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Articles by Six Revisions from July 2016

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10:00 am GMT - Wed, July 27, 2016
Six Revisions 11 Sites to Help You Find Material Design Inspiration
A list of sites that will give you a near-endless supply of material design examples that you can draw inspiration from.The post 11 Sites to Help You Find Material Design Inspiration appeared first on...
01:23 pm GMT - Tue, July 19, 2016
Six Revisions Is Your Website Repelling Potential Customers?
Colors. Graphics. Original content. These are all elements that work together to make your website interesting to potential customers. Unfortunately, you cant just throw together a website with your t...
05:55 pm GMT - Mon, July 11, 2016
Six Revisions Speed Up Your Website With CDN77
Want to make your website faster? Using acontent delivery network(CDN) will bring remarkable speed improvements to your website. Sponsored by CDN77is an excellent content delivery network. Theyre a cu...