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Articles by Dev To from February 2022

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11:02 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Day 2
-I'm still solving some problems in code forces (binary search) -I have learned today about how to creat stack based on array & linkedlist Guys i'm still try.. This is my codeforces profile :https...
10:14 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Higher-Order Components in React Hooks era
Is it true that React hooks made higher-order components obsolete? And the only use case for those is to be a remnant of the past in some existential legacy corners of our apps? And what is a higher-o...
09:27 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Using modulo to shift a value and keep it inside a range
The modulo operator is fairly simple, but often underused. In particular, I find it useful when changing a value and keeping it inside a pre-determined range.E.g., index in an array, hours in a day, d...
09:09 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Day 16 of Studying LeetCode Solution until I Can Solve One on My Own: Problem1071. Greatest Common Divisor of Strings(Easy/JS)
Intro: I am a former accountant turned software engineer graduated from coding bootcamp in January 2022. Algorithms and Data Structure is an unavoidable part of interviews for most of the tech compani...
07:58 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To .Net RateLimit with ActionFilters!
When building web applications, you might often want to control the frequency of user requests to prevent malicious attacks. In other words, you might want to limit the number of requests coming from ...
07:06 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Array Data Structures in Javascript: Part 1
IntroductionWhether you are only a JavaScript newbie, or have experience, its always good to be familiar with the ins and outs of arrays.Arrays are a simple introduction to Data Structures, whic...
06:57 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To The last piece of the puzzle to upgrade Vue3
The last piece of the puzzle to upgrade Vue3This is the front-end team at Alimama. Before, we released a Vue conversion plug-in based on the code conversion tool GoGoCode , it can help you upgra...
06:53 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To How Power BI matches your role
The way you use Power BI can depend on the role you play within a team or project the team. People in different positions, may employ Power BI in a different way.For instance, you could typically util...
06:46 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To GitHub Actions workflow for Go Continuous Integration
Author: Saravanan is Polyglot Programmer, Technology blogger, DevOps Evangelist and Cloud DevOps Architect. He is interested to talk about Go, NodeJS, C++, Ruby, Bash, Python and PowerShell GitH...
06:45 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Help Ukraine
Hey everyone I just came across this and thought I would share.Embargoed it's a wordpress/rail plugin that blocks all traffic from Russia and displays a pro-Ukraine message. I'm going to be adding so...
06:44 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Set up Event Store on AWS with CDK
Event store can be deployed as a managed instance via Event Store Cloud which will take care of availability, clustering and other candies. The only drawback is the high cost of the hosting resources ...
06:34 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Instant WordPress Theme That Matches Your Website
Theme Matcher creates an optimized custom WordPress Theme from your existing websiteOver 309,200 themes created since 2012!Existing WebsiteAdd a blog to your website while keeping the same familiar br...
06:31 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Should Frontend Devs Care About Performance??
I was recently talking to an architect at Amazon and he made a very interesting comment to me. We were talking about the complexity of a given algorithm (discussed in Big-O notation), and before we e...
06:27 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Java Collections
ArrayList is Collection in java.util package which extends AbstractList class and implements List Interface.It also implements RandomAccess,Cloneable and Serializable interfacesRandomAccess ,Cloneable...
06:25 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To React testing-library getByText, getByRole, getAllByRole
import React from 'react';import './App.css';function App() { return ( <div> <button>TEST_BUTTON</button> </div> );}export default App; screen.getByText...
06:25 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Basic overview of terms in Kubernetes.
After a long series of procrastination and getting the hit of motivation from reading Atomic Habits(great book which I recommend others) ,Im finally learning kubernetes basics.As a motivator to get be...
05:19 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Web3 and Its Terms Carefully Explained
There are so many terms under the web3 umbrella and they can be a bit confusing, right? Let's take a trip around the glossary of jargons as we intensively explain what they are all about.While web1 ca...
05:17 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To First DEV Blog
Hi folks, I'm a 19-year-old self-taught developer!. I have a good grip on HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT. Currently, I'm learning React Js. So, how did I come to learn to code? Not long ago, my brother told me...
05:02 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Flutter Linter Kurallar Blm 3: Pub Kurallar
Bu kurallar, pub paketi kurulumuyla ilgili olas sorunlar tanmlar.depend_on_referenced_packagesBir paketi import ederken, pubspec'inize bir bamllk (dependency) ekleyin.Yanl kullanm:import 'package:a/a....
03:38 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Important CSS Properties You Must Know
Color and Background PropertiesColorChanges the color of text.H1 { color: blue; }orH2 { color: #000080; }Background-ColorSets the background color of an element.BODY { background-colo...
02:24 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To This week in Flutter 43
The results from the latest quarterly Flutter survey are out. They focused on:Null safety, which is, as predicted, makes the majority of developers happy;Ecosystem, which satisfactory rate is increasi...
02:22 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Flipping Card in CSS
Hello Folks What's up friends, this is SnowBit here. I am a young passionate and self-taught frontend web developer and have an intention to become a successful developer.Today, I am here with a...
01:59 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Convert nested JSON to simple JSON in Javascript
This will be the very much used utility function we almost regularly use. Depends on the data variety & structuring of data, API response can return much complex JSONs. Sometimes capturing just on...
01:54 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Understanding SSH and why you should use it
What is SSHComputers communicating over a network like and intranet or internet use TCP (transmission control protocol), think of this like the post-office which is the standard way to mail from...
01:52 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Turn any Form into a stepper form wizard with UI, Hooks, Context, React-Hook-Form and Yup
IntroductionBreaking up a form into multiple steps can easily be done with React Hooks and Context. In this tutorial we create a a quiz with multiple geographical questions divided in three different ...
01:47 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To How to Build a Modal Popup Box Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Modal popups are very popular on the web. Some common usages may include newsletter sign-ups, alerts, login forms, and others.In this short article, we would discuss how to build a basic modal popup b...
01:45 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To STUPID ERROR: Why I can't see query results, pgAdmin4, postgreSQL
I was trying to select all records from the table 'customer'.I thought I can use the CTRL+ENTER key to execute the query, which effectly equals the B icon in the picture(I thought so).Didn't work.I qu...
01:44 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Exciting XRPL Metaverse project seeking Developers
Hi guys!XRMOON is seeking team members to join the project. An exciting moon metaverse developed on XRPL with unlimited potential. Phase 1 Nft minting/marketplace sitePhase 2 Full metaverse game for t...
01:39 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To React testing-library jsx @babel/preset-react jest-environment
jsx 2022-02-27 CRA TS npx create-react-app ts-jest --template typescripttesting-library App.test.tsx: Support for the experimental syntax 'jsx' isn't currently enabled (7:12): 5 | d...
01:37 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Five Steps to Build a Production Ready Blog in Two Weeks
This article describes how to develop and deploy a custom production ready blog in five simple steps and why an MVP (Minimal Viable Product) is essential to do that. Why an MVP?An MVP (Minimal Vi...
01:28 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Todo list with React, Redux, TypeScript and drag and drop
In this article I will present how to make simple ToDo application with React, Redux, TypeScript and drag and drop library.Basically, Redux is overkill to that simple application as ToDo application b...
01:05 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Intro to OpenPyXL (Automate Excel with Python)
You all must have worked with Excel at some time in your life and must have felt the need for automating some repetitive or tedious task. Dont worry in this course we are going to learn about how to w...
12:47 pm GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To The terminal formatting library you need in 2022
When designing CLI applications we always face challenges as python programmerswhen it comes to making the text/UI look good. But have you ever wondered if this tedious taskcould be abstracted behind ...
11:46 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To How to Turn Your Python Machine Learning Code Into a Web App
What if I told you that there's an easy way to turn your Python Machine Learning code into an interactive Web App? Installing Pandas, Sklearn, Numpy and FlaskFor the ML code in this tutorial, you...
11:33 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To How to get a free GraphQL certification Apollo Graph Developer
Getting certified is always amazing for us developers! With the hype of GraphQL, demonstrating skills and mastery over this specification becomes increasingly interesting. Apollo one of the most famou...
11:33 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To How to build a simple Raycast extension
I recently started using Raycast and I am absolutely in love with it.Raycast is a blazingly fast, totally extendable launcher. It lets you complete tasks, calculate, share common links, and much more....
11:31 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Hamming Distance - C Solution
In this lesson, we find the number of positions where the bits are different for the given input. IntroductionIn this question, we will find the number of positions at which the corresponding bit...
11:27 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Managing systemd services!
Hello friends! How you doing? Let's get into the today topic. prerequisitesWell in order to manage systemd, you have to know what systemd is. (Here if you don't)systemd installed in your Linux s...
11:26 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To I need java notes with easy techniques
11:21 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Crop a picture automatically with a fixed ratio - Python example
There is a large number of occasions where you have to crop a picture selected by the user of a website.I have already made an article on how to manually crop a picture with JavaScript.In this article...
11:21 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To speed up Your WordPress site Performance
3 WordPress plugins to speed up Your Website's Performancepage speed is a really important factor for search engines, especially for Google, if you can improve site speed you can expect more traffic t...
11:20 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To using less-loader in webpack
using less-loader in webpack May 12 '18 Comments: 1 Answers: 1 ...
11:15 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To IIFE in JavaScript
You might be familiar with functions in JavaScript. An IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) is a special type of function which is invoked implicitly.Even if you don't invoke it in your code...
11:15 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To 27/2 - Packages, Packages, Packages (& snake)
I had a package update frenzy this week, release 6(six) package updates. uSync(v9.2.0), uSync.Complete(v9.2.0), uSyncTriggers, Translations Manager v9.0.5, BackOffice Themes and Maintenance Manager. S...
08:40 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Task force Week Two Recap
It was a very interesting week of good technical and soft skills experience.Technical skills were about communication, we have gone through the polite and professional way to respond to an email and n...
08:35 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To React Navigation v4 BottomTab with a little tweak
Per the title, we are going to do a nested BottomTab with a little tweak. Instead of the usual Icon for the tabIcon, we will use Image. Adding NavigationTo start, once you have your react nativ...
08:23 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To eviri Yaparak para kazanma
eviri yapma ii internet zerinde olduka fazladr. Dolaysyla kk bir internet aratrmas onlarca sonula karlamanza yardmc olur. Bunlara bavurur ve deneme metnini baaryla evirirseniz, ie ayn gn ierisinde bal...
08:15 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To NFT
NFT | | ( public async claimDrop() { try { this.claimLoading = true; const feeInfo = await this.getFeeInfo(Operation.Claim); if (!feeInfo || !feeI...
08:14 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Solving cache invalidation in 15 lines of code
Caching lets you manage the trade-off between freshness and speed when dealing with slow asynchronous calls.If you only care about freshness, it's easy. Just set a really short cache time (or forego ...
08:08 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To PropTypes in react (JS)
Let's see what has to say:As your app grows, you can catch a lot of bugs with typechecking. React has some built-in typechecking abilities. To run typechecking on the props for a component...
08:00 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Update your team to be moreextreme
Our profession is constantly evolving; therefore, it demands a non-stop learning process. Embracing the change is not optional in our software industry.We need to create spaces to get out of our comfo...
08:00 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Freez , filter and show/hide column in Syncfusion Angular TreeGrid
Syncfusion Angular can help develop angular applications faster with many featured components that look like TreeGrid.According to the documentation, "Syncfusion Angular UI (Essential JS 2) is a colle...
08:00 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To A Quick 10-Second Programming Joke For Today
Hi there! Here's today's Daily Developer Joke. We hope you enjoy it; it's a good one.For more jokes, and to submit your own joke to get featured, check out the Daily Developer Jokes Website. We're als...
07:58 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Android Jogging App - Part 3
IntroductionHello :) and welcome to part 3 of my jogging application side project. This time I decided to implement the sensor event listener. Setting up the sensor event listenerFirst for ...
07:52 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Passing arguments to a bash script
Short Options./ -a -b -c charlie -d river lorem ipsumPARSED_ARGUMENTS is -a -b -c=charlie -d=river -- 'lorem'ALPHA : 1BETA : 1 CHARLIE : charlieDELTA : riverParameters remaining are: lo...
07:48 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Designing an Activity Calendar in React
Activity Calendar has become popular after open-source platforms like Github, Kaggle starting used to show contributions data in this format. As a developer, people often tries to analyse what are the...
07:46 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To How to Build a Stock Chart (JS) in 4 Steps
Data visualization is vastly applied in various fields. One such domain is financial trading, where stock charts are essential for smart market data analysis and decision making. Whether you invest in...
07:01 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To TypeScript Utility types with Generics
This one will be a little bit more advanced, as we'll be looking at improving our combined utility type we made the other day.The code so far looks like this:interface User { id?: number; firstname:...
06:33 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Flexbox Decoded: Complete Illustrated Guide
Flexbox is one of the most robust layout systems, but it is truly overwhelming for beginners. This article will provide you a comprehensive understanding of the flexbox system and how to use it to bui...
05:22 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Right way to use Blockchain
Hey there everyone, today we're going to learn about how you can use blockchain in right way, like what are some of the major ways, tips to use it and what actions does it performs. So, let's get star...
05:21 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Am I Smart Enough?
Prior to deciding I wanted to be a software engineer, I was a fashion designer, real estate photographer, grocery store cash office clerk, etc etc. Name a career/study path and most likely I've consid...
05:14 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Day 15 of Studying LeetCode Solution until I Can Solve One on My Own: Problem453. Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements(M/JS)
Intro: I am a former accountant turned software engineer graduated from coding bootcamp in January 2022. Algorithms and Data Structure is an unavoidable part of interviews for most of the tech compani...
04:30 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Only Numbers validation in JS
public numberOnlyValidation(event: any) { const pattern = /[0-9]/; let inputChar = String.fromCharCode(event.charCode); if (!pattern.test(inputChar)) { event.preventDefault(); }}...
04:20 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To On Decision of Embracing Utility-First CSS
Utility-First CSS is trending in 2022. If you hate it, you will feel annoyed seeing people promoting it. If you love it, you'll question why people hate it. If you're still skeptical then there's a hi...
04:18 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Create S3 bucket in AWS
What is AWS (Amazon Web Service)In simple word aws is just a cloud vendor (like other cloud vendor Google GCP and Micrsoft Azure) that work on pay as you go. It provide a servers where we can host our...
03:29 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Google Summer of Code 2022 Timeline Explained (2/5)
Post (2/5) on Google Summer of Code (Long Post)Let's talk about the timeline for Google Summer of Code 2022.All the data is taken from the GSoC website. Rest all are my personal views.Timeline (2022) ...
03:13 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Project 5: Random number game in Javascript
Random number can be generated easily in Javascript. Hence, by using it we can build a game to guess a number. If we are building a random number between 1-10 range, then guessing in between will be a...
02:04 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Framework vs Library
The terms "framework" and "library" tend to be used interchangeably in software engineering. Frameworks and Libraries are both reusable code written by someone else to help us solve common problem in ...
01:43 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Adding the Material UI CSS framework to an React application
IntroductionReact is an open source JavaScript library for building user interfaces in WEB and mobile applications. Currently, React is at version 17 and Meta (formerly Facebook) is the main mai...
01:33 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To 13 - Synchronizing App Data in the Background
Welcome to Day 13 of #30DaysOfPWA! New to the series? Three things you can do to catch up:Read the kickoff post below for context.Watch the GitHub Repository for updates.Bookmark #30DaysOfPWA Blog for...
12:34 am GMT - Sun, February 27, 2022
Dev To Von Neumann ve Harvard Mimarisi Farklar
Von NeumannRom bellek genel olarak bilgisayar sisteminin aln salamak amacyla kullanlr.Programlara ait kod ve veri ram bellekte saklanr.lemci veri yolu ortak.Donanm gereksinimi, ortak eriim olduu...
11:23 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To My aim in coding as a web developer
My aim as a developer during coding is to keep my codes sleek and always human-understandable. * * *My daily task is to be equipped with the right knowledge and tools to enable me achieve these as I c...
10:23 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To My road map to learn JHipster
Get Start JHipster 7 video with @mraible and replicate the github tutorial step by step on your machine (my first contact with JHipster ) - Learn how to debug JHipster sourc...
10:03 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Why did I use JHipster?
I have been thinking that we type a lot of boilerplate code demanded by the technology before the business logic code.Even though, as a backend developer, using Spring Boot Annotation, Lombok and mave...
09:41 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Day 1
Day 1 :I started studying at university today, online lecturesI don't have any clear plans for what I'm going to do this semesteri watched lecture about algorithmssolve some binary search problems and...
08:59 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To 5 Career advice: Frontend
I'm almost 8 years old as developer, start as QA, then went to frontend, backend and then switch again to frontend, where I did my time focus in UX/UI. Currently I found my self working as frontend en...
08:44 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Cross Validation for Beginners
While attempting to solve a ML problem, we do a train_test split. If this split is done randomly than it might be possible that some dataset might be completely present in test set and absent from tra...
08:34 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To A new crypto token swap site
Checkout our newest place ArticFox where you can easily swap your tokens with the smallest fee (1%) out there! Have questions about it? Drop them ...
08:27 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Javascript array methods with examples and combinations
introductionjavascript Array object has great tools and methods that we can make use of to achieve optimal data processing needed in our projects. let's walk through one by one and figure out th...
07:39 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To The art and difficulty of naming in programming
Important note: (Do not read any of the comments in the tread without solving the challenge described in the article, otherwise you will miss the fun part ^_^).This article is a follow of my very firs...
06:42 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Working From Home in My Upgraded Remote Office
Many of us have been working from home for a while now. I'm lucky in that I had a dedicated office that I could use when we all got set home in 2020. However, it wasn't the most ideal setup since my o...
06:24 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Learning Code
Ultimately we all need to write software in a way that is professional and extensible. This skill is something that will be developed over time; dont expect to write perfect code on your first attempt...
06:00 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Testing a Feature: A concise approach
Any change in the existing program that enhances it's functionality is called as a "Feature"For a feature to work effectively, it has to be properly tested. Testing ensures that the software is workin...
05:54 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To 10 Best JavaScript Projects for Beginners
Hey friends, today in this blog youll see the 10 Best JavaScript Projects or Examples for Beginners. I have created many blogs/videos on different JavaScript projects and in this blog, I have shown th...
05:52 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Bit Manipulation
Bit Manipulation Bit manipulation is the process of applying logical operations on a sequence of bits to achieve a required result. Like in decimal format, we do addition, subtraction, multiplication ...
05:24 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To How to create your website landing logo with framer-motion
Are you building your own website, or working on a project where you want to make a robust landing page?This article is for this purpose, where we will go through very minimal and easy steps to do a l...
05:23 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Setting up your First React Native Application
React Native is a Javascript framework which uses the full power of react and Javascript to make amazing Native applications. React Native compiles Javascript code to Native code, so components like ...
05:00 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Golang HTTP Server Graceful Shutdown
package mainimport ( "context" "errors" "log" "net/http" "os" "os/signal" "syscall" "time")func createChannel() (chan os.Signal, func()) { stopCh := make(chan os.Signal, 1) ...
04:48 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Use Azure Application Gateway private link configuration for an internal API Management
TL;DRWhen operating Azure API Management in an internal virtual network, already integrated with Azure Application Gateway, an upcoming feature AllowApplicationGatewayPrivateLink allows you to c...
04:38 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To AWS Lambda CRUD API Create & Setup AWS CodePipeline
Now we going to build CRUD API using some AWS services. First of all, we can go through the architectural diagram.You can use the sample code repository to get code content. Gitlab Repository URL.Firs...
03:59 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Daily Problem Solving JS (Day 1)
Binary Search Understanding the problemGiven a sorted array of integers and a target integer, I am asked to write a function that uses Binary Search algorithm to find out if the target inte...
03:55 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To The ultimate solution to image storage.
Have you ever wanted to store multiple images but faced limitations? Well, worry no more, I made a startup called ImgWhale.An Ad-free, api-key-less*, forever and unlimited storage service. ...
03:55 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To 13 Placeholder Avatar & Image Websites
IntroductionPlaceholder images and avatars are something that almost every web developer has likely used in their projects at some point.In my projects, I like to use placeholder images when I'm...
03:50 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Relational Data Tables in Unreal Engine 4
I had an interesting problem with Unreal Engine today. I have a Mech character which I want to attach stuff to, maybe it's segments of armour, or internal components, or weapons and other "stuff". Man...
03:50 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Razorpay payment DJANGO
Steps to integrate RazorpaySetting up Razorpay account.Storing API keys in settings.pyInstalling Razorpay library.Creating order using Razorpay API.Creating order at backend and also creating Ra...
03:48 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Topics to explore in 2022...
Advanced Science & MathAR/VRBack-end Development (Web & Mobile)BlockchainCivic TechCommunity ManagementComputer VisionCompiler / Programming Language DesignDatabases (Design & Architecture...
03:46 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To JavaScript 101: Ultimate JavaScript Guide.
In this guide, I am going to run you through everything you need for you to get started with Javascript or atleast the most important things that will get you started with Javascript. This is from the...
03:44 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Things you should do as a developer in 2022...
Built a website with HTML, CSS, and JavaScriptBuilt a frontend web application with React or VueBuilt a backend web application with FlaskBuilt a backend web application with Node.jsBuilt a backend we...
03:32 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Making your own website from scratch
The day comes where youre looking to make your own website, maybe to increase your digital presence or allow others to find your work more easily.Youve got the standard no-code website builders like W...
02:54 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Learn C with me! C in one blog
C is the mother of all languages but for beginners C is very hard to learn.I already use c and bash on a daily basis because I use linux.Today I will teach you how to code in C.You can grab the cheats...
02:46 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Basic Kafka terminology
In this blog post Ill be giving a brief and basic introduction regarding Apache Kafka and the terminology that would be necessary to know in order to get started with Kafka.You can check out the full ...
02:25 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To TypeScript generic types
When working with types in TypeScript, we assume that we know what kind of type we will be working with.For instance to define this log function:const logAndReturn = (input: string): string => { c...
02:15 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Best websites for illustration
Hello everyoneI found some great websites where you can get nice illustrations for freeManypixelsDesignStripeCraftworkOuchUndrawPixeltrueSkribblReshotGlaze...
02:05 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Phases of being GitHub Campus Expert
Hey everyone, Couple of months ago I became a GitHub Campus Expert. It's been an interesting journey from getting selected and going through training. Today I am here to tell you the phases a student ...
01:20 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To How Hoisting works in JavaScript ?
What is Hoisting in JavaScript?JavaScript Hoisting refers to the process whereby the interpreter appears to move the declaration of functions, variables or classes to the top of their scope, pri...
12:43 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Golang Struct Validator
We are presenting your a fresh Struct validator for Golang.Neo's Struct Validator for GoRepository : validator comes with an easy to use implementatio...
12:43 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Implementing distributed tracing in a nodejs application
This article was originally posted on SigNoz blog, and is written by Selvaganesh.In this article, we will implement distributed tracing for a nodejs application based on microservices architecture. To...
12:37 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Differences Between Arrow and Regular Functions
The fat arrow function is another name for an arrow function. It's a new feature in ES6 that allows you to write function expressions in a more compact manner. Regular JavaScript functions and arrow f...
12:11 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Variables in languages
There's been many posts about how to say Hello World in different programming languages, but is there many about variables?Well this post will tell you about how to declare variables (specifically a s...
12:03 pm GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To How to enhance your web app performance? And More!
Hey guys. How does your week going? As usual, there are lots of problem we face in week. Problems make us grow and learn more. And I am here to share what I have learnt this during my work. Learn toge...
11:59 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To ZSH Plugin Standard
ZI | GitHub | Twitter | Join the teamTable of Contents:What Is A Zsh Plugin?1. Standardized $0 HandlingAdopted [ zero-handling ]2. Functions DirectoryAdopted [ functions...
11:58 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Which Programming Language to Learn and Why? Typical Answer!
When it comes to choosing your first programming language, most poeple think that it is one of the most overwhelming job they ever gonna do. And this is why we have a lot of videos on youtube around t...
11:57 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Get results and total count of Sanity records by GROQ
To retrieve the results and the total, using GROQ for Sanity.IO, you need to start by casting to your model like this (this is passed in query)query = `{ "items": *[_type == "post"] | order(publish...
11:52 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To What is the difference between encryption, hashing and salting?
IntroductionWhen we discuss about user authentication in an application, consequently, we already think about information security and how user data will be used and stored in the application.So...
11:50 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To 3 Things to learn while Programming.
When its come to programming most people think that it is just a programming language that they need to gear up thier programmig journey.But the reality is far different than that.Yeah there is a ster...
11:46 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Looking for new features ideas for Cherrybomb
Hi everyone,Cherrybomb is an API specification validator and a user behavior anomaly detection tool. We're looking for some feedback and some feature ideas to further improve and allow a bigger user b...
10:36 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Telegraf VS Node-Telegram-Bot-API
Today the most popular ways to build telegram chat bots in node js are Telegraf and Node-Telegram-Bot-Api. The second is more popular by weekly downloads(250.000), but in this post I don't want to equ...
10:31 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To What is HackForChange & why you should join it.
Have you ever thought about how #technology for social good can #impact on a larger number of people from our #society ?Of course, you'd know what tech for social good is but here you can find all the...
10:18 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Building an offer notification service onAWS
Let's build a simple web crawler application on AWS, that sends a notification when there is a special offer for a product.I love peanut butter, and whenever there is an offer for it I would like to s...
10:12 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Pointers
Remember how we say every item in an array had to be the same size? Let's dig into that a little more.What if we want to store strings(which is already an array into array). We are trying to store arr...
10:07 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Work Productivity?
Do you guys listen to music during work? Does it increase your productivity during your work or does it distract you?For me personally, I feel like it somehow increases my productivity and focus. When...
09:47 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To SCSS or CSS with superpowers
What is SCSS ?Sass or Scss is a supertype of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Sass was officially described as CSS with superpowers. Sass and Scss are same in terms of what it does. It is okay to u...
09:39 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Drum kit using JavaScript
The best way to become a good developer is by practicing what we have learned.Building a simple projects like drum Kit will help and improve our coding skills in general.So if you are a beginner, th...
09:35 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To WebRTC For Beginners - Part 5.5: Building the WebRTC Android Library
Contents:Part 1: Introduction to WebRTC and creating the signaling serverPart 2: Understanding the MediaDevices API and getting access to the users media devicesPart 3: Creating the peers and sending/...
09:28 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To 7 JavaScript One Liners to look like a pro
Hello Folks What's up friends, this is SnowBit here. I am a young passionate and self-taught frontend web developer and have an intention to become a successful developer. I love building web ap...
08:27 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Exploring Blockdom: Fastest Virtual DOM (ever!)
If you've been around in the JavaScript UI library development space, you've likely heard about blockdom, which claims to be probably the fastest Virtual DOM that currently exists.Its even been praise...
08:11 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Depth first search for binary trees
Depth first search (DFS) has got to be one of the most popular computer science concepts especially pertaining to technical interviews. The amount and diversity of questions that can be asked are so b...
07:20 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Cron Job: Node Js
Experience is the mother of all teachers, as they say. (...Anonymous)I was assigned a small project to do.It was about a prediction app that needed to be able to update its fixtures on the go. I...
07:16 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Top Web Development Tools in 2022
The demand for web developers is increasing exponentially as new, optimal and efficient ways are popping up for creating websites. To accelerate the pace at which websites are created and at the same ...
07:07 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Project 4: Speaking keyboard in Javascript
This article is the extension for project 3. Please visit it before starting this for better understanding.In the last article, we have shown keyboard and printed clicked letter in console. We are goi...
06:30 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Introduction to Amazon QuickSight
IntroductionAmazon QuickSight is a scalable, serverless, embeddable, machine learning-powered business intelligence (BI) service built for the cloud. It makes it easy for all employees within an...
06:29 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Day 14 of Studying LeetCode Solution until I Can Solve One on My Own: Problem209. Minimum Size Subarray Sum(Medium/JavaScript)
Intro: I am a former accountant turned software engineer graduated from coding bootcamp in January 2022. Algorithms and Data Structure is an unavoidable part of interviews for most of the tech compani...
05:59 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To At 35, I've secured my first role after my coding bootcamp (a paid internship) and I'm nervous and lost. Starting on Monday.
I decided to pick up coding and completed coding (full stack web - ruby, rails, JS with a tiny bit of MERN) in Australia, and our college through industry connections lines grads up with possible inte...
05:43 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To How to create an npm package
Hello Devs, There are 2 ways to use your component library as a package :-npm packagegithub actions 1. For npm package https://leve...
05:31 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Hey Devs! Here are some awesome, cool and free personal portfolio templates Thread (10 Templates )
1. Satner Free Bootstrap 4 HTML5 Web Developer Portfolio Website Template Demo Link Download Link 2. Kards Free HTML Personal Responsive Card Template Demo Link Download Link 3. ...
05:29 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Introducing comiCSS
A couple of weeks back, I launched a small website called comiCSS. It is a collection of webcomics coded in HTML in CSS.It's no secret that I like CSS and doing drawings with CSS (I find it incredibly...
05:25 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Implementing Blue/Green Deployments with Azure Web Apps for Containers
Application uptime is critical for our cloud applications. Using Azure App Service slots, we can implement the Blue/Green deployment pattern to validate that new versions of our application will perfo...
05:04 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Laravel 8 - SweetAlert2 with AJAX (3 Easy Steps)
What is SweetAlert2?SweetAlert2 is a beautiful, customizable, accessible replacement for javascript's pop-up boxes with zero dependencies!Read more about sweetalert2 here.Now that you have a good unde...
04:33 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To 5 Best React UI Frameworks to Build Web Applications Faster in 2022
There are many ways to speed up your development time when building a web application. For example, if you're creating a web app from scratch, you may want to use a framework to make your development ...
04:28 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To MongoDB Complex Schemas Structures
today i am writing about mongodb schemas structures and how we handle complex schema in our nodejs application. model.jsconst mongoose=require('mongoose')const jwt=require('jsonwebtoken')const co...
03:31 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Build WEB 3.0 Login With Metamask | MORALIS AND REACT JS
## IntroductionAs you all know that web 3.0 is the new technology for the year 2022 and web 3.0 devs are earning a lot and the demand for web 3.0 developers is also increased.So in this small video yo...
01:42 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Time. GitHub History. Commit From 2000. How I Submitted Into Past.
ShortStory.Github created in 2008. Remember.This short but exciting one happened to me before Christmas Eve when I travelled from Istanbul to Dubai and back to Toronto.I had one minor final assi...
01:35 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Laravel 9 Tutorial 7
Laravel 9 Tutorial from the beginning:- Part-7 of the Laravel 9 Tutorial, we will start working on Multi Authentication for o...
01:26 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To AppleScript Automation.
ShortStory.A few weeks ago, I was curious about accessing different devices on my network. After a long time researching, I found that it's accessible simple to ssh into my local machine IP addr...
01:25 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Make and MakeFiles. What's that?
Makefile.The makefile is a text file(group of declarative config files) that contains the recipe for building your program. It usually resides in the same directory as the sources, and it is usu...
01:25 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To My Second Experience In Being Sheriff
For those who forgot, I'm a kind of maintainer in Telescope.This week I had my second experience being a sheriff. (Sheriffs help steward and manage the project's infrastructure and make sure that the ...
01:25 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To My plan for 2.8 release in Telescope
For those who forgot, I'm a kind of maintainer in Telescope.This week I was a Sheriff and saw that we have sixty open issues.After looking through all of them I assigned few of them to me and decided ...
01:25 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Machine Language.
Machine language, machine code, or object code is code that is directly executable by a CPU. It consist of a sequence of binary instructions encoded in a machine's Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) a...
01:24 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Assembly Language On Different Machines
Assembly LanguageAssembly language is a symbolic representation of machine language. It is therefore architecture-specific.Each instruction is represented by a short mnemonic word such as "LDR" ...
01:24 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Assembler Basics.
ResourcesAssembly language is a symbolic representation of machine language. It is therefore architecture-specific.(Machine language, machine code, or object code is code that is directly executable b...
01:24 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To AArch64 & X86 64 Registers and Instruction Quick Start
General-Purpose Registers For AArch64The aarch64 registers are named:r0 through r30 - to refer generally to the registersx0 through x30 - for 64-bit-wide access (same registers)w0 through w30 - for 32...
01:15 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Random configuration tips for Google Cloud SQL
Here are my two cents after trying out Google Cloud SQL so the information is purely from a newcomer perspective. Any correction to the errors is welcome. Allow only connection to Cloud SQL instance v...
01:13 am GMT - Sat, February 26, 2022
Dev To Radiotrans ampla su portafolio de productos como proveedores de cmaras de video seguridad y videovigilancia
A nivel mundial, el sector de la seguridad ha obtenido un crecimiento constante ya que su uso se ha masificado de forma considerable tanto en gobierno como industria y hogar. Un claro ejemplo de esta ...
11:31 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Major planning | Ukraine
This week was going to be my productive week. It started strong, with some heavy planning and meetings. But then.. Russia attacked. I have not been doing much work on the issues I was assigned to. Sor...
11:25 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Schema - Your data ruler validator
Ol again , happy to introduce a new package Schema, a condition ruler validation for your data. It is design to check if your data is compliant with the rules you define. It can be used as native form...
11:18 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Restoring 'Default/Initial' values from Redux Store
Hi im new to react and redux.I have a web application using redux.through out the usage of the react redux web app, the state changes. However, i have default values already inputted into my reducers...
11:15 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To IoT - knowledge for beginners
What is IoT?The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of physical objectsthingsthat are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchang...
11:11 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To How to Use Regular Expressions in Python
In Python, Regular Expressions are also known as RegEx. RegEx is a unique text string used for defining a search pattern. Regular Expression is beneficial for extracting information from text such as ...
11:07 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Postgres Connection Pooling and Proxies
One essential concept that every backend engineer should know is connection pooling. This technique can improve the performance of an application by reducing the number of open connections to a databa...
11:06 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Niche website template: a best website template
Best website template:New Minsite template to improve your online image, gain more trust and rake in more sales.Website is an essential part of any online business organization. The best website templ...
11:00 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Figma to Widgetbook - parabeac_core v2.4
Hey everyone, recently we added support for component isolation in our Figma to Flutter converter parabeac_core which was a big step in helping developers generate code in a large scale application wh...
10:34 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Day 538 : Look Around
liner notes:Professional : Today was pretty quiet. Understandable considering what's happening in the world. Did some work on a demo application.Personal : Got the data I store into the database to sh...
10:34 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Primeiro projeto em andamento
Primeiro projeto j est sendo criado, irei fazer atualizaes semanais com tudo pronto!!
10:15 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To How to Implement Hilt in Android App?
Dependency injection library is hard to use, this article provides the simple and easy to follow steps to Implement Hilt in your Android app.This article was originally published at
10:09 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To 0 - Nest JS from scratch
Installation des dpendancesPour l'occasion, crons un dossier vide:mkdir 0-nest-from-scratchcd 0-nest-from-scratchDans un premier temps, il faut initialiser npm.npm initInstallation des dpendance...
08:34 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To What was your win this week?
Hey there! Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishing?All wins count big or small Examples of 'wins' include:Starting a new projectFixing a tricky bugGetting s...
07:42 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To WebHook integration with Stripe Payment Intents
WebHook integration with Stripe Payment IntentsYou may have heard about Webhooks when integrating payment providers Stripe, Razorpay, Dwolla, etc in your application. I was working on one of the...
07:33 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To DotVVM para Visual Studio 2022
DotVVM es un framework de ASP.NET que nos permite crear aplicaciones web utilizando el patrn MVVM (Modelo Vista Vista-Modelo) empleando C# y HTML. Desde este momento, DotVVM ya est disponible para Vis...
07:29 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To MongoDB $weeklyUpdate (Feb 25,2022): Joining Collections in .NET, Introducing Flexible Sync, Custom Data Enabled API, & more!
Hi everyone!Welcome to MongoDB $weeklyUpdate!Here, you'll find the latest developer tutorials, upcoming official MongoDB events, and get a heads up on our latest Twitch streams and podcast, cur...
07:07 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To What do types mean for programmers?
Author: Ville TirronenWhy is our company named Typeable? What does it even mean?Types are one of the most essential concepts for software developers. They can also be one of the most confusing and mul...
06:28 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Verificando o status da instalao SQL
Uma instncia de um banco de dados similar instalao de um software (mais especificamente um servio) que roda em segundo plano no seu computador. Existem servios que rodam tanto localmente em sua mqui...
06:24 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Hallo
Hallo everybody I am learning Program Language ...
06:21 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Install SSL on Ubuntu NGINX server
DescriptionWe are going to walk through how to set up website using nginx that is served via https. We will be using Certbot to accomplish this. StepsGo to Certbot webpageOn the webpage, s...
06:18 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To How I structure my React projects
Finding the correct path to import a component is always a big headache in React development. Laying out a proper structure for your React project ahead helps you and your team in many ways through th...
06:10 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Hallo
06:05 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Prime Web Developers | PrimeWebDevelopers
Prime Web Developers offers custom web design that is dedicated to meeting the customers needs every single time. Our clients are our partners at Prime Web Developers, and we help you better understan...
06:00 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Quiz concorsi pubblici: Guida definitiva per superare i quiz
Quiz concorsi pubblici: Come vagliare quiz concorsi pubbliciLa a fine di li quiz concorsi pubblici, rappresenta unimportante rivalit su i candidati, perch possono diversificare in epicentro alla...
05:54 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To What's the difference between compiler, transpiler, and interpreter?
Implementations of different programming languages use various techniques to execute the code. Let's figure out the difference between them. CompilersA compiler is a program that translates a hig...
05:42 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To CSSBattle | 2 Carrom
Welcome to CSSBattle Challenges!In this short article, I go through my solution for CSSBattle - #2 Carrom challenge. Please refer to the tutorial or the code snippet below to get a better insight into...
05:09 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Creating a simple PWA with Remix
Welcome to this week's article post, peeps. This week, we would be creating a small PWA app with Remix and remix-pwa. [Last week], we talked about PWA in Remix a little bit and in this article we woul...
04:31 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Basics of E2E Testing and Integrating Cypress with Next.js
Hello fellas! It's been a while since I posted an article. As developers, we always want to deliver the best products to users. And Testing is a crucial part of this process. One of the commonly used...
04:30 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Clean Code
This post was firstly published on the original blog.Hello! Have you already heard of "Clean Code" or "Design Patterns" ?Even if you know what it is about, this blog post will probably still be useful...
03:58 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Project 3: Build keyboard using Javascript
I want to build this keyboard phase by phase as we regularly do. Today[25-FEB-2021], I am going to build basic keyboard implementation.Task 1: Show all alphabets on web page.Task 2: Print the letter i...
03:46 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To What the heck are props in react
Although we can make web apps using JavaScript. One of the reasons we are using react over JS is component reusability.What is component reusability: make a component once and use it again and again f...
03:39 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Diving into web3
Web1 - Think of it as one directional conversation. The website content was same for everyone. Web2 - Bi-directional conversation. Netflix, youtube, twitter, facebook etc are part of it and data breac...
03:31 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To The Best (Free and Premium) UI kits for Tailwind CSS Today
Tailwind CSS has emerged as a great front-end solution in recent times. It has gained a tremendous following due to its utility-first nature and vast CSS classes as it allows devs to build designs rig...
03:18 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To 100 day's challenge
I will try every day I learn new things, new algorithms to be a professional problem solver, I learn things about life and I will share this with you, my goal is to try, I will try, I will talk about ...
02:54 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Ways to increase images load time speed on webpages / sites
When loading a background image in a section or div of a website, it is neccessary to add an image tag within the div or section with a style display of none to increase the priority for the load time...
02:49 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Create your own Image CDN using AWS CloudFormation and AWS Lamda
In this article, I will demonstrate how to create your own Image CDN in a few simple steps using AWS CloudFormation and AWS Lamda (Serverless). Before we dig in the tutorial, let's talk briefly about...
02:48 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Integrating Chatwoot in your web dev project
Ever thought of implementing a chatbot or live chat option in your website, but didnt know the specific tool, or method on how to implement a chatbot, or just writing 100s of lines of code is tiresome...
02:43 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To A Complete Guide to Python Dictionaries for Beginners
Table of ContentsIntroductionDefinitionCreating Python dictionaryAccessing dictionary itemsChanging and Adding ValuesRemoving ItemsLooping through a DictionaryDictionary MethodsTo Sum It Up ...
02:28 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To CSS Only Masonry Grid Layouts
Masonry is something that for years the web has struggled with but has found no real meaningful native solution. In web development and application building, masonry refers to the type of layout which...
02:28 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To 10 Trending projects on GitHub for web developers - 25th February 2022
Trending Projects is available as a weekly newsletter please sign up at to ensure you never miss an issue. 1. moizemoize is a consistently blazing fast memoization library for Java...
02:12 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To What are Redux, Typescript, Functionality, and Base64? use in our New and Existing project?
I just learned new technology and am still learning. Those are Redux, Typescript, and Base64. Now I write below some short notes about this topic from their documentation.Typescript: TypeScript is a s...
02:01 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To How to start contributing to Open Source projects on GitHub
The software industry is unique in its reliance on open source projects. What started as a model that defied economic theory, has become the lifeblood of one of the most efficient and powerful techno...
01:18 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Symfony Station Communiqu 25 February 2022. A look at Symfony and PHP news!
This post originally appeared on Symfony Station. Explore our news communique archives for evergreen content. And please sign up for our newsletter to get the latest news communiques and original cont...
01:16 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To What are Redux, Typescript, Webpack, WebSocket and Base64? How we install or use in our New and Existing project?
I just learned new technology and am still learning. Those are Redux, Typescript, Webpack, WebSocket and Base64. Now I write below some short notes about this topic from their documentation.Redux: Red...
01:08 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Design a Website in Minutes with Generator - Bootstrap website builder
If you are thinking about building a website, but don't know where to start, the is for you. It is a tool that will help you get ideas for your website design and help you get the best po...
01:06 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To How Does the Magento 2 Store Locator Fulfill Your Agenda?
With this Magento 2 Store Locator extension, online merchants can incorporate Google Maps to show store locations on the website and give online consumers information about the nearest outlet from whi...
01:01 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To How to create a PASSWORD checker
In a world where our privacy is now at risk, where they have been alot of data breaches, knowing if your password is leaked on the internet is more than essential. In this article we are going to crea...
12:47 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Redux
What is ReduxRedux is a predictable state container designed to help write JavaScript apps. It behaves consistently in client, server and native environments. It is mostly used as a state management t...
12:07 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Laravel 8 - DataTables Server Side Rendering (5 easy steps)
DataTables has two fundamental modes of operation:Client-side processing - where filtering, paging and sorting calculations are all performed in the web-browser.Server-side processing - where filterin...
12:00 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Using hardware tokens for two-factor authentication: how does it work?
So, youve built a web service, and youve set your users up with the familiar system of a username and a password, so they can log in to their accounts. But how do you protect against all the ways that...
12:00 pm GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To JavaScript Explained - Introduction
Quite often beginners are struggling to grasp the concepts and methods not just with JavaScript but starting programming in general. While it is possible to learn the language and use it just by learn...
11:55 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Screaming Architecture - Evolution of a React folder structure
React folder structures... a topic that has been around for ages. But still Reacts unopinionated approach frequently raises questions: Where should I put my files? How should I organize my code? Hones...
11:43 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To I became a Fullstack Developer in 24 HOURS and got a JOB
We only use a small percentage of our brain power. However, technology is growing every second and you can use it to unleash all your learning capacity. I used these techniques to learn faster and I w...
11:17 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Adding Custom Domains to your SaaS
You're building out a SaaS solution and realize for one reason or another supporting custom domains for your customers is a must. There are some products out there that can do this for you in some way...
11:09 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Go next with Next.js
Today in this blog we will learn about Next.js. Nowadays Next.js is the most popular framework of React.Next.js is an open-source development framework built on Node.js enabling React-based web applic...
10:54 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Read XKCD in the terminal with some bash magic
XKCD is probably the most popular webcomic with Devs. It only seems right that you can read it from the comfort of your terminal via a xkcd command. How can we pull that off?I use Kitty as my terminal...
10:25 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Python Functions *args and **kwargs Structure
Sign up to my newsletter!. What are *args and **kwargs?These structures are sometimes used when we do not know the number of parameters to import or the number of parameters varies. Thus, we brin...
10:20 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To MTL First Beta Release
We are pleased to announce the First Beta Release of the MTL ( Multi Threading Library ) under the GPL-3.0 License ZigRazor / MTL Multi Thread...
10:11 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Build and deploy a real-time react chat app in under 10 minutes
In this article, you will learn how to use IHP Backend's react API to build a chat application like WhatsApp or Signal, deploying it to production along the way - all within 10 minutes!IHP Backend is ...
09:14 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To How To Make A Sentiment Analyzer In PHP, In Under 10 Minutes?
I came across this concept of this sentiment analysis only recently. It sounded quite interesting and I wanted to learn more about it and maybe, also come up with some fun app around the same.After a ...
09:11 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Intermediate: Know Your Doctor using Huawei Kits (Account, Crash and Analytics) in Android App.
OverviewIn this article, I will create a DoctorConsultApp android application in which I will integrate HMS Core kits such as Huawei ID, Crash and Analytics. Huawei ID Service IntroductionH...
09:02 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
What is OOP ?Object Oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that relies on the concept of classes and objects. It is used to structure a software program into simple, reusable piece...
09:00 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Kickstarting Ads Kit by integrating Interstitial Ads in Application (Kotlin)
## IntroductionIn this article, we can learn how to integrate Huawei Ads Kit in an Application. I will be using Interstitial Ads. Interstitial ads are full-screen ads that cover the interface of an ap...
08:59 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To React typescript
Recently I am working on a large-scale project using MERN and typescript. We are using typescript because we can handle most of the errors easily before publishing the project at the production level....
08:55 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To The Future of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain in 2022
In the last few years, we have witnessed a rising interest in cryptocurrency and blockchain as well as blockchain apps. Are they just buzzwords or do they have an economic backing that will reshape th...
08:54 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Redux Toolkit & its usage
As a result of Redux Toolkit, you don't have to worry about a lot of boilerplate when using Redux, making your app easier to adopt and implement Redux. The toolkit comes preloaded with the tools you m...
08:52 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To AWS Cognito SRP Ruby
Original gist from Jonathan Viney# frozen_string_literal: truemodule Aws # Client for AWS Cognito Identity Provider using Secure Remote Password (SRP). # # This code is a direct translation of the ...
08:52 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Git/Github workflow and Tips
This post is written to guide and help the junior software developers. I want to share the useful tips and information I learned about Git/Github during my first 3 months of experience.Before starting...
08:48 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Minimal create-react-app
The problem:When I start a new create-react-app (CRA), it has a lot of files and stuff I don't need. This includes:reportWebVitals(Analytics and performance, etc.)logo.svg and some other stuff t...
08:47 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To How to host react.js (client) app on cpanel
In order to host your react.js app on cpanel, we will assume you have acquired a hosting package with cpanel accessible. In this article, we will be using namecheap shared hosting package but you can ...
08:45 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To How to pass Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) Exam?
Cracking the certifications can be difficult but you can pass through easily using the right strategy and right set of resources. These kinds of certifications are widely renowned and are used to show...
07:16 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Retry Pattern in Microservices
In a microservices architecture, the retry pattern is a common pattern for recovering from transient errors.In a distributed system, some examples of these errors are:Network failure An application lo...
07:16 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Should you go for Dot Net Certification Training in 2022?
The value of dot net certification is higher than ever before and the current market offers capable dot net experts a plethora of glorious job profiles. In this article today we will discuss the value...
07:14 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Positional Embeddings
Positional Embeddings always looked like a different thing to me, so this post is all about explaining the same in plain english..We all hear and read this word ("Positional Embeddings") wherever Tran...
07:12 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To How to Hire iOS App Developers?
There are only two major platforms for mobile app development: iOS and Android so far. As a result, mobile OS market share is held mainly by these two operating systems, and Android owns a significant...
07:12 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To 6 Benefits of the Best Cross Platform Mobile Application Development Tools
In today's time, mobile app development has become one of the crucial factors for businesses trying to create an online presence. People search for information, products, and services online in the si...
07:08 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To My Juspay Internship Experience
This article is about my internship at Juspay.Juspay is a leading fintech company in India. Their SDKs are on over 200Mn devices, they process over 5Mn transactions every day!! So, let's get started! ...
06:57 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Typescript with React
What is Typescript?Typescript is a superset of the JavaScript language. The purpose is to give JavaScript a flavor of strongly typed language so that our code errors are easily detected and we a...
06:36 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Getting started with UI UXDesign
IntroductionThere is no set road to becoming a UI UX designer, as most UI UX designers would tell you. Some designers have arts degrees, while others have attended architecture school, and yet some ha...
06:31 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Complete Guide to Next.js for Beginners in 2022
What is Next.js?React has become the most popular library in web development at present. It is used to create Single Page Applications and provides a user-friendly experience. It is easy to lear...
06:01 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Typescript
What is TYpescript:--TypeScript is a strongly typed programming language which is built on JavaScript and developed and maintained by Microsoft. It is a syntactical superset of the JavaScript programm...
05:47 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To February 25th, 2022: What did you learn this week?
It's that time of the week again. So wonderful devs, what did you learn this week? It could be programming tips, career advice etc.Feel free to comment with what you learnt and/or reference your TIL p...
05:27 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To How To Set Up Firebase with Flutter for iOS and Android Apps?
we know that adding some important features to your app like authentication & registration is a pain in the neck and you are probably looking for some final fix for your data storage and registrat...
05:02 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Resources for React developers in 2022
Staying up to date in the world of tech is hard. And it is twice as hard as front-end developer where things are changing with extreme pace.But you, reading this post, have a constant passion for lear...
04:38 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Important Bionic Eye Tech Becoming Obsolete, Tech Recruitment Challenges, & more on DevNews
Its not enough to have social impact with your technology you also have this huge responsibility to maintain your technology for the long-term.More on that in this week of the DevNews pod ...
04:37 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Every new programmer can't be a programmer
Learning to code and mastering it can take years for a beginner. Most people give up before they truly get started. Here is the solution In the beginning, we get very excited about the concept o...
04:11 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To How writing 700 articles changed my life
It's been a while since I've done one of these celebration posts.The last one was when I wrote 500 tech articles, and that was back in August.I write every single day. Yes, Saturday/Sunday included.Pe...
04:02 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Nanofabrication (Semiconductor) Wafer Thickness Prediction Data
Open Data Sets in Micro-nano fabrication Part II IntroductionThe manufacturing industry is always thriving on solving interesting problems with Data and Analytics solutions. Measuring the ...
03:17 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To DevContainer; Docker como entorno de desarrollo con Django y Postgesql
Docker para mi se a convertido en una necesidad para solucionar los problemas de entorno de desarrollo ya sea ambiente laborar o con grupos de trabajo, adems la idea de no tener que instalar ningn sof...
03:05 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Day 13 of Studying LeetCode Solution until I Can Solve One on My Own: Problem134. Gas Station(Medium/JavaScript)
Intro: I am a former accountant turned software engineer graduated from coding bootcamp in January 2022. Algorithms and Data Structure is an unavoidable part of interviews for most of the tech compani...
12:27 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To API Diff - Compare in seconds two versions of your API
With Bump, you can easily track changes within your API documentation, between different versions. We wanted to give a glimpse of the magic behind Bump, with a tool that could compare two versions of ...
12:13 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Accept Web3 Crypto Donations right on GitHub Pages
This approach is a game-changer for every dev who thinks about accepting donations/support for his or her projects or currently does so.I will show you how to accept donations with any ERC-20 or BEP-2...
12:10 am GMT - Fri, February 25, 2022
Dev To Future CSS: Level 4 Selectors
CSS does a lot with its selectors, but there's still a lot more it could do to make things easier for developers. In this guide we'll be looking at some of the main developments coming from the CSS Se...
10:22 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To How to Build a Ticketing App Using Vue.js and Strapi
In this article, well learn how to build a real-world Ticketing System with Strapi and Vue.js, where users can buy tickets for upcoming events. Our case study will be a system to purchase tickets for ...
10:08 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To API REST - typeScript, nodejs, express
Crear al package.jsonnpm init -yInstalar typescriptnpm i typescript -Dinstalar compilador TSnpx tsc --initconfigurar tsconfig.jsondescomentar estas lineas"baseUrl": "./src", "outDir": "./build","allo...
10:06 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To How to Add Todoist Tasks to Google Calendar
Todoistis a popular task manager app that helps over 5 million global users digitally keep track of their to-dos, upleveling from their traditional pen-to-paper notes. With convenient features like or...
10:02 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Single repository, multiple NestJSprojects
I know that are a lot of frameworks which promise to solve this with the "monorepo" concept, but I want to demonstrate how to achieve this without be locked-in in a framework or automation. It's is po...
09:41 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To TDD with PestPHP
Test Driven Development (TDD) is a software development practice.The typical flow is:writing the test cases starting from the requirements;writing the code that solves the tests;refactoring the code ...
09:11 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To What to know before you start: 100 Pull Requests in 100 Days
It's been more than a month since I finished one of the most intense challenges of my life, and I'm still struggling to figure out the best way to write about it. I thought taking a week to reflect wo...
08:55 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Tips for planning your next Hugo project
By Bryce WrayTheres plenty to be said for stuff that just works, and theHugo static site generator (SSG) is a perfect exemplar of that well-worn descriptor. When youre building a new website for a cli...
08:51 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To GitHub Markdown now Supports Mermaid Diagrams
Mermaid diagrams provide a way to display graphs defined as plain text. Some markdown renderers support this as a plugin. GitHub now supports it. exampleYou can define nodes like this in mermaid...
08:24 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Day 12 of Studying LeetCode Solution until I Can Solve One on My Own: Problem1560. Most Visited Sector in a Circular Track(E/JS)
Intro: I am a former accountant turned software engineer graduated from coding bootcamp in January 2022. Algorithms and Data Structure is an unavoidable part of interviews for most of the tech compani...
08:23 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Using Ecto changesets for JSON API request parameter validation
As Elixir developers, we typically use Ecto.Changeset to validate proposed database records changes in Elixir. It has comprehensive field validation capabilities and standardized error reporting, both...
08:04 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To How to Become a Machine Learning Expert: 5 Ways for Beginners
If you're interested in learning how to become a machine learning expert, it's important to know that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. However, there are five ways for beginners to get started ...
07:40 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To 10 React community hooks you should be using
React could be the best tool when it comes to front-end development, React by itself is very powerful, but if you use these community hooks inside your projects, not only your code will be much more c...
07:31 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To A collection of the best HTTP clients for various languages
Hello fellow developers! We're making an Awesome * list of the best HTTP clients for different languages and frameworks.The list is awesome-http and can be seen here.Please contribute any of your idea...
06:58 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Boas prticas ao usar Lambda e classe annima em Java
J faz algum tempo que venho falando sobre classes locais, classes annimas e expresses lambdas. O que so, como usar e quando usar. No atual post vou escrever sobre boas prticas ao usar lambda em Java. ...
06:50 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Complete CI/CD pipeline
A CI/CD pipeline is a series of steps that must be performed in order to deliver a new version of the software. Continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines are a practice focused on i...
06:31 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To What and How of Random Access Memory
When a computer is running code, it needs to keep track of variables (numbers, strings, arrays, etc.).Variables are stored in random access memory (RAM). Difference between RAM and storageRAM is ...
06:14 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To polished 0.6.0 is now on CRAN!
The newest release of polished, 0.6.0, is now on CRAN. The biggest user facing enhancement of this release is the new ability to secure R Markdown documents using Polished Auth. The secured R Markdow...
05:53 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Funes recursivas e annimas em Elixir
English version of this text here!Um tempo atrs, eu tentei criar uma funo recursiva e annima em Elixir porque eu estava dentro do iex e estava com preguia de criar um mdulo dentro do repl. Minha prim...
05:25 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Recursive anonymous functions in Elixir
Verso em portugus desse texto aqui! Some time ago I tried to create a recursive anonymous function in Elixir because I was inside iex and was feeling lazy about creating a module inside the repl. My ...
05:10 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To How to use Watchers in Vue
In any web application, it's normal to have input data which alters a page. For example, a user may update their username, or submit a post. In vue we can watch for these changes using watchers. Watch...
04:28 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Developers, How do you track your daily work?
There are platforms to track team progress (Jira, Trello) but how do you track your daily tasks on a personal level?...
04:26 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To How to fetch a contribution branch to test it locally as an open-source maintainer
Hello Fellow CodeNewbies ,In my last post, we were talking about how to fetch a branch from upstream repo as a contributor and test it locally.And in this post, let's change the role.If we were a main...
04:23 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To New tsParticles Confetti website is now live
Today the new tsParticles Confetti website was approved by the maintainers.The content of this new website will be more focused on confetti animations, instead of all kind of particles. There are few...
04:11 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Creating a TRX File from an API for Azure DevOps CI/CD Pipeline Integration
The purpose of this article is to provide you with an example of a TRX file structure and how our team took a TRX formatted string response from a web service and injected it into our CI/CD pipeline o...
04:09 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To How an Arts graduate got a job as a software developer in less than 3 months.
Yes, you read it right. I'm currently working as an Associate developer in some service based IT company, and it barely took me 3 months to achieve it. Where it all began.While in college, pursui...
04:07 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Allow User Registration on Your WordPress
There are many reasons why you should enable user registration in WordPress. For example, if you have a need for guest blogging, allowing your guest bloggers to register to your website and assigning ...
03:57 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Project 2: Random Color Flipper in Javascript
To the continuation to project 1, I have improved to flip to new color every time you click on button.Here is the implementation:<html><body id="flipper"> <p id="text" style="font-si...
03:22 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Build a FullStack App with Next.js, Supabase & Prisma
Hello everyone,My first course for The Modern Dev is finally here! It is composed of 26 lessons and it is totally FREE TL;DRIn this course, you'll learn how to: Build a React app + API using Next...
03:08 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Laburanding: como trabajar para afuera
Bueno la idea de esta charla surge un poco de mi experiencia trabajando remoto con una empresa de afuera y de comentarios/consejos que fueron saliendo de dailys y charlas con amigos/colegas. Les voy a...
03:02 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Building an Apache ECharts dashboard with React and Cube
This guest post was written by Osinachi Chukwujama. He is a web developer and technical writer. He enjoys building backend applications and utilizing cloud computing. He plays the organ and creates ca...
02:35 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Make Your Portfolio Stand Out
Recruiters get HUNDREDS of job applications everyday, but none of them stand out.Having an excellent portfolio drastically improves your chances of landing your dream job, and here's how: Make it...
02:35 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Creating a video player web component
Eyevinn has an open-source web player that can play both HLS and MPEG-DASH streams, automatically selecting the appropriate library for either format.You can check it out here! It's simple to use: Jus...
02:34 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Paracetamol.js| 63: Explica este cdigo JavaScript
Explica este cdigo JavaScriptlet name = 'Lydia'function getName() { console.log(name) let name = 'Sarah'}getName() A: Lydia B: Sarah C: undefined D: ReferenceErrorRespuesta en el p...
02:30 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To External code in Unreal Engine game source
IntroductionAs many game developers know, the Git 100MB files size limit renders vanilla Git useless. For us, LFS did not seem like a viable option (we may post our full report regarding selecting ver...
02:18 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Tutorial: build DApp with Web3-React and SWR
In the tutorial "build DAPP with hardhat, React and Ethers.js", we connect and interact with the blockchain using ethers.js directly. It is OK, but there are too many works need to be done by ourselve...
02:10 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Ownership and borrowing. Rust Tutorial:4
Understanding OwnershipOwnership is Rusts most unique and famous feature and has deep implications for the rest of the language. It enables Rust to make memory safety guarantees without needing a garb...
02:09 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Learn JavaScript Arrays
In JavaScript we use arrays to store a list of values. Arrays are always numbered starting from 0.This means that the 2nd element in your array is at number 1 while the last element is always the tota...
02:08 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To It *IS* possible to get a voice here! [tips to grow on a mini rant!]
I was reading a post about how hard it is to gain traction on DEV a couple of days ago, go give it a read and see if you feel the same way or not: It's impossible to get a...
01:46 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To 11 JavaScript concepts to understand before you learn React
Reactjs is a javascript framework. But a beginner can struggle if they don't have solid javascript knowledge. In this blog, you will know about 11 concepts to understand before learning javascript.Pas...
01:37 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To How to become a better programmer
Now after a few years of entering the world of programmingI discovered and saw what is important to becoming a better programmerBefore deciding which field you would like to learn and work inYou shoul...
01:31 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Algorithmes
Qu'est-ce qu'un algorithme ? Pourquoi est-ce si vital pour vous en tant que dveloppeur ou quelqu'un qui cherche entrer dans la technologie?Avant mon premier cours l'universit, j'avais dj achet mes m...
01:18 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To 006/100 Days of Code: Strapi CMS
Ontem foi dia de explorar mais a fundo a verso atualizada do Strapi e tudo o que encontrei me deixou bastante empolgado! CMSUm CMS (Content Management System) , como o prprio nome j diz, um Siste...
01:17 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Is The Customer Always Right? Trading Strategies for Difficult Customers
No matter what business you are in, you will likely encounter difficult customers at some point. These are the customers who are never happy, always demanding and seem to think that they can treat you...
01:16 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Creating your first Svelte App with SvelteKit
Svelte is a lightweight framework for building web applications. When you use it, it looks and feels a lot like other frontend frameworks like React and Vue, but leaves the virtual DOM behind. That, a...
01:10 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Typescript and tailwind css
What is Typescript?Typescript is a programming language and it is a superset of javascript.It adds optional static typig to hte language. Actually it is designed for the development of large applicati...
01:08 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To qr code menu for restaurants
Customers can scan QR codes on contactless menus with their smartphone camera, which will take them to an online digital menu where they can peruse food and drink selections. These https://www.onlinee...
01:06 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Restaurant crm software
Traditional menus are frequently touched and handled by numerous diners in the same party, are reused by multiple groups of diners, and are handled by restaurant employees. There is no need to hold a ...
01:05 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Python Embedded Functions
Sign up to my newsletter!. What is an embedded function?Embedded functions are functions that come ready with the Python installation, unlike the functions we have created. Since these functions ...
12:56 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Day 6 of 100 Days of Code
Today I learnt about objects. In the part 3 of this series, I talked about the blackjack game when I was learning about the if/else if / else statements. This brings all what I have learnt together; v...
12:51 pm GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Hello, World!
We cover:JavaScriptconsole.log()IntroductionHello~ Hello~ Everyone! This is my first post!Codeconsole.log("Hello~ Hello~ Everyone! This is my first post!");WhatI just logged into the console (In JavaS...
11:29 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Eventually consistency and cache
What is it?Eventually consistency is a fancy name of doing something and only expecting the changed state after a while. And there is a guarantee that you will eventually get the expected state....
11:09 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Difference Between and Tag in HTML
IntroductionSuppose you want your webpage to show the below message with the same format, How will you write it in HTML?If you are planning to use carriage return (ENTER key) to produce line bre...
11:04 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Prevent Google Analytics from being blocked by AdBlocker
This post been published may say what you want about Google Analytics, especially about how "they" are, apart from dis...
10:58 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Using props on styled-component and next.js
If you landed here and don't know how to install and use style component you can start with this articles here.In today's article, we'll talk a little bit about props.Props is a React special keyword ...
10:57 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Tableau Training in Hyderabad
Tableau Training in Hyderabad:Kelly Technologies offers the best Tableau Training in Hyderabad, which is an awesome platform for the candidates to learn and explore the subject from industry experts. ...
10:49 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Take your automation to next level with 2captcha
Captcha is used in websites to avoid spam. Now, there are lots of services and tools you can use to crack the Captcha. But why? Why does someone want to crack the Captchas? Let's take an example- You ...
10:27 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To I have made a chrome extension for unwavering focus and deep flow
An important part of my morning ritual is reading my affirmations everyday. They have helped me stay focused on my long term goals and not fall for mediocrity. But on somedays, I forget to repeat my a...
10:27 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To What I learned working on Nebula Graph, an open source and distributed graph database
This article is based on a talk given by Dr. Min Wu, a senior expert at vesoft. Dr. Wu talked about the status quo of the global graph database market, the design and features of Nebula Graph as a dis...
10:23 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Tutorial: build DApp with Hardhat, React and ethers.js
In this tutorial, we will build DAPP using Hardhat, React and ethers.js which works with user-controlled wallets like MetaMask.DAPP is usually composed of three parts:Smart contract deployed on chainW...
09:58 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Nebula Graph v3.0.0 Release Note
Nebula Graph v3.0.0 is here! The new version introduced a series of new features including enhanced backup and restore, better support for the openCypher query language, and more fine-grained user man...
09:57 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Terminalizer: Record your terminal and generate animated gif images or share a web player
I have just stumbled upon it and seems very easy to use - did a quick test on my FISH shell and it works like a charm.Has anyone tried it and do you have any other altern...
09:52 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To F - C Interop
What is InteropInteroperability is the ability of two different systems to communicate with each other. In this case, it would be a C# and F# application communicating. Because they compile dow...
09:19 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Using a newer version of FFmpeg with Docker.
IntroductionHello, I needed to use FFmpeg in a node application, however the problem was the default FFmpeg that can be installed with the node image was too old and didn't support what I was tr...
09:08 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Show Dev: OS Wordle in 60 languages!
Launch Day!I'm launching an Open-Source sideproject I've been working on for a bit :)I reaaaaaally suck at frontend, & wanted to get better. So I remade my current favorite frontend-heavy game wi...
08:50 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Startup Development Stages: [7] Steps to Become a Unicorn
The startup ecosystem has gained a lot of traction over the past two decades. Can you imagine that 20 years ago, words like startup, investments, accelerators, incubators, unicorn, Internet of Things ...
08:39 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To What are Cloud Compliance Tools? And Why do you need them?
The cloud poses a challenge to data compliance challenges, including lack of visibility, confusion about whose responsibility it is to protect data, and a lack of appropriate compliance structures. Wh...
08:12 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Web 3 RoadMap with Resources to learn
IntroductionThe hot time to learn and ace in Web 3.0 is now. The community is still developing. There are sufficient resources and help in the community to start learning the web3.Developers who...
07:24 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Laravel Pivot Table | Eloquent Many To Many Relationship | Laravel 9 Tutorial
This video will dive into Eloquents Many to Many Relationship in Laravel.Laravel many to many with pivot table going deeper. This is a deep dive into belongsToMany Relationships in Laravel.Follow me:T...
07:18 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Are you participating in the reply code challenge?
I'm glad I sparked your interest because Reply is hosting a coding challenge!And you know that I love a good coding challenge.This will be the 5th time they are hosting this challenge, and it's a big ...
07:03 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To How to become happy, smart and rich?
When typing in are developers on google I get the suggestions happy? smart? rich?. What I was going for was: are developers like normal people? Now that Google got me curious, I need to dig deeper int...
06:52 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Artificial Intelligence in Banking: The Role of AI in Banking and Finance Sector
Predicting the future isnt magic, its Artificial Intelligence.Dave WatersDo you know Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the next big thing in the finance sector? Yes, you heard it right! The banking and ...
06:44 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To qr code menu for restaurants
Customers can scan QR codes on contactless menus with their smartphone camera, which will take them to an online digital menu where they can peruse food and drink selections. These contactless menu ar...
06:37 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Technology in Healthcare Still Exist with Big Companies
At this time humans are in an era of technology that is so fast. This can also positively impact survival and productivity in various sectors. However, in this article, the sector that will be discuss...
06:31 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Find out the truth while protecting your anonymity.
An investigation can reveal the truth about the crime. Every day, the rate of crime rises. A private investigator monitors a person's criminal actions. They have special equipment that permits them to...
06:30 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Capital Smart City - Balloting Event - Overseas Block Latest Update
06:25 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To State of JS & CSS Surveys: How to Help
Although the State of JavaScript and CSS surveys do earn some revenue*, they still rely primarily on volunteer work. If you'd like to join the project and help out, here are a few things we always nee...
06:25 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Restaurant crm software
Traditional menus are frequently touched and handled by numerous diners in the same party, are reused by multiple groups of diners, and are handled by restaurant employees. There is no need to hold a ...
06:25 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Razorpay payment DJANGO
Steps to integrateSetting up Razorpay account.Storing API keys in settings.pyInstalling Razorpay library.Creating order schema.Creating order at backend and also creating Razorpay order.Show tem...
06:22 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To The Easiest Way To Install Node.js on Linux/MacOS
I've been riding the learn (build) in public wave for the past month. Here's what I've been doing:I code or learn for an hourReport my progress on TwitterPush my code to GitHub for others to seeI star...
06:17 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Top 10 AngularJS Developer Tools in 2022
Since the pandemic, a large chunk of developers has invested in creating their online presence. This has added to the popularity of online development tools and frameworks. Amongst the many frameworks...
05:04 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Listen to the S8E3 of DevDiscuss: "The Importance of Video Game Archival, Preservation, and Curation"
Find out what the Museum of Modern Art and the Internet Arcade have in common in this week's episode of DevDiscuss S8:E3 - The Importance of Video Game Archival, Preservation, and Cur...
04:36 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Laravel 8 - Audit for Beginners (5 easy steps)
Laravel Auditing is a Laravel package that aims to make it easy to track eloquent model changes. The documentation describes Laravel Auditing as follows:Laravel Auditing allows you to keep a history o...
03:59 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Who's using SeaORM?
If you have built an app using SeaORM and want to showcase it, feel free to open a PR and add it to the list below! use...
03:52 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Como a comunidade brasileira utiliza o twitter para aprender em pblico
ContextualizaoDurante os ltimos anos puderam-se ver a popularizao das profisses relacionadas ao desenvolvimento de software devido a tpicos quentes, como, blockchain, servios em nuvem, o crescen...
03:29 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To How to send push notifications with Firebase and React
Push notifications improve engagement with your app. Firebase provides a way to send them using their Firebase Cloud Messaging service. I'm going to show you how to integrate it in your React app. ...
02:05 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To How does Starbucks use machine learning (ML)?
TLDRStarbucks uses machine learning (ML) to recommend relevant products to their customers and improve business function. Their success shows MLs power in transforming any business. Outlin...
02:00 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To MDown Editor - A markdown playground
Hello there Devs,I just started to make a markdown playground few days ago because I have to write the readme on github in markdown. So I can use my Markdown editor playground. Now I finished wo...
01:58 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Day 11 of Studying LeetCode Solution until I Can Solve One on My Own: Problem844. Backspace String Compare(Easy/JavaScript)
Intro: I am a former accountant turned software engineer graduated from coding bootcamp in January 2022. Algorithms and Data Structure is an unavoidable part of interviews for most of the tech compani...
01:41 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Policing with Amazon Macie - Security & Compliance
DAY 14 - Amazon Macie - Security & Compliance - Day FourteenTweet This Blog - 100 days of Cloud on GitHub - Read On on 123 Million US Households Exposed Due to Misconfigur...
01:09 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To 10 Best Technical SEO Tools You Need for Your Next Audit
Originally published on Prerender.You want to do routine technical website audits for the same reason you take your car to see a mechanic to make sure its working as it should.Technical SEO tools are...
01:01 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Kotlin Playground para aprendizes de Kotlin
O qu Kotlin Playground?Kotlin Playground uma plataforma criada pela Jetbrains para permitir que pessoas que estejam aprendendo Kotlin possam testar conceitos e cdigos sem precisar de ter a lin...
12:23 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Welcome Thread - v165
Welcome to DEV!Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.Reply to someone's comment, either w...
12:02 am GMT - Thu, February 24, 2022
Dev To Tutorial Fcil de Customizao do Perfil do GitHub
Esse tutorial tem o objetivo de ajudar as pessoas a desenvolverem seus prprios perfis personalizados do GitHub, de maneira mas simplificada possvel CategoriasPrimeiros passosRequisitosCriandoCust...
11:37 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Creating a modal dialog with Alpine.js
This is the second in our series of tutorials on the minimal JavaScript framework Alpine.js. In this tutorial well be creating a modal dialog component similar to the one created with vanilla JavaScri...
11:00 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Reminder: Join the Microsoft Azure Trial Hackathon to Win Prizes (and Community Bragging Rights)
Quick reminder that the Microsoft Azure Trial Hackathon on DEV is accepting submissions through March 8th, 2022 @ 11:59 PM UTC!For this...
10:59 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Making an automatic Spotify Playlist with Serverless Cloud and Slack
Originally published at ServerlessFast and reliable data is one of the most important requirements for any cloud application. **Serverless Cloud** provides access to Serverless Data (our powerful serv...
10:54 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Padres e Estilos de Arquitetura de Software
Arquitetura um conjunto de partes que compem o sistema e o ambiente em que est inserido, suas responsabilidades e seus relacionamentos.Estilos e Padres Arquiteturais de SoftwareOs sistemas seguem um ...
10:48 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To use placeholder website to generate images
1-How to use placeholder website to generate photos with the desired size :First, let's see why you must use this website : > placeholder website allows you to use pictures in various sizes,&...
10:39 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Transio de carreira para a T.I
O LinkedIn divulgou a lista das 25 profisses em alta para 2022, dessa lista ao menos 15 so da rea de tecnologia, evidenciando o que todos j sabem: a alta demanda de profissionais. A escassez de mo de ...
10:29 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Azure Phone Chatbot
Overview of My SubmissionThis is Azure Friendly ChatBot using Azure Bot Service Step by step:1.create Azure free account2.create QnA maker in Azure3.Navigate to QnA Maker Portal4.Create a...
10:23 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Why Imperfect Data Isn't Just Bad, It's Harmful w/ Treeverse's Einat Orr
Dev Interrupted has a new podcast page on! Have a listen over here!Data junkies rejoice, this is the episode for you. On this weeks episode of Dev Interrupted, Einat Orr, co-founder and CEO of ...
09:56 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Level Up Your Webpages with these SEO Meta Tags
For every HTML page you should have a few key elements to ensure fast loading, and good SEO. In this guide we'll be going through all the meta tags you should be including on your web page, so that it...
09:28 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Introduo a Manipulao de Dados - SQL
INSERT O que ? um comando SQL utilizado para inserir dados em uma tabela. SintaxeA sintaxe simples, para definir a tabela e as colunas que recebero os dados devemos utilizar as palavr...
09:27 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Virtual machine efficiency
I'm one of the CPAN testers, a bunch of people who test everything that gets uploaded to the CPAN. We test with multiple different builds of perl on multiple operating systems and different hardware p...
09:23 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Introduo a Filtragem de Dados - SQL
WHERE O que ? um comando que nos permite adicionar mais filtros a uma pesquisa. FiltrosOs filtros so feitos atravs de operadores lgicos, sendo possvel adicionar mais filtros atravs dos...
08:43 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Notes on 'Thinking fast and slow' by Dr. James Goldman.
What happens when your brain concentrates?Firstly, you have an increase in specific neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephine and actylcholine. These are similar to hormones that are pro...
08:26 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To How to publish ExDocs on GitHub Pages
GitHub Pages allows you to publish static files, but it doesn't allow you to generate these. This is a problem if want to generate ExDocs for a private package or generate a static website with a web ...
08:19 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Dart basics - part 1
Dart is an open-source general-purpose programming language. It is originally developed by Google and later approved as a standard by ECMA. Dart is a new programming language meant for the server as w...
08:16 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Introducing FormKit: A Vue 3 form building framework
Web forms are the connective tissue of the internet. Without them people cant request their health records, apply for university, order pad thai, or book a plane ticket. Yet too often the tools used t...
08:13 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Day 5 of 100 days of Code
Today I learnt about loops.looping through a sequence and an array. A loop is a sequence of instruction that is continually repeated until a condition is reached. for loop while loop do wh...
07:54 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Estructura Datos. Conceptos
Si acabas de encontrar esta publicacin, antes de continuar te recomiendo que le des un vistazo a Introduccin a Estructuras de Datos el cual brinda una introduccin a los conceptos preliminares para com...
07:53 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Building a Kotlin Mobile App with the Salesforce SDK, Part 1: Getting Started
Nowadays, users expect mobile apps to act as counterparts to the websites and platforms they use on the web. Mobile applications give users the ability to carry their data with them, granting them the...
07:47 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Reference Tables as duplicate covering indexes
YugabyteDB is a distributed SQL database that primarily focuses on high performance OLTP. The tables, and indexes, are split into tablets (with hash or range distribution on the key) with the goal to ...
07:42 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Introduction to the Java programming language
99% of developers begin their path in two ways: either with python or javascript.These two languages alone are very powerful for countless of reasons. They have both a very strong ecosystem and can be...
07:41 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Bidirectional piping, how to make two programs communicate with each other
First of all a small refresher on what piping is and how it workswhen you do something likeecho 2 | catstdout of echo is being piped to cat's stdin, cat writes again the result that was read from stdi...
07:31 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To 100. Same Tree
I'm excited to cover this Leetcode algorithm for many reasons. For the first time, despite how minuscule it might seem, I was able to write out the steps solve this problem. This is a huge accomplishm...
07:23 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Intro to React - JSX and Elements
React is a modern JavaScript library for building interactive user interfaces. In this blog post, we'll get a brief introduction and how to get started with React.Demos:Create React App demo Why ...
07:21 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Hello Devs
In this blog I will write about things that attract my interest and maybe it'll become some kind of bitacora in my actual journey of learning new technologies. You are very welcome to be a witness of ...
07:19 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Build APIs for the Web INSTANTLY with ASP.NET Core 6
I've been building web-based applications for many years, and I always run into the same questions and code that needs to be written again and again. How do we get data into and out of the database f...
07:17 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To What is the difference between DATETIME and TIMESTAMP data type in MySQL?
IntroductionIf you have ever worked with MySQL and had to create your table structure, you have probably noticed that the DATETIME and TIMESTAMP data types are quite similar at a first glance as...
06:47 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Como funciona a codificao em base64?
Quando falamos de texto - ou, mais precisamente, as letras que compem o alfabeto - estamos falando de caracteres individuais que so representados da mesma forma que nmeros, quando lidos pelo computado...
06:44 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Project 1: color flipper project in Javascript explained
I want to explain each and every step in creating small project in Javascript.Purely designed this project using HTML & Javascript.Ok. What is color flipper first?Color of the whole page changes u...
06:30 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Setup Redux for your react application in few simple steps!
In this article, we are going to see how to integrate redux in your project by following few simple steps.So, lets begin!Step 1 : Create a new project and add all the dependenciesnpx create-react-app ...
06:06 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Custom injecting logic for NestJS with support multi providing
Installationnpm i --save nestjs-custom-injector Links - Demo application with nestjs-custom-injector.
05:57 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To How to Host Your Site for Free* on Google Cloud Run
When you first log into the Google Cloud Console it can be extremely intimidating. The number of resources at your disposal is overwhelming but if you focus on a couple specific services you can actua...
05:55 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Nucleoid: Low-code framework for JS
What is Nucleoid?Nucleoid is a low-code framework for JavaScript and embedded inside Node.js. As writing just like any other codes in Node.js, it rerenders the very same JavaScript codes and mak...
05:25 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Customizing URLs in Djoser
INTRODUCTIONAuthenticating or verifying users is essential while building secure apps to prevent unauthorized access, and also, to keep an individuals information safe. In Django, authentication...
04:54 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To isFunctions in Javascript
In every language, we need to validate data before modifying or displaying it.So, here in the case of javascript also we almost regularly use these functions and we maintain all these in single util c...
04:19 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To How Torrents Work?!
What is Torrent?In the computing sector, the term "torrent" usually refers to a computer file that has metadata including numerous pieces of information. The extension ".torrent" is usually asso...
04:03 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Acra. Features: Database request firewall
Like in real life, the more coping strategies people have, the bigger opportunities and less friction on their way to the goals they have. So we equipped Acra database security suite with proactive me...
03:51 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To How I added zero down deployment to my website
While I was building (a Laravel remote job aggregator), I was worried that each time I wanted to push some changes to the production server, it might take the website down for a coup...
03:36 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Paralleling Code Coverage using Coveralls and Travis
Hey developer friends, A short one today -- but an important one. Let's say you have multiple environments you want to have coverage, first let's enable Coveralls for your repo, so if you haven't done...
03:32 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Translating an Azure Serverless App Architecture into AWS
In my last post, I made a cheat sheet to help cloud architects translate services between Microsoft Azure and AWS. It was well-received by the community, and I thought of ways how to make these transl...
03:31 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Create your own pre-commit hook
In this tutorial we are going to create a very basic git hook, using the awesome package pre-commit, created by the one and only Anthony Sottile .The hook will be very basic. It won't have unit-tests ...
03:22 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Making a To-do list in Vue
In this tutorial we're going to be making a to-do list application with Vue. This is a follow on from my tutorial on creating your first ever vue application. Follow that tutorial if you need help get...
03:13 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To MapReduce - when you need more juice to process your data
Most of the websites you can find on the internet today are collecting some kind of data for later processing and information extraction. They usually do this to learn customer behavior, analyze logs,...
03:10 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To This is how you make numbers more readable in your JS code
Hello Folks What's up friends, this is SnowBit here. I am a young passionate and self-taught frontend web developer and have an intention to become a successful developer.Today, I am here with a...
02:50 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Emotion Badge for Github
Overview of My SubmissionEmotionBadge is a service of choice. It extracts the emotion from your Github profile photo using Azure Face Api and gives you a bagde using for your README.m...
02:41 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Migrating from GitLab to GitHub
Having recently undergone an acquisition, I was tasked with the fairly standard post-merger task of migrating our existing codebase over to the new parent company. Luckily for me, both sides used Git....
02:34 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To 10 JetBrains Extensions to Fight Technical Debt
My last article on 10 VS Code Extensions to Fight Technical Debt got over 50.000 views and 500 reactionsIt doesn't surprise me as today I see many Engineering teams under a huge pressure to build fast...
02:27 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Thoughts on DynamoDB, 10 years later.
Happy birthday DynamoDB!This month we celebrate the birthday of one of the most important NoSQL fully managed database service available in the market. Production readyI have been using AWS servi...
01:55 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Develop your Own Customizable Invoice Generator with Refine and Strapi | Part I
IntroductionWe are going to develop an invoice generator application for our business using refine and Strapi. Let's see together how simple yet functional it can be!This article will consist of...
01:51 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Hi, my name is David and I just failed a tech bootcamp entrance exam. I know this is an odd way to start an article but for me, failure is an opportunity for a new start. The pass mark for the exam wa...
01:47 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Debugging Tutorial: Java Return Value, IntelliJ Jump to Line and more
I just published the 3rd episode of the "140 Second Duckling" tutorial series and I'm getting into the rhythm of doing them. I posted the 2nd episode last week and in this post I'll dig deeper into bo...
01:38 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Why you should deploy your next serverless application with Chalice and CDK
You usually develop serverless applications with the Serverless Framework using Node.js and face the challenge to develop one using Python? Youve come to the right place.To easily configure and deploy...
01:05 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Five Year Club at
TL;DRToday marks 5 years of me being on In general, I gotta say that I like the community (I just got this nice badge, so what's not to like ), and wish to be on the platform 5 years fro...
12:56 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To What We Love About Web Development
What is HTML All The ThingsHTML All The Things is a web development podcast and discord community which was started by Matt and Mike, developers based in Ontario, Canada. The podcast speaks to w...
12:56 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To 10 best practices to build a secure IoT deployment
IoT implementations can have some very unique challenges not present in traditional IT deployments. For example, deploying a consumer IoT device, such as what iRobot has done using AWS to handle scale...
12:40 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To node-sass: OpenBSD -
npm install node-sass OpenBSD > [email protected] postinstall $APP_DIR/node_modules/node-sass> node scripts/build.jsBuilding: node $APP_DIR/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js rebuild --...
12:39 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To node-sass: Build fails on OpenBSD - How to fix
The problemWhen running npm install node-sass on OpenBSD, you may see the error below or similar one.> [email protected] postinstall $APP_DIR/node_modules/node-sass> node scripts/build.jsBu...
12:21 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To How to Store API Credentials In a Flutter Application?
In the modern-day, people have been mainly accessing smartphones widely. With the advancement in technology, it is quite an efficient option for making online banking, shopping, chatting, handling you...
12:16 pm GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To How to run react on VSCode
Till now I was practicing react on codesandbox. Since I am familiar with VSCode and its integration with git, I thought why not run react in VSCode and after figuring it out I thought to write a guide...
11:17 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To The Kubernetes Ingress Concept and Ingress Controller (Part 1)
After the hard work of packaging your services into the container, the format is complete, and you've successfully deployed them to a Kubernetes cluster, you still have the task of exposing those serv...
11:08 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Plots in Maheshwaram
Some people are fascinated by Maheshwaram's developing real estate market, in regard to making investments in real estate. Maheshwaram has a thriving real estate market, with a range of possibilities ...
11:07 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Fair And Handsome Men Face Cream
Our StoryIn 2005, Fair And Handsome launched the first-ever cream specially formulated for men. With this breakthrough innovation, it flagged off the Mens Grooming revolution in India, taking it beyon...
11:06 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Trade license in Dubai
An expert license in Dubai is issued to those who ask to exercise any career wherein they calculate on their fleshly or intellectual gambles rather than counting upon a cash capital. This license is i...
11:01 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To The state of the Pragmatica (Feb 2022)
Since last publication, Pragmatica changed significantly. It started as a minimal set of classes necessary for Pragmatic Functional Java coding style, but over the last few months it grew into the fas...
10:59 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Sales by Match (HackerRank Javascript Solution)
There is a large pile of socks that must be paired by color. Given an array of integers representing the color of each sock, determine how many pairs of socks with matching colors there are. Exam...
10:58 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To add drop shadow to image photosho
An image is definitely needed to bring a flexible beauty to an image, but to solve it you must focus on the image. There are many problems with image photography. To solve that, you must know the work...
10:56 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Are you nervous about transitioning from startup to enterprise devops?
Lets face it, implementing DevOps is hard! But I believe it is even more challenging to implement enterprise devops. I have come across countless incidences where startup companies struggle to find ou...
10:55 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Redux Form and Typescript testing with React Testing Library
Issue: write unit tests for Redux Form with Typescript.Redux Form is an HOC (Higher-Order Component) that gives us a convenient way of managing the state of forms using Redux.TL;DRUnit tests for Redux...
10:48 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Crypto Wallet App Development 2022: Guide
The cryptocurrency market has been rising tremendously over the last few years. It appears that the current trend in cryptocurrency trading is here to remain for the foreseeable future since traders a...
10:47 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Upload files with React Hook Form
See how we can use React Hook Form to handle file upload and file validation (with yup). The file input field will be registered with React Hook Form, yup validation is integrated into React Hook Form...
10:44 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Big O analysis is awesome except when it's not
Asymptotic analysis is a powerful tool, but wield it wisely.Big O ignores constants, but sometimes the constants matter. If we have a script that takes 5 hours to run, an optimization that divides the...
10:43 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Start your first React-Redux CRUD Operation Easily
If you are a beginners let's start with me.How to startfor new project you can run the below commandnpx create-react-app my-app --template reduxfor existing react project just runnpm i react-reduxRedu...
08:49 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Component Composition in React
Cross-posted from of the most misunderstood design patterns in a React application is the render props pattern and component composition. While this isn't a ...
08:46 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Solidity Quickstart [0]
Hey folks . Hope y'all are doing great. You might have heard about web3 and its hype on Twitter and maybe you wanna explore it as well. Well, so today I am here to give all a quick tour of solidity . ...
08:23 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Unit testing in real world: what to consider
Unit testing (known as component testing) refers to a type of software testing. In which software development teams test each individual unit. Explore more in the article below!Unit testing is an ess...
08:03 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Dependency Wheel using VueJS 4/10
In this video, we will build a data-repository on the client side.The repository will perform basic data operations on the client: getting, creating, deleting, and editing.Since the data is stored on ...
07:26 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Configure Prettier and ESLint with Angular
In this post we will walk through configuring Eslint and Prettier to angular project step by step.At some point we will need a lint tool to help us identify possible errors in our code.In this short a...
07:03 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Why I stepped out of my first startup
This is not a story about a startup that raised millions and grew exponentially. This is a story about a student finding his ideals, and learning some life lessons along the way. I will take you along...
06:16 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Top 10 things you should know as a Programmer
Top 10 things Every Programmer should knowAs a Developer you should know these things........Write a code fancy nor longer Fancy means take care of your code quality ,less number of lines , use ...
06:06 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Object destructuring in TypeScript
The cool part about TypeScript is that we can define types for certain variables.However, there is a scenario that might prove a bit difficult.And this is destructuring an object.Let's take the follow...
05:57 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Reduce APK size in React Native
Reduce App Size in React Native:We all have faced problems related to the size of the built apk in React-Native. The size of the apk is usually very high . This eats up a lot of space in the pho...
05:41 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To How to setup a dev blog using Next.js and next-mdx-remote.
Not another Next.js and MDX blog again...Yeah, I know. But hear me out, I am sure this'll probably be the last blog you'll be needing in order to set up your own blog hassle-freeand with all the cool ...
05:37 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To 4 Steps to be a Good Developer
Always Chaulk outs the flow:Before starting work or task you must write down the flow of your work even if its small thing like CRUD i.e. Create Read Update Delete functionality. Its should be your mu...
05:21 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To I lost all of my projects
yet again...A couple of weeks ago I started making a Fnaf type horror game with unique story and visuals snd yesterday I finished my work.So alongside it ,there were pther projects I didn't push to gi...
05:16 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Azure Trial Hackathon - Azura - Yes Azura!
## Overview of the ProjectThis is an extension just like those we put on our browsers and also a sort of searching tool, that takes an Image URL as input and processes it using Microsoft Azure's Compu...
04:45 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To VS Code Sparking Watercooler Convos? Here's How
Feeling the co-presence of others while working does not just foster camaraderie, it is often the spark that leads to conversations that make communities grow closer together.Get your own coding statu...
04:41 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Day 10 of Studying LeetCode Solution until I Can Solve One on My Own: Problem457. Circular Array Loop(Medium/JavaScript)
Intro: I am a former accountant turned software engineer graduated from coding bootcamp in January 2022. Algorithms and Data Structure is an unavoidable part of interviews for most of the tech compani...
04:01 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Laravel flutter react developers
Hi For freelance projects1)Need Laravel Backend developers2) react developers3)flutter developersPls connect @ 9821428168...
03:19 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Linked List and how dynamic collection of data is handled in modern languages
During programming, we often need to use collection of data. Collection of data can be handled in an array or in a linked list. Lets see the advantages and disadvantages for both. ArraysArrays ar...
03:05 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Do you use DARK WEB | Tor browser on android?
*Do-you-use-Tor-browser-on-android?*You must have heard about the Tor browser. This tow is available in Windows, Mac, Android and Linux. This is the darkest side of the Internet that is not shown by a...
03:04 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Stop Installing Node.js and Global Npm Packages, Use Docker Instead: Protect your system from vulnerabilities
There is a way to keep our computers isolated from malicious npm packages and cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Its almost like Node and npm will be on an island.We can use a Docker container to run Node...
02:35 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Blazor Custom Components
In the last post we showed how to create a Blazor Web App. Today we will look into creating a custom component.Right click on the Shared folder, select Add/Razor Component. Take the default name of Co...
02:21 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To How To Remove a Property From a JavaScript Objects .
What is a Object in JavaScript: Definition by MDN*Objects in JavaScript, just as in many other programming languages, can be compared to objects in real life. The concept of objects in Java...
01:41 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Data Structures Used in Competitive Programming
Understanding data structures is integral to participate in competitive programming, as you will be faced with making decisions on what data structure to utilize to most efficiently solve the problem ...
01:37 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To VS2022 .NET 6.0, Blazor 02-02-2022
Prerequisites: VS2022, .NET 6.0Open Visual Studio 2022 and create a new project. Select Blazor WebAssembly App shown above. Take all of the defaults and your Solution should look like this:When we sta...
01:30 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Top 7 Featured DEV Posts from the Past Week
Every Tuesday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take i...
12:06 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Building a To-Do List Using Hotwire and Stimulus
Note: This is a really long article. If you prefer video and want to build this along with me, you can watch a recording on YouTube. I also uploaded the code to Github.There's nothing like building a ...
12:05 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To A arte de fazer
Bom este um daqueles posts que te motivam a fazer o seu portflio, sei que j tem muito post parecido (e com listas do que fazer)... Quero registrar aqui minha opinio.E a minha opinio faa seu portflio...
12:00 am GMT - Wed, February 23, 2022
Dev To Generating OpenAPI Document from Azure Functions within CI/CD Pipeline
From time to time, you might be facing some situations while using the Azure Functions OpenAPI extension for your Azure Functions development. One of them is that you are asked to generate the OpenAPI...
11:56 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Deploy a GitHub Application to Cloudflare Workers
Introduction"why, why, WHY?"After seeing @bdougieyo build a ProBot app and @blackgirlbytes fresh take on deploying ProBot to AWS Lambda, I figured I would spice things up a bit by researching th...
11:33 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To PwnKit, or how 12-year-old code can give root to unprivileged users
It looks like IT teams have no respite. Following all the hassles caused by log4j (and its variants), there is a new high profile, high-risk vulnerability making the rounds. CVE-2021-4034, or PwnKit i...
11:32 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Using sql.js-httpvfs with browser is an amazing package that lets us perform SQL queries against a remote database hosted anywhere range requests are supported. A special .wasm SQLite runs ...
11:27 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Python sets methods explanation and visualization
Python sets methods add()Adds an element to the set.smileys = {"", "", "", ""}smileys.add("")# output{'', '', '', '', ''} clear()Removes all the elements from the set.smileys = {"", ""...
11:26 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Converting a site to Nextjs
Hello there, I'm new to Next and I am trying to get this template to Nextjs. But I've been stuck trying to get the:<script> document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) { ...
11:25 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To How to create video tutorials for final users?
Hello community, in my job is requesting for a program or tool to create tutorials for our product we are developing focused in the final clients to help them in how this web application works...
11:25 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To SHA-256 Encryption - VSCode to GitHub
TLTR (Too Long Too Read) G3t $t@rt3d W!th $$H (Get Started With SSH)With privacy so critical today, having end to end encryption is such a MUST have. So just a brief overview before we get ...
11:25 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Freshly Learned Kotlin Techniques
Recently, the get/set methods have been making more sense.In Android Studio, in the XML pages (activity) you can create an object. Once you give it a name, you can start some code in the .kt sideLike ...
11:19 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Truthy and Falsy values in JavaScript
IntroductionIn this article, we shall learn about the concept of Truthy and Falsy values in JavaScript and why this concept is useful. Let's jump in! What are truthy values?Truthy values ar...
10:02 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To How Does "prevState" Works Under the Hood
We have always been told to use prevState when dealing with useState but not really why we need it in the first place. Today, we will deep dive and see how it works under the hood to retrieve the late...
09:53 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To JavaScript Functions: Learn by Demand
A classic of why you should not start with the technology (theory).(It is short!) Learn by DemandWhen we start to learn something by theory, its easy to...
09:26 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Three Simple Tricks I Use To Make My Sites Load Faster
I love optimizing my page's load time.Here are some tricks I use. 1. Compress ImagesI usually compress my images. Especially images that are used as thumbnails.I use tinypng, but other websites e...
09:24 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To How to Write C Library
Prerequisite: One must be familiar with coding in C++. I coded my first C++ libraries 5 years back, I had just started college, and wanted to do something solid!, One fine evening, I was looking back ...
08:59 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To SSGs through the ages: The 'Let's Recreate Rails' era
By Mike NeumegenIts 2019. Next.js/Nuxt.js are pushing the boundaries of what SSGs are capable of, and are surging in popularity. The Lets Recreate Rails era questions if we can take this paradigm even...
08:11 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Build a realtime websocket UI using SvelteKit
We used SvelteKit to make - which allows you to test HTTP requests and automatically generates typescript types for the body. Inspired by that, let's run through how to mak...
07:55 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Tutorial: Ethereum BlockChain Development (4)
Part 4: Creating and Using TokensThe purpose of building this blog is to write down the detailed operation history and my memo for learning the dApps.If you are also interested and want to get h...
07:38 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Drive a Tesla Cybertruck or literally any car on your browser with Threejs
Before we beginIn this article, we would be building this, a 3D Tesla Cybertruck that can be driven with your arrow keys and WASD keys on your browser. We would be building this project with the...
07:02 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Compare AWS CodePipeline vs. Jenkins for CI/CD
Jenkins has more than a thousand third-party integrations, whereas AWS CodePipeline ties you closer to Amazon's cloud. Compare Jenkins and CodePipeline for cost, usability and versatility.Developed to...
06:56 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To I found a job!
I am so happy. It took 10 months to complete this career change from building engineering and architecture to coding.The full stack web dev bootcamp was a great experience. So great that I resigned fr...
06:54 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Java 8: Functional interfaces, Lambdas, and Method References
Java SE 8 was a major release, it brought so many features and enhancements to the java language (e.g. Functional interfaces, Lambdas, Method references, Stream API, ...etc). in this article we will m...
06:52 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Announcing the XRPL Grants Wave 2 Awards
The XRPL Grants Program funds software development projects that leverage the open-source XRP Ledger. After a successful inaugural wave, XRPL Grants opened the call for applications for Wave 2 in Fall...
06:46 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To XML Serialization for F Record Types
While Microsoft do provide documentation for XmlSerializer the examples are currently in C# only. Equally, many long-standing and valid community solutions can only be found when using keywords which ...
06:35 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Computers run code, but humans read it!
Coding is an activity that can go wrong from the very begginning of your applications.You may find, as I have, that when working in a project that already exists, the code within will vary significant...
06:35 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To IT Professionalism: Have You Ever Wondered Why We Ship Shit?
Warning: This article contains strong language that may offend some readers. Please blame Uncle Bob.If the sentence "Don't Ship Shit" doesn't ring a bell, then be sure to watch Uncle Bob's talk about ...
06:35 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To How to Get a Job If You Don't Have a Degree?
BackgroundI'm a 21 years old Front-end Developer with 3 years of work experience without a college degree. I'm a self-taught developer and I live in a third-world country, Indonesia. Which is st...
06:31 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To This Week In React 95: onRecoverableError, Next.js, Remix, ReactNode, Fabric, Flipper, Expo, React-Runner, State Of JS...
Hi everyone!I found this week particularly interesting! Impossible to read and comment on everything.We really feel that things are moving on the React 18 side, with a new RC1 coming soon, and support...
06:17 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To A complete guide to Flutter architecture
Written by Temitope OyedeleFlutter is a UI toolkit from Google that allows users to build natively compiled applications for the web, desktop, and mobile devices. It is also embedded from one single c...
06:16 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Commenting Code... Before, During, or After?
I'm not here to give a lesson on commenting code, rather I'm hoping to learn a thing or two. Comment at will! Commenting code, oh all the things we have heard about this topic. No matter how many diff...
06:08 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Create a DockerFile
So you're interested in Docker? You came to the right spot. Today I'm going through what it is, a video tutorial on how to get started, and a tutorial on how to create a DockerFile. What is Docke...
05:40 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To namespace ra :: BlockChain as STL, Data Structure and Iterators
Aim:To create an iterable blockchain, which could work with an extendable transaction class. Here the link GitHub repo! Blockchain in Brief:Blockchain is fundamentally a ledger maintaining ...
05:34 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Can I see your desk setup?
Because why notThis is my setup at workKeyboard: Keychron K2Monitor: don't remember the model number Samsung 32 inch curvedLaptop: Legion Y540...
05:16 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To How to set up a one-page check-out flow in Next.js
IntroductionMedusa is an open source headless ecommerce platform that enables you to set up a custom and flexible e-commerce setup. The creators of Medusa recently launched a new project called ...
04:51 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Everything ingenious is simple, and everything simple is ingenious
Or how I figured it all out 1.5 hrs before our 2nd project presentation... :DAt the end of the phase 2 of my studying in bootcamp we had one week to complete a project in React. My teammate and I deci...
04:43 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Maximum Subarray - Leetcode Solution
Given an integer array nums, find the contiguous subarray (containing at least one number) which has the largest sum and return its sum.A subarray is a contiguous part of an array.We need to use Kadan...
04:41 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To 9 Ways to Pass Drupal Acquia Site Studio Certification
One of the most popular Drupal developer examinations is the Site Studio 6.x Exam. This exam verifies that your Site Studio Drupal concepts are clear and that you are qualified to work on Drupal proje...
04:34 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To How v-if and v-else work in Vue
Vue templating comes with all sorts of easy shortcuts to implement advanced functionality. One set of these is v-for and v-if. These statements can be added to HTML tags to make your page more dynamic...
04:19 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Building an AWS Auto Scaling Group (ASG) using Terraform Enterprise (contd)
In the last article, we looked at how to push Terraform code through GithHub to Terraform enterprise, setting up our infrastructure. The first part of this article can be viewed here.This article high...
04:08 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Creating A Flask REST API
In this tutorial we would be learning how to create a REST API in Flask. For those who might not know what REST is, REST is an acronym for REpresentational State Transfer. REST is an architectural sty...
04:06 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Vue al rescate de AngularJS apps
As es, an existen muchas aplicaciones desarrolladas en AngularJS incluso cuando a finales del ao 2021 se anunciara el fin del soporte a su ltima versin, de hecho se anuncio que el equipo de m...
03:54 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To 263 A.Beautiful Matrix | Codeforces Solution
A 5 x 5 matrix is given which contains 24 zeros and 1 ones.And the matrix is beautiful if the number one is located in the middle.We need to count the minimum number of moves to make the matrix beauti...
03:48 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Adding Netlify Redirects to your Nuxt Blog
During my migration from Gridsome to Nuxt I mentioned that I was having issues getting the deep:true part of the Nuxt Context module working, and took The Lazy Dev approach and just didn't use it, ess...
03:13 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Find what JavaScript variables are leaking into the global scope
Detecting global variable leaks can be helpful to debug your apps and avoid collisions in the global scope. The more a web app grows, the more having a good understanding of whats happening in the glo...
03:03 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Comparing Gatsby and Next.js for website development
Gatsby and Next.js, from a first glance, could look pretty much the same. Both are React-based frameworks, do SSR, SSG, have big communities. We actively use both technologies in our agency, but we th...
02:53 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Sibling combinator in CSS
There may be some confusion as what we are calling sibling. So, let's first get that out of the way. See the below code:<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="UTF...
02:34 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Web3 Hackathons you can attend
IntroductionWeb 3 is at boom right now, making projects during a hackathon is a great way to sharpen your skills, learn new technologies, and win rewards. I've highlighted a few that you might b...
02:28 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To The Cloud Waste Problem: How to Stop Overprovisioning Resources in 2022
With the public cloud adoption increasing year over year, companies will spend nearly $121.6 billion in IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) in 2022 from AWS, Azure, Google, and other cloud service prov...
02:25 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To 200 Design resources you must know right now!
Online Design ToolsAll kinds of online tools for design, from photo editors to wireframing, and moreWebsite DescriptionFigmaOnline graphic design tool (Free & paid options)VectrF...
02:11 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To How to implement, test and mock Discord.js v13 slash commands with Typescript
SituationIf you have a verified Discord Bot running on over 100 servers, you surely have received this email:Hi there!We noticed that you are developer with a verified bot, and we wanted to send...
02:04 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Pasting screenshots takes way longer than pasting image files
So here's the thing;Take a screenshot of your screen, fully or partial, but using an utility that dumps the image to your clipboard, so you can paste it (PrintScreen key on Windows 10/11 or Linux, Cmd...
02:01 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To How the Application Load Balancer works
Load Balancers are a vital component in scalable and fault-tolerant architectures. The basic idea is relatively simple: a central element distributes incoming requests to different backend nodes. The ...
01:58 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To State of Frontend 2022
Will you spare 8 minutes of your time to fill in a survey about frontend? been a couple of weeks since our frontend survey went online, and so far we have collected...
01:53 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Reduces many uses
The reduce array method is often introduced along with map and filter, but it is such a powerful method that I felt it deserved a post of its own. The traditional example used to introduce reduce is t...
01:50 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To JavaScript - toUpperCase and toLowerCase methods
Hey guys,I am back with a new article. In this article, let us learn about simple methods that have in JavaScript using which we can convert a given string to its uppercase and its lowercase represent...
01:16 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Testing Accessibility with Shadow Roots
Recently, I had the opportunity to discuss the difficulties, learnings, and victories or developing Spectrum Web Components together with fellow custom element developers from teams at IBM, ING, SAP, ...
12:40 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Splunk - 10K rows limit
While you are doing requests in Splunk, especially for dashboards, you will try to optimize it and reuse as much as possible.But, if you are doing this, be sure that the common request doesn't contain...
12:31 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To 10 Ways to Use Business Chat Apps to Improve Productivity
A business chat app has become an important part of an organization's communication strategy for resolving all of the issues that arise while connecting with numerous teams and making it easy. Your te...
12:31 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Why are you learning?
Why are you learning the field you're into right now? Why are you studying how to become a teacher, lawyer, or accountant? For those who want to be a developer like me, may I ask, why are you learning...
12:30 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To How to Mitigate IoT Security Threats in 2022
The Internet of Things plays a key role in digital transformation. However, in many cases, organizations realize that they already have a large fleet of legacy IoT devices that have been gradually dep...
12:28 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Exploring logging strategies with the Elastic Stack
Written by Guido Lena CotaOriginally published on June 9th 2021Design options and trade-offs to consider when developing a log ingestion strategy with the Elastic stackImagine your team is responsible...
12:25 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Implementing payments with Android
Android at Adyen is not your typical Android role. Normally, most application development is tightly coupled to Google Play; So to understand the payments app development space, it requires a shift in...
12:23 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To 7 Reasons Why Your Hospital Needs an Application
Mobile app development has had a significant influence on human existence so far. In todays world, its nearly impossible to do everyday tasks that havent been affected in some way by a smartphone app....
12:19 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Testing a Kafka consumer with Avro schema messages in your Spring Boot application with Testcontainers
Written by Anja GrussOriginally published on June 3rd 2021 How many testcontainers do you need to test the consumption of an Avro message in your Kafka message consumer?The short answer is, as us...
12:19 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Getting Started with Robusta on Digital Ocean
IntroductionRobusta is an open-source platform for Kubernetes troubleshooting and automation. It makes it really easier to figure out pod crashes, send in alerts and describe a detailed analysis...
12:16 pm GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Getting started with Azure Policies
Azure PolicyAzure Policy is a service in Azure which allows you create polices which enforce and control the properties of a resource. When these policies are used they enforce different rules a...
10:59 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To How to use server-sent events (SSE) with FastAPI?
IntroductionServer-sent events (SSE) is a way to send data to the browser without reloading the page. This allows you to use streaming data and build real-time applications that can be used in a...
10:21 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Why We Use Django Framework & How It Can Benefit Your Business
The original article was published by SoftFormance am a former developer with more than a decade of experience in coding.Throughout that time, ...
10:06 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To How to Write custom Property Wrappers with the help of the SwiftUI?
Have you any idea how you can wrap your head around Swift's property wrappers? However, I am digging more about the Swift UI and its related work. And found one challenge, which is passing dependencie...
10:02 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To No more confusion Splice vs Slice in Javascript
They were built for different purposes but they look same in several scenarios. I will clear confusion first instead of dragging it to the end of the article.Tip 1: Look at their meaningsSplice: join ...
09:54 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To MAM: build frontend without pain
Hello, my name is Dmitriy Karlovskiy and I... love MAM. MAM owns Agnostic Modules, saving me the lion's share of the routine.Agnostic Module, unlike the traditional one, this is not a file with a sour...
09:53 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To It's impossible to get a voice in here
Twice now, I've spent considerable time carefully writing an article, just to watch it get 20-30 hits in the first hour, and then disappear into oblivion - never to be seen by anyone again.If my conte...
09:49 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Dependencies in node project
If you are working on a node project, whether it is backend or frontend you may have to install some package/library in the project. Suppose you are creating an app with create-react-app, now your pro...
09:17 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To 5 Essential tools you need in programming (A beginners guide)
CHECKOUT ON YOUTUBE! IntroductionBefore you start your software engineering or web development career journey, here the the 5 essential tools that you must have! Laptop or Computer DesktopA ...
08:56 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Implementing CI-CD with AWS in 5 mins for your static website.
DAY 13 - DevOps- Implementing CI-CD with AWS in 5 mins for your static website- Day ThirteenTweet This Blog - 100 days of Cloud on GitHub - Read On CI-CD for Static website, ...
08:55 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Why I love Ruby (part 6)
If you already know what are blocks in Ruby you can skip to the "Ruby blocks are not just anonymous functions" section. Otherwise, here's a small tutorial. Small introduction to Ruby blocksRuby m...
08:51 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Drive a Tesla Cybertruck or literally any car on your browser with Threejs
Before we beginIn this article, we would be building this, a 3D Tesla Cybertruck that can be driven with your arrow keys and WASD keys on your browser. We would be building this project with the...
08:43 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Testing your Solid.js code in vitest
Some time has passed since I showed you how to test your Solid.js code with jest and uvu or tape, but now there's another solution that I don't want you to waste time to research yourself: vitest.You ...
07:49 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To The Tuple Type in Typescript
A tuple type is an array with a predefined length and predefined types in each index position in the array. The types inside this array do not have to be the same, could be a mixture of different type...
07:33 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To React Basics | Part - 4
Heyyo devs, welcome to part 4 of the React series. In this section, we will take look at some of the higher order functions of JavaScript which we will use often in React.If you haven't checked out pa...
07:29 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To How Website can help Students Financially
While entrepreneurship is undoubtedly an amazing way for people to feel fulfilled in their lives, building a business requires time and financial resources that many students simply can't afford. Fort...
06:22 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Pre-Rendering In NextJs
What pre-rendering actually means in layman languagePre-rendering is nothing but process of generating HTML along with necessary data of the content of requested page by client in our applicatio...
06:18 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Automatic ambient light controller
Originally appeared on Medium Not so surprisingly this problem was staring at my face all along. Sitting right next to french windows has its pros and cons. Although the balcony view is great, the flu...
06:14 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Released yuniql v1.2.25. Multi-tenant support, Oracle and largest set of bug fixes
Announcing release of yuniql v1.2.25. yuniql is a database version control and migration tool. Absolute zero runtime dependencies and use plain sql script files.Every release is special and this is no...
06:10 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Managing YAML Errors for Kubernetes Configuration
The process of developing and scaling enterprise software solutions across the globe to serve netizens has evolved greatly over the last few decades. The dependence on hardware has rapidly reduced in ...
06:03 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To TypeScript Readonly Utility type
This is the last of the commonly known interface modifying utility types.Do note there are a few more, but we'll get to those in a later stage as they are a bit more advanced.I want to go over the Rea...
05:56 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Build Native Apps withFlutter
Flutter is an open-source mobile application development SDK developed by Google with support for both Android and iOS using the same codebase, written in C, C++, and Dart. Using the Skia Graphics Eng...
05:48 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Golang Profiling
Golang ProfilingProfiling is a form of analyzing the program for optimizable code or functions. In software engineering, it is an essential task since optimization is a key factor when developin...
05:43 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Shogun Coders Dojo
Last year a buzzword that later turned into an art revolution came into the picture. NFT's or Non Fungible Tokens are now becoming a household name.So my friend and I decided to launch an NFT project ...
05:40 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Template Method Design Pattern
Template method pattern is a design pattern that allows you to define a skeleton of an algorithm in an operation, deferring some steps to subclasses.In simpler terms, this is like making a to-do list ...
05:33 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback.
I have been gotten this error even controller and Main App are in same package.see my code in below github link please help please please....
05:29 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Importance of Website Designing
Putting aside all the other SEO considerations (which are evenly important), we can examine how CONTENT specifically (text, images, videos & layout) influences your SEO. It can be summed up like t...
05:19 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To What tools and technologies do we use for Solidity Development?
From Solidity Crypto to Blockchain Solidity Solutions, we use the following technically advanced tools and technologies for the best outcomes.*Solidity REPL *- For coding command lines on the Solidity...
03:48 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Essential Front-end Interview Questions.
1. Why are doctypes used in HTML?Doctypes are not tags nor HTML elements but are document types declaration.The documents are used or stated to tell the web browser about the html version or any...
03:07 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Laravel 8 - API Resources for Beginners
What does API Resources mean?Acts as a transformation layer that sits between our Eloquent models and the JSON responses that are actually returned by our API.**API resources **present a way to easily...
02:54 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Deploy a Django Web App to Azure with connection to Azure PostgreSQL
In this tutorial, well deploy a ready-made Django web app to Azure Web Service and connect the back-end to Azure PostgreSQL for the app to write data to the database. End GoalThe sample Django re...
01:28 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To My First Impressions of Dev Community
As a fresh user of for couple of days, I saw some posts about current status of or is it a victim of its own success? People complained about repetitive cheap curated content ranked at t...
01:12 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To 100 das de cdigo: 75, el comienzo de una nueva semana
Hey hey hey!Hoy ha comenzado la nueva semana y con ella el anlisis de la pasada y las nuevas metas para esta.Ahora que estoy escribiendo me he dado cuenta que he llegado a cumplir 3/4 del reto y con e...
01:07 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Writing Conventional Git Commit Messages
When working on personal projects, you can commit with random messy short meaningless messages like wip, done, ok, working, still working on it, really done this time, or i dont care. You're not the o...
12:43 am GMT - Tue, February 22, 2022
Dev To Check String If its a number
When checking string if its a number, there are a lot of ways you can check a string if its a number. You can use regex, isNaN() function, or a plus operator, or parseInt.But the best function that we...
11:51 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Elixir, Telemetry, and Prometheus
Yes, just as you read it in the title. I'm going to show you how to send your Elixir telemetry data to Prometheus.First, let's recapitulate. In the previous article, I showed you how to create an Elix...
11:09 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To How YOU can build a Mock REST API based on JSON for ASP .NET and minimal API
TLDR; this article describes how to create a Mock API from a JSON file for minimal API in ASP .NET What and why Mock APIsTo mock something means you respond with fake data, that data can be in-me...
10:44 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
OVERVIEW OF DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHM Data structures are fundamental concept of computer science which help in writing efficient programs in any language python is a high level language so by ...
10:10 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To 3 ways to code CSS in React
Getting comfortable with React can be a bear. And once you're comfortable... unfortunately, there's no guarantee you know how to give your components any sort of linear styling. CSS can become a convo...
10:09 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Day 4 of 100 Days of Code
Today I learnt about calling a function within a function and arrays. An array is like a container that can hold more than one value at the same time. It could be an ordered list of items, composite d...
09:50 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Mutex in Rust can be tricky sometimes...
Can you guess why snippet 1 is outperforming by 400% than snippet 2 So, this is a thread pool implementation for a simple HTTP server using an mpsc channel to add incoming requests' handlers to ...
09:47 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To 5 Deep Learning Books for Beginners That'll Get You Started in No Time
If you're looking to start learning about deep learning, there are a few essential books that you need to read. In this blog post, we will share with you five deep learning books for beginners that wi...
09:17 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Android Games with Capacitor and JavaScript
In this post we put a web canvas game built in Excalibur into an Android (or iOS) app with Capacitor.js!In the past I would have used something like Cordova, but this new thing from the folks at Ionic...
09:14 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Introduo ao SQL
SQL O que ? a linguagem oficial de todo o banco de dados Relacional, ela nos permite interagir com o banco, selecionando, excluindo, alterando e adicionando informaes. EstruturaTodo ba...
09:13 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To A Super Saiyan CSS Art!
Yet, another CSS Art from the Dragon Ball world. I think this one doesn't need any introduction.No, the above is not an image but a lot of CSS!I also released a website dedicated to some of my best CS...
09:09 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Hello! Welcome once more to another chapter in Python. We would be discussing about python lists, dictionaries, tuples, sets, queues, stack and linked list.ListsA list is a data structure in python wh...
09:05 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Introduction to data structures and algorithms
Before we start we are going to define the terms in our topic. So the first term that needs to be defined there is data, so what is data? Data simply means processed information that is stored in a co...
09:00 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms with JavaScript.
In this post we're going to be looking into data structures and algorithms. Hopefully this will help to improve your skills and understanding.Let's start with a good old fashioned definitionData Struc...
08:55 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithm.
High-level data structures are methods of storing and organizing data so that it can be easily modified, navigated, and accessed. Data structures define how data is collected, the functions we can use...
08:10 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms With Modern JavaScript
Data StructuresData structures allow you to manage data. JavaScript has primitive and non-primitive data structures. Primitive data structures and data types are native to the programming langua...
07:59 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms with Modern Javascript.
ObjectivesTake an in depth look at Javascript arrays.Go through stack _and _queues in Javascript.Finally get a better understanding on how to work with Linked List data structure in Javascript. I...
07:49 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms with Modern JavaScript
Definition of TermsA Data Structures is a mode of organizing and storing data in a computer for easy modification and access.Data structures refers to the collection of data values and their relations...
07:42 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Build your own React.js - Part 4. State Updates
Table Of ContentIntroductionAdding state to class componentUpdate Component Introduction In the previous articles, we implemented the mounting process of the class component and its childre...
07:41 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Rails 7 Devise Log out
A Quick and Dirty way to get the redirection working on Logout when using Devise in a Rails 7 app.You probably have noticed that most of the redirects in Devise a somehow broken. This is due to the wa...
07:39 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms in Python.
IntroductionData structuresare simply the different ways of organizing and storing data in our computers so as to perform operations on the data. Bult-in Data StructuresData structures allow us t...
07:36 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Ever wonder why you call "puts" without any receiver?
We all know this simple and powerful method puts. Without diving into much details, it just outputs the object you provide it to the console. Almost every Ruby "Hello World" tutorial has this snippet ...
07:10 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Convert tweets into images
Hi folks I've been working on a tweet to image converter for some time and I've finally released it today. What you can do with it?Convert tweets ...
06:59 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Don't try this at home: CSS _as_ the backend - introducing Cascading Server Sheets!
Here we go again! Another one of these, and promise, you will be questioning my sanity after this one.I was just getting groceries. I walked down the street to the local shop when it hit me. Cascading...
06:59 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To normalizetech
The last few years of my web development journey have consisted of many ups and downs. Unfortunately, I don't remember all the ups but I know they occurred and I know I learned and progressed because ...
06:29 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Git, GitHub - Ultimate developer tools
As the title says these tools help you throughout your project development life cycle. Almost every developer on the planet at least heard about these. And if you don't know these yet , you are in tro...
06:21 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Front-End Web Development with React CompleteRoadMap
Better you Practice Better you React to itThe goal of this chapter is to provide you with an understanding of the Frontend Development that focuses on theReact ecosystem and to assist you in guiding y...
06:00 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Portals in React.js with a practical example
Portals provide a first-class option to render children into a DOM node that exists outside of the parent component's DOM hierarchy, as stated in the official React.js documentation.Portals are useful...
05:59 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To My Journey To Being a Web Developer
Hi there!This is my journey to becoming a web developer.I've had quite a handful of experiences with HTML, CSS, JavaScript but I'm taking a whole new approach to it and I want to start building projec...
05:46 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To First VPN- Speed Wifi Proxy fast
Best vpn and Super Secure Vpn app for Android Users Download and Enjoy Like meFirst VPN is Fast vpn app with Speed server, unlimited proxy and it is free VPNFirstVPN Speed wifi proxy fast is a virtual...
05:44 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To 100 Languages Speedrun: Episode 99: Extending Esoteric Language Tuples
The series is heading towards completion, but I have one unfinished business.Back in episode 79 I did some prototyping of new esoteric language Tuples. Then in episode 80 I investigated a minimalistic...
05:44 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Introduction to data structures and algorithms.
Like in every other programming language we need to know about its data structures as well as its algorithms. Python is not an exception. This article is going to take us through the basics of data ...
05:43 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Netlify deployments from GitHub without giving write access
Netlify is a great hosting service, but there's one thing that bothers me about it. The default deployment path involves giving the service read and write access to all of your public and private repo...
05:40 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To My '20% time' spent on Telescope
I procrastinated a lot on this blog because I didn't know where to start, but anyway, I was assigned several tasks at work last year, which resulted in me writing a lot of documentation. One particula...
05:38 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To How to make a Color chooser in python with tkinter.
`#Kaveh Sabourifrom tkinter import *from tkinter import colorchooserwindow=Tk() window.title("Color chooser")window.geometry("500x500")window.config(bg="lavender")def choose(): color=colorchooser...
05:38 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms with Modern Javascript.
A data structure is a particular way of organizing and storing data in a computer so that it can be accessed and modified efficiently. More precisely, a data structure is a collection of data values, ...
05:37 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Python Lambda Function
Sign up to my newsletter!. Why Lambda Function?In our previous lessons, we discussed Functions, if we describe functions with a sentence, we used functions to avoid code repetition, to write more...
05:25 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Azure Functions logging with log levels
Overview of My SubmissionLogging with log-levels and to different sink targets in Azure Functions ProblemIn most Server-less boilerplate template, generally a log context is provided which ...
05:19 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms With Python
Welcome back!By now, you are already familiar with python basics. If you missed the article on Introduction to Modern python, you can catch up by clicking on the link below.
03:59 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Automating my personal Ubuntu with Ansible
I have two disclaimers:First, a shout out to Jay Lacroix of the Youtube channel LernLinuxTV. You should check it out and I will comment more on it below.Second, I am/was(?) a Windows guy. WSL aside, t...
03:41 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Why everyone should stop using particles.js right now
Should I stop using particles.js? Why?Yes, a lot of devs are using particles.js for their websites displaying simple and cool particles animations.46 millions (at the moment of writing) of month...
03:22 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To FALSE compiler in .NET
The Language FalseWhile not really all that useful, esoteric languages are just fun to play around with, especially when you are part of a small group able to see meaning in a garbled mess of le...
03:19 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To The First Two Dev Tools Installed On My M1 Mac
I was overdue for an upgrade at my day job and recently received a 16 inch M1 Macbook Pro. If you work at Tech Company as a developer, you get provided a laptop for your daily development needs. Each ...
03:12 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Three steps to better account security
Best security practices are the responsibility of all developers, recent surges in fraudulent login attempts are a good reminder that account security is the pillar to good organizational security pra...
03:10 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Introduction to Amazon Athena
IntroductionAmazon Athena is an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. Athena is serverless, so there is no infrastructure to setup or mana...
03:08 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Creating Unique IDs programmatically on DynamoDB
Create a DynamoDB TableLeave the Partition Key Set To String, this way it will be easier to create Unique Ids Identifiers because unlike MySQL Databases DynamoDB will not generate an auto increment ID...
02:58 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Azure Trial Hackathon - Moodflix - your mood, our suggestions
Overview of our projectWe have started this project with the purpose of participating to the Microsoft Azure Hackathon on project's goal is to add special features to an existing list...
02:55 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Sorting Algorithms implemented in Typescript
In this article we will deepdive into the various sorting algorithms and try to implement it in typescript by summarising my learnings.The sorting can be performed with the below 5 approaches:Bubble s...
02:51 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Some important things should know a JavaScript developer
As Im a JavaScript learner. I realize that these things will help you understand JavaScript very well. Also, these things will help you to play with JS codes comfortably. Error Handling(try.catch...
02:49 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Ice Cold Starts
Lambda Cold StartsCold starts are often the first thing developers hear about when they start exploring in the world of Serverless. Although there are a dizzying array of takes on the subject, f...
02:48 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Full Stack Developer Skills List
Want to pursue your career as a full-stack web developer? Then here are the skills you are gonna require. Check this article on Full stack web developer skills list 2022. What Is A Full Stack Dev...
01:45 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To jQuery Step By Step Tutorial for Beginners
Howdy Coders, In this post, we will learn some basic usage of jQuery in web development. In modern development, jQuery has become an essentialthing. It makes our developing work faster and it is ...
01:44 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Learn JavaScript from Scratch
In this post, we will learn the basics of theJavaScriptprogramming language. Today javascript has become one of the most popular programming languages on the web and the good part of javascript is eas...
01:37 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To My Experience Building A Chess App In React
My Experience Building A Chess App In ReactHi, my name is Fred and Im a chess player who has been learning to code using The Odin Project for the past 10 months. After gaining some familiarity with Re...
01:37 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Sorry not sorry C
01:36 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To I failed an easy test
This is just me, blame myself and summarize my problem.The problem hereAccording to the description, a valid string is a string that has all characters appears a CONST time(i will call it the perfect ...
01:33 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To How to Easily Host a Website for Free Using Netlify
So you've built a website with a fantastic UI or a fantastic feature. It may be a personal portfolio project or a YouTube tutorial you were watching.And you'd like to spread the word about the website...
01:29 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Boilerplate generator for Vue.js?
Hello!The development of the web application is not only working with business logic, creating HTML layouts, and other interesting stuff. It also a facing a lot of routines such as creating directorie...
01:29 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To How To Display A SnackBar In Flutter
Hi, It's Kest Again And I am about to show you how to display a snackbar in Flutter.What's a SnackBar anyway? A SnackBar can be useful to briefly inform your users when certain actions take place. For...
01:27 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Best CA Company in India
Best CA Company in India:DNA Global Company Provides Best CA Company in India searching for a decent Top CA Firm in India? Here, we are giving a rundown of Top Chartered Accountants Firms accessible i...
01:26 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Laravel sample of package by feature
Hi, I am tyamahori.Here is a my sample Laravel Application of package by feature.
01:23 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Data structures and algorithms are one of the most common and tricky interview questions in most software development roles. Most beginner developers, especially those who haven't been in a computer s...
01:22 pm GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Apache Superset - A Swiss Army Knife for Analyzing Data
# Apache Superset A Visualization ToolApache Superset is a an open source visualization tool which provides out of the box integrations with a wide variety of databases and cloud platfroms. It can be ...
11:34 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Animate a frame by using a transition between main image colors
A disclaimer right away - this is not really about animating image frames; it's just animating the background behind the image and adding some padding.I wanted to draw more attention to some images in...
11:26 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To HP Latest Exam Questions PDF
Structure of HPE Certification ProgramAs of now, this vendor issues various designations based on a particular technology and so you can find validations in the category of Sales, Technical https://ww...
11:07 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To AWS open source news and updates, 101
Feb 21st, 2022 - Instalment #101Newsletter #101. There is nothing basic and fundamental about edition 101 of the AWS open source newsletter, with another great round up of new open source projec...
11:02 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Mock Service Worker adopts a brand-new request interception algorithm for Node.js.
PrefaceOne of the most prominent features of Mock Service Worker has always been the way it establishes the boundaries between what is mocked and what is not. Conventional API mocking solutions ...
10:51 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To How to Secure your NodeJs Express Javascript Application - part 2
Express is an easy-to-use web framework for NodeJs. In this article, we will review some of the common vulnerabilities in NodeJs Express projects and explain mitigations against them.Let's see how we ...
10:47 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Build a Unique Domain Hosting Environment with AWS Amplify
I built a unique domain hosting environment with AWS Amplify In my previous article, "Build a Unique Domain Hosting Environment with Amazon Route 53, AWS WAF, Amazon CloudFront, and Amazon S3", ...
10:45 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Writing Logic in CSS
CSS is a highly specialized programming language focusing on style systems. Because of this unique use case and its declarative nature, it's sometimes hard to understand. Some folks even deny it's a p...
10:42 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Find minimum in rotated sorted array in Python(code and explanation)
Problem statementSuppose an array of length n sorted in ascending order is rotated between 1 and n times. For example, the array nums = [0,1,2,4,5,6,7] might become:[4,5,6,7,0,1,2] if it was rotated 4...
10:41 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To How I Escaped Tutorial Hell
Image generated by Meme GeneratorLet me tell you something, kid. A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, a man, like so many others before him, left to the tutorial hell. Legends say he neve...
10:19 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To What is an EnumMap in Java?
Some days ago, I bumped into an error on Intellij. I don't remember specifically what it was. But I remember Intellij suggesting I use an "enumMap".I knew about the existence of enums, but I wasn't aw...
10:10 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To introduction to CSS Framework(Bootstrap)
IntroductionThere are different aspect of making using of framework in web development and more essentially in the area of a frontend Engineer, which entails the framework for CSS3 and JavaScrip...
10:06 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Advantages of Doubly Linked List in Data Structure
IntroductionA linked list contains nodes in which each node has a data part and the reference to the next node. Each node in a linked list is connected via links. The operations that can be perf...
09:43 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To some useful git commands
Some useful git commands: git loggit log shows the recent history from the current commit. It might be outdated, if we did not synchronize our local repository with the origin (git pull) or if we...
09:34 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To How To Setup New Mac For Web Development | Setup Laravel On Mac | Install Laravel On Mac
Hi everyone! In this video, I walk you through how to setup your Mac for web development! Setup Mac for Laravel. I hope this is helpful, let me know what tools you love to use that I should be using!!...
09:33 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms With Modern JavaScript.
Data Structures are a specific method of arranging and storing data in computers so that we can execute more efficient operations on the data.Data structures are used in a wide range of fields, includ...
09:11 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Action mailer : a tutorial
Article originally published here : MotivationAction Mailer is already included in any new Rails application. However in this tutorial we wi...
08:49 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To 4 ways of finding elements in a JavaScript Array
Arrays are the building blocks for data-based web apps. We can store and manipulate data using an Array easily.Today, we are going to see 4 ways to find an element in an Array, along with some use cas...
08:47 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Palette generator you will
You can check it straight away Why I made yet another Palette generatorI have been using color generators for years. There are many great ones: Coolors, Adobe color, Color hunt, Pal...
08:41 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Create Full Featured Admin Panel with React and Ant Design
refine is a headless React internal tool framework. It helps you develop quickly while developing both B2B and B2C applications. While speeding you up, it is never restricted and has a fully customiza...
08:22 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To How to Monitor unauthorized SSH attempts on your server & get email Alert
DAY 12 - Monitor unauthorized SSH attempts on your server.Connect with me on Twitter Connect with me on Linkedin Read more post on or This Blog - Read on GitHub - Rea...
08:19 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Top React JS Frameworks Every Developer Should Know
Best UI Frameworks for React.jsIn this post, I have listed some of the best React frameworks that are most popular and that I believe will be popular in 2022. What is React?React is a JavaS...
08:11 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To 3.Strinbuilder class in java
Java Stringbuilder classStrings in java are immutable (not editable)so to make changes in string we use this string builder class which makes the string mutable (editable)there are different methods w...
08:09 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Build low-code, customizable and authorization ready (accesscontrol) admin panel with NestJS.
All the steps described are in this repo. IntroIn the previous blog post, we used nestjs with an api and refine in the admin panel. In this blog, let's add authorization to both api and admin pan...
08:07 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To View the History of Jobs with SQL Jobs History Feature
IntroductionAdmin people on a day-to-day basis schedule a lot of SQL jobs and must monitor its success and failure statuses constantly. In Biztalk360 we have already provided the capability for ...
08:01 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To hate CSS? use this extension instead
let's be honest, many developers just hate working with CSS because:you have to try a lot of CSS properties values just to get something just right (aka make it pixel perfect)it's extremely repetitive...
07:31 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Combining TypeScript utility types
By now, we had a basic introduction to some of the utility types of TypeScript.However, the real power unleashes when you combine them.When we used the partial and required types, you might have notic...
07:27 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To NestJS Telegram bot, fix error: 409: Conflict: terminated by other getUpdates request
After deploy i have error on serverdokku logs kaufman-botroot@vpsXXXX:~# dokku logs kaufman-bot2022-02-21T04:47:54.805369331Z app[web.1]:2022-02-21T04:47:54.805447585Z app[web.1]: > [email protected]...
07:27 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To 2. Basic String operations
Declaring string and assigning value to itpublic class main{ public static void main(String[] args){ String str1 = " hello world"; System.out.println(str1); }}Concatination of stri...
07:25 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Day 3/100, 100 Days of Code
Today I didn't do too much. I took a quiz that tested my knowledge on the Loops I was studying yesterday. Do..While.. and For loops.After that I started to learn about High-Order Functions. I'll be wo...
07:21 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To How To Make a Clock in Python With Tkinter.
`#kaveh Sabourifrom tkinter import *from tkinter.ttk import *from time import strftimewindow = Tk()window.title('Clock')window.config(bg="lavender")def time(): string = strftime('%H:%M:%S %p') l...
07:19 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To How to Configure Static IP on Ubuntu
Get the name of the network interface and the default gateway.We can use ifconfig that will display the interfaces with their IP address, to be able to use ifconfig youll be required to install net-to...
07:12 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms With Python
Data Structures are a collection of data values, the relationships among them, and the functions or operations that can be applied to the data. Data Structures allows you to organize your data in such...
07:08 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To 24 Days To Pass The AWS Dev Exam: Exactly How I Did It
Sup folks! In January I managed to take and pass the AWS Associate Developer Exam in just three and a half weeks. Today, I released a YouTube video that goes into a TON of detail. I talk about exact...
07:08 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To ERRORDisconnected , because no message in 60000 ms - Angular
Angular 13. My tests show error: "ERRORDisconnected , because no message in 60000 ms".My Karma.config.jsmodule.exports = function(config) { config.set({ basePath: '', frameworks: ['jasmine'...
07:08 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Setting up Multiple Screen Environment in 3 easy steps!!
In case, you get amazed looking at how people work looking at three screens. Worry not, even if your skillset is reduced to just building static webpages, you can get started with coding on on one sys...
07:05 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To 1.Main Method in java
public class main{ public static void main(String[] args) { //code }}entry level is main method.this method is public so it can be easily found by jvm.void because not expected to retu...
05:14 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Single or Monolith Serverless Functions - What should you choose?
The term Software Engineering first appeared in the 1960s and today we have close to 27 million software developers across the globe.With our lives surrounded by apps, the need for quality software is...
05:11 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To NumPy Basics : Part 2
This article is a continuation of my previous post on NumPy here. NumPy Operations1.Adding an element to an arrayUse numpy.append() to add to the end of the array.array1 = np.append(array_x, 1)ar...
05:08 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To NumPy Basics : Part 1
This post aims to cover the basics of Numpy. Let's do this. Table of Contents Introduction Creating Numpy Arrays Attributes Indexing Introduction NumPy refers to Numerical Python which is a ...
05:04 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To How to add pdf watermark?
Add PDF watermark If a user wants to add a PDF watermark to their pdf files, then they must download this PDF Champ application. The tool is a compatible app and works great on any platform. For the...
05:02 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Can I Develop Web Apps Using Flutter
Yes. Flutter is a mobile app SDK that enables developers to build high-quality mobile apps on Android and iOS platforms. But it also includes built-in support for rendering web views, so you can use F...
04:52 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Argo CD
ArgoCD GitOps Kubernetes manifests Monitoring Cluster . Argo CD CD kubernetes cluster $ kubectl create namespace argoc...
04:50 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Kubernetes/Istio Datadog
Datadog Helm Operator . Operator . Datadog Logging, APM, Kubernetes, Istio Monitoring, Alerting . ( ) Grafana, Prometheus, AlertManager Monitoring ... Datadog Agent . Datadog...
04:48 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Loki Kubernetes Logging
Loki Prometheus cloud native infra logging . EFK Datadog logging Loki . (Datadog New Relic Loki Logging Kubernetes logging .) Loki $ helm repo add grafana https://grafana....
04:45 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To What is Software Development Methodology?
Several software is planned, designed, developed, and rolled out every day, and each of these processes requires immense focus and team development methodologiesFor this purpose...
04:44 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Deploy nestjs project to VPS with dokku
Buy VPSSearch VPS or VDS in google choice this for RussiaGo to log...
04:44 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Digital Marketing - Difference Between Search Engine Optimization(SEO) and Search Engine Marketing(SEM)
The concept of digital marketing, also known as online marketing, is the use of the internet and other forms of digital communication to promote brands to potential customers. As a form of marketing, ...
04:43 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To AWS EKS Cluster Autoscaler VPA Goldilocks Kubernetes resource request, limit HPA Pod Node Cluster Autoscaler Node . Cluster Autoscaler Cloud Ven...
03:26 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Spread syntax in JavaScript
Let's see what MDN has to say:Spread syntax (...) allows an iterable such as an array expression or string to be expanded in places where zero or more arguments (for function calls) or elements (for a...
01:46 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Day 9 of Studying LeetCode Solution until I Can Solve One on My Own: Problem26.Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array(Easy/JS)
Intro: I am a former accountant turned software engineer graduated from coding bootcamp in January 2022. Algorithms and Data Structure is an unavoidable part of interviews for most of the tech compani...
01:37 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To Introducing Hit Counter for Your GitHub or Any Kind of Websites You Want
What is Hits?Hits is a simple and easy to use web application that counts the number of hits on your website.If you're familiar with GitHub, you've probably already seen hit counter in the docum...
01:17 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To CTE in SQL
One thing I like about SQL are Common Table Expressions (CTE). CTE were introduced to simplify SQL queries. A CTE allows for the creation of a temporary result set, which can be treated just like a vi...
12:36 am GMT - Mon, February 21, 2022
Dev To How to Use Tesseract OCR to Convert PDFs to Text
This is a cross-post from my blog Arcadian.Cloud, go there to see the original post. I have some PDFs which I need to get typed up into text to edit. I decided to go with Tesseract OCR as it seems to ...
11:28 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Figuring out the Best Abstraction
Title: Figuring out the Best AbstractionWelcome back! New Telescope version release report incoming!Last Thursday, Telescope 2.7 was released, and with it, lots of cool stuff got in motion. Stuff like...
11:17 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Must/Should/Can - a Personal Organization System
Repo: joedietrich-dev/must-should-can InspirationA little while ago, I found myself struggling to bring order to my tasks at work. I'd tried many different organizational systems. Some didn't sui...
11:13 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To TS --
string number TypeScriptby SmartHR
11:11 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Self-hosting Quirrel
Quirrel has recently been acquired by Netlify and this is exciting news for Simon @skn0tt, Quirrel's author, who joined their team!The hosted service is being deprecated later this year an...
11:07 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Git Basic Commands
About this articleIn this article, I will share with you guys what are the basic commands when using git CLI.I know who did what, when, and why. -Git Table of ContentsGit: configurationsGit...
10:54 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms With Python.
Why Data Structures and Algorithms Are Important?Data structures and algorithms provide a set of unique techniques for effectively managing data. A programmer should understand the basic concept...
10:35 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To tsParticles 1.41.4 Released
tsParticles 1.41.4 Changelog Bug FixesRemoved useless console.log (debug purposes) matteobruni / tsparticles tsParticles - Easily c...
10:34 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Day 8 of Studying LeetCode Solution until I Can Solve One on My Own: Problem221.Maximal Square(Medium/JavaScript)
Intro: I am a former accountant turned software engineer graduated from coding bootcamp in January 2022. Algorithms and Data Structure is an unavoidable part of interviews for most of the tech compani...
10:20 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Hacking IDisposable: The Stopwatch Example
Provides a mechanism for releasing unmanaged resources.This is the first sentence you can read about IDisposable interface in the Microsoft documentation - and it definitely should be the primary usag...
10:11 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Every programmer should know these conventions and practices
Without rules and standards, we would be living in total anarchy, and if every programmer had the freedom to do or write whatever he wanted as code, we would probably still be in the time where comput...
09:58 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Behind the Git SHA-dow!
Let's explore some common Git commands, and dive into Git internals to understand what happens when you run Git commands.But first, let's talk about Git itself. What is Git?Put simply, Git is an ...
09:01 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Flutter Linter Kurallar Blm 2: Stil Kurallar
Bir nceki blmde Linter kurallarnn ilk grubu olan hata kurallarn renmitik. Bu blmde ikinci grupta yer alan stil kurallarna deineceiz. Stil Kurallar:always_declare_return_typesFonksiyon veya metho...
08:46 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Valid Names for CSS Parts
CSS Shadow Parts, colloquially known as CSS Parts, are used to expose elements inside a web component's shadow root so they can be styled by consumers with CSS. But what are we allowed to call these p...
08:43 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To How To Hire Programmers
My regular readers (both of them) know that hiring and developer evaluation are some of my favorite topics. Or perhaps more accurately, they are two of my biggest pet peeves. In my (angry, annoyed, ...
08:33 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To React Hooks: useRef()
What are React hooks?They are functions in React that allow you to add react functionality to function based components.What is the useRef hookThis hook is used to track values between renders and acc...
08:26 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms With Python.
Data StructuresPython has four inbuilt basic data structures which are:Lists, Dictionary, Tuple and Sets.To start with:ListsLists can be used for any type of object. From numbers to string and a...
08:23 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Amplify, React and Typescript
Recently I wanted to start a project with an aws backend. I wanted to use typescript and create-react-app. The guide on aws is all in vanilla react, that won't do and in searching around I couldn't fi...
08:21 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Tips & Tricks that will make you a better ReactJS Developer
Coding, as a profession, requires constant and continuous learning, problem-solving, and staying up-to-date on the various helpful tools that are available out there. Developers need to always be on t...
08:20 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Hello YouTube.exe
Wait whatI'm starting a software devlog where I take you on the ride with me while creating and troubleshooting my software. Ok, but why though?Before you click away, hear me out;I've alwa...
08:20 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Blockchain DevOps on AWS with The Hyperledger Fabric Model and Golang (1)
The BlockchainThe Blockchain is an encrypted database of transactions stored in a distributed ledger.Blockchain transactions are exchanges of value in the form of digital money, and the transact...
08:17 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Keystone.js 101
Photo by Bicanski on Pixnio IntroductionSome time ago I was working on small project consisting website and app to collect research data. Its a kind of project I am typically working at for my cl...
08:11 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To An Introductory Guide To Concurrent Rendering
The hottest topic in the React field right now is the React 18 release. In particular, the release will introduce a set of so-called concurrent rendering features. These features allow developers to o...
08:04 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Beginners Guide to Typescript and Will It Replace JavaScript in the Future
69% of JS programmers already use TypeScript, and 22% wish to try. Why?In this article, we are going to answer those questions. By the end you'll have a grasp of the following:-What TypeScript is-Main...
08:02 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Serverless MERN Stack
Convert MERN-Stack to ServerlessDrop-in replace code for Vercel Netlify & AWS LambdaApp running on VercelGithubYoutubeNote: MERN project samples from John Smilga Node Projects tutorial (part 1) ...
07:50 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To 5 Features of Anvil You May HaveMissed
Not only does Anvil let you build web apps with nothing but Python, it also comes jam-packed with features like easy user management, built-in databases and two-click deployment. Today, I'm going to s...
07:17 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Handling errors with StepFunctions SNS SDK integration
AWS Step Functions is a way of designing several server-less workflow orchestrations. When integrating with different states, there could be times when the state fails, resulting in failure of the co...
06:25 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Adding "Smart" to My Tumble Dryer Using a Power Metered Smart Plug.
Have you ever wanted your washing machine or tumble dryer to tell you when it's finished by sending you a push notification? I know this sounds like a very first world problem, but I wondered if I cou...
06:14 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Node.js Roadmap for Beginners
JavaScript is a great programming language. These days its probably the easiest way to become a Full-stack developer. No wonder that many people are trying to taste Node.js right after JavaScript fund...
05:51 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Did You Know(Part-1):-Somethings about Objects
What is a Object in JavaScript: Definition by MDN*Objects in JavaScript, just as in many other programming languages, can be compared to objects in real life. The concept of objects in Java...
05:49 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To [ASP.NET Core] Get values from IConfiguration
IntroI usually just add string values into config files.But when I added some other type values, I couldn't get them.So I try getting values from "appsettings.Development.json" in this time. ...
05:11 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Javascript Errors: An Overview
Managing errors and debugging your code in Javascript is one of the ways we make sure our code works. In this article, we'll look at common ways we can debug and manage errors in our code. Consol...
05:01 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Memoization in JavaScript? And how to apply it to get better code performance.
As a programmer, we always want to write code that is robust and gives us better performance. But sometimes we face performance issues due to not applying good optimization techniques. One such techni...
04:59 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To How to schedule the execution of your Lambda code?
There are many cases where you might need to run your Lambda regularly without having it triggered by a user action, such as trying to send an email to your customers on a monthly/weekly basis or runn...
04:51 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Introducing Rarity
FXHash is an NFT MarketPlace that focuses on Generative Art. They also let artists specify features of the art and calculate a rarity based on the number of times certain values appear for the featur...
04:48 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Secure Content Delivery with Amazon CloudFront | AWS White Paper Summary
Securing delivery over the public internet is an important part of cloud security. This whitepaper describes how Amazon CloudFront, a highly secure, managed service, can help architects and developers...
04:18 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms with Python
IntroductionData is something that everyone is familiar with, but knowing how to organize, alter, manage, and retrieve data is even more crucial. Being a competent programmer isn't only about wh...
04:11 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To The Unwritten Svelte Stores Guide
Svelte stores are not that difficult to understand. However, when you're first learning and you google "svelte stores," all you see is a whole bunch of counter examples. I believe they are misundersto...
03:38 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To SvelteKit Project Setup Insights (AKA Starter Kit)
SvelteKit gives you two options when you scaffold a new project, demo app & skeleton. Skeleton is what you would typically use when building a new project, trouble is it really is a lean setup, it...
03:25 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Improving your React Native application performance with react-navigation-focus-render
Performance in React Native has always been a bit of a battle, great performance is achievable but is a lot more sensitive to unoptimized code than traditional web development. BackgroundI'd rece...
03:19 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To React Basics | Part - 3
Hey developer, welcome to part 3 of the React Basics series. In the last part we learned to setup a React project and looked at different types of React components. In this part as promised, we will b...
03:17 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Glances webui with pipx
Glances has a pretty incredible webui to view system processes and information like htop, or task manager for windows.The nice thing about the webui is that it can be accessed from a remote system. Th...
03:05 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Breaking down `npx create-react-app` from npm to npx
Hello to all the curious devs. Today in this post I'm going to breakdown the things that npx create-react-app does for us. I know there are many other articles for the same but as always I'm documenti...
02:46 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To How to create a qrcode generator using python
Hello friends i created a qrcode generator.So now i share you how to generate a qrcode.It is super simple and awesome you can take my code in my github account-
02:45 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Why you should Learn Python in 2022
Python is one of the greatly typically used languages, and among its numerous applications are data mining, AI, web development, embedded systems, and many others. Python is an outstanding choice for ...
02:41 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Create a Reddit clone with RedwoodJS
Redwood is an opinionated full-stack javascript web application framework. It is also serverless-ready, meaning it can be deployed on the edge with services like AWS Lambda and Cloudflare Workers. Red...
02:17 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To What is an RTMP server?
Real-Time Messaging Protocol or RTMP is a communication protocol for live audio and video streaming over the internet. It was developed as a TCP protocol by Macromedia to stream between a Flash Player...
02:04 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Randomness and Cryptography
Hey everyoneI am back with The Random series! One of my most loved and my personal favourite as well.This series has overall got almost 4K+ views on various platforms like Dev Community, HashNod...
01:56 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Laravel 8 - "Cruddy by Design" A Controller Structure for Beginners
One of the easiest to understand Controller structures in Laravel is "Cruddy by Design" by Adam Wathan.After the conference he published a new GitHub repo that contains the demo app he refactored on s...
01:51 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Developers
Practical advice for becoming more effective and productiveHave you ever heard of the book called The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People? It's a book written by Stephen Covey which is about productiv...
01:49 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Minimal Blockchain
What is blockchain?Blockchain is a system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system.A blockchain is essentially a digital ledge...
01:49 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Responsive Accordion Design using HTML, CSS, and Javascript
Hello readers, today in this blog you'll learn how to create a responsive accordion design using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. In our previous blog, we saw how to create custom context or right-click men...
01:45 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Finding Remote Job/Internship
Hello !!! I am a web developer and have great experience in front-end development also comfort in back-end development. I create user-friendly, responsive websites and maintain all of the following co...
01:45 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Data size real world
Applications are currently used by people all over the world. The applications have the following features.Have millions of usersStore a large amount of data that amounts from petabytes to exabytes(TB...
01:45 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Adding slices, reducer,actions and finishing up!
Our slice to handle our fruits state will be:import {createSlice} from '@reduxjs/toolkit';const initialState = {fruits: []};const fruitsSlice = createSlice({ name: 'fruits', initialState, red...
01:44 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Creating our UI
Let us write down the two components.AddFruit - for adding a fruit name along with its count.It also has a validation logic before adding the fruit.FruitList - to display the fruits.(I am using Boots...
01:44 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Setting up and using the reduxjs toolkit (RTK)
This is the first blog in series of blogs where we will be using the Reduxjs Toolkit library(RTK) to build an application to add fruits with their count. Goal:The design of the application is tha...
01:31 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To 4 Best Solitaire Card Games In Google Play Store
The worst thing you can do is waste time by doing nothing. So, why not keep yourself entertained with a little bit of luck and chance? For some people, playing Solitaire card games, for example, is a ...
12:20 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Glassmorphism Profile Card using HTML CSS
If you want to create Glassmorphism Profile Card then this article will help you. Here I have shown how to create Glassmorphism Profile Card using HTML and CSS. If you watch my other tutorials you wil...
12:19 pm GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To AWS CLI - do it right
This time something easier. This time I show how to install AWS CLI 2, add autocompletion and possibility to use MFA from command line. Simple doesn't mean short, however :) Also, the complexity of wh...
11:52 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To CSS Clouds Animation With source code
CSS CloudsAuthor- Jeya KarthikaMade With - HTML/CSS(SCSS)Demo of CodesCss3 Clouds Background AnimationAuthor- dg enb hlumMade With -HTML/CSS(SCSS)Demo of CodesCSS Night SkyAuthor- Wikyware NetMade Wit...
11:40 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To [ ]
. . BTC . . . BNB . . . . . . . AVAX . . . DOT ...
11:39 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Navbar
Navbar with hamburger menu...
11:33 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
JAVASCRIPT 101: INTRODUCTION TO MODERN JAVASCRIPTYeah, I get it. You're done with multiple courses and a few static webpage projects on HTML and CSS and are really getting obsessed with this web...
10:42 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To What about color should you know as a web developer
As a web developer, you sure do know that color plays such a huge role in how users perceive the website, how compelling it gets and the persuasion effect they get. I know you have probably interacted...
10:25 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To A Complete, Interactive Guide to CSS Flex Box
In the past, making HTML elements appear next to each other was a tricky proposition. It usually relied on floats, often resulting in some strange behaviours. Today, we have flex box, which is widely ...
10:20 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Python Global and Local Variables
Sign up to my newsletter!.In this lesson, we will learn the scope of Functions, namely Global and Local variables, scopes and namespace expressions. Let's start.As in all programming languages, every ...
10:07 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Python 102: Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms With Python.
This article is beginner friendly to kick start learning data structure and algorithms using python programming language. This article discusses the in-built data structures such list, tuples, set, di...
09:12 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Track everything with qrforeverything
We have created a product (in MVP stage as of now), which will help you track everything which you own. WhatWhen we misplace our cellphone, we can make a phone call ...
09:06 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Cherrybomb v0.4.3 - Added support for OAS-3.1
Hi everyone!We just released Cherrybomb v0.4.3, Cherrybomb is a CLI tool helps you avoid undefined user behaviour by validating your API specifications.In this version we:Added support for OAS 3.1Fixe...
08:43 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Google Ranking Algorithm
Did you know Why does facebook rank no 1, for 'gsvrnppl' in Google Because 'gsvrnppl' is Facebook typed every to the right of the keyboard keysf a c e b o o kGoogle may have considered mistyping happ...
08:27 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To How to Implement Many-to-Many Relationships in Relational Databases
Nearly any data model of non-negligible complexity will include at least one (if not several) many-to-many relationships. This relationship emerges when, given two tables A and B, instances of A could...
08:27 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Multiple menu drop-downs with vanilla js
I looked all over online to find a solution to multiple drop down menus in a navigation header but most of the solutions I found in tutorials involved duplicating a Javascript function that targets th...
08:20 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Team Boma Coding Skills Training
TEAM BOMA CODING SKILLS This is to inform all Team Boma members that our programming training for HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, PHP AND MYSQL will commence on Wednesday 23rd, Feb 2022. Register/Login to your...
08:18 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Random Number Generator
The Random Number Generator Tool generates unique random numbers. This tool supports unlimited number generation, Which means you can generate multiple numbers at a single time. During this random num...
08:17 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Responsive Instagram Home Page
Responsive Instagram Home PageIt's a Responsive Instagram Home Page Template using HTML and CSS. It was created for web developers to create a full-stack Instagram web application without having...
08:16 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To CI/CD CodePipeline Cross Account Deployment
Cross Account CI/CD PipelineSometimes we need to run the Pipeline in an account, but deploy product into another account for Further sepratation between development and production envionmentProt...
08:07 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To The best remote company of 2021
2021 was hard for everyone (well, 2020 honestly wasn't any better).But for remote work it was a revolution. Some companies stood up for the challenge and lead by example. They started / continue to us...
08:00 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Today's Daily Dose of Programming Humor
Hi there! Here's today's Daily Developer Joke. We hope you enjoy it; it's a good one.For more jokes, and to submit your own joke to get featured, check out the Daily Developer Jokes Website. We're als...
07:59 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Concurrency in python, what kind of implementation you really need.
We've all heard the word "concurrency" before, but what it actually means? Concurrency is basically the concept of executing two or more tasks at the same time. This can help us to improve i.e. respon...
07:54 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To TS tsc node
TypeScriptby SmartHR=== npm i -g [email protected] 1 package, and audited 2 packages in 885msfound 0 vulnerabilitiesnpm i -g ts 4.3.5 === ts function sum(a:number, b: nu...
07:50 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Lighthouse: Full marks got our website hosted on OpenBSD server (on 2022-02-20)
Yay, our website,, on OpenBSD server got full marks on Lighthouse !!!It is hosted on our OpenBSD server with httpd, their default web server. We deeply appreciate them for their solid O...
06:05 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Create Custom Templates in Monokle
What is Kubernetes? Kubernetes (sometimes shortened to K8s with the 8 standing for the number of letters between the "K" and the "s") is an open-source system to deploy, scale, and manage contai...
05:39 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To 6 Killer Utility Functions in JavaScript
This is somewhat of an extension to last week's 7 Killer One-Liners in JavaScript. If you haven't already read the article, you are highly encouraged to do so. 1. Check if an element is visible i...
05:38 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Organize large React Applications like this
Hey there guys, Welcome to this blog. In today's blog we'll be going to see how we can organize our large ReactJS Apps, so as we've seen that most of peoples are now using ReactJS as there primary fro...
05:13 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Here is a list of the top 5 vs code extensions to improve your coding. 1.GitLensSupercharges the Git capabilities built into visual studio code. 2.Live ServerLaunches a development local se...
03:47 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To La WEB 3 se construye en TypeScript
Fui invitado a impartir la charla "La WEB 3 se construye en TypeScript" en el evento TypeScript Day de la comunidad de Angular Bolivia.Mi experiencia en el tema de la Web3 inicia en agosto del 2021 cu...
03:15 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To what do you wish you knew about kubernetes?
Learning tech is constant and a skill. If you have any q at all, let's see if we can get some a's!I recall when I was trying to learn kubernetes, it took a few tries to grasp concepts. For any newbies...
02:29 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To What's new in SeaORM 0.6.0
We are pleased to release SeaORM 0.6.0 today! Here are some feature highlights : Migration[#335] Version control you database schema with migrations written in SeaQuery or in raw SQL. View migra...
02:10 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Hybrid Cloud - Install Log Agent to monitor your server via CloudWatch
DAY 11 - Hybrid Cloud- AWS LogAgent for CloudWachLogs100 days of Cloud- Day Eleven Connect with me on Twitter Connect with me on LinkedinTweet This Blog - 100 days of Cloud on GitHub - Read On ...
02:10 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Hybrid Cloud - Install Log Agent to monitor your server with CloudWatch
DAY 11 - Hybrid Cloud- AWS LogAgent for CloudWachLogs100 days of Cloud- Day Eleven Connect with me on Twitter Connect with me on Linkedin Read more post on or This Blog...
01:43 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Svelte & Supabase Chats
Welcome, this tutorial shows how to build a simple chat app with Svelte.js and supabase. Demo Getting started Step 1: Create a new project$ yarn create vite my-svelte-app --template sve...
12:52 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To Meu kit de aplicativos para produzir contedo
O qu seria um kit de aplicativos para produzir contedo?Seria basicamente um cinto de utilidades, que permite que pessoas criadoras de contedo tenham a possibilidade de criar seu contedo em difer...
12:19 am GMT - Sun, February 20, 2022
Dev To How to create a React app with Express from scratch
Github Repo: ContentsIntroduction Installing dependencies Scripts Setting up react General configuration Express server Get up and runningConc...
11:33 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Boas prticas de Code Review para bons programadores
O Code Review deve ser um processo natural dentro do fluxo de desenvolvimento. Esse processo ajuda a identificar bugs e m implementaes antes da fase de teste e validao.O resultado uma base de cdigo m...
11:19 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To tsParticles 1.41.3 Released
tsParticles 1.41.3 Changelog Bug FixesFixed issue with size and opacity updaters matteobruni / tsparticles tsParticles - Easily cre...
10:47 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To How To Become A Blockchain Developer From Scratch!
I am here to help you, and I am going to show you my favorite way to jump on the bandwagon to become a blockchain developer, even if you do not have any programming experience. Developer I am, I am an...
10:42 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Webauthn - Registration
The Webauthn appears simple on the surface, but the more you dig into it, the more its complexity will surprise you.Without further ado, let's dig into the code. It's written so that you can simply op...
10:37 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To 100 dias de codigo: 74, implementando redux en mi proyecto
Hey hey hey!Sinceramente Redux es mucho mas facil de lo que pens aunque me imagino que tendra su complejidad conforme una aplicacin crezca. Hoy logre terminar el curso de Redux y mis conclusiones que ...
10:29 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To How to farm GitHub followers on autopilot
TL;DR: Correia-jpv / github-follow-bot Automated follow/unfollow bot for GitHub. Follow from multiple sources. Choose which users to un...
10:18 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Publicando site no Github Pages
IniciandoQuando estava iniciando em desenvolvimento web, escutava muito sobre a criao de um portflio para mostrar meus conhecimentos, mas na poca no tinha a mnima ideia de como colocar meus proj...
10:17 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Flutter Linter Kurallar Blm 1: Hata Kurallar
Where there are rules, theres law, Linting Nedir?Linting , Programatik, Stilistik hatalar ve biimlendirilmemi kod iin kaynak kodunu kontrol etme ilemidir. Mantksal hatalar, kullanlmayan deikenle...
09:47 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Cyber Security: A run through.
When asked about cyber-security what comes to mind?Most people will answer this question and say hacking or some even say Penetration testing. Cyber-security goes way beyond hacking and pen test...
09:31 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Comprehensive Collection Of Commonly Used Words In Web3 And Their Meanings
IntroductionHello everyone, my name is Afoma Orji, I am a front-end developer, technical writer, and Web3 enthusiast and today I am going to be sharing with you common words that are used in the...
09:27 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms with Python.
FAQsi) What are data structures?ii) What are algorithms?Algorithms are like verbs and data structures are like nouns. An algorithm is just a method of doing something on a computer, a data struc...
08:57 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To System Design Interview: An insider's guide by Alex Xu
Being a software engineer is special compared to many other professions in several ways. One aspect of this speciality is that you don't just go to a job interview after polishing a bit your CV, think...
08:41 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To TeleIn
Overview of My SubmissionI have build an authentication system where user can login in the application(android) with the help of Telegram (Bot service). In this system , any user has not to go t...
08:21 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To 5 simple reasons why testing code is important
It is not news that testing code is essential for a project. Nowadays, with the need for development cycles to spin faster and code to be frequently pushed to production, testing code is crucial to av...
08:07 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Google Docs with Next.js
In this article, I am going to explain how I made the Google Docs clone with the help of Next.js and Tailwind CSS. I am not going to explain the whole code in this article but will discuss some key fe...
07:48 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Configure Prettier and ESLint with Angular
Everyone wants to write code in a fast bug-free way without thinking about its style most of the time. Thats why in this post I will talk about configuring ESLint and Prettier in an Angular project...
07:36 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To VS Code Theme to tackle eye strain
Cosmicsarthak Neon Dark A colourful Neon Dark Theme to lower eye strain for night owls, youth devs and workaholics Dark Theme with carefully crafted syntax highlighting for better readabil...
06:43 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Air: Live reload on Golang applications
Go is a programming language with advanced features and clean syntax. It has a robust and well-documented common library, and has focus on good software engineering and principles.Although Go is a gre...
05:29 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To rest parameter in javascript
The rest parameter is introduced in ES6. It allows a function to accept an indefinite number of arguments as an array that is we can call a function with as many arguments as we want and the rest para...
04:53 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To ReactJS Tic-Tac-Toe (Passed Job Interview)
Hello Everyone! I wanted to share my success on my previous job interview where I was asked to code a tic-tac-toe game in ReactJS and was able to pull it off landing a job offer. This is not the firs...
04:29 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To I have made a Funnel website with just HTML CSS
Hello dear DEV community, I am Atul currently I'm working on a challenge which is 10 responsive websites with HTML & CSS.This challenge is inspired by Florin pop's challenge which is hosted on you...
04:25 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Some CSS Questions
1.How will you make font size responsive?-If we specify text size with vw unit, it will be changed with respect to the screen size.-We can also change font size with media queries.-also declaring the ...
04:06 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Manage time specified operations with Go in easy way.
In programming we need specifying time for our code. Sometimes we wait until our crush end her relationship. Sometimes we wait until summer to change our job. Let's Start!For doing thing with spe...
04:03 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Compositions in React
When I started learning React. One of the main features in React that excited me is that it is a component-based!.So today I want to talk about what is composition and why composition patterns in Reac...
03:51 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To General Design Principles for Hybrid Networking
This article outlines two key scenarios that are common in hybrid networking and how they influence the design and architecture of your workloads on AWS. It also presents the assumptions that were mad...
03:20 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To The "Simple, elegant type system is all you need" bias
This Spaghetti code article will be on the soft side as in soft-skills as I am going to talk about a very frequent and very typically engineering bias that leads to spaghetti code. This article is abo...
03:05 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To 7 Types of Algorithms
Brute Force Recursive Divide & Conquer Greedy Dynamic Backtracking Randomised Brute Force Algorithm It is the most common type of algorithm. Every problem can be solved by br...
03:03 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To New open-source repository collation
KnowledgeHubWe will be pulling datasets from arxiv, ieee, github, gitlab, and bitbucket on a weekly basis. All open source about topics that relate to the Polaron World Engine. The repositories are ra...
03:01 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Make Your Github Profile Stand Out
Github is awesome, that's known. But, did you ever think how to make yours more attractive for potential employers or other visitors? Even non-tech ones like recruiters!So take a couple of hours and s...
02:59 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Data Structures every Web Developer should know
Data structures are Array Set Stack Queue Hash Table Tree GraphWe will be discussing about Definition of a Data Structure Use Case(s) for a Data Structure Operations you should be knowing ...
02:39 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Python is a language that has been put to use in many industrial fields ranging from machine learning, artificial intelligence to data science and many more. To fully maximize the usage of python, the...
02:12 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Using Laravel's Illuminate Validation in any PHP project
I'm developing a Wordpress plugin that requires strict data for the frontend. The frontend is built with Vue.js and it's basically a multistep wizard where every step is represented by a specific Vue ...
02:05 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Write your own reactivity function in 10 lines of Javascript
Reactivity is a core feature of modern Javascript frameworks. It is like putting a tracker on your data. In this article, you will learn one approach of implementing reactivity using the Observer Patt...
01:27 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Build a Video Conference App from Scratch using WebRTC,Websocket,PHP JS Day 44
In this video we'll cover how to create accept Call...
01:21 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Adding custom rules in Datree
What is Datree?Datree is a CLI tool that supports Kubernetes owners in their roles and it helps by preventing developers from making errors in their Kubernetes configuration files before they re...
01:21 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Top 5 state management libraries for React
There are a lot of state management libraries available for Reactjs. Here you will learn about the 5 most popular state management libraries.In case if you don't know, simply State management librarie...
01:20 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Getting started with Jina AI
What is neural search?In short, neural search is a new approach to retrieving information. Instead of telling a machine a set of rules to understand what data is what, neural search does the sam...
01:19 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Power of 2 - Java Solution
In this lesson, we will try to check if the given number is a power of 2. We solve this by writing an efficient algorithm that takes an optimal amount of time. IntroductionLets do another challen...
01:17 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To useState vs useReducer: What are they and when to use them?
It is common to see useState hook used for state management, However React also have another hook to manage component's state, Which is useReducer hook. In fact, useState is built on useReducer!. So a...
01:15 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Flutter Temiz Kod Prensipleri: Blm 1 simlendirme Kurallar
It doesnt require an awful lot of skill to write a program that a computer understands.The skill is writing programs that human understand. Robert C. Martin simlendirme KurallarUpperCamelCase kul...
01:15 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Flutter Temiz Kod Prensipleri: Blm 1
It doesnt require an awful lot of skill to write a program that a computer understands.The skill is writing programs that human understand. Robert C. Martin Blm 1 : simlendirme Kurallar UpperCame...
01:09 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Use React Native Web's Pressable with Remix's Link magic
I just released remix-react-native-pressable, a small package that allows you to use React Native Web's <Pressable> component with all of Remix's <Link> properties and magic.Essentially, i...
12:59 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To 10 Unique Project Ideas For 100 Days of Code (with screenshots)
Do you want to learn web development, but you just don't know what to create? Well, here are 10 unique project ideas for you: 1. School PlannerWhether you are attending elementary school, high sc...
12:51 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Part (1)
How it's goingI just created the boilerplate for the extension using create-react-app then modifying the manifest.json...
12:49 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To HP printer troubleshooting
Hello, Everybody. My name is Tom, and I work as a technical assistant. Numerous HP printer consumers inquire about how to do HP printer troubleshooting for cable. Check to determine whether the cable ...
12:49 pm GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Quiz patente Superiore: Scopri come superare i quiz ottenere la patente superiore
Quiz patente superiore c: Informazioni utilili quiz patente superiore c, possono sussistere superati unicamente nonostante il plausibile affermazione e la la scelta migliore sistema, frattanto durante...
11:51 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Ive created an app optimized for drafting articles. On your smartphone.
(Originally written in! Let me share an app Ive created, for drafting articles with ease.Im calling for alpha testers, whod like to give this app a try. If youre ...
11:35 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To What are the best practices while using BigQuery?
BigQuery is affordable and fast, but it can quickly consume a lot of processing power, increasing the bills if not used properly. In BigQuery, slots decide the amount of processing power that directly...
10:35 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Create a parallax effect when the mouse moves
Animated and interactive pages attract more and more attention from users. For this, we can use complex animations, or others simpler as parallaxes. There are two types of parallaxes: those that are a...
10:21 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Knowing != Doing
Originally published on my blog.Knowing does not guarantee doing, and that's a good thing! Every pro knows how he has to hit the ball; 'just' swing the club. Sure, they are using visualization techniq...
10:07 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To How to make flip card with 5 lines CSS
Flip card is cool idea to show more information on hover effect, and you can do it with just 5 main lines. HTML CodeThis is how your HTML should be :<div class="card"> <div class="flip_...
09:57 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Why I love Ruby (part 3)
Right on the main page of the Ruby language there's this beautiful quote from Matz:Ruby is simple in appearance, but is very complex inside, just like our human body.It's Ruby's simplicity that I real...
09:55 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To How to Deploy a Jupyter Notebook to Docker
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. -Albert EinsteinIn this article, we will talk about what Docker is, h...
09:37 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To The Best Practice of handling FastAPI Schema
The Best Practice of handling FastAPI SchemaFastAPI Has a concept of Schema. DTO is more familiar name If you have developed at Spring or NestJS. Simply, DTO is Data Transfer Object and It is a ...
09:35 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To OpenBSD ftpd 7.0: FTP server
SummaryOpenBSD has its own FTP server called ftpd.ftpd, the FTP daemon, is installed and disabled by default.All what to do in order to use it is just run rcctl enable and rcctl start. Tuto...
08:56 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Introduction to modern Python
Python is among the most popular programming languages in the world. It is ranked high in different StackOverflow programming surveys each year. This article helps beginners familiarize themselves wit...
08:55 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Leetcode diary: 6. Zigzag Conversion
This is a new series where I document my struggles of leetcode questions hoping seeing however small of an audience I get gives me the motivation to continue. link This question is...interesting... ...
08:44 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Ultimate Python Guide
OverviewPython is a general-purpose interpreted, interactive, object-oriented, and high-level programming language that was created by Guido van Rossum. Applications for PythonWeb Developme...
08:43 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Debunking the misconceptions of Chemical Earthing.
Earthing is the process of grounding or earthing electrical systems on the earth. An earthing framework describes the electrical potential of connections to the earth's conductive surface.Chemical ear...
08:28 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To invalid date
TL;DRdate string X, number O date Invaild date RangeError: invalid date , , string date .const getYearMonthDate = (date: Date): Date => new Date(`${date....
08:26 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Yjs typegoose = yTypegoose
TL;DRtypegoose Yjs ( )yTypegoose.ts Notion, Roam Research, Workflowy CRDT .yjs CRDT . websocket, indexeddb . y-leveldb mongodown .( ^^;) yTyp...
08:23 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To What is the reason you require a Mobile App for your Business?
There's not a single person who isn't using smartphones today. This is just one of many reasons why mobile phones are becoming a major trend. It's no wonder that every trustworthy company is striving ...
08:08 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Renew Dental - Dental Results, Benefits, Price And Worth The Money?
Renew dental Support uses herbs and other essential ingredients from ancient African rituals to improve the health of your teeth. A natural supplement to your dental health could prevent you from gett...
08:04 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Release 2.7.0
I never planned for these late night posts, yet, it seems to becoming a trend. It's always on Friday nights when something pops up that I just want to get over with before I start enjoying the weekend...
07:51 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To ResNet For Begginers
What was the ProblemWhen AlexNet won the ImageNet 2012 competition, every one started using more layers in a deep neural network to reduce the error rate. This works for less number of layers, b...
07:18 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Creating and Provisioning Azure Container Apps with Bicep
Using Bicep, we can deploy and manage all the resources required for our Azure Container Apps. In this post, we'll write a Bicep template that defines all the infrastructure required for our Container...
06:16 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To A new linkedin
So, Im creating a new LinkedIn. No ads. No bs. No anything. I want to get back to work. Who else does? Ive found this to be a very awesome project that people can believe in. Do people still like Link...
06:02 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Change the default Java Version on macOS
Here, We are trying to change the version to Java SE 8First run /usr/libexec/java_home -V which will output something like the following:Matching Java Virtual Machines (3): 16.0.2 (x86_64) "Oracle ...
05:18 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To VirtualBox on Artix (Arch-based Linux): Install
SummaryArtix is Arch-based Linux. What they declare is "Simple. Fast. Systemd-free."I installed Oracle VM VirtualBox on it.This post shows how I did it.It includes a troubleshooting about vm fai...
05:12 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Is no code going to replace programming?
Is no code going to replace programming? In this article, we're going to discuss something which is very common among developers and non-tech people. People are wondering if no code is going to replac...
04:29 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Customise Laravel Route for Resource Controller
When you create a controller, Laravel does provide you with the route resource which provides out of the box CRUD operation routes. You can check these named routes by the following command:php artisa...
03:29 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Learn Python: Top 5 free highly rated popular courses for beginners
Learn Python: Top 5 free highly rated popular courses for beginners"Learn Python for Beginners" 4.5 hours course by FreeCodeCamp on YouTube."Pytho...
03:06 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Truly Understanding React (TUR) - Ep2 -
So let's dive in on our story on truly understanding react.js library - Ep2.First, What is React?React is an open-source JavaScript library that is used for building user interfaces based on UI c...
03:05 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To 05 - Make Progressive Web Apps Work Offline
Welcome to Day 5 of #30DaysOfPWA! New to the series? Three things you can do to catch up:Read the kickoff post below for context.Watch the GitHub Repository for updates.Bookmark #30DaysOfPWA Blog for ...
02:49 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Subsets / Power Set - C Solution
In this coding problem, we need to find the power-set of given input without duplicates. IntroductionIn this article, we discuss the subsets of a given input. This is one of the most popular que...
02:23 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Diversity in the world of CTOs
Over the last couple of years, Ive received requests for referrals of non-male devs, especially CTOs as of late.Theres an extreme shortage of CTOs, especially non-males, and that companies (mainly sta...
12:54 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Misadventures Playing in Rust on AWS Lambda
That feeling of embarking on something new.Not pictured is the wall I ran into.I am a Python developer. My life has been lived within the safe confines of an interpreter and devoid of realities of com...
12:33 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To Single Responsibility vs Separation of Concerns
I was thinking out loud the other day and was wondering what the difference between single responsibility and separation of concerns is. Are they similar at all? Let's go back to the basics and try to...
12:12 am GMT - Sat, February 19, 2022
Dev To This is all you'll need to develop web3 apps (dApps)
If you've been following the tech trends recently, you may now be just getting used to seeing and hearing these words - NFTs, blockchain, web3, cyberpunk, smart contracts, decentralisation, solidity, ...
11:49 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms With Modern JavaScript.
1. Arrays.An array is a single variable in JavaScript that keeps numerous elements,unlike other languages where array is a reference to several variables. When we wish to keep a list of elements...
11:28 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To How to securely use Google API service account credentials in a public repo
TLDR: You can securely use Google API service account credentials in a public repo by storing sensitive parts of the credentials file in environment variables and generating a new credentials file in ...
10:53 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To My journey to create the ADM42 keyboard, optimized for developers
Hi All!About 2 years ago, I started a great journey: to design a keyboard for "developers" based on the open source firmware QMK and all the hardware that goes with it, otherwise it would be far too s...
09:56 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To 100 das de cdigo: 73, continuando con redux
Hey hey hey!Hoy he logrado avanzar un poco mas con el curso que estoy tomando sobre Redux, realmente es muy interesante y ahora estoy aprendiendo a usar GraphQL y Redux en conjunto.Creo que en un par ...
09:52 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To That time I tasted a frog
I started working in remote mode in March 2020, the reason I guess we all know.However, if an extra-terrestrial were to read this post, he can find more information here
09:10 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Launchies - Resumes and Cover Letters!
Resumes and Cover Letters with Chloe Condon Launchies Your browser does not support the audio element. ...
09:04 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Basic GitHub Commands for Terminal
What is GitHubAccording to Kinsta "GitHub is a for-profit company that offers a cloud-based Git repository hosting service. Essentially, it makes it a lot easier for individuals and teams to use...
08:47 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Tutorial: Ethereum BlockChain Development (3)
Part 3: Deploy contract on a real test network -- Ropsten Testnet.The purpose of building this blog is to write down the detailed operation history and my memo for learning the dApps.If you are ...
08:07 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Introduction to Data structures and algorithms using Python
Lists and dictionaries are one of the most often used data structures in Python for data storage and arrangement. This tutorial will explain how to carry out access, modify operations, etc., on lists ...
07:52 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To reduce() method in javascript
Let's see what MDN has to say:The reduce() method executes a user-supplied reducer callback function on each element of the array, in order, passing in the return value from the calculation on the pre...
07:50 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To MongoDB $weeklyUpdate (Feb 18, 2022): Latest MongoDB Tutorials, Events, Podcasts, & Streams!
Hi everyone!Welcome to MongoDB $weeklyUpdate! Here, you'll find the latest developer tutorials, upcoming official MongoDB events, and get a heads up on our latest Twitch streams and podcast, cu...
07:43 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Where Frontend Ends and Backend Begins Continued...
What is HTML All The ThingsHTML All The Things is a web development podcast and discord community which was started by Matt and Mike, developers based in Ontario, Canada. The podcast speaks to w...
07:43 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To SPO600 - Week 4
Hey there,In week 4 we looked on how to compiler optimize our code. It was made clear to us that the way we write code actually will be rewritten by the compiler, so our code gets optimized.The ...
07:40 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To HTML Best practices 2 - The continuation on how to put best practices in your HTML code
As mentioned in the previous post, HTML is the basis of any web application, it is the backbone of development, and because it is one of the main elements of our website, it is important that we devel...
07:40 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Python - the popular language in 2022
Learn Python Training in Chennai at Credo Systemz to up skill and develop in-built knowledge yourself. Credo Systemz offer Python training in Chennai which ensures effective in depth theoretical and p...
07:37 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Mapping Earthquakes in the Permian Basin
When I read an article about earthquakes caused by fracking in west Texas, I wanted to map the data. Additional research referenced a report published in Science. Titled "High-rate injection is associ...
07:36 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Monitoreo de sitios web con Upptime
Hace tiempo en el lugar donde trabajo desarrollamos nosotros una herramienta que nos permita saber si un sitio estaba disponible o por algn motivo no responda hasta hora a esta funcionando bien, solo ...
07:30 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Designing a Typewriter React Component
We are pretty much familiar with the Typewriter effect, although we might not be acquainted with a Typewriter. In words, the typewriter effect is the gradual revealing of the words as if it is being t...
07:27 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To The Importance of Vision as a Developer
Fixer Upper. We all love it. Even if you hate it you still kinda love it.If you are unfamiliar with the show (living under a rock?), Chip and Joanna Gaines help prospective homeowners build their drea...
07:22 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Truly Understanding React (TUR) - EP1
So far so good, I have been working on a number of projects of which have demamded that I really understand the React Library to its core.For a while, I had been juggling around into thinking that Rea...
07:15 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Copy by Value vs Reference
IntroThere are two ways to pass a value to a variable in JavaScript and understanding how they operate is fundamental to your success at manipulating data in your code. In this short blog I will expla...
05:44 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To AMA with the Sandpack team Recap
On Wednesday, Feb 2nd, members of the Sandpack team - Danilo, Jasper and Alex hosted a live AMA (Ask Me Anything) with the CodeSandbox Discord Community. They answered questions about Sandpack, its li...
05:25 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To TweetJOBS
TweetJOBS displays all the jobs posted on twitter and updates it in real time, you can search your skill in the search bar and VIOLA you will get the job post for the skill on twitter from where you c...
05:25 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Libshare - Curate & Share Your favorite JavaScript Libraries!
Libshare helps you curate and share your favorite NPM libraries with the community. Showcase all the awesome libraries that you used in your side project and give them visibility. Made for the of ope...
04:58 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Higher Order Functions
JavaScript is a functional programming language because, it accepts Higher Order functions.Before going on to higher order functions. We can learn how we can make our code clean by using higher order ...
04:38 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Sum of Two Integers
InstructionsGiven two integers a and b, return the sum of the two integers without using the operators + and -. ApproachWe cannot use arithmetic operators, so we have to use bit manipulatio...
03:59 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Render props and render functions in React.
What is Render Props in ReactRender props is a pattern in react which helps us to pass the functions as a prop to the components so that we can decide the component rendering logic instead of le...
03:59 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Introduction to Amazon EMR
IntroductionAmazon EMR is the industry-leading cloud big data platform for processing vast amounts of data using open source tools such as Apache Spark, Apache Hive, Apache HBase, Apache Flink, ...
03:57 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Announcing Our $25 Million Series A from Coatue to Grow Developer-Centric Community Around Kubernetes Cost Management
As the next major milestone in our journey, we are proud to share that weve raised $25 million in Series A funding led by Coatue Management to help developers optimize and run Kubernetes at scale. Wer...
03:47 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Stylish Text Editor created with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript only
Hello friends,Hope you are doing great. I wanna share with you one website which I have created with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript only. - [] *() Stylish Text Ed...
03:30 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To PHP-FPM 8.0 on OpenBSD 7.0
SummaryPHP-FPM, PHP FastCGI Process Manager, is a part of PHP package in OpenBSD packages nowadays.So installing PHP (php-?.? due to the version) comes with php??_fpm automatically This post wil...
03:14 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Installing and customizing Visual Studio Code: VS Code setup from scratch
Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a source code editor or IDE (Integrated Development Environment) freely available for all major operating systems. Although VSCode has native features to help you devel...
03:11 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Building a Bubble Dashboard with Cube
This guest post was written by Nicolas Bohorquez.Nicolas Bohorquez is a data architect at Merqueo, has been part of development teams in a handful of startups, and has founded three companies in the A...
02:47 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Progressive Web Apps & Remix
A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a web app that is enhanced by progressive web technologies that help deliver an experience that is on par with native apps. Web Applications are easily discoverable comp...
02:42 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To 10 CSS Hacks Every Web Developer Should Know
CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) is still among the top ten coding languages, according to Redmonk(It was founded on the premise of the increasing influence of software developers in the technology industr...
02:41 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To 10 Trending projects on GitHub for web developers - 18th February 2022
Trending Projects is available as a weekly newsletter please sign up at to ensure you never miss an issue. 1. tailwindcss-animateA Tailwind CSS plugin for creating beautiful animat...
02:40 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Environmental Impact of the Cloud: 5 Data-Based Insights and One Good Fix
Does using the cloud make your business sustainable? Research suggests that its a greener choice.By moving to the cloud, the e-commerce giant Etsy slashed its energy consumption by 13% (from 7330 Mwh ...
02:39 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To OpenBSD httpd 7.0: Web server
Summary OpenBSD httpdOpenBSD has its own web server called "httpd".To be frank, it seems to have less conf examples and tutorials. Therefore, some might think it more difficult.It's, howeve...
02:28 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Class components are a waste of syntax
A functional component is just a plain JavaScript function that accepts props as an argument and returns a React element. There is no render method used in functional components. On the other hand, a ...
02:25 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To .NET 7 is Coming! (but with some issues)
We are already halfway through Q1 of 2022 me as usual, still processing 2020 and Microsoft has Turbo mode on: it is slowly starting to release .NET 7. Aside from that, Microsoft is very focused on B...
01:54 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Don't keep your code review comments for you
During a code review, you formulate comments that can address various topics:readability design & architectureperformanceframework or language usage These explanations are insightful, but in most ...
01:20 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Nhost CLI: from Zero to Production
In the previous tutorials, that are covered in the documentation, we tested various parts of Nhost, such as:DatabaseGraphQL APIPermissionJavaScript SDKAuthenticationAll changes we did to our database ...
01:12 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Simplified Type Coercion in JS
Type Coercion: Automatic conversion of a value from one data type to another data type is called Type Coercion or implicit type conversion. Javascript engine does this in different scenarios. Let's se...
01:05 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Git Workflow with Agile Jira for Beginners
Agile Git Workflow with JiraThis documentation will show the git standard workflow for medium sized to big tech companies. When working with a system that would be use by thousands of users ever...
12:52 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Node.js New Project Ideas Discussion
Are you a software **developer **or just a **thinker **or innovator?How many times you are searching for collaborator or contributor for your project ideas and you don't find them?Well, you are in the...
12:11 pm GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Star Pattern In Java
Recently i was learning Java programming and while practicing some of the fundamentals i created some star patterns.Working with pattern program in Java helped me think clearly the flow and working of...
11:56 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To 002/100 Days of Code: Git
Git: A forma mais assertiva para se contar a histria do seu projeto, usar essa ferramenta como escrever a biografia do seu cdigo! OntemDesenvolvi templates para validao de formulrios com Regex ...
11:50 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Schema Validation with Zod and Express.js
This guide was originally published on my personal portfolio What is Zod?Zod is a TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library, Created by Colin McDonnell. Unlike Yup, Zod is TypeSc...
11:20 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Export To The File System (Save As...) Fallback In TypeScript
Photo by Ivan Diaz on UnsplashIn almost every web application I end up reusing the same pattern to export data to the file system in JavaScript - i.e. a solution that uses the File System Access API a...
10:59 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To What is New in Selenium 4?
Do you know, what is new in Selenium 4? Lets find out!Selenium comes to mind whenever we go for automated cross-browser web testing. Also, QAble is a prominent service provider for selenium automation...
10:50 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Solving Database Connection Issues in a Serverless World Using Prismas Data Proxy
With Serverless a lot of headaches is now offloaded and outsourced to Cloud providers. We pay for what we use, scaling is no more our concern. Provisioning is more or less elastic and automatic. But ...
10:50 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Hashtags Generator
I have created a hashtags generator that generates hashtags based on your keyword.To do it uses curl to scrape sites that are already providing the best hashtags for that keyword because if you see wh...
10:42 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Top JavaScript Array Methods with Examples
In programming, an array is a collection of elements or items. Arrays store data as elements and retrieve them back when you need them.The array data structure is widely used in all programming langua...
10:38 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Provide A Profitable Business For Artists With NFT Art Marketplace Solutions!
Did you know that everyone is dreaming of starting an NFT marketplace? Whereas you can kick start the venture with white-label solutions. Do not indulge in deep thinking, and here you can find out the...
10:35 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Show off your laptops' stickers here!
I'll start i should probably remove those npm stickers...
10:33 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Best WooCommerce Coupon And Discount Plugins
Reference BlogBest WooCommerce Coupon And Discount Plugins...
10:32 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To I created a new dev community
Hello developers.I created a dev community.You have more and more freedom please join it through this link and chat with and our dev community - your feedback!...
10:26 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Static in Java
Static blocks are used for deallocated /substitute default values of static variables of a class.There are some protocols which drive the functioning of static blocks:Static blocks will be carry out o...
10:24 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Sentry - Tracing
This is my self documentation from original docs hereSentry is use for trace performance issues to poor-performing api calls and slow database queries.It can show the list of errors log that you provi...
10:22 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Design Principles for High Scale Applications
09:08 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To LitmusChaos at Chaos Carnival 2022
Chaos Carnival 2022 was held from January 27-28. Although held as a virtual event, it wasn't just your everyday Chaos Engineering conference but was rather a huge success with the traction it received...
09:04 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms With Python
This article is a continuation of Python 101: Introduction to Modern Python where we introduced, set up and gave some basic understanding of the python. In this article we will discuss about the vario...
08:41 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To How to setup Wordpress coding standard rules in VS Code
I see a lot of code that's not following any standards. Especially in the Wordpress community.I don't hate it because it does the job done, but if you try to debug it or understand it you're gonna hav...
08:20 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To My New Job as Developer Advocate!
I'm incredibly excited to share that in February 2022, I joined AssemblyAI full-time as a Developer Advocate! About AssemblyAIAssemblyAI is a Deep Learning startup focused on a state-of-the-art S...
08:19 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To The Science of Tokenomics
Hello. I'm Tudor, blockchain developer and writer at The Crypto JournalI help people understand Blockchain & Crypto concepts with the help of 5-minute worth-of-reading reports.If you are intreste...
07:47 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To TypeScript types and interfaces
We have seen the basic usage of defining an object in the previous article on TypeScript types. However when we used this object it looked like this:const getFullName = (user: {firstname: string, last...
07:36 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Upgrade to Laravel 9 From Laravel 8
Upgrade to Laravel 9 from Laravel 8Today I am going to explain how you can upgrade to Laravel 9 from Laravel 8. Laravel Upgrade Guide.Laravel documented the Upgrade Guide you can read for a...
07:31 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To fflow build your React apps faster than ever before.
An open-source prototyping tool to assist engineers at every level in building their next React web application Current EnvironmentIn todays software engineering landscape, youll be hard-pressed ...
07:15 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To I18N in the Multiverse of Formats
Every night... I dream the same dream. And then... the nightmare begins.I do what I have to do... to protect i18n.With this blog post I open a doorway between universes, and I don't know who or what w...
07:11 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To A Simple RoadMap For A Beginner Web Developer To Become A Hero Web Developer
Hi!! Hope You All Are Well. Welcome to my post.So Many Beginner Web Developers, I Mean those who are learning to code may stuck in a situation of that what to learn next or what to do next. What...
06:30 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To How to get mockable current time in java enterprise
With Java version 8 it's very easy to get the current timestamp with One problem that might arise is it's not easily testable/mockable. Imagine some testing data and conditions de...
06:25 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Scrum Meeting: What Is IT and How to Run It
The scrum framework is a set of principles that help teams adapt to changing conditions and requirements. It helps learn and improve by taking into account the various factors that affect their work e...
05:38 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Client side PDF generator
Well wonder How client side PDF's are generated and you have tried coulpe and felt nouthing much you can do?. I have used diffrent libray in diffrent projects and well they have their limitations.In t...
05:20 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Cost to hire Angular developer in India!
Are you looking to outsource the developers for your project? There are several options to select from. A Lot of possibilities can cause over-calculation and can hide your pragmatic side as well and I...
05:17 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Started my technical blog
03:57 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Frontend performance pattern
Original post: Why should you read this?Common patterns use to optimize frontend performanceBoost your web app speedConvince your boss an...
03:38 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To How to securely deploy an AWS-S3 bucket with Terraform
In this article, you will learn how to securely deploy and configure an AWS-S3 bucket using Terraform. You might be asking yourself, wait a minute, this is an easy task, so why do I need a template t...
03:23 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Cracking the Frontend Interview, Part 1: Overview
After having a job at your dream company, you often realise that tackling the interview is more difficult than working at real projects. Let's take an overview look at what to focus when preparing for...
03:12 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Free curated developer virtual events platform with technical and career events
As someone learning programming, I'm always learning something new. I've realized the to be able to learn, I have to ask questions and share my understandings.I've found developer virtual events helpf...
02:08 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To The Growth of Online Romance Scams, Facebooks Content Moderation 'Sweatshop, & more on DevNews
We're back with a brand new episode of DevNews! S7:E6 - The Growth of Online Romance Scams, Facebooks Content Moderation 'Sweatshop, and More DevNews ...
01:55 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Let's create a face dataset with unsplash data
I want to get more into dataset creation and exploration and when unsplash released a dataset a while back i knew that it was a good excuse to start.Then thought seeing other dataset like FFHQ and sim...
01:29 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Algoritmos e Paradigmas de Programao
Definio: Um algoritmo um conjunto de instrues que realizam uma tarefa.Pesquisa BinriaA entrada uma lista ordenada de elementos. Se o elemento que voc est buscando est na lista, a pesquisa binria ret...
01:09 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To TypeScript and the Error: Cannot Redeclare Block Scoped Variable
Hi, Devs!Who are getting start in Typescript could face this error: "Cannot Redeclare Block Scoped Variable Name" and it means a concept into that language.Let's see an example:The error is comi...
12:55 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To How to create a percentage calculator using JavaScript
In this tutorial well create 3 different types percentage calculators using JavaScript.X is what % of Y?What is X% of Y?What is the % increase or decrease between X & Y?Each calculator has almost ...
12:29 am GMT - Fri, February 18, 2022
Dev To Next.js on-demand ISR by Sanity GROQ-powered webhooks
With the latest Next.js 12.1 version finally we got one of the most powerful missing feature: on-demand ISR !Thanks to this you can revalidate your SSG pages on the fly without rebuild all the site or...
11:56 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Understanding Azure Synapse Analytics
Azure Synapse Analytics is not just a data warehouse. It also provides the capability for big data analytics, data integration, and data visualization along with data warehousing, and all of these fea...
11:42 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To How to Create a GitHub Repository
GitHub is a wonderful tool for beginner programmers to learn how to use. It allows for saving code to the cloud and continuous integration. In order to use GitHub developers commit, or add, changes to...
11:16 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To How to turn your linux machine into a Router.
Routing Setting up a home labFirst things first, before setting up a network, always use a diagram, it helps you get your plan in order and not get lost along the way. So this is our diagra...
09:08 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Ethereum BlockChain Development (2)
Part 2: Build the test React App and realize making transactions locally using MetaMask Wallet.The purpose of building this blog is to write down the detailed operation history and my memo for l...
09:04 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Python Project Setup Virtual Environments and Package Management
Virtual Environments in PythonVirtual Environments are isolated Python environments that have their own site-packages. Basically, it means that each virtual environment has its own set of depend...
08:43 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To How to manage your cheatsheets?
TL;DR; launching on 2022 March 4thRecently i've started my Year of Hustle. I was trying to come up with something worthwhile for my first mini-projects. I thought to myself: I know ...
08:39 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Day 0: Solving the FizzBuzz problem with Javascript
So, before we start a quick disclaimer: I have no idea what I'm doing with javascript. I'm part of the #100devs program and we are going to start learning javascript today. However, our commander-in-c...
08:39 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Getting Started with Github Action Workflows
This article gives a brief introduction to the concepts and syntax of github actions. While the official documentation of github actions is comprehensive, the aim of this article is to help avoid thos...
08:33 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Stimulus Rails 7 Tutorial
Hotwire (HTML-over-the-wire) ships by default in Rails 7. Stimulus is one component of Hotwire, the other one being Turbo.The key promise of the Hotwire approach is to get the benefits of single-page ...
08:21 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Basic Google Big Query Operations with a Salesforce sync demo in MULE 4
If we think about data storage the first think it comes to our mind is a regular database, this can be any of the most popular ones like Mysql, SQL server, Postgres, Vertica etc, but I noticed no too ...
08:21 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Nudge Github PR reviewers with Slack API
You know that moment when you have a Pull Request waiting for someone to review but days pass and no one is looking at it, so you have to manually ask reviewers in a public channel or privately. How w...
08:21 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To AI plug-ins for WordPress sites
If we are looking to incorporate AI into our website search functionality to optimize the buyer experience, should we do that with a WordPress plugin or are we better off with a different approach? An...
08:21 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Git: hide specific branch when doing git log --all
I deploy on Github pages. Deployment and hosting are on gh-pages branch.When doing my usual check of branch status and history using:git log --oneline --all --graphI faced this p...
08:16 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Authentication Spec (Fundamentals of TDD)
Test Driven DevelopmentTest Driven Development, or TDD, is a process of development where the developer first creates test cases for the software, meaning what the developer wants the software t...
08:14 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To AzureFunBytes Episode 70 - Intro to @Azure Stream Analytics with @fleid_bi
AzureFunBytes is a weekly opportunity to learn more about the fundamentals and foundations that make up Azure. It's a chance for me to understand more about what people across the Azure organization d...
08:10 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To N-Cus-Weather with Azure
Overview of My ProjectDevelopment of a fully fledged hardware to software weather station app integration with azure.Problem -- Due to the most of the incoming services on weather people are not...
08:09 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To What is wrong with SOURCE MAPS and how not to mess with them?
Hello, my name is Dmitry Karlovskiy and I have... post-traumatic stress disorder after generating sourcemaps. And today, with your help, we will treat this by immersing ourselves as deeply as possible...
07:33 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Why and how to transpile dependencies of your JavaScript application
If youre a web developer, Im sure that you use bundlers (e.g., Webpack, Rollup, or Parcel) which transpile the JavaScript code of your application with Babel under the hood. No doubt that you also use...
07:30 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To How to send Solana transaction using Python
In this tutorial, we are going to be seeing how we can send a transaction in the Solana blockchain using Python!For this, you do not need to know any complexity or what happens behind the scenes. We w...
07:05 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Welcome Thread - v164
Welcome to DEV!Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.Reply to someone's comment, either w...
06:57 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Hybrid Cloud: Is It A Good Choice?
Your enterprise might want (or need) to combine public clouds, private clouds, and on-premises resources to gain the agility it needs for a competitive advantage. Typically, the IT agenda has been foc...
06:41 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To WordPress website now - Get your website in 12-15 minutes
Over 45 pre-built websites each with 7 professional plugins ready installed in 10 minutes. Industry solutions for hairdressers, yoga, massage and much more. GET IT NOW ...
06:34 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To How Can You Use Metaphors To Elevate Your Writing
Metaphors are a distinctive trope of language which allow readers to make associations. Basically, metaphors allow readers to connect the literal with the figurative, making the known stand for the un...
06:29 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To CRM Customer Relationship Management Pro
Advantage of the CRM ProData is stored locally on the computer. No customer data is uploaded to unknown servers (which, by the way, is forbidden without the customers consent). Even runs on a US...
06:25 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To CheckOut Page
06:25 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Reemplazar Switch por Objetos literales en JavaScript
Probablemente ms de algunos de ustedes habrn escuchado en repetidas ocaciones que suele ser mejor usar Object Literals en lugar de sentencias switch o inclusive if.Las sentencias switch, son de las pr...
06:25 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Bubble Witch 2 Saga MOD APK v1.138.0 For Android (MOD/Acceleration/Unlimited Lives)
The Description of Bubble Witch 2 Saga MOD APK 1.138.0 (Unlimited Lives)If you like the Bubble Witch series, download Bubble Witch 2 Saga the next exciting casual game from Bubble Witch. The game bel...
06:21 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To A Visual Explanation of React Server Components
I've been digging into React Server Components via Shopify Hydrogen, and I'm very impressed & excitedHere is a visual explanation of my understanding of RSC and what it means for you: First, ...
06:19 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Kubernetes and Apache Cassandra: What Works (and What Doesnt)
I need it now and I need it reliable ANYONE WHO HASNT DEPLOYED APPLICATION INFRASTRUCTUREIf youre on the receiving end of this statement, we understand you here in the K8ssandra community. Although we...
05:49 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Service to generate preview image from HLS stream
This is an example of how you could write a service that on-the-fly generates a preview image or video from an HLS stream. Before we start, why would you need this type of service? One use case is tha...
05:40 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Facebook Microdata Tags for WooCommerce and Shopify
I am an SEO and CMS expert, who have been helping clients from around the world for the last 5 years. Solving problems was the course of my day job, which I left just before the pandemic. I love solvi...
05:15 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To filter() method in JavaScript
Definition by MDN: The filter() method creates a new array with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.Let's see some examples:Example 1: Given an array of numbers, filte...
05:02 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Target5 CSS Battle
Hey guys, I am back with the CSSBattle Series!This article is for Target#5 "Acid Rain" on CSSBattle The best approach I could come up till now is stated below.<p id="a"><p><p id="...
04:23 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Planning for Complexity
My team recently had to put together a large component for uploading CSVs that had a lot of moving parts. S3 uploads, background workers, GraphQL polling, and real-time progress bars were all involved...
04:12 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Creating custom cursors for your website
Hi!In this quick tutorial, I'll show you how you can create custom cursors with just images and a few lines of CSS code.Screenshot: The Cursors:We need at least one custom cursor image. You can l...
04:10 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Ten Considerations for a Cloud Procurement | AWS White Paper Summary
Cloud procurement presents an opportunity to reevaluate existing procurement strategies so you can create a flexible acquisition process that enables your public sector organization to extract the ful...
03:46 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Privacy friendly website analytics with Umami and NextJS
Website analytics is truly a very important thing. We can understand our audience well and can tailor our content to our audience for higher engagement. Google Analytics had always been the go-to solu...
03:45 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To 10 Frustrations That Every Developer Can Relate With
Being a developer/programmer is not an easy task. Frustrations are bound to happen in this course of work. A certain degree of frustration is inevitable, and you will have to deal with it. Developing ...
03:44 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To JavaScript Basics 9: Network and HTTP
You can download the source code for this tutorial here:Download the Source CodeIf you've made it to this article, congratulations, we are done with the frontend basics of JavaScript. It is almost tim...
03:35 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Thoughts on NFTs?
I've been following the NFT scene loosely since September and I have a basic understanding of what it has to offer, the advantages, and of course the disadvantages that the mainstream internet user ba...
03:35 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To "Deep" reactivity in Svelte
From the Vue.js documentation:The reactive conversion is "deep": it affects all nested properties.In Vue.js, when using the data option or the reactive() function, a JavaScript object is transformed i...
03:27 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Resumable JavaScript with Qwik
When Misko Hevery (creator of AngularJS) approaches you to look at his new framework, well, you stop and listen. I was already aware of Qwik and saw the potential, but this was as good as any to stop ...
03:18 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Should I quit my career?
I need some suggestion regarding my career as a front end developer?SHOULD I QUIT MY CAREER AS A FRONTEND DEVELOPER?(Read please and give your valuable feed back)In frontend development i know HTML, C...
03:05 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Services and Ingresses in Kubernetes
Before starting this post, I want to congratulate you all for making it till here! Kubernetes is intimidating, especially if you come from a developer background. The fact that you were able to unders...
03:01 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To How to Build a GraphQL server with NodeJS and Express
Being able to work with APIs and write queries is crucial to any developers skill set. While working with REST APIs may be the standard, more and more teams opt to setup their APIs using GraphQL. In t...
02:57 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To H1 2022: Product roadmap
We believe that part of being open source is to share our processes, plans and roadmaps into the open. We are therefore thrilled to reveal the expected roadmap for Medusa over the next six months. The...
02:01 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Resumes and Cover Letters with Chloe Condon
This season, were helping you level up your interviewing skills! Each week Lauren Lee, Danny Ramos, and industry experts will offer advice on navigating career progression within tech.Do you have idea...
01:59 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To openEuler 20.03 LTS SP3 Kickstart Automatic Installation on VMware Workstation
IntroductionAs openEuler also uses Redhat Anaconda as its OS installer, we can use Kickstart for Automatic Installation. However, the guides provided in the previous documentation officially are...
01:42 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Why I love Ruby (part 1)
In this series of posts I will list the things that I always loved about Ruby. Some of these work differently in other languages or they don't exist at all. I will try to give some comparisons when po...
01:33 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To GitHub - Git Cheat Sheet
Hello Guys Today I am sharing GitHub Git Cheat Sheet 1. Git Configuration$ git config --global "Your Name"Set the name that will be attached to your commits and tags.$ git config --glo...
12:51 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Weather App using Node JS and handlebars templating engine
As we all know that Javascript is a very powerful language which helps us to do amazing things on the web and with the combination of Node JS (running on the server-side) it has become even more treme...
12:37 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Letterize.js Animation
12:33 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To NotionOps - Part 2: Write Qovery data into Notion
PART 1: Presentation and project setupPART 2: Write Qovery data into NotionHere is the next step in our NotionOps journey. Recap of what we have done so far:We created a basic Node.js project.We integ...
12:26 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To The real image tag: vs
The image tag is used to tell the web browser to display an image.It is usually written as <img /> and can have attributes such as (but not limited to) src - used to specify the path to the imag...
12:24 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Mediterranean Building Materials
MBM is a leading supplier of construction materials in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
12:24 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Why 2022 will be Exciting for Developers
It's hard to make predictions, especially about the future, but that's exactly what we'll try to do in this article 2021 was a strange year.There was a significant regime change, we finally beat the p...
12:23 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Top 15 IT Certcollections in demand for 2022
IT certcollection can help you snappily gain and validate precious skills and know-how in a sphere that will foster your career. Then are the most popular IT certs moment. Certcollection can validate ...
12:13 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Primeiros passos em Dart, como instalar Dart SDK no Linux e compilar Hello World!!
Como instalar Dart SDK no LinuxInstalar usando apt-get:sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install apt-transport-httpssudo sh -c 'wget -qO- | apt-key ...
12:09 pm GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Implementing a Continuous Testing strategy for DevOps
So, before I jump into our Continuous Testing Strategy, I want to cover off why we want to enhance our testing capability.At the heart of it, it is to reduce the risk of incidents that could cause los...
11:54 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Whats Wrong With Measuring Developer Performance ( 10 Best Metrics)
*header pic by Shen ComixDeveloper performance is a hot topic nowadays, especially during the COVID-19 time when most of us work from our home offices. Executives feel a strong need to measure develop...
11:42 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To A complete guide to Flutter architecture
Flutter is a UI toolkit from Google that allows users to build natively-compiled applications for the web, desktop, and mobile devices. It is also embedded from one single codebase, meaning that while...
11:41 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Creating a Vehicle OOPs way
While interviewing entry-level developer(s), to test their understanding of OOPs concept more often than anything I ask them to design a Real-life object in code viz. a vehicle.I see a lot of candidat...
11:39 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To fdfd
123@Bean public FilterRegistrationBean httpFilter() { FilterRegistrationBean registrationBean = new FilterRegistrationBean(); registrationBean.setFilter(new HttpFilter()); regi...
11:35 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To SAML vs OAuth vs OIDC
What is the right Authentication Protocol for your Business Case? Which authentication protocol would you choose? In this video Ubisecure's IAM experts go through the business cases of SAML, OAuth and...
11:34 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To What is SAML? | How does Microsoft Azure AD SAML work? | SAML vs OAuth
If you have ever interacted with Azure AD, then you have definitely interacted with the process of SAML authentication.If you've ever wanted to know What is SAML? and How does it work? then this video...
11:33 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Watch Crypto expert explain the Blockchain to Congress
Watch Crypto expert explain the Blockchain to Congress.At a congressional hearing on crytpocurrency, Bitfury CEO Brian Brooks explains the blockchain and how it plays an integral role in Web 3.0....
11:30 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Smart contracts - Simply Explained
What are smart contracts and what do they have to do with blockchains and cryptocurrencies? Well, let's find in plain English!...
11:30 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To 4 non-coding tips on how to improve coding skills
What do you do in your job? Simple question, but usually the answer is not that simple. We write code, but is the knowledge of your languages of choice the only thing that you should learn? Are there ...
11:27 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Build Audience with Mailchimp API for Free Using Laravel
Hello everyone ,Mailchimp is one of the most popular all-in-one marketing platforms that helps you manage and talk to your clients, customers, and other interested parties. There is no doubt tha...
11:11 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Expo 101: Building mobile apps in weeks, not years
Mobile app development used to be painful. In this post, I talk about how Expo changed that forever. At the end of this post, you'll get a solid understanding of the entire Expo ecosystem, and you'll ...
11:03 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To These 8 Tech Giants Have Invested Big in The Metaverse
Metaverse projects are blooming, and some companies are betting big on them being the Next Big Thing.The term "metaverse" has spread through the internet and become a very hot topic. The idea of a hug...
09:52 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Rust and web assembly Rust Tutorial:3
what is Rust?Rust is a memeory safe compiled language,It is used where memory is critical,where high level languages use garbage collector and low level languages give you pointers and allocations to ...
09:47 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Top Most Popular Pythons Frameworks Compared
Python is one of the most popular and easy-to-learn programming languages and is used almost everywhere, including web development. There are many of Pythons most popular frameworks for it. Many of th...
09:39 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To How to dress up/prepare for the Aldi interview?
Aldi is a general store that works on a worldwide level and is one of the biggest retailer chains in Europe. Which began as a little staple outlet in 1913 in Germany has now developed into a mammoth c...
08:56 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Writing Helped Me Make More Than 10K USD in the Last 2Years
I used to wonder how people make money on the internet through their writing skills.My idea of making money through writing was having a world-famous blog that gets millions of requests per month. And...
08:31 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To The most valuable non-technical skills of 2022.
The work market is constantly changing.Having specific career skills can make a difference in your success no matter what technology you're working in today.Knowing which skills are in high demand mig...
07:19 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To How to delete documents in mongo with mongoose
To delete one entry you can use findOneAndRemove command - it issues a mongodb findAndModify remove command.Finds a matching document, removes it, passing the found document (if any) to the callback.l...
07:12 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Animated Sidebar Navigation Panel using HTML, CSS and Javascript
In this video tutorial we will be building anawesome animated navigation panel purely using HTML,CSS and little bit of JS. highly recommend beginners to watch it so they c...
07:06 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Setting up Selenium in Docker Container and Pushing Image in Amazon ECR
Running headless mode selenium in Docker Container then pushing image in Amazon ECR.What is Amazon ECR?Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) is a fully managed Docker container registry that makes i...
06:58 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To How to remove class on scroll top and add on scroll down on html body using JavaScript.
Here we are going to write simple JavaScript for remove class on html body on scroll top behavior and add class on scroll down behavior which is most used in mobile responsive web designs to show and ...
06:01 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To The types in TypeScript
When it comes to TypeScript, a big part of the game is defining types.With this, we can define annotations, but they can appear in more places.In this specific article, we will go through the most bas...
06:01 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Nuxt 3 and Pinia
Nuxt 3 and PiniaIntegrate Pinia as your state management library for your Nuxt 3 application. Vuex -> PiniaEvan You, the creator of Vue himself, has stated "Pinia is de facto Vuex 5! At ...
05:44 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To A gentle introduction to dApps in 2022
What happens on blockchain, stays on blockchainand so does your dApp.In the cryptoverse, Bitcoin tends to guzzle all the limelight. But little did we know that Ethereum will not only overtake Bitcoin ...
05:28 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To What is the most important Full Stack developer abilities?
We've mentioned it before that a Full Stack Developer is a person with numerous capabilities. Here are the Full Stack Developer capabilities that are not negotiable! 1. HTML/CSSWhile HTML is a sh...
05:28 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Need help please, I'm having trouble finding resources on the internet to set up this session connection system
Hello, I am a beginner developer (Reactjs, mern...) But I remain open to learn other technologies.I would like to develop a web application with two ways to access a user's session.the first: the clas...
05:20 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Elixir logging to (multiple) file(s) using metadata_filter
This is a follow up post for JSON Logging in Elixir using a custom formatter where we looked in to how to log request logs to a file using a custom formatter. We require below hex dependencies in our ...
05:15 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To The Future of AI-Powered Voice Assistant Apps
AI-powered voice assistant apps have made a powerful impression in this modern technological age. They have now forayed into the travel industry with much fanfare and success. So what exactly is the...
05:14 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To How onDestroy() lifecycle function works in Svelte?
When we removed the component from DOM, the onDestroy() method is used. We need to call it before the component is removed from the DOM.Let's create a new component, DateAndTimeComponent.svelte and ad...
05:05 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Cloud Procurement Strategy: Everything You Should Know About
Cloud technology is widely used by many organizations to take advantage of its scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. However, new updates with ease also bring new complexities in its procu...
04:55 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Android or iOS Apps Development? Which One Better For You
When faced with choosing apps development based on Android or iOS, this problem can be answered by market demand measured from the previous year experiencing an increase or decrease in the number of u...
04:55 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Cyberfeminism? Should men be cyberfeminists?
With all the different approaches and strands of feminism, should men be cyberfeminists?Cyberfeminism, coined in the 1990's is a feminism approach that seeks to describe the work of feminists interest...
04:54 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To What are Virtual Desktop Infrastructure and Its Use Cases?
VDI uses virtual machines for managing virtual desktops. It is known to be a virtualization solution for virtual machines. Many organizations working with VDI have experienced several benefits for the...
04:53 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Some Redux core concepts and their responsibilities
Hi, in the Redux world, I only change thanks to a reducer. Howdy, I am in charge of communicating what needs to be done.Greetings, I am in charge of transforming the state as per an action request.Hey...
04:46 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To How to customize HTTP Exception In NestJS
, , , , . , , Front-end , / . . .{ "status" : 401, // Http Status Code "code" : "UNAUTHORIZED_USER" // string Response code "error" : true /...
03:57 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To How to make your web page appear in Google Search results
Table of ContentsIntroductionPrerequisitesVerify ownershipIndex the pageTest the web page Introduction Why do we even care about making our web pages visible on Google?Even though the...
03:30 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To 7 real-world applications of reinforcement learning
Reinforcement learning is a subdomain of machine learning in which agents learn to make decisions by interacting with their environment. It recently gained popularity through its ability to achieve su...
02:02 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Custom Password Validation in Python (Unit test the function for password validation)
These posts will be in three parts.Function for password validationRefactoring the function for password validationUnit test the function for password validationThis is the third and final part of the...
01:47 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Complete Guide On How To Use Styled-components In React
I have often found styling a React application very confusing and difficult. Initially, I was confused about how to structure my CSS files, thoughts like "should I dedicate a specific CSS file to spec...
01:22 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Securing RMarkdown Documents
You can now use the R package polished to secure RMarkdown (.Rmd) documents that use the shiny runtime. This includes flexdashboards! Check out the full blog post here....
12:18 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To Refuse to Harm Your Software Architecture in the Name of Type Safety
If you're designing your software differently than you might prefer to otherwise, all in the name of type safety, I consider that an unqualified blunder. (I'm speaking from the standpoint of building ...
12:12 am GMT - Thu, February 17, 2022
Dev To How YOU can build a great looking .NET Console app with Spectre
This article will show how to build a great looking console app that your users will love interacting with. The console app will contain some graphical widgets that will make for a great user experien...
11:45 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To How a $725M VC Judges Your Engineering Team w/ Redpoint Ventures' Jason Warner
Dev Interrupted has a new podcast page on! Have a listen over here!Venture capitalists have a reputation for wielding ruthless insights, judgements and criticisms of companies, tools and talent...
11:43 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To tsParticles 1.41.2 Released
tsParticles 1.41.1 Changelog UpdatesAsync InteractorsUpdated some readme files tsParticles 1.41.2 Changelog Bug FixesFixed svelte component, it was having issues with TypeScript s...
11:35 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To 3 Most Important Focus Areas for Developer Experience
I've received a ton of inbound requests to share my expertise in the Developer Experience (DX) space. It's clear that this has emerged from the DevRel space as a key component of a successful DevRel p...
11:12 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Javascript Reserved Keywords
When writing code, a reserved keyword is one you can't use as the name of a variable or identifier. As of 2022, this is the full list of valid reserved keywords in Javascript. All Javascript Rese...
10:53 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Everything you need to know about JS Variables
One of the most important concepts in Javascript, as with most programming languages, is the ability to define variables. A variable is a container of a value or data. Some types of variables can late...
10:33 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Listen to the S8E2 of DevDiscuss: "You Too Can Create Beautiful Data-Driven Essays Like The Pudding"
Here's a delicious and freshly-baked episode of DevDiscuss to satisfy your developer podcast cravings. Added bonus: it goes great with Pudding S8:E2 - You Too Can Create Beautiful Da...
09:56 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Feature update: Rich Content Embeds
Hello DEV Community!I'm excited me to announce a significant improvement in how we embed rich content (such as Tweets and Youtube videos) in Forem posts and comments.Now, you need just the embed keywo...
09:22 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To No Sacred Cows: I, Interface
The ArgumentWhy should prefix the names of interfaces with I in C#? Here is the full answer given from Microsoft's documentation on C# coding standards. To save you the click, I'll post it here....
09:11 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To I Put Away My Stethoscope and Grabbed My Laptop
Hello friends,I figured since this is my first post, I should talk about my story and how I got here. My name is Amanda, and I used to be(well, technically still am according to my license) a Register...
08:54 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To I made a template that scores 100 in every speed test
template link--scoring 100 in Lighthouse and in other performance test is hard yet it is every front end developer's dream, however most of us don't achieve that because it simply takes a lot of work...
08:42 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Ethereum Development Blog (1)
Part 1: Deploy BlockChain and Smart ContractThe purpose to build this blog is to write down the detailed operation history and my memo for learning Dapp.If you are also interested and want to ge...
08:19 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To 3 SQL Interview Tips For Data Scientists And Data Engineers
Photo byElisa VenturonUnsplashSQL has become a common skill requirement across industries and job profiles over the last decade.Companies like Amazon and Google will often demand that their data analy...
08:02 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Migrate an App from MongoDB to HarperDB Livestream
Don't Miss This Opportunity to Code with LucasLucas Santos, Senior Software Engineer and Google Dev Expert, will demonstrate the migration process from a MongoDB database to a HarperDB instance ...
07:51 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To I made a programming language without any knowledge.
Hello folks! I decided to make a minimal programming language... without any knowledge... StartingFor this challenge, I chosed C++ because its fast. I would chose rust but i will rewrite with rus...
07:41 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Getting to know about Components in React
*What Are Components? *Components let you split the UI into independent, reusable pieces, and think about each piece in isolation. Components modularize both functionality and presentation in our code...
07:34 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Setting up a Vuex Store with Nuxt
There's a lot to learn out there about Flux, Vuex, Nuxt, Vue, a framework of a framework, and so on. My idea here is to keep it as simple as possible. I really encourage you to go and read the docs fo...
07:33 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Optimizing Lists in React - Solving Performance Problems and Anti-patterns
I'm Federico, a Software Engineer specialized in Frontend Development and System Programming. You can find out more about my work on Twitter, YouTube and GitHub.This post originally appeared on my per...
07:32 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To OpenPGP proof
This is an OpenPGP proof that connects my OpenPGP key to this account. For details check out[Verifying my OpenPGP key: openpgp4fpr:fa47e803f801e0fcc57...
07:31 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Middleware inGo
Middleware is a powerful idea that allows us to decompose complex systems into layers of abstractions. When we discuss middleware in the context of Go we are referring to the ability of some self-cont...
07:25 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To rtmp.ts (Elocast)
Starting with your own product is tough, especially if you care about the ownership of your product - PaaS solutions are quick and easy to deploy, but terrible when it comes to the latter point.Which ...
07:24 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To How to use a secure private NuGet source in Visual Studio or JetBrains Rider
A how to guide on using a secure and private NuGet package source for your .NET dependencies in Visual Studio and JetBrains Rider..NET, the Microsoft supported open source framework, is celebrating 20...
07:22 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To JavaScript Basics 8: Drawing on Canvas
You can download the source code for this tutorial here:Download the Source CodeRemember when we talked about HTML and CSS, we briefly introduced something called SVG? It allows us to create beautiful...
07:15 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To How does TikTok use machine learning?
TLDRTikTok uses machine learning algorithms to curate their For You feed. The feed is personalized to every users unique interests and interactions with TikToks content. OutlineIntroCategor...
07:10 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Optimizing your MySQL queries
Odds are, if you're doing any commercial programming, you've had to interact with a SQL database. They're a staple in programming due to how easy it is to store and retrieve data on them and the many ...
07:08 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Focuses That Affect Blog SEO
Remain TimeDespite the way that stay time is an underhanded situating part for Google, it's an essential component in the client experience - and we understand that client experience is regardless of ...
07:05 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Creating a simple file explorer with recursive components in React
IntroductionRecursion is one of the most common programming constructs there is. Recursion in JavaScript land, is generally implemented via recursive functions, where a function calls itself. A ...
05:57 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To map() method in JavaScript
Let's see what MDN has to say:The map() method creates a new array populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array.Here the calling array is the origina...
05:30 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Stop AWS Account Hacks
The message got my attention:Client: "My AWS training account was hacked and I got a big bill!"Me: "How big?"Client: "7k in 3 hours and it keeps going - help!"This story is a cautionary tale, it's not...
05:11 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To What is AsyncAPI?
AsyncAPI is the most popular specification for describing asynchronous APIs and Event-Driven Architectures.Open-source and partially based on OpenAPI standards, AsyncAPI has been a solid and efficient...
05:05 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To 10 GitHub repos you cannot miss out on
What is a repository?Basically a repo is short for repository. A repository is like a container, it stores your files. It is stored with a history of changes you've made. If you don't get what a repo ...
05:03 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Using Athena Views As A Source In Glue
Whilst working with AWS Glue recently I noticed that I was unable to use a view created in Athena as a source for an ETL job in the same way that I could use a table that had been cataloged.The error ...
04:50 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Filter on map function in React JS
Hello Guys Today i am going to show you how you can apply filter on map function.So why i have to use filter method on map function well here is the problem i faced<div> {
04:49 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Configure secret-less connection from App Services to Azure Sql via terraform
It's been a while since we can connect App services to Azure Sql in a secret-less fashion, using managed service identity (MSI for brevity from now onwards). The configuration is a bit more complicate...
04:28 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Upgrade your command line
This is a repost from Junior Developer Diaries, head over there to see more tutorials, tips and tricks I wish I had when starting out. Context switching in your workflow (the enemy)Imagine you're...
04:01 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Day 6 of Studying LeetCode Solution until I Can Solve One on My Own: Problem1534.Count Good Triplets(Easy/JavaScript)
Intro: I am a former accountant turned software engineer graduated from coding bootcamp in January 2022. Algorithms and Data Structure is an unavoidable part of interviews for most of the tech compani...
03:59 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Showing up Everyday
Ever since I started online learning due to Covid, I've been having some time management issues and my procrastination habits have worsen. I think it's because I never had great habits to begin with w...
03:34 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Web 3.0 & blockchain - how they work together
Hello guys! In this post we'll be looking into the web and internet, the problems of the current web, blockchains, web3, and how web3 and blockchains works together. Let's dive in!!. What is inte...
03:25 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Youre Doing It Wrong Recruiting a DevRel
This article was co-written with Wesley Faulkner. Wesley Faulkner is a first-generation American, public speaker, and podcaster. He is a founding member of the government transparency group Open Austi...
03:24 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To How to build a MongoDB admin panel
MongoDB doesnt come with a comprehensive admin panel out of the box. There is Compass, the GUI built by and for MongoDB that is made for querying, optimizing, and analyzing data, but it wont meet ev...
02:59 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Exploring red flags in React Native security libraries
Cossack Labs security engineers analysed several React Native financial applications which have 100+ direct dependencies, including 16 cryptographic ones, to show you the state of the React Native ope...
02:38 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Predictive Analytics Architecture on AWS
AWS includes the components needed to enable pipelines for predictive analytics workflows. There are many viable architectural patterns to effectively compute predictive analytics. In this section, we...
02:35 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Random Password Generator | Html CSS Javascript
Make a Random Password Generator using Html CSS Javascript, step-by-step from SCRATCH Source Code:HTML<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> &l...
02:31 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Path Sum(code and Explanation)
Problem StatementQ.)Given the root of a binary tree and an integer targetSum, return all root-to-leaf paths where the sum of the node values in the path equals targetSum.Binary treeInput: root = [5,4,...
02:31 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Benefits of using Strapi with Typescript Storybook tandem
We are working on react components integrated with strapi and storybook. Both for me - a novice programmer and for Wojtek - a programmer with many years of experience and extensive knowledge, it brin...
02:26 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To 5 formas de eliminar elementos de un arreglo con Javascript
Photo by Devin Avery on Unsplash TLDRLeccin en video en eggheadJavascript es un lenguaje muy flexible que ofrece mltiples formas de solucionar un problema.Por ejemplo: Eliminar elementos de un ar...
02:21 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To JavaScript Basics 7: Handling Events
You can download the source code for this tutorial here:Download the Source CodeIn computer programming, an event is a user input, such as mouse and keyboard actions, and the program we write is usual...
01:29 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To How to Make any Website Shoppable with Commerce Layer
Digital commerce has changed, and there is an increasing demand for faster and highly efficient solutions across multiple interaction channels. The rise of headless commerce allows for more creative f...
01:26 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To M3O - A new serverless cloud platform
Hey all Happy to share M3O, a new serverless cloud platform we're building which tries to put all the common building blocks on one platform. Our goal is to abstract away the complexity of the cloud a...
01:17 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Strategy Design Pattern in Go
According to Wikipedia,The strategy pattern (also known as the policy pattern) is a behavioral software design pattern that enables selecting an algorithm at runtime. Instead of implementing a single ...
01:16 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Sending a V-Model Through a Slot in Vue 3
If you ever attempt to send a v-model through a slot in Vue 3 (or Vue 2), you learn pretty quickly that it isn't possible out of the box. However, there is a workaround.The following code example allo...
01:12 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Play 2048 game and win Crypto on Game Infinity
IntroductionNFT Gaming is getting popular with the Upgrading Advanced Technology and Blockchain.You can sell your owned In-Game NFT to other needed Players, even rewards and prices to Make Money...
01:06 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Semantic HTML explained and how to use it
What is Semantic HTML?What are Semantic HTML elements? When looking at one it seems like any other HTML tag, however, its meaning and intended use are clearer to the browser interpreting the HTM...
01:05 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To devops tips& tricks on Telegram
We are collecting some devops (and security) tips & tricks on Telegram channel free to subscribe to get updates. It's recommended to mute the channel to avoid noisy alerts...
01:04 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To OAuth CodeFlow without redirection
I wanted to implement OAuth 2 Code Flow with PKCE by help of IdentityServer. Currently, mobile users put their user/password only in the mobile app. They do not redirect to other pages via browsers or...
01:03 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Terraform Workspaces For Beginners
When youre writing Terraform code, you have a state, which is in the tfstate file. The state tells the environment, whether youre deploying to the cloud or on-prem, what its supposed to look like. Whe...
01:03 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Side effects
Table of contentsIntroductionHow to deal with side effectsChaining side effects IntroductionInitially, I wanted to talk about function purity and referential transparency at this point of t...
01:03 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Overview Of SQL Stored Procedures
Hello Everyone, In the last post, I have covered the basics of how to creating and deleting Store procedures.In this post, I will go through the below topics and how to use in, Store proceduresVariabl...
12:57 pm GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To How to create full page tabs with Html, CSS and JavaScript
In this blog, I will teach you how to create full page tabs with Html, css, and JavaScript. Source Code<div class="container"> <div class="tab__conatiner"> <button class=...
11:26 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To React Js google auth
Install react-google-login modulenpm install react-google-loginstep 2 :Open Google developers consoleCreate new projectEnter The Project NameSelect you project -> Dashboardselect OAuth in the left ...
11:15 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To 9 Data Science Projects on GitHub You Should Check Out (Python & R)
If you're interested in data science, you'll want to check out these 10 projects on Github. These projects are perfect for beginners who want to learn more about data science and coding. Each project ...
11:11 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Top 4 Reasons to Choose Professional Press Releases Transcription Services
Why Hire a Press Releases Transcription Services Company?Professional transcription services play an essential role in your company or business. Especially when you attend conferences, conduct intervi...
11:09 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Go 1.18: Cut added to strings/bytes
Key takeawaysGo 1.18 is expected to be released in February 2022.New function Cut added to strings and bytes package, which will make our Go code pretty simpler. Go 1.18Go 1.18 includes sev...
11:00 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Does the organisation of your workplace influence your efficiency?
For me and for many people it does, and a lot!I am very privileged to have a good home office, but unfortunately not everyone does.A few small things that you can do to have a better working experienc...
10:56 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Growth is a journey, not a destination!
I have been for a few years growing a bit unintentionally, and I fear you might be as well. The problem with that is that you might end up in a path you didn't want.But what do I mean with "unintentio...
10:50 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To How to Safely Share Passwords and Secrets Codes Online
I've been wondering how to securely share passwords and secret codes online between your devices using your browser, without having to install the same password manager app on multiple devices. There ...
10:49 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Difference between AR and Vr
Two very different technologies combine a virtual and physical environment with 3D images to create a better experience. Real estate, healthcare, education, games, advertising, e-commerce, training, ...
10:49 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Read-only buckets in shared AWS accounts
You probably know that these days AWS advises you to create a separate account for every team/env/component/etc. I am certain you know that best practices and reality often differ. Maybe two teams nee...
10:48 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To A supervaluable trick of learning
Improving yourself is one of the nicest feelings in the world. And as a programmer also one of the most important skills probably. Lately I found out a way that works really well for me and I want to ...
10:46 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Sikh community profiles go with matrimonial platforms to find a perfect one
There are lots of Matrimonial site who works for Sikh community but is one of the best Indian Matrimonial services who also work for communities and they has also work for sikh commun...
10:46 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Wednesday Links - Edition 2022-02-16
JEP 423: Region Pinning for G1 (6 min) decade of major cache incidents at Twitter (35 min) of the order of operands in some K...
10:00 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Setting up for connect fetching local API or http React Native IOS / MacOS
Some of you maybe got confused, why the API doesnt work and get error when try to connect to local API or maybe http instead https.It because by default React Native cannot connect to API with http re...
09:48 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To 300 Tailwind UI Components, Blocks, and Sections - TailGrids
Tailwind CSS UI Components are one of the most trending resources for web developers, front-end developers, and software engineers who love to code in Tailwind CSS. Tailwind is a popular CSS framework...
09:47 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To An async & dynamic ORM for Rust!
SeaORM is a relational ORM to help you build web services in Rust with the familiarity of dynamic languages. Getting StartedIf you like what we do, consider starring, commenting, sharing an...
09:43 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Cmo TypeScript puede cambiar tu vida
Bienvenidos desarrolladores!JavaScript es ahora uno de los lenguajes de programacin ms utilizados y es fantstico en lo que hace.Pero no siempre es lo suficientemente estricto. Nos dar mucha libertad, ...
09:20 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Cmo hemos desarrollado nuestro modelo de Product Discovery en Adevinta Spain
En Adevinta Spain llevamos dos aos invirtiendo en mejorar todos los procesos relacionados con una de las fases ms clave del desarrollo de un producto digital: la fase de descubrimiento, en ingls Prod...
09:16 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To 5 formas de recorrer un array con JavaScript
Bienvenidos devs!En ese artculo vamos a ver 5 formas distintas que nos permiten recorrer un array con JavaScript.Un loop o bucle en cualquier lenguaje de programacin usualmente es cdigo que se repite ...
09:04 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Hackathon happening this weekend
IntroductionMaking projects during a hackathon is a terrific opportunity to brush up on your skills, discover new technologies and win prizes.I've identified a handful of them you may participat...
08:46 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To The Harsh Reality for JS Developers: If You Don't Study The Fundamentals You Will Be Just Another Coder
Three years ago, I faced a brutal truth.Up to that point, I had been writing dozens of lines of code. But, when asked to solve specific technical issues, I often realized I would get stuck on basic th...
08:28 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Using global memoization in React
When our React apps get slow, we usually turn to useMemo to avoid useless job on re-render. Its a hammer that often works well, and makes it hard to shoot yourself in the foot. But useMemo is not a si...
08:13 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Pagination with JPA queries
Use the firstResult(int startPosition) and setMaxResults(int maxResult) of the JPA Query interface.The firstResult() method sets the offset value in SQL lexicon, meaning the position of the first resu...
08:01 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Advance HTML and CSS ebook available
Web developers pretty much think this way, since were always hearing about something new. A year ago HTML5 and CSS3 seemed so far off in the distance, but already companies are using these technologie...
07:56 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Advice from a junior developer to a new freshly starting developer
IntroductionI have been working as a software developer close to 1 year now, and I have noticed some stuff during my time as a developer that could probably help a developer that is starting out...
07:45 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Polkadot: The Blockchain Protocol That Will Finally Bring Us Together
Hello. I'm Tudor, blockchain developer and writer at The Crypto JournalI help people understand Blockchain & Crypto concepts with the help of 5-minute worth-of-reading reports. If you are intreste...
07:12 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Golang Pointers
We know every variable has a location in memory. In Go, a pointer is a special variable used to store the memory address of another variable. With pointers you can retrieve as well store in that memor...
07:10 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Regal Keto Reviews - Legit Ketosis Supplement or Diet ...
More than half of the population of the United State are dealing with the issue of overweight and obesity. The unhealthy eating habits of junk and oily foods with no physical exercise make a person ga...
07:07 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To The Grammar of Graphics in Flutter Charts
The new version of Flutter visualization library Graphic optimized its declarative specification grammar, so that it can better represent the nature of the Grammar of Graphics.In this article, we vary...
06:55 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Chaos Engineering ?
wikipedia Youtube!! Netflix fail fail Netflix chaos platform traffic fails issue ChAP: Chaos Automation Platform ( Chaos Monkey , )....
06:53 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To How to Randomly Change Background Color in Javascript.
Introduction:In this article, you will learn how to change your background color randomly by using the Javascript built-in Math functions and the hexadecimal color code. You will learn how to us...
06:51 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Flutter vs React Native: Choose The Best Framework For Your Project
The selection of a framework is dependent on the applications requirements. We will be discussing Flutter vs. React Native Performance. This helps developers to choose the best platform for creating a...
06:47 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To How TypeScript can change your life
JavaScript is now one of the most used programming languages, and it's fantastic at what it does.But it's not always strict enough. It will give us a lot of freedom, which sometimes is exactly what we...
06:44 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Twitter meta clone by Quasar Vue SCSS TypeScript Vue Router
I've just deployed a twitter clone web.This project is written by me in Vue3 on Quasar CLI + TypeScript combined with SCSS+ Vue Router+ Prettier + Eslint.Stay up-to-date with tweets from news and ente...
06:44 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Digital Transformation: More about a cultural shift than a technological move
The International Data Corporation forecasts that global spending by businesses on digital transformation will reach $2.8 trillion in 2025, more than double the amount allocated in 2020.But driving an...
06:44 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Full Stack Developer Skills You Need to Know
Full Stack Developer is an engineer working on both the server-side and the client-side in the application software. This kind of developer operates with an application's Full Stack of a software appl...
06:43 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To How to use Private Git Repo as an NPM Package?
History in short: I was about to build a project in MERN stack. The architecture I chose was micro-service. I had to put some shared code in shared package. I looked onto which asks for mone...
05:03 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Passing State From the Server to the Browser in SvelteKit
After researching Angular Universal's TransferState from my Angular Universal post, I wanted to find out more about how this works in other frameworks.First let's understand other Frameworks: Ang...
05:02 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To 5 Free Perfect Headless CMS for JS Developers
Why headless CMS?Let us look at some of the benefits of headless CMS:Flexibility: transitional CMS is very limiting and can be frustrating. Using a headless CMS will allow you to design your fro...
04:44 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Os primeiros passos para sua vaga em desenvolvimento
Fala pessoal, belezinha? Aqui o pokemo com mais um artigo para falar um pouco sobre o comeo de carreira para uma pessoa dev. Sei que o ttulo ficou bem bosta, mas vou explicar um pouco sobre o que que...
04:41 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To 8 Local Brand trang sc vng tay, nhn ni ting th gii
Trang sc khng ch l mn ph kin gip ngi eo trng p hn m n cn c v nh mt kit tc ngh thut lm tn ln tm ng cp ca ngi dng. Ngy nay, cc Local Brand trang sc to nn cn st mnh m v nh hng khng nh n tri tim ngi tiu ...
04:32 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Remote Work Policy in Software Development
The pandemic has hit all industries hard, and many companies have either downsized or gone bankrupt. Many professionals have lost their jobs because many companies do not have the ability to digitize ...
04:31 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Everything You Need To Know About .Fetch()
What is Fetch()?We can interact with data inside of our JavaScript file pretty easily, but what about data outside of our JavaScript file? In order to interact with and manipulate data from an o...
04:30 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Angular-NGRX state management lifecycle simplified
IntroductionNGRX makes Angular development easier by simplifying the application's state in objects and enforcing unidirectional data flow. What is Redux!If you are new to NGRX, understandi...
04:27 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Accepted 100 days of Code challenge
Accepted 100 Days of code challenge from ( I already know Python,C programming and Java Basics. So I am ...
04:27 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Arbitrage Crypto Currencies using Binance and Twilio
Buildable is an instant backend and in-browser IDE with over 1,000 open-source integrations ready for use, tweak and ship. No third-party documentation required. No servers you need to know how to sca...
04:19 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To A tribute to developers, everywhere
Hey Devs,Moe (my Co-founder and I) originally co-founded Buildable with the mission of giving the world more technology. 2 years ago, we took a walk and envisioned a tool that would act as an instant ...
04:15 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Shisho Cloud evolved into a more sophisticated and developer-friendly security tool
Hello, I am Ryota, a product manager. Shisho Cloud beta was released in October 2021 and has been added new features and improved many functions for a few months. Today, I will introduce some exciting...
04:13 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Using polynomial interpolation to extract numerical data from seismic monitor images
Translated and modified from original article on Qiita. Disclaimer: I am not the author of the original article.Hi everyone, I'm Wolf and I'm an Android, backend, web and desktop developer. This is my...
03:05 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To All React Hooks Explained
Since React 16.8 the most common way to build a react component is using function because now we can have all the features of class components in functional components using hooks.But why use a functi...
01:57 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Teaching AI to Generate New Pokemon
Pokemon was first created in 1996. In the twenty years, it has become one of the most recognizable franchises in the world. By March 2020:Pokmon video games have sold over 380 million copies worldwide...
01:08 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To Exploring Git Repos With MergeStat
mergestat is an open-source tool that allows users to run SQL queries on the contents and history of git repositories.We recently added a summarize command, which prints out a summary report of variou...
12:25 am GMT - Wed, February 16, 2022
Dev To How we sped up a Regex by 50,000x to make a family-friendly MMO safe for all
Hello everyone! I'm Tim, a web / game developer at Toontown: Corporate Clash, a reimagined experience of the now defunct Disney's Toontown Online. I contribute to the game's backend service, the Corpo...
11:43 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Top 7 Featured DEV Posts from the Past Week
Every Tuesday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take i...
11:36 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To 5 Benefits OF Hiring A Copywriter For Your Business
Have you heard this term copywriter? If yes, you must know that a copywriter writes copies and blogs for your company.But, the primary goal for hiring a copywriter is only to sell your products and se...
11:28 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Adding Chaos to ML model Compute Targets
Cloud provides us the compute resources to perform machine learning jobs such as training, hyper parameter-tuning, inference which requires high CPU and memory utilisation. How do we ensure that the c...
11:28 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Adding Chaos to ML Compute Targets
Cloud provides us the compute resources to perform machine learning jobs such as training, hyper parameter-tuning, inference which requires high CPU and memory utilisation. How do we ensure that the c...
11:06 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Deploying My Probot App to a Serverless Lambda
I built a Probot application, but Im currently using to test webhooks, and Im running the application locally. Now that my app is production-ready, I want to deploy it to a lambda. There are m...
11:03 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Making 3D CSS Flippable Cards
A while back, I wrote an article on 3d interactive CSS buttons. Using a similar technique, I decided to design some 3d interactive (and flippable) CSS user cards. These also work great for lots of dif...
10:26 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To A Disposable Local Test Environment is Essential for DevOps / SysAdmin
Working on your infrastructure setups and testing your automation script can be tedious if you dont have a proper test environment that enables a fast iteration loop. The best when automating your ser...
10:26 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Javascript the Confusing Parts: Part 1 Coercion, Let vs Const vs var
Javascript is one of the most popular languages on the internet. According to the StackOverflow, 2021 survey javascript is the most popular programming/scripting language in 2021. Some People say java...
10:18 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Install PostgreSQL onto Ubuntu multipass vm
I recently installed PostgreSQL on a virtual machine on my dev computer. This post describes what I did to:install a vminstall PostgreSQLaccess PostgreSQL from the host machine via pgAdmininstall a sa...
10:09 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To How add Style-components to Next.js and start using it
In this tutorial, I'll show you how to add Styled-component to Next.js. If you don't know how to create a basic app with Next.js I'll suggest to you first read this post here For this tutorial, I...
10:05 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To The 3 Short Frontend tips for February
The button is the important path of the "Show/Hide password" patternFolks, I really love the "Show/Hide password" pattern Unfortunately, I see incorrect implementation sometimes where the butto...
09:55 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Day 5 of Studying LeetCode Solution until I Can Solve One on My Own: Problem56.Merge Intervals(Medium/JavaScript)
Intro: I am a former accountant turned software engineer graduated from coding bootcamp in January 2022. Algorithms and Data Structure is an unavoidable part of interviews for most of the tech compani...
09:47 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Developer Quickstart: PHP Data Object (PDO) and MariaDB
In a previous article I introduced you to the process of connecting to and communicating with MariaDB databases using the MySQL improved extension, MySQLi, for PHP. Ultimately, when youre writing PHP ...
09:40 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Day 100 of 100 Days of Code & Scrum: My First Day at a New Job
Great news!I started my first day in a new full-time role as a Full-stack Developer today. Originally, this was supposed to be a part-time position, but much to my surprise, I was told today that I'll...
09:20 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Renaming a table in production in PostgreSQL
Sometimes you don't get it right in the first attempt.When some time ago I announced that we need to rename one of the database tables in our recently launched service, some of my colleagues looked at...
09:05 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To React Native date picker
How to add Placeholder in Date Picker?How to use react-native-date-picker as component?Mostly, we should have to use every thing as child component.Install via npm or yarnnpm install react-native-date...
09:00 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Introduction to JavaScript Strings
IntroductionJavaScript Strings provide a way of representing and handling characters. JavaScript StringsA JavaScript string is a set of character(s) written inside quotes.// with single qu...
08:59 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To No-Code Machine Learning for IoT
Hi Everyone, we recently released the Community Edition of our Elipsa AI Platform. Through our APIs we offer a template based approach to Outlier Detection primarily for monitoring industrial equipme...
08:54 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Share The Gems You Love With RailsGems
Have you ever wondered what gems other developers like to use? What about your favorite Rails developers, what gems do they like? I sure have!That's why I built, an easy way to discover ...
08:53 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To A Step-by-step Guide to Preventing Tailgating Attacks
Complex digital hacking methods garner the most attention from cybersecurity leaders and professionals today, but physical security hacks still pose considerable threats to your business. A low-tech p...
08:50 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To styled-components keyframes animations - a very short guide
To create a @keyframes animation and use it with styled-components the first thing you need to do is to import the keyframes helper.import styled, { keyframes } from 'styled-components';Just as the di...
08:45 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Azure Pipelines Question
Hi,Azure devops pipeline questionI want to consume artifacts of one pipeline from another pipeline.Ex: Pipeline A should consume artifacts of Pipeline BAlso Pipeline B should trigger when there is Pul...
07:38 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To How our micro frontends help businesses big and small
Contrary to how they sound, micro frontends support big teams. Weve been working hard to bring you Fathym, our micro frontend platform. And now were moving out of the engineering phase and into user ...
07:37 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Building a Progress Bar
IntroductionThis is part of the UI Kit with React, TypeScript, Storybook and Tailwind, make sure you've checked out the previous entries in the series if you find anything confusing .In this ser...
07:16 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Using URL Query Params in Nuxt 3
Using URL Query Params in Nuxt 3This is a continuation of my previous post on how to set query parameters in Nuxt 3. We'll be continuing with the code written there so make sure you check it out...
07:03 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Scanner Vs BufferedReader
Taking Input from UserMost of the program often request for data to be processed from the user and most of the programming language if not all provides a mechanism through which a user can enter...
06:48 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To SSGs through the ages: The 'Maybe Static Wasn't So Bad' era
By Mike NeumegenAfter a period of heavy, complex JavaScripts integrated into SSGs, the following period pulls back to simpler times. And what could be simpler than straight HTML templates with Markdow...
06:42 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Chainwhiz A new bounty marketplace for Web3 projects
Want to work in Web3? Heres a great place to start right away!Over the past decade, bounties have proven to be the fastest way for projects to scale without friction. Be it bug fixes or CSS changes in...
06:28 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Let's start with AWS Lambda
This post will cover the following content:What is AWS Lambda?Why should you use AWS Lambda?How to use AWS Lambda?Let's get started... What is AWS Lambda?Lambda is a highly available, serverless,...
06:18 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Concorrncia em banco de dados explicada de forma simples
Nesse artigo vou mostrar conceitos bsicos para lidar com requisies simultneas criando uma aplicao web de um banco. Quando estamos programando tem algumas armadilhas que precisamos nos atentar especial...
05:25 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To CSS Positioning: Beginner Intro to CSS Positioning
What is CSS positioning?CSS position is the location where an element will be placed in a document. Using the top, bottom, right, and left attributes, you can specify the exact position of an el...
05:19 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To The ultimate tech stack for your portfolio project
Is the one you already know. That's itI made this one short to emphasize the message. Now, time for you to to go out there and create amazing stuff!If you found this insightful, you can join the ...
05:09 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Why use Next.js with Apollo
Written by Coner MurphyApollo at its heart is a GraphQL implementation that helps people manage their data. They also make and maintain a GraphQL client (Apollo Client) which we can use with React fra...
04:46 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To an easy way to create your own QR Code
Open your browser tap in the URL or click hereclick on create QRCode Choose a type of QRCode then click on nextFill the different fields and press nextCustomize your QRCode Frame the...
04:38 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Hellooo People Hope you all are all doing good!Have you considered contributing to an open source project but are too confused (or overwhelmed) by the procedure to even attempt it? I've been there as ...
04:19 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Gua prctica de optimizacin Wordpress
Hola comunidad!Recientemente he elaborado una breve gua sobre cmo mejorar nuestros tiempos de carga en Wordpress. Son un grupo de artculos en los que repaso aspectos bsicos de performance o rendimient...
04:05 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Get Funky on the Console - Level Up humour
console.logs can be really fancy and funny both.Sometimes its nice to see some good stuff in you console . And when Other developers also do the same things its fun .You can make console.logs really i...
03:54 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Is Web 3.0 legit?
Lets start from the beginning of the Web itself. Web 1.0 - static web.This was the earliest stage of the internet. It contained limited information where no algorithms used to find relevant content. ...
03:46 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Performance Testing using Iter8
There are umpteen performance testing tools available in the commercial market as well as in the open source repositories. Based on our requirements, we can choose the best tool from the arsenal. Rece...
03:24 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Beginners guide to NextJS...
This blog totally explains the basics of Nextjs and is for beginners who are searching for an easy getting started with Nextjs guide. In this article, we will look at a few basic features and concepts...
03:15 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Virtual Environments in Python
Imagine developing two Flask applications, one for your customer and the other for a personal project. Lets say your customer uses Flask 1.1, and your other application uses Flask 2.0. When you create...
03:01 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To An async & dynamic ORM for Rust!
SeaORM SeaORM is a relational ORM to help you build web services in Rust with the familiarity of dynamic languages. Getting Started If you like what we do, consider starring, commentin...
02:54 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Easily toggle between light and dark theme with Material-UI
In this blog you are going to learn how to create a toggle button that switches between light and dark theme.I have already created a video about it on my youtube channel. Check that out. If you like ...
02:50 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Splunk - Dashboard request optimization
Creating a dashboard in Splunk can be really heavy and long to load if it's not optimized. The biggest part of the optimization is the reusage of requests.To do it easily, Splunk implemented a search ...
02:28 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Twitter BOT to send joke and image (lambda typescript)
In this blog post, I am going to show you how you can build your own twitter bot which will periodically send out tweet (joke) with images How will it work?We will get a random joke from https://jokea...
02:27 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Install GitHub CLI on Windows
Let's discuss GitHub and the command line (CLI) tool that is available. I'll be covering how you can install the on your Windows machine using various different techniques. What is GitHub CLI f...
02:18 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To New voxel engine on the horizon
Our new render engine: Polaron. For geospatial surveillance, digital twins and location intelligence applications. Could serve game developers in future, but we are not yet decided on that. Voxel base...
02:00 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Javascript Interview Questions(Divided into levels)
> Today no code time to look for a jobEver went to apply for a Javascript job and got stuck on some of the areas to prepare for the interview? Boom Roy got you covered. Check out. I just screened ...
01:43 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Extensions recommended by seniors (VScode) 2022
Hi devs, I'm Juanse and this is my list of extensions I find helpful for day to day coding:Material Icon ThemeMaterial Design Icons for Visual Studio Code. 5/5 Git Graph and Git Lens 5/5 CardenasSearc...
01:42 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To This is how you make images Responsive in CSS
Hello Folks What's up friends, this is SnowBit back here. I am a young passionate and self-taught frontend web developer and have an intention to become a successful developer.Today, I am here w...
01:39 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To New updation in colormyweb just look it
Hello friends there is a new updarion in colormyweb it is a full open-source project.One of the update i got from one of commenter in my last post and also don't forget to give a starWeb link:https://...
01:36 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Create a YUM server for RHEL 7.5 using its ISO file
This document is to create a YUM server using RHEL installer ISO file.Install a RHEL VM with 2 GB RAM, 1 vCPU and 80 GB HDD.Create a repository folder inside VMmkdir -p /rhel75/repoMount the ISO...
01:30 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Python is an easy to learn and use programming language developed on 20th February,1991 by Guido van Rossum. Ease to learn and use python is made possible by the fact that;Python is a high-level progr...
01:30 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Step Functions para no morir. Parte 3
sta es la tercera parte de la serie Step Functions para morir. En este captulo vamos a estar viendo AWSLambdaSQSIAM Roley... mucho muy importante, vamos a tener le primer video de la serie :3 AWS...
01:29 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Top 10 freelance side jobs that can help boost your income
You can find the article here.People have constantly sought new ways to boost their income, and with the COVID-19 pandemic, many have become a lot more self-conscious about their personal finances. Th...
01:29 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To When Package Dependencies Become Problematic
Back in early January a couple of popular Node libraries were corrupted by the project maintainer during a new version release. Due to the way that npm dependencies work this created a ripple effect w...
01:29 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Integrate Firebase web notification in the laravel application
Web notifications are messages sent to a visitor's device from a website. It allows you to engage and retain website visitors. Push notification can boost app engagement by 88%, with 66% of app users ...
01:28 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Creating a Simple REST API - Part 1
Hello JuxtaCoders! A few months back I was learning Backend Development for a Training Program I enrolled in. We had to work on REST APIs using NodeJS and Express (with a database of your choice). The...
01:17 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To herpesyl Official Website
Herpesyl is a daily supplement that helps consumers eliminate the herpes virus from their bodies by targeting the brain to heal. The formula triggers better communication between neurons to ensure tha...
01:10 pm GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Best Site for Sarkari government job free alerts find ?
Ive been surfing on the web more than 3 hours today, yet I never found any stunning article like yours. Its alluringly worth for me. As I would see it, if all web proprietors and bloggers made puzzlin...
11:52 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Agile Testing Principles and Challenges
Agile Testing requires testers and developers to work together. Only during the development cycle can testers provide comments to developers. The primary Agile Testing Principles are as follows:C...
11:22 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To How I developed a modern JAMStack website
OverviewIn 2021 I started working on a rebranding project for a company that I was working for in 2020. Here is a link to the new site. The company already had a nice website but they have been ...
10:59 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Text Overlay on an Image Using HTML & CSS
Do you know how to fill an image with text and make it a little blur using HTML and CSS (Text Overlay on an Image)?Today we'll learn how to make a text overlay on an image using HTML and CSS. ...
10:57 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Valid Palindrome
InstructionsA phrase is a palindrome if, after converting all uppercase letters into lowercase letters and removing all non-alphanumeric characters, it reads the same forward and backward. Alpha...
10:49 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Declarative Data Validation with Functional Programming and Rule-Based Approach
I've always found client data validation to be a challenge. Self-written validators' code easily rolls into an unreadable mess and validation libraries sometimes carry infrastructural limitations that...
10:11 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To From papar to publish : My journey from idea to publishing app on play store.
experience the app here:As an electronics engineer, I am always curious about android I learned Android development using java. Now I want to build an app that provides some real value ...
10:03 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To How to Write Clean C code? 5 Tips that will save you hours of programming
Programming isn't always as simple as it seems; sometimes it requires you to write code that might not be quite as straightforward or easy to use as you'd like. You might also need to edit other peopl...
09:46 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To A simple global styling method with styled component.
Using Styled-components, I have tried several ways to apply global styling & media queries to my React App. I'm here to share my preferred method this far (until I find another better way, of cour...
09:39 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Pinch Strength using HandTracking - MR Tutorial for Nreal light
Measure the strength of your left and right hand hand tracking. Sample Repositorymr-tutorials-for-nreal-light/PinchStrength at main karad/mr-tutorials-for-nreal-light Run the sampleClone Sa...
09:28 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Building an Omegle clone in Flutter using 100ms SDK
The Internet is full of cool people; Omegle lets you meet them. When you use Omegle, it picks someone else at random so you can have a one-on-one live audio/video/text chat with them.This content was ...
09:19 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Create a Fullstack Project using Clean Architecture in Node.js
Clean Architecture in Node.jsClick here for full blog postUncle Bob's famous Clean Architecture is a way to write resilient software.Resilient software is divided into layers, underpinned by bus...
09:09 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To NFT Business Ideas that will boast in Upcoming Time
These are some of the nft ideas:Freelance NFT WriterIf you are a gifted writer, consider yourself in selling content on NFTs, exploring the subjects from different angles while proving actionable advi...
08:50 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To React component as prop: the right way
As always in React, there is one million way to do exactly the same thing. If, for example, I need to pass a component as a prop to another component, how should I do this? If I search the popular ope...
08:46 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Leetcoe Daily Challenge - Single Number
Leetcode Challenges are extremely helpful to build and revise your concepts of Problem Solving. Presenting you the Daily Challenge of 15th February. Click on this link to solve it on Leetcode on 15th ...
08:45 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To React Apollo: useQuery pollInterval with cache-and-network doesn't stop to make requests after unmounting a component
I've made the issue here in apollo-client repository.It works well with other fetchPolicy options but it doens't work correctly with cache-and-network.Before resolving the issue, here is one of the al...
08:33 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To XUnit vs NUnit What to Choose to Write Clean Code Part 1.
The question of which test framework to choose can appear for a new project or when the team decided to make an experiment trying to improve some internal problem. Its well known for .net developers t...
08:32 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Ti sao ung nc trc khi nh rng
Nc khng ch gip gii ta cn kht m cn l nhn t quyt nh duy tr s sng. Thc t, c th con ngi c ti 75% l nc. V duy tr mt c th khe mnh, ngoi vic c thi quen n ung, sinh hot v tp luyn khoa hc, lnh mnh th vic lun...
08:30 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To 3 posts on FreeCodeCamp that you must go through
FreeCodeCamp is a nonprofit community that helps people learn as well as share.Click here to visit their website.Here, 3 amazing articles posted on FreeCodeCamp are mentioned.1] Top JavaScript concept...
07:20 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To How I made a Web3 app to reward my community with tokens
When I started my web3 journey I got a freelance contract: Add web3 features to an existing app and reward the users with our token.The point of rewarding the community was:To motivate the community t...
06:34 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To FoalTS framework - version 2.8 is here with complete Websocket support
Version 2.8 of FoalTS is here and it brings support for Websocket with all the architecture that comes with it (controllers and sub-controllers, hooks, success and error responses, message broadcastin...
06:32 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To To Do App using Angular Forms - part 1
Before we dive into creating an angular form, we need to clarify that there are two approaches to handle forms in Angular.Template-driven approach. Your first set up the form in the template in your H...
06:19 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To React: Senior devs write small components!
Rather than have a few components that do many things, we should prefer to create many smaller components that we can put together (compose) to achieve the desired effect.TL;DR: Whenever your componen...
06:02 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Never stop learning
When someone asks me what the best thing about being a developer is, my answer is always the same:It's an endless game of learning.And most people either think it's a joke or think I'm crazy. But I'm ...
05:51 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Native vs. Cross-Platform Development: How Not to Throw Money Down the Chimney
There are two main options if you are looking to build a mobile app. The first one is native development when a code is written using several programming languages, written separately for Android and...
05:50 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Config XDebug for Laravel 9
Hey there!In this post, we are going to configure XDebug for test coverage in Laravel Framework v9.First, go to xdebug wizard, copy your phpinfo() and paste into the wizard, ...
05:49 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Types of network connections
ComputerNetwork-1Physical Structure of network is divided into 2 category1) Types of connection 2) Topology Types of connection This if further divided into :A. point-to-point connectionB. multi...
05:45 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Server side rendering with Laravel Inertia.js Vue.js
SEO is really important so you should have SSR (server side rendering) whenever you are building a SPA (single page application). This is not an issue if you are using Laravel's default templating sys...
05:44 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Why I chose Software Engineering.
In the start of my journey with computers and growing up with them I always found myself wanting more. Wanting to be able to make something of my own. Whether it be my own website or be my application...
05:31 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To The Most Comprehensive Guide on WebRTC
WebRTC or Web Real-Time Communications, though a relatively new web technology, has taken web-based communication at an entirely new level with the promise of heralding into a brave new world of commu...
05:28 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Quick & easy guide to get started with Gatsby
IntroductionGatsby is an open-source framework that includes the functionality of React, GraphQL, and we back into a single framework that is used to build static websites and apps. It's designe...
05:27 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Add comments on your blog post created with Gatsby
If you have any blog website created using jsx I mean react gatsby, nextjs or something than you might want to add comments on your blog page right? Here is a full article about that. Step 1. Cre...
05:27 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To How to Stop Microphone Auto Adjusting Windows 10
Why Microphone level keep adjusting it self automatically?There can be a lot of reasons behind this problem. Mostly it happenes when using much multiple applications or third-party programs. So,...
05:27 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Python Text to Speech Converter.
Speech recognition is very useful! It can be used in so many applications or programs like it can be used for home automation systems, artificial intelligence, etc. so in this article, you'll learn ho...
05:26 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Angular Design Pattern-Lazy loading feature modules
IntroductionBy default, angular modules are eagerly loaded, which means that all feature modules are loaded as soon as the application loads whether or not they are immediately necessary. W...
05:26 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Top 10 Real Money Games to Earn Money in 2022
Who does not want to discover new ways of earning money? So, what if there is a way in which you can earn money without even leaving your comfortable sofa?Luckily for this, you just have to download a...
03:05 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Introduction to Amazon OpenSearch Service
IntroductionAmazon OpenSearch Service (OpenSearch Service) makes it easy to deploy, operate, and scale OpenSearch Service for log analytics, full text search, application monitoring, and more. O...
02:34 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To 01 - Introducing Progressive Web Apps
Welcome to Day 1 of #30DaysOfPWA! New to the series? Three things you can do to catch up:Read the kickoff post below for context.Watch the GitHub Repository for updates.Bookmark #30DaysOfPWA Blog for ...
02:30 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Github README with diagram using mermaid
Want to add diagrams in your github .md files to tell the flow of your system or the flow of each component talking to each other ? Today I just found something useful worth to share and lets just div...
01:54 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Concerning the Separation of Concerns
Working through the lessons on online coding schools, we are often taught HTML and CSS, then basic javascript, and then move into basic DOM manipulation. All great and logical steps: learn about the c...
01:24 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To Handling Production Issues
The 10 rules for handling production issues:Any amount of emotions will not help when a production issue is ongoing.There will always be a specific cause of the issue, that needs to be identified.The ...
12:13 am GMT - Tue, February 15, 2022
Dev To PostgreSQL 13.5 On OpenBSD 7.0: Install
SummaryOpenBSD 7.0 was released and PostgreSQL was upgraded to 13.4 then. In addition, it is now 13.5.The installation process of PostgreSQL server in OBSD 7.0 is almost the same to that in the ...
11:59 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Sorting your imports with ESLint
On files that use a lot of resources, imports can become a mess. Enforcing styles and patterns can be helpful, however, doing that manually doesn't seem to be the best use of time.Fortunately, nowaday...
11:11 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Day 530 : For You
liner notes:Saturday : Since my co-host wasn't able to make it to the station and I had some packages being delivered, I decided to do the show at the spot from the van. Not having to drive, find park...
10:44 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Ol pessoas, tudo bem? Neste artigo quero demonstrar para vocs como fcil realizar a criao e instalao do certificado TOTVS em seu ambiente. Preparando o AmbientePara deixar tudo bem organizado, va...
10:44 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Home page using React Native for Telescope
OverviewNext is important since there will be the release 2.7 and I still have 2 issues to work on which are creating bottom nav-bar and homepage. For the nav-bar, I have sent a PR. Everything i...
10:42 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To The Linux Desktop Environment Guide
IntroductionAs a relatively new Linux user (I started using it as my main Operating System two years ago) I know there's this misconception about what's the difference between the enormous vari...
10:30 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Conduct Mock coding interviews, and watch the mock interviews of others
Signup, get matched, mock interview, and watch the mocks of others!
10:24 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Minimal addition language in go
OK , ever wanted to make your own language?Today we make our own math language in GO!Lets dive right in!package mainimport ( "fmt" "strings")func main() { code := "1 + 1" // the MATH selec...
10:13 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Built on Bitcoin: An Introduction to Full-Stack Web3 Development with Stacks
When most people think of web3 development, the chain that immediately comes to mind is Ethereum. But did you know that it is possible to build completely decentralized web3 dapps on top of Bitcoin as...
10:07 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Using Custom Fonts on your Website
The team at Google has provided an amazing library of fonts which you can use for free on your website. These fonts have allowed developers to show their creativity, as well as uniqueness. In addition...
10:05 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To How to set up VIM for PHP development
This is a general guide to set up vim or nvim for PHP development the way I currently use it, by the end of this guide you will be able to use vim as any other text editor designed for developers but ...
09:58 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To How good is the shuffleArray from 7 killer one liners ?
As many of us may like this post about 7-killer-one-liners, we all know that shuffling looks not very promising, compared with the "correct" way, Fisher-Yates and its variants.const shuffleArray = (ar...
09:58 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Hello, Robyn!
Hi, I'm Sanskar Jethi(@sansyrox), the author and maintainer of Robyn!This article was written in celebration of Robyn passing 100k installs on PyPi. What is robyn?Robyn is a fast asynchronous web...
08:40 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Using Feature Flags to troll our competitor without a line of code
The back story When we built Flagsmith, we decided early on to power the admin dashboard with our own Feature Flags. As well as following a methodology we truly believed in, this meant we could ...
08:36 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Automating GitHub Org Invitations
Quick Recap:I work at a non-profit called G{Code} (in addition to working at GitHub). Since working at GitHub, I realized I could store course materials in a repository rather than reaching stor...
08:32 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Why String is Immutable in JAVA? What exactly does it mean?
So recently I came across the question, why are Strings Immutable in java?Before discussing on this, I would first like to tell What are Immutable strings?Immutable simply means unmodifiable or unchan...
08:17 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Unified SVG icons with Vite, Vue 3, Quasar and Pinia
SummaryIn this article, we will:use custom SVG iconsbuild a flexible and customizable reusable component to use SVG iconsuse Vite, Vue 3, Quasar and Piniause both Composition API with script set...
07:53 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To All About Hotwire and Turbo
For more in-depth content on web development check out CodeCuriousSurely you've heard of Hotwire by now and perhaps thought "cute name but what the heck is that? and do I need to care about it?...
07:48 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Using I2C in MicroPython
The flashy NeoPixel-decorated ESP32-C3 board I've been learning about has no published schematic, so one of the things I've been doing as I play with it, is document how to access the various LEDs, bu...
07:40 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To The 8 Errors that Developers Tend toMake
Here is a list of mistakes I have made, and still make from time to time. Since I think I must not be the only one who has trouble handling these mistakes, I decided to share them with theworld!Let me...
07:34 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To JSX.Element vs ReactElement vs ReactNode
These three types usually confuse novice React developers. It seems like they are the same thing, just named differently.But it's not quite right. JSX.Element vs ReactElementBoth types are the re...
07:17 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Git: How to pull a branch from the upstream to the local repo in 5 steps
Hello Fellow CodeNewbies ,I am collaborating with a friend to create a project in React.I created a repo for the project, and my teammate forked this repo.Recently, I created a branch to made some cha...
07:07 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Learning BlockChain? Here are the things you want to go through
In this Blog we will learn basics about BlockChain, especially the concepts related with BlockChain.If you are brand new and not familiar with BlockChain, go through this blog and dive into! ...
06:53 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To 14 days as a DevRel
Its my first post, and I'm not quite in the medium yet - but I'm hoping for sure mercy on your behalf.Lets assume you could click on the post just to get a clue what DevRel is all about.DevRel c...
06:48 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Building a Vue 3 Desktop App With Pinia, Electron and Quasar
Recently, I planned to rewrite my Scrum Daily Standup Picker Electron application in Vue 3. I wrote the initial release in Angular, but I wanted to refactor the code base and rewrite it in Vue 3.Why? ...
06:43 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Back End - Docker
**Processo de deploy **ou implantao - se uma pessoa desenvolve utilizando uma distribuio 'A' de Linux , outra utiliza Windows, outra utiliza Mac e no servidor roda uma distribuio 'B' de Linux, todas e...
06:25 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Async/await inference in Firefly
Firefly is a new general purpose programming language that tries to achieve convenience and safety at the same time, by using pervasive dependency injection. There is no global access to the file syst...
06:23 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Upcoming Python Features Brought to You by Python Enhancement Proposals
Before any new feature, change or improvement makes it into Python, there needs to be a Python Enhancement Proposal, also knows as PEP, outlining the proposed change. These PEPs are a great way of get...
06:18 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Introducing The Easiest Way to Setup an Ecommerce Store automatically creates pages for the products in your catalog, each of them optimized to make the purchasing experience as frictionless as possible, by bundling the checkout flow alongsi...
06:17 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Pardus21 Server zerinde Cowrie Honeypot Kurulumu
Honeypot Trke'de bal kp anlamna gelen, saldrgan tuzaa drmek iin yemlendii bir bilgisayar terimi aslnda. zelletirmek gerekirse, kurum veya kiilerin sistemlerinde yer alan aklar tespit etmek ya da bir s...
06:13 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Python 101: Getting Started With Modern Python
Python is one of the top most sorted out programming language with a vast usage from web development to data science and Machine Learning. Being a scripting language, python is not only easy to learn...
05:58 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Access cookies in NextJS from server side
If you want to set an authentication system like jwt, then you have to store your token inside the client(browser). You store them either in localStorage or as a cookie. But when you perform any kind ...
05:43 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Python Lists Cheat Sheet - Developer Resources
Hey, there!This is Kenn, Your Daily Advocate from CodeWithKenn!Welcome to the Blog! Make yourself at home! In this article, we won't talk much. For a couple of days, I've been thinking about a way of ...
05:29 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Request parser for Express routes.
Hello Everyone,I always had a difficulty to handle both form data(for file uploads) and JSON within the express routes. So I decided to write a parser, Which will parse the file/JSON inputs from the u...
05:02 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Some housekeeping (why I help as a mod)
This might be surprising, but one of the things I'm passionate about helping with around community spaces, is some of the chores...Photo by No Revisions on UnsplashWhat do I mean by "chores"? Well, ju...
04:56 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Using Dark/Light Mode Specific Images in GitHub Markdown
Hey There Devs! Hope you are doing great with your projects. TOCWhy this post? Procedure ExampleLive ExampleDisclaimers Why this post? As a developer we develop projects, write code a...
04:27 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To An Open Letter to Newbies
Dear Newbie Developer, This sh*t is hard.You're not going to like it at first, and by "it" I mean you will not like your first roadblock. In fact, you might not like any blockers, but you will en...
04:21 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Rust structs - How well are you using it?
How well are you using structs?There are several ways to use structs, and we will see some of them and analyze the pros and cons. Method 1: Public struct with public fieldsFor public struct...
04:19 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Generate a dynamic Stackoverflow profile for your README
I'm really happy to share with you that the official website for stackoverflow-readme-profile is ready. This project allows you to generate dynamic svgs for your README like the following:...and that ...
04:18 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Converting to Vite (Part 4)
In Part 4 of this series, I'll be talking about some of ways the scope of PR #1322 grew to include cloud-based IDEs! As alluded to in Part 1, our conversion from Webpack to Vite all started because of...
04:07 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To My Programmer's Brain
(Or, how to not go through the somewhat painful 38+ year process it took me to find my dream job.)I had someone tell me the other day that they wanted to know my story, that they thought it would be i...
04:01 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Programatically Starting a Chromium page in Full Screen - .NET
Using the "System.Diagnostics" namespace in .NET, you can Automate launching a page in full-screen using a Chromium browser. Here's an example written in PowerShell.$_processInfo = New-Object System.D...
03:59 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Better Comments (vscode extension)
Not too long ago, I found out about this VSCode Extension called Better Comments when I was watching a youtube video. I've been using it ever since. What it does is spice up your code commenting game ...
03:43 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Rate limiting and Throttling - System Design Indepth Explained (Part 2)
If you're here then you probably came from this link.How do Applications Rate Limit?Applications can use a variety of techniques to rate limit their clients. The basic outcome from the client side is ...
03:26 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To API Rate Limiting in System Design for Beginners
What is Rate Limiting?Rate limits are calculated in Requests Per Second (RPS). For example, lets say a developer only wants to allow a client to call the API a maximum of 10 times per minute. In this ...
03:07 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To The 3 Short Frontend tips for February
The button is the important path of the "Show/Hide password" patternFolks, I really love the "Show/Hide password" pattern Unfortunately, I see incorrect implementation sometimes where the butto...
03:06 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To How to create a search bar using tailwind css in next js
Rapidly build modern websites without ever leaving your HTML.A utility-first CSS framework packed with classes like flex, pt-4, text-center and rotate-90 that can be composed to build any desig...
03:00 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To JavaScript 101:Introduction to modern JavaScript.
Everything that can be written in JavaScript will be written in JavaScript.--Jon Duckett PAGE CONTENTIntroductionGet started with JavaScriptWhy learn JavaScript?Resources. Introduction. ...
02:42 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Introduction to Modern JavaScript
JavaScript(JS) is an interpreted compiled language with first class functions and it is a scripting language. It is an object oriented language. It is very different from java language in terms of the...
02:39 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Working As A Professional Developer - 10 Ways Developers Make Money Coding Course - E08
Many companies hire people remotely to create websites and applications for them. If your skill is good, then you can earn up to $500K/year by working full-time in these companies. Traveling and worki...
02:36 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To TDD x Coding Challenges
I hate coding challenges. And with that out the way...I mean, I understand what they bring to the table, depending on where you work its definitely a way to train. But most of the time, its either a c...
02:29 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To How not to learn GraphQL
This article was published on 2022-02-14 by Charly Poly @ The Guild Blog"GraphQL is a front-end technology", "Federation is the only solution for unified graph and, services orchestration", "GraphQL i...
02:27 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Paracetamol.js| 54: Explica este cdigo JavaScript
Explica este cdigo JavaScriptconst name = "Lydia"console.log(name()) A: Syntax Error B: Reference Error C: TypeError D: undefinedRespuesta en el primer comentario....
02:10 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Using Recursion to Insert Values Into a Sorted Binary Tree
Hi! I have been playing around with sorted binary trees recently.In computer science, a binary search tree (BST), also called an ordered or sorted binary tree, is a rooted binary tree data struc...
02:08 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Must Do Interview Questions for Higher Order Functions
// Q-1 Get the number of products whose price is atleast 100const products = [ { name: "T-Shirt", price: 25 }, { name: "Headphones", price: 125 }, { name: "Keyboard", price: 75 }, { name: ...
01:51 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To String Constant Pool (Storage of Strings)
A string constant pool is a separate place in the heap memory where the values of all the strings which are defined in the program are stored.Two ways to create string object:1) String s1=new String("...
01:46 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To NotionOps - Part 1: Presentation and project setup
This is the first part of a multi-part tutorial:PART 1: Presentation and project setupIn the past few years, we saw the rise of an "EverythingOps" trend: DevOps, ChatOps, GitOps, AIOps ... At the same...
01:44 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Watch the birds on your backyard with a Raspberry Pi, Edge Impulse and balena
I love birds, but to be honest with you I don't have any clue about birds.My parents installed an Amazon camera in their backyard and we started to get video streams of birds going to a bird feeder, t...
01:44 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Always green community! Vue Storefront from 2021 to 2022 upwards
We all know the saying "the grass is always greener on the other side," but we believe it doesn't relate to the Vue Storefront community. What do we mean by that?Plants need love and attention. In exc...
01:02 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Distributed storage in 30 minutes
Author: Igor ZolotarevHello, my name is Igor, and I am a part of the Tarantool DB team. When developing, I often need rapid prototypes of database applications, for example, to test code or to create ...
12:56 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To 2- Why/How to write "Comment"? What is Clean Code?
CleanCodeHave you ever been significantly impeded by bad code? If you are a programmer of any experience then youve felt this impediment many times. Indeed, we have a name for it. We call it wad...
12:51 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To How to build a sidebar component with Tailwind CSS and Flowbite
One of my favorite front-end development stacks right now is Tailwind CSS and Flowbite, because the utility classes from Tailwind makes it really easy to build flexible and lightweight UI interfaces, ...
12:44 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Best Coding Setup on Your Phone
I tried lots of coding editors and this is the best Coding Setup i came up with.features: Its faster (unlike most code editors which starts lagging when file size gets bigger).Its efficient.It has Aut...
12:30 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Enter the Cloud Native Dojo: Blackbelt-Level Debugging
Debugging is often viewed as an art form or a craft. This is true for most engineering-related troubleshooting processes (e.g., art of motorcycle maintenance). Were usually indoctrinated into the basi...
12:27 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To How I structure my react components
React is all about components. Better structure helps you to easily debug your app, understand how the flow is going on and also as your project grows it becomes easy to manage everything. Now, React ...
12:17 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Can I be a Developer Advocate?
Of Course Yes !! I am Sohini and I am a Developer Advocate at Entando. It has been 2 and a half months since I joined Entando. Before that, I was the Developer Advocate at Dabble Lab for a Year and 2...
12:03 pm GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Automated Terraform Tests for Azure using GitHub Actions
OverviewThis tutorial uses examples from the following GitHub project Terraform module repository - Dynamic Subnets.In the previous tutorial on this blog series Using Terraform on GitHub, we loo...
11:50 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Deep dive into React keys bugs
A few days ago, I was casually browsing open positions and one job application had a quick question: "What is wrong with this React code?"<ul>{['qwe', 'asd', 'zxc'].map(item => (<li>{it...
11:35 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To McGregor's theory x and theory y
There are two managers in a company that have a different view of their employees. Manager X thinks his employees are lazy and work only to get money. On the other hand, manager Y thinks his employees...
10:53 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Impact Design System - Open-Source Bootstrap Template
Hello coders!This article presents a pixel-perfect UI kit provided by Creative-Tim on top of Bootstrap Framework. Impact Design System can be downloaded from Github and based on the permissive (MIT) l...
10:38 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To OAuth 2.0 Authorization code grant with Postman, Part 2
OverviewIn the first part, we have shown how the OAuth 2.0 Authorization code grant works when using Keycloak and Postman. Authorization code flow is the most common secure OAuth 2.0 flow. In th...
10:19 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To 50 Cool Web And Mobile Project Ideas for 2022
This is a follow up to the article I created in 2021 50 Cool Web And Mobile Project Ideas for 2021. My tech stack has changed slightly since then. I will only use it as an example so that you can figu...
09:58 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To What is a Captcha And How To Bypass CAPTCHAs
Have you ever come across a checkbox asking you to confirm if you are not a robot followed by a visual test asking you to select images of traffic lights or something of that nature? I'm sure you have...
09:51 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To How To Start Enjoying Writing Tests
I've often read about software engineers who don't like writing tests at all, even when building their own applications.I get it. The reason for this is that "tests" don't feel like you're actually bu...
09:45 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Failing feature detection
Add some "magic words" to your browsers' user agent string, like "Vivaldi/5.0.2497.51" or "Opera/Edge/OPR/EDG/FCK/WTF", and get warnings about unsupported browsers, reduced functionality, and Google d...
09:41 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To More than 10 free custom CSS checkboxes
I've been working on creating some creative checkboxes that use pseudo elements, SVG animations, and a few other techniques. For some, I used a little bit of Javascript to allow for more options.A big...
09:37 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Types of Testing, TDD & Testing Library's Principles
Hello, folks. As I promised, here is the second part of this Testing series. Before we jump into some more code, we will discuss several important topics about testing, that will also help understand ...
09:22 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Function Pre-conditions & Post-conditions (What are they?)
Note: Code examples NOT written in JS. Components of a functionname: used identify functionargs: containing objects to operate onbody: Transform args and execute the logicreturn: Specifies the re...
09:18 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To 3 Array methods every JavaScript developer should know
Arrays are something all of us come across every day. Today I'll share my picks for 3 of the most uncommonly used Array methods. isArrayIn JavaScript, we have to infer the data type of variables ...
09:04 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Awesome Shopify Resources for 2022
Shopify released a lot of new features in 2021, and naturally new tools and resources needed to be developed to cover new features. Next is a list of awesome Shopify Resources for 2022 which will help...
08:28 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To AWS open source news and updates, 100
Feb 14th, 2022 - Instalment #100Newsletter #100. Happy Valentines everyone, and aside from reaching a landmark 100 episodes of this newsletter, this week we celebrate the love that many builders...
07:48 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To HandTracking - MR Tutorial for Nreal light
Sample Repositorymr-tutorials-for-nreal-light/HandTracking at main karad/mr-tutorials-for-nreal-light Run the sampleClone Sample Repository, Change current directory to HandTracking . And ...
07:32 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Introduction To Modern Python
What is PythonPython is an interpreted high-level general-purpose programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its use of significant indentation. Its language co...
07:24 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Angular Error Interceptor
When applications make HTTP requests and fail, we need to handle them. Ideally, we take care of these errors in one place in our code. In this article, we discover how to handle these exceptions in An...
06:42 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To JavaScript 101: Ultimate JavaScript Guide.
*JavaScript Overview *Let's take a look at what's special about JavaScript, what you can do with JavaScript, and what other technologies work well with JavaScript. What is JavaScript?JavaScript was or...
06:29 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To What a Decentralized Platform Is and How It Can Be Promoted
The rise of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency has pushed the boundaries of the industry of finance, creating an alternative to the traditional financial markets. In addition to the long-establi...
06:29 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Top Open Source Reporting Tools
For any company, the wrong business decisions can lead to dire consequences. To provide a solid foundation for taking the next step, it is important to have quality data. To do this, use special tools...
06:28 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Horizontal vs Vertical Scaling: What Is the Best for You?
In today's world, at least part of any business operates online. So it has a site or application that provides information about a product or service. Even if they are not the main business product, t...
06:27 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Understanding Docker in a visual way (in video): part 8 Events
Understanding Docker can be difficult or time-consuming. In order to spread knowledge about Cloud technologies I started to create sketchnotes about Docker, then I've auto-published a book and since n...
06:21 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Download & Install Discord App in Windows 11:
Discord for Windows 11 : Discord is obviously one of the great platforms for school, college, gaming, social groups, and more to communicate with each other. It is a cool place for people to talk, chi...
05:47 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To How React checks if 2 values are the same value
If you have ever wondered how react internally checks if two values are the same value this is the right blog for you. Well before we even start looking at how React implements that lets first check t...
05:26 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To NextJs Leaflet MapBox
Leaflet is an open-source library that allows us to render a map on our website where we can show data, put marks wherever we want, and a lot more things, this is so useful and cool with Mapbox becaus...
04:12 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Why React is UI Library and not a Framework ?
Understanding difference between Library and FrameworkWhen we call something as a framework it has flexibility of doing doing multiple things at a time.Library is kind of focus on just one thing and g...
03:54 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Using Microsoft Power BI with the AWS Cloud | AWS White Paper Summary
This whitepaper discusses how to integrate and use Microsoft Power BI (Desktop, Report Server, Service, and on-premises data gateway) with the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud. It presents options for ...
03:52 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Custom Password Validation in Python (Refactoring the function for password validation)
These posts will be in three parts.Function for password validationRefactoring the function for password validationUnit test the function for password validationThis is the second part of the Custom P...
03:45 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Why All Developers Should Master Markdown
What is MarkdownMarkdown is a markup language for writing simple formatted documents without having to use a GUI to designate text as bold, italics, etc. This is great for writing documents quic...
03:12 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Does Solidity optimizer avoid changing storage variables?
The original Post is here in JapaneseIn developing smart contracts on the blockchain, it is important to reduce the cost of execution, which is the cost of gas. There are several famous tricks to redu...
02:45 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To React Hooks: useMemo()
What are React hooks?They are functions in React that allow you to add react functionality to function based components.What is the useMemo hook?This hook will only run if its dependencies change. Thi...
02:42 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Welcome to 30DaysOfPWA
Welcome to our new learning series focused on the fascinating world of Progressive Web Apps (PWA)! If you were paying attention last week, you might have seen this tweet .. ...
02:11 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To How to find HTML Color Code Of an Image (Image Color Picker)?
Image color picker is an online color picker tool that lets you pick colors from images. Using this image color picker, you can get the color code in RGB, HEX and HSL formats from any image files. Use...
02:07 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Introduction To PythonPython is an interpreted high-level language created by Guido Van Rossum and released in 1991. Python is the best solution in many domains from web application, data analysis, da...
01:42 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To 5 Awesome HTML and CSS projects to build (with codepen preview)
Coding is a fun and exciting practice but how do you measure your progress in your learning journey?Here are some cool ideas your could build to put your skills to a test.1. Survey FormsSurvey forms a...
01:24 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Why I decided to become a web backend developer
I'm sure you all have experienced this. You just learned your first language, and you're full of hopes and dreams, even if the only thing you know at the moment is how to write a simple command-line p...
01:21 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Advanced GitHub Actions - Conditional Workflow
This is more about describing my personal development and debugging experience, less of a step-by-step tutorial on the topic. The article presents some key points and questions I faced when going thro...
12:19 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To Social Media para devs
O qu uma rede social?Primeiro, vamos lembrar como a mdia funcionava antigamente.Antes, os meios de informao tinham um controle central, um jornal ou uma emissora de TV tinham o controle do qu i...
12:13 am GMT - Mon, February 14, 2022
Dev To 100 Languages Speedrun: Episode 89: MoonScript
MoonScript is CoffeeScript for Lua.It doesn't seem to be maintained much anymore. The most recent release was back in 2015, and it doesn't work with the latest Lua. You can still run it with non-relea...
11:34 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Mastering useReducer (1/2)
This blog post takes for granted that you have some knowledge regarding React and React's Hooks. Managing state in ReactAs you probably know, React has 2 ways to manage state: useStateuseReducerB...
10:02 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Easy component editing on Jamstack with Editor Panels
By Dave StrydomLast year I teased an upgrade to editing with inputs in CloudCannon's Visual Editor. And here it is! Were giving you the option to free editors from the sidebar, so your content team ca...
09:35 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To [SwiftUI] How I Built OSS News App
This post is originally published in Japanese a half years ago. I want someone to know how create an iOS app with modern technology and how I struggled with that. Please enjoy!!I built an OSS news app...
09:14 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To How I improved your Google Lighthouse SEO score with a lot of research and one quick PR
I cross-post blog content regularly on, and I like to cross-post articles I write for companies to my personal blog site. This means that after a post is published in its original location, I p...
08:27 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Top 10 Headless Commerce Tools to Build an eCommerce Storefront
By Diego Salinas GardnThe eCommerce industry is growing exponentially. By 2021 alone, the market is projected to reach a total of $4.89 trillion. This comes after retail eCommerce grew more than 25% i...
08:16 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To A new code snippet creator is in town
When the sun was shining I could hardly read my own Code Snippets shared on Twitter as they lacked contrast and thickness. I know there is carbon and ray but those didn't exactly fit my needs of a fan...
07:45 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To How to publish a NuGet package using dotnet CLI
Cover image from Claudio Schwarz available in unsplash.In this post, I'll teach you how to publish a NuGet package using the .NET CLI to make it available to be downloaded and used by other people aro...
07:22 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Remix: Finishing the tutorial
Yesterday I started a new series to follow my journey into learning Remix, we got about halfway through the blog tutorial which meant we had routes and could load posts dynamically from the file syste...
06:57 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To What is Debouncing?
Performance is one of the many things that are prioritized when building websites and software generally. As software engineers, it's imperative that we write code with performance in mind, as this wo...
06:50 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Mixins in Typescript
Mixins is a popular way of building up classes from reusable components by combining simpler partial classes.In this article we are trying to demonstrate how we can use them in typescript. Identi...
06:44 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Fundamentos do React - Props vs State
Este artigo uma traduo pt-BR do artigo React Fundamentals: Props vs State por Kent C. Dodds. TL;DRVamos comparar props e state. Aqui est uma definio para cada um:"props" ( abreviao de "propertie...
06:21 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Do you know Javascript ?
We already know that javascript is single threaded, but the way it works is totally different from other programming languages like C and Java. The Event LoopJavascript has a runtime model, whic...
06:13 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Introduction to Modern JavaScript
JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight, interpreted, prototype-based, multi-paradigm, single-threaded, dynamic language, supporting object-oriented, imperative, and declarative programming styles.JavaScript...
06:12 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Python 101:Ultimate Guide To Python
IntroductionIf you can learn something new everyday, you can teach something new everyday. -Martha Stewart What Exactly is python?Developed in 1991 by Gu...
05:53 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To What are the Pros and Cons of Using Python for Machine Learning?
Python has become a popular language for machine learning in recent years. But what are the pros and cons of using Python for this purpose? In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the main a...
05:39 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Ways/Ideas to monetize a mobile game!
So You made a unique and enjoyable mobile experience but you want to earn some money from it and you are looking for ways then this is for you! or you want to learn about game monetization or app mone...
04:50 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Why PyPI Doesn't Know Your Projects Dependencies but Thoth Does
How can I produce a dependency graph for Python packages? Why PyPI does not state dependencies of Python packages? Let's have a look at these questions and a solution for Python developers. PyPIP...
04:49 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To 100 Languages Speedrun: Episode 88: Brat
Brat is another experimental language, with very minimalistic syntax that looks sort of Ruby and Io inspired to me. It describes itself as "a little toy language that just doesnt care".Brat runs on Lu...
04:37 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To How to make money online.
The only way you can make money online in a legit way without breaking the law is through:Getting a high-income skill.Using that skill to solve someone's problemThen that person pays you for your serv...
04:33 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To RenderFlex Overflowed Nedir - Flutter Inspector ile Layout Sorunlar Nasl Ayklanr?
Bir Flutter gelitiricisi olarak, muhtemelen uygulamanzda bir grntnn kesilmesi (veya grnmemesi) gibi sorunlarla karlam veya viewport was given unbounded height (grnm alanna snrsz ykseklik verildi) hat...
04:21 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To How to create a decent portfolio as a beginner?
Finally, after pouring blood and sweat on my portfolio, Ive finished it, and I got my sweet Responsive Web Design certificate from freeCodeCamp. This was my first time building something big. There we...
04:09 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To The best free alternative to Heroku
I recently discovered a new tool, I was looking for an alternative that came closest to Heroku. Personally I think Heroku is very good, but very expensive, I know it's not a simple VPS, plus $7 for me...
04:05 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Everything you need to know about Go-Lang - 2
You probably have heard about Google's cool language called Golang. Golang is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed at Google by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. It i...
03:57 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Visualizing Mike Bostock's GitHub Contributions Calendar How to Create a JS Calendar Chart
A calendar chart is an effective way to represent activity over time graphically. It can nicely display how a quantity varies with the days, weeks, months, and years. If you want to learn to build sty...
03:32 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Wait, .NET is HOW old?!?
Wow, the time has really flown by, hasnt it?!? Today marks the 20th anniversary of .NET! Released on February 13th, 2002, .NET has been through many iterations and changes over its lifetime. Originall...
03:20 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Tutorial : build your first DAPP with Remix and Etherscan
In this tutorial with 7 detailed tasks, we will build a DApp (semi-DApp in this tutorial) step by step. Task 1: Preparation for buildingTask 2: Learn Remix IDE - online smart contract development envi...
03:19 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Running Prisma migrate in an Electron app
I use Prisma Migrate in my Electron app. Here's a mechanism to detect when I need to run migrations on app start. In main.ts, I check if the DB needs creation (first app run) or if it needs a migratio...
03:13 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Introduction to python: Getting started with python
As a code newbie, when someone talks about python the first thing that comes to mind is probably the animal lol well it's not.Python is a computer programming language that enables users to build webs...
03:09 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Manage CodeCommit and CodePipeline in Multiple AWS Accounts
This video demonstrate how to setup AWS Codepipelines in multiple AWS accounts with single CodeComit as a Single Source Of Truth. this repo to access the IAM policy mate...
03:07 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Usage of `React.FC` from my experience
I have been working with React + Typescript setup for a year and a half and if you are someone like me, I bet you could have seen or used Typescript interface FC at least once. On that note, I want to...
03:02 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Custom element hearts for Valentine's Day
Tomorrow is valentines day, so what could be more fitting than making a custom valentine-hearts element for your web page?Coding might be for work, but sometimes it should just be for fun.Lets create ...
02:56 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To CSSBattle Target3
Hey everyone, I am back with the CSSBattle Series!This one is over the Target#3 "Push Button" on CSSBattle The best approach I could come up with is stated below<p></p><style>*...
02:50 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Do not read DDD Distilled by Vaughn Vernon
Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is a software design approach that focuses on modelling software to match a domain according to input from that domain's experts. It emerged in late 90s and started to gain ...
02:50 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Send Gmail emails from a dockerized PHP app' the easy and free way
While web API's like SendGrid are great tools for emailing at scale from within a web application, they are not free. Also, they often provide overkill features when you just want to send plain confir...
02:48 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To How to use Props in Vue
Properties, often just called "props" are an important part of Vue, and are a key way we pass data to child components. In this guide, we'll be going over how to use props, and why we use them. The fo...
02:47 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Python 101: Introduction to Modern Python
Python is one of the most widely used programming languages. Guido van Rossum created it, and it was released in 1991. It's used for server-side web development, software development, mathematics, and...
02:41 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To This week in Flutter 41
More on the biggest Flutter conference and a new Flutter State Management course.This week I watched the second day of Flutter Vikings.My favorite talk is Full Stack Dart byChris Swan. There is a loto...
01:45 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To GitHub Repositories to Crush any Programming Interview!
Programming Interviews may be frustrating and tough. If you have any phobia regarding programming interviews, have no fear, because this articles is for you.Pro tip: Save time by listening to the audi...
01:40 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Como usar uma classe Fixture com xUnit
Oi pessoal, tudo certo? Gostaria de compartilhar uma dica que acho interessante para quem escreve testes utilizando o xUnit, que o uso de Fixture. Para quem est iniciando nessa jornada de testes unit...
01:24 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Starter template with Vite and TypeScript for front-end projects
Starter template with Vite and TypeScript for front-end projectsI've created a starter template which is named VITAM for front-end development. This template focuses on building a static website...
01:17 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Interface vs Type in Typescript
My personal convention, which I describe below, is this:Always preferinterfaceovertype. When to usetype?Usetypewhen defining an alias for primitive types (string, boolean, number, bigint, symbol,...
12:22 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To How to create a beautiful parallax landing page with jarallax.js
In this article, I will show you how to create a beautiful parallax landing page with jarallax.js. Source CodeYou can find the source code and images from this repository on GitHub.Feel free to s...
12:22 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Kotlin Basics
Data Types// Type Annotation //// Stringval string: String = "Yasha Gozwan"// Characterval char: Char = 'A'// Integer Numbersval byte: Byte = 122val short: Short = 12_345val int: Int = 1_234_567...
12:07 pm GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Day 98 of 100 Days of Code & Scrum: SQL Sunday
Happy weekend, everyone!Today, I spent most of the day learning MySQL. I dived deeper into various data types in SQL as well as their respective functions. Also, I learned about how logical operators ...
11:40 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Day 19/100 Java
After todays sections my brain hurts.Day 19/100Language:JAVATime Period Spent:2hrsCourse Taken:Udemy: Java Programming Masterclass - Tim BuchalkaTodays Learning:ArraysArray RecapSorting ArrayUser inpu...
11:11 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Spring Kafka Streams playground with Kotlin - V
This post is the final part of a series where we create a simple Kafka Streams Application with Kotlin using Spring boot and Spring Kafka. Please check the first part of the tutorial to get started an...
09:52 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To JavaScript Calculator
Here is my second project,It's a simple JavaScript Calculator with an awesome classic UI..It is made using pure JavaScript. Supported-Simple arithmetic calculations: addition, subtraction, multip...
09:33 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To How do React Fragments work under the hood?
React aims to stay neat and clean that's why fragments are out there. They allow getting rid of excess wrappers while rendering multiple elements!That's pretty cool, but how do they work under the hoo...
09:27 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Python dictionary and dictionary methods
Sign up to my newsletter!. What is Dictionary?We have said that there are mutable (modifiable) data types that contain different data types such as Tuple and List data types in dictionaries and a...
09:24 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Higher Order Functions
What Is Higher order function?In dart programming language can accept a function as an argument, this type of functions is called higher order functions. for example :-void printUser(String Function()...
08:41 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To How does React allow creating custom components?
React strives to give its users the ability to build encapsulated, reusable components, but how does it implement this logic in JSX?Here is a simple example of a custom user-defined component, named G...
08:11 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Nearest Smaller Element on Left of anArray
In this post, we are going to explore a very common question on Stack. The questions are the following;Nearest Smaller Element on Left Let's assume we have given an array/vector/list with some element...
08:00 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To A Fun Programming Joke To Start Your Day
Hi there! Here's today's Daily Developer Joke. We hope you enjoy it; it's a good one.For more jokes, and to submit your own joke to get featured, check out the Daily Developer Jokes Website. We're als...
07:56 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To OpenBSD pkg_add ocsp verify failed
OpenBSD VirtulBox syspatch pkg_add :$ doas pkg_add -u TLS handshake failure: ocsp verify failed: ocsp response not currenthttps:...
07:54 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To OpenBSD pkg_add didn't work due to ocsp verify failed
What happendJust after installing OpenBSD onto VirtulBox, I couldn't use syspatch and pkg_add due to the error:$ doas pkg_add -u T...
07:49 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Paribudan Binanceye Coin Transfer
Paribudan Binanceye Transfer...
07:47 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Node & Mongo Blogs
CRUD Operations:In MongoDB basic programs and methods are called CRUD. CRUD stands for create, read, update and delete. By this method, we will manage the primary data in our database.JWT:JWT token st...
07:43 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To WordPress Development Environment on Pop OS
WordPress Boiler Plate Chase part 2.The devil is in the small details...So reflecting on my previous article (WordPress Boiler Plate Chase), I might find some solution to it. Also, it has a shor...
07:36 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To How To Unwrap All 21 Moment Cards In The NBA 2K22
Don't you want to collect the latest moment cards from NBA 2K22? If yes, keep going down and get the solution for unwrapping all cards. Universe Opal cards have shown up in NBA 2K22 toward the start o...
07:31 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Helm: Package Manager for k8s
Kubernetes was started inside Google to provide a layer of abstractions with containers for the modern infrastructure. Now, the technology is adopted by the masses and has become a de facto standard f...
05:58 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To React Query leveraging placeholder data
Now that we are pretty familiar with the concepts of React Query let's take a look at how we can leverage placeholder data.We can update the user with as much information as before, showing the loaded...
05:49 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To 7 Killer One-Liners in JavaScript
7 Killer One-Liners in JavaScriptJavaScript is the most crucial pillar of Web Development.This article contains code snippets hand-picked by sterilized contamination-free gloves and placed onto ...
05:13 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Roadmap to become a web3 developer
Hello there everyone, I'm Darshan and i'm here today to explain you a complete fresh roadmap about web3.0. So, lot of you guys have heard about web3.0 as it is in the trend right now, and each and eve...
05:11 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Make a beating heart using CSS: beginner-friendly tutorial
Did Valentines Day slip your mind this year? Youre probably not the only one. You could go the ol procrastinators route and buy your significant other some last-minute chocolate or flowers. Or, you co...
04:50 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Streaming Data Solutions on AWS - Part 5
Stream processing applications process data continuously in real-time, even before it is stored. Streaming data can come in at a blistering pace and data volumes can vary up and down at any time. Stre...
04:36 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Top 10 Landing page website 2021 for WordPress, Blogger.
Hello UI Fans Today we are showing you some of the best user interface. It's a modern design landing page website. Every design you see in this article is taken from Dribbble. All the designers and en...
04:33 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Flutter llega a Windows | Flutter 2.10
Cree aplicaciones de Windows de alta calidad con este increible SDK de Google Sin necesidad de activar flags en el procesoCon soporte de la comunidadCon un motor de C++Una capa de interoperabilidad co...
04:19 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Problem Solving for Developers - Javascript
Hey, Everyone! I'm Dreamy! Today's problem [easy]Have a bit of coding yourself and see what kind of solution you came up with, and comment down your best solution. /** * Given an array of size N cons...
04:19 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To How does TLS handshake work?
Ever wondered what happens when you request a website? Sure there are many many things happening behind the scenes and it will take forever if I wanted to explain all of that in one article, but I can...
03:14 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Build your Personal Brand with a Profile Page using GitHub Pages and Hugo
There are a lot more people are thinking about personal brands and all sorts of extra bits and pieces outside of just plain on being a software engineer these days. Recently I created a simple person...
03:12 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To SSGs through the ages: The 'SPAs are awesome' era
By Mike NeumegenIn the early 2010s while Jekyll was being reinvented web browsers were becoming ever more capable, spurring a proliferation of companies developing single-page applications. However, ...
03:11 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To SSGs through the ages: The Reinvention era
By Mike NeumegenAfter years of recreating and iterating on Jekyll, the reinvention period sees a flurry of static site generators challenging some of Jekylls underlying foundations.We see SSGs doing n...
03:10 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To -- Python
Python (mutable) (immutable) , a b , Python Python ---- Python Python , , , type() (type), (class), >>> type(1)<class 'int'>>>> type(True)<class 'bool'>>...
02:26 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To On Blockchain Understanding the absolute basics.
In this post, we are going to learn about blockchain in its simplest form, my objective for this post is that by the end, you would have a better understanding of the blockchain, and also be able to e...
01:37 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Custom Password Validation in Python (Function for password validation)
These posts will be in three parts.Function for password validationRefactoring the function for password validationUnit test the function for password validationWho cares about custom password validat...
01:36 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Google Ads Sertifika Cevaplar
Ads sertifikalar, Google Ads'in temel ve ileri dzey kavramlarnda yetkinlik gsteren kullanclara Google tarafndan verilen profesyonel onay belgeleridir. u anda alt Google Ads sertifikas sunulmaktadr: Go...
01:03 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Is just typing the difference between Typescript and Javascript?
Hi, Devs!So, the Typescript language came out and rapidly was being used around the Dev World. The important think is always use de correct tool to answer the problem, either Typescript or Javas...
12:35 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Installing OpenBSD 7 on Raspberry Pi 3
Getting ReadyBefore anything, you'll need:An Raspberry Pi 3 or 4 (only armv7)An Serial FTL Cable (example)An micro SD Card (your target disk)An usb thumb drive (your installer disk)I suggest you...
12:25 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To PowerShell: The Basics
Ah yes, PowerShell, the tool some techies avoid and users fear.PowerShell has a vast command inventory and learning it all in one postimpossible. But, for so many techs in the field PowerShell is an a...
12:10 am GMT - Sun, February 13, 2022
Dev To Creating a sign up form with an automatic password generator in javascript
Can I learn kung fu without sparring? Are you learning javascript as I am? If you are great! You see, this is the first project I am single-handedly doing since I started learning javascript. I first ...
10:50 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Remix: Something different
Coming up to three years ago I made the shift away from web development as a hobby to web development as a job. Part of finding the confidence to do that was the learning in public I did here, on dev,...
10:35 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Let's learn about NFT GAMING - The Future
What exactly are NFTs?A Non-Fungible Token is a digital token based on the blockchain representing a one-of-a-kind item. There are a variety of applications for an NFT. It might be a game's digital cu...
10:20 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Flutter Navigation Types
Navigasyon bir ekrandan dierine gezinmeyi salayan ynteme verilen isimdir.Flutter'da ekranlar arasnda gezinmek bir ok seenek vardr bunlar: MaterialPageRoute ile dorudan gezinme. Route Map ile statik na...
10:06 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Must have Wordpress plugins in 2022. This list will save you time & money
Have you ever wondered how many awesome Wordpress plugins, that you can use for your business, are out there in the wild and you haven't even heard of them? Some can do those little things that you ha...
09:51 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Micro-frontends (3/)
-So micro-frontends are simply a collection of decentralisedportions of a frontend application that compound to the same website.As part of the architecture, we have a framework that communicates betw...
09:49 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Cross-Contract Calls en NearProtocol
Aclaraciones iniciales:El siguiente artculo est enfocado en el desarrollo de contratos inteligentes usando Rust.Si bien los ejemplos estn desarrollados en NEAR, gran parte de la siguiente informacin s...
09:45 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To FullStack JWT Auth: Diving into SvelteKit - Profile Update
IntroductionFrom the last article, we concluded user registeration and authentication flow. It was surreal to me and I hope you find it intriguing too. In this article (possibly the last in this...
09:19 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Day 14 of 100DaysOfCode
Day 14 of 100 Days Of CodeHere can you find what I learned (& published) yesterday. What I published / coded (/ updated) yesterday?Day 14 of 100DaysOfCode started with...Publishing a Li...
09:19 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Stupid Mistakes 1
Basicaly , one of my clients requested to add a list of wordpress post inside a react app, so for that i needed to use the Wordpress APIThe task was simple, just fetch the posts and show them in a lis...
09:11 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To That Dang Material Design Spinner in One Element
You know the one, looks like was going to show it animated, but removes the controls attribute on <video> so ...
09:10 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Scoping Normalized Preflight CSS
Have you ever wanted to write a component library with, or port a legacy codebase to a modern utility-based CSS framework, such as Tailwind CSS or WindiCSS, just to realize that the "Preflight" CSS of...
09:10 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Flutter Pusher with Laravel WebSockets
Hey everyone, Today I'm going to demonstrate achieving WebSocket Communication between Laravel web application and Flutter mobile application using our own WebSocket Server.This article shall be divid...
09:07 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Deploying a Node.js application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk using Github actions
In this note, I'm jotting down how to deploy a Node.js application to AWS Elastic beanstalk using Github actions. Part of my assumption is that you have an existing project on Github, and you also hav...
08:43 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Setting up a VPN on Google Cloud Platform
IntroductionHi there, a few days ago I found this amazing repository, setup-ipsec-vpn, that have coolset of scripts to setup a IPSec VPN on almost any OS. These bash scripts are so powerful, you...
08:28 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Simple Music Player
Music Player| Simple Music Player using Electron.jsSource code: MIT Functions:Open MusicPlay/Pause MusicChoose the time you wantAdd music ...
08:23 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To pseudo classes in CSS - part 5 (:target)
:target is an awesome selector that most people either don't know about or don't know how to use effectively. There is a lot we can do using the target selector. I love it as I can do things without u...
07:39 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Smooth CSS Gradient Transitions
If you try to animate or transition a gradient with just CSS, you end up with an issue - all modern browsers do not natively transition colours in gradients smoothly. As such, if we try to hover or in...
07:10 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To What the heck is single threaded and synchronous (JavaScript)
A few days ago single threaded and synchronous were just 2 heavy words for me. If this is you right now, don't worry I'll try my best to make you understand.So, let's get started:Single threaded and s...
06:44 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Python 101: Ultimate Python Guide or Introduction to Modern Python
What is Python?Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Its high-level built in data structures, combined with dynamic typing and dynamic bind...
06:07 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Local build and run nestjs application
Update nxThe current version of nx contains bugs, need update itnpx nx migrate @nrwl/workspaceendy@endy-virtual-machine:~/Projects/current/kaufman-bot$ npx nx migrate @nrwl/workspaceFetching met...
06:04 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Beginners guide to React.js Batched Updates
Lets start with a crisp-not-so-clear definition BatchingBatching is when React groups multiple state updates into a single re-render for better performance. Umm Question..Why Such a thing ?...
05:57 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Circuitpython and ESP32-C3
HelloThanks for listening to me.I work on the realization of home automation modules to improve my solar houses to make them as efficient as possible.I have a problem with Circuitphyton.I manage to fl...
05:57 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To iPad has a build in Calculator. For Real!
OK People, recently i just bough an iPad. As i was looking and searching it i discover that no calculator app is available! This is crazy, right?Did you ever used your iPad like a real Macos Computer?...
05:56 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To How to localize SwiftUI application
By localizing your application, you are making your application more accessible to a global audience. With help of SwiftUI framework and Xcode 13, localizing your app is not particularly difficult. Bu...
05:49 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Git-Flow vs Github-flow
Git-flowGit-flow was described by Vincent Driessen on his 2010 post A successful Git branching model. Ive found it to be a great way to organize a repository. In short, you:Keep your master bran...
05:48 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Crashing gracefully while error handling using Error Boundaries.
React error boundaries let you catch JavaScript errors that occur in child components. Any unhandled error originating below the boundarys tree position will be caught, preventing a crash occurring.Yo...
05:47 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Energas renovables: Ventajas de la energa geotrmica
Qu es la geotermia o energa geotrmica?Dicho brevemente, es la energa almacenada en forma de calor por debajo de la superficie slida de la tierra.El aprovechamiento de esta energa se realiza desde hace...
05:46 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Repblica Dominicana como uno de los mercados emergentes ms atractivos
Morgan Stanley, el banco de inversin americano, ha declarado que Repblica Dominicana tiene grandes posibilidades de registrar una reduccin de su carga pblica durante el 2022.Tiene una menor deuda que ...
05:28 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Simplify test new features in Flutter app with debug_friend
When we are working on a large product, development is carried out in teams. We divide the work into sprints, weeks, functions and periods. Recently, I began to notice such a situation. The first deve...
05:02 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To What is easier to learn: React or Angular?
tl;drIf we compare apples to apples: AngularI am actually a senior developer that works with Angular and React for several years.It gives me an deep insight into both technologies, what is unique. Bec...
04:44 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Explaining Data Engineering to a 5 Year-Old (data is mud)
You are at the playground, and it starts raining. What happens to the soil? It gets muddy - and then you can try to play with it and make shapes out of it. Maybe get a bit creative and colors it or ad...
04:14 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Async vs Defer in javascript
IntroductionHow many times have you added javascript to your HTML like this <script src="path/to/some/javascript"></script> but have you ever pondered how browser handle that line of...
04:10 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Add nestjs nx plugin, create server app and core lib
Install nestjs plugin to nx monoreponpm install -D @nrwl/nestendy@endy-virtual-machine:~/Projects/current/kaufman-bot$ npm install -D @nrwl/nestadded 158 packages, and audited 623 packages in 18...
04:08 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To How to use Asp Net Core DI & Reflection
When using Asp Net Core, you have access to dependency injection in many cases, but how do you go about creating objects in your code using the same dependency injection? What is reflection?To st...
04:04 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Spring Kafka Streams playground with Kotlin - IV
ContextThis post is part of a series where we create a simple Kafka Streams Application with Kotlin using Spring boot and Spring Kafka. Please check the first part of the tutorial to get started...
04:04 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To SOLID Principles -Object Oriented Programming in PHP
SOLID is an acronym for the first five object-oriented design (OOD) principles by Robert C. Martin (also known as Uncle Bob).These principles establish practices that lend to developing software with ...
04:04 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Express Error Handling
Error Handling refers to how Express catches and processes errors that occur both synchronously and asynchronously. Error handling often doesn't get the attention & prioritization it deserves, but...
04:03 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To How to combine and summarize excel/CSV files in Python?
This is the begging of a series to share simple and short lines of code in Python that helped me to automate my work. Scenario: You have monthly sales reports for the year 2021, and your need to put t...
03:59 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Hello World
I discovered developer blogging more than a year ago and it intrigued me but for whatever reason, I did not start one. It was a blunder on my part but as they say, better late than never.My goal with ...
03:48 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension is a developers closest friend. Most of the information you will use comes from text documentation. Strengthening reading skills requires practice, so slow down and focus on what...
03:23 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Make Reusable and Animated Drop-down with Vue, Tailwind and Laravel
Hello everyone ,There is no doubt that reusable components is one of the main keys that makes developers life easier. Not only it makes the code elegant and sexy , but also it can be used in mul...
02:58 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Promises - JavaScript Concepts Simplified
What is a Promise?By definition, a promise is a declaration that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen. In the programming world, a promise is an object that represents th...
02:09 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Node.js Tutorial Complete Guide for Beginners
This Node.js tutorial is aimed at developers who want to program with Node.js but know little or nothing about it yet i.e. complete beginners in this field.Node.js is becoming more and more popular: ...
01:57 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To easy way to validate data in javascript
introductionwe build project and websites , sometimes encounter problems that need solve, but what if we come out with problem of how we validate data in correct way, this is major question and ...
01:51 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Why do people fight over Java VS C?
C++ and Java are the most widely used programming languages in the field of computer programming all around the world. The majority of competitive programmers use C++ with Java coming in second place....
01:35 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To CSS Glass Morphism Generator
The glass morphism effect is popping up all over the web at the minute. Although in the past it was generated mostly with images, we can now achieve the same result using CSS. The CSS glass morphism e...
01:15 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Golang Contexts | Golang Tutorial For Beginners
01:10 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Make a 3d Carousel using React Slick
Sliders have now become an essential part of almost all the websites that we browse through generally, they look appealing and give a nice cool effect to the webpage. Today, we will also built a small...
01:05 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To 3 Ways to Center Content Horizontally and Vertically in CSS
3 Ways to Center Content Horizontally and Vertically in CSSClassic Option.classic{ position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%);}CSS Grid Way.grid{ display: ...
12:51 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To How to enact a Component Loop in React
Do you know that you can write Javascript code within your components with the help of React? Moreover, you might also be aware that when react allows you to write javascript code, it makes programmin...
12:50 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Day 97 of 100 Days of Code & Scrum: Aggregate Functions in MySQL
Hello there, everyone!I spent my free time today practicing aggregate functions in MySQL, such as COUNT, MIN, MAX, SUM, and AVG. GROUP BY took a little bit of time for me to understand, but I eventual...
12:28 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Object Oriented Programming with java- an overview
In this article, we are going to learn the basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming also called the core of java. OOP is a method used for designing a program using classes and objects. Object Or...
12:20 pm GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Basic Traefik configuration tutorial
IntroductionThis tutorial aims to introduce Traefik, explain its basic components and show a basic configuration in Docker. I Traefik and I hope you are going to love it too! We will go through...
11:39 am GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Introducing Chaos Engineering to Machine Learning deployments
A Data Scientist's worst nightmare is seeing his Machine Learning model deployment fail at production. But how do we really ensure that the deployment targets are resilient enough to handle the incomi...
10:39 am GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Create Cool Plots With React and Plotly
Today I will show you how to create an interactive plot with React and Plotly library that you can use in your React web apps!Let's start cooking!Step 1In this tutorial we will plot 24hr price change ...
10:29 am GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Any idea for valentines day?
Hey guys, im just new in coding. Almost 1 month. I am 31 y.o personal trainer and living with my girlfriend. She's fully supports me for changing career into coding. And i wanna make a little tiny sup...
10:19 am GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Stop and Start EC2 instances at predefined times Using Lambda and EventBridge - STOPINATOR 2.0 : Day 7
DAY 7 - Stop and Start EC2 instances at predefined times Using Lambda and EventBridge - STOPINATOR 2.0100 days of Cloud- Day Two Follow Me on TwitterTweet This Blog - Read on GitHub - Read On ...
10:19 am GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Stop and Start EC2 instances at predefined times Using Lambda and EventBridge - STOPINATOR 2.0
DAY 7 - Stop and Start EC2 instances at predefined times Using Lambda and EventBridge - STOPINATOR 2.0100 days of Cloud- Day Two Follow Me on TwitterTweet This Blog - Read on GitHub - Read On ...
09:18 am GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Check size of a lot of cubes on Nreal light - MR Tutorial for Nreal light
This sample is to see what size you can actually feel by placing many 1x1x1 cubes in the space. Sample Repositorymr-tutorials-for-nreal-light/CubeSize at main karad/mr-tutorials-for-nreal-light ...
09:17 am GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To I just started.
This is my 1st post on I recently started learning Web development and found out this platform is good for developers to become a better developer so I have to be here so here I am.Please Note...
08:51 am GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To How To return CREATED HTTP Status Code in Jax-Rs
Use created(URI location) of the class. Usually when you return the 201 HTTP Status Code, you should return a location header with the location where the new REST resource i...
08:45 am GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Firewall: Egress Filtering with ufw
What is about Firewalls with Egress filtering?Egress filtering is when we control the traffic leaving our network. Egress filtering limits our outbound traffic flow to a reduced subset by introd...
08:22 am GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Many Beginner programmers learn code in the wrong way. They learn to code like this:Write all the information they learn in a notebook.Learn all the syntax.Learn some theories.Learn all
08:07 am GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To How to install an SSL certificate on a Bitnami stack hosted on Amazon Lightsail?
In this note, I'll be writing about how to install an SSL certificate on a Bitnami stack hosted on Amazon Lightsail. For the purpose of this tutorial, we'll be using WordPress installation on AWS Ligh...
08:06 am GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Calling All Africa Flutter Developers & Figma Designers!
In partnership with our Parabeac Africa Chapter led by Will Odia, we are throwing our first challenge where you can win up to $300 USD by building an app prototype or component package using Figma, Fl...
08:00 am GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Today's Daily Dose of Programming Humor
Hi there! Here's today's Daily Developer Joke. We hope you enjoy it; it's a good one.For more jokes, and to submit your own joke to get featured, check out the Daily Developer Jokes Website. We're als...
07:58 am GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Modify RDS Instance Type using Lambda during peak hours with Cloudwatch Events
Hi Folks, hope you are doing good.Use-case: To modify RDS Instance Type to facilitate load during peak hours using Lambda and Cloudwatch EventsCreate a Lambda Function:Author from scratchFunction Name...
07:56 am GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To
: Maintaining Machine Learning Model Accuracy Through Monitoring: May 20, 2021: Feb 12, 2022 Doordash ML ML : API Request > (Sibyl) > Log Kafa Topic > Snow...
07:45 am GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Circular Queues
Today I'm going to talk about circular queues on what I've learned.In the last post we discussed about queues . There is a small issue with circular queues.Let's say that we have a queue with a size o...
07:45 am GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To New Release: Notion RSS Reader
TL;DR;You can save articles from your favorite sites in the Notion Database. How to use Please access & fork this repository! Setting me...
06:50 am GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To Dependent queries in React Query
In some cases, you might need only to fire a query once a specific condition is met.Some examples of this:Wait for user inputWait for the main query to return the user IDWe are still retrieving an ID ...
06:31 am GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To pseudo classes in CSS - part 4 (:active)
Note: This is the 4th part of the 5 part series dedicated to the pseudo classes of CSS.In this part, we'll understand the the pseudo class :active but if you want to jump to any other pseudo class, be...
05:05 am GMT - Sat, February 12, 2022
Dev To