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Articles by Six Revisions from August 2020

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02:40 pm GMT - Fri, August 14, 2020
Six Revisions What is a Favicon? [4 Tips for Creating an Impactful Favicon]
When you bookmark pages on the web, it’s challenging to remember the name of the page. As you dive back into your bookmarks to find it, you see a small icon next to the page. You recognize the i...
08:30 pm GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Six Revisions What Is Website Hosting and Why Does It Matter for Your Website?
we know you’ll love this additional resource! (how to host a website)   Transcript: What is website hosting? This is to make a point, I promise. When you go to a party, theres always a host...
10:00 am GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Six Revisions 10 Tips for Optimizing Your Websites Speed
Web page speed and performance is very important to the user experience. If your site is too slow, you’ll not only be losing visitors, but also potential customers. Search engines like Google fa...