Articles by Dev To from August 2020
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08:39 pm GMT - Sun, August 30, 2020
Dev To
How To Add Search To Your Static Site
This post was originally posted on The Algorithmic Cookbook under How To Add Search To Your Static Site. This post is also on YouTubeIn this post, Ill go over how to add search to a static site by add...
07:54 pm GMT - Sun, August 30, 2020
Dev To
How I became an AWS Certified Developer - how to pass the associate exam!
A few months ago I passed the AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam. This exam tests your knowledge of the core AWS services that you need to use for developing, deploying and debugging cloud based a...
07:45 pm GMT - Sun, August 30, 2020
Dev To
Do you know GeoJSON ?
IntroductionFor those who don't know, GeoJSON is the standard data format used to store location data and geographical features. ContentsTerminologiesDifferent Geometry typesResourcesGeoJSO...
06:44 pm GMT - Sun, August 30, 2020
Dev To
Why Conversations Are Difficult With Programmers
It is always disheartening to walk away from a heated conversation. After having it happened to me in both professional and personal life, I took a long time to think about why is it difficult to have...
06:37 pm GMT - Sun, August 30, 2020
Dev To
28 free resources for web developers
Below you will find a curated list of resources I have found useful in my endevours designing and developing web applications. BlogsFlavio Copes - seemingly endless articles on a wide variety of...
05:42 pm GMT - Sun, August 30, 2020
Dev To
I wrote a GitHub Action using Kotlin
My WorkflowI decided to take a look at GitHub Actions so for the past week Ive been watching and reading everything about it. I even wrote a post, an Introduction to GitHub Actions. What I found...
05:14 pm GMT - Sun, August 30, 2020
Dev To
Open Source contribution for beginners
How I got started with open sourceLet me be honest, when I first heard about open source contribution when I was learning CSS, I thought it was for experienced programmers. With me learning wha...
02:01 pm GMT - Sun, August 30, 2020
Dev To
Where do you host your static sites?
So far I've used just Github pages and Netlify, tho I've heard of other alternatives like Firebase, Vercel, Google Cloud Storage, Surge and Render.Where do you host your static sites and why? ...
01:13 pm GMT - Sun, August 30, 2020
Dev To
Powerful unknown web APIs
We are constantly manipulating the DOM and working with it as front-end developers, the thing is we know many of the common methods available but there are so many web apis out there that are powerful...
12:30 pm GMT - Sun, August 30, 2020
Dev To
Changing Permissions in Linux System
In the last post, we explored Permissions in Linux System. If you have not read the previous post I would strongly recommend you read the last post first.Now, let's move onto Changing Permissions in L...
10:08 am GMT - Sun, August 30, 2020
Dev To
Important Git Commands: Git commands you must know
Git is a most popular and widely used distributed version control system that helps developers manage their code efficiently by keeping a track record of the changes committed to the code-base by time...
04:45 am GMT - Sun, August 30, 2020
Dev To
Build This Cool Password Checklist with React and CSS
My other blog about building cool sign up form got a lot of attention, so I decided to write another tutorial for a ~cool form~.This is a tutorial for how to build this animated password checklist:get...
03:55 am GMT - Sun, August 30, 2020
Dev To
See the big picture
Depending on where you are at in your career, you may have heard of the term get the big picture or see the full picture.Typically (not always) folks with less experience do not grasp this. This is no...
03:19 am GMT - Sun, August 30, 2020
Dev To
How To Create JavaScript Objects From an Excel File
If you're like me, you might like to use excel files occasionally to keep track of certain data. It is, after all, a pretty universal standard for keeping track of numbers and having a visual interfac...
02:04 am GMT - Sun, August 30, 2020
Dev To
Understanding Call, Apply and Bind by creating them - Javascript
Creating stuff with the tools that you are using is pretty fun but you know what's amazing is when you know how to create the tools that you are using. So I started to experiment with small javascript...
09:50 pm GMT - Sat, August 29, 2020
Dev To
CI/CD tutorial with GitHub Actions
Create a deploy pipeline which checks your code quality frequently and running on GitHub Actions - using Hello World and Node.js flows TD;DRA basic deploy pipeline for your code can setup quick, ...
09:23 pm GMT - Sat, August 29, 2020
Dev To
How to Create Luck
My entire worldview changed when I realized that luck can be created. More precisely, you can actively create optimal conditions for lucky things to happen to you. The more I looked into this, the mor...
08:14 pm GMT - Sat, August 29, 2020
Dev To
APIs to help build your next side project
Say you have an idea for a new side project, but dont know what topic to base it on (for example: Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica). You really don't wanna be building another to-do list.You might w...
07:52 pm GMT - Sat, August 29, 2020
Dev To
Top 5 vs CODE extensions for web developers
A list of essential Visual Studio Code extensions to help you become a more efficient web developer. 1. Live ServerA must-have for any developer creating webpages using HTML and CSS. Once install...
07:46 pm GMT - Sat, August 29, 2020
Dev To
3 Secrets behind single div CSS art
When i started making CSS drawings, i didnt know about Single div CSS art, i was very amazed by what people can draw with only one div then i felt curious to know how these drawings are made.I went to...
07:35 pm GMT - Sat, August 29, 2020
Dev To
How To Deploy a Full-Stack MERN App with Heroku/Netlify
This post is intended to be a guide for those that want to deploy a full-stack MERN app. It will be very specific on steps so it's a bit of a read, however, it will ensure there is minimal to no confu...
05:53 pm GMT - Sat, August 29, 2020
Dev To
002 - Clean Code - Names
Names Reveal your IntentIntent : Nawaya in ArabicVariables are all around the programm having good names will help read d; // elapsed time in daysin past documentations were good b...
04:54 pm GMT - Sat, August 29, 2020
Dev To
How to Send and Receive messages through Azure Service Bus Queue using .Net Core Client.
Introduction:In this article, we will learn about sending and receiving messages through Azure Service Bus Queues using a .Net Core Client. Source code:
04:26 pm GMT - Sat, August 29, 2020
Dev To
Flexbox vs CSS Grid: Which one do you prefer?
Flexbox is a one-dimensional layout model, that offers space distribution between items in an interface and powerful alignment capabilities without using float or positioning.CSS GRID is a more powerf...
01:50 pm GMT - Sat, August 29, 2020
Dev To
Boost Page Speed By Using Only A CSS Property!
Google just released Chrome 85, the major update for this browser in 2020. Just like those previous major updates, Chrome got a bunch of fixes and new features. Which includes content-visibility: auto...
11:15 am GMT - Sat, August 29, 2020
Dev To
Function Currying in JavaScript
Javascript is a multi-paradigm language that allows you to freely mix and match object-oriented, procedural, and functional paradigms. Recently there has been a growing trend towards functional progra...
11:01 am GMT - Sat, August 29, 2020
Dev To
Introduction to Node.js
In this simple introduction to Node.js, we will build a basic application controller which allows us to navigate between multiple routes, and render the appropriate HTML. This means that we will only ...
08:09 am GMT - Sat, August 29, 2020
Dev To
Be a Farmer & Not A Hunter
The original post was on Be A Farmer & Not A Hunter - Reading Time: 3 Mins and cover image by Jed Owen on Unsplash IntroductionI'm writing this so that it gives you a perspective of thinking ...
07:56 am GMT - Sat, August 29, 2020
Dev To
How to make an Instagram Bot with Python
Do you use Instagram? Do you want to know how to build an Instagram Bot?This tutorial will teach you how to automate Instagram activities with the help of an Instagram bot.Let's get started! Prer...
06:08 am GMT - Sat, August 29, 2020
Dev To
Getting notified in JavaScript when a Media Query changes
Media queries are awesome and well used in modern web development.But how can one notify JavaScript if a certain media query is met.There is a window listener called: matchMedia, and it does exactly t...
05:58 am GMT - Sat, August 29, 2020
Dev To
Beginner's guide to creating a Node.js server
As full stack developers, we use multiple programming languages to build the frontend and backend of our apps. I often find myself mixing the syntax of JavaScript and Ruby as I switch back and forth b...
05:30 am GMT - Sat, August 29, 2020
Dev To
Learn Data Structure and Algorithm in JavaScript | Part 15
Akanksha Sharma @akankshashar07 @DThompsonDev I struggled so much in learning linklist and trees concept that now I ...
05:16 am GMT - Sat, August 29, 2020
Dev To
Drawing a cartoon character with CSS
Today, I drew a cartoon character using HTML and CSS. I built it from scratch (which is always fun), and recorded the process. The whole thing took a little over an hour, but at 20x, it is a lot faste...
01:31 am GMT - Sat, August 29, 2020
Dev To
Docs are boring, let's build a movie finder app to learn React hooks (useReducer, useEffect and useContext)
This article is meant to help you understand three React hooks: useReducer, useEffect, and useContext, by using them in real-world scenarios. If you believe in learning by doing and want to learn more...
10:30 pm GMT - Fri, August 28, 2020
Dev To
Prototypical Inheritance
In the very beginning on this blog, we talked about how everything in JavaScript is an object. When we create objects, we have the inherent need for reusing its properties or methods. Most modern lang...
09:25 pm GMT - Fri, August 28, 2020
Dev To
Best Coding Challenge Websites to Practice your Skills
A few days ago, I had my first whiteboard interview for which I had to practice my JavaScript skills using various coding challenges found online. Below I want to share the coding challenge websites t...
08:31 pm GMT - Fri, August 28, 2020
Dev To
How to explore a user's Tweets using v2 of the Twitter API
This tutorial was originally posted to developer.twitter.comThe Twitter API allows you to retrieve and explore the timeline of public Tweets a user has posted. To explore a users Tweets you can use re...
08:04 pm GMT - Fri, August 28, 2020
Dev To
Beyond console.log(): 3 Ways to Format Console Outputs in JavaScript
As JavaScript developers, we intuitively use console.log() to debug, print out variables, and log results of our current operations to make sure we are on the right programming path. Indeed, console.l...
04:21 pm GMT - Fri, August 28, 2020
Dev To
JavaScript Katas: Seconds To Minutes And Hours
Intro Problem solving is an important skill, for your career and your life in general.That's why I take interesting katas of all levels, customize them and explain how to solve them. Today'...
03:35 pm GMT - Fri, August 28, 2020
Dev To
What was your win this week?
Looking back on your week what was something you're proud of?All wins count big or small Examples of 'wins' include:Getting a promotion!Starting a new projectFixing a tricky bugCleaning your house.....
03:12 pm GMT - Fri, August 28, 2020
Dev To
How I Made My Personal Website 10x Faster
I'd recently recreated my personal website, and the page load time reduced to < 1.6s .You don't believe it? Check it out here to clear your doubts.Note: While my personal website is built with Nuxt...
03:10 pm GMT - Fri, August 28, 2020
Dev To
Deploying a Next.js project on SashiDo
Youre planning to build your first or your yet another content dense web site then the Next.js framework is probably one of the top choices to go with. I know that because just like you, our team like...
02:26 pm GMT - Fri, August 28, 2020
Dev To
10 Trending projects on GitHub for web developers - 28th August 2020
Trending Projects is available as a weekly newsletter please sign up at to ensure you never miss an issue. 1. UmamiUmami is a simple, fast, website analytics alternative to ...
02:26 pm GMT - Fri, August 28, 2020
Dev To
What programming concept did you struggle the most with?
Was it types, promises, or ternary operators?Maybe async, testing, recursion?Was it OOP, malloc, or decorators?Or maybe compilers, data structures, or recursion?...
01:54 pm GMT - Fri, August 28, 2020
Dev To
What is Infrastructure as Code? and the difference of IaC Tools
With the below Infrastructure as Code video you'll get a good overview of what Infrastructure as Code is and how the IaC tools differ from each other. What is Infrastructure as Code? To underst...
01:20 pm GMT - Fri, August 28, 2020
Dev To
Tips for Running an Effective Virtual Offsite
This post originally appeared as Tips for Running an Effective Virtual Offsite on The Bearer Blog. Offsites are a big part of remote teams. They allow everyone to socialize, connect more deeply with ...
12:16 pm GMT - Fri, August 28, 2020
Dev To
Yarn 2.2 Dedupe, Faster, Lighter, ...
I hope you enjoyed the summer! As for us, we've been hard at work, and this update comes with its good chunk of improvements in various aspects. As usual we keep a detailed list in our repository, but...
12:14 pm GMT - Fri, August 28, 2020
Dev To
Linux Commands for Developers
An introduction to basic Linux commands for developers.Linux is an open-source operating system that powers Android phone, public cloud, smart TV, IoT devices, satellites its everywhere; from your sm...
11:20 am GMT - Fri, August 28, 2020
Dev To
How to create a free Developer Blog in less than 10 minutes?
IntroductionThere are many reasons why you might want to create your personal developer blog. You might want to share your knowledge with your community, build a following, learn more by doing, ...
11:01 am GMT - Fri, August 28, 2020
Dev To
Being a developer from home; never work in an office again
"I wear a suit to look good, not as a daily uniform". Gary Pendergast, one of the WordPress maintainers said this on our recent Open Source Friday live stream.He says working from home allows you to g...
10:12 am GMT - Fri, August 28, 2020
Dev To
MJML: The responsive email language.
IntroductionThis article is short, sweet and is just an overview of some of the basics I have learned about this language. I have provided some links for you to view more about MJML and check it out f...
09:27 am GMT - Fri, August 28, 2020
Dev To
10 Tips on How Developers Increase Their Productivity
Maintaining a high productivity level is hard. Sometimes lines of code dont come easy, you feel anxious and unable to concentrate. The good news is that theres a huge English-speaking coding community...
07:17 am GMT - Fri, August 28, 2020
Dev To
50 Amazing DEV people to follow on Twitter
Twitter, like other social media, brings like-minded people together.Here I have compiled a list of 50 awesome people to follow in tech-Twitter.Wes BosBrad TraversyQuincy LarsonFlorin PopBen HalpernEm...
06:59 am GMT - Fri, August 28, 2020
Dev To
OOP vs functional programming
IntroductionBefore we get started with coding I want to give you a quick introduction to object-oriented and functional programming.Both are programming paradigms differing in the techniques the...
04:51 am GMT - Fri, August 28, 2020
Dev To
When to use these Nodejs frameworks? Express, Koa, Nest,, Meteor.js
According to the Node.js web survey report 2018, Node.js has increased developer productivity by 68%, reduced development costs, and enhanced app performance to a great extent. This is a result of the...
02:56 am GMT - Fri, August 28, 2020
Dev To
Error Handling in Observables
The two key concepts you would want to know to handle errors in Observables are: catch and retry. As the name suggests catch allows us to catch the errors and retry will enable us to retry the action ...
07:31 pm GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
Building a VSCode Extension: Part One
I have been looking for a fun side project to work on in my free time. Building projects is the best way to actually improve your skills as a developer. I decided that I will try to document my journe...
07:25 pm GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
Any tips for onboarding developers? Let us know for the chance to be featured on a DEV podcast!
The DevDiscuss Podcast begins with an interview and ends with commentary from listeners and we like to feature the actual voices from our community! This week's prompt: "What are some good pract...
06:24 pm GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
My First 50 Days of Learning to Code
Hello World! I am a 30-Year-Old civil/construction engineer, learning to code for the first time. I share my journey and learning here. This is a continuation of my previous posts. ...
06:01 pm GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
Why You Should Start Pair Programming
IntroductionI spent a lot of time working independently, trying to build a foundation with Ruby, and scratching my head constantly. I finally had my first pair programming experience after the f...
05:34 pm GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
Would you like to get a Neuralink Implant?
Okay, I'm excited about Neuralink, maybe you are not. Seem like an episode of Black Mirror coming to reality.But let's assume if in Future this actually works and this technology is assessable to mass...
05:34 pm GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
New to eLearning? Learn about SCORM
When I was contacted by an eLearning company about a role that involved integrating their learning management system, or LMS, with clients' LMSs using SCORM and SSO, I had to look these terms up but I...
03:59 pm GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
HarperDB's New Approach to Role Permissions
In our 2.2.0 version release this week, we made major changes to the way role permissions are managed and used in HarperDB. Prior to this release, we used permissions as a way to explicitly identify ...
03:55 pm GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
DB transaction lock & How to handle deadlock
Locking is not easy as you think!In the last lecture, weve learned how to implement a simple money transfer transaction. However, we havent updated the accounts balance yet because its more complicate...
03:54 pm GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
Accidental Leadership in Open Source
Next Billion CreatorsMy name is Samson Goddy. At the time of this writing, I am locked up someplace in Port Harcourt, with my hands sanitized, convincing myself every day to do more social distancing,...
03:46 pm GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
Building Blocks of a Full Stack Web-App
What goes into building a full stack web-app from scratch?As a beginner developer, it can be hard to figure out what technologies you need to learn and how to fit it all together to produce a producti...
03:01 pm GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
Explaining IIoT and event streaming projects with models
How to build a hardware IIoT factory product reader and replay data using the simulatorIf you work in IT or on a developer team, you may find it hard to explain the benefits of data-heavy event ...
02:47 pm GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
How my website works
I recently redesigned my website. Its not exactly a technical marvel, but I feel that is its strength, and I wish more projects I observed prioritised delivering useful content rather than expensive t...
02:42 pm GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
Ultimate Django Reference (commands, deployment, rest api)
Basic CommandsStart a new projectdjango-admin startproject <projectname>Start a new app in your projectdjango-admin startapp <appName>Run Development Serverpython runserver...
02:29 pm GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
10 Challenging JavaScript Quiz Questions and Answers
The following questions are intended to be challenging and instructive. If you know exactly how to answer each one, that's great, but if you get some wrong and learn why you got it wrong, I contend th...
02:28 pm GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
What the heck is Currying anyway?
Hey everyone, nice to see you on my little home on internet! I'm going through some concepts which I had skipped while beginning to learn JavaScript and here we are. So, now we'll see what's the matte...
01:47 pm GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
15 Awesome Developer Home Workstations
Work from home is part of our lives now. This is probably where we spend most of our time, and we deserve an upgrade! I collected some of the latest dev workstations to get some inspiration for my own...
01:45 pm GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
Getting Your First Software Job Without Professional Experience
Ive had a few friends recently ask me about breaking into the software industry. Most have been looking for advice on getting a developer job at a consumer-facing web/internet company-- though places ...
01:36 pm GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
Creating A Custom Scroll Bar In 24 Lines Of CSS
Have you ever encountered a website with a beautiful scrollbar and thought to yourself wow, I wish I could create something like that. Me too! And after a little investigation, I figured out that crea...
01:04 pm GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
Flutter for Web: An Ultimate Guide
Flutter is Google's UI library that was initially launched to develop native, performant, and beautiful mobile applications. However, the vision behind Flutter isn't restricted to just mobile apps, it...
12:15 pm GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
Manipulating CSS Classes with classList - DOM
In this article, you will learn how to use the JavaScript classList property to work with the CSS classes of an element by either removing, adding, toggling, or checking if a class exists in an elemen...
11:43 am GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
Understanding React Native Architecture
React Native is an excellent entering point to app development for a web developer, especially with React experiences.However, it does not mean that React Native is simple. You can write apps with you...
10:28 am GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
Time Blocking for Developers: How to Achieve Flow, Stop Being Busy, & Start Being Productive
No, I cant meet with you Monday.I find myself saying this a lot. Not because I have a bunch of other meetings scheduled or because Im taking the day off. (I wish!)No, this isnt about that. Its about a...
08:39 am GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
Web Animations
IntroductionAnimations play an important role in our day to day internet surfing. They make the online loading experience more entertaining for the users and develops interests among them.They a...
06:38 am GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
Understanding Bind, Call and Apply in JavaScript
Like applying cold water to a burned area in the real world, we can also apply additional information to our function calls in the digital world.Recently, I tried to clear the confusion around JavaScr...
06:26 am GMT - Thu, August 27, 2020
Dev To
Django ORM if you already know SQL
If you are migrating to Django from another MVC framework, chances are you already know SQL. In this post, I will be illustrating how to use Django ORM by drawing analogies to equivalent SQL statement...
10:02 pm GMT - Wed, August 26, 2020
Dev To
Meet tinyhttp, a 0-legacy, tiny and fast alternative to Express
Whattinyhttp is a modern Express-like web framework written in TypeScript and compiled to native ESM, that uses a bare minimum amount of dependencies trying to avoid legacy hell.Here is a short ...
05:11 pm GMT - Wed, August 26, 2020
Dev To
React Component Patterns
OverviewThis documentation will help identify the trade-offs of the different React patterns and when each pattern would be most appropriate. The following patterns will allow for more useful an...
04:55 pm GMT - Wed, August 26, 2020
Dev To
DevDiscuss S2E3: The History of IRC and the Evolution of Community Tools
Hey everyone! I am sharing this week's episode of the DevDiscuss podcast in place of Jess who is taking some well-deserved time off. She'll be back soon to share these weekly podcast posts. In the mea...
04:17 pm GMT - Wed, August 26, 2020
Dev To
10 Things I Learned by Making a React Hook Library
Since the introduction of Hooks in React 16.8, there has been an explosion of Hook libraries, and for good reason. Hooks are how you reuse code in functional components. Without Hooks, functional co...
03:48 pm GMT - Wed, August 26, 2020
Dev To
Quick Tips & Resources To Improve Your Github ReadMe
Unless you have been living under a rock for the past few months, you are probably aware that Github has a cool new feature where you can create a custom markdown README intro for your Github profile ...
02:19 pm GMT - Wed, August 26, 2020
Dev To
Storing tokens in single-page applications
Single-page applications that use tokens to authenticate users need to implement a strategy for storing the tokens securely. Don't use localStorageTokens should not be stored in localStorage or s...
01:12 pm GMT - Wed, August 26, 2020
Dev To
How to add Splash Screen in a React Native Android App?
Hi there!The reason why you're here for this is probably because you couldn't find the correct, updated and easiest solution to this till now! But now, worry no more! You 've arrived at the right plac...
10:03 am GMT - Wed, August 26, 2020
Dev To
Temporal - Date & Time in JavaScript today!
Every developer at some point in their careers had to play with Date & Time and if you are lucky... You only had to deal with time zones when you are travelling.The JavaScript community & deve...
09:20 am GMT - Wed, August 26, 2020
Dev To
First hands on the new Twitter API
Twitter has officially released its new API, aka version 2. It comes with great premises. Introduced with an astonishing video and proudly promoted as a rebuild "from the ground up to better support d...
08:31 am GMT - Wed, August 26, 2020
Dev To
20 React Developer Tools to Increase Your Programming Productivity
As you can understand from the title of this article, the goal is to be more productive developing React applications. That is why a long intro is unnecessary. There are only two points that I want to...
07:43 am GMT - Wed, August 26, 2020
Dev To
Which CI/CD tool do you use?
I have been researching a lot on CI/CD tools lately. I have worked on TravisCI before, and recently with GitHub Actions.I'd love to know which ones do you use and why! ...
07:14 am GMT - Wed, August 26, 2020
Dev To
9 Ways to Increase Productivity in the Workplace
Whether we do an eight-hour job or freelance, we want to feel satisfied at the end of the day. We want to know that your day-to-day efforts make a difference for the company and contribute to our prof...
04:54 am GMT - Wed, August 26, 2020
Dev To
Learning Vue JS and building a website in less than 3 hours
I learned how to program Vue JS and build an entire website in less than 3 hours... and I did it all live on my Twitch Channel with not much prior knowledge.Have you ever been thrown a project and ask...
03:53 am GMT - Wed, August 26, 2020
Dev To
Announcing Trunk Build, bundle & ship your Rust WASM application to the web.
I am happy to announce the very first release of Trunk. Trunk is a CLI tool, written in Rust, which provides a simple, zero-config pattern for building Rust WebAssembly applications, bundling applicat...
02:22 am GMT - Wed, August 26, 2020
Dev To
Don't Get Stuck in Tutorial Hell
IntroductionHave you repeatedly followed tutorials, yet not retain any information? Does your portfolio only consist of tutorial projects? If the answer is yes to these questions, then you might...
02:20 am GMT - Wed, August 26, 2020
Dev To
Visualize NodeJS Errors in Real Time with Llama Logs
What?Have you ever wondered what is going on inside your program? Wanted a visual way to inspect its inner workings?The gif above shows an example of Llama Logs. It is a new tool I created to ...
01:43 am GMT - Wed, August 26, 2020
Dev To
How to get started with Redux Toolkit
What is Redux Toolkit?To sum it up. It's an easier way to setup and get going with Redux. We've all been there when it comes to trying to configure a Redux store and in turn, we're left bewilder...
01:28 am GMT - Wed, August 26, 2020
Dev To
Adding Storybook to a react project
Storybook is an open source tool that helps developers to see, test and document components in isolation. It can be a very important tool for those who use the famous Atomic Design approach to compone...
10:22 pm GMT - Tue, August 25, 2020
Dev To
5 tools to supercharge your Flutter development
If you've read my previous posts, you probably know I'm addicted to getting things done quickly. At the time of me writing this, I'm preparing to mentor a hackathon that's being hosted online out of E...
10:17 pm GMT - Tue, August 25, 2020
Dev To
How to Implement a Hash Map
Arrays are amazing for looking up elements at specific indices as all elements in memory are contiguous, allowing for O(1) or constant time lookups. But often we don't, or can't, perform lookups via i...
08:33 pm GMT - Tue, August 25, 2020
Dev To
Learning How to Learn Efficiently
Hello everyone. As you know there are lots of information about programming and related topics. Sometimes is really frustrating to constantly be googling the same things over and over again. I am sick...
06:53 pm GMT - Tue, August 25, 2020
Dev To
Stop Narrating Your Code Out Loud
Interviewers can read code, not your mind. Unfortunately, hiring decisions often HINGE on how a candidate thinks.... or rather how they communicate their thoughts.Many candidates are given the generic...
05:12 pm GMT - Tue, August 25, 2020
Dev To
11 Typewriter effect
30+ Best Examples of CSS Typewriter effect | CSS Typing Animation Text slider with typing animation in pure CSS2 Typing animation with Typed.js3 It's another typin...
03:56 pm GMT - Tue, August 25, 2020
Dev To
Star Wars vs Star Trek
If you get chance to live in either of the world, which one will you choose and why? Star Warsor Star Trek...
03:47 pm GMT - Tue, August 25, 2020
Dev To
Have you seen all 30 Style Stage themes?
Style Stage is a modern CSS showcase styled by community contributions, and is open to developers of all skill levels to submit a stylesheet.As noted in the tweet below, Style Stage reached a big mile...
03:05 pm GMT - Tue, August 25, 2020
Dev To
Tips about Certified Kubernetes Application Developers (CKAD) exam
After several years of work with Kubernetes, few days ago I passed successfully the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) certification exam.Several people asked me to write an article abo...
02:57 pm GMT - Tue, August 25, 2020
Dev To
What is CI/CD for Developers
The software development life-cycle has a lot of moving parts. A huge problem many large companies had was maintaining consistent a deployment process. Written steps sometimes get skipped, manual depl...
02:05 pm GMT - Tue, August 25, 2020
Dev To
Make Pixel art 10x faster
You'll never have to use the box-shadows againSo this article will be short and simple so you can just take this technique and start making wonderful pixel art!Before stumbling on this, I used to make...
01:13 pm GMT - Tue, August 25, 2020
Dev To
What terminal do you use?
I'm running Git Bash since the day I installed Git. It's been awesome since it's been stable, fast and I prefer the UNIX-like environment.What terminal do you use and why?...
12:53 pm GMT - Tue, August 25, 2020
Dev To
Theming styled-components with CSS custom properties
Recently, I made the transition from Vue to React (more about it here). With Vue, I used to write pure CSS in the old-school style tag. Now with the transition to React, I wanted to experience somethi...
11:59 am GMT - Tue, August 25, 2020
Dev To
What to ask on a interview?
What to ask on a interview?You are on a phone interview and here is their last question: Do you have any question for us?My brain seems to be incapable of forming questions. So, what do YOU ask?...
10:54 am GMT - Tue, August 25, 2020
Dev To
How we made it to 1 Trending repository in GitHub
After working on our project NSFW Filter for 2 months, we made it to #1 repository in Javascript today.I wanted to share what we did along the way to reach here and how you can too.Not that making it ...
10:42 am GMT - Tue, August 25, 2020
Dev To
Free Image Placeholder
Quick and simple image placeholder service. You can create dummy images quickly and easily. Generate awesome colorful placeholders for your web sites and projects. How To Use O...
10:30 am GMT - Tue, August 25, 2020
Dev To
Unit testing react components using Enzyme and Jest testing frameworks
In this tutorial, we will be writing unit test for a basic todo application using jest and react.Lets get started. JestJest is a JavaScript testing framework designed to ensure correctness of an...
07:55 am GMT - Tue, August 25, 2020
Dev To
Get These In Place Before Starting Your Next Side Project
Let me introduce you to something that you might already be familiar with Side Project Hell Basically, you end up with like 747324856 side projects and not a single one is really complete.I believe, t...
07:22 am GMT - Tue, August 25, 2020
Dev To
Building resilient services at Prime Video with chaos engineering
Large-scale distributed software systems are composed of several individual sub-systems-such as CDNs, load balancers, and databases-and their interactions. These interactions sometimes have unpredicta...
02:28 am GMT - Tue, August 25, 2020
Dev To
Getting Animated! With React-Spring 2: The useSpring Hook
Welcome to part two of our series on animating react with React-Spring! In the first article we took a quick look at what React-Spring is, what makes it awesome, and took a peek at what the api has t...
12:46 am GMT - Tue, August 25, 2020
Dev To
Create a Full-Stack web application using React, Strapi, Nginx, MongoDB, and DigitalOcean
We will go step by step in order on how to set up and host a Full Stack application using React.js, Nginx, Strapi and MongoDB Atlas. We will be using DigitalOcean to host this application and MongoDB ...
10:57 pm GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
How long did you have to wait?
QUESTIONHow long did you have to wait until you got your first interview? BackgroundI graduated from Flatiron School in March. I had a couple projects and not much else to show for my stud...
09:33 pm GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
How to Validate a Palindrome
Given a string str, can you write a method that will return True if is a palindrome and False if it is not? If you'll recall, a palindrome is defined as "a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the sam...
08:49 pm GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
MongoDB $weeklyUpdate 1: Guess Who's Back?
back again... Hi everyone!Welcome to the FIRST edition of MongoDB $weeklyUpdate, a weekly digest of MongoDB tutorials, articles, and community spotlights! We know, we know...MongoDB has been...
07:35 pm GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
GSoC with CHAOSS - Final three weeks!
This is a detailed work report of my last three weeks of GSoC with the CHAOSS Badging project.During these three weeks, I worked on writing and bringing Probot bots together for D&I Badging.Matt S...
07:17 pm GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
A (Very) Simple Git Workflow
This is a quick on-the-court example of what a (very!) simple Git workflow might look like for two people working on a personal project together.Hey: You might see notes for absolute beginners like th...
07:17 pm GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
Flexbox Rocks!
IntroductionYesterday I refactored a Codesandbox with Flexbox, which displays cards of "Powerful People", their names, roles, hobbies and a picture. I wanted to accomplish two things. structure ...
07:01 pm GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
Finally Understanding JavaScript
I can't tell you enough, how much I am starting to get JavaScript after four weeks of tutorials, reading, challenges, and games! This really was a learning experience for me. I had to figure out how m...
06:38 pm GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Programming
A Little BackstoryMy journey as a programmer started when I chose to pursue Software Engineering as a major after completing my High School Education. Since then, I have been programming for th...
04:47 pm GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
Writing If Statements with the Ternary Operator
When I first saw if statements using ternary operators, I was confused. "Why is there a question mark?" and "Why is there a colon?" were probably some of the thoughts I had. After some research and pr...
03:23 pm GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
What are you planning to make for "Hacktober Fest 2020"?
Hey all !Do you, folks have any plans for Hacktober Fest? Use this post to share your idea, get it tested, and ask people to join your team. Btw Team XenoX is also planning to ship our two Open Sourc...
02:07 pm GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
Data Types and Operators in JavaScript: Everything You Need To Know
According to Wikipedia: A data type or simply type is an attribute of data which tells the compiler or interpreter how the programmer intends to use the data. This data type defines the operations tha...
01:40 pm GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
Python libraries to make your code readable, reliable and maintainable
An experienced programmer understands perfectly well that a developer spends most of his time reading code and therefore treats the process of writing code with the deepest trepidation (and sometimes ...
01:26 pm GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
3 Tricks every Python programmer needs to know
If you've never touched Python before or if you're just getting started, this post if for you. These are the things I simply can't live without being a Python programmer. 1 - Using Python 3Don't ...
01:15 pm GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
HTML Web Workers in Depth
JavaScript running in the background, without affecting the performance of the page.Are you a person who just started with HTML/CSS or someone who wants to have an in-depth knowledge of the adva...
01:07 pm GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
100 Days of CSS Illustrations (11-20)
The second batch of the 100 days of CSS Illustrations. Days 14-16 were especially tough because I was flooded with work and barely had time to do anything (and it shows :S)... but I'm glad I was able ...
12:47 pm GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
Nullish Coalescing Operator (??) In JavaScript - What Is It And How To Use It?
What Is Nullish Coalescing Operator in JavaScriptThe Nullish Coalescing Operator allows us to check if a value is null or undefined, and provide a fallback value if that is the case. However, le...
12:32 pm GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
Creating Realistic Art with CSS
It can be challenging enough to use CSS to match the exact layout you're going for, but could you imagine using it to paint a landscape? Or recreate an intricate playing card? Or even create a realist...
11:49 am GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
Unravelling JavaScript Console API
Nights that end with console.log() usually precede mornings that start with console.log(). Well, there's life beyond console.log().Let's go over some JavaScript console methods that REALLY have the po...
10:31 am GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
Building a Single Page App without frameworks
In today's post we'll be building a Single Page Application using only vanilla JavaScript - this means we don't need to use any frameworks!Frameworks are great, and in many cases you'd probably want t...
09:23 am GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
Publish your own ESLint / Prettier config for React Projects on NPM
Hello guys! You probably know ESLint and Prettier, but do you have your own configuration for your React projects? VS Code + Prettier + ESLint A quick reminder ESLint is a static code analysis to...
07:39 am GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
Introduction to Maps in JavaScript - All You Need to Know
Have you ever heard about maps in JavaScript? Maps are a new object type that was introduced in ES2015. In this tutorial, you will learn all you need to know about this lesser known object type. You w...
06:14 am GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
CSS exploring all cursor options
Guys, heads-up, there are a lot of cursor options, which are hardly ever used!Cursors can really help a person to understand what's going on, so let's make more use of them when needed.In today's exam...
06:12 am GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
10 tiny helper scripts for devs!
NotesThis is a collection of tiny scripts that you can execute through the terminal.These are designed for Ubuntu (with zsh), but may work on other unixy systemsSome are stolen scripts, other's ...
05:59 am GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
Center Element Using CSS
Centering an element horizontally and vertically is a very common interview question. Suppose there is a parent element surrounding the child element:<div class="parent"> <div class="child...
05:50 am GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
Best way to lazy load images for maximum performance
Image lazy loading is one of the more popular approaches of optimizing websites due to the relatively easy implementation and large performance gain. With lazy loading we load images asynchronously, m...
01:54 am GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
How to Design an Algorithm
One of my favorite parts about studying and coming up with algorithms is seeing the different approaches that programmers take when resolving a problem. In this article, I will discuss some popular te...
12:25 am GMT - Mon, August 24, 2020
Dev To
Clean Code Part 1
Clean code is akin to keeping your home/workspace tidy. Cleaning requires effort, whereas leaving garbage doesnt.While Id love to mention some examples of poor code Ive seen over the years, I too have...
10:12 pm GMT - Sun, August 23, 2020
Dev To
GitHub Workflows for Newbies: Add Labels and Comments to Pull Requests
I manage a CSS community website called Style Stage which accepts PRs from contributors to provide new stylesheets for the site showcase.Today I learned how to create a simple GitHub workflow to do th...
07:05 pm GMT - Sun, August 23, 2020
Dev To
Learn the SOLID principles for Object Oriented Programming
Object oriented programming (or OOP) is a style of programming that encapsulates data and behaviours into models known as objects. In this way, related code is grouped together and kept separate from ...
06:18 pm GMT - Sun, August 23, 2020
Dev To
Introduction to Branches and Pull Requests for Beginners.
Branches and pull requests are essential to the GitHub workflow, they help developers work together in a better and organised way. If you've never heard of them that's okay. My goal in this tutorial i...
05:51 pm GMT - Sun, August 23, 2020
Dev To
Vue 3's Composition API and the segregation of concerns
A novelty worth diggingI always think that it is best to put things in context. That is why I wrote a first article about my take on the state of Vue before the 3.0, which is currently available as a ...
05:09 pm GMT - Sun, August 23, 2020
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React, TypeScript & Mobx
The original post: want to share my R&D process of using React, TS, and Mobx. Its about conceptual approaches to building large scalable appli...
05:08 pm GMT - Sun, August 23, 2020
Dev To
Learning code through Github Repositories
There are amazing resources that are available for codenewbies to learn and develop their skills. But I would like to share some github repos that you can add too get more resources in your coding jou...
04:42 pm GMT - Sun, August 23, 2020
Dev To
Java 7 -> Java 8
First of all , thank you to everyone who has liked and shared my previous posts.As a result of your support I was the Top Java Author for the last 3 weeks and also for this month.I hope you will l...
03:44 pm GMT - Sun, August 23, 2020
Dev To
I build a Web Scraping API, curious what you guys think!
I was playing around with Headless chrome browsers and proxy pools and decided it would be fun to turn it into a side project.A few months later and the website is live :)Basically it is an API that h...
03:18 pm GMT - Sun, August 23, 2020
Dev To
How to build an Actionable data table with react table and TailwindCSS
In this article, we will see how to build an Actionable data table using a react table and tailwindcss. Data table is an important UI element for the application dashboard.It is always important to kn...
01:58 pm GMT - Sun, August 23, 2020
Dev To
Hello Everyone,This is Ashish Kumar ,I have just started Machine learning and the most interesting thing is that it helps us in predicting results,like we can get an approximate result of a situation ...
01:26 pm GMT - Sun, August 23, 2020
Dev To
Free React Dashboard - Material Dashboard Design
Hello Coders,This article presents an open-source React Dashboard released under the MIT License by Creative-Tim, a company that helps many developers across the globe with many free products, activel...
12:03 pm GMT - Sun, August 23, 2020
Dev To
Mastering Git Stash Workflow
Git is a powerful tool that makes up for a lot of use cases on our development workflow. One such case is to isolate the changes of a certain branch to itself. Let me elaborate.Suppose you are working...
11:33 am GMT - Sun, August 23, 2020
Dev To
Part 3: Setting up a template with React-App-Rewired
Continuing our saga with the perfect reactJS template, we will configure one more item, which this time is essential for possible modifications to our project and that, lately, many developers have ad...
10:36 am GMT - Sun, August 23, 2020
Dev To
How To Master A Programming Language Really Fast
Having competency in at least one programming language is SUPER important for a developer. Developing competency in more than one language gives you an edge.You might know some people who can pick up ...
10:35 am GMT - Sun, August 23, 2020
Dev To
"The Phoenix Project" Must Read For Developers
The original post was on "The Phoenix Project" Must Read For Developers - Reading Time: 4 Mins and cover image by Lenny Kuhne on Unsplash IntroductionWhen it comes to DevOps, I believe there is l...
09:45 am GMT - Sun, August 23, 2020
Dev To
What is ECMAScript and how is it different from JavaScript
Many times developers use JavaScript and ECMAScript synonymously for each other. Though they are very closely linked to each other but do not mean the same thing. What is ECMAScript?There is a c...
09:27 am GMT - Sun, August 23, 2020
Dev To
Scroll-to-top Button in vanilla JS (Beginners)
IntroductionSimple scroll-to-top button tutorial with smooth scrolling. PlanWe need to:detect user scroll-to-top button after a certain amount of scroll.scroll to top when the u...
06:44 am GMT - Sun, August 23, 2020
Dev To
Gaming on Linux, Proton to the Rescue
People trying to switch to Linux have always been plagued with issues as limited app support and most importantly, games have been primarily developed for the Windows platform. The pro by day and game...
06:13 am GMT - Sun, August 23, 2020
Dev To
Angular v/s React v/s Vue: The Complete Comparison
"Framework is heart of every technology."Whether you are a beginner, a senior developer, a freelancer, or a project lead, it is a wise decision to be aware of the advantages and drawbacks of each fram...
05:32 am GMT - Sun, August 23, 2020
Dev To
How to Create a Fully Customizable Content Loader in React
IntroductionLoaders are part of almost every application. Whenever you are loading some data from the API, you need to display the loading message or loading icon to notify the user that the dat...
03:45 am GMT - Sun, August 23, 2020
Dev To
Want to be a better public speaker? Learn to sketchnote!
The BackstoryEarlier today, I was scanning Twitter, when I saw this post. The question was a familiar one. Cecelia Martinez @ceceliacreates ...
12:29 am GMT - Sun, August 23, 2020
Dev To
Visual Code Extensions, not just the top 10...
It's no secret that Visual Studio Code has become one of (if not the) most popular code editors in the world today. It's everywhere, and people are extending it to do nearly anything that deals with t...
10:56 pm GMT - Sat, August 22, 2020
Dev To
How to Test Responsive React Components
I was recently writing some responsive React components and needed to find a way to unit test them. I was using some custom components developed by my company that made it easy to render different lay...
06:41 pm GMT - Sat, August 22, 2020
Dev To
Setting up VS Code for JavaScript Development
You're familiar with the concept of modularity from OOPS, right? So, my introduction is not in this post. How did I start my tech journey? Dhawal Singh Panwar Aug 2...
05:00 pm GMT - Sat, August 22, 2020
Dev To
Learn to make beautifull bounce anim in a second!
Struggling in making a wonderfull animation ? new to web development then motionia.js is the right choice for you!Animators at all levels of experience may sometimes use a little extra drive. Whether ...
04:11 pm GMT - Sat, August 22, 2020
Dev To
How to Get the Intersection of Two Arrays
Oftentimes, interviewers will test you on things that are deceptively easy. We saw this in Reverse a String, and will see more in future challenges. But sometimes you might get tested on a concept tha...
03:29 pm GMT - Sat, August 22, 2020
Dev To
Want to be a full-stack developer without a degree? This is what you need
Twitter | YouTube | Instagram | Buy me a coffeeHello everyone! Becoming a developer isn't easy, and it becomes even less easy when you don't have a degree. Not because you're any less skilled, but bec...
03:03 pm GMT - Sat, August 22, 2020
Dev To
Day 2: Slow and Steady
Yesterday I saw data types in JavaScript and how to assign these values to variables. 1. ArraysThe purpose of an array is when it needs more complex data structure or when we just need to maintai...
02:15 pm GMT - Sat, August 22, 2020
Dev To
NaN - It's Not A Number
According to MDN, NaN is a property of the global object. In other words, it is a variable in global scope.The initial value of NaN is Not-A-Number the same as the value of Number.NaN. In modern brow...
02:02 pm GMT - Sat, August 22, 2020
Dev To
React Native vs Flutter What to Choose in 2021?
In a post-COVID world, If youre wondering to pick any one of React Native & Flutter to learn mobile application development which can help you land a job immediately, then, you came to the right p...
01:51 pm GMT - Sat, August 22, 2020
Dev To
Linux - I am Love with Terminal
Forget your bird, Love LinuxClick on playground and roll on your sleeves :c) -playgroundThere are four types of the shell, we have in Linux-Broune Shell -Sh shellC Shell - csh or tcsh Z shell -z...
01:24 pm GMT - Sat, August 22, 2020
Dev To
Dark Mode With One Line Of Code
Dark mode can be implemented with a single line of code. Lets see how it's done and the benefits and drawbacks of this simple approach. filter: invert(100%)invert() function as the value of the f...
01:09 pm GMT - Sat, August 22, 2020
Dev To
Metaclasses in Python
In most programming languages, classes are just pieces of code that define the rules for an object, but in Python, as you must hear that everything is an object: it turns out that this is true of clas...
12:36 pm GMT - Sat, August 22, 2020
Dev To
Mastering rm command
we use the rm command to delete files from the server/local machine, this is rm is lifesaver command but sometimes it can be a life destroyer, so here we're gonna master of the rm command to be a life...
12:19 pm GMT - Sat, August 22, 2020
Dev To
Build a Timer with React Hooks
In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a timer using react hooks. React hooks is the new way of building react apps and its been available since v16.8.0. More about hooks hereHooks let you alwa...
12:01 pm GMT - Sat, August 22, 2020
Dev To
Top Bootstrap Alternatives
These days, the number one requirement of any website is to run correctly on all kinds of devices (especially mobiles). For that end, Bootstrap has been one of the most popular front-end frameworks an...
11:10 am GMT - Sat, August 22, 2020
Dev To
Productivity Hacks To Get Things Done. No BS.
Procrastination. Ugh. Can't live with it, can't live without it."There's so much to do, and so little time." "Man, how tf am I going to finish this by then!""God...""Fu..." BEEN THERE, DONE THAT?...
11:07 am GMT - Sat, August 22, 2020
Dev To
Permissions in Linux System
In the last post, we explored Controlling Processes in Linux System where we explored how to control processes running in our System.Today we are going to explore one of the most important topics in t...
10:00 am GMT - Sat, August 22, 2020
Dev To
Programming is not easy, here is the secret to mastering programming.
We've all watched movies where they fix a programming bug like it's a piece of cake. Guess what? it's a lie. If you are a beginner or someone who wants to start a career as a software developer you ne...
09:07 am GMT - Sat, August 22, 2020
Dev To
call(), apply() and bind() in Javascript
Hi there!I'm back again with a new javascript tutorial. call(), bind() and apply() - you might have seen at least one of these three methods if you've spent quite some time in the Javascript realm. We...
08:45 am GMT - Sat, August 22, 2020
Dev To
Black Dashboard - Coded in React, Vue, Jinja, Flask, and Django
Hello Coders,This article presents a modern dark-themed design - Black Dashboard coded in different tech flavors: React, Vue, Jinja, Flask and Django. All versions of Black Dashboard design are free, ...
01:00 am GMT - Sat, August 22, 2020
Dev To
Having Fun with Microsoft IoC Container for .NET Core
The objective of this post is to configure and use Microsofts default dependency injection container from scratch to understand how it all hangs together when in action. There are many other great art...
12:38 am GMT - Sat, August 22, 2020
Dev To
I made a new HTML & CSS only drawing
Photorealistic illustration of a Roland MC-500.I wrote a few tutorials on how to create art like this:How to make a Polaroid camera in CSSHow to recreate a Macintosh in CSSPatreon | Buy me a coffee | ...
12:05 am GMT - Sat, August 22, 2020
Dev To
Sass vs Scss
The major reason Sass was developed was to make writing CSS more efficient and awesome. If you are looking for a preprocessor language to learn, I would strongly recommend Sass. Why Sass? Read why her...
10:13 pm GMT - Fri, August 21, 2020
Dev To
My terminal became more Rusty
Originally Published on my blogAs a Software-Engineer I spent most of the time inside my terminal, SoI need for that a fast terminal with fast tools to speed up my productivity.The tools written in r...
10:03 pm GMT - Fri, August 21, 2020
Dev To
25 bash commands to master for system administration
If you read my article on "Top 10 git commands everyone should know" then you might be interested in learning about my favorite shell commands for mucking about in system administration. These are gen...
08:57 pm GMT - Fri, August 21, 2020
Dev To
What Makes Ruby Beautiful: Metaprogramming
Ruby is one of the underrated programming languages among modern developers. It has become popular with the Ruby on Rails framework.Ruby is making developers happy, productive and enjoying programming...
02:56 pm GMT - Fri, August 21, 2020
Dev To
5-Step Strategy You Can Use for Your Next Coding Interview
Unlike coding tests, where you solve algorithm problems with a keyboard silently, coding interviews go beyond keyboard communications. It can be a daunting task, as the interviewer can see every move ...
02:54 pm GMT - Fri, August 21, 2020
Dev To
Test Driven Development using Cypress
In this blog, we will be discussing test-driven development with Cypress along with some of the best practices for unit testing. As frontend developers, our main objective is to create different UI sc...
01:44 pm GMT - Fri, August 21, 2020
Dev To
One open source project for admin panels, CRUD apps, & internal tools
TL;DR: Appsmith is an open source framework to build apps for analytics, workflows or CRUD operations. Replace all your internal tools with one project. See GitHub repo or try an example app here.Weve...
12:45 pm GMT - Fri, August 21, 2020
Dev To
When DRY Doesn't Work, GoWET
I've seen this mistake many times, and I've made it myself. When you first read about the DRY programming concept, you probably misunderstood it.What was going on in your head was this:Wikipedia: DRY ...
12:43 pm GMT - Fri, August 21, 2020
Dev To
August 21st, 2020: What did you learn this week?
It's that time of the week again. So wonderful devs, what did you learn this week? It could be programming tips, career advice etc.Feel free to comment with what you learnt and/or reference your TIL p...
12:22 pm GMT - Fri, August 21, 2020
Dev To
Why do we write JavaScript like this?
Before we start, I do realize that this may potentially come off as a little harsh or negative, but that is not my intent, I am just curious as to why weve ended up writing code this way? All the samp...
10:49 am GMT - Fri, August 21, 2020
Dev To
6 Awesome Ways To Present Your Code
At some point, every developer has to present code snippets. This could be for a presentation, or a tweet, or a blog, or just to go through a snippet later in time. Let's dive into the tools you ...
10:09 am GMT - Fri, August 21, 2020
Dev To
Typescript: use the nullish coalescing operator to prevent bugs
My goal as a CTO is to improve quality. The score of this game is the number of bugs we find each week. Today I share with you a typical bug that more than one person got caught by.Let's say you want ...
09:39 am GMT - Fri, August 21, 2020
Dev To
Don't Learn JavaScript and React at the Same Time
This post was originally published on August 21, 2020 on my blog.(NOTE: I'm hosting a webinar TODAY (August 21) at 12pm (noon) EST: 5 Steps to Starting and Following All the Way Through on Your Side P...
09:05 am GMT - Fri, August 21, 2020
Dev To
Websites That Pay You To Write Technical Articles
If you like what I write, the chances are you would love what I email. Consider subscribing to my mailing list.The article is originally posted on my blog - paid to write technic...
08:10 am GMT - Fri, August 21, 2020
Dev To
What is your database of choice?
At the moment my preference is mongoDB however I am trying to get back up to speed with SQL so I can use PostgreSQL as well....
07:45 am GMT - Fri, August 21, 2020
Dev To
I participate in js13k this year
I'm glad to announce I will participate in js13k this year with my buddy MogSogeking. What is js13k?js13k is a game jam! But, what is a game jam? It is a competition where participants try to cre...
07:10 am GMT - Fri, August 21, 2020
Dev To
The complete learning path for Fron-End developer (Online courses)
Hey! I'm a Front-End (React) Developer and an IT mentor at CoderDojo. People often ask me how to become a developer, what resources I would recommend, what is the correct order for learning thes...
07:08 am GMT - Fri, August 21, 2020
Dev To
Most Useful Features of Chrome Developer Tools That You Must Know
Chrome developer tools are an essential part of web development.Here are some of the tips and tricks of chrome developer tools to make your life a lot easier during development. Take Screenshot O...
04:26 am GMT - Fri, August 21, 2020
Dev To
I just published my first Open Source library in Python and wanted to share it with you guys (video below) is a scheduled data transfer interface, facilitating transfer of data from A to B on a scheduled interval. If your project requires custom data trans...
02:50 am GMT - Fri, August 21, 2020
Dev To
Scrape sever-side rendered HTML content with JavaScript
Scraping can be used to collect and analyse data from sources that dont have APIs.In this tutorial well scrape content using JavaScript from a website thats rendered server-side.Youll need to have Nod...
01:12 am GMT - Fri, August 21, 2020
Dev To
TypeScript 4.0 released
TypeScript 4.0 comes with a variety of new features, and best of all, no major breaking changes! TypeScript @typescript ...
10:38 pm GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
The Ultimate JavaScript Promise Tutorial
One of the features that make JavaScript stands out from other high-level programming languages is its asynchrony. JavaScript makes us very easy to run multiple tasks without blocking each other.Tradi...
10:24 pm GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
How to write and publish your first NPM package
We will write a library that helps to generate border-radius for HTML elements, we will name it "radiuswizard".This is just an example of a library that will give us the idea on how the NPM packages a...
10:16 pm GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
Four common JavaScript interview coding problems
Short storyI recently had a technical interview with an amazing company in which I genuinely knew the answers, but if you had asked me what my name was during that interview, I would have strugg...
08:42 pm GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
Top 5 DEV Comments from the Past Week
This is a weekly roundup of awesome DEV comments that you may have missed. You are welcome and encouraged to boost posts and comments yourself using the #bestofdev tag.@theboredmage is calling on all...
08:09 pm GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
We want to feature your voice on DevDiscuss! This week's topic: serverless and the cloud.
The DevDiscuss Podcast begins with an interview and ends with commentary from listeners and we like to feature the actual voices from our community!For your chance to appear on an upcoming episode:Ca...
07:18 pm GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
What is a Kubernetes Operator and why it matters for SRE
Originally published on Failure is Inevitable.Kubernetes is an open-source project that containerizes workloads and services and manages deployment and configurations. Released by Google in 2015, Kube...
04:43 pm GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
Build a React Hooks Shopping Cart with useState and useEffect
Video Walkthroughsubscribe on youtube for more content. Article Explanation of HooksIn this article, we will use hooks to create a video game shop and shopping cart.First, I will show an ex...
04:40 pm GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
S1E3 of the DevNews podcast Out Today!
There's a brand new episode of DevNews out today S1:E3 - Rusts Future, Twitters New API, Fortnites Biggest Battle, and Atlassians Remote Work Policy DEV News ...
04:27 pm GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
Is "fundamentals first" the best approach to learning web development?
A bit more than a year ago I started learning web development. Coming from a Computer Science background, where the I/O with computers is usually based on a terminal, they were exciting times. So I st...
03:30 pm GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
Growing as a developer through the MLH Fellowship
"How much you learn from this program will be a function of how much effort you put into it." -- Jani Evkallio, my mentor at the MLH Fellowship My mentor, or by how my pod dearly call him "Big Jani", ...
03:28 pm GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
Over-engineering in React
React can be so simple and so powerful that it is one of the first choices when it comes to building a web app nowadays. But with great power comes great responsibility. Being so widespread and used, ...
03:13 pm GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
Took a leap of faith this year to pursue a career in programming. Shipped my first thing recently, here's my experience.
I wanted to share some of my experiences learning to code as a former HR professional. I wanted to pursue engineering as a means to gain more autonomy and hopefully grow into a career that would const...
03:05 pm GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
Waking up early in the morning: How and Why?
Before we start, I want to state that this article is forpeople who are facing difficulties in waking up earlythe night owls who are considering waking up early but are unsure whether it's worth it or...
03:01 pm GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
How NOT to follow your passion
From a very young age, we are told to listen to the currents of our heart, and follow them at all costs - no matter our wage, social status or emotional circumstances. This idea is conveyed in self-he...
12:44 pm GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
How do you keep yourself productive?
Hey, developers. Need your advice!How do you monitor your productivity? How do you keep yourself focused and organized throughout the day? Maybe, you've worked out some daily rituals that help you tun...
12:05 pm GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
Awesome typing effect overlay on images (CSSJS)
This is a tutorial on how to create a typing effect overlay on images. It was done with pure CSS and JS without any additional libraries. The result is this:Here the typing effect was added on a hero ...
11:48 am GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
Up and running with Snowpack and Svelte in seconds
Hello guysIn this post, we'll be talking about a way to get started making web projects with ease without needing to know about extra tools and configuring stuff. I recently came across this setup, an...
10:22 am GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
How do you manage bookmarks?
I'm currently using Chrome's default bookmark functionality by sorting resources in folders like 'Articles', 'Designs', 'Tutorials', etc.How do you manage your bookmarks?Do you use any external tool/e...
07:30 am GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
Exploring Azure Cosmos DB Serverless!
We can now provision Serverless Cosmos DB accounts, only paying for Request Units when we use them!At Build 2020, the Azure Cosmos DB team announced that they were working on a Serverless preview for ...
06:17 am GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
How to generate mock data within seconds using Node.js to use in any application
IntroductionIn most of the applications, you need to have some static JSON data with which you can create and test the application without directly using the production data.If youre building an...
05:58 am GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
Project ObjectiveThis project aims to build a simple COVID -19 dashboard to analyze and represent the location-wise statistics.State_With_LocThe data frame (State_With_Loc) consists of the state name,...
05:57 am GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
Why Developers Should Invest in Stocks
Nowadays, many well-earning developers wonder whether or not investing in stocks is worth all the hassle.Unfortunately, at the same time, most software developers still dont know much about finance an...
04:12 am GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
Building git part-1
We developers use git all the time. Git internals might feel like magic but what git actually does is really simple. Let first see how git works and then build a simple clone to really understand it.L...
12:47 am GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
What is Closure in JavaScript?
I recently purchased and read the book You Don't Know JS Yet by Kyle Simpson, which I found to be a great read. Even though I've worked as a JS developer for years, there were so many new things I lea...
12:40 am GMT - Thu, August 20, 2020
Dev To
Get started with front-end web development
Learning front-end web development has become one of the essential skills for developers. Typical web application comprises several technologies and frameworks. Starting with a front-end framework or ...
09:49 pm GMT - Wed, August 19, 2020
Dev To
We mentor early-career developers. Heres what they need to succeed.
Note: This article first appeared on LinkedIn.Knowing how to code is just one aspect of being a professional web developer. Another super important skill is knowing how to collaborate effectively on a...
09:22 pm GMT - Wed, August 19, 2020
Dev To
Linux VS Windows 10 - An Honest Comparison
So I work on a lot of open-source software, I do a lot of video editing, and I do a lot of work in general trying to build the best things I can. I love writing, and am planning a book. Now, trust me ...
09:18 pm GMT - Wed, August 19, 2020
Dev To
How we decided to upgrade our JavaScript curriculum to use React Hooks
Original post: How we decided to upgrade our JavaScript curriculum to use React HooksHave you been considering the switch to using React functional components with the useState hook? Would love to hea...
08:42 pm GMT - Wed, August 19, 2020
Dev To
joining the DEV team :)
Hi everyone! I'm Emma and I've joined DEV as an Associate Graphic Designer. While my discipline is primarily in visual/digital design, my interests include ceramics, printmaking, karaoke, watching mov...
05:49 pm GMT - Wed, August 19, 2020
Dev To
Async/await can still surprise you... A LOT!
I love technology , and the fact that it doesn't matter how much we know there will always be something to amaze us. Today a friend of mine (@Rafael_Toscano) showed me something that my instant reacti...
04:08 pm GMT - Wed, August 19, 2020
Dev To
Weird behaviors of javascript: Primitive Types and Reference Types
I recently learned a difference between Primitive types and Reference types.I thought it would be great to write a blog post about this topic. Let's start with a code snippetlet a = 1;let b = a;c...
03:50 pm GMT - Wed, August 19, 2020
Dev To
Jazz up the code blocks in Github Issues
My WorkflowMy Github Action is named CarbonateDiving right in - Let's see if you can figure out what my Action does. Here's what your issue(s) look like BEFORE my Action takes over:and here is w...
03:04 pm GMT - Wed, August 19, 2020
Dev To
A new npm is coming
No, I'm not talking about npm v7! A new package manager is under development and it's not written in JavaScript.The Orogene team is working on a next-generation platform and package manager for Node.j...
03:03 pm GMT - Wed, August 19, 2020
Dev To
How to Become a Developer without a Degree or Boot Camp - is it Possible?
Preface: This post is geared towards people interested in being self-taught because boot-camps or college aren't viable options for them for whatever reason. As a self-taught developer myself, this is...
02:19 pm GMT - Wed, August 19, 2020
Dev To
Git quick tips 1: git commit --fixup
You like clean commit histories. If something goes wrong you use --amend and carry on. Life is good. The problemThen it hits you, you forgot something in an older commit. So you have to reach for...
01:46 pm GMT - Wed, August 19, 2020
Dev To
A complete angular progress bar
Hi guys,I think I created a great customizable progress-bar for angular2+. Features Classic features : Possibility to choose a bar, a spinner or both of them Custom color Custom height an...
01:41 pm GMT - Wed, August 19, 2020
Dev To
Full Stack Serverless - Building a Real-time Chat App with GraphQL, CDK, AppSync, and React
Cover image by Scott WebbIn this tutorial you will learn how to build and deploy a real-time full stack cloud application to AWS using CDK, React, GraphQL, and AWS AppSync.To see the completed app, ch...
01:28 pm GMT - Wed, August 19, 2020
Dev To
How do you deal with imposter syndrome?
Imposter syndrome is a huge issue, especially in the tech industry. I've started a collaborative blog site to try to conquer this. Anyone can write something, from your experiences to imposter syndrom...
12:08 pm GMT - Wed, August 19, 2020
Dev To
How GitHub Codespaces increase productivity and lower barriers
The most recent integration between Visual Studio Code and GitHub can help make development accessible and welcoming: Codespaces in GitHub!Now in beta, GitHub Codespaces provide an online, in-the-brow...
09:26 am GMT - Wed, August 19, 2020
Dev To
What are immediately invoked function expressions (IIFEs) ?
In Javascript it is possible for a function to call itself when it is defined. This technique is called immediately invoked function expression (abbreviated IIFE), though it sounds like the definition...
07:50 am GMT - Wed, August 19, 2020
Dev To
How to Start as a Tech Blogger
Sharing your expertise is almost as important as gaining this expertise. Popular tech bloggers have a pipeline of companies and individuals reaching out to them. This creates brilliant career opportun...
07:46 am GMT - Wed, August 19, 2020
Dev To
FoodLab - A Food App Using Flutter & Firebase
Are you a foodie? Or like to cook? Or just like me who always wants to see the delicious pictures of food on various apps and then starts craving for all of them!And if you're a food lover than start...
07:27 am GMT - Wed, August 19, 2020
Dev To
Getting to know SQL Server Extended Events
Follow me on Twitter at @tim_deschryver | Subscribe to the Newsletter | Originally published on week I blogged about the SQL Server Profiler, which I think is underused and unde...
06:54 am GMT - Wed, August 19, 2020
Dev To
HTML Picture Element Responsive Images
Today we'll be looking at the HTML Picture element. It can be used to have native responsive image support.So how it works is we wrap our normal img tag inside a picture element and add srcset images....
06:48 am GMT - Wed, August 19, 2020
Dev To
20 Free Startup and SaaS Business Landing Pages
Having a good landing page for Startup or SaaS Business can help you immensely. It helps in attracting the right audience while also giving away all the important information. So, it is very beneficia...
03:05 am GMT - Wed, August 19, 2020
Dev To
What the heck is 1:1 ?
1:1 (One on one) is basically doing meetings with your immediate manager to discuss things beyond scrum and project status. It is focused on you - your concerns, expectations, yearly goals, concerns, ...
02:06 am GMT - Wed, August 19, 2020
Dev To
Build a React Calculator with Hooks and Context API
Originally Published March 15, 2019 for FreeCodeCamp.orgIf you are like me, when you first heard of React Hooks you were maybe a little bit ambivalent or confused by what all the hype was about. Whats...
12:35 am GMT - Wed, August 19, 2020
Dev To
How to Reverse a String
The only way to get better at solving algorithms and data structures is to power through a few.We covered the best ways to prepare in this lesson, in this one, and here. Be sure to visit those if you ...
10:19 pm GMT - Tue, August 18, 2020
Dev To
The case for async/await-based JavaScript animations
async/await is one of my favorite features of modern JavaScript. While it's just syntactic sugar around Promises, I've found that it enables much more readable and declarative asynchronous code. Recen...
08:22 pm GMT - Tue, August 18, 2020
Dev To
I created the backend of my app in 12 minutes it deals with users, database and storage
Even if you dont know much about code you can still follow up this tutorial, since theres not much code going around (Except for the FrontEnd).So I wanted to create an App (just like everyone else) to...
07:33 pm GMT - Tue, August 18, 2020
Dev To
Automate your coding environment with Ansible, and make a simple GUI for it using only bash scripting
I'm not proud to admit that on two separate occasions I have nuked my linux dev environment. The first time was a dd gone wrong - yes, while trying to write some firmware onto a microcontroller connec...
07:04 pm GMT - Tue, August 18, 2020
Dev To
The History Of Javascript and Why You Should Know It
Having a humble beginning of starting as a language that was intended to handle browser validations to a full-blown programming language that powers a lot of desktop applications as well, JavaScript h...
06:51 pm GMT - Tue, August 18, 2020
Dev To
7 coding tools that will maximize your effectiveness
When learning to code, developers-to-be are usually taught to code vanilla software. In the workplace, however, developers use many tools to speed up their coding. Common tasks like testing, running v...
06:04 pm GMT - Tue, August 18, 2020
Dev To
What is Infrastructure As Code (IaC)
As DevOps grows, it helps to know about how it works. One of the big things in DevOps is infrastructure as code. This means that you treat your infrastructure the exact same as you would treat your ap...
05:20 pm GMT - Tue, August 18, 2020
Dev To
Java: Wrapper Class
what is a wrapper class in Java?A Wrapper class is a class whose object wraps or contains primitive data types. When we create an object to a wrapper class, it contains a field and in this fiel...
03:41 pm GMT - Tue, August 18, 2020
Dev To
JavaScript Katas: Higher Version
Intro Problem solving is an important skill, for your career and your life in general.That's why I take interesting katas of all levels, customize them and explain how to solve them. Unders...
03:34 pm GMT - Tue, August 18, 2020
Dev To
An Introduction to Computer Networking for Web Developers
Have you ever stopped to think about how information is transmitted from computer to computer? It's mind-blowing and we do it all the time from making fetch calls in our applications to the daily usa...
03:21 pm GMT - Tue, August 18, 2020
Dev To
Why I don't believe in pure functional programming anymore
My first contact with pure functional programming was Haskell. The idea sounded bizarre, but fascinating. I had faith that once I'd learned Haskell, I'd understand how to use things like monads to rep...
03:09 pm GMT - Tue, August 18, 2020
Dev To
I've Been Teaching Myself How to Code Full-Time for 2 Months... Now What?
13 days ago I started the #100daysofCode challege, I went into it working through the Team Treehouse JavaScript Track. I was really struggling with JavaScript for quite some time but I was getting thr...
02:41 pm GMT - Tue, August 18, 2020
Dev To
As recruiters, what do you want to see on a GitHub profile readme ?
Hello !I wanted to know what information would be relevant to make life easier for recruiters when they are analyzing a GitHub profile !What are you looking for ?Thank you :)...
12:38 pm GMT - Tue, August 18, 2020
Dev To
Command Line Cheat Sheet with Text Editors (Vim , Nano)
Table of ContentsCommand Line Cheat SheetNavigating and Finding FilesListing Files & directoryChanging directoryFinding FilesShortcutsCreating Files & DirectoriesCopying and Moving/Renam...
12:30 pm GMT - Tue, August 18, 2020
Dev To
What's your fav Linux distro
What's your favourite Linux distribution and why? My favourite distro is Arch Linux because I love AUR and need a rolling distribution. Also archwiki is amazing :)P.S: Guys you can use this post to re...
12:21 pm GMT - Tue, August 18, 2020
Dev To
As a developer, what problems do you face during job search?
Here at DEV, we're a diverse community Some of us own tech companies. Some of us are devs who work with tech companies. And some of us are devs still looking to be hired.Most developers have faced som...
09:42 am GMT - Tue, August 18, 2020
Dev To
Make AutoComplete Input Box In Pure Javascript
Hi folks, I hope that you are doing well and are trying to learn some new things during this quarantine. I have started to write a blog with all the free time I have; due to the lockdown in India. So,...
09:35 am GMT - Tue, August 18, 2020
Dev To
Tips on planning your career path?
I asked developers the above question, and I was really impressed with their answers. Here is what they said:Lawrence LockhartWhen I was working my way into this industry, I cast a really wide net and...
06:44 am GMT - Tue, August 18, 2020
Dev To
Running headless Chromium in Azure Functions with Puppeteer and Playwright
With a recent update to Azure Functions, it is now possible to run headless Chromium in the Linux Consumption plan. This enables some serverless browser automation scenarios using popular frameworks s...
06:38 am GMT - Tue, August 18, 2020
Dev To
Most Useful VS Code Extensions To Improve Your Productivity
Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is the most popular IDE for Developers right now because of its simplicity and the availability of extensive extensions.In this article, we will see some of the most usefu...
06:05 am GMT - Tue, August 18, 2020
Dev To
6 Tips to Survive Your First Year as a Junior Developer
Your first job as a developer can be daunting! Imposter syndrome kicks in. You dont feel good enough. You are overwhelmed by the huge code base you have to work in. You have no idea what your colleagu...
01:12 am GMT - Tue, August 18, 2020
Dev To
2020 Complete Setup for Storybook, Nextjs, Typescript, SCSS and Jest
In this article, I will guide you step by step to set up Storybook with Next, Typescript, SCSS, and Jest.Storybook is an open-source tool for developing UI components in isolation. It makes building s...
12:04 am GMT - Tue, August 18, 2020
Dev To
The Three Terminal Tools I Use for Managing Kubernetes Clusters
A large part of my day to day work centers around Kubernetes. Or as it's often referred to, K8s. I blog about my experiences with AWS, serverless, and various architecture or programming concepts.I do...
12:03 am GMT - Tue, August 18, 2020
Dev To
My Favorite CSS Selector
During my time as a front-end developer, I've been adopting patterns that help me author CSS in a way that's easier to maintain, expand and not having to constantly override default styles. ...
11:26 pm GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
Prerecording Talks for Online Conferences
I've just given my 5th or 6th prerecorded talk this year, at React Rally 2020. Prerecorded talks are an increasingly popular way to do virtual conferences, because they reduce a host of conference org...
10:52 pm GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
6 things I learned from building my first app for a client
Recently I built my first app for a client.A friend of mine who runs a novel-writing contest had mentioned earlier this year that she really liked my last app, and that she wanted to do something simi...
10:23 pm GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
To All the Companies I've Interviewed with Before
NoteWhen I first started writing this post I was still in the thick of interviewing for a new role and I had a whole lot of emotions. This was going to be a letter to the companies I interviewed...
08:25 pm GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
Hello, world! I'm James :)
It's nice to meet youwww.jamescox.devBeing my first post, I thought it would be fitting to share my newly-hosted portfolio site, made from scratch with React, Material UI, HTML and CSS. I have b...
07:58 pm GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
Accessibility for the web - introduction to ARIA
In the last article, we talked about HTML5 and how important is for screen readers that we use semantic HTMLwhen writing code. Today we're going to look at ARIA, which can supplement markup so that wi...
06:53 pm GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
A basic JavaScript course is NOT enough - Do these 5 things!
About 3 months ago, when I started learning to code from scratch, the prospect of completing the entire freeCodeCamp JavaScript course seemed an impossible feat. At that time, the duration of the cour...
04:32 pm GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
AWS VPC Internet-Access Checklist
There are lots of great articles around on AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networking components so here is my VPC internet access troubleshooting checklist for workloads running in AWS VPCs which nee...
04:31 pm GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
The art of giving and receiving feedback
A few weeks ago @doctolib we had a great workshop about giving and receiving feedback.We shared a lot of tips that I had never thought of and wanted to share them with you! First thing first: wh...
04:11 pm GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
React Conditional Rendering Best Practices with 7 Different Methods
This post was originally published at React, conditional rendering can be done in many ways depend on contexts. In this post, we're goi...
02:33 pm GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
How you can stay motivated to work on personal projects
After my last post (How I became a senior javascript developer with personal projects), I received a good question that got me thinking: What keeps you motivated?I believe this is a simple but d...
01:32 pm GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
where would you live if you could be remote full-time?
If you could go full time remote, where would you move? and why?...
12:27 pm GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
Is accidental complexity inevitable?
I'll start with two questions:Is complexity inevitable in software development?How much of this complexity is our failure to curb "accidental complexity" which we are the ones to introduce to begin wi...
12:10 pm GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
I created the official MLH Fellowhip CTF competition... as a fellow
So I'm graduating from the MLH Fellowship and looking back I've made a lot of awesome Open Source contributions. But you know what? The most amazing thing I did was the Fellowship CTF. But wait, ...
12:04 pm GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
Build a Complete Responsive Website Using HTML and CSS | Frontend Mentor
In this tutorial we will create a complete landing page of a website using just HTML and CSS. We will use an existing design from front-end mentor challenge. This will give you a real world experience...
10:45 am GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
Vue 3 is coming - what to expect and how to prepare
There's a lot of buzz building up toward the upcoming release of Vue 3. That made me want to help the developers' community get ready for the next version of this popular framework. Hope you will find...
09:55 am GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
Free UI Kits - A curated list
Hello Coders, This article presents a curated list with beautiful and Free UI Kits released under permissive licenses by their vendors suitable for hobby and commercial projects. All projects are acti...
08:19 am GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
Build This Cool Sign-In Form with React and CSS
BackgroundAfter reading Vasudha Mamtanis blog about sign-up pages, I realized I had been taking them for granted.Having a solid sign-up page affects whether or not someone uses your website. Wou...
07:35 am GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
Introduction to Sets in JavaScript All You Need to Know
Sets are a new object type introduced in ES6 (ES2015). Although they are lesser known, they can be very useful and powerful. This tutorial will help you learn all you need to know about them. You will...
06:57 am GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
Understanding Docker: part 4 Docker images
Understanding Docker can be difficult or time-consuming. In order to spread knowledges about Cloud technologies I started to create sketchnotes about Docker. I think it could be a good way, more visua...
06:40 am GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
Vanilla JavaScript Modal Pop-up
Today we'll be looking at another famous plugin that can easily be self-made.It's the lightbox/modal function, once you click a button or link a pop-up with the content or an image appears.This is eas...
05:04 am GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
What is 'this' in JavaScript?
IntroductionThe 'this' keyword is one such concept that has many layers to it and often a JavaScript newbie can find it overwhelming.I can assure you that after going through this article, you'l...
04:18 am GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
Before Migrating to TypeScript
The debate whether to use TypeScript is over, as library maintainers you should (or even must) support typings, as app developers you can get away in personal projects but often required in enterprise...
03:58 am GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
Build a VSCode Theme
Table of ContentsCreating a VSCode Theme ExtensionCreate FilesPackage.jsonEdit ColorsImagesReadmeBecoming a PublisherPublish ThemeUpdatingHello, I'm Brittney and I just published my first theme Deep W...
03:10 am GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
Add Some Magic to Your Django Website
Django has been, rightly or wrongly, derided in some circles for not keeping up with modern web development. It even came up in some of the comments of the recent Django Developers Survey. Personally,...
12:13 am GMT - Mon, August 17, 2020
Dev To
Build a React component that pulls data from Google Sheets
Google Sheets can be used to provide a makeshift database thats easy to modify for non-developers.Its not the best solution for high traffic sites but works well for internal websites or when prototyp...
11:35 pm GMT - Sun, August 16, 2020
Dev To
Linear, Binary, and Interpolation Search Algorithms Explained
In my last post, I took a look at some of the most common sorting algorithms in JavaScript. Now, I'd like to talk about searching algorithms. If you've checked out some of my other posts, for example ...
08:27 pm GMT - Sun, August 16, 2020
Dev To
My Favorite Privacy Tools in 2020: Be Safer on the Internet!
This is a list of tools I use to increase my privacy on the Internet. I'm not a security expert. My goal is to have a good enough protection. Feel free to suggest any additions and improvements. ...
07:31 pm GMT - Sun, August 16, 2020
Dev To
Async Await from Beginner to Advanced Features Including Concurrency
Async Await TutorialLink to youtube channel: What is Async Await?Async await is used to execute asynchronous tasks in Javascript. Th...
05:17 pm GMT - Sun, August 16, 2020
Dev To
Promise.allSettled() VS Promise.all() in JavaScript
Hello ! Promises are available since ES2015 to simplify the handling of asynchronous operations. Let's discover 2 Promises and their differences:Promise.allSettled(iterable)Promise.all(iterable)Both o...
05:03 pm GMT - Sun, August 16, 2020
Dev To
Build a simple API with Node JS for beginners
Why I am learning Node JsAfter making projects in Javascript like weather app with firebase, to do list, engaging in Javascript30 challenges etc. I wanted to learn more about javascript to a lev...
02:02 pm GMT - Sun, August 16, 2020
Dev To
Language Check
My WorkflowLanguage Check action automatically filters issues and pull requests that contains objectionable language (profane words) and instantly reports the action URL on your chosen Slack cha...
12:57 pm GMT - Sun, August 16, 2020
Dev To
Impostor Syndrome - A Developer's Best Friend
If you like what I write, the chances are you would love what I email. Consider subscribing to my mailing list.The article is originally posted on my blog - the title, you might ...
11:57 am GMT - Sun, August 16, 2020
Dev To
I failed an interview because of an algorithm
Photo by Siora Photography on UnsplashHello, devs.For the last couple of weeks, I've been participating in a hiring process for a big company.It was a very nice experience and it gave me a lot of insi...
11:38 am GMT - Sun, August 16, 2020
Dev To
A Visual Guide to How to Actually Invert a Binary Tree
Can you invert a binary tree over its vertical axis? This is a famous problem made popular by this tweet:Google: 90% of our engineers use the software you wrote (Homebrew), but you cant invert a binar...
09:40 am GMT - Sun, August 16, 2020
Dev To
Using CSS-in-JS with Preact
The two most popular CSS-in-JS libraries, styled-components and Emotion, dont support Preact out of the box. However there is an easy workaround.Add these aliases to your webpack.config.js file:module...
09:22 am GMT - Sun, August 16, 2020
Dev To
Inspect yourself before you wreck yourself
Link to the original postOur live-streaming game engine's comments system crashed mid-way, with no significant code changes in over a year for the modules that implements the feature.To shed some cont...
05:41 am GMT - Sun, August 16, 2020
Dev To
Controlling Processes in Linux System
In the last post, we explored Processes. what are processes and how can we monitor them?In this post, we will explore how can we control these processes?We learned in the last post that there are two ...
05:13 am GMT - Sun, August 16, 2020
Dev To
How to convert a simple blog from Gatsby to Hugo
I updated my hobby blog to Hugo today. Hugo is a static site generator written in Go and it is very fast. I created that blog with Gatsby several years ago and it needed a refresh.Switching from Gatsb...
04:48 am GMT - Sun, August 16, 2020
Dev To
Insights From My First 50 Posts
I've been programming for... a long time. I've been a writer for... even longer. So you might think that I've been blogging for decades. But the simple fact is that I didn't write my first blog unt...
04:29 am GMT - Sun, August 16, 2020
Dev To
Great Examples of Issues and Pull Requests
Hey awesome devs! For those of you that have been contributing to open source, do you have examples of issues or pull requests (PRs) that you thought really stood out? They can be yours or someone els...
02:41 am GMT - Sun, August 16, 2020
Dev To
Morse code in Raspberry PI
Morse code in Raspberry PII know this isn't the most awesome project in the RPI history, but this project is targeted for all the people how wants to start using their RPI in programming electro...
11:50 pm GMT - Sat, August 15, 2020
Dev To
Seven lessons I wish I learned earlier about Typescript
By now, you may have seen the blog posts about Typescript's ascendance. It came second in languages developer's love in Stack Overflow's annual developer poll, spiked to the seventh most used language...
07:34 pm GMT - Sat, August 15, 2020
Dev To
Web accessibility - why we should use semantic HTML
In the last article we talked about one of the assistive technologies designed to help people with disabilities access the web: screen readers. If you remember, we said that screen readers translate t...
06:01 pm GMT - Sat, August 15, 2020
Dev To
What browser extensions do you use?
I'm using Chrome and currently I have:AdBlocker Plus to block video ads, banners, pop-ups and other forms of intrusive and annoying advertisingGmail Checker Plus to get notifications, read, listen to ...
03:38 pm GMT - Sat, August 15, 2020
Dev To
Meditation and Programming .
Meditation is a precise technique for resting the mind and attaining a state of consciousness that is totally different from the normal waking state. It is the means for fathoming all the levels of ou...
01:52 pm GMT - Sat, August 15, 2020
Dev To
Daily Challenge 282 - Car License Plate Calculator
The car registering system of a city assigns two types of numbers:The Customer ID - it's a natural number between 0 and 17558423 inclusively, which is assigned to the car buyers in the following order...
10:48 am GMT - Sat, August 15, 2020
Dev To
Underrated array methods
We are using arrays all the time every day when coding, probably the most used data structure. Who is working with Javascript is probably relying on many of its powerful array methods such as .map, .f...
08:09 am GMT - Sat, August 15, 2020
Dev To
Top Level Await in Node
Node v14.8.0 was released this week and with it came the unlocking of a commonly requested feature that I am excited about! shelley @codebytere ...
04:03 am GMT - Sat, August 15, 2020
Dev To
How to Build Blog Using Gatsby
What is Gatsby? Gatsby is a React based, GraphQL powered, static site generator.It uses powerful pre-configuration to build a website that uses only static files for incredibly fast page loads, ...
03:12 am GMT - Sat, August 15, 2020
Dev To
Custom Select Styles with Pure CSS
This is episode #20 in a series examining modern CSS solutions to problems I've been solving over the last 13+ years of being a frontend developer. Visit to view the whole series and add...
02:50 am GMT - Sat, August 15, 2020
Dev To
Things I'd do differently if I had to start with programming all over again!
Regrets!! These are the things that we wish we would have done. I too have some of them when it comes to learning programming and also Web development. I'd like to share these experiences here so that...
10:33 pm GMT - Fri, August 14, 2020
Dev To
How Would You Approach Systems Design Interview Questions?
As someone relatively new to software engineering and with a non-traditional background (i.e. no CS degree), I am often taken aback by the depth of knowledge required in some entry-level technical int...
08:59 pm GMT - Fri, August 14, 2020
Dev To
Display Git Branch Info In Bash Prompts
I can't even count how many times I run git branch during an average workday. With multiple tickets assigned to me across multiple projects, keeping track of exactly where I am in our codebase can be ...
08:10 pm GMT - Fri, August 14, 2020
Dev To
Treemaps with D3.js
I think the first thing to say about treemaps is that they're just a way to visualize your data in a nice, more structured way. And that the first question to ask is: How should I structure my data in...
04:53 pm GMT - Fri, August 14, 2020
Dev To
What was your win this week?
Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of?All wins count -- big or small Examples of 'wins' include:Getting a promotion!Starting a new projectFixing a tricky bugCleaning your hou...
04:20 pm GMT - Fri, August 14, 2020
Dev To
100 Days of CSS Illustrations (1-10)
As a personal fun project, I challenged myself to do 100 CSS drawings in 100 days. Today marks a milestone: the 10th day, so I decided to share the ones I've done so far (and to show off a little, I a...
04:19 pm GMT - Fri, August 14, 2020
Dev To
5 Projects You Can Build To Become a Better Web Developer
Sometimes we end up working on the same boring component. It's time to get creative and build 5 awesome projects to rediscover why we love Web Development. 1. A Video Chat Web Application with We...
03:52 pm GMT - Fri, August 14, 2020
Dev To
The myth of "never going back to fix it later"
There's a gained knowledge among senior engineers that if you take the shortcut now, expecting to "fix it later", you'll never fix it and it will live on forever.There's a lot of truth to this in gene...
02:20 pm GMT - Fri, August 14, 2020
Dev To
Using Dynamic Components And a Pattern I Devised Myself to Create a No Code Web Interface Builder
About two years ago I discovered VueJS, around the same time that no code solutions began to hit the shelves. I say I discovered Vue, Id played with Vue, creating the ToDo list app (as you do/ did), b...
02:07 pm GMT - Fri, August 14, 2020
Dev To
Daily Challenge 281 - Area or Perimeter
You are given the length and width of a 4-sided polygon. The polygon can either be a rectangle or a square.If it is a square, return its area. If it is a rectangle, return its perimeter.area_or_perime...
01:59 pm GMT - Fri, August 14, 2020
Dev To
Share a Git Meme, Make the Community Smile
Hola developers!You know how we all want to give back to the community but often don't get the time to do so? Well, I had an idea: share a GitHub meme in the comments below, and that's all. Because w...
01:41 pm GMT - Fri, August 14, 2020
Dev To
Burnout as a Developer: Experience, Symptoms, Prevention and Cure
Before we start, I want to state that I recently experienced a Burnout as a software developer. I wanted to share my experience about how it felt and how I cured it.(And there are going to be a lot of...
12:58 pm GMT - Fri, August 14, 2020
Dev To
Discord Bot Tutorial- Get started in 5 minutes
Want to make a bot for your Discord server but don't know where to start? In this video we'll get your bot up and running in 5 minutes, and then move onto more advanced stuff like:Basic message respon...
12:56 pm GMT - Fri, August 14, 2020
Dev To
Creating Reusable Bash Scripts
Bash is a language that is quite useful for automation no matter what language you write in. Bash can do so many powerful system-level tasks. Even if you are on windows these days you are likely to co...
11:53 am GMT - Fri, August 14, 2020
Dev To
A Beginner's Reference to SQL vs. NoSQL
Many new developers wonder what the difference is between SQL and NoSQL. The subjects come up often in theoretical discussions and systems design interview preparation.In this tutorial, we will be loo...
11:45 am GMT - Fri, August 14, 2020
Dev To
Simple introduction to unit test
Unit test In computer programming, unit testing is a software testing method by which individual units of source codesets of one or more computer program modules together with associated control...
06:08 am GMT - Fri, August 14, 2020
Dev To
My Top-10 Finance And Investment Books For Developers
Besides podcasts, blogs, vlogs, etc. reading books is still something many software developers dont want to miss.Although I have read many good books covering software engineering and other things in ...
06:02 am GMT - Fri, August 14, 2020
Dev To
Setting up OAuth in Phoenix
So, its been like a month since I started learning Elixir and the Phoenix. Phoenix is a web framework powered by Elixir and the Erlang VM, which makes it fast.In this post, we will see setting up Sign...
03:44 am GMT - Fri, August 14, 2020
Dev To
MongoDB Simplified Part 1: What, Why and How?
This is the first article of series MongoDB Simplified which will cover all the basics of MongoDB. I will try to keep things as simple as possible.We will start from understanding What is MongoDB?, Ho...
03:30 am GMT - Fri, August 14, 2020
Dev To
Learn Data Structure and Algorithm in JavaScript | Part 13
The Javascript Dude @dudejavascript Remember: one of the most important roles for source code is to communicate cle...
02:03 am GMT - Fri, August 14, 2020
Dev To
8 Tailwind CSS resources to help your next project takeoff
Let's face it, no matter whether its our first or hundredth time, staring at a blank Tailwind CSS is intimidating. The enormity of the task at hand starts to crash over you as the excitement begins to...
01:27 am GMT - Fri, August 14, 2020
Dev To
Rust Review
How Rust and I metI first heard of Rust long ago through stray searches. I was interested because it seemed like a competitor to Go, which was the most recent language I had learned for a job bu...
12:21 am GMT - Fri, August 14, 2020
Dev To
Easy start of a Typescript/React project (w/ ESlint and Prettier)
In this super fast tutorial, I'll teach you to initialize a Typescript project in React. Create projectCreate project with create-react-app:yarn create react-app *your-application-name* --templat...
11:18 pm GMT - Thu, August 13, 2020
Dev To
Build Restful API with Swagger documentation
OpenAPI (formerly known as Swagger) specification is a language agnostic set of specification used for documenting REST APIs. Swagger team joined SmartBear in 2015 and they open-sourced the Swagger sp...
10:55 pm GMT - Thu, August 13, 2020
Dev To
Is it just me or...
Is it just me, or does the beginning of the new journey towards coding and development feel like a futile uphill battle, where you never quite feel comfortable with anything you're doing?? (AHHHRRGGHH...
10:32 pm GMT - Thu, August 13, 2020
Dev To
How to change Twitter Source Label
You might have seen some people using completely different source labels like Gucci SmartToilet or something fancy.Well, today we will see how to change the twitter source labelTwitter Source Label co...
09:34 pm GMT - Thu, August 13, 2020
Dev To
We want to feature your voice on DevDiscuss! This week's topic: Vim
The DevDiscuss Podcast begins with an interview and ends with commentary from listeners.For your chance to appear on an episode:Call our Google Voice at +1 (929)500-1513 and leave a message Send a voi...
07:46 pm GMT - Thu, August 13, 2020
Dev To
Top 5 DEV Comments from the Past Week
This is a weekly roundup of awesome DEV comments that you may have missed. You are welcome and encouraged to boost posts and comments yourself using the #bestofdev tag.@rachelagnihotri's response to ...
07:04 pm GMT - Thu, August 13, 2020
Dev To
Interested in IoT dev? Want early access to the Arduino Explore IoT kit? Tell us more...
Hello DEV Community! Heroku is partnering with Arduino and CascadiaJS to deliver an IoT workshop next month during the CascadiaJS Plugged In conference, and we are giving away 6 free tickets and the ...
06:43 pm GMT - Thu, August 13, 2020
Dev To
Table Of ContentsIntroductionAbout this BlogNotes for the ReaderThe Real Juicy StuffWhat Even is Web Development?What is User Interface/User Experience Development?What is Games Development/Desi...
05:08 pm GMT - Thu, August 13, 2020
Dev To
Announcing the GitHub Actions Hackathon on DEV!
We are thrilled to announce a new hackathon on DEV: GitHub Actions For Open Source!From now through to September 17, youll have the opportunity to win sweet prizes by building and sharing GitHub Actio...
03:42 pm GMT - Thu, August 13, 2020
Dev To
What work related websites are your daily go-to and why?
From sites like Toptal to StackOverflow, we all have a handful of websites we visit everyday, share yours below and why its a must! ...
01:59 pm GMT - Thu, August 13, 2020
Dev To
Getting Started With Sass.
SassIn the earlier part of this post, I talked about what Sass is and how to get started easily for a beginner programmer. You can find it here. In this section, I assume you have set up your de...
01:59 pm GMT - Thu, August 13, 2020
Dev To
Getting Started With Sass - 2
SassIn the earlier part of this post, I talked about what Sass is and how to get started easily for a beginner programmer. You can find it here. In this section, I assume you have set up your de...
01:47 pm GMT - Thu, August 13, 2020
Dev To
What's your favourite WYSIWYG editor?
WYSIWYG or What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get is a tool that allows content to be edited in a form that resembles its appearance when displayed.So far I've tried just Quill and Summernote.Both are free, ope...
01:42 pm GMT - Thu, August 13, 2020
Dev To
Daily Challenge 280 - Driving School
Write a function that will charge driving students based on the amount of time they spent in their lessons. This particular school charges for lessons as follows:Time Cost**...
01:20 pm GMT - Thu, August 13, 2020
Dev To
Building a Palindrome Checker using Split, Join and replace methods
So, recently I embarked on building the projects on the FreeCodeCamp JavaScript course, and I've decided to write about the steps I took to build them out as I proceed.So, first, I created a palindrom...
01:04 pm GMT - Thu, August 13, 2020
Dev To
A Practical Guide to help you stay more Organised & Productive
IntroductionBeing organised and productive is becoming more and more of a challenge in the current world of endless distractions. But, not to worry, my dear friend Simon Hiberg has created a Vid...
12:25 pm GMT - Thu, August 13, 2020
Dev To
How to Get Better at Approaching Coding Interviews
How to Get Better at Approaching Coding InterviewsSo you want to get better at interviewing? It's all in the approach-- this guide is a step by step walkthrough on exactly how to answer coding i...
07:56 am GMT - Thu, August 13, 2020
Dev To
Create your own card with Google
Google India introduced the people's card on Google Search.So, now instead of showing your business card just ask them to search you on Google. How cool is that, no?To get your own people card you jus...
06:08 am GMT - Thu, August 13, 2020
Dev To
Vanilla JavaScript Email Validation
Today I want to address a topic I use quite often but noticed I've never written about.Email validation! Since my day job is in marketing, we build a lot of pages with forms, and the least we need is ...
12:01 am GMT - Thu, August 13, 2020
Dev To
A simple example I use to remember what a closure is
You will probably get asked what a closure is at some point in your web dev career, possibly at an interview, and it's one of those things that can be frustratingly difficult to explain under pressure...
11:24 pm GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
Getting Started with SVGs
Using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG's) when building your web apps has some major benefits when compared to other graphic types! Incredibly responsive:If you've ever spent time battling with mak...
10:40 pm GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
Examples of Syntactic Sugar in JavaScript
When I learned how to code, I often heard and read in tutorials, "this is just syntactic sugar", followed by no further explanation. This left me confused and wondering, what is syntactic sugar and wh...
10:27 pm GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
Realtime Offline-First Chat App in 100 Seconds with Amplify DataStore, React, and GraphQL
Amplify DataStore provides a persistent on-device storage repository for you to write, read, and observe changes to data if you are online or offline, and seamlessly sync to the cloud as well as acros...
10:26 pm GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
How is Deno coming along?
Deno was the new hotness a little while ago. Basically every JS post was Deno for a while.... How are things going now that things have settled down? Who's using Deno?...
10:14 pm GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
Javascript for Absolute Beginners 01
This is my first article for absolute beginners who wanted to learn Javascript from scratch, in these articles I will try to cover every tiny bit of javascript. What is Javascript?Javascript is a...
09:19 pm GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
How to easily turn your website to a Progressive Web App(PWA)
Progressive Web App is the new and trending way to bring a native app feeling into a normal or traditional web app. Progressive Web Apps are very much in use by some of the biggest companies like Twit...
08:48 pm GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
Object GUI - Psychedelic Waves Editor
Let's show how Object-GUI works, the component is the Editor, not the waves. matteobruni / object-gui Object GUI - Javascript Object GUI Edito...
08:42 pm GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
Adding blog posts to your GitHub README with Python
This post is edited from my original blog post. Find it, and other posts by me on IntroductionI'm working on the web track of CS50 at the moment, and I'm having a lot of f...
08:26 pm GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
Grabbing Coffee with MVC
This is the first post of a RAILS series directed at Flatiron students.Congratulations!You've just finished mod 1. Well done.You've crushed enumerables into your brain, built your first CLI app, and n...
08:01 pm GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
Best way to deal with lots of images on a webpage?
On my website, I publish photos of my private life among other stuff. Since Im so involved about performance and UX, Id like to know from you whats the best way to serve these photos....
07:38 pm GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
JavaScript Array Slice vs Splice: the Difference Explained with Cake
This could be translated to "how to not get confused between splice and slice" because, I can never remember the difference between the two. So I am hoping this trick will help me and you in the futur...
07:23 pm GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
Dealing with stress
Alright. So Im probably definitely the worst person to go to about stress. Im a very (very very) stressful person, and I have no idea why. I always think its because I take on a lot of work, but I get...
04:17 pm GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
let's face it, we have a broken technical interview process in our industry
Originally published at follow me on Twitter for updates and let me know what can be improved in the post.This topic has been discussed and debated for a long time and there have bee...
03:23 pm GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
Why You Should Never, Ever print() in a Lambda Function
How to spot an AWS Lambda novice, just like thatNote: This article was originally published in the Towards Data Science Medium Publication on Aug. 4th. A Tale of Two Lambda Users Tale ...
02:59 pm GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
String Pad in JavaScript
It's super easy to pad a string! Just pass in your desired string and length. The string will be padded until the length has been met. Use padStart to apply it at the start and padEnd to apply it at t...
02:21 pm GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
What are some examples of open-source projects with great READMEs?
Hey DEV Community What are some examples of open-source projects that have great READMEs? Specifically, projects that:Describe what the project isProvide installation instructions and other documentat...
02:17 pm GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
Where do you cross-post?
Do you cross-post/share anywhere other than DEV?Personal Site?HashnodeMediumLinkedIn Article (not post)Share your experience, and whether cross-posting to anywhere else has helped build your com...
02:07 pm GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
Write Go unit tests for db CRUD with random data
Hi guys, welcome back!In the previous lecture, we have learn how to generate golang CRUD code to talk to the database. Today we will learn how to write unit test for those CRUD operations.Here's:Link ...
01:33 pm GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
WebdriverIO Tests Integration with Jenkins
In this post, we'll take a look at how to get local Jenkins job setup and integrate it with WebdriverIO tests. PrerequisiteInstall Jenkins locally - you can watch this video to learn how to do th...
01:21 pm GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
Find whether a given array is a subset of another array
We are given two arrays, arr1[] and arr2[], that contains n, m number of distinct elements in unsorted order. We are supposed to find, whether the given array arr2 is a subset of another given array a...
11:57 am GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
How to still use Crawlers in Client-Side Websites
Originally this was published on my blog. You can find the publication here!If you wanna discuss anything feel free to reach me on Twitter. IntroductionIn this post, I will describe a solution th...
10:47 am GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
All you need to know about CI/CD as Web Developer
I wrote a bit about this in other articles but today I come with a more detailed, descriptive and step by step post about this DevOps tasks.What DevOps, CI and CD stands for?DevOpsDevOps is an acronym...
10:18 am GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
All you need to know about Dynamic Programming
What is dynamic programming and why should you care about it?In this article, I will introduce the concept of dynamic programming, developed by Richard Bellman in the 1950s, a powerful algorithm...
09:43 am GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
You Cant Manage Time: 7 Other Ways to Increase Team Productivity
How does your team measure productivity in terms of your collective output?If you have a ready answer, please head straight to the comments and share your secrets. Youre among an elite class of leader...
09:14 am GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
How to make a Snake game with Python? | Part 1 (making snake head)
Hey my friends ;)I'm here to share my experience and what I learned about making a game which was so cool and helpful in my journey.I believe if you share what you learned something with someone-else ...
08:45 am GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
Better linting with Typescript and custom ESLint
When writing JavaScript with an editor, there are a number of ways you can ensure your code is syntactically correct and in line with current best practices. One of the best ways to check for code int...
05:21 am GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
GitHub Actions: Setting up CI for a JS/TS/Node project
Having used and modified CI/CD systems in Jenkins and GitLab CI in the past, I have never set it up myself. Wanting to learn something new, I decided to look into GitHub Actions to add CI/CD to an ope...
02:28 am GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
The Difference Between Regular Functions and Arrow Functions
Arrow function also called fat arrow function is a new feature introduced in ES6 that is a more concise syntax for a writing function expression. Following are the main differences:SyntaxArgume...
12:21 am GMT - Wed, August 12, 2020
Dev To
A Developer's Guide to Startup Fundraising
Someone in the Coding Career Community asked:Is there a good guide out there to familiarize oneself with the structures and lingo of startups? I mean knowing about seed fundraising, equity rounds... d...
10:04 pm GMT - Tue, August 11, 2020
Dev To
Protecting Your Apps From Link-based Vulnerabilities: Reverse Tabnabbing, Broken-Link Hijacking, and Open Redirects
This article was originally written by Julien Cretel on the Honeybadger Developer Blog.Links! They're the very fabric of the Web. Browsing simply wouldn't be possible without them. Creating and follow...
09:40 pm GMT - Tue, August 11, 2020
Dev To
Career Change Tips, Part 1: Say Yes
I recently posted an updated version of an article I wrote on 5 tips for changing careers and it occurred to me that I had enough information in there to dive a bit deeper into each of my 5 points in ...
08:00 pm GMT - Tue, August 11, 2020
Dev To
Ruby on AWS Lambda: Package & Ship It
This article is part of our Ruby on AWS Lambda series. A recent project had us migrating an existing pdf document processing system from Rails/Sidekiq to AWS Lambda. The processing includes OCR, creat...
07:46 pm GMT - Tue, August 11, 2020
Dev To
Illustrated JS: Promises
While learning JavaScript and programming in general, I find it useful to create some analogies to understand the concepts better. Here I will share an analogy about Promises in JavaScript. Feel free ...
07:41 pm GMT - Tue, August 11, 2020
Dev To
Password authentication
A user will typically input the email/username and password to log into a system. How do we verify the inputs and successfully retrieve their account? I'm using mongoose findOne() inbuilt method, and ...
06:35 pm GMT - Tue, August 11, 2020
Dev To
Understanding Callable in Python
Functions and classes are the most common things we use in our daily development. We invoke them, pass them around and yet never wonder what makes them so amazing. Well the short answer is callable pr...
06:11 pm GMT - Tue, August 11, 2020
Dev To
Continuous Delivery Pipeline for Kubernetes using Spinnaker
Kubernetes is now the de-facto standard for container orchestration. With more and more organizations adopting Kubernetes, it is essential that we get our fundamental ops-infra in place before any mig...
06:05 pm GMT - Tue, August 11, 2020
Dev To
Help understanding web responsiveness
Can someone help me understand web responsiveness with CSS? I would like to move the card img below the form once I change the browser width.[
05:59 pm GMT - Tue, August 11, 2020
Dev To
The 7 Most Popular DEV Posts from the Past Week
Every Tuesday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take i...
05:58 pm GMT - Tue, August 11, 2020
Dev To
Top GUI for Docker
Are you still monitoring your containers in tons of console windows or passionate about knowing dozens of terminal commands? There are a couple of nice Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) for Docker, tha...
05:35 pm GMT - Tue, August 11, 2020
Dev To
A Dive Through 5 Sorting Algorithms
Throughout my programming career, I have not explored anything sexier or more intimidating than sorting algorithms. Scouring the web for more information on this topic, I found sorting algorithms rang...
05:25 pm GMT - Tue, August 11, 2020
Dev To
Intro to Ruby Gems
Coming into the Ruby software development world can be daunting. At least this is how I felt when I first started my Ruby coding adventure. As a beginner to this wonderful language, there seemed to be...
04:33 pm GMT - Tue, August 11, 2020
Dev To
The Silent Villains of the Coding Universe: A Review of Common Java Anti-Patterns.
Anti-Patterns seem harmless but lead to error-prone solutions and make your code unmaintainable in the long-run. For those who aren't familiar with the term anti-pattern, it may sound like frivolous j...
04:24 pm GMT - Tue, August 11, 2020
Dev To
Productivity: Are you a fox or a hedgehog ?
Disclaimer:This is a short story that I came across that really intrigued me and want to share it with you all. By the end of this article, I encourage you all to get insights from this post, th...
03:40 pm GMT - Tue, August 11, 2020
Dev To
Saying Goodbye to PhoneGap
Adobe just announced that they are shuttering PhoneGap, PhoneGap Build, and their (long non-existent) investment in Apache Cordova.As the pioneer of hybrid app development, aka web developers building...
01:27 pm GMT - Tue, August 11, 2020
Dev To
Here are 10 Freelancing Websites to Find Clients
You are looking for freelancing websites to find clients.You've found them.First, let me start off by saying my number 1 recommendation is your OWN portfolio website and social media profiles.You shou...
01:23 pm GMT - Tue, August 11, 2020
Dev To
5 Tips for Learning Grid
Follow Me on Twitter @Anna J McDougallWhen it comes to structuring your webpage using HTML and CSS, the most commonly used instruments are Flexbox and Grid. This week, my course has been covering Grid...
01:12 pm GMT - Tue, August 11, 2020
Dev To
How to Prepare for a Technical Interview
How to Prepare for a Technical InterviewTechnical Interview preparation is hard, and that's why AlgoDaily exists. However, it's important to know exactly how to prepare. We're talking about the ...
10:54 am GMT - Tue, August 11, 2020
Dev To
Build a custom SPA Router using VanillaJS
IntroductionIn this article, I will explain how I had built a custom SPA router using Vanilla JavaScript. I had to build a UI project without any using framework and had to figure how to handle ...
09:33 am GMT - Tue, August 11, 2020
Dev To
3x AWS Certified: My certification journey
I have now written and passed all 3 Associate level AWS certification exams. It's a journey that's taken me exactly 3 years from the time I wrote my first - the Solutions Architect Associate - to when...
02:14 am GMT - Tue, August 11, 2020
Dev To
Learning GitHub Actions: Creating Beautiful PR Comments
You've probably seen the services that automatically generate GitHub PR comments with tables, images, links? Something like these two: Codecov report Calibre reportCodecov and Calibre reportsMagic, ri...
10:29 pm GMT - Mon, August 10, 2020
Dev To
What's your ideal interview process?
In my experience and observations, software engineering interviews typically look something like this:Introductory call - discuss background and role (15-30 min)Tech interview - live coding or take ho...
09:37 pm GMT - Mon, August 10, 2020
Dev To
How to use SVGs in your React App
Trying to render an SVG in your React app, and getting errors? Youre not alone - its a relatively common issue.There are two ways to do it, and both have tradeoffs. Using <img> tags, and pa...
08:39 pm GMT - Mon, August 10, 2020
Dev To
How I became a senior javascript developer with personal projects
Everything can be summed up in short wordsOne of the best decisions in my developer career was to go beyond just using tools.I decided to create my tools, not for commercial propose, but to kno...
08:34 pm GMT - Mon, August 10, 2020
Dev To
Why I Took a 50% Pay Reduction to Become a Software Developer
Well it was actually a 55.5% decrease in salary but 50% reads better. But why did I accept this? Was it a stupid mistake? I know my partner probably thought so at the time, albeit she was very support...
07:30 pm GMT - Mon, August 10, 2020
Dev To
Using Heroku for Static Web Content
In the "Moving Away From AWS and Onto Heroku" article, I provided an introduction of the application I wanted to migrate from Amazon's popular AWS solution to Heroku. Subsequently, the "Destination H...
07:12 pm GMT - Mon, August 10, 2020
Dev To
MLH Fellowship: Getting in and experience
In early May 2020, halfway through my exchange program and at the peak of the COVID-19 crisis, I didn't have any idea what I was going to do next.One day a friend sent me a link for the MLH Fellowship...
06:57 pm GMT - Mon, August 10, 2020
Dev To
How to ace coding interviews. The ultimate guide.
Why should you read this guide?I must have been in almost a hundred coding interviews. Sometimes as an interviewee and sometimes as an interviewer. I have struggled in front of the whiteboard an...
06:21 pm GMT - Mon, August 10, 2020
Dev To
Basics of switch cases and defaults
Switch cases were one of my favorite things to learn (and to use). Granted, they aren't always the best thing to use but when used I feel it makes the code cleaner than using if/else statements as wel...
06:13 pm GMT - Mon, August 10, 2020
Dev To
Saturday was the two year anniversary of DEV going open source, the first step in our OSS journey. Today we announce another important initiative.A couple of months ago, we announced the name for the ...
06:10 pm GMT - Mon, August 10, 2020
Dev To
How to build a product without much design background
I've been thinking for a while now that one of the sort of limiting factors in development is being able to have some design assets just on the ready. Lucky for us, there are many resources out there ...
06:08 pm GMT - Mon, August 10, 2020
Dev To
Creating an alternative page using HTML & CSS
For those who are not familiar with, its a service that allows users to create a landing page with a list of links for others to connect and showcase their work. Currently, they have a free ...
05:55 pm GMT - Mon, August 10, 2020
Dev To
What got me writing
When I started freelancing, I never imagined I would end up writing for a living. Never in a hundred years. Yet, I've been doing it full-time for almost a year now.I got interested in freelancing beca...
03:35 pm GMT - Mon, August 10, 2020
Dev To
Kubernetes: Private Docker Registry in 5 Minutes
A private Docker registry simplifies managing your application deployments in Kubernetes. Read my tutorial to setup you own private Docker registry in a few minutes.Kubernetes works with Docker Contai...
01:48 pm GMT - Mon, August 10, 2020
Dev To
Daily Challenge 279 - Playing with Sandpiles
A sandpile is a grid of piles of sand ranging from 0 to some max integer value. For simplicity's sake, we'll look at a 3x3 grid containing 0, 1, 2, or 3 grains of sand.An example of this sort of sandp...
01:15 pm GMT - Mon, August 10, 2020
Dev To
4 things in web development I've learned in 2020, so far
The thing I like most about web development is that you never stop learning new properties and tricks. These past few months have been weird; working from home, having the company I've worked at for t...
10:27 am GMT - Mon, August 10, 2020
Dev To
Does remote work make software and teamwork better?
I woke today with an interesting question in my inbox, about the effectiveness of remote work and communication, especially during the global pandemic:Diego Alto: Here's the statement"Working remotely...
08:13 am GMT - Mon, August 10, 2020
Dev To
The easy way to find the perfect font and theme combination
Spending some time to personalise the look and feel of your editor can give your digital life a more homely feeling. It can give you a glow of satisfaction when you open some code you are proud of. It...
07:20 am GMT - Mon, August 10, 2020
Dev To
Some basic writing tips for your articles
Hello, users! I hope you're about to enjoy your vacation any time soon, (like me!), but today I'm still writing about a matter of online presence, career development, and writing tips.Growing as a des...
05:54 am GMT - Mon, August 10, 2020
Dev To
Add a Show Password checkbox to a login form with JavaScript
[ CodePen Demo | Original Article ]Show password functionality allows a user to check if theyre entering a password correctly.They helps prevent frustration for users who aren't sure why the password ...
05:14 am GMT - Mon, August 10, 2020
Dev To
Bit Manipulation Techniques
12:56 am GMT - Mon, August 10, 2020
Dev To
Recursive Backtracking For Combinatorial, Path Finding, and Sudoku Solver Algorithms
This lesson was originally published at, where I maintain a technical interview course and write think-pieces for ambitious developers. Backtracking Made SimpleBacktracking ...
12:25 am GMT - Mon, August 10, 2020
Dev To
Docker - An introduction with Nodejs
You must have heard of the popular docker which has made life easy for developers across the globe.Have you heard a conversation like this?Developer 1: It doesn't work on my computer Developer 2: Ahhh...
10:35 pm GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
React infinite scroll in few lines
Introduction What is infinite scroll ?Infinite scrolling is a web-design technique that loads content continuously as the user scrolls down the page, eliminating the need for pagination.Som...
10:15 pm GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
Truly Understand Bind, Call & Apply
BindThe this keyword plays a vital role in JavaScript. In JavaScript, this is based on how a function was called and not where it was declared (arrow functions behave the other way around).Let's...
09:44 pm GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
What to test in Django: Models
IntroductionSoftware testing is the discipline of determining correctness of a software. Automated tests, on the other hand, is the process of writing program that tests a software automatically...
08:10 pm GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
All the Clouds in AWS
Cloud ServicesI often hear AWS users complain that there are too many services with "cloud" in the name. These services are usually completely different from one another which leads to even more...
07:53 pm GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
Burnout is Real: How to deal with it
In this article, I'll be addressing a very common problem among developers which a lot of people usually neglect, and which if left unchecked could result to devastating long term problems.Let's look ...
07:27 pm GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
How to draw gears in WebGL
Original article: this article we continue what we started in "First steps in WebGL", where we saw what it is and how it works internally: the sh...
06:14 pm GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
6 Skills to Become a Front-End Developer
What is Front-End Development?The front end of a website is the part that users interact with. Everything that you see when you're navigating around the Internet, from fonts and colors to menus and sl...
06:11 pm GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
My first week of learning JavaScript
Hello World! I am a 30-Year-Old civil/construction engineer, learning to code for the first time. I share my journey and learning here. This is a continuation of my last post. SectionsThe Journey...
06:02 pm GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
Sitemap with Nextjs after 9.4 update
Nextjs have done some changes since last post that I wrote. Since then was getStaticProps, getStaticPaths and getServerSidedProps introduced(You can read more about that here:
04:39 pm GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
Big O Notation for beginners!!
Why beginners should not be afraid of ALAs a code newbie, I have read a few posts that say algorithms are not useful if you want to be a front-end dev or as a beginner in web development in gene...
04:37 pm GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
The JavaScript Array.Map() method
Before we dive into the .map() method let's just recap on what is an array. An array is a data structure that contains a group of elements. Think of it like a a big box that inside it has some smaller...
03:04 pm GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
A lightweight low-level time machine backup utility for Linux
I created this Equilibrium the low-level backup tool because at my workplace has a terrible IT culture. That backing data is an optional practice. This tool helps me to incrementally backup changes on...
02:39 pm GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
Light Vs Dark Themes what is your preference?
Ever since Apple introduced Dark Mode on iOS and macOS I have adopted it with a lot of the apps I have created recently. And I usually change the theme on a website to dark as well. Like Twitter, YouT...
02:35 pm GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
How to setup HTTPS locally with create-react-app
Generally, we saw that the React app running locally on http://localhost:3000. But when we deploy and run the app on production we mostly host on HTTPS. Running HTTPS in development is helpful when yo...
02:20 pm GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
Resources for Frontend Developers
Resources are extremely important for a programmer since they can greatly improve productivity while coding. I have been collecting many links throughout months and I wish to share some of them with y...
01:48 pm GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
How I Cloned VSCode to use as my Portfolio
I would like to introduce you all to my portfolio called WhatYouCodingBoutWillis! It took me a good 4 to 5 days to complete this and I can happily say I'm proud of how it came out. My intention was to...
01:43 pm GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
How to create a dynamic link library (DLL) and use it in .Net and Python
What is a DLL file?A library is a collection of non-volatile resources that are used for software development. In this tutorial, we are going to create our own dynamic link library(DLL) using c#...
01:16 pm GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
A Brief Introduction to Technical Writing
Image credit: #WOCinTech ChatTechnical writing impacts every developer. They consume content written by technical writers in the form of documentation, and they also produce technical content. Compani...
12:15 pm GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
Beginner's guide to React JS
What is React?React is a front-end library developed by Facebook. It is used for handling the view layer for the web and mobile apps. ReactJS allows us to create reusable UI components. Unlike Angular...
10:32 am GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
Initializing a new CDK app
In this blog post, I want to show you how to create a new CDK project for your application deployment. We will initialize a new CDK app and add some constructs, then we deploy and destroy the infrastr...
10:16 am GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
Twenty years of web development, a change is coming!
I have been working in web technology for more than 20 years. I spent the first five years of my career as a full-stack developer. Back then, we used the term webmaster. I would set up servers (which ...
09:17 am GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
Structuring Data Types in Rust
This post published on my blog beforeHi everyone. Before that, I wrote a post called A Slice of Rust: Working with the Slice Type.Today I'll try to explain the structs in RustBefore starting, Ill crea...
06:29 am GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
I made a GitHub Readme Profile Generator
Ever since I saw GitHub's tweet about Profile readmes, I've had the idea of creating a GUI tool for it. I've seen a couple of generators but I didn't find them exciting enough. Last week I finally got...
04:48 am GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
I learned Javascript, Ruby, Python and Java
If anyone knows computer science history you probably know that in recent years, programmers now can write backend using Javascript, with NodeJs framework. So, why are we, the newbie programmers, even...
02:20 am GMT - Sun, August 9, 2020
Dev To
Creating a Twitter Bot using AWS Lambda and Go
Table Of ContentsIntroductionTwitter App Set-UpTwitter Bot CodeSetting up a Lambda FunctionConclusion Introduction Most people have heard of AWS and developers have started learning how the...
11:57 pm GMT - Sat, August 8, 2020
Dev To
4 SQL Tips For Data Scientists And Data Analysts
Photo by Campaign Creators on UnsplashSQL has become a common skill requirement across industries and job profiles over the last decade.Companies like Amazon and Google often will require their data a...
10:50 pm GMT - Sat, August 8, 2020
Dev To
Bitwise Operators and Bit Manipulation for Interviews
This lesson was originally published at, where I maintain a technical interview course and write think-pieces for ambitious developers. Bitwise Operators and Bit Manipulatio...
07:48 pm GMT - Sat, August 8, 2020
Dev To
What type of learner are you? And why it matters!
If you follow me on Twitter or read this series of posts or follow my #sketchthedocs journey, then you know that I'm obsessed with beginners, learning journeys and types of learning, especially visual...
06:55 pm GMT - Sat, August 8, 2020
Dev To
Why React projects still use Redux in 2020?
There has been a lot of talk lately of why Redux is not a good option anymore for state management, and why we should use hooks & the React Context API. As a Redux user, I want to settle the war b...
05:53 pm GMT - Sat, August 8, 2020
Dev To
What does community mean to you?
I asked the above question to my local tech community. The following is a curated list of their answers: George SpakeCommunity, for me, has just been about getting to share my journey with a bunch of ...
03:26 pm GMT - Sat, August 8, 2020
Dev To
ssh - a treat for your GitHub
ssh commandsssh creationssh key should be in /home/.ssh folder to generate ssh key- ssh-keygenthe command will ask you the name of the file, you can enter it. Let say, you named it "secure-shell...
03:14 pm GMT - Sat, August 8, 2020
Dev To
My First Week of Java
This is my first week learning Java and can I just say "Wow, its a lot". This is coming from a python programmer so I should not be surprised. Before I say any more I just want to point out that I am ...
03:06 pm GMT - Sat, August 8, 2020
Dev To
Learning Web Development: Using books as an additional resource.
Lors @miss_lorsx Call me old fashioned: but are there any good books on programming that are paper/hardback? Want t...
02:49 pm GMT - Sat, August 8, 2020
Dev To
Deploy Machine Learning models using Flask into Heroku
This post will help you understand how to deploy a machine learning model on the web using Flask. I have used heroku to deploy the ML model. What is Heroku ?Heroku is a multi-language cloud appli...
02:40 pm GMT - Sat, August 8, 2020
Dev To
Gatsby - Instagram User Posts
We will see how can we integrate Instagram plugin into Gatbsy and list down the user posts.We are going to display the data of Instagram user. To do that install gatsby-source-instagram$ npm i gatsby-...
02:25 pm GMT - Sat, August 8, 2020
Dev To
Big O Notation
Table Of ContentsThe reason for Big O NotationWhat is Big O Notation?Time and space complexityTime ComplexitySpace ComplexityBrief introduction to LogarithmsConclusion The reason for Big O ...
01:30 pm GMT - Sat, August 8, 2020
Dev To
Create a Blockchain in 50 lines of code with NodeJS
I already talked about the nonce in my previous article. It's know time to create our first Blockchain application in 50 lines of codes with NodeJS! We'll create an oversimplified version of what can ...
12:22 pm GMT - Sat, August 8, 2020
Dev To
All about processes and how can we view them
Linux is a multitasking operating system, which means that it creates an illusion that multiple programs are running at the same time by rapidly switching from one program to another.The Linux kernel ...
10:34 am GMT - Sat, August 8, 2020
Dev To
Project 0: Understanding how a full-stack app works
Before you read: This post's purpose is to share my learning journey, I am as much a beginner as a developer that I am as a blog writer. You are probably not going to learn anything interesting here b...
10:33 am GMT - Sat, August 8, 2020
Dev To
How to Build an API With Nodejs, Expressjs and Google Sheet - Series 2
How to Build an API With Nodejs, Expressjs and Google Sheet - Series 2Welcome back to the second series of our article on building an API with Nodejs, Expressjs and Google Sheet. In the previous...
10:23 am GMT - Sat, August 8, 2020
Dev To
Weather App with React / Typescript
A weather application built with React that shows the weather forecast for any city or place around the world by consuming OpenWeatherMap API.Back in April I made the application mockup in Adobe XD bu...
09:40 am GMT - Sat, August 8, 2020
Dev To
Let's talk about STREAMS !!
Hey there! In this article I will be talking about Streams in Java and how they help in writing neat and compact production codes.But before diving into Streams let us talk a little about Functi...
07:18 am GMT - Sat, August 8, 2020
Dev To
Var vs Let vs Const in Javascript
Before speaking about the keywords var,let and const, I believe it is extremely important to understand the concept of scope. Global ScopeVariables declared outside any function (globally) have g...
01:54 am GMT - Sat, August 8, 2020
Dev To
Build and Deploy a Discord Bot with Node and Discord.js in 5 minutes
Originally published here at, a blog about JavaScript, CSS, and just about anything programming.Title assumes 265 words per minute reading time, as used by Medium and others.Discord bots can b...
01:23 am GMT - Sat, August 8, 2020
Dev To
3 awesome open-source iconsets!
Over the past few weeks Ive been creating a list of my favorite open-source icons. Theyve really expanded my thinking on different styles and trends in the design world. Lets get started! CSS.ggC...
01:06 am GMT - Sat, August 8, 2020
Dev To
How to Use JavaScript Array Methods
Photo by Christopher Machicoane-Hurtaud on UnsplashAn array in JavaScript is an ordered collection of data. Arrays are indexed starting at 0, are mutable, can contain multiple values, can hold multipl...
12:38 am GMT - Sat, August 8, 2020
Dev To
Why I created a Node.js back-end service for my portfolio site
When I started developing my website I never thought I'd be using a back-end API service, I mean what's the need? Surely a portfolio should be pretty simple and at minimum contain pages such as about,...
12:28 am GMT - Sat, August 8, 2020
Dev To
10 Time Management Tips for the Developer Who Wants It All Now
"How can I learn it all and how long will it take?"That question has easily become the most common to come through my inbox. A request that is so common and emphatic that I can feel their energy oozin...
09:24 pm GMT - Fri, August 7, 2020
Dev To
Array Methods That .pop()
What is an Array?An Array, in Javascript is a unique variable which can store multiple values in one single element.An array data structure can be either an ordered list of items or a collection...
08:18 pm GMT - Fri, August 7, 2020
Dev To
An Intro To Regex's In Under 5 Minutes
Regex stands for regular expression, and in JavaScript regex's give us the ability to match a string against a pattern that we've created. Some use cases for regex's would be making sure that user's e...
07:56 pm GMT - Fri, August 7, 2020
Dev To
Im a certified Associate Cloud Engineer!
Its official everyone!I passed the Google Cloud Platform Associate Cloud Engineer exam!Im proud to have gotten this certification and I wanted to share with you what the test is like, my thought...
05:47 pm GMT - Fri, August 7, 2020
Dev To
Records & Tuples for React, way more than immutability
Records & Tuples, a very interesting proposal, has just reached stage 2 at TC39.They bring deeply immutable data structures to JavaScript.But don't overlook their equality properties, that are VER...
05:34 pm GMT - Fri, August 7, 2020
Dev To
I launched my first product - and it's horrible
After programming for about 6 months I launched what I considered to be my first "real" product, Stop Job Hunting. It's a resume builder that is based off a place I used to work.(Only ever meant to be...
04:42 pm GMT - Fri, August 7, 2020
Dev To
What was your win this week?
Looking back on your week what was something you're proud of?All wins count big or small Examples of 'wins' include:Getting a promotion!Starting a new projectFixing a tricky bugCleaning your house.....
03:03 pm GMT - Fri, August 7, 2020
Dev To
I used my own app for a month and here is what I learned
I always wondered, I have written so many software solutions for others but I never developed anything for myself. So I decided to build something and use it every day. What to build So the imme...
02:57 pm GMT - Fri, August 7, 2020
Dev To
Discord server: Game Development in Rust
Months ago, I made a Discord server dedicated to game development in Rust. Right now we have more than 1200 members! If you are experienced in Rust or just a beginner interested in game development, y...
02:23 pm GMT - Fri, August 7, 2020
Dev To
JavaScript techniques you wish you knew involving objects
If you've spent any amount of time in web dev, chances are you've heard the saying, "everything in JavaScript is an object!". That isn't entirely true, but we're not here today to discuss technicaliti...
02:22 pm GMT - Fri, August 7, 2020
Dev To
What are your thoughts on the TikTok ban and the related issues?
In terms of data laws and the future of the global Internet, I'm wondering how you feel about these issues.Let's keep the conversation respectful and not try to litigate every geopolitical issue invol...
02:10 pm GMT - Fri, August 7, 2020
Dev To
How to crush amazing posts on DEV
This post was inspired by a comment I left on @dsteenman's post. How long should a blogpost be? Danny Steenman Aug 5 1 min read #watercooler ...
02:06 pm GMT - Fri, August 7, 2020
Dev To
Daily Challenge 278 - Find all non-consecutive numbers
Your task is to find all the elements of an array that are non consecutive. A number is considered non consecutive if it is not exactly one larger than the previous element in the array. The first ele...
01:47 pm GMT - Fri, August 7, 2020
Dev To
Awesome Command-Line tools to boost your productivity
If you're on a Unix system you probably have to constantly interact with the terminal, one way or another.So, the more you can speed up your terminal workflow, the more efficiently you can get work do...
01:25 pm GMT - Fri, August 7, 2020
Dev To
Dates are hard folks
I saw this posted yesterday and thought it would be fun to discuss. "Scientists rename human genes to stop Microsoft Excel from misreading them as dates". Nick Taylor (he/him)...
12:22 pm GMT - Fri, August 7, 2020
Dev To
TypeScript Functional Decorators w/ usecases
Generally, decorators in programming are used to add some additional meaning/function to a method, variable or a class. I have used a lot of decorators while working in Spring Boot. I am curren...
11:51 am GMT - Fri, August 7, 2020
Dev To
Get Instagram Feed Data without Code
Ever had to access Instagram API and had to go through the confusing facebook docs, I have seen a friend go through the Facebook docs for hours and still not able to get it working. We need an easier...
10:16 am GMT - Fri, August 7, 2020
Dev To
How to build a responsive website
Making your website responsive is a must nowadays, nearly 53% of people all around the world use their phone to access the internet and that number is growing each day.You want your website to be acce...
07:05 am GMT - Fri, August 7, 2020
Dev To
Creating Bouncing Logo with JavaScript
So, recently I've seen a YouTube video about DVD bouncing logo and thought, why not create one using JavaScript and write a small tutorial about it? And here's the result: RecipeFirst of all, let...
06:40 am GMT - Fri, August 7, 2020
Dev To
Flask/Python Web Auth made ez!
If you've want to add authentication to your backend, you would use token-based authentication like JWT. JWT stands for jsonwebtoken and is an encrypted token which can contain some payload data like ...
05:51 am GMT - Fri, August 7, 2020
Dev To
CSS Only Tooltips
Today we will be building some tooltips with nothing more than CSS. The idea is we hide the tooltip, and we will show it once hovering over the div.Note: These tooltips must have a fixed width to work...
04:39 am GMT - Fri, August 7, 2020
Dev To
How SVGs can be dangerous (JS Bits)
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVGs) are XML documents that describe images as mathematical formulas. Because of this, the images that are drawn by the browser using these formulas never lose quality at an...
04:07 am GMT - Fri, August 7, 2020
Dev To
FINALLY! Start your GitHub Actions manually!
The possibility to manually trigger a workflow in GitHub Actions is probably one of the most requested features ever.People have tried to achieve that with some workaround, using APIs or other custom ...
04:01 am GMT - Fri, August 7, 2020
Dev To
Building GUI for your shell script using zenity
Sometimes the shell scripts that you write asks questions to the user so that they could change the some default value. We usually do this as text input. But for values like date, file path etc.. it w...
09:47 pm GMT - Thu, August 6, 2020
Dev To
Learnings from my 1st Live Pairing Session & 1st Pull Request to Forem
A few weeks ago, Nick, Senior Software Developer at DEV, tweeted about live pairing on a Forem/DEV issue. I reached out to Nick because I thought itd be a great opportunity to learn and also make my f...
07:51 pm GMT - Thu, August 6, 2020
Dev To
Hardware Hacking 101: Making your first (virtual) circuit
Welcome to my multipart series on how to do basic hardware hacks using the Arduino. By the end of this series you should be able to make something electronic in your house light up, whistle, or spin i...
07:49 pm GMT - Thu, August 6, 2020
Dev To
Async/Await: Introduction
Callbacks and promises are great when it comes to performing async operations. Promises improved over callbacks and provide a flat code syntax, especially when it comes to chaining promises. The opera...
07:34 pm GMT - Thu, August 6, 2020
Dev To
Introducing DevNews A New Podcast From DEV!
BREAKING NEWS: We are super excited to introduce you all to DevNews, the second original podcast from the DEV Community that is for developers, by developers. DevNews is hosted by Saron Yitbarek, fou...
07:04 pm GMT - Thu, August 6, 2020
Dev To
What is an analogy or visualization of a coding concept that really helped you understand it better?
The format of DEV's first official podcast, DevDiscuss, begins with an interview and ends with commentary from the community.With the season two premiere coming out soon, we want to know... What...
05:17 pm GMT - Thu, August 6, 2020
Dev To
CSS game: Plankman
Ahoy, mateys! Do you like games? "Arrr" you "hooked" into movies? Here is a pirated-themed version of the Hangman game developed using only HTML and CSS (no JavaScript and no images): The topic is "mo...
04:47 pm GMT - Thu, August 6, 2020
Dev To
Debugging Mobile Events: Open Source Debugger Tool
Implementing and verifying analytics on mobile devices is rarely favored by developers and often becomes a source of bugs and misleading data. The main problem is the tools to verify the correctness a...
04:28 pm GMT - Thu, August 6, 2020
Dev To
How to get over my fear of algorithms and test when applying for a job
Hello everyone, This week, I want to open the floor for discussions on how one can overcome their fear of algorithms and tests in general when applying for jobs. I have always felt the need to start a...
04:17 pm GMT - Thu, August 6, 2020
Dev To
Applying Open-Closed Principle with Decorator Pattern in Typescript
That's the first time that I'm writing a post in english, so any feedback that you may give to me will be very important. I'll be grateful. PrefaceIn the recent days some of my study focus are th...
04:00 pm GMT - Thu, August 6, 2020
Dev To
What I learned in my first year of being a Manager
A year back I started my new role as UI Manager. I was very scared as throughout my life I was not so impressed by the managers and I always preferred to remain at the developer side. But I decided to...
03:03 pm GMT - Thu, August 6, 2020
Dev To
Gridsome for beginners 2: Project structure Walkthrough
Read the introduction of the Gridsome hereIn the last post, we learned about what is JAMStack and Gridsome. Today we are going to see:1) How to install Gridsome2) Structure of the project How to ...
02:46 pm GMT - Thu, August 6, 2020
Dev To
Mini Crash Course: Documentation using MkDocs
Documentation gets out of date quickly because it depends on the code running the software, and code has bugs, and once a bug is fixed or an update is done you need to update your documentation as wel...
01:44 pm GMT - Thu, August 6, 2020
Dev To
Daily Challenge 277 - Over the Road
You've just moved into a perfectly straight street with exactly n identical houses on either side of the road. Naturally, you would like to find out the house number of the people on the other side of...
12:33 pm GMT - Thu, August 6, 2020
Dev To
The toxic side of productivity culture
Productivity craze has taken over the internet with a new passion in the midst of everyone working from home and the restrictions that it poses. And I can see why. The idea that we can stay safe in ou...
10:51 am GMT - Thu, August 6, 2020
Dev To
Illustrated JS: JavaScript asynchronous behaviour
While learning JavaScript and programming in general, I find it useful to take notes and create some analogies to understand the concepts. Here I will share some of my notes about the asynchronous beh...
09:04 am GMT - Thu, August 6, 2020
Dev To
Docker Fundamentals
IntroductionDocker is one of the most popular software tools in recent times that has revolutionised the process of software installation and deployment. However, it has been always quite a stru...
08:37 am GMT - Thu, August 6, 2020
Dev To
Learn Javascript By Building Projects (for free!)
This week, I have just released a free, project based Javascript course.Fun Javascript!The course is aimed at beginners, and currently included 6 projects to see how HTML, CSS and Javascr...
07:29 am GMT - Thu, August 6, 2020
Dev To
Fatal Mistakes That Developers Should Avoid When Investing
When you just start investing, it is quite easy to make investment mistakes at the beginning.Unfortunately, investor-beginners lose money in investing because they have no clear cut goals, risk defini...
06:07 am GMT - Thu, August 6, 2020
Dev To
How to Write a Software Engineer Resume
Your resume is the key to the door for your next job. If you're looking to land that next role, here are the awesome tips you need to know to make your resume stand out from the rest. Before You ...
06:03 am GMT - Thu, August 6, 2020
Dev To
The Best Community Curated Tutorials and Libraries for Any ML Topic
An automatically and constantly up-to-date collection of the best ML resources by topic, curated by the community. This is a dynamic and community-driven solution to static and out-dated awesome-list...
04:58 am GMT - Thu, August 6, 2020
Dev To
How to learn Javascript as a beginner
Hey people!There are tons of different resources for learning Javascript and picking the right ones is hard.That's why I'm gonna share a small list of the resources me and some of my colleagues found ...
01:15 am GMT - Thu, August 6, 2020
Dev To
Stress and burnout management for software developers - short course
What do you think of when you hear the word stress? Perhaps you think of that one colleague who seems to be tense all the time? You can see it in their eyes - the way they speak to you; in their react...
12:37 am GMT - Thu, August 6, 2020
Dev To
How to Use Context with ReactHooks
Context is probably my favorite React feature, especially when using hooks. Its not bleeding edge tech anymore, so you should take a second to learn how it works. Were just going to create a Context c...
08:32 pm GMT - Wed, August 5, 2020
Dev To
Every programming tutorial for beginners
Hello guys, what's going on?This is a complete beginner's tutorial series. Anyone can program.No previous experience is necessary but knowing Javascript, Ruby, Python, PHP and C# would be nice.We're g...
03:39 pm GMT - Wed, August 5, 2020
Dev To
How to avoid empty class in Vue with null
Instead of passing an empty string, which can lead to an empty class in the DOM output. In your ternary operator, you can return "null". This will ensure no empty class in the DOM <!-- --><d...
03:33 pm GMT - Wed, August 5, 2020
Dev To
Write a Chatbot in Swift and Deploy to AWS Lambda
Did you know you can use Swift in the backend to build a chatbot and deploy it to AWS? We've recently published an Open Source project called Swift Lambda to make the process easier.In this tutorial, ...
03:29 pm GMT - Wed, August 5, 2020
Dev To
The Developer's Deployment Checklist
I was struggling setting up a new deployment pipeline for this project I'm working on using Conducto, so I decided to make a checklist to help. Hopefully it'll help somebody else!Make a list of all of...
02:56 pm GMT - Wed, August 5, 2020
Dev To
Building a Database Written in Node.js from the Ground Up
Node is lightweight & scalable, allows us to develop quickly, and npm has incredible packages.The founding team at HarperDB built the first and only database written in Node.js. A few months...
01:40 pm GMT - Wed, August 5, 2020
Dev To
Fundamentals of Cloud Computing
Before we start, I want to state that this tutorial is for absolute beginners who want to get started with Cloud Computing.(And there are going to be a lot of cloud jokes, I am sorry in advance )The ...
01:30 pm GMT - Wed, August 5, 2020
Dev To
VS Code: You don't need that extension
I was digging deeper in VS Code recently and made some interesting discoveries. There are quite a few features and settings that ably do the work of many popular extensions. 1. Auto renaming tags...
01:08 pm GMT - Wed, August 5, 2020
Dev To
CSS Selectors: Let's talk basics
Introduction Lors @miss_lorsx I dont know who needs to hear this;But mixing up the correct selector when targe...
01:01 pm GMT - Wed, August 5, 2020
Dev To
My favourite resources being a freelancer as a side hustle
I've read tons of resources collections. So have you, I imagine.This is why I am writing this, in the hopes it can actually help you on creating new quality stuff, quicker. Because better will always ...
01:01 pm GMT - Wed, August 5, 2020
Dev To
My favorite resources being a freelancer as a side hustle
I've read tons of resources collections. So have you, I imagine.This is why I am writing this, in the hopes it can actually help you with creating new quality stuff, quicker. Because better will alway...
12:45 pm GMT - Wed, August 5, 2020
Dev To
Quick A/B Poll: Which card style you like better?
Hi there . I'm a big fan of Super Smash Bros since I was a little kid.I'm doing some quick design for a tournament app in Vue and I could use your feedback, which card you like the most?.Option A: Vo...
12:41 pm GMT - Wed, August 5, 2020
Dev To
Good first issues with Next.js
Next.js is one of the most popular frameworks built on React.js. Most developers are familiar with how they can leverage Next.js to make fast web apps. But did you know, their open-source repository c...
12:03 pm GMT - Wed, August 5, 2020
Dev To
My Favourite Web Development Tools!
Every web developer has his or her favourite tools that he or she uses to make coding easier and "enjoyable". In this post, I'm going to share some awesome web development tools that I find really awe...
09:46 am GMT - Wed, August 5, 2020
Dev To
How to deploy React App to Github Pages
You can build your React app and deploy it directly to GitHub pages by following these simple steps:Requirements:A Github accountInstall Git locally (in you machine)Install Node.jsInstall NPMN/B: You ...
09:41 am GMT - Wed, August 5, 2020
Dev To
15 Command-Line Tools to Make You Better at Shell & CLI
Shell is the essential tool for every programmer. The more familiar you become with the available tools, the more efficient you can be with using your computer. Here's a list of command-line tools tha...
06:56 am GMT - Wed, August 5, 2020
Dev To
Pimp Your GitHub Profile
I find my GitHub profile pretty important when it comes to being an active developer. Unfortunately, most of my projects are private due to business requirements. But still, it's a showcase of who you...
03:09 am GMT - Wed, August 5, 2020
Dev To
What actions you should take when you are stuck on a coding problem
This post was originally published on June 30, 2020 on my blog.Have you ever felt stuck on a coding problem? I know its a rhetorical question . Its almost impossible not to get stuck at some point thr...
03:09 am GMT - Wed, August 5, 2020
Dev To
Adding blog functionality to a static Eleventy (11ty) website
In a previous article I covered setting up a simple site with Eleventy.This article will show you how to add blog functionality (display a list of posts in reverse chronological order).Lets get starte...
11:11 pm GMT - Tue, August 4, 2020
Dev To
How to Build an API With Nodejs, Expressjs and Google Sheet 1
Got a bunch of work done with spreadsheets and you are wondering how to integrate that data into your Nodejs application without moving it to a relational or NoSql database?Thats possible and youll le...
10:16 pm GMT - Tue, August 4, 2020
Dev To
It's Never Too Late To Learn: 3 things my 11yo taught me about coding
Recently I wrote a couple of spontaneous threads on Twitter that became the most-viewed of my posts in over a decade. They focused on learning. The first inspired me to convert the tweets into a serie...
10:11 pm GMT - Tue, August 4, 2020
Dev To
Dubai to London and all the tech I learnt in between
A quick intro before I get onto the main event; My name is Emma, on Twitter you can find me at @britnorcodes. I'm a Software Engineer and I've been coding for around 5 years - 3 years studying at Univ...
10:05 pm GMT - Tue, August 4, 2020
Dev To
Table Of ContentsIntroductionAbout this BlogNotes for the ReaderThe Real Juicy StuffHow Do I Deploy my Site?Understand the DetailHow Do I Find a Host?What to Look for in a Host?How Do I Create a...
09:38 pm GMT - Tue, August 4, 2020
Dev To
Self-updating GitHub Profile README with JavaScript
GitHub recently released a feature that allows users to add markdown to their profile. People have done some pretty cool things, which inspired me to create a README that dynamically updates with my D...
09:32 pm GMT - Tue, August 4, 2020
Dev To
Introduction to TDD: What it is and why it is important
Many companies today are using test driven development or TDD to create their web software. Why is test driven development so popular? It prevents issues and bugs in the future, it can increase the ef...
09:27 pm GMT - Tue, August 4, 2020
Dev To
Supercharge your 100 Days of Code
100 Days of Code challenges developers to code for at least one hour every day for 100 days. By creating consistent coding habits, developers can level up faster, improve their skill set, and learn ne...
07:54 pm GMT - Tue, August 4, 2020
Dev To
A deep dive into Linear Regression (3-way implementation)
Linear Regression is the genesis of Machine Learning for many beginners. People start learning ML from Linear Regression and then proceed to make awesome projects. If someone claims to be ignorant of ...
07:15 pm GMT - Tue, August 4, 2020
Dev To
React TypeScript - How To Set Types on Hooks (cheat sheet)
TypeScript is a great language that allows type-checking your code in order to make it more robust and understandable.In this guide, I will lead you on how to set TypeScript types on React hooks (useS...
07:02 pm GMT - Tue, August 4, 2020
Dev To
No Risk Negotiation Phrase?
I was recently asked how to negotiate if the initial offer exceeds one's expectations, which is especially likely if you were previously underpaid, or are the first in your community to go into tech a...
06:54 pm GMT - Tue, August 4, 2020
Dev To
The new opensource tool for all your API needs: APIC
Yes you heard it right. One opensource tool for all your API needs. The tool is APIC. You might think that's a bold claim to say APIC is the tool you need for everything API, well lets see how APIC li...
06:09 pm GMT - Tue, August 4, 2020
Dev To
The 7 Most Popular DEV Posts from the Past Week
Every Tuesday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take i...
05:03 pm GMT - Tue, August 4, 2020
Dev To
DevOps Jobs - I don't get it!
So there are a lot of DevOps job offerings out there. Quite a lot of job offerings I see are NOT DevOps jobs - but only Ops jobs. DevOps without doing Dev is Ops!Whats your view about this topic?...
01:32 pm GMT - Tue, August 4, 2020
Dev To
How I passed AZ-204
MotivationI recently passed AZ-204 certification. So, I think some of my suggestions/tips/guidelines may help the others who are pursuing this certificate. You can check my certificate details h...
12:45 pm GMT - Tue, August 4, 2020
Dev To
TIL Postgres: Setting up WAL-G
WAL-G is an open-source continuous archiving tool used to easily set up and recover from physical backups in Postgres. It mainly handles the storage and retrieval of physical backups and WAL archives ...
12:44 pm GMT - Tue, August 4, 2020
Dev To
One Line - Sticky Header using CSS
How many times have we come across a situation where you want the header of a website to remain on top of everything even if you scroll past it. Or, to have a navigation bar that is beneath a hero-ban...
12:15 pm GMT - Tue, August 4, 2020
Dev To
What's the strangest Wi-Fi name you've ever seen?
This weekend, I went to my aunt's home. Being the obnoxious techie that I am, the first thing I said when I stepped into the house was this:"What's the Wi-Fi name and password?" My 10-year old cousin...
11:45 am GMT - Tue, August 4, 2020
Dev To
Bumbag - an accessible & themeable React UI Kit
Jake Moxey has recently announced the release of his library Bumbag, which lets you quickly build out your React app using over 70 accessible and themeable components. ...
10:20 am GMT - Tue, August 4, 2020
Dev To
A Practical Introduction to Using Redux with React
Table of ContentsIntroductionWhat is Redux?What is the State?How to Modify the State?Unidirectional Data FlowSetting Up Redux in a React AppUsing React Hooks to Read the StateUsing React Hooks t...
09:08 am GMT - Tue, August 4, 2020
Dev To
Developing with Azure Blob Storage
If we want to store information such as documents, images or videos, Azure Blob Storage is a great storage solutions that provides us as developers with high availability at a low price.For the AZ-204...
06:27 am GMT - Tue, August 4, 2020
Dev To
Vanilla JavaScript String to Number
Sometimes we want to convert a number to a string; in my latest code piece, there was a limit set on a data attribute. This comes true as a string, so how do we convert this to a number in JavaScript?...
12:56 am GMT - Tue, August 4, 2020
Dev To
10 Questions I'm Asking All Companies Before Scheduling Any Interviews
Interviewing requires a lot of time and energy. Maybe you need to study some technical topics ahead of time. You probably already have commitments that require a lot of your focuslike another job or c...
11:41 pm GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
Why unit test culture is broken
Write unit tests should be as fun as writing your feature code, no matter which language you're using, it's all code at the end of the day. How it can be improvedSending the right message is key ...
11:26 pm GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
Wordpress Development on Porter
Local development for Wordpress often requires a lot of configuration and installation of tools like PhpMyAdmin, MySQL, and Wordpress itself. Docker helps compartmentalize each of these components wit...
10:56 pm GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
Make your first CSS art
Many people know how to use CSS to style websites, but when it comes to CSS artwork, they get confused on how they are made.So i thought it might be helpful if i share my humble experience with you, I...
10:38 pm GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
How I optimised my online presence to get opportunities.
All my articles are first published and hosted on my blog - you can find this article here. You may also be interested in my tweets on my Twitter profile and my monthly newsletter. Why did I joi...
10:37 pm GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
COVID-19 Survival Guide: work-from-home devices for developers
After the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, as thousands of companies across the world issued mandatory work-from-home orders, you may have suddenly found yourself in need of a home office space suitable ...
10:20 pm GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
Today's the Day!
I'm going to be honest with you. I've been pretty lazy my whole life. I like things easy and secretly hope that things will work it out themselves. But there came a point in my life when I realized th...
09:56 pm GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
How to create a sticky navbar with CSS & JavaScript
[ CodePen Demo | Original Article ]Sticky navbars allow users to access a websites navigation even when theyve scrolled down the page.In this example well be creating a sticky navbar that also shrinks...
06:00 pm GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
Practical Functional Programming in JavaScript - Side Effects and Purity (Revised)
Hello . Thanks for stopping by. Today we'll discuss two fundamentally dual qualities of JavaScript functions and systems: side effects and purity. I also demonstrate an approach to organizing programs...
05:59 pm GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
What are your favorite npm packages?
Let's share some of the most loved npm packages you use for the majority of projects. Consider both client and server-side. For me those would be:Frontend - react, react-dom, react-router-dom, antd, s...
05:44 pm GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
How To Build a Full Stack Clojure Project
This is a video series that covers building a simple full stack CRUD application with clojure and clojurescript. What you will learnThe main focus here is the language of clojure itself, and the ...
04:56 pm GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
What is the first thing you do when setting up a new computer?
When you get a new computer, what are the first things you do? Whether it's:Installing programsAdding shortcutsDisabling certain optionsSetting up new preferencesEtc.I'm eager to hear what you'd cons...
04:52 pm GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
The Art of Centering
Like any good Wes Anderson flick, sometimes it's important for elements on our page to utilise the art of symmetry and draw our users' eyes to the center of the page.There are a few different methods ...
04:39 pm GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
What's that piece of code that you have to Google *every time*?
"Is it .splice(), .slice() or .explode()?"...
03:33 pm GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To Writing: Tag, you're it!
Cover photo by Brett Jordan on UnsplashTags here on play an important role in the discoverability of articles. They are one of the main factors in presenting articles to readers.Without tags yo...
03:07 pm GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
Dark Mode - Unmistified!
Disclaimer!This is going to be a long post. I will try and assimilate all the resources and information I have on a proper dark mode implementation on your website. CSS Filter Hack! ...
02:45 pm GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
Where does Python Shine Over Node?
This is the scenario I'm in:I'm comfortable with Node, I have interest in Python but little experience, and I want to begin writing scripts for automating certain processes on my local machine.At firs...
02:35 pm GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
Top JavaScript books to level up your game in JavaScript
Hey DevsLearning JavaScript in-depth is hard and these books will help your life easier to understand the weird parts of the language. You don't know JSYou can't be a JS dev without reading this ...
01:50 pm GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
A Slice of Rust: Working with the Slice Type
This post published on my blog beforeHi everyone. Before that, I wrote a post called Rusts Borrowing and Reference Laws.Today I'll try to explain the slice type in RustBefore starting, Ill create a pr...
01:33 pm GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
Impostor Syndrome: The Biggest Enemy to Your Progress is Your Ego
Follow me on Twitter @AnnaJMcDougallToday I want to take a look at 'Impostor Syndrome' from a different angle. 'Impostor Syndrome' is spoken about a lot in the developer community. So much so that I d...
12:16 pm GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
Why JavaScript Is A Good Choice For Beginners
JavaScript is the de-facto language used in web development, and for good reasons. It is a versatile language, easy to start with, and popular. As a result, you can:build all types of applications. Fo...
11:35 am GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
World's Easiest Guide to GitReset
For some reason, I was always afraid of this command.git resetEven though I always knew what git reset does, every time I ran it in the console I was scared that something would go wrong untilI made a...
11:09 am GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
Using the HTML `picture` element to show a WebP image
The WebP image format has been around since 2010 when the standard was first announced. One benefit of using WebP images is that they are smaller than both JPEGs and PNGs, sometimes significantly.WebP...
09:55 am GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
Using free tools to optimise a serverless application
IntroductionI've recently been building out a serverless application on AWS that interacts with Amazon QLDB as a purpose-built database at the backend. In many cases, making a few simple configu...
07:01 am GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
Growing my online presence: In Progress
Why having an online presence is important?With increasing internet popularity it has become very important to have a good online presence in the 21st century. There are many benefits of having ...
06:57 am GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
One line - Dark Mode using CSS
This is an absolute no-brainer method of converting an already developed website to support dark mode.Without further ado let's get into it! Consider this news application for exampleNow add the magic...
06:29 am GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
When frontend devs meet free APIs
Have you ever struggled to get ideas for your side projects? Are you looking to make something other than the same old todo apps? If yes, then you are in the right place, my friend. Welcome to the wor...
05:48 am GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
Drawing a CSS cartoon
It was a slow Sunday afternoon/evening, and I had an hour to play with the computer, so I decided to draw something from scratch using HTML and CSS:I wasn't using any image for reference, which made i...
04:31 am GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
Using std::map Wisely With Modern C
std::map and its siblings(std::multimap, std::unordered_map/multimap) used to be my favourite containers when I was doing competitive programming. In fact, I still like them(though using less frequent...
03:34 am GMT - Mon, August 3, 2020
Dev To
5 Books to Fight Technopoly
This era is a time of unprecedented technological advance. Every day, someone jumps out of the woodwork with a new gadget that they claim will solve a problem you don't even know you have. Perhaps it ...
08:59 pm GMT - Sun, August 2, 2020
Dev To
Github's Awesome Repository Traffic Analytics
As someone that loves all types of metrics I was really glad to have discovered Github's traffic analytics. They've been around for a while, but I never knew about them and I wanted to share an introd...
07:24 pm GMT - Sun, August 2, 2020
Dev To
My Top 4 Patterns for Writing Simple Code
When it comes to writing code, I aim to write simple code. What Bob Martin calls clean code. What others refer to as readable or maintainable. In many, ways, they all refer to the same thing.But its h...
06:20 pm GMT - Sun, August 2, 2020
Dev To
Weather app in React, Redux, Typescript, and Tailwind
Hello reader ,In this article, you will learn how to make basic weather app in React, Redux, and Typescript.The React part is written in Typescript.The Redux part is written in plain Javascript for th...
06:01 pm GMT - Sun, August 2, 2020
Dev To
Top 10 React Component Libraries
React is one of the most popular frontend frameworks for developers to create Single Page Applications (SPAs). The React community has developed a multitude of component libraries to help accelerate d...
05:46 pm GMT - Sun, August 2, 2020
Dev To
Different kinds of testing
The subject of testing is vast. It may seem simple from outside, but it's not. For example, one may define testing as checking that the software is fit for its purpose. But it encompasses a lot more: ...
04:47 pm GMT - Sun, August 2, 2020
Dev To
Ways to count occurrences of the list items in Python
Table Of ContentsIntroductionCountoperatorCounterPandasloop and Dict Introduction Hey guys,hope you all are doing well during this crisis. I have been coding in python for a while and came ...
04:43 pm GMT - Sun, August 2, 2020
Dev To
Useful JS array methods to level up your game!
Hi there!Today, I'll be sharing some useful JS array methods that I use daily. These methods will surely level up your game as a beginner. Let's dive into those now. 1. map()According to MDN:The...
04:28 pm GMT - Sun, August 2, 2020
Dev To
Getting Started in Unity 2D Game Development
This tutorial covers some basic concepts about start developing 2D games in Unity. Game Object, Components, Sprites, how to handle Pixel Art for games in Unity, and helps to get used to Unity editor i...
02:32 pm GMT - Sun, August 2, 2020
Dev To
Why is Docker on macOS So Much Worse Than Linux?
We've all heard the jokes from practically anyone with their development environments on Docker for Mac: it makes your Mac sound like a jet plane at takeoff.However, their counterpart developers on Li...
02:03 pm GMT - Sun, August 2, 2020
Dev To
Build a Real Time ISS Tracker using Javascript
Howdy Folks! I am back with another simple yet fun tutorial ;)Do you know about ISS? ISS aka International Space Station is an artificial habitable satellite that orbits Earth roughly 16 times per day...
01:20 pm GMT - Sun, August 2, 2020
Dev To
How to use different SSH Keys for different Bitbucket (git) Repositories
Bitbucket doesn't allow you to use the same SSH Key on more than one account. This means if you have more than 1 account but need to access the repositories on both (in my case a work account and a pe...
01:12 pm GMT - Sun, August 2, 2020
Dev To
How Did I learn React in 10 months
I always see questions like that how many time is need to learn some new technology. The truth is you can't learn a new language/framework in 5 hours (yes I'm talking about that immersive course of 10...
12:45 pm GMT - Sun, August 2, 2020
Dev To
Is TypeScript the future of web development?
I've already talked about how much I love TypeScript in some of my previous posts. It allows me to be more productive, but most importantly - it improves my development experience.Basing on the r...
12:29 pm GMT - Sun, August 2, 2020
Dev To
The guide to connect AWS Amplify to any (AWS) service
AWS AmplifyAWS Amplify is a framework that acts as a glue between every front end application and the backend deployed by Amplify on AWS. You can use Javascript for setting up your API's, storag...
10:56 am GMT - Sun, August 2, 2020
Dev To
Beginner Git/GitHub Workflow Tutorial: Start Using Git TODAY with these Basic Commands
Follow me on Twitter @AnnaJMcDougallIn this tutorial, you will learn the absolute basics of what to do to track your personal projects using Git and GitHub. There is so much that can be said about why...
09:54 am GMT - Sun, August 2, 2020
Dev To
Creating a Floating Icon Menu
In today's post, I wanted to demonstrate just how easy it is to create an icon-based, floating navigation menu for your web projects. Video TutorialIf you prefer this tutorial in video form, chec...
06:48 am GMT - Sun, August 2, 2020
Dev To
History Command and How to Use It?
In this series, we have looked at so many commands with their different syntaxes and options, and it's very very hard to remember each and every one of them.So, today we are going to have a look at a ...
05:36 am GMT - Sun, August 2, 2020
Dev To
Object Destructuring in JavaScript for Beginners
Introduction The ES6 introduced the concept of object destructuring along with other things like let, const, arrow functions. Object destructuring is a very useful feature in JavaScript. It exte...
05:32 am GMT - Sun, August 2, 2020
Dev To
Tales of the Autistic Developer - Senior Developer
For those who don't know me, I'm autistic. Asperger's Syndrome to be precise. I've been a developer for the better part of a decade.I didn't find our I was ASD until 19, and didn't really reconcile wi...
04:29 am GMT - Sun, August 2, 2020
Dev To
How to deploy web apps as a beginner ?
Did you recently start learning web development and made your first or second web app but are now confused about how and where would you deploy it?Then this article is for you.I have tried to keep thi...
03:55 am GMT - Sun, August 2, 2020
Dev To
API testing tools: An Example Based Guide
For API testing there are a lot of tools out there that let you perform the test and collect the results. In this article, Ill be focusing on three tools by straight-up showing how to do a request usi...
02:02 am GMT - Sun, August 2, 2020
Dev To
Kotlin: Learning Resources For Beginners
Aug 1, 2020. I made a resolution to kick off a #30days of learning today where I would learn a new programming language. I hope to replace this section with a link to a post explaining my schedule and...
12:27 am GMT - Sun, August 2, 2020
Dev To
Code Snippet Series: Remove Junk from Array
QuizThere are two key areas to increase the performance of this code without losing robustness; can you spot them?/**@func remove junk (non-value-based data) from an arr@param {*[]} a@return {*[...
11:37 pm GMT - Sat, August 1, 2020
Dev To
Reflecting on a week off from the internet
Last Friday, I published my blog post on doing a digital declutter, then disconnected (mostly) from the internet.Taking a week off allowed me to understand what is and isnt required in my life. This w...
08:17 pm GMT - Sat, August 1, 2020
Dev To
5 things learned from launching my first app and getting my first 20 users
After several attempts at building and launching my own products, for my 24th birthday I decided I was going to launch something, finished or not, and I was going to try to get people to use it. I had...
07:54 pm GMT - Sat, August 1, 2020
Dev To
Command Line Basics: How to find your way around your computer
This post was originally published on my blog. You can also follow me on Twitter @AnnaJMcDougall.There is no debate: using a command-line interface (CLI) is more efficient than the graphic user interf...
07:40 pm GMT - Sat, August 1, 2020
Dev To
How to write better Python classes using Magic Methods
It is important to make the code we write clear and as easy to read as possible, so anyone unfamiliar with the codebase is able to understand what it does without too much hassle. When dealing with ob...
07:20 pm GMT - Sat, August 1, 2020
Dev To
20 Developer Portfolios for Inspiration
Hey Awesome!If you're looking for some inspiration for your next website and level up your creativity. Don't Worry, I have got you covered with my favorite 20 developer portfolios which will blow your...
05:56 pm GMT - Sat, August 1, 2020
Dev To
Practical Functional Programming in JavaScript - Error Handling
Hello. You've arrived at an entire post about error handling.Comic Credits: we'll talk about Errors in JavaScript functional programming. Errors are about setting expectati...
05:23 pm GMT - Sat, August 1, 2020
Dev To
Android Vitals - Rising to the first drawn surface
Header image: Flying in the Light by Romain Guy.This blog series is focused on stability and performance monitoring of Android apps in production. Last week, I wrote about the beginning of a cold star...
04:58 pm GMT - Sat, August 1, 2020
Dev To
Learning what it means to pursue a passion
I've spent most of my life "going with the flow"By that, I don't mean "Casually taking what life offers," or any sort of enlightened take on how to navigate existence in a way that makes you hap...
04:35 pm GMT - Sat, August 1, 2020
Dev To
Why DevOps Should be Responsible for Development Environments
Let's discuss an extremely common anti-pattern I've noticed with teams that are relatively new to containers/cloud-native/kubernetes, etc. More so than when building traditional monoliths, cloud-nativ...
04:18 pm GMT - Sat, August 1, 2020
Dev To
ES6 - Higher Order Functions
IntroductionIn this article, we will first understand what a higher order function is and then look at a few code examples of the popular higher order functions such as forEach, map, filter, red...
03:14 pm GMT - Sat, August 1, 2020
Dev To
Choosing React Design System /Component Library
What's your experience and what do you use? Today I've decided to set up my UI design system, do a short research on what would be right fit for my use case and once install do a small example.Checkbo...
12:40 pm GMT - Sat, August 1, 2020
Dev To
Why I love learning functional programming
This is the first part of a series on my journey in learning functional programming (FP). In this first part, I'd like to share why I spend time on learning functional programming in the first place. ...
12:32 pm GMT - Sat, August 1, 2020
Dev To
11 Reasons Why You Should Use NGXS as State Management in Your Angular Apps
Developers tend to use state management solutions to solve some common problems developing modern single page applications. Building a modern web application using Angular you might not need to opt-in...
12:02 pm GMT - Sat, August 1, 2020
Dev To
Rust's Borrowing and Reference Laws
This post published on my blog beforeHi everyone. Before that, I wrote a post called Ownership Concept in Rust.Today I'll try to explain some of the features called borrowing and references. I called ...
11:02 am GMT - Sat, August 1, 2020
Dev To
How to create a self-updating Github Profile
Recently, there is a new feature on Github - a profile page for user:There are a ton of other posts about how to create a Github profile and all that, so I am not going to write a step-by-step guides ...
10:44 am GMT - Sat, August 1, 2020
Dev To
What's your dream job?
If you could write your own 'dream job' description what would you include? ... and more importantly, what would you exclude?...
05:28 am GMT - Sat, August 1, 2020
Dev To
JavaScript Basics: Truthy and Falsy values in JavaScript
Do you know that Javascript has a set of pre-defined falsy values?Truthy and Falsy values are the non-boolean values that are coerced to true or false when performing certain operations.The following ...
05:00 am GMT - Sat, August 1, 2020
Dev To
What's New in Kedro 0.16.4
If we take a look at the release notes I see one major feature improvement on the list, auto-discovery of hooks.## Major features and improvements* Enabled auto-discovery of hooks implementations comi...
04:08 am GMT - Sat, August 1, 2020
Dev To
GitHub: Everything you need to know
Hey Guys..! When I first started my journey as a software developer, I heard about Git and Github. That's when I started exploring it. Whenever we search about it, there's a lot of information you can...
03:23 am GMT - Sat, August 1, 2020
Dev To
How to use JSX in markdown documents
Have you ever wondered what if there is a way to write JSX in markdown documents. That will make writing code faster like never before. MDX is an authorable format that lets you seamlessly use JSX in ...
02:13 am GMT - Sat, August 1, 2020
Dev To
How to Create a Beautiful Custom Scrollbar for Your Site in Plain CSS
Originally published here at, a blog about JavaScript, CSS, and just about anything programming.Custom scrollbars on the web can make a site or design stand out. They can help in portraying ke...
01:33 am GMT - Sat, August 1, 2020
Dev To
Learn Data Structure and Algorithm in JavaScript | Part 11
Gary Bernhardt @garybernhardt Don't listen to people who tell you that the core topics in a CS degree are irrelevant...
12:18 am GMT - Sat, August 1, 2020
Dev To
Practice Project Ideas to Sharpen Our Web Development Skills
Subscribe to my email list now at me on Twitter at more articles at more articles at http://thewe...
08:18 pm GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
How to Automate Tasks Estimation in JIRA
Planning means more than just staying organizedIT project management is hard to imagine without planning. Planning orchestrates the work of different project departments (software development, m...
08:15 pm GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
Frontend development in 2020: What are the essentials for beginners?
What bare essentials would you teach someone learning frontend development for the first time? ...
07:43 pm GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
I'm gonna be learning Linux!
Although I started my Unix journey with Ubuntu and used Gentoo for some time, I've been a FreeBSD user for most of it. I haven't really used a Linux system in a few years.The biggest issue with BSD co...
07:39 pm GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
Day 15: The Popup
Disclaimer: I'm totally blank on explanations today. I added some color and an icon to my page which on click fires a popup. My main reference was this video.The pop upVimeo: Here's to the days that ...
07:23 pm GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
Angular: Setters vs ngOnChanges - which one is better?
This post was originally published on Angular BitesGetting notified about an Angular component's property changes is normally done in 2 ways:adding a setter to the propertyusing the ngOnChanges lifecy...
06:45 pm GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
Bringing Modern JavaScript to Libraries
tl;dr: To bring modern JavaScript to our libraries, we should adopt a new "browser2017" conditional export key. The "browser2017" key points to modern code that targets modern browsers, without the po...
06:35 pm GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
I Wrote an Online Escape Game
Im an escape room enthusiast, some may say addict, and for the past few months Ive been missing it. A friend of mine, a true addict with over 500 rooms to his name, started organizing online competiti...
06:33 pm GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
What was your win this week?
Looking back on your week what was something you're proud of?All wins count big or small Examples of "wins" include:Learning something newStarting a new projectFixing a tricky bugCleaning your house...
04:55 pm GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
The Math ML Maestro: Introducing Linear Algebra Applications
Do you remember back then during school days when you did some vector or matrix operations? Or did some probability and statistics? Or performed some differentiation, integration and then getting conf...
04:20 pm GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
Do we still need jQuery in 2020?
Last week, Bootstrap launched their latest version (v5 alpha) and one of the new features was that they no longer depend on jQuery, that got me thinking, do we actually need JQuery in 2020?jQuery is o...
04:18 pm GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
Technology Will Erase Jobs- But also make everything Cheap or Free ...
At a talk about how technology is shaping the future of money, it seems counterintuitive to talk about a future where technology has mostly done away with the need for money to live.But thats the futu...
04:07 pm GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
Creating a Twitch New Followers Overlay for OBS in PHP
IntroductionTwitch has their own ecosystem of points and rewards, and leveraging their API to showcase new followers on screen is a good starting point for those who want to give more recognitio...
03:20 pm GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
Python IF statement
'>>> # Measure some strings:... words = ['cat', 'window', 'defenestrate']for w in words:... print(w, len(w)) 3window 6defenestrate 12'I want to assume that I know what lead to the o...
02:30 pm GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
5 Tips On Landing Your First Developer Job
This week, published a short video where I gave 5 Tips For Junior Developers | How To Break Into The Industry. One of the first comments that appeared said How to break into the industry s...
02:22 pm GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
Github Better Comments firefox extension
So I got inspired from better comments extension and made an addon for firefox.What it does is adds colors to the comments on Github files.Supported comments annotations are: Alerts (!) Red! This...
01:52 pm GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
Making Sense of Syntax
I was reviewing a bit of code the other day and came across a set of syntax I hadn't seen before. It looked like this:!!{...obj, ...obj2}.itemThere are pieces of this code I recognize. But all togethe...
11:41 am GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
Ready-To-Use Website Templates: Yay or Nay?
We at Skynox Tech are busy redesigning our website. In the past few days, we've debated about colors, fonts, designs, logos, UX, and almost everything else. While the whole process has been fun, takin...
10:22 am GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
Choose a perfect IoT Operating system for your IoT operation...!!!
First of all, what is an embedded OS:-An embedded operating system (OS) is a specialized operating system designed to perform a specific task for a device that is not a computer. The main functions of...
10:17 am GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
How do you keep your NPM packages update?
You have multiple projects going on and if you keep them always update to the last version, sometimes you expend some precious time trying to figure it out what and why your build broke (after the upd...
09:31 am GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
I've made up my mind. I know how to choose my next tech stack
I've been developing apps for over a decade and created so many projects, including side projects and commercial products. Every time I create a new project, I ask myself the same question: which tech...
09:21 am GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
How To Setup A Budget On AWS
Unfortunately, it is very easy to over-spend money in AWS, and you do not want that. Your costs can quickly spiral to thousands of dollars. Therefore, the first step I advise people to do after creati...
09:06 am GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
12 Extremely Useful Tips for Building a Startup
Has the thought of building your own startup ever crossed your mind? You should consider that 9 out of 10 startups fail.I'm one of the co-founders of Endtest.Below are 12 extremely useful tips for bui...
07:35 am GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
Create a Slack clone with Next.js and Supabase
In this post we're going to show you how to deploy a fully functional Slack clone in less than 2 minutes.See the final result here: You should probably use a ...
07:24 am GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
A Break Down of HTTP Status Code
I eat and drink at my desk, but Im a tidy eater. Jamie Zawinski Table of ContentIntroductionInformational Response (100 199)Successful Response (200 299)Redirects (300 -399)Client Error (400 4...
07:08 am GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
Build a custom React toggle switch component
Toggle switches are form components that allow users to choose between two opposing states.They are commonly used to toggle settings in apps or even day/night mode on websites.Heres what our toggle sw...
12:09 am GMT - Fri, July 31, 2020
Dev To
Z-index in CSS explained
Z-index is a complex css property for beginners and gets confusing when used on many elements. Let's demonstrate how it works and explain the reasons why sometimes you can't get it to work properly.Th...