterity
ananyo writes "A robot that can reproduce the dexterity of the human hand remains a dream of the bioengineering profession. One new approach to achieving this goal avoids trying to replicate the intri...
11:05 pm - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot And Now, the Cartoon News
theodp writes "Would you read a cartoon version of Slashdot? Quality stuff, not half-baked MS-Paint posts like 'Introducing Microsoft Monocle and Self-Driving Bentley'. Erin Polgreen has big plans for...
10:05 pm - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot Astronomers Watch Star Devouring Planet
jamstar7 writes "According to Universe Today, 'Astronomers have witnessed the first evidence of a planet's destruction by its aging star as it expands into a red giant. "A similar fate may await the i...
10:05 pm - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot Inside the Grum Botnet
tsu doh nimh writes "An examination of a control server seized in the recent takedown of the Grum spam botnet shows the crime machine was far bigger than most experts had assumed. A PHP panel used to ...
09:05 pm - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot The Worst Job At Google: a Year of Watching Terrible Things On the Internet
Cutting_Crew writes "Gizmodo has called attention to a story that describes the worst job you can get at Google: wading through and blocking objectionable content, which includes watching decapitation...
08:05 pm - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot US To Drive 3,000 Wi-Fi Linked Vehicles In Massive Crash Avoidance Trial
coondoggie writes "The US Department of Transportation said it will run a massive road test of cars, trucks and buses linked together via WiFi equipment in what the agency says will be the largest tes...
08:05 pm - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot Should Medical Apps Be Regulated?
maximus1 writes "There's a tidal wave of medical-related apps coming to smartphones and tablets that will be used by doctors and patients alike. But how should the medical establishment deal with them...
07:05 pm - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot 10 Internet Connections At Same Time
An anonymous reader writes "As a follow-up to the story about Verizon being forced to allow tethering, the engineers at Connectify climbed on the roof and made a video showing an 85Mbps download rate ...
06:05 pm - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot Kmscon Project Seeks To Replace Linux Virtual Terminal
An anonymous reader writes "Phoronix reports on the progress of kmscon, David Herrmann's virtual console project that aims to supersede the Linux kernel's virtual terminal. kmscon takes advantage of m...
05:05 pm - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot The Mathematics of 'Legitimate Rape' and Pregnancy
Hugh Pickens writes "James Hamblin, MD writes in the Atlantic that it's unclear how common the misconception that women rarely become pregnant after rape may be, but remarks by Missouri Senatorial nom...
05:05 pm - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Recording Business Meeting Audio On an Intranet?
dousette writes "I have been tasked with modernizing our company's board room. Replacing the overhead projector with a more modern LCD projector is a no-brainer, speakers are easy enough to wire off o...
05:05 pm - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot "Knitted" Wi-Fi Routers Create Failover Network For First Responders
wiredmikey writes "Wireless Internet routers used in homes and offices could be knitted together to provide a communications system for emergency responders if the mobile phone network fails, German s...
04:05 pm - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot BitCoin Card To Launch In 2 Months, Says BitInstant
hypnosec writes "Charlie Shrem, co-founder of BitInstant LLC, has confirmed that a BitCoin-funded international debit/credit card should be available very soon. Giving a time frame of 6-8 weeks, Shrem...
03:05 pm - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot Amazon Wants To Replace Tape With Slow But Cheap Off-Site "Glacier" Storage
Nerval's Lobster writes with a piece at SlashCloud that says "Amazon is expanding its reach into the low-cost, high-durability archival storage market with the newly announced Glacier. While Glacier a...
03:05 pm - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot Mirrors Finished For James Webb Space Telescope
eldavojohn writes "On August 15th, sendoff ceremonies were held at Ball Aerospace (subcontractor to Northrop Grumman) for the 18 gold-coated, ultrasmooth, 4.2-foot (1.3 meters) hexagonal beryllium pri...
02:05 pm - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot Prices Drive Australians To Grey Market For Hardware and Software
An anonymous reader writes "The Australian government has been running an inquiry into why technology is so much more expensive to buy down under than in the US. In response to the price difference, m...
02:05 pm - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot Stanford's Self Driving Car Tops 120mph On Racetrack
kkleiner writes with this snippet: "Just as Google's self-driving Prius goes for distance, recently passing 300,000 miles, Stanford's self-driving Audi TTS instead has the need for speed. The Audi, kn...
01:05 pm - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot Windows 8 Gets Personal Use License For Homebuilt PCs
An anonymous reader writes with this excerpt from "Microsoft has never really acknowledged or supported those among us who choose to build their own PCs. Windows licensing is usually offered...
01:05 pm - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot Jury In Apple v. Samsung Case May Have to Agree on 700 Points
puddingebola writes "Jurors in the Apple v. Samsung case will receive a 100 page 'instructions to the jury' document. They will also receive a multi-page form with numerous questions to come to a verd...
10:05 am - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot Near-universal Mexican Healthcare Coverage Results From Science-informed Changes
ananyo writes about improvement to Mexico's healthcare system. From the article: "A revamp of Mexico's beleaguered health-care system is proving to be a runaway success and offers a model for other na...
08:05 am - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot German Government Wants Google To Pay For the Right To Link To News Sites
First time accepted submitter presroi writes "Al Jazeera is reporting on the current state of plans by the German government to amend the national copyright law. The so-called 'Leistungsschutzrecht' (...
05:05 am - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot Green Party Releases International Joint Statement Criticizing the TPP
Dangerous_Minds writes "The New Zealand, Australian, and Canadian Green Parties have released a joint statement on the secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPP). Among the concerns are the s...
03:05 am - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot OnLive Acquires OnLive
techfun89 writes with an update on OnLive shutting down. From the article: "The restructured OnLive has issued an press release and FAQ to attempt to clear up any rumors and misinformation on the comp...
02:05 am - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot Preview of Synaptics's Next Generation Input Devices
crookedvulture writes "Next year, Synaptics's ForcePad will bring pressure sensitivity to touchpads. It can track five fingers independently, each with up to a kilogram of effective force in precise 1...
01:05 am - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot Ex-Marine Detained For Facebook Posts Deemed "Terrorist in Nature"
colinneagle writes with news of a marine turned conspiracy theorist who was detained for psychological evaluation after posting rants on Facebook. He has since been ordered to remain in a mental facil...
12:05 am - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot Rover Fuel Came From Russian Nuke Factory, But Supplies Running Low
gbrumfiel writes "The Curiosity rover will soon start rolling, and when it does, it will be running on gas from a Russian weapons plant. Slate has the story of how the plutonium-238 that powers the ro...
12:05 am - Tue, August 21, 2012
Slashdot HP Hires Ex-Nokia Exec, Spins Off WebOS, Reportedly Returning To Tablets
judgecorp writes "Hewlett-Packard is returning to tablets with a new unit that aims to make consumer devices under the leadership of former Nokia executive Alberto Torres."This particular Ex-Nokia exe...
11:05 pm - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot California Wants Genetically Modified Foods To Be Labelled
bbianca127 writes "In November, California will be voting on Proposition 37. The proposition would mandate putting labels on foods that have been genetically modified. While supporters of the proposit...
10:05 pm - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot Next Mars Mission Selected For Funding
First time accepted submitter Dr Bip writes "Flush with the good news coming from Mars, NASA has announced that JPL has won funding for the next mission to Mars. It seems that the lander will be carry...
10:05 pm - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot Sealed-Box Macs: Should Computers Be Disposable?
An anonymous reader writes "Apple's new Retina MacBook Pro is essentially completely non-upgradable, a sealed-box, following a trend started with the MacBook Air in 2008. It's a given that hardware co...
10:05 pm - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot Apple Is Now the Most Valuable Company In History
derekmead writes "Apple, as of this morning, is valued at $621 billion, thanks to a stock price that spiked at $663.10 per share (and that has risen this afternoon). That finally beats Microsoft, who ...
09:05 pm - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot RapidShare Urges US To Punish Linking Sites and Not File-Sharing Sites
hypnosec writes "RapidShare has said that the US Government should crackdown on linking sites rather than punishing file sharing sites and strangling innovation. The file sharing site is understandabl...
08:05 pm - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot Review: New Super Mario Bros. 2 Illustrates Nintendo's Greatest Problem
Jon Brodkin writes "There’s a new Super Mario Bros. game out for the 3DS handheld console. It’s called New Super Mario Bros. 2 and features Mario, Princess Peach, Bowser, and the same fun ...
08:05 pm - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Using a Sandbox To Deal With Spambots?
First time accepted submitter shellster_dude writes "Slashdot is certainly no stranger to the problem of spam bots. While blocking a spam bot may seem like the best solution, it is likely that the spa...
08:05 pm - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot IEEE Seeks Consensus on Ethernet Transfer Speed Standard
First time accepted submitter h2okies writes "CNET's reports that the IEEE Will stat today to form the new standards for Ethernet and data transfer. 'The standard, to be produced by the Insti...
07:05 pm - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot Game Review: New Super Mario Bros. 2
Jon Brodkin writes "There’s a new Super Mario Bros. game out for the 3DS handheld console. It’s called New Super Mario Bros. 2 and features Mario, Princess Peach, Bowser, and the same fun ...
07:05 pm - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot DEA Lack of Data Storage Results In Dismissed Drug Case
Nerval's Lobster writes "Dr. Armando Angulo was indicted in 2007 on charges of illegally selling prescription drugs. He fled the country in 2004, with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and U.S...
06:05 pm - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot CowboyNeal Looks Back at the SCO-Linux Trials
This past week, SCOfiled for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which finally begins the end of a long sagathat started over nine years ago. While their anti-IBM litigation has risenfrom the grave and still shambl...
05:05 pm - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot Hackers Hack Handcuffs at H.O.P.E. (Video)
Have you ever been handcuffed and wish you weren't? Even if you haven't, what if you plan to demonstrate at a political party convention in the next couple of weeks? Either way, you need to watch this...
04:05 pm - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot Who Cares If Samsung Copied Apple?
hype7 writes "The Harvard Business Review is running an article that's questioning the very premise of the Apple v Samsung case. From the article: 'It isn't the first time Apple has been involved in a...
03:05 pm - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot Blood Cells Converted Into Chemical Sensors
ananyo writes "Chemists have turned red blood cells into long lived sensors that could be put back into circulation to monitor the make up of patients' blood in real time. Many patients require monito...
03:05 pm - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot Intel Team Takes On Car Hackers
nk497 writes "Intel has set up a team of McAfee researchers to protect computer systems in cars, hiring Barnaby Jack — the researcher who forced ATMs to spit out cash and cause medical pumps to ...
02:05 pm - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot U.C. Berkeley Offers Free "Big Data" Class This Week
pmdubs writes "The U.C. Berkeley AMPLab research group will be hosting a free 'Big Data Bootcamp' on-campus and online, August 21 and 22. The AMP Camp will feature hands-on tutorials on big data analy...
02:05 pm - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot Bill Gates To Develop a Revolutionary Nuclear Reactor With Korea
An anonymous reader writes "Microsoft founder Bill Gates has pledged to develop with Korea a revolutionary nuclear reactor that will leave far less radioactive waste than existing ones. Gates invested...
01:05 pm - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot Judge Rejects Settlement In Facebook Sponsored Stories Case
angry tapir writes "A U.S. District Court judge has rejected a proposed settlement in a lawsuit that alleges Facebook violated users' rights by using their names and recommendations of advertisers to ...
01:05 pm - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot Are 12-16 Hour Workdays Productive?
theodp writes " It's important to me,' former Opsware CEO Ben Horowitz recalls saying as he threatened a manager for termination because one of his subordinates failed to conduct 1:1 meetings, 'that t...
10:05 am - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot When Flying Was a Thrill
Hugh Pickens writes writes "Bob Greene writes that flying, with jammed-to-the-groaning-point cabins and torture-rack legroom; fees for everything from checking your bags to being handed a paltry packa...
09:05 am - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot Science and Math Enrollments Reach New High In UK
ianare writes "There has been a continued increase in the number of students taking A-level science and maths subjects. Physics has been especially popular. A growing fascination with science and teac...
06:05 am - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot First Evidence That Some Insects May Rely On Photosynthesis
tedlistens writes "The idea that aphids may use photosynthesis, as plants do, is based on the recent finding that the bugs are able to synthesize pigments called carotenoids. These pigments are common...
05:05 am - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot Finland Hosts Mobile Phone Throwing Championships
hypnosec writes "In this year's annual mobile-phone throwing contest held in Finland Ere Karjalainen has smashed the world record by throwing his phone 101.46 meters. The event, being held every year ...
04:05 am - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot Where the Candidates Stand On Net Neutrality
nmpost writes "Net neutrality is one of the biggest issues with regard to the internet today. At the heart of the issues is how much control ISPs will be allowed to have over their networks. Each cand...
01:05 am - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot Curiosity Rover Fires First Laser Beam At Martian Rock
A martian rock named "Coronation" was shot with 30 pulses over a 10-second period by Curiosity's laser today in order to determine what elements it was made of. “We got a great spectrum of Coron...
12:05 am - Mon, August 20, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Options For FOSS Remote Support Software?
Albanach writes "I'm sure I'm not alone in being asked to help friends and family with computer issues. These folk typically run Windows (everything from XP onward) or OS X (typically 10.4 onward). Na...
10:05 pm - Sun, August 19, 2012
Slashdot "SMSZombie" Malware Infects 500,000 Android Users In China
wiredmikey writes "Researchers have recently discovered a new sophisticated and resilient mobile threat targeting Android phones that is said to have infected about 500,000 devices, mainly in China. C...
09:05 pm - Sun, August 19, 2012
Slashdot Windows 8 Changes Host File Blocking
An anonymous reader writes "Windows 8 has been confirmed to not only ignore, but also modify the hosts file. As soon as a website that should be blocked is accessed, the corresponding entry in the hos...
08:05 pm - Sun, August 19, 2012
Slashdot Scientists Inducted Into Chemistry "Hall of Fame"
First time accepted submitter ACXNew writes "The scientists behind three inventions that touch the lives of millions of people around the world will be inducted into a coveted scientific 'Hall of Fame...
07:05 pm - Sun, August 19, 2012
Slashdot Assange Makes Statement Calling For an End To the "Witch Hunt"
An anonymous reader writes "After a statement from a window at an upper floor from the Ecuadorian Embassy, Julian Assange '... called on US President Barack Obama to "do the right thing" and for his g...
06:05 pm - Sun, August 19, 2012
Slashdot How Technology Might Avert an Apocalypse
First time accepted submitter deapbluesea writes "Matt Ridley recounts the many predictions of catastrophe that have been made by prominent figures in the past. 'The classic apocalypse has four horsem...
05:05 pm - Sun, August 19, 2012
Slashdot Nintendo Release 3DS XL and New Mario 2 In the USA Today
Croakyvoice writes "Nintendo has today released the 3DS XL in the U.S.A. The console comes with features such as screens which are 90% bigger in size than the original 3DS, a much needed improvement i...
04:05 pm - Sun, August 19, 2012
Slashdot Sedo Halts Demonoid Domain Name Sale Citing "Legal Issues"
hypnosec writes "Demonoid domain names that were put up for sale last week have been de-listed by Sedo because of 'legal issues'. Trouble for Demonoid started sometime during the last week of July whe...
03:05 pm - Sun, August 19, 2012
Slashdot Assange Makes Statement Calling For an End To the "Witchunt"
An anonymous reader writes "After a statement from a window at an upper floor from the Ecuadorian Embassy, Julian Assange '... called on US President Barack Obama to "do the right thing" and for his g...
02:05 pm - Sun, August 19, 2012
Slashdot State Dept. Cancels $16.5M Kindle Contract
itwbennett writes "The U.S. Department of State will be canceling a $16.5 million Amazon order that included 2,500 Kindle Touch e-readers, 50 pieces of content, and 'required provision of a secure, ce...
01:05 pm - Sun, August 19, 2012
Slashdot Jobs' Burglary Manhunt Yields Kenny the Clown
theodp writes "Even in death, Steve Jobs managed to get specialists from the Apple-friendly Rapid Enforcement Allied Computer Team (REACT) to team up again with Apple investigators and local police to...
10:05 am - Sun, August 19, 2012
Slashdot Birth Control For Men Edges Closer
ananyo writes "Developing oral contraceptives for men has not gone as swiftly as researchers imagined in the early 1970s; they suggested at the time that a 'male pill' was not far off. But researchers...
07:05 am - Sun, August 19, 2012
Slashdot The ThinkPad Goes Ultrabook — ThinkPad X1 Carbon Tested
MojoKid writes "The venerable Lenovo ThinkPad, with its little red TrackPoint nub, has gone the way of the Ultrabook. If there's one small dig ThinkPads have taken with regularity over the years, it's...
04:05 am - Sun, August 19, 2012
Slashdot Apple Loses Bid To Exclude Evidence In Samsung Patent Trial
New submitter Shavano writes with news that Apple's attempt to block Samsung from introducing evidence of a tablet prototype developed in 1994 has been denied by U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh. Part of ...
01:05 am - Sun, August 19, 2012
Slashdot Some Players Want Day-1 DLC, Says BioWare
An anonymous reader writes "Speaking at GDC Europe this week, BioWare Montreal's Fernando Melo spoke about how the oft-disparaged first-day downloadable content for video games is actually something a...
11:05 pm - Sat, August 18, 2012
Slashdot GNOME: Possible Recovery Strategies
An anonymous reader tips an article from Datamation about several suggestions for the GNOME project to answer user complaints and boost developer morale. From the article:"... with very few changes, G...
10:05 pm - Sat, August 18, 2012
Slashdot The Panic Over Fukushima
An anonymous reader points out an article in the Wall Street Journal about how irrational fear of nuclear reactors made people worry much more about last year's incident at Fukushima than they should ...
09:05 pm - Sat, August 18, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: I Want To Read More. Should I Get an eBook Reader Or a Tablet?
gspec writes "I read less and less nowadays, but I realize I need to get back into my old reading habit. Would getting an ebook reader or a tablet help me to enjoy reading more? Would you recommend on...
08:05 pm - Sat, August 18, 2012
Slashdot Why Amazon Is Google's Real Competition
New submitter wreakyhavoc writes "Nicholas Carlson at Business Insider maintains that Amazon's reviews and One-Click ordering will undercut Google's shopping ad revenue, and that Google is 'terrified....
07:05 pm - Sat, August 18, 2012
Slashdot US Carbon Emissions Hit 20-Year Low
Freddybear writes "A recent report from the U.S. Energy Information Agency says that U.S. carbon emissions are the lowest they have been in 20 years, and attributes the decline to the increasing use o...
07:05 pm - Sat, August 18, 2012
Slashdot Electronic Arts Up For Sale?
John Wagger writes "One of the world's largest gaming publishers and developers Electronic Arts has quietly put itself up for sale. While there have already been talks with private equity companies, t...
05:05 pm - Sat, August 18, 2012
Slashdot How To Line a Thermonuclear Reactor
sciencehabit writes "One of the biggest question marks hanging over the ITER fusion reactor project — a giant international collaboration currently under construction in France — is over w...
04:05 pm - Sat, August 18, 2012
Slashdot Nintendo Ranks Last In Conflict Minerals Report
derekmead writes "A new report by the Enough Project, an arm of the Center for American Progress, shows that companies like Intel, Apple and Microsoft have been successfully scaling back their use of ...
03:05 pm - Sat, August 18, 2012
Slashdot Motorola Releases an Official Bootloader Unlocker
New submitter Nertskull writes "Motorola has released a tool to allow anyone to unlock the bootloader on their phone/tablet. The only supported device so far is the Photon Q 4G LTE, though three other...
02:05 pm - Sat, August 18, 2012
Slashdot Mars Curiosity Rover's First Road Trip Planned
littlesparkvt writes "NASA has announced the first destination for the Curiosity Rover. They're sending it to 'Glenelg,' a natural intersection of three kinds of terrain. 'The trek to Glenelg will sen...
01:05 pm - Sat, August 18, 2012
Slashdot Genetically Engineering Babies a Moral Obligation, Says Ethicist
Hugh Pickens writes "The Telegraph reports that Oxford Professor Julian Savulescu, an expert in practical ethics, says that creating so-called designer babies could be considered a 'moral obligation' ...
12:05 pm - Sat, August 18, 2012
Slashdot Google Seeks US Ban On iPhones, iPads, Macs
theodp writes "Following up on an announcement that it would rid itself of 4,000 employees world-wide and renege on a deal with the State of Illinois, Google's Motorola Mobility unit said it has filed...
09:05 am - Sat, August 18, 2012
Slashdot Indian Gov't Bans Bulk SMS, Investigating Social Media
saiful76 writes "Following mass exodus of people belonging to north-east states India from southern states of India, specially Bangalore, allegedly due to the threatening messages, the government has ...
06:05 am - Sat, August 18, 2012
Slashdot Is MySQL Slowly Turning Closed Source?
mpol writes "Sergei from MariaDB speculated on some changes within MySQL 5.5.27. It seems new testcases aren't included with MySQL any more, which leaves developers depending on it in the cold. 'Does ...
03:05 am - Sat, August 18, 2012
Slashdot MplayerX Leaving Mac App Store
New submitter technonono writes "MplayerX, a popular and free video player app on Mac OSX, is now leaving Mac App Store 'after arguing with Apple for three months.' The developer claims that Apple's s...
01:05 am - Sat, August 18, 2012
Slashdot Kasparov Arrested By Russian Police
New submitter perdelucena writes "Former world chess champion Garry Kasparov was arrested outside a Moscow court, where the verdict in the trial of the Pussy Riot group members was being announced on ...
12:05 am - Sat, August 18, 2012
Slashdot Gartner Buzzword Tracker Says "Cloud Computing" Still on Hype Wave
If you're sick of the term "cloud" to refer to pretty much anything on "the internet" and consider that phrase a symptom of useless MBA, PHB, PowerPoint talking points oozing where they don't belong, ...
12:05 am - Sat, August 18, 2012
Slashdot The Olympic Live Stream: Observations, Recommendations, Predictions
lpress writes "The Tour de France and the Olympics were live streamed on the Web. The BBC streamed 2,500 hours of live coverage of the Olympics and NBC streamed the entire Tour de France and 302 event...
11:05 pm - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Google, Oracle Deny Direct Payments To Media
itwbennett writes "Earlier this month, the judge in the Oracle v. Google trial ordered the companies to disclose the names of bloggers and reporters who had taken payments from them. Not surprisingly,...
11:05 pm - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Trouble At OnLive
Lashat writes "News of trouble at cloud gaming provider OnLive is trickling out of various sources. According to Forbes, all employees received their walking papers today. Rumors of a shutdown, buyout...
10:05 pm - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Paul Ryan's Record On Science and Government
sciencehabit writes "U.S. Representatives Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) don't have much in common when it comes to politics. Kucinich is a very liberal Democrat who's leaving Congress th...
10:05 pm - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Surfing Robot Tracks Great White Sharks
ackthpt writes "A network of fixed buoys and solar powered surfing robots called Wave Gliders are set to track Great White Sharks in the Pacific, off the California coast near San Francisco, between M...
10:05 pm - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot iPhone Bug Allows SMS Spoofing
Trailrunner7 writes "The iPhone SMS app contains a quirky bug that could allow someone to send a user a text message that appears to come from any number that the sender specifies. The researcher who ...
09:05 pm - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot US Astronomy Facing Severe Budget Cuts and Facility Closures
Nancy_A writes "The U.S. astronomy budget is facing unprecedented cuts, including the potential closure of several facilities. A new report by the National Science Foundation's Division of Astronomica...
09:05 pm - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Is Windows 8 Microsoft's Riskiest Bet?
Microsoft has rolled out many new products and many revisions of old products over the past couple of decades. The releases haven't always gone well, as in the case of Windows Vista, but Redmond has m...
08:05 pm - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Cables Show US Seeks Assange
prakslash writes "The Sydney Morning Herald reports that diplomatic cables they obtained show the U.S. investigation into possible criminal conduct by Julian Assange has been ongoing for more than a y...
08:05 pm - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Microthrusters For Small Satellites
An anonymous reader writes "A research team led by Paulo Lozano at MIT's Space Propulsion Lab and Microsystems Technology Lab have shown off a microthruster array capable of powering small satellites....
08:05 pm - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Google Employees Find 60 Security Holes In Adobe Reader
sl4shd0rk writes "Upon examining the PDF Engine behind Google Chrome, Google employees Mateusz Jurczyk and Gynvael Coldwind discovered numerous holes. This led them to also test Adobe Reader, which tu...
07:05 pm - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Humble Bundle For Android 3 Released
alancronin writes with news that the Humble Bundle for Android 3 has gone live, with a selection of games that run on Android, Linux, Mac, and Windows. As with previous bundles, buyers can choose how ...
07:05 pm - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Destructive Shamoon Malware Targets Energy Sector
An anonymous reader writes "A new spear-phishing attack targeting a number of specific companies in a few industries, including the energy sector, has been spotted by several security companies. Dubbe...
06:05 pm - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot eBay Bans the Sale of Spells and Magic Items
Starting in September bidders won't be able to snipe curses, spells, or potions on eBay anymore. The company has decided to ban the sale of magic and magic items. “EBay regularly reviews categor...
06:05 pm - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Joyent Drops Lifetime Account Holders
New submitter samnorsk writes "I've long been a lifetime account holder of an old textdrive (now Joyent) cloud hosting account. I remember purchasing the account back in college for a few hundred buck...
06:05 pm - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Project Byzantium: Zero To Ad-Hoc Mesh Network In 60 Seconds (Video)
Project Byzantium calls itself Ad-hoc wireless mesh networking for the zombie apocalypse. It's also potentially useful for less-thrilling emergencies, such as floods, earthquakes, and political uprisi...
05:05 pm - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Kentucky Lawmakers Shocked To Find Evolution In Biology Tests
bbianca127 writes "Kentucky mandated that schools include tests that are based on national standards, and contracted test maker ACT to handle them. Legislators were then shocked that evolution was so ...
04:05 pm - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Flexible Robot Can Change Colors
SternisheFan tips news of a robot designed by Harvard University researchers that can change colors to blend into its surroundings (abstract). The robot also has a soft, flexible body, and is driven b...
04:05 pm - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Gov't Approves Parts of Verizon-Cable Spectrum Sale
fistfullast33l writes "The Associated Press is reporting that the Justice Department, FCC, and New York State Attorney General approved portions of a deal between Verizon Wireless and cable companies ...
03:05 pm - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Exceptionally Preserved 2,600-Year-Old Brain Found
TrueSatan writes with this quote from Discovery News:"A human skull dated to about 2,684 years ago with an 'exceptionally preserved' human brain still inside of it was recently discovered in a waterlo...
02:05 pm - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Researchers Find 'Mind-Control' Gaming Headsets Can Leak Users' Secrets
Sparrowvsrevolution writes "At the Usenix security conference in Seattle last week, a group of researchers from the University of California at Berkeley, Oxford University and the University of Geneva...
01:05 pm - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Twitter Restricts Client Developers
New submitter atsabig10fo writes "Twitter has finally released the hinted-at changes to their API, which include limiting the number of users for third party clients, per-endpoint rate limiting, and r...
01:05 pm - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot How Plagiarism Helped Win the American Revolution
Hugh Pickens writes "Although today the stigma of lifting passages can haunt media professionals forever, Revolutionary War Historian Todd Andrlik writes that 250 years ago stealing another reporter's...
10:05 am - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Tesla CTO Talks Model S, Batteries and In-car Linux
angry tapir writes "The IDG News Service recently had a chance to speak to JB Straubel, chief technology officer for Tesla, about the Model S all-electric car, its design and technology, and his outlo...
08:05 am - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Insurer Measures Driver Safety With Smartphone App To Calculate Premiums
Qedward writes "Motorists are being invited to help develop a new driving app that could earn them a discount of 'up to 20%' on their motor insurance. British insurer Aviva is using smartphone technol...
06:05 am - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Chinese Man Builds His Own Prosthetic Hands
First time accepted submitter macbeth66 writes "Almost 10 years ago, Sun Jifa lost his hands in an explosion. Unable to afford the prosthetic hands recommended by the hospital he built his own. From t...
05:05 am - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Project To Turn Classical Scores Into Copyright-Free Music Completed
yourlord writes "Just under 2 years ago Musopen launched a Kickstarter campaign covered here on slashdot. Today that project is complete with the release of a large amount of classical recordings into...
03:05 am - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Dremel-Based Project Accepted As Apache Incubator
itwbennett writes "The technology behind Google's BigQuery analytics as a service is based on the company's in-house ad hoc query system called Dremel that can store and search trillion-row datasets w...
01:05 am - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Scientists Set Bold Plan For Future Exploration of the Sun
coondoggie writes "Our understanding of space weather and the impact of space around Earth has greatly increased in the last 10 years and if the ambitious plan the National Research Council can be imp...
12:05 am - Fri, August 17, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: How To Best Setup a School Internet Filter?
An anonymous reader writes "I was recently volunteered to be the network/computer admin for a small non-profit school. One of the items asked of me had to do with filtering inappropriate content (i.e....
11:05 pm - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot US Court Sides With Gene Patents
ananyo writes "Gene patents have been upheld in a landmark case over two genes associated with hereditary forms of breast and ovarian cancer. The lawsuit against Myriad Genetics, a diagnostic company,...
10:05 pm - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot Happy Birthday, Debian!
An anonymous reader writes with word that as of today, the Debian project — one of the first distros, and still going strong, not to mention parent or grandparent of many other distros — i...
10:05 pm - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot BitTorrent Tries To Appease Users By Making Torrent Ads Optional
hypnosec writes "BitTorrent has backtracked on their stance that uTorrent ads cannot be 'turned off,' following a user revolt. They announced that users can opt-out of sponsored torrents if they don't...
09:05 pm - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot ICS-CERT Warns of Serious Flaws In Tridium SCADA Software
Trailrunner7 writes "The DHS and ICS-CERT are warning users of some popular Tridium Niagara AX industrial control system software about a series of major vulnerabilities in the applications that are r...
09:05 pm - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot Judge Suggests Apple Is "Smoking Crack" With Witness List In Samsung Case
infodragon writes "Today in the ongoing Apple vs Samsung court case Judge Lucy Koh's patience wore thin as Apple presented a 75-page document highlighting 22 witnesses it would like to call in for reb...
08:05 pm - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot Scientists Store Entire Textbook In DNA
sciencehabit writes with this mind-boggling bit from Science Magazine: "When it comes to storing information, hard drives don't hold a candle to DNA. Our genetic code packs billions of gigabytes into ...
08:05 pm - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot First Pictures of Apple's New Mini Connector
tad001 writes "The Daily Mail has pictures of Apple's new mini connector. The photograph, shared by French tech website, shows two components, one of which is said to be similar to anot...
07:05 pm - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot Linux Is a Lemon On the Retina MacBook Pro
An anonymous reader writes "It turns out that Linux doesn't work too well on the Apple Retina MacBook Pro. Among the problems are needing special boot parameters to simply boot the Linux kernel, graph...
06:05 pm - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Protecting Data From a Carrington Event?
kactusotp writes "I run a small indie game company, and since source code is kind of our lifeblood, I'm pretty paranoid about backups. Every system has a local copy, servers run from a RAID 5 NAS, we ...
06:05 pm - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot Cyber Attack Knocks Offline Saudi Aramco
wiredmikey writes "Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia's national oil company and the largest oil company in the world, confirmed that is has been hit by a cyber attack that resulted in malware infecting user ...
05:05 pm - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot Microsoft Azure vs. Amazon Web Services, For Programmers
Nerval's Lobster writes "Tech writer and programmer Jeff Cogswell does a head-to-head comparison of Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services from a pure programming perspective, examining the respectiv...
04:05 pm - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot Curiosity's Latest High-Res Photo Looks Like Earth
First time accepted submitter bbianca127 writes "Curiosity sent a picture down to us, and it looks a lot like Earth. Actually, the picture's color quality has been changed — to human eyes, the l...
04:05 pm - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot Use Google's Nexus 7 Tablet As a VoIP Phone, For Free
Lauren Weinstein writes with a link to this short-and-sweet explanation: "I don't usually do 'how-to' postings, and I'll have much more comprehensive discussions of Android 'Jelly Bean' and the Google...
03:05 pm - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot Dozens of Reported Plagiarism Incidents On Coursera's Free Online Courses
An anonymous reader writes "The discussion forums in Coursera's Massive Open Online Courses are full of talk of plagiarism these days. 'Plagiarized essay — so disheartening,' said one post. 'Con...
03:05 pm - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot Australian Watchdog Frets Over BitCoin, MMOs' Money Laundering Potential
angry tapir writes "Australia's anti-money laundering watchdog AUSTRAC believes that money laundering using digital currencies such as Bitcoin and virtual worlds (such as MMOs) are possible 'emerging ...
02:05 pm - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: A Cheap US Cellphone Plan With an Unlocked Phone?
metrix007 writes "I am a recent immigrant to the USA. I am used to going to countries and paying a small amount, say $30 for a simcard and using it with my unlocked phone. I can't seem to do that in t...
02:05 pm - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot Ecuador Grants Asylum To Julian Assange
Several readers have submitted news that as expected, Ecuador is formally accepting Julian Assange's request for political asylum. paulmac84 writes "The Guardian are live blogging the Ecuadorian Forei...
01:05 pm - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot Nokia Researcher Puts Firefox OS On Raspberry Pi
judgecorp writes "Mozilla's mobile phone operating system only exists in an early beta form, but Oleg Romashin, a researcher at Nokia, has already got it working on the Raspberry Pi and posted video t...
01:05 pm - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot West Nile Virus Outbreak Puts Dallas In State of Emergency
Penurious Penguin writes with news from the BBC that the city of Dallas "is experiencing a widespread outbreak of mosquito-borne West Nile Virus that has caused and appears likely to continue to cause...
01:05 pm - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot Anonymous Claims To Have Hacked Sony PSN Again
hypnosec writes "Anonymous has claimed a new attack on Sony PlayStation Network and this time around it seems that it has managed to hack nearly 10 million user accounts and and as a proof of the hack...
10:05 am - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot Voting Begins For Canadian Digital Currency App
An anonymous reader writes "The Royal Canadian mint has been pursuing the creation of mintchip, a digital currency for Canada, through a publicly held app contest. App development and consideration is...
09:05 am - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot Obama Finally Beats Bieber Fever According To Klout
Thanks to a change in the way their algorithm works, Klout says that President Obama is finally more influential the Justin Bieber. The company now examines more "real world" factors such as the infor...
08:05 am - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot The Strange Nature of the Nigerian App Market
zacharye writes "With 100 million mobile subscribers, Nigeria stands among leading mobile markets in the world. Its mobile content sector is quite fascinating — this is a market where $100 apps ...
05:05 am - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot Indian Prime Minister Formally Announces Mars Mission
neo12 writes in with the news that India plans on being the 6th country to launch a mission to mars. "Making the first formal announcement on the country's Mars mission, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh ...
03:05 am - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot The Rapid Rise of License Plate Readers
An anonymous reader writes "Today, tens of thousands of license plate readers (LPRs) are being used by law enforcement agencies all over the country—practically every week, local media around th...
01:05 am - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot UK Authorities Threaten To Storm Ecuadorian Embassy To Arrest Julian Assange
paulmac84 writes "According to the BBC, the UK have issued a threat to storm the Ecuadorian Embassy to arrest Julian Assange. Under the terms of the Diplomatic and Consular Premises Act 1987 the UK ha...
01:05 am - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot New DRM-Free Label Announced
jrepin writes "Awareness has been spreading among individuals, businesses and other organizations that DRM is a completely unnecessary restriction of freedom, and it drives people away. As that awaren...
12:05 am - Thu, August 16, 2012
Slashdot The Oatmeal Begins a Fundraiser for a Nikola Tesla Museum
Quince alPillan writes "The Oatmeal's Matthew Inman is once again collecting money for a good cause. This time, he's collecting money for the Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe to purchase the origi...
11:05 pm - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Microsoft Revamping SkyDrive
Windows 8 is drawing near, and with it comes tighter integration with Microsoft's cloud storage service SkyDrive. Because of its increased visibility, Microsoft is revamping SkyDrive to a more modern ...
11:05 pm - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Verizon Bases $5 Fee To Not Publish Your Phone Number On 'Systems and IT' Costs
coondoggie writes "Let's say that for whatever reason, you'd rather your telephone number not be published. If you are a Verizon customer, that privacy privilege will cost you $5 a month. And how does...
11:05 pm - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Windows 8 RTM Benchmarked
jjslash writes "Microsoft's PR machine has been hard at work over the past few months, trying to explain the numerous improvements Windows 8 has received on the backend. But are there real tangible pe...
10:05 pm - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot After 60 Years, a Room-Temperature Maser
gbrumfiel writes "Before there were lasers, there were masers: systems that amplified microwaves instead of light. Solid state masers are used in a variety of applications, including deep space commun...
10:05 pm - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Police Don't Need a Warrant To Track Your Disposable Cellphone
New submitter Blindman writes "The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals has held that it is okay for police to track your cellphone signal without a warrant. Using information about the cell tower that a pr...
10:05 pm - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Sci-fi Author Harry Harrison Dies at 87
tmjva writes "Per BBC's Entertainment page, author Harry Harrison died today at the age of 87. His body of work included Make Room! Make Room!, (the inspiration for Soylent Green), The Stainless Steel...
09:05 pm - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Botnet Flaw Lets Researchers Disrupt Attacks
Trailrunner7 writes "A team of researchers has discovered a weakness in the command-and-control infrastructure of one of the major DDoS toolkits, Dirt Jumper, that enables them to stop attacks that ar...
09:05 pm - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Boeing's X-51 WaveRider Jet Crashes In Mach 6 Attempt
An anonymous reader writes "Boeing's experimental hypersonic X-51 WaveRider aircraft crashed today during an attempt to hit Mach 6 while traveling over the Pacific Ocean. The cause of the crash was a ...
09:05 pm - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Saudi Arabia Objects To Proposed .gay gTLD, Among Others
Qedward writes "The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has objected to a variety of new generic top-level domains (gTLDs) ranging from .porn and .sexy to .wine and .bar and .bible, according to records of the In...
08:05 pm - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Advance Warning System For Solar Flares Hinges On Surprising Hypothesis
cylonlover writes "Scientists may have hit upon a new means of predicting solar flares more than a day in advance, which hinges on a hypothesis dating back to 2006 that solar activity affects the rate...
07:05 pm - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Scientists Reverse Engineer Animal Brains To Create Bionic Prosthetic Eyes
MrSeb writes "Utilizing neuroscience, gene therapy, and optogenetics, a pair of researchers from Cornell University have created a bionic prosthetic eye that can restore almost-normal vision to animal...
07:05 pm - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Bill Gates Wants To Reinvent the Toilet
redletterdave writes "Bill Gates, the man responsible for bringing software to the masses with Microsoft and Windows, has plans to reinvent and popularize another industry: Sanitation. Gates, whose ph...
06:05 pm - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Independent Labs To Verify High-Profile Research Papers
ananyo writes "Scientific publishers are backing an initiative to encourage authors of high-profile research papers to get their results replicated by independent labs. Validation studies will earn au...
05:05 pm - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Samsung: Apple Stole the iPad's Design From Univ of Missouri Professor
TheBoat writes with a bit from BGR on the Apple vs Samsung case: "We're starting to see a theme develop here. Now that it's Samsung's turn to present its case in the San Jose, California patent trial ...
05:05 pm - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Mozilla Adds H.264 Support To Android Firefox
sl4shd0rk writes "Chris Double of the Mozilla developer team has (H.264, AAC and MP3) working with the Android version of Firefox on a Nexus S handset. Although a preliminary patch, it looks like it i...
04:05 pm - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Adobe Officially Kills New Flash Installations On Android
hypnosec writes "Adobe has announced that it will be making the Flash Player for Android unavailable for new devices and users from August 15 in continuation of its plan to discontinue development of ...
03:05 pm - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Gaining Info On Tech Execs With Just Their Email
jfruh writes "Did you know that Craigslist founder Craig Newmark has a loyalty points account with the Starwood hotel chain? Did you know that both Tim Cook and Steve Ballmer have Dropbox accounts? Al...
03:05 pm - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot GCC Switches From C to C++
According to a post on the GNU Compiler Collection list, GCC is now built as a C++ program by default. This is the fruition of much effort, and the goal now is to clean up the GCC internals ...
03:05 pm - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Inside a Ransomware Money Machine
tsu doh nimh writes "The FBI is warning that it's getting inundated with complaints from people taken in by ransomware scams that spoof the FBI and try to scare people into paying 'fines' in lieu of g...
02:05 pm - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Calligra 2.5 Office and Creativity Suite Released
jrepin writes "The Calligra team is proud and pleased to announce version 2.5 of Calligra, the KDE's office and creativity suite. Words, the word processor, has among other things improved support for...
02:05 pm - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Grumman Building Football Field-Sized Robotic Surveillance Blimp
colinneagle writes with news of the latest in 1930s surveillance technology turned into a robot. From the article: "It's not fashionable to call this flying spy (hybrid military airship) a 'blimp,' bu...
01:05 pm - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot WIPO Broadcasting Treaty Back On the Table
c0lo writes with a bit from BoingBoing: "The UN's World Intellectual Property Organization's Broadcasting Treaty is back. This is the treaty that EFF and its colleagues killed five years ago, but Big ...
01:05 pm - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Thoughts On the iPad Mini
John Gruber at Daring Fireball has a thoughtful piece about the design of Apple's smaller iPad, which the company is expected to announce on September 12. Simply shrinking the current iPad's dimension...
10:05 am - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Widely Used Antibacterial Chemical May Impair Muscle Function
New submitter daleallan writes "Triclosan, which is widely used in consumer handsoaps, toothpaste, clothes, carpets and trash bags, impairs muscle function in animal studies, say researchers at UC Dav...
07:05 am - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Worth Going For a Graduate Degree In the Middle of Your Career?
spiffmastercow writes "After nearly a decade of professional software development, my desire to work on something more interesting than business applications has pushed me toward looking into going ba...
05:05 am - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Malaysia Stages Internet Blackout To Protest New Censorship Law
redletterdave writes "Malaysian netizens, opposition politicians, well-known bloggers and non-governmental organizations staged an Internet blackout Tuesday to protest and raise awareness about legisl...
03:05 am - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot German Court: ISPs Must Hand Over File Sharer Info
itwbennett writes "The German Federal Court of Justice has ruled that ISPs have to turn over to rights-holders the names and addresses of illegal file sharers, but only 'if a judge rules that the file...
02:05 am - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Vote On What the Very Large Telescope Observes
arisvega writes "The Slashdot crowd may be aware of VLT, the Very Large Telescope array (a collaboration between several European countries). It's located at the Atacama desert in Chile, operating at ...
01:05 am - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Could Flying Cars Actually Be On Their Way?
another random user writes "With ideas like the Taylor Aerocar, Terrafugia Transition, Terrafugia Transformer, the PAL-V, and myCopter, are we getting close to a point where flying cars could actually...
12:05 am - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Amarok 2.6 Music Player Released
jrepin writes "KDE is proud to announce version 2.6 of Amarok music player. While it brings a reasonable set of new features, the focus of this release was on bug fixing and improving the overall stab...
12:05 am - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Knight Trading Losses Attributed To Old, Dormant Software
New submitter alexander_686 points out a Bloomberg article about the cause of Knight Capital Group's $440 million algorithmic trading disaster from a couple weeks ago. The report says a dormant softwa...
12:05 am - Wed, August 15, 2012
Slashdot Detecting Depression From How (Not What) You Browse
New submitter FreedomFirstThenPeac writes "Apparently we can diagnose you as depressed if the mechanics of your internet use fit certain patterns. By using a cleverly embedded questionnaire that class...
11:05 pm - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot How Google+ Punk'd The Oatmeal
ryzvonusef tips this quote from TechCrunch about a tit-for-tat exchange between Google+ and the creator of The Oatmeal webcomic:"This summer, the artist (Matthew Inman) wrote that Google+ co...
11:05 pm - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot BBC Delivered 2.8PB On Busiest Olympics Day, Reaching 700Gbs As Wiggo Won Gold
Qedward writes "The BBC has revealed that on the busiest day of its London 2012 Olympics coverage it delivered 2.8 petabytes worth of content, peaking when Bradley Wiggins won gold, where it shifted 7...
10:05 pm - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot In Vietnam: Being a Blogger Could Land You In Jail, Cost You Your Life
An anonymous reader writes "Bloggers in Vietnam are increasingly finding themselves thrown in jail. Despite freedom of speech being enshrined in the nations Constitution, many who speak out against th...
09:05 pm - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot Ecuador To Grant Assange Political Asylum
NSN A392-99-964-5927 writes with news that Ecaudor will grant Julian Assange's request for political asylum. An Ecuador official told The Guardian that the country's president, who earlier indicated h...
09:05 pm - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot 'Pirate' Website Owner Sentenced To 4 Years In Prison
Grumbleduke writes "Anton Vickerman, who owned, has been sentenced to 4 years in prison following his conviction last month for 'conspiracy to defraud.' This is the first successful...
09:05 pm - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot Khan Academy Launches Computer Science Curriculum
joabj writes "Expanding beyond math and the physical sciences, Khan Academy has added a set of computer science courses to its popular collection of learn-at-home instructional videos. For the project...
08:05 pm - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot CERN Physicists Generate Hottest Man-Made Temperatures Ever: ~5.5 Trillion K
Diggester sends this quote from Nature News:"Physicists at CERN's Large Hadron Collider have achieved the hottest man-made temperatures ever, by colliding lead ions to momentarily create a quark gluon...
08:05 pm - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot Inside the Real Economy Behind Fake Twitter Followers
colinneagle writes "People continue to pay money for Twitter followers, and, naturally, a deep network of developers and merchants has arisen to feed the market. A Barracuda Labs study found that the ...
07:05 pm - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot Office To Become Fully Open XML Compliant (at Last)
Andy Updegrove writes "Between 2005 and 2008, an unparalleled standards war was waged between Microsoft, on the one hand, and IBM, Google, Oracle and additional companies on the other. At the heart of...
07:05 pm - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot WikiLeaks Back Online After Massive DDoS Attack
Trailrunner7 writes "Controversial document-sharing site WikiLeaks was back online Monday evening after sustaining a week-long distributed denial-of-service attack. The organization apparently receive...
07:05 pm - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: What's the Best Place To Relocate?
New submitter tsakas writes: "I am an IT researcher from southern Europe looking for a good place to relocate. Markets are pulling the teeth out of the strong European countries by destroying the sout...
06:05 pm - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot Korean Artist's Intentionally Useless Satellite To Launch This December
An anonymous reader quotes the introduction to Inhabit's article on the upcoming launch of an art project cum satellite intended to be as different as possible from conventional space hardware: "South...
05:05 pm - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot Forget 6-Minute Abs: Learn To Code In a Day
whyloginwhysubscribe writes "The usually excellent BBC 'Click' programme has an article on 'Why computer code is the new language to learn' — which features a company in London who offer courses...
04:05 pm - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot A Conversation with Rob Malda - Part Three; the Finale (Video)
Part Two ran last Thursday. Part One ran last Wednesday. This is all a lead-up to Slashdot's Quinceañera, or 15th Birthday, this October. (Cue music: Fatboy Slim's Slash Dot Dash.) In this final ...
04:05 pm - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot Google Acquiring Frommer's In Big Travel Data Play
Nerval's Lobster writes with the widely-reported news that Google plans to acquire from publisher John Wiley & Sons the Frommer's travel guides,along with Wiley's other travel-related publishing a...
03:05 pm - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot Alternative To QR Code Uses NFC and Cheap Rectennas
An anonymous reader writes "The BBC reports researchers in Korea have developed a technology that can be used as a viable alternative to QR codes. Made of plastic and electronic ink the rectennas cost...
03:05 pm - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot Researchers Seek Help Cracking Gauss Mystery Payload
An anonymous reader writes "Researchers at Kaspersky Lab are asking the public for help in cracking an encrypted warhead that gets delivered to infected machines by the recently discovered Gauss malwa...
02:05 pm - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Open Source Software To Manage Student Grades?
An anonymous reader writes "I have been assigned the task of finding a software package to automate the management of grades in a high school. It does not need to be a complete system, but rather just...
02:05 pm - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot Cherry MX Mechanical Keyboard Switches Compared
crookedvulture writes "Keyboards with mechanical key switches are enjoying a renaissance of sorts. They're prized by gamers, coders, and writers alike, and Cherry's MX switches are the most popular on...
01:05 pm - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot Electronic Retailers In Europe Now Required To Take Back Old Goods
Qedward writes with this excerpt about the EU approach to E-waste: "A European Union law that will require all large electronic retailers to take back old equipment came into force yesterday. The new ...
01:05 pm - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot House Representatives Working On NASA Reform Bill
MarkWhittington writes with good and bad news about NASA's future budgets. From the article: "Rep. John Culberson, along with Rep. Frank Wolf, are developing a bill that will attempt to rationalize NA...
11:05 am - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot Creating a School Computer Lab With Ubuntu For $0
An anonymous reader writes "Here is an interesting story of a school in Oakland that used old computers running Ubuntu and to provide a school computer lab for students." ...
10:05 am - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot Touch Interfaces In Cars Difficult To Use
An anonymous reader writes an article about touch screen dash interfaces in cars (in particular Cadillac's "CUE" interface). From the article: "I do not recall anyone ever complaining about the iOS in...
08:05 am - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot Nokia Spinning Featurephones as Smartphones
zacharye writes with an excerpt from BGR: "One reason for Nokia's surprisingly strong share price rebound over the past two weeks is the success of its new Asha feature phones in Asia. According to ou...
05:05 am - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot Watchdog "Not Ready" To Probe Cookie Complaints
nk497 writes "The UK data watchdog has admitted it doesn't have any staff investigating cookie consent complaints, more than a year after the law came in via an EU directive. The regulation requires w...
03:05 am - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot Machine Learning Allows Actors To Create Games That Understand Body Language
ptresset writes "Goldsmiths college is developing technology with natural responses to human interaction. The technology enables video games characters to move in a more natural way, responding to the...
01:05 am - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot NASA Testing Supersonic X-51A Jet Tomorrow
First time accepted submitter littlesparkvt writes "The NASA and the Pentagon's experimental aircraft could go from NY to London in about an hour. With a cost of 140 million dollars USD. During the te...
12:05 am - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot Hacked BitCoin Exchange Sued By Customers
judgecorp writes "Bitcoinica, an exchange for the BitCoin virtual currency, is being sued by former customers, after it was hacked. Thieves stole around $180,000 worth of BitCoins in two attacks. The ...
12:05 am - Tue, August 14, 2012
Slashdot First Mummies May Have Been Inspired by Field of Corpses
sciencehabit writes with a story about a field strewn with corpses in shallow graves. From the article: "Trekking through Chile's Atacama Desert 7000 years ago, hunter-gatherers known as the Chinchorr...
11:05 pm - Mon, August 13, 2012
Slashdot EyeRing Could Help Blind People See Objects
cylonlover writes "Generally speaking, the vast majority of augmented reality applications that enhance the world around us by overlaying digital content on images displayed on smartphone, tablet or c...
10:05 pm - Mon, August 13, 2012
Slashdot JPMorgan Chase Spends $500 Million On a Data Center
1sockchuck writes "JPMorgan Chase spends $500 million to build a data center, according to CEO Jamie Dimon. That figure places the firm's facilities among the most expensive in the industry, on a par ...
09:05 pm - Mon, August 13, 2012
Slashdot Red Hat Releases Preview Version of Open Stack Distribution
hypnosec writes "Red Hat has announced the availability of a preview version of its OpenStack Distribution that would enable it to compete with the likes of Amazon which is considered one of the leade...
09:05 pm - Mon, August 13, 2012
Slashdot Could You Hack Into Mars Curiosity Rover?
MrSeb writes "NASA's Curiosity rover has now been on the surface of Mars for just over a week. It hasn't moved an inch after landing, instead focusing on orienting itself (and NASA's scientists) by ta...
08:05 pm - Mon, August 13, 2012
Slashdot Companies Advise Tighter Security After Honan Hack
In the wake of the hacking of Mat Honan's accounts, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Apple are just a few of the companies making their security policies tougher, and they are advising people to do the s...
08:05 pm - Mon, August 13, 2012
Slashdot Book Review: Navigating Social Media Legal Risks
benrothke writes "In the documentary Scared Straight! a group of inmates terrify young offenders in an attempt to 'scare them straight'" (hence the show's title) so that those teenagers will avoi...
07:05 pm - Mon, August 13, 2012
Slashdot Monitoring Weapons Bans With Social Media
Harperdog writes "Kirk Bansak has a great article outlining a coming revolution in non-proliferation of nuclear, chemical, and bio-weapons, courtesy of smart phones and social media. Early theory on a...
07:05 pm - Mon, August 13, 2012
Slashdot The Open Source Technology Behind Twitter
caseyb89 writes "If it weren't for open source technology, you wouldn't be able to tweet. Chris Aniszczyk, Open Source Manager at Twitter, shares how open source is vital to Twitter's success. He stat...
06:05 pm - Mon, August 13, 2012
Slashdot "Severe Abnormalities" Found In Fukushima Butterflies
Dupple writes "The collapse of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant caused a massive release of radioactive materials to the environment. A prompt and reliable system for evaluating the biologic...
06:05 pm - Mon, August 13, 2012
Slashdot DOJ Says iPhone Is So Secure They Can't Crack It
zacharye writes "In the five years since Apple launched the iPhone, the popular device has gone from a malicious hacker's dream to law enforcement's worst nightmare. As recounted by the Massachusetts ...
05:05 pm - Mon, August 13, 2012
Slashdot Amazon's Winding Course Through the Patent Jungle
ericjones12398 writes "On one hand, Amazon is not exactly short on patents themselves. The 'non-exhaustive list' on the company's site is a tidy little bundle of e-commerce IP, with a few questionable...
04:05 pm - Mon, August 13, 2012
Slashdot Leaked Emails Allegedly Tell of Global "Trapwire" Spy Network
judgecorp writes "The British government and police are customers of a controversial surveillance network called TrapWire, according to emails published by Wikileaks. The messages suggest that Scotlan...
04:05 pm - Mon, August 13, 2012
Slashdot Tree's Leaves Genetically Different From Its Roots
ananyo writes "Black cottonwood trees (Populus trichocarpa) can clone themselves to produce offspring that are connected to their parents by the same root system. Now, after the first genome-wide anal...
04:05 pm - Mon, August 13, 2012
Slashdot Motorola To Cut 4,000 Jobs, Focus On High-End Devices
jfruh writes "Motorola Mobility is facing its first major public shakeup after its acquisition by Google and it's not pretty for many employees. The company will be laying off thousands of workers as ...
03:05 pm - Mon, August 13, 2012
Slashdot Disney Turns Plants Into Multi-Touch Sensors
SchrodingerZ writes "Designers of Disney Research in Pittsburgh Pa, have turned the average household plant into a musical device and remote control. Called the Botanicus Interacticus project, this ne...
02:05 pm - Mon, August 13, 2012
Slashdot Let the Campaign Edit Wars Begin
Hugh Pickens writes writes "Megan Garber writes that in high school, Paul Ryan's classmates voted him as his class's 'biggest brown noser,' a juicy tidbit that is a source of delight for his political...
01:05 pm - Mon, August 13, 2012
Slashdot Demonoid Domain Names Up For Grabs
hypnosec writes "One of the most famous Torrent tracking sites Demonoid that was shut recently by Ukrainian authorities is at the receiving end of one more blow as the domain names for the site are up...
01:05 pm - Mon, August 13, 2012
Slashdot IBM Claims Spintronics Memory Breakthrough
CWmike writes with this excerpt from ComputerWorld: "In a paper set to be published this week in the scientific journal Nature, IBM researchers are claiming a huge breakthrough in spintronics, a techn...
10:05 am - Mon, August 13, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Personal Tape Drive NAS?
New submitter hey_popey writes "I would like to piggyback on a previous Ask Slashdot question. Do you know of any realistic way to use a tape drive solution at home, not as a backup, but as a regular ...
07:05 am - Mon, August 13, 2012
Slashdot Barnes & Noble Cuts Prices on Nook Color, Tablet
In perhaps one answer to the question of how tablet makers will react to a more crowded market for small screen tablets, the L.A. Times reports that Barnes and Noble is dropping the price on its Nook ...
04:05 am - Mon, August 13, 2012
Slashdot Facebook Faces High-Level Staff Exodus
angry tapir writes "It has been troubled times for Facebook since the social network's IPO in May. There has been speculation that Facebook could suffer a talent drain in the wake of the IPO, and now ...
01:05 am - Mon, August 13, 2012
Slashdot How Big Data Became So Big
theodp writes "The NYT's Steve Lohr reports that his has been the crossover year for Big Data — as a concept, term and marketing tool. Big Data has sprung from the confines of technology circles...
11:05 pm - Sun, August 12, 2012
Slashdot Is Sexual Harassment Part of Hacker Culture?
owenferguson writes "Valerie Aurora, Linux kernel file systems expert, takes DEFCON to task for poor sexual harassment policing. A nice followup piece to the recent Readercon fiasco." ...
10:05 pm - Sun, August 12, 2012
Slashdot Color Printing Reaches Its Ultimate Resolution
ananyo writes "The highest possible resolution images — about 100,000 dots per inch — have been achieved, and in full-colour, with a printing method that uses tiny pillars a few tens of na...
09:05 pm - Sun, August 12, 2012
Slashdot Intellectual Ventures Tied To 1,300 Shell Companies
dgharmon writes "New research (PDF) shows that Intellectual Ventures is tied to at least 1,300 shell companies whose sole purpose is to coerce real companies into buying patent license that they don't...
08:05 pm - Sun, August 12, 2012
Slashdot Why Apple Is Suing Every Android Manufacturer In Sight
First time accepted submitter amiller2571 writes "The eyes of the technology world are focused on the epic patent struggle between Apple and Samsung — the latest iteration of Apple's frantic leg...
06:05 pm - Sun, August 12, 2012
Slashdot MSFT Reaches Out To Hackers: 'Do Epic $#!+'
hessian writes "Microsoft isn't exactly known for its underground hacker culture, but a recent effort to give its employees more slack is generating some wild experiments. Last summer, Microsoft compl...
05:05 pm - Sun, August 12, 2012
Slashdot How Will Amazon, Barnes & Noble Survive the iPad Mini?
redletterdave writes "For about a year, and Barnes & Noble were almost completely alone in the 7-inch tablet market. It was nice while it lasted. The past few months have seen Google an...
04:05 pm - Sun, August 12, 2012
Slashdot White House Pulls Down TSA Petition
Jeremiah Cornelius writes with a note that on Thursday of this week "The Electronic Privacy Information Center posted a brief and detailed notice about the removal of a petition regarding security scr...
03:05 pm - Sun, August 12, 2012
Slashdot Make Your Own LEGO Curiosity Rover
LinuxOnEveryDesktop writes "Stephen Pakbaz designed a custom Curiosity Mars Science Laboratory Rover set, complete with PDF build instructions and parts lists. There's a dearth of official LEGO sets t...
02:05 pm - Sun, August 12, 2012
Slashdot Breakthrough In Drawing Complex Venn Diagrams: Goes to 11
00_NOP writes "Venn diagrams are all the rage in this election year, but drawing comprehensible diagrams for anything more than 3 sets has proved to be very difficult. Until the breakthrough just anno...
02:05 pm - Sun, August 12, 2012
Slashdot What Happens To Google Employees When They Die?
Hugh Pickens writes "Forbes Magazine reports that employee benefits of Google are among the best in the land—free haircuts, gourmet food, on-site doctors and high-tech "cleansing" toilets are am...
01:05 pm - Sun, August 12, 2012
Slashdot uTorrent Adds "Featured Torrents" Ads — With No Opt Out (Yet)
wrekkuh writes "BitTorrent, Inc, the company who owns the freeware (but closed-source) BitTorrent client uTorrent, has announced that it will be updating it's popular client with 'Featured Torrents.' ...
10:05 am - Sun, August 12, 2012
Slashdot Georgia Tech Launches "Titan" Malware Analysis System
wiredmikey writes "A new malware intelligence system developed at Georgia Tech Research Institute is helping organizations share threat intelligence and work together to understand malware and cyber a...
07:05 am - Sun, August 12, 2012
Slashdot Researchers Develop Algorithm To Trace Malware, Epidemics, More
hypnosec writes "Want to trace the source of virus that has infected your computer? Researchers at a Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland have the answer. The scientists hav...
04:05 am - Sun, August 12, 2012
Slashdot Rootbeer GPU Compiler Lets Almost Any Java Code Run On the GPU
An anonymous reader writes "Today the source code to the Rootbeer GPU Compiler was released as open source on github. This work allows for a developer to use almost any Java code on the GPU. It is fre...
01:05 am - Sun, August 12, 2012
Slashdot Validating Voters For Open Source Governance, In Person
An anonymous reader writes "As we (very gradually) move away from feudal, leader-based forms of governance to collaborative and open source governance, some interesting new issues arise. The biggest i...
12:05 am - Sun, August 12, 2012
Slashdot Microsoft Working On "Surface 2" Tablet
SternisheFan snips this news from Tech Radar: "The Surface tablets that Microsoft will start selling on 26 October at Microsoft Stores (and in temporary 'holiday stores' in twelve US cities including ...
12:05 am - Sun, August 12, 2012
Slashdot Launch Escape System To Be Tested For Apollo-Like Capsule In the Baltic Sea
An anonymous reader writes "The Danish amateur rocket group Copenhagen Suborbitals are readying to test their Launch Escape System for the Tycho Deep Space capsule in the Baltic Sea east of the island...
11:05 pm - Sat, August 11, 2012
Slashdot Lauch Escape System To Be Tested For Apollo-Like Capsule In the Baltic Sea
An anonymous reader writes "The Danish amateur rocket group Copenhagen Suborbitals are readying to test their Launch Escape System for the Tycho Deep Space capsule in the Baltic Sea east of the island...
09:05 pm - Sat, August 11, 2012
Slashdot UCLA Scientist Discovers Plate Tectonics On Mars
Reader SternisheFan links to a press release at UCLA, and excerpts from it another bit of Mars news: "For years, many scientists had thought that plate tectonics existed nowhere in our solar system bu...
08:05 pm - Sat, August 11, 2012
Slashdot Pixar Demos Newly Open-Sourced OpenSubdiv Graphics Tech
An anonymous reader writes "Last week at SIGGRAPH, Pixar Animation Studios announced OpenSubdiv, an open source implementation of the Renderman subdivision surface technology, thus releasing the paten...
07:05 pm - Sat, August 11, 2012
Slashdot Patient Just Wants To See Data From His Implanted Medical Device
An anonymous reader writes "Hugo Campos got an implanted cardiac defibrillator shortly after collapsing on a BART train platform. He wants access to the data wirelessly collected by the computer impla...
06:05 pm - Sat, August 11, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: What Is the Best Position To Work For Long Hours?
New submitter damitr asks: "What is the most ergonomic position if you are working with a laptop or a desktop (with or without wireless keyboard and mouse) for long hours at stretch? Is bean bag for s...
06:05 pm - Sat, August 11, 2012
Slashdot Huge Pumice Rock 'Island' Seen Floating In South Pacific
First time accepted submitter ZombieBraintrust writes "Pumice, the lightweight stone used to smooth skin, is usually found in beauty salons, but on Thursday sailors from New Zealand's Royal Navy found...
05:05 pm - Sat, August 11, 2012
Slashdot Curiosity Transmits First 360-Degree Panorama From Mars
redletterdave writes with this snippet from the IB Times: "Five days after NASA's Curiosity rover successfully landed on Mars, the one-ton robot sent another postcard back to Earth, this one a 360-deg...
04:05 pm - Sat, August 11, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: How To Run a Small Business With Open Source Software?
First time accepted submitter ahree writes "I'm starting up a restaurant with my wife and a few friends and, well, I'd like to support the OS community and hope that this is a way to do it. Simply put...
04:05 pm - Sat, August 11, 2012
Slashdot Nathan Myhrvold, Do-Gooder
theodp writes "Perturbed by a GigaOm item which likened him to 'Darth Vader doing some charity work as he completes the Death Star', Intellectual Ventures CEO Nathan Myhrvold talks about the goals of ...
03:05 pm - Sat, August 11, 2012
Slashdot Australian Gov't Drops Plan To Snoop On Internet Use — For Now
CuteSteveJobs writes "Australian Attorney-General Nicola Roxon has been forced to back down on her government's unpopular plan to force ISPs to store the web history and social networking of all Austr...
02:05 pm - Sat, August 11, 2012
Slashdot Romney Taps Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan As Running Mate
Shortly after 9 a.m. Eastern time Saturday, Republican candidate Mitt Romney officially announced (via phone app) his selection of 42-year-old Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan as running mate for the 2...
01:05 pm - Sat, August 11, 2012
Slashdot You Can't Bypass the UI Formerly Known As Metro On Windows 8
colinneagle writes with this excerpt from Network World: "The final build of Windows 8 has already leaked to torrent sites, which is giving the propellerheads a chance to dig through the code. One rev...
10:05 am - Sat, August 11, 2012
Slashdot In Brazil, All Vehicles Must Have Radio IDs By 2014
morcego writes "Brazil's National Traffic Council (CNT) published Friday a resolution that institutes the National System of Automatic Vehicle Identification (Siniav). According to the Q&A publish...
07:05 am - Sat, August 11, 2012
Slashdot Kinect 2 Sensor Output Image Leaks
New submitter rabok writes "If a Microsoft job posting can be believed, we are set to get a new Xbox on store shelves by March 2014 at the latest. Regardless of when it does eventually arrive, it seem...
04:05 am - Sat, August 11, 2012
Slashdot $50 Sound Cards Impress Versus Integrated Audio
crookedvulture writes "Most PCs have audio integrated right on the motherboard. There's much to be gained from upgrading to a discrete sound card, though. This look at a couple of sub-$50 sound cards ...
03:05 am - Sat, August 11, 2012
Slashdot Judge Overturns Patent Suit, Rules RIM Did Not Infringe
New submitter ottdmk writes "You may recall this recent Slashdot story about Mformation being awarded 147.2 million dollars in a patent suit against RIM. Well, it appears a California appeals judge ha...
01:05 am - Sat, August 11, 2012
Slashdot Minneapolis Police Catalog License Plates and Location Data
tripleevenfall writes "The Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports that Minneapolis police used automated scanning technology to log location data for over 800,000 license plates in June alone, with 4.9 mill...
12:05 am - Sat, August 11, 2012
Slashdot Ubuntu Delays Wayland Plans, System Compositor
An anonymous reader writes "The Wayland-usage in Ubuntu 12.10 via setting it up as a system video compositor has been delayed to at least Ubuntu 13.04. Developers made progress on running Ubuntu on Wa...
11:05 pm - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot Beware the Nocebo Effect
An article at the NY Times looks at research into the "nocebo" effect. Named after the placebo effect, it's the term for when patient expectations do harm, rather than good. "When a patient anticipate...
11:05 pm - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot CyanogenMod 9 Achieves Stable Release
New submitter jolle sends word that stable builds for CyanogenMod 9 rolled out to their servers last night, supporting a wide range of devices. Downloads here. From their announcement:"[This] release ...
11:05 pm - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot Microsoft Picks Another Web Standards Fight
mikejuk writes "WebRTC is a way to allow browsers to get in touch with one another using audio or video data without the help of a server. Google has been something of a pioneer in this area, and subm...
10:05 pm - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot Perseids Meteor Shower Maximum Is This Weekend
New submitter turp182 writes to remind us that the Perseid meteor shower will be visible this weekend (Aug. 11-13). Astronomers are anticipating the Perseid shower being the best of the year, forecast...
10:05 pm - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot Google To Start Punishing Pirate Sites In Search Results
An anonymous reader sends word of a change Google will be making to its search algorithms. Beginning next week, the company will penalize the search rankings of websites who are the target of many cop...
09:05 pm - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Best On-Site Backup Plan?
An anonymous reader writes "I know most people use backup services in the cloud now, off-site, but does anyone have good ideas on how to best protect data without it leaving the site? I'm a photograph...
09:05 pm - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot PlayStation Boss Defends Vita, Slams Social Gaming
donniebaseball23 writes "Sony Computer Entertainment America boss Jack Tretton has come out swinging to defend the lackluster response the games industry has seen with the PS Vita. He deemed the sales...
08:05 pm - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot Meet DARPA's New Militarized Earthworm
derekmead writes "Meshworm is a toughened, robotic earthworm that can crawl virtually silently at a speed of about 5 millimeters per second. DARPA wants to send it into battle. Believe it or not, the ...
08:05 pm - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot Google Granted Cloud OS Patent
An anonymous reader writes "This week, Google was given approval of a network OS patent that it applied for back in 2009. The design of the OS is built for 'providing an operating system over a networ...
07:05 pm - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot IBM Reportedly Eyeing RIM's Enterprise Services Unit
PolygamousRanchKid sends this excerpt from ZDNet:"Research In Motion's enterprise services unit have attracted the interest of IBM, which has made an 'informal approach' on potentially acquiring the d...
07:05 pm - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot Training Cops To Use Social Media Information
jfruh writes "Cynthia Navarro starts her sessions training police to mine social media in dramatic fashion: by quickly finding data about the officers themselves. She also provides information about w...
06:05 pm - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot Former Goldman Sachs Programmer Arrested and Charged Again For Code Theft
hypnosec writes with news that Sergey Aleynikov, once a programmer for Goldman Sachs, has been arrested and charged again for stealing code from his employer in 2009. Aleynikov was originally charged ...
06:05 pm - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot CowboyNeal Weighs In On the Windows 8 "Metro" GUI
With the availabilityof RTM builds of Windows 8 this past week, it's become clear thatat least for the initial release, they won't be providing a way to disable thecontroversial new "Windows 8 style U...
05:05 pm - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot Nokia Feeds a Patent Troll
New submitter glebovitz writes "In case anyone missed the other Nokia news: on the same day they announced the sale of Qt to Digia, they also sold 500 patents to Vringo. Vringo, a video ring tone comp...
04:05 pm - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot How Pictures Skew Our Judgment
An article at Ars summarizes a study into how simply seeing pictures can alter what we believe, even if the pictures don't provide any information about the topic at hand (abstract). Researchers asked...
03:05 pm - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot Poll Finds Americans Think the TSA Is 'Doing a Good Job'
OverTheGeicoE writes "Why is it that airport security never seems to change in the United States? Perhaps it's because most Americans think the TSA is doing a 'good job,' according to a surprise Gallu...
03:05 pm - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot Vaporizing the Earth In the Name of Science
cylonlover writes "Unlike in old B movies, real scientists don't scream, 'Fools! I'll destroy them all!' before throwing the switch on their doomsday device. At least, most of the them don't. However,...
02:05 pm - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot Software Engineering Has Its Own Political Axis From Conservative To Liberal
An anonymous reader writes "Steve Yegge is back at it again. This essay is on the notion that software engineers range from conservative to liberal in their notion of software and how it should be bui...
01:05 pm - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot Wall Street and the Mismanagement of Software
CowboyRobot writes "Last week, a bug in high-frequency trading software from Knight Capital Group resulted in erroneous trades costing almost a half-billion dollars. So, what went wrong and how can th...
01:05 pm - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot 'Smart Fingertips' Pave Way For Virtual Sensations
sciencehabit writes "Imagine feeling like you're lifting a 50-kilogram weight just by pulling at thin air. That's just one of the possible applications of new 'smart fingertips' created by a team of n...
10:05 am - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Simple Way To Backup 24TB of Data Onto USB HDDs ?
An anonymous reader writes "Hi there ! I'm looking for a simple solution to backup a big data set consisting of files between 3MB and 20GB, for a total of 24TB, onto multiple hard drives (usb, firewir...
08:05 am - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot Upgrading Software From 350 Million Miles Away
CWmike writes "Picture doing a remote software upgrade. Now picture doing it when the machine you're upgrading is a robotic rover sitting 350 million miles away, on the surface of Mars. That's what a ...
06:05 am - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot ScrumAgile Now Used To Manage Non-Tech Projects
jfruh writes "Agile and, in particular, Scrum, have been popular project management methods for software development for more than a decade, and now its use is spreading well beyond software. For exam...
05:05 am - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot Google's Self-Driving Cars: 300,000 Miles Logged, Not a Single Accident
An anonymous reader writes "The automated cars are slowly building a driving record that's better than that of your average American. From the article: 'Ever since Google began designing its self-driv...
03:05 am - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot Custom Android ROM Developers Get OTA Update Capabilities Like Carriers
hypnosec writes "A new service dubbed OTA Update Center has been launched that enables Android ROM developers to provide over-the-air (OTA) updates of their ROMs in a centralized and easy fashion. Cus...
01:05 am - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot Craigslist Drops Exclusive License To Your Posts
First time accepted submitter Penurious Penguin writes "Last week Craigslist demanded exclusive license to the content you post there, an odd demand which would have prevented ad-content on Craigslist...
12:05 am - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot Blizzard Says Battle.Net Has Been Hacked
An anonymous reader writes "Blizzard announced today that its service was compromised. The company is urging users to change their login information immediately. Blizzard is stressing that ...
12:05 am - Fri, August 10, 2012
Slashdot US Freezes Nuclear Power Plant Permits Because of Waste Issues
KindMind writes "The U.S. Government said it will stop issuing all permits for new plants and license extensions for existing plants are being frozen due to concerns over waste storage. From the artic...
11:05 pm - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot Google Fined $22.5M Over Safari Privacy Violation
wiredmikey writes "The US Federal Trade Commission fined Google $22.5 million for violating the privacy of people who used rival Apple's Safari web browser even after pledging not to do so. The FTC sa...
10:05 pm - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot NASA Morpheus Lander Test Ends In Explosion
First time accepted submitter DishpanMan writes "For every success story from NASA like Curiosity, there is a failure story, like today's Morpheus project test flight at Kennedy Space Center. The proj...
10:05 pm - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot In Hacker Highschool, Students Learn To Redesign the Future
caseyb89 writes "Hacker Highschool is an after school program that teaches students the best practices of responsible hacking. The program is open source, and high schools across the country have begu...
09:05 pm - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot TextMate 2 Released As Open Source
First time accepted submitter DaBombDotCom writes "Allan Odgaard, the author of the popular text editor for Mac OS X, TextMate has posted on his blog: 'Today I am happy to announce that you can find t...
09:05 pm - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot With $8.6M In Kickstarter Funds, Ouya Opens Console Pre-Orders
Chameleon Man writes with an excerpt from PC Mag: "Early this morning, the Android-based Ouya console ended its run on Kickstarter with nearly $8.6 million in user donations. In recent weeks, the comp...
08:05 pm - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot US Adoption of 10 Mbps+ Broadband Nearly Doubles In a Year
darthcamaro writes "ok we all know that the U.S. doesn't have the fastest broadband in the world, but it is gaining 'fast' (pun intended). The latest Akamai State of the Internet report pegs U.S. adop...
07:05 pm - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot New State-Sponsored Malware "Gauss" Making the Rounds
EliSowash writes "A newly uncovered espionage tool, apparently designed by the same people behind the state-sponsored Flame malware that infiltrated machines in Iran, has been found infecting systems ...
07:05 pm - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot Flickr Photo Leads To New Insect Discovery
rhettb writes "Scientists have discovered a previously unknown species of lacewing insect after stumbling upon a series of photos posted on Flickr, according to a paper published in the journal ZooKey...
06:05 pm - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: How Many of You Actually Use Math?
An anonymous reader writes with a question that makes a good follow-on to the claim that mathematics requirements in U.S. schools unnecessarily limit students' educational choices: "I'm a high school ...
06:05 pm - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot For Much of the World, Demand For Water Outstrips Supply
ananyo writes "Almost one-quarter of the world's population lives in regions where groundwater is being used up faster than it can be replenished, concludes a comprehensive global analysis of groundwa...
06:05 pm - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot Data-Fed Monitoring System Will Put New Yorkers Under Police Surveillance
Nerval's Lobster writes that New York City isn't just gathering data on citizens with cameras and other data sources for sifting through later to seek evidence in the event of violent acts; it's using...
05:05 pm - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot A Conversation with Rob Malda - Part Two of Three (Video)
Yesterday we mentioned that Slashdot's 15th Anniversary is coming up in October. (Link to the cheezy song, I Read It On Slashdot.) Also, yesterday we ran Part One of a discussion with Rob Malda conduc...
04:05 pm - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot ISPs Throttling BitTorrent Traffic, Study Finds
hypnosec writes "A new report by an open source internet measurement platform, Measurement Lab, sheds light onto throttling of and restriction on BitTorrent traffic by ISPs (Internet Service Provider)...
04:05 pm - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot Man Orders TV On Amazon, Gets Shipped Assault Rifle
First time accepted submitter InfernoApple writes "Seth Horvitz, a Northeast D.C. resident, thought he had ordered a new high-definition television a few days ago through from a third-party...
04:05 pm - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot Secret Security Questions Are a Joke
Hugh Pickens writes "Rebecca Rosen writes that when hackers broke into Mat Honan's Apple account last week, they couldn't answer his security questions but Apple didn't care and issued a temporary pas...
03:05 pm - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot Digia To Acquire Qt From Nokia
First time accepted submitter MrvFD writes "Ever since the most recent layoffs were announced by Nokia last month and the end of Qt related programs at Nokia was rumored, the fate of Qt has been in th...
02:05 pm - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot Facebook Facial Recognition Under Scrutiny In Norway
Qedward writes "Certainly not the first country to raise concerns, but Facebook's facial recognition feature will now be investigated by the Norwegian Data Protection Agency. Last year, Facebook added...
02:05 pm - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot Baskerville Is the Greatest Font, Statistically, Says Filmmaker Errol Morris
An anonymous reader writes "A survey of unsuspecting New York Times readers implicitly answered the question: Does a certain font make you agree or disagree more often than another font? It turns out ...
01:05 pm - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot War By Remote Control, With Military Robots Set To Self Destruct
New submitter RougeFive writes "A new wave of Kamikaze unmanned military aircraft, ground robots and water vessels are being built to deliberately destroy themselves as they hit their targets. Since i...
01:05 pm - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Rugged E-book Reader?
First time accepted submitter Augury writes "I'm about to undertake a lengthy trip involving travel through dusty, damp and drop-inducing environments. When it comes to packing for such a trip, readin...
01:05 pm - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot Telco Company Claims Freedom of Speech Includes Misleading Ads
An anonymous reader writes "Rogers Telecommunications is claiming that a ruling by Canada's Competition Bureau violates Rogers' freedom of speech. The company is in court over a 2010 ad campaign where...
11:05 am - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot Store Offers Kinect Body Scanner To Help You Find Jeans That Fit
itwbennett writes "For those of you who can't count on a friend to tell you that a little more air should come between you and your Calvins, a Bloomingdales store in Palo Alto has just the solution: A...
10:05 am - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot Indian Government Mulls Giving Away Mobile Phones To the Poor
jalfreize writes "The Indian government is finalizing a $1.2 billion plan to hand out free mobile phones to the poorest Indian families (around six million households, according to some estimates). Th...
08:05 am - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot No Bomb Powerful Enough To Destroy an On-Rushing Asteroid, Sorry Bruce Willis
coondoggie writes "Maybe it's the doom predictions about the end of the Mayan calendar this year, or maybe these guys are obsessed with old Bruce Willis movies. Either way a class of physics students ...
05:05 am - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot Open-Source Movements Bicker Over Logo
colinneagle writes in with a story about open source organizations fighting over logos. "A gear logo proposed to represent and easily identify open-source hardware has caught the eyes of the The Open ...
03:05 am - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot US Is Finally Cleaning Up Agent Orange In Vietnam
derekmead writes "It only took 40 years. And yes, Washington still disputes Hanoi's claim that up to 4 million Vietnamese suffered contact with the defoliant, which was dumped en masse in a U.S. air c...
03:05 am - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot Legitimate eBook Lending Community Closed After Copyright Complaints
Ian Lamont writes "LendInk, a community for people interesting in using the lending features of the Kindle and Nook, has been shut down after some authors mistakenly thought the site was hosting pirat...
01:05 am - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot Kim Dotcom Raid - What Really Happened
chill writes "People have been discussing the raid on the Dotcom mansion for months, but now more details and video footage of that morning have begun to emerge from the trial. From the article: 'At 6...
12:05 am - Thu, August 9, 2012
Slashdot Google Unveils New Search Features, Including iOS Voice Search
First time accepted submitter sohmc writes "Some time ago, Google admitted that the biggest threat was not other search engines but services like Siri. However, Google just bridged that gap with Googl...
11:05 pm - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Most Underappreciated Sci-Fi Writer?
mvdwege writes "In the thread on the most depressing sci-fi, there were hundreds of posts but merely four mentions of John Brunner, dystopian writer par excellence. Now, given the normally U.S. libert...
11:05 pm - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot SUSE Slowly Shows UEFI Secure Boot Plan
itwbennett writes "One blog post at a time, SUSE is revealing its plan for getting SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) to boot on machines with UEFI Secure Boot. The short version: 'For now, it seems,...
11:05 pm - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot FCC Asked To Reassess Cell Phone Radiation Guidelines
An anonymous reader writes "A U.S. government report released on Tuesday says the Federal Communications Commission needs to update its guidelines for limiting cell phone radio-frequency exposure. The...
10:05 pm - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot July Heat Set U.S. Record
gollum123 sends this excerpt from CNN:"The July heat wave that wilted crops, shriveled rivers and fueled wildfires officially went into the books Wednesday as the hottest single month on record for th...
10:05 pm - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot Productivity and Creativity Software Coming To Steam
lga writes "Valve announced today in a press release that they are expanding Steam beyond games and will start to deliver other software. This means that Steam will compete directly with Microsoft's W...
09:05 pm - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot Will Online Learning Disrupt Programming Language Adoption?
theodp writes "Back in the day, getting traction for a new programming language was next to impossible. First, one needed a textbook publishing deal. Then, one needed a critical mass of CS profs acros...
09:05 pm - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot Mexico Kills 8 Million Chickens To Contain H7N3 Virus
An anonymous reader writes "Mexico has so far slaughtered eight million chickens and vaccinated 66 million more in an effort to contain a bird flu outbreak in the west of the country, officials said T...
08:05 pm - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot How To Watch Internet TV Across International Borders
colinneagle writes "Living in the U.S., one of my greatest regrets is that I can't watch BBC video with iPlayer. If I were living in the U.K., I'd feel the same away about not being able to watch show...
08:05 pm - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot Bad Software Runs the World
whitroth tips a story at The Atlantic by James Kwak, who bemoans the poor quality of software underpinning so many important industries. He points out that while user-facing software is often well-pol...
07:05 pm - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot Zeus Trojan Hits Blackberry Devices
wiredmikey writes "Despite its significant user base within enterprises, BlackBerry devices have managed to stay off the radar for malware writers. That may be ending, as four new Zeus-in-the-mobile (...
06:05 pm - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot Could a Category 5 Hurricane Take Down East Coast Data Centers?
TheNextCorner writes "With more data moving into the cloud, there is an increasing danger of data loss when one of these cloud computing data centers fails. Hurricanes pose a real threat to infrastruc...
06:05 pm - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot A Conversation with Rob Malda - Part One of Three (Video)
Slashdot's Glorious 15th Anniversary (link to bad fireworks video) is coming up in October, so Jeff 'Soulskill' Boehm and Rob 'samzenpus' Rozeboom decided to have a chat with Rob Malda. Back in 1997 R...
05:05 pm - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot Virtual Nanoscopy Allows Scientists To Capture High Res Cell Map
hypnosec writes "Researchers have managed to generate ultra-large high resolution election microscopic maps of cells by developing new tools that can combine thousands of images taken from an electron...
04:05 pm - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot Debian Changes Default Desktop From GNOME To XFCE
An anonymous reader writes "The default desktop within Debian 7.0 'Wheezy' has changed from GNOME to Xfce. GNOME, KDE, and LXDE will continue to be available, but the decision was made to default to X...
04:05 pm - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot Samsung's Comparison of Galaxy S To iPhone
david.emery writes "In a document from the ongoing Samsung/Apple trial, provided in both English translation and Korean original, Samsung engineers provided a detailed comparison of user interface fea...
03:05 pm - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot Wikileaks DDoSed Again
twoheadedboy writes "After being hit by a '72-hour' DDoS in May, WikiLeaks is claiming to be under attack yet again. All its sites appear to be down and fingers have already been pointed at government...
03:05 pm - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot Wikipedia Edits Forecast Romney's Vice Presidential Pick
Hugh Pickens writes writes "In 2008, as The Washington Post wrote at the time, 'just hours before [Sen. John] McCain declared his veep choice of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, her Wiki page saw a flurry of ...
03:05 pm - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot Ouya Teams Up With XBMC
New submitter JG0LD writes "The team behind open-source media platform XBMC announced yesterday that it would be working with the developers of Ouya to make sure that XBMC works on the still-developin...
02:05 pm - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot GNOME Developers Lay Out Plans for GNOME OS
From the H: "Allan Day has written a blog post on the concrete plans for 'GNOME OS' and provided background on the ideas that have motivated those plans ... Day starts by emphasizing that GNOME OS is ...
01:05 pm - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot Forbes Likens Instagram Purchase To Myspace Deal
theodp writes "It's not that Chunka Mui isn't impressed by the smarts of Instagram CEO and Forbes cover boy Kevin Systrom. Still, Mui can't help but ask, 'How Long Before Facebook Writes Off Its $1B P...
01:05 pm - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot Starbucks Partners With Square
Square, the start-up mobile payment service that aims to bring credit card transactions to anyone with a smartphone, has formed a partnership with Starbucks, a move that vastly increases Square's reac...
10:05 am - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot Microsoft Reaffirms Default Do-Not-Track For IE10, Windows 8 Express Setup
Billly Gates writes "Microsoft has confirmed that Internet Explorer 10 will have Do-Not-Track settings enabled by default. IE 10 comes with Windows 8, and will go release candidate for Windows 7 very ...
07:05 am - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot The Internet Archive Starts Seeding Over a Million Torrents
An anonymous reader writes with news that The Internet Archive has started seeding about 1,400,000 torrents. In addition to over a million books, the Archive is seeding thousands and thousands of film...
05:05 am - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot OpenGL Version 4.3 Released
An anonymous reader writes "The Khronos Group has released the specification for OpenGL 4.3 at the SIGGRAPH 2012 conference in Los Angeles. New functionality includes: compute shaders that harness GPU...
03:05 am - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot 'Wall of Shame' Exposes 21M Medical Record Breaches
Lucas123 writes "Over the past three years, about 21 million patients have had their unencrypted medical records exposed in data security breaches that were big enough to require they be reported to t...
01:05 am - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot Are SSD Accelerators Any Good?
MrSeb writes "When solid-state drives first broke into the consumer market, there were those who predicted the new storage format would supplant hard drives in a matter of years thanks to radically im...
12:05 am - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: What's the Most Depressing Sci-fi You've Ever Read?
50000BTU_barbecue writes "Usually sci-fi provides adventure with happy endings for everyone. But what story have you read that resonates years later because of some insight about human nature or socie...
12:05 am - Wed, August 8, 2012
Slashdot SCO Group Files For Chapter 7
New submitter rkhalloran writes "The remnants of the failed litigation engine that was the SCO Group has finally filed for liquidation under Chapter 7 of the bankruptcy code. 'There is no reasonable c...
11:05 pm - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot This Is What Wall Street's Terrifying Robot Invasion Looks Like
pigrabbitbear writes "Given the the endless mind-whirling acronyms, derivatives and structures of the financial markets, we're rarely served with a visualization that so elegantly illustrates the arri...
11:05 pm - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot Acer: Microsoft Surface 'Negative For The Whole PC Industry'
Shortly after Microsoft announced its upcoming Surface tablet, there was speculation that it might sour the company's relationships with OEM partners. Statements from an Acer spokesperson indicate tha...
11:05 pm - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot US Gov't Can't Be Sued For Warrantless Wiretapping
Wired has an article about a ruling from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals saying the government can't be sued over intercepting phone calls without a warrant. The decision (PDF) vacated an earlie...
10:05 pm - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot Astronomer Sir Bernard Lovell Dies At 98
An anonymous reader writes "Sir Bernard Lovell, the founder of the Jodrell Bank Observatory and namesake of the Lovell telescope has died at the age of 98. The Mark 1 telescope, as it was known in the...
10:05 pm - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot Amazon Expanding Delivery Locker Service
An anonymous reader writes "The WSJ reports that Amazon's new secret weapon in its fight against other retailers is its delivery locker service. Dropping a package at a customer's door is not particul...
09:05 pm - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot Paid Media Must Be Disclosed In Oracle v. Google
jfruh writes "One of the odder moments during the Oracle v. Google trial over Java patents came when patent blogger Florian Mueller disclosed that he had a 'consulting relationship' with Oracle. Now i...
09:05 pm - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot Report Cites Highest IT Job Growth In 4 Years
netbuzz writes "Employment research firm Foote Partners says U.S. labor statistics from last month reveal an increase of some 18,200 jobs in IT, which represents the largest such monthly jump since 20...
08:05 pm - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot Bitcoin-Based Drug Market Silk Road Thriving With $2 Million In Monthly Sales
Sparrowvsrevolution writes "Every day or so of the last six months, Carnegie Mellon computer security professor Nicolas Christin has crawled and scraped Silk Road, the Tor- and Bitcoin-based undergrou...
07:05 pm - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot Thin Mini-ITX Platform Enables DIY iMacs
crookedvulture writes "Shipments of all-in-one PCs are growing exponentially faster than those for typical desktops. Unfortunately, highly integrated systems like the iMac have traditionally made it d...
06:05 pm - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot The Google-fication of Yahoo!
Hugh Pickens writes "Since coming to Yahoo!, CEO Marissa Mayer has added a weekly, Friday afternoon all-hands meeting, just like at Google; she announced that henceforth the food in Yahoo's URLs Cafe ...
06:05 pm - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot Content-Centric Networking & the Next Internet
waderoush writes "PARC research fellow Van Jacobson argues that the Internet was never designed to carry exabytes of video, voice, and image data to consumers' homes and mobile devices, and that it wi...
05:05 pm - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot The World's Greatest Competitive Programmer
An anonymous reader writes "Technology Review profiles Petr Mitrichev, who has since 2005 dominated the world of competitive programming, a little known sport where competitors furiously code for five...
05:05 pm - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot Vietnamese Bank Issues Fingerprint-Enabled Debit Cards
sweetpea86 writes "Mekong Development has become the first bank in Vietnam to launch fingerprint authentication enabled debit cards. Fingerprints are captured by Mekong Development at the point of ope...
04:05 pm - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot The Underground Economy of Social Networks
An anonymous reader writes "In a new study, Barracuda Labs analyzed a random sampling of more than 70,000 fake Twitter accounts that are being used to sell fake Twitter followers. They also analyzed s...
03:05 pm - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot Wired Writer Hack Shows Need For Tighter Cloud Security
Nerval's Lobster writes "Between 4:52 and 5:12 on August 3, attackers used Wired writer Mat Honan's Apple ID to wipe his MacBook, before seizing control of his Gmail and other online identities ('My a...
03:05 pm - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Understanding the SNES?
An anonymous reader writes "As a product of the 90s I grew up loving the classics that kids today know about from Wikipedia and pop-culture references. Games like Super Bomberman, Zelda: A Link to the...
03:05 pm - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot Sensor Uses Body's Electrical Signature To Secure Devices
coondoggie writes with word that a "group of researchers is proposing a sensor that would authenticate mobile and wearable computer systems by using the unique electrical properties of a person's body...
02:05 pm - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot How Haiku Is Building a Better BeOS
angry tapir writes "BeOS may be dead, but over a decade after its lamentable demise the open source Haiku project keeps its legacy alive. Haiku is an attempt to build a drop-in, binary compatible repl...
02:05 pm - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot A New Glider Found For Conway's Game of Life
An anonymous reader writes "Conway's Game of Life is now forty two years old, but it continues toinspire as well as being the basis of an actively researched field, with computer scientists now announ...
01:05 pm - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot MS-DOS Not Stolen, New Forensic Analysis Concludes
theodp writes "Challenging earlier assertions that Bill Gates got the rewards due Gary Kildall, a forensic analysis conducted for the latest issue of IEEE Spectrum concludes that the landmark MS-DOS o...
01:05 pm - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot Dark Reign 2 Goes Open Source
An anonymous reader writes "One of Activision's last RTS games, Dark Reign 2, has gone open source under the LGPL. Although the release by a former Pandemic Studios employee was some time ago, it had ...
01:05 pm - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot NASA Scientist: Heat Waves Really Are From Global Warming
mdsolar writes with a tidbit from the New York Times on global warming: "The percentage of the earth's land surface covered by extreme heat in the summer has soared in recent decades, from less than 1...
10:05 am - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot Kindle E-Book Sales Surpass Print Sales In UK
twoheadedboy writes "Book lovers are increasingly turning to e-books, and in the UK Amazon has announced it now sells more e-books than physical copies on Kindle books surpassed sales of...
08:05 am - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot ReactOS Presented To Russian President Putin
An anonymous reader writes "While President Putin was touring the area of Seliger Youth Forum, Marat Karatov demonstrated what can only be described as a fair amount of daring when he called out to th...
08:05 am - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot How Apple and Amazon Security Flaws Led To Mat Honan's Identity Theft
An anonymous reader writes "The story behind the hacking of Mat Honan's multiple accounts has been revealed and points to massive failures in how Amazon and Apple handle password recovery. Accounts fo...
05:05 am - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot The Pacific Ocean Is Polluted With Coffee
An anonymous reader writes in with this excerpt from Inhabitat:"People aren't the only ones getting a jolt from caffeine these days; in a new study published in Marine Pollution Bulletin, scientists f...
03:05 am - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot Time Machines, Computer Memory, and Brute Force Attacks Against Smartcards
An anonymous reader writes "IEEE Spectrum reports on a method that exploits the decaying contents of unpowered computer memory to create an hourglass-like 'time machine' that rate limits brute force a...
01:05 am - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot Best Buy Founder Makes $8.5 Billion Bid To Take Company Private
zacharye writes "Best Buy founder and the company's largest shareholder Richard Schulze has offered as much as $8.5 billion to take the company private. Schulze had been rumored to be preparing a take...
12:05 am - Tue, August 7, 2012
Slashdot NASA Releases HiRISE Images of Curiosity's Descent
gcnaddict writes "NASA released content from the MRO HiRISE imager taken during the descent of the Curiosity Rover. Among the most notable artifacts are the images themselves as well as a diagram show...
11:05 pm - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot Fake Tweet Claiming Assad Is Dead Affects Oil Markets
An anonymous reader writes "Apparently someone set up a fake Twitter account under the name of a Russian Foreign Minister and said President Assad of Syria had been hurt/killed. From the article: 'The...
11:05 pm - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot Free Software PS2 Emulator PCSX2 Hits 1.0
An anonymous reader writes with an excerpt from on the release of PCSX2, a GPLed emulator for the PS2: "PCSX2 is a free PS2 emulator for the PC that has been in development since the year 200...
10:05 pm - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot Nuance Launches Siri Rival "Nina"
redletterdave writes "Siri can send texts and emails, set alarms and reminders, surf the Web, ask questions, place calls, play music, and get directions. But would you trust Siri, or any of her simila...
09:05 pm - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot YouTube App Removed From iOS 6 Beta4
TrueSatan writes "iOS 6 beta 4 has removed the YouTube application that existed on iOS since the first version in 2007. Apple confirmed that YouTube is gone from iOS 6. Google is apparently building i...
08:05 pm - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot Managing Servers In the Frigid Cold
1sockchuck writes "Some data centers are kept as chilly as meat lockers. But IT operations in colder regions face challenges in managing conditions — hence Facebook's to use environmentally cont...
08:05 pm - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot ARM Unveils Three Second-Generation Mali GPUs
Barence writes "ARM has taken the lid off three new Mali T600 graphics chips that form the second generation of its mobile Midgard architecture. Designed for use in smartphones, tablets and smart TVs,...
07:05 pm - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot Demonoid Shut By Ukrainian Authorities
hypnosec writes "After a prolonged outage that lasted for nearly a week Demonoid has reportedly been audited and closed down by the Ukrainian law enforcement agency. According to reports the Ukrainian...
07:05 pm - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot Wozniak Predicts Horrible Problems With the Cloud
Hugh Pickens writes writes "'I think it's going to be horrendous,' said Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak when asked about the shift away from hard disks towards uploading data into the cloud in a post-p...
06:05 pm - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot Carriers Blame the iPhone For Data Caps and Increased Upgrade Fees
zacharye writes "Bruised mobile carriers such as AT&T and Verizon are 'fighting back' against Apple's iPhone, despite the fact that the device has helped them eke out consistently higher average r...
05:05 pm - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot NASA's Own Video of Curiosity Landing Crashes Into a DMCA Takedown
derekmead writes "NASA's livestream coverage of the Curiosity rover's landing on Mars was was practically as flawless as the landing itself. But NASA couldn't prepare for everything. An hour or so aft...
05:05 pm - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot Three Arrests In China Over Baidu Post-Deleting Services
twoheadedboy writes "Three employees of Baidu, China's most popular search engine, have been arrested under suspicion of taking bribes. It is alleged that the employees accepted money in exchange for ...
04:05 pm - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot The Extremes of Internet Gaming In South Korea
Rick Zeman writes "CNN has an expose showing that in South Korea, the world's most wired country, Internet gaming breeds two extremes: elite "athletes" who earn fame and six figures, and addicts who l...
04:05 pm - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot Iranian State Goes Offline To Avoid Cyber-Attacks
DavidGilbert99 writes "The Iranian minister for telecommunication has said that the government will be taking key ministries and state agencies offline in the next month to protect sensitive informati...
03:05 pm - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot CDE Open Sourced
First time accepted submitter christurkel writes "CDE, the Common Desktop Project, has been open sourced by the Open Group. CDE was created by a collaboration of Sun, HP, IBM, DEC, SCO, Fujitsu and Hi...
03:05 pm - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot Did an Unnamed MIT Student Save Apollo 13?
lukehopewell1 writes "When the Apollo 13 reported an explosion on board, NASA started a marathon effort to get the three astronauts home. Several options were considered, but history tells how flight ...
02:05 pm - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot Microsoft Releases Attack Surface Analyzer Tool
wiredmikey writes "Microsoft has released the public version of Attack Surface Analyzer, a tool designed to help software developers and independent software vendors assess the attack surface of an ap...
01:05 pm - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot Sci-Fi Writers of the Past Predict Life In 2012
cylonlover writes "As part of the L, Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future award in 1987, a group of science fiction luminaries put together a text 'time capsule' of their predictions about life in the fa...
01:05 pm - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot What Happens To Your Used Games?
silentbrad writes "GameStop's bosses are obviously tired of hearing about how used games are killing gaming, about how unfair they are on the producers of the games who get nothing from their resale. ...
10:05 am - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot Australian Agency Rules Facebook Pages Responsible For Comments
jibjibjib writes "The Australian reports that brands in Australia could be forced to abandon their social media campaigns, after the Advertising Standards Bureau ruled that they were responsible for c...
08:05 am - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Best Way To Jump Back Into Programming?
First time accepted submitter FractalFear writes "15 years ago I was programming in BASIC, and doing some C++, after a serious car accident barely making it out alive, my memory went to crud...
06:05 am - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot Curiosity Lands On Mars
The Mars Science Laboratory, a.k.a. Curiosity, is now less than an hour from touchdown on Mars. It's scheduled to land at 1:31 AM EDT (0531 UTC). The landing will be monitored by the Odyssey orbiter, ...
05:05 am - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot Curiosity About To Arrive At Mars
The Mars Science Laboratory, a.k.a. Curiosity, is now less than an hour from touchdown on Mars. It's scheduled to land at 1:31 AM EST (0531 UTC). The landing will be monitored by the Odyssey orbiter, ...
03:05 am - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot Is Your Neighbor a Democrat? There's an App For That
theodp writes "ProPublica's Lois Beckett reports that the Obama for America campaign's new mobile app is raising privacy concerns with its Google map that recognizes one's current location, marks near...
12:05 am - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot Apple Is Giving Away Its Secrets By Litigating
An anonymous reader writes "Apple, by going to a jury trial to defend the patents of its most prized products, is allowing competitors and the public to see inside one of the most secretive companies ...
12:05 am - Mon, August 6, 2012
Slashdot MSL Landing Timeline: What To Expect Tonight
An anonymous reader writes "When the Curiosity rover lands on Mars later tonight, it'll be executing a complex series of maneuvers. JPL will be relying on the Mars Odyssey orbiter to relay telemetry b...
10:05 pm - Sun, August 5, 2012
Slashdot Former Facebook Employee Questions the Social Media Life
stevegee58 writes "The Washington Post published an interesting article about Facebook's employee #51, Katherine Losse. As an English major from Johns Hopkins, Losse wasn't the typical Facebook employ...
09:05 pm - Sun, August 5, 2012
Slashdot The Chinese Telecom That Spooks the World
wrekkuh writes "The Economist has printed an interesting look at the concerns and speculations of the fast-growing Chinese telecom giant Huawei, and it's spread into western markets. Of particular con...
08:05 pm - Sun, August 5, 2012
Slashdot Apple Support Allowed Hackers Access To User's iCloud Account
Robadob writes "Yesterday a hacker gained access to Mat Honans (An editor at gizmodo) apple iCloud account allowing him to reset his iPhone, iPad and Macbook. He was also able to gain access to google...
07:05 pm - Sun, August 5, 2012
Slashdot DARPA Creates 0.85 THz Solid State Receiver
hypnosec writes "DARPA, under its THz Electronics program, has designed a solid state receiver capable of THz (terahertz) frequencies thus inching towards the possibilities of transistor-based electro...
06:05 pm - Sun, August 5, 2012
Slashdot Meat the Food of the Future
Hugh Pickens writes writes "BBC reports that rising food prices, the growing population, and environmental concerns are just a few issues that have food futurologists thinking about what we will eat i...
04:05 pm - Sun, August 5, 2012
Slashdot The Chaos Within Sudoku - a Richter Scale of Difficulty
mikejuk writes "A pair of computer scientists from the Babes-Bolyai University (Romania) and the University of Notre Dame (USA) have made some remarkable connections between Sudoku, the classic k-SAT ...
03:05 pm - Sun, August 5, 2012
Slashdot Bedrock Linux Combines Benefits of Other Linux Distros
First time accepted submitter Paradigm_Complex writes "From the distro's front page: 'Bedrock Linux is a Linux distribution created with the aim of making most of the (often seemingly mutually-exclusi...
02:05 pm - Sun, August 5, 2012
Slashdot Lies, Damned Lies, and Quantum Statistics
quax writes "Getting a scientific paper published that goes against the grain of conventional wisdom was never easy. Especially when it seems to contain an obvious glaring mistake. Fortunately despite...
01:05 pm - Sun, August 5, 2012
Slashdot Why Internet Pirates Always Win
An anonymous reader writes "Nick Bilton writes in the NY Times about how the fight against online piracy is 'like playing the world's largest game of Whac-A-Mole.' While this will come as no surprise ...
11:05 am - Sun, August 5, 2012
Slashdot Shadowrun Comes To Linux, MMO Planned
New submitter junkrig writes "After a highly successful Kickstarter campaign, Jordan Weisman, creator of Shadowrun, has returned to bring the series back to the screen as Shadowrun Returns; an old-sch...
10:05 am - Sun, August 5, 2012
Slashdot How To Deal With 200k Lines of Spaghetti Code
An anonymous reader writes "An article at Ars recaps a discussion from Stack Overflow about a software engineer who had the misfortune to inherit 200k lines of 'spaghetti code' cobbled together over t...
07:05 am - Sun, August 5, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Should Valve Start Their Own Steam Linux Distro?
Duggeek writes "There's been a lot of discussion lately about Valve, Steam and the uncertain future of the Windows platform for gaming. While the effect of these events is unmistakably huge, it raises...
05:05 am - Sun, August 5, 2012
Slashdot Damn Small Linux Rises From the Dead With a 4.11 RC1 Release
An anonymous reader writes "Damn Small Linux is back from the dead, with a version 4.11 RC1 release announcement at Distrowatch and another at the DSL Forums! Quoting: 'Here is the first release candi...
04:05 am - Sun, August 5, 2012
Slashdot Neutrino-Powered Financial Trading In Our Future?
An anonymous reader writes "In a new feature on the future of high-frequency trading, Wired suggests that neutrino-powered financial trading systems may be coming soon, which would enable extremely lo...
01:05 am - Sun, August 5, 2012
Slashdot University Receives $5 Million Grant To Study Immortality
Hugh Pickens writes "Humans have pondered their mortality for millennia. Now the University of California at Riverside reports that it has received a $5 million grant from the John Templeton Foundatio...
12:05 am - Sun, August 5, 2012
Slashdot Bilingual Kids Show More Creativity
An anonymous reader tips news of a study from researchers at the University of Strathclyde which found bilingual children to be significantly more successful at a set of tasks than children who spoke ...
11:05 pm - Sat, August 4, 2012
Slashdot What If There Was a Microsoft Appreciation Day?
theodp writes "In 2005, Microsoft came under fire after withdrawing support for an anti-gay-discrimination bill. 'I don't want the company to be in the position of appearing to dismiss the deeply-held...
10:05 pm - Sat, August 4, 2012
Slashdot Why Intel Should Buy Nokia
An opinion piece at ZDNet makes the case that Intel is the best match for struggling handset-maker Nokia, arguing that Intel needs help breaking into the smartphone market and Nokia isn't tied as tigh...
09:05 pm - Sat, August 4, 2012
Slashdot Why We Love Firefox, and Why We Hate It
An anonymous reader sends this quote from Conceivably Tech:"Admit it. You are in a love-hate relationship with Firefox. Either Mozilla gets Firefox right and you are jumping up and down, or Mozilla sc...
07:05 pm - Sat, August 4, 2012
Slashdot Embedding of Copyright Infringing Video Not (Necessarily) a Crime
Social bookmarking site myVidster was the target of a copyright infringement case because it allowed its users to embed videos from other sites on its pages. Some of the videos infringed upon various ...
06:05 pm - Sat, August 4, 2012
Slashdot John Carmack: Kudos To Valve, But Linux Is Still Not a Viable Gaming Market
dartttt writes "John Carmack recently presented a keynote at QuakeCon. He said Linux is still not a commercially viable gaming platform, and the two forays they have made into the Linux commercial mar...
05:05 pm - Sat, August 4, 2012
Slashdot Mathematician Predicts Wave of Violence In 2020
ananyo writes "In a feature that recalls Asimov's Foundation series and 'psychohistory', Nature profiles mathematician Peter Turchin, who says he can see meaningful cycles in history. Worryingly, Turc...
04:05 pm - Sat, August 4, 2012
Slashdot Apple Comes Clean, Admits To Doing Market Research
colinneagle writes "In an interview with Fortune a few years ago, Steve Jobs explained that Apple never does market research. Rather, they simply preoccupy themselves with creating great products. On ...
03:05 pm - Sat, August 4, 2012
Slashdot GPU Supercomputer Could Crunch Exabyte of Data Daily For Square Kilometer Array
An anonymous reader writes "Researchers on the Square Kilometer Array project to build the world's largest radio telescope believe that a GPU cluster could be suited to stitching together the more tha...
02:05 pm - Sat, August 4, 2012
Slashdot Air Force Claims To Have Solved Fatal F-22 Oxygen Riddle
Hugh Pickens writes "DefenseTech reports that Air Force Maj. Gen. Charles Lyon, the director of operations for Air Combat Command, told the Pentagon press corps that a valve that inflates the Combat E...
01:05 pm - Sat, August 4, 2012
Slashdot Microsoft Surface, Meet Apple iSurface
theodp writes "Responding to Microsoft's Windows 8 efforts, Apple CEO Tim Cook insisted in late April that combining a tablet and a notebook would be like converging a toaster and a refrigerator. But ...
10:05 am - Sat, August 4, 2012
Slashdot Researchers Turn Home Wi-Fi Router Into Spy Device
hypnosec writes "Researchers at University College of London have applied principles of radar used in defense and designed a detector using home based Wi-Fi routers to spy on people across walls. Usin...
08:05 am - Sat, August 4, 2012
Slashdot India Plans Mars Mission in 2013
New submitter susmit writes with new of India's new goal for launching a satellite to Mars in 2013. From the article: "India plans to launch a mission to Mars next year, putting an orbital probe aroun...
05:05 am - Sat, August 4, 2012
Slashdot SAP Agrees To Pay Oracle $306 Million In Corporate Theft Case
angry tapir writes "SAP has agreed to pay Oracle US$306 million in connection with the corporate-theft case that Oracle filed against it and a former SAP subsidiary in 2007, according to a filing made...
03:05 am - Sat, August 4, 2012
Slashdot UEFI Secure Boot and Linux: Where Things Stand
itwbennett writes "Assuming that Microsoft doesn't choose to implement Secure Boot in the ways that the Linux Foundation says would work with Linux, there 'will be no easy way to run Linux on Windows ...
01:05 am - Sat, August 4, 2012
Slashdot Radio Shack's TRS-80 Turns 35
harrymcc writes "On August 3, 1977, Radio Shack announced its TRS-80 microcomputer at an event in New York City. For the next several years, it was the world's most popular PC — but it never got...
12:05 am - Sat, August 4, 2012
Slashdot 48 Games Entered Into the Liberated Pixel Cup
The Liberated Pixel Cup draws to a close. The deadline for code entries was July 31st, and those entries were posted online Thursday (with descriptions). You'll have to wait longer than expected for t...
11:05 pm - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot EA Sues Zynga For Copying Sims Game
Social game developer Zynga has been on the receiving end of complaints in the past for releasing games that look a bit too much like games from indie developers, and for other shady business practice...
10:05 pm - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot AT&T Killing Its 2G Network By 2017
The Wall Street Journal reports that AT&T has plans to shut down its 2G network by January 1, 2017. Roughly 12% of its contact wireless customers — 8.4 million people — have 2G handset...
10:05 pm - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot MIT Students Reveal PopFab, a 3D Printer That Fits Inside a Briefcase
cylonlover writes "There are plenty of different 3D printers to choose from these days, from the popular Makerbot Thing-O-Matic to the budget-priced Solidoodle. These all have one drawback, however, i...
10:05 pm - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot Identity Theft May Cost IRS $21 Billion Over Next 5 Years
alphadogg writes "A new audit of the Internal Revenue Service has found the agency paid refunds to criminals who filed false tax returns, in some cases on behalf of people who had died, according to t...
09:05 pm - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot Adafruit Releases Educational Linux Distro For Raspberry Pi
ptorrone writes "Open-source hardware company Adafruit has released a Linux Raspberry Pi distro for hardware hacking and teaching electronics. This distro comes with SPI, I2C, & OneWire WiFi. It a...
09:05 pm - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot Today, Everybody's a Fact Checker
Hugh Pickens writes "Since the beginning of the republic, politicians have resorted to half-truths and bald-faced lies. While tenacious reporters and informed citizens have tracked these falsehoods ov...
09:05 pm - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot The Rise of the Programmable Data Center
As data centers become more common and more advanced, there's been a movement to automate and consolidate control of data center components, and an industry is starting to grow around it."While VMware...
08:05 pm - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Best Way To Take Notes In the Modern Classroom?
Krau Ming writes "After about eight years spent in research, I've made the decision to go back to school — medical school. When I last spent the bulk of my days sitting in lectures, I took notes...
07:05 pm - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot Physicists Demonstrate Quantum Router
Diggester tips news that physicists from Tsinghua University in China have published "the first proof-of-principle demonstration of a genuine quantum router." The group's paper (PDF) is available at t...
07:05 pm - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot The $1 Trillion Cybercrime Myth
wiredmikey sends this excerpt from SecurityWeek: "A recent article on ProPublica dissected two commonly quoted figures about cybersecurity: $1 trillion in losses due to cybercrime itself and $388 mill...
06:05 pm - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot RIM CEO Says Company 'Seriously' Considered Switch To Android
zacharye writes "RIM CEO Thorsten Heins's interview with the Telegraph on Thursday made headlines for his admission that the company can't keep up with Apple and Samsung without outside help. But ther...
06:05 pm - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot US Missile Defense Staff Told To Stop Watching Porn
An anonymous reader writes "John James Jr., director of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency, who is responsible for the nation's missile defense system, recently sent out a one-page memo warning employees...
05:05 pm - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot Scientists Record Signal of Distant Black Hole Consuming Star
ananyo writes "Astronomers think they have seen the flare of a dying star being eviscerated by a black hole. The signal, spotted by three different satellites, could shed light on the relationship bet...
05:05 pm - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot US Resists UN Push For Control Over Internet
sl4shd0rk writes "At present, several non-profit U.S. bodies oversee the Internet's specifications as well as DNS. The Unitied Nations, however, has expressed an interest in transferring control of th...
04:05 pm - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot Google+ Account Suspended? You Won't Find Out Why
jfruh writes "Dan Tynan is a tech writer and blogger who discovered, while trying to post links to his writing on his Google+ profile, that his account had been suspended. This despite the fact t...
03:05 pm - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot NASA Splits $1.1B For Three Commercial Spacecraft
coondoggie writes "NASA today continued its development of commercial space systems by splitting a little over $1.1 billion with Boeing, Space Exploration Technologies (Space X) and Sierra Nevada to d...
02:05 pm - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot 'Wi-Fi Police' Stalk Olympic Games
schwit1 writes with news from London that Olympic venues are being patrolled by so-called "Wi-Fi police," who seek out and shut down unauthorized access points and hotspots. BT is the "official commun...
02:05 pm - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot IT At the LHC — Managing a Petabyte of Data Per Second
schliz writes "iTnews in Australia has published an interview with CERN's deputy head of IT, David Foster, who explains what last month's discovery of a 'particle consistent with the Higgs Boson' mean...
01:05 pm - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot Microsoft Drops 'Metro' Name For Windows 8 UI
hawkinspeter writes "The BBC is reporting that Microsoft is dropping the 'Metro' name for the new Windows 8 UI. Apparently, the catchy new name they've settled on is 'Windows 8 style UI!' This has hap...
01:05 pm - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot Where To View the Mars Curiosity Landing
An anonymous reader writes "In addition to the NASA mission pages here's a decent list of links showing where you can view the Mars Curiosity Landing online or at an event. Does anyone have recommenda...
10:05 am - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot Missing Paperwork Delays UK Broadband
nk497 writes "UK broadband funding is being delayed... by missing paperwork. The government is doling out £530m to boost UK broadband, but needs European Commission approval first. The departmen...
08:05 am - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot IT Support Pro Tells Why He Hates Live Chat
colinneagle writes "When someone calls into support, we first verify his or her account information. On the phone, this can take seconds. On a chat feature it can take a minute or two because people t...
06:05 am - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot Tokelau Becomes First Country To Go 100% Solar
First time accepted submitter zonky writes "Tokelau has become the first country in the world to go 100% solar power generation, moving away from their entirely diesel power supply, which formerly sup...
05:05 am - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot Yahoo Sued For Password Breach
twoheadedboy writes "Yahoo is being sued by one of its users, who has claimed the US Internet company was guilty of negligence when 450,000 passwords of the members of the Yahoo Voices blogging commun...
03:05 am - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot Patent and Copyright Wars Gone Wild
snydeq writes "While Apple and Samsung fight over patents and prototypes, other copyright trolls are waging an X-rated battle on innocent users, as lawyers representing some adult movie companies are ...
01:05 am - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot RIM Agrees To Hand Over Its Encryption Keys To India
An anonymous reader writes "BlackBerry maker Research in Motion's (RIM) four-year standoff with the Indian government over providing encryption keys for its secure corporate emails and popular messeng...
12:05 am - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot CowboyNeal Reviews Orcs Must Die! 2
This week the sequel to last year's indie hit Orcs Must Die! wasreleased, and I take a look at it, to see what's new, what's still the same,and if it's worth playing. The orcs are back, and again, the...
12:05 am - Fri, August 3, 2012
Slashdot US IPv6 Usage Grows To 3 Million Users
darthcamaro writes "There is a myth that IPv6 is only for those in Asia, but that's not true. According to new data discussed this week at an IETF conference, there are more IPv6 users in the U.S than...
11:05 pm - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot Why the Tablet Market is Really the iPad Market
Hugh Pickens writes writes "James Kendrick writes that after Apple introduced the iPad, companies shifted gears to go after this undiscovered new tablet market but in spite of the number of players in...
11:05 pm - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot 400,000 American Homes Have Dumped Pay TV This Year
redkemper writes "More than 400,000 American homes have cut the cord and ditched their cable and satellite pay-TV services since the start of 2012. The figure includes 169,000 subscribers shed by Time...
10:05 pm - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot Study Finds Human Teeth are as Tough as Shark Teeth
sciencehabit writes "Don't feel inadequate. Even though your teeth are largely composed of a mineral softer than that found in sharks, new tests suggest that they're just as tough. In sharks, the mate...
10:05 pm - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot Congressman Releases Draft of Legislation On Domestic Drones and Privacy
An anonymous reader writes "Police would be required to get a warrant to use drones for certain types of surveillance under legislation introduced on Capitol Hill. The proposed bill would also tighten...
09:05 pm - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot NASA's Bolden Speaks On Future Mars Mission, Chinese Moon Landing
MarkWhittington writes "During an interview with USA Today on the eve of the arrival of the Mars Rover Curiosity, NASA administrator Charles Bolden had some interesting thoughts on why a humans to Mar...
08:05 pm - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot Iran Nuclear Agency Not "Thunderstruck" By Virus
twoheadedboy writes "Iran may have been hit hard by Stuxnet, but officials have said that reports of a virus infecting its nuclear facilities and forcing computers to play the AC/DC classic 'Thunderst...
08:05 pm - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot Cybersecurity Bill Fails Today In US Senate
wiredmikey writes "A development following the recently posted story Senate Cybersecurity Bill Stalled By Ridiculous Amendments — The Cybersecurity Act of 2012 failed to advance in the US Senate...
08:05 pm - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot Is It Time For an OpenGL Gaming Revolution?
MrSeb writes "In a twist that reinforces Valve's distaste for Windows 8, it turns out that the Source engine — the 3D engine that powers Half Life 2, Left 4 Dead, and Dota 2 — runs faster ...
07:05 pm - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot Wikipedia-Sponsored Pilot Study Lauds Wikipedia Accuracy
netbuzz writes "The Wikimedia Foundation today is releasing the results of a 'pilot study' it commissioned last year to assess the accuracy and quality of Wikipedia in such a way that it would provide...
07:05 pm - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot Ask Dr. Bryan Killett About Climate Change and GRACE
Bryan Killett is a physicist working on the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. GRACE is a joint mission of NASA and the German Aerospace Center which...
06:05 pm - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot Open WebOS Releases Core Apps; Reveals Touchpad Won't Be Supported
Caught via the H is news that more components of webOS have been released: "The core applications provide a comprehensive set of platform user applications, including Email, Calendar, Contacts, Memos,...
06:05 pm - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot Federal Appeals Court Orders TSA To Explain Delay In Body Scan Public Hearing
New submitter rhsanborn writes "One year ago the District of Columbia Court of Appeals ordered the TSA to hold public comment on the use body scanners in EPIC vs. DHS. The order has been ignored promp...
05:05 pm - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot Algorithmic Trading Glitch Costs Firm $440 Million
alstor writes "Yesterday an update to Knight Capital Group's algorithmic trading software caused >massive volume buys and sells, resulting in large price swings on the New York Stock Exchange. As a...
05:05 pm - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot Senate Cybersecurity Bill Stalled By Ridiculous Amendments
wiredmikey writes "Despite a recent push by legislators, it remains unclear whether the Senate will manage to vote on the proposed comprehensive cybersecurity legislation (Cybersecurity Act of 2012) b...
04:05 pm - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot Apple Asks Court To Sanction Samsung; Samsung Fires Back; More iPhone Prototypes
djl4570 writes "Samsung released to the press documents that had been excluded by Judge Lucy Koh. According to Samsung 'The judge's exclusion of evidence on independent creation meant that even though...
04:05 pm - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot Demonoid Down For a Week, Serving Malware Laden Ads
hypnosec tipped us to reports that Demonoid is still down after a suffering a massive DDoS last week, and that the domain is now redirecting to a malware-ridden spam site. Notable for surviving a CRIA...
03:05 pm - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot New Illinois Law Protecting Social Media Rights In the Workplace
sl4shd0rk writes "Illinois (USA) Governor Pat Quinn signed a new law this week protecting employees' privacy rights concerning social media. Bill 3782 makes it illegal for an employer to request an em...
03:05 pm - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot The Cost To 'Promote' a Facebook Post: $200 To $500
nonprofiteer writes "There's been talk in recent months of Facebook's 'promoted posts' option. In beta testing, it cost about $5-10 dollars to get more of your friends/fans to see your posts in news f...
02:05 pm - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot Valve Shares Performance Numbers On Port of Left4Dead
New submitter nschubach writes in with an update on Valve's progress porting one of their games to GNU/Linux. From the article: "One factor in creating a good gaming experience is throughput. This pos...
02:05 pm - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot Harvard Software 3D Prints Articulated Action Figures
An anonymous reader writes with an excerpt from an article at "A team of computer scientists at Harvard University have developed a piece of software that allows anyone to 3D print their own ...
01:05 pm - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot Security Expert: Huawei Routers Riddled With Vulnerabilities
sabri writes "Cnet reports that German security expert Felix Lindner has unearthed several vulnerabilities in Huawei's carrier grade routers. These vulnerabilities could potentially enable attackers, ...
01:05 pm - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot Bill Would Force Patent Trolls To Pay Defendants' Legal Bills
First time accepted submitter TrueSatan writes "With support from the EFF's Defend Freedom Project two Republican congressmen seek to introduce a bill called the 'Shield Act' which, if passed, would e...
10:05 am - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot South Korea To Restart Its Oldest Nuclear Reactor
ananyo writes "South Korea's oldest nuclear reactor is set to restart after a four-month closure, despite strong opposition from local residents and activists. The Kori-1 reactor in Busan was shut dow...
08:05 am - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot The Tricky Science of Olympic Gender Testing
First time accepted submitter erdos-bacon sandwich writes "Gender tests may be the most controversial obstacle the athletes face. The London Games tries a new approach based on testosterone. Of all th...
06:05 am - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot Overconfidence May Be a Result of Social Politeness
An anonymous reader writes "Joyce Ehrlinger from Florida State University has researched this very phenomenon. and has led her to present a paper called "Polite But Not Honest: How an Absence of Negat...
05:05 am - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot Judge Rules Oracle Must Continue Porting Software To Itanium
angry tapir writes "A California court has ordered Oracle to continue porting its software to the Intel Itanium chips used by Hewlett-Packard in a number of its servers.Last year, Oracle, which compet...
03:05 am - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot Anonymous Helps Turn In Hacker Who Targeted Charity
netbuzz writes "A hacker who defaced and disabled the website of a New Zealand film company known for helping poor children could find himself in legal hot water in his home country of Spain after his...
01:05 am - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot Inside Virttex, Ford's Driver Distraction Simulator
An anonymous reader writes "After my collision the world went blank but I didn't see angels and harps because the highway and the crash situation were imaginary, created inside Ford's Virttex (virtual...
12:05 am - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot Commodore 64 turns 30
will_die writes "The Commodore 64 came out 30 years ago and to celebrate this the BBC went and got two groups of kids to try out an old system, complete with tape drive. Sure to bring a few grins to p...
12:05 am - Thu, August 2, 2012
Slashdot Swiss Bank Threatens to Sue NASDAQ Over Facebook IPO
jfruh writes "On the day of the Facebook IPO, the NASDAQ's trading systems suffered multiple failures and couldn't confirm buy orders for several hours. Big banks buying shares for their funds and cus...
11:05 pm - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot Entangled Particles Break Classical Law of Thermodynamics, Say Physicists
New submitter Zex_Suik writes "Japanese physicists have used one of Maxwell's thought experiments and the ability to turn information into energy to extract more energy from an entangled system than s...
11:05 pm - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot Existing Solar Tech Could Power Entire US, Says NREL
derekmead writes "A new report from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory finds that solar holds more potential to generate more power (PDF) than any other clean energy source. The NREL broke thing...
10:05 pm - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot How Much Detail Is Too Much For Games?
jones_supa writes "Gamasutra editor Eric Schwarz gives thought to the constantly increasing amount of graphical detail in computer games. He notes how the cues leading the player can be hindered too m...
10:05 pm - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Headset Blows Past Kickstarter Goal
Virtual reality headsets have historically been very disappointing. While the concept has been fun and interesting, the technological realities never quite lived up to expectations, and hardware devel...
09:05 pm - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot Google Clamps Down On Spam, Intrusive Ads In Apps
An anonymous reader tips news that Google has sent out a letter to app developers explaining policy changes for any new apps published on the Google Play store. In-app purchases must now use Google Pl...
08:05 pm - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot Scientists Stage Funerals To Protest Against Cuts — a New Trend?
ananyo writes "Physicists, chemists and mathematicians in the UK are campaigning against their chief public funder (EPSRC) over reforms that they say threaten blue-skies research, kicking off their pr...
08:05 pm - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot Twitter Launches Political Index
colinneagle writes "Twitter today launched a new tool that leverages its estimated 400 million daily Tweets to gauge public opinion on the candidates for the 2012 presidential election. Progress in po...
07:05 pm - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot Goodbye, IQ Tests: Brain Imaging Predicts Intelligence Levels
An anonymous reader writes "Research from Washington University in St. Louis has identified variations in brain scans that they believe identify portions of the brain that are responsible for intellig...
06:05 pm - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot Windows 8 Is Ready
New submitter drinkydoh writes "In an announcement today, Microsoft has finally said that Windows 8 is now complete. Microsoft has begun delivering RTM versions to manufacturers and the general availa...
06:05 pm - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot Proprietary Nvidia Linux Driver Contains Privilege Escalation Hole
An anonymous reader writes "The Nvidia binary driver has been exploited by an anonymous hacker, who reported it to nvidia months ago and it was never fixed. Now the exploit was made public."The one re...
06:05 pm - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot KDE Announces 4.9 Releases
jrepin writes "KDE announces 4.9 releases of Workspaces, Applications, and Development Platform. Version 4.9 provides many new features, along with improved stability and performance. Some of the high...
05:05 pm - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Is There a Professional Geek Dress Code?
First time submitter KateKintail writes "I'm being promoted to be a director of a computer/web services department at work with staff members (not yet hired) working under me. My workplace doesn't hav...
05:05 pm - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot Craigslist Demands Exclusivity For Postings
Bill Dimm writes "Craigslist now demands an exclusive license to the content you post there. How many people are aware that they are agreeing not to post their job ads, rentals, items for sale, etc. a...
05:05 pm - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot Critics Blast Apple's Cheesy New Ad Campaign
theodp writes "BetaBeat reports that people are pretty much falling over themselves to mock Apple's cheesy new Genius ad campaign, using zingers like 'intellectually cheap,' 'cringe-inducing,' 'border...
04:05 pm - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot US Viewers Using Proxies To Watch BBC Olympic Coverage
DavidGilbert99 writes "NBC is the sole broadcaster of the London 2012 Olympics in the U.S., having paid $1.1bn for the privilege. While NBC is providing live streaming through its website, you need to...
04:05 pm - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot AMD Brings Back Athlon K8 Designer as Chief Architect
MojoKid writes with exciting news from AMD. From the article: "After more than six months of high-to-mid profile executive departures, AMD has major news to announce on its new executive hire — ...
03:05 pm - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot Nokia Closing Australian Office, Looking To Sell Qt Assets
An anonymous reader writes "One day after word leaked out that Nokia is shutting down its Qt Australia office, which is responsible for Qt3D, QtDeclarative, QtLocation, QtMultimedia, QtSensors, and Qt...
03:05 pm - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot Android 4 Coming To the Raspberry Pi
SmartAboutThings writes "Raspberry Pi ... might be getting a functional Android port real soon. According to a post on their official blog, they have managed to port almost all the basic functions of ...
02:05 pm - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot Dropbox Confirms Email Addresses Were Pilfered
bigvibes writes "A couple of weeks ago Dropbox hired some outside experts to investigate why a bunch of users were getting spam at e-mail addresses used only for Dropbox storage accounts. The results ...
02:05 pm - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot Samsung Admonished For Releasing Rejected Evidence
New submitter zaphod777 writes with an update on Samsung's release of info on pre-iPhone designs. It seems the additional information released relating to the F700 was actually rejected from the trial...
01:05 pm - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot MARCH Presents: Apple I Reproduction In Action At HOPE 9
The name — MidAtlantic Retro Computing Hobbyists — might make you think this is a bunch of nerds who get together to enthuse over long-obsolete computer hardware and ASCII computer games. ...
01:05 pm - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot Speed of Sound Is Too Slow For the Olympics
Hugh Pickens writes "For decades sports-event organizers have placed speakers behind athletes to convey the sound of an actual pistol but they found that even though the noise came through the speaker...
10:05 am - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot Amazon Matches iTunes Match With New 'Audio Upgrade' Feature
New submitter bostonidealist writes "Just after the July 6th 1-year anniversary of its unlimited music storage promotion (and presumably after early subscribers have all renewed their annual subscript...
07:05 am - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot Australian Billionaire Wants To Build Jurassic Park-Style Resort
lukehopewell1 writes "Australian billionaire Clive Palmer has already floated a plan to rebuild the Titanic to scale and sail it around the world, but now the mining magnate has found a new use for hi...
05:05 am - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot Should Developers Support Windows Phone 8?
Un pobre guey writes "Should you develop apps for Windows 8? Well, the hype and flogging are apparently in full swing. From the article: 'To be clear, Windows Phone 8 is not a slam dunk. Some, such as...
04:05 am - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot Valve Removes Right For Class Action Claims From EULA
trawg writes "Valve has joined the list of companies that have altered their terms and conditions to prevent users from filing a class action suit. Their official statement says that such claims 'impo...
03:05 am - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot US Navy Admiral Questions Expensive Stealth Platforms
Trepidity writes "United States Navy Admiral and Chief of Naval Operations Jonathan Greenert stirred a controversy by questioning much of the thinking underlying current U.S. defense technology. He ar...
01:05 am - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot How Apple v. Samsung Was Explained To the Jury
jfruh writes "10 jurors have been sworn in for the Apple v. Samsung case, which is at the heart of the ongoing patent disputes over the companies' smartphones. While most Slashdot readers are familiar...
12:05 am - Wed, August 1, 2012
Slashdot Managing Human Workers With an Algorithm
New submitter prayag writes "With the advent of crowdsourcing platforms it has become easier for people to 'automate' simple, yet repetitive tasks that computers aren't good at by hiring thousands of ...
11:05 pm - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot Google Delays Nexus Q Launch, Pre-Orders Get It Free
MBCook writes "After a mixed reaction from the press, Google will be delaying the launch of the Nexus Q. People who pre-ordered will receive the current version of the device for free. 'When we announ...
10:05 pm - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot Star Wars: The Old Republic Adding Free-To-Play Option In November
EA and BioWare announced today that Star Wars: The Old Republic will be getting a free-to-play option later this year. Players using the F2P option will be able to reach the level cap and play through...
10:05 pm - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot Space Scientists Looking To Crowd-Fund Planetary Exploration
The Bad Astronomer writes "The White House budget for NASA in 2013 is bleak, with big cuts in many areas. None is worse hit than planetary exploration, which got slammed with a 20% reduction. Several ...
10:05 pm - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot FCC Rules That Verizon Cannot Charge For 4G Tethering
schleprock63 writes "The FCC ruled today that Verizon cannot charge extra for users for 4G Wi-Fi tethering. The FCC used the original agreement in the auction of the C block spectrum which said 'licen...
09:05 pm - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot Is Phoenix the Next Silicon Valley?
SpicyBrownMustard writes "There's no secret to a rising level of 'Silicon Valley fatigue' lately, and the new reality show certainly isn't helping. And with hacker hostels packing in twenty somethings...
08:05 pm - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot Ask Slashdot: Good Books and Tools For a SoftwareHardware Hobbyist?
postermmxvicom writes "I have a friend who is a mechanic, but enjoys tinkering with software and hardware as a hobby. I want to get him a gift that will either broaden his horizons or deepen his under...
08:05 pm - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot Internet Billionaire Creates Huge Physics Prize
gbrumfiel writes "Billionaire Internet entrepreneur Yuri Milner has spontaneously awarded $3 million prizes to nine prominent theoretical physicists. The new Fundamental Physics Prize dwarfs awards li...
07:05 pm - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot Fedora 18 To Feature the GNOME2 Fork MATE
dsinc writes "It's not just Mint: Fedora will also feature MATE in their upcoming release (Fedora 18). According to Fedora's Dan Marshal, 'many users have expressed interest in this feature since Fedo...
07:05 pm - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot Mitt Romney To Announce VP Decision Via Smartphone App
redletterdave writes "In 2008, then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama decided to announce his running mate, then-Delaware Sen. Joe Biden, over a text message, which was sent out to Obama's legions of followe...
06:05 pm - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot Microsoft Unveils, Hotmail's Successor
New submitter faraway writes "Microsoft has just unveiled, the planned successor to It includes a lot of what you'd expect from email today, including storage (images, data), ...
06:05 pm - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing), Gun Control, and Patent Law
retroworks writes "J.D. Tuccille of the conservative think tank Reason Foundation discusses last week's news about the first working 3D-printed gun. According to the original article, the partly plast...
05:05 pm - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot Shatner and Wheaton Narrate Mars Rover's Landing Sequence
SternisheFan tips news that William Shatner and Wil Wheaton have each narrated a NASA video titled "Grand Entrance," which documents the upcoming descent and landing of Mars rover Curiosity onto the R...
05:05 pm - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot Pills With Digestible Microchips Approved By US Drug Agency
ananyo writes "Digestible microchips embedded in drugs may soon tell doctors whether a patient is taking their medications as prescribed. The 'digital pills' are the first ingestible devices approved ...
04:05 pm - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot Microsoft Releases Batch of Windows 8 Input Devices
jones_supa writes "To accompany Windows 8, Microsoft has released some interesting keyboard and mouse devices, all of which are wireless and use Bluetooth. The Wedge Touch Mouse is an artful product s...
03:05 pm - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot Giant Mech Robots From Japan
New submitter Hanike writes "According to The Verge, Japanese hi-tech company Suidobashi Heavy Industry is developing a 13-foot, diesel-powered, real Mecha robot called Kuratas! 'The two-man team &mda...
03:05 pm - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot ACLU Questions Privacy of License Plate Scanners
coastal984 writes with news that the American Civil Liberties Union is launching a nation-wide effort to find out how police departments are using and retaining information gathered from license plate...
02:05 pm - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot Teenager Arrested In England For Criticizing Olympic Athlete On Twitter
An anonymous reader writes "A teenager from Dorset, England was arrested for sending a Twitter message to Olympic athlete Tom Daley saying: 'You let your dad down i hope you know that.' Police arreste...
01:05 pm - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot ScummVM 1.5.0 'Picnic Basket' Released
YokimaSun writes "Fans of classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, will be happy to learn that a new version of ScummVM has been released with support for new games such as 'Once Upon A Time...
01:05 pm - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot Half of India Without Electricity As Power Grid Crisis Deepens
Hugh Pickens writes "BBC reports that a massive power breakdown has hit India for a second day running, leaving more than half the country without power as the northern and eastern grids have both col...
01:05 pm - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot NRC Accused of Ignoring Proliferation Risks With SILEX Enrichment
Harperdog writes "Scott Kemp has a disturbing look at SILEX, a new technology that 'happens to be well suited for making nuclear weapons.' There are many disturbing aspects the this article, not least...
11:05 am - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog Hits Primetime
First time accepted submitter Goat_Cheese_Pizza writes "Word on the Intertubes (I picked the Washington Post) is Joss Whedon's musical masterpiece, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, will air on CW's pri...
10:05 am - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot Surfacestations: NOAA Has Overestimated Land Surface Temperature Trends
New submitter BMOC writes "Anthony Watts of Surfacestations project (crowdsourced research) has finally yielded some discussion worthy results (PDF). He uses a siting classification system developed b...
08:05 am - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot Microsoft, IBM Want to Seal Patents Agreements With Samsung
sfcrazy writes "The court battle between Apple and Samsung has created the possibility of disclosing the cross patent agreement between Microsoft and Samsung. Microsoft is suddenly scared and has file...
05:05 am - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot ICANN Backflips Again
angry tapir writes "The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has backflipped again on the process for evaluating applications for new generic top-level domains such as .bank and...
04:05 am - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot How Intuit Manages 10 Million Lines of Code
CowboyRobot writes "Intuit launched QuickBooks in 1992, and it has grown into the best-selling retail software for small-business accounting worldwide. QuickBooks is available on multiple platforms wi...
02:05 am - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot Chaos Monkey Released Into the Wild
Quince alPillan writes "Netflix revealed today that they've released Chaos Monkey, an open source Amazon Web Service testing tool that will randomly turn off instances in Auto Scaling Groups. 'We have...
01:05 am - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot XRL Hexapod Robot Gets a Tail, Learns To Use It
New submitter toygeek writes "In an effort to give various robots more control during free-fall and navigation of severe obstacles, researchers have studied how agama lizards use their tails to retain...
12:05 am - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot ScummVM 1.5.0 "Picnic Basket" Released
YokimaSun writes "Fans of classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, will be happy to learn that a new version of ScummVM has been released with support for new games such as 'Once Upon A Time...
12:05 am - Tue, July 31, 2012
Slashdot Twitter Boots Critic of NBC For Tweeting Exec's Email Address
netbuzz writes "Guy Adams, a Los Angeles-based correspondent for The Independent of London, had his Twitter account suspended today, allegedly for having violated a Twitter privacy policy when he twee...