Articles by Noupe from November 2015
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12:00 pm GMT - Sun, November 29, 2015
Cartoon: Nothing too Sophisticated
This is a true story – unfortunately. A good friend of mine hired a web designer to help him get online. As he has a very specialized target group he does not need an imposing internet presence,...
09:00 am GMT - Sat, November 28, 2015
WordPress Hacked? Keep Calm This is What You Need to Do Now!
Shock! Your WordPress website was hacked. A new landing page saying “WordPress Hacked by XYZ” or nastier things shows up. You break a sweat and feel close to fainting. Your heart plays dru...
12:00 pm GMT - Fri, November 27, 2015
JavaScript Engine Popmotion: Interactive Animations in a Snap
Static websites without any animations are getting less and less common, or more and more uncommon, depending on the viewpoint. CSS3 and JavaScript provide plenty of effects for animated transitions a...
09:00 am GMT - Fri, November 27, 2015
HTML5: Create a Top-notch OnePager with Slides
OnePagers, websites that consist of one page divided into two or more segments, are still growing in popularity. If I remember correctly, Apple were the ones who started that craze with their presenta...
09:00 am GMT - Thu, November 26, 2015
Loco Translate: Localize WordPress Themes and Plugins Easily
Until now, the plugin “CodeStyling Localization” was the measure of all things concerning the translation of WordPress themes or plugins. Unfortunately, the plugin will not be developed an...
11:00 am GMT - Wed, November 25, 2015
Free WordPress Plugins: The Top10 of November 2015
The best thing about WordPress is its adaptability. Everything you can think of is generally possible, and a lot of it can be done very fast. You just need to search through the official WordPress plu...
01:00 pm GMT - Tue, November 24, 2015
SVG without SMIL: Google Chrome Kills Support
It should be common knowledge by now that interesting charts, illustrations and complex animations can be created using the SVG format. SVG provides three different ways of creating animations. Next t...
12:00 pm GMT - Mon, November 23, 2015
Top 10 Best Free WordPress Themes from November 2015
Fresh free WordPress themes raise the blood pressure of any user of the world’s most popular CMS. Content feels to be delivered much better from a new design. Let’s not deny it, choosing a...
09:00 am GMT - Sun, November 22, 2015
Cartoon: The Established Web Design Agency
Have you ever noticed that people tend to actually get angry when you ask them critical things, such as if they think they can really handle the project in size and quality? What is the reason behind ...
12:00 pm GMT - Sat, November 21, 2015
DrawSVG for jQuery Animated SVG Enlivens Your Website
Fortunately, the SVG format can do a lot more than just provide vector-based graphics. Animations are possible as well. With JavaScript, you can control and influence these animations in many differen...
09:00 am GMT - Fri, November 20, 2015
Increase Your Productivity: How to Write Faster
Those who like to write a lot might have already asked themselves the question whether by any means they could have written more posts in the same amount of time. This question,driven by the desire to...
11:00 am GMT - Thu, November 19, 2015
WordPress: This Checklist Helps you Optimise your Articles
Have you already published that blog post and just noticed that you forgot some important aspects? We all make mistakes when writing our articles. It happens a lot that you forget something and get an...
06:00 pm GMT - Wed, November 18, 2015
WordPress Booster: Monstroid, the New All-in-One Theme
WordPress is the most interesting content managing system of them all as it allows anybody to create a personal website without needing any programming knowledge. The official theme index currently co...
01:00 pm GMT - Wed, November 18, 2015
Online Advertisement and HTML5: New Standards to Replace Flash
At the beginning of the era of online advertisement, animated GIF was very popular. Afterwards, it was replaced by the Flash format for a long time. While Flash is rather irrelevant in today’s w...
02:00 pm GMT - Tue, November 17, 2015
Good Sliders, Bad Sliders: Things to Consider Using Them
The way websites are developed and are being visited changed drastically over the past years. Mobile usage is growing, and technologies such as HTML5 and CSS3 make things possible that were impossible...
02:00 pm GMT - Mon, November 16, 2015
Modify Fonts With JavaScript and Plumin.js
Thanks to CSS, there are plenty of options to edit text. You can also use custom fonts via web fonts. The JavaScript library Plumin.js goes one step further. It allows you to manipulate a font within ...
09:00 am GMT - Sun, November 15, 2015
Cartoon: Now, Could We Make the Logo Bigger?
People love a lot of things. But what they love most is the sound of their voice, their name being spoken by others, their stories being told by themselves – generally anything that is closely r...
02:00 pm GMT - Sat, November 14, 2015
State of Web Design: Chile
In our series on the state of web design in countries throughout the globe, we are proud to present you the design industry of Chile today. We always focus nations that wouldn’t immediately spri...
02:00 pm GMT - Fri, November 13, 2015
How to Optimise PDF Files for Search Engines and Visitors Alike
HTML pages are not always better than PDFs. In certain areas of application, PDF files are generally preferable. When it comes to allowing the user to print something or scrolling through a catalogue,...
05:00 pm GMT - Thu, November 12, 2015
15 Free Google Tools You Should Use
Google offers much more than just its well-known search engine. A wide range of free tools can make your life as a blogger or webmaster a lot easier. Google offers tools to improve the SEO characteris...
07:00 pm GMT - Wed, November 11, 2015
Social Media Self-hosted: Neosmart Stream
A website without an integration of multiple social media channels is hard to imagine nowadays. Facebook and Twitter offer interfaces and plugins that allow users to integrate profiles and pages into ...
01:00 pm GMT - Tue, November 10, 2015
Tridiv: Useful CSS3 Editor for 3D Objects
The design possibilities of CSS3 are diverse. Thanks to the “transform”-feature, not only animations, but also elements can be displayed three-dimensionally. With a few tweaks, three-dimen...
12:00 pm GMT - Mon, November 9, 2015
CSSgram: Instagram Image Effects in Plain CSS
CSSgram is a tiny CSS library that allows you to apply 15 filters that you already know from Instagram to any image you want. If you like this type of image modification, you can grab it without hesit...
09:00 am GMT - Sun, November 8, 2015
Cartoon: Always Someone Cheaper
As a freelancer, you have made this experience more often than you liked to. No matter what you offer and to whom you offer it to. There is ALWAYS someone cheaper. It is like a law of nature. As sure ...
02:00 pm GMT - Sat, November 7, 2015
Instead of Bezier Curves: Beautiful Drawings using Spiral Tools
Those using Illustrator or a different vector program can’t avoid bezier curves. They allow the user to draw curves in any form or shape. However, it needs practice to be able to draw well-shape...
12:00 pm GMT - Fri, November 6, 2015
Fast and Free: How to Create Images for Social Media Using Pablo v2
Small helpers that allow you to create social media images fast and easy are in high demand. Very recently, we introduced you to a lot of these tools. Of course, Pablo, developed by Buffer, was on tha...
02:00 pm GMT - Thu, November 5, 2015
November or Never: 20 Free WordPress Themes to Make Your Blog Shine
Only a few weeks to go until Christmas. High time to brush up your blog and let it shine. To get you going we are happy to present you this months collection of WordPress themes, featuring incredible ...
02:00 pm GMT - Wed, November 4, 2015
20 Fresh Free HTML, CSS, PSD Templates: November 2015 Edition
We are back! This month we are throwing an amazing round-up collected across the internet containing cutting-edge featured web templates in several appealing combinations of flat, minimal, and clean s...
02:00 pm GMT - Tue, November 3, 2015
Quickly Create Infographics With Infogram
Infographics were at their peak in the past years. Since each and every site out there published each and every infographic there was, people have become tired of them. Still today an infographic adds...
07:00 pm GMT - Mon, November 2, 2015
WordPress: 10 Things to Pay Attention to Before Launching your Website
Your new WordPress website is ready for launch? That’s what you think. But there are many things to pay attention to before launching it. Every day, thousands of websites are going online. Most ...
09:00 am GMT - Sun, November 1, 2015
Cartoon: No Sponsored Posts
This is a hot topic in a row of corners around the globe. While some audiences have absolutely no problem with sponsored content as long as it is declared properly, others rage and threat the poor blo...