Articles by Dev To from July 2020
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11:48 pm GMT - Thu, July 30, 2020
Dev To
Deno vs Node.js: Simply Explained
cover photo credits - Fernando DoglioMost JavaScript developers are familiar with Nodejs as it is a well-established and highly-respected technology for making full-stack web applications. Nodejs is a...
09:52 pm GMT - Thu, July 30, 2020
Dev To
The wet dream of a pentester - funny pentesting
Our company performs pentests and security audits both in individual clients and in government and military agencies.During the last pentest session at the client's ancient site, I discovered a script...
09:23 pm GMT - Thu, July 30, 2020
Dev To
Top 5 DEV Comments from the Past Week
This is a weekly roundup of awesome DEV comments that you may have missed. You are welcome and encouraged to boost posts and comments yourself using the #bestofdev tag.@marydee2001 helped fill my focu...
09:05 pm GMT - Thu, July 30, 2020
Dev To
Build RESTful APIs using Python / Flask
Python / Flask framework combination is one of the popular choices for building back-end APIs for a web application. Building an applications back-end this way gives several options for coming up with...
08:25 pm GMT - Thu, July 30, 2020
Dev To
What are some of the biggest lessons you've learned as an entrepreneur?
The format of DEV's first official podcast, DevDiscuss, begins with an interview and ends with commentary from the community.With season two of DevDiscuss coming soon (!!!), we want to know... W...
06:35 pm GMT - Thu, July 30, 2020
Dev To
Type checking your JavaScript with VS Code - the superpowers you didn't know you had
Follow me on Twitter, happy to take your suggestions on topics or improvements /ChrisOk so you've decided that pure JavaScript is enough for your project, don't want to adopt TypeScript just yet or ev...
05:51 pm GMT - Thu, July 30, 2020
Dev To
6 JavaScript console methods like Taylor Swift folklore lyrics
If you do web development, you've probably used console.log at least once (or over a thousand times...who's counting?) because that's the best debugging method! But did you know there are other consol...
05:48 pm GMT - Thu, July 30, 2020
Dev To
JavaScript Explained (By a Non-Developer)
An honest interpretation of all things developer from the person you would least expect, a marketer.Ever wonder how people on the outside of a specific industry such as software development understand...
04:43 pm GMT - Thu, July 30, 2020
Dev To
Whats wrong with Array.reduce ?
We use XO for our code linting. Recently I upgraded to its latest version and suddenly I had lots of errors as soon as I tried to commit (**).What was wrong?Well. It seems that there is a new trend ou...
04:35 pm GMT - Thu, July 30, 2020
Dev To
An elegant solution for memory leaks in React
Cover image from Valentin Petkov from Unsplash An elegant solution for memory leaks in ReactWhen working with asynchronous calls, for example API calls, you might have encountered this error :Can...
04:26 pm GMT - Thu, July 30, 2020
Dev To
Creating Desktop Apps with ReactJS using Tauri
IntroductionBuilding desktop apps use to be difficult, first, you would need to know quite a number of languages like Java or C++ and get buried to quite a number of setups which can be wearing....
04:19 pm GMT - Thu, July 30, 2020
Dev To
Update: I built a tool to help me manage my job search
In December of last year I posted about an open-source job tracking app I built. I built a tool to help me keep track of my job hunt - JobHuntBuddy Michael Messerli ...
04:00 pm GMT - Thu, July 30, 2020
Dev To
I started a digital garden and so should you
A month ago I decided to start a digital garden, which is, in a way, an evolution to plain note-taking. The core idea is that you write down your thoughts and create links between the notes. Each note...
03:37 pm GMT - Thu, July 30, 2020
Dev To
ES6 - Spread Operator
IntroductionIn this article, let us look at a very powerful yet simple feature introduced with ES6 or ES2015 version of JavaScript, the Spread Operator. Spread OperatorThe spread operator e...
03:24 pm GMT - Thu, July 30, 2020
Dev To
How to Manage Your Fear of Writing and Publishing New Content
This month, two readers of my eBook The Developers Guide to Content Creation asked me how to overcome ones fear of sharing content.Ive written professionally for 12 years and Im always nervous before ...
02:19 pm GMT - Thu, July 30, 2020
Dev To
Daily Challenge 276 - Unwanted Dollar Signs
If you're faced with an input box, like this: +--------------+ Enter the price of the item, in dollars: | | ...
09:43 am GMT - Thu, July 30, 2020
Dev To
How to write a good commit message
A commit message is a short description of the changes you've made to a file added before committing the changes.Good commit messages are important not only for others who you may be collaborating on ...
09:07 am GMT - Thu, July 30, 2020
Dev To
Doing OneToMany properly with Doctrine
Using ORM frameworks like Doctrine can help us a great deal when writing small to medium sized web applications. It allows us to treat database rows like objects, therefore simplifying working with th...
06:49 am GMT - Thu, July 30, 2020
Dev To
How Developers Can Supercharge Their Savings
Any type of financial investment should earn you compound interest. Over time, this will build the value of your investment passively.If you start investing, you should learn how to develop an underst...
04:42 am GMT - Thu, July 30, 2020
Dev To
Awesome Web Effect
A series of exquisite and compact web page cool effects It's like decorating a beautiful Christmas tree in a room. Sometimes a small web page w...
08:42 pm GMT - Wed, July 29, 2020
Dev To
How to convert objects into arrays in Javascript
Gone are the days when transforming Javascript objects into arrays required complex logic. Starting with E2017(ES8), we can do just that pretty easily. Depending on our needs, we can convert an object...
07:53 pm GMT - Wed, July 29, 2020
Dev To
Creating Randomness Without Math.random
In JavaScript, you can create random numbers using Math.random(). But what if we wanted to create our own random values in the browser without this function?The ECMAScript Language Specification defin...
07:46 pm GMT - Wed, July 29, 2020
Dev To
Do the SOLID principles apply to Functional Programming?
If you are interested in reading this article in Spanish , check out my blog:The Developer's DungeonYesterday I was browsing one of the online developer communities where I usually hang out and I noti...
07:12 pm GMT - Wed, July 29, 2020
Dev To
Developer with New Baby Coming Soon HELP!
I'm incredibly excited that my wife and I will be having our first baby girl in a month or so. Also, pretty scared. Looking to get a good thread going with practical tips and tricks. My top questions ...
07:10 pm GMT - Wed, July 29, 2020
Dev To
Interview Tricks: Arrays
There are a ton of interview questions for software engineers and data scientists that involve two dimensional arrays. In this video I show you my favorite interview tricks for arrays: Using index mat...
07:02 pm GMT - Wed, July 29, 2020
Dev To
How to deploy a Nuxt Full Static site in DigitalOcean
In this post I want to tell you how I have configured a droplet in DigitalOcean to be able to publish a Nuxt Full Static site with a good performance. Alba Silvente ...
04:50 pm GMT - Wed, July 29, 2020
Dev To
Cancel Properly HTTP Requests in React Hooks and avoid Memory Leaks
Hello guys ! Today, let's take a look at cancelling a web request with fetch and Abort Controller in React Hooks! When we work with Fetch to manage data, we sometimes want to cancel the request (e.g. ...
04:38 pm GMT - Wed, July 29, 2020
Dev To
What are your top 3 focus songs?
At the risk of sounding like a Martian that got plopped into Williamsburg, Brooklyn in 2004 and is trying to blend in... I'm getting back into playlists.A lot of my job involves writing, and it can be...
02:51 pm GMT - Wed, July 29, 2020
Dev To
Daily Challenge 275 - Casino Chips
You are given three piles of casino chips: white, green and black chips in the form of an array. Each day you need exactly two chips of different colors to play at the casino. You can chose any color,...
02:16 pm GMT - Wed, July 29, 2020
Dev To
Roblox Making Bank Means More Money for Devs
If you're thinking about getting started with game dev, it's not a bad idea to consider making content for Roblox, a platform that hosts user-created games. While most of these games are free to play,...
02:01 pm GMT - Wed, July 29, 2020
Dev To
Technical writing tips for non-native English speakers
I was born in Brazil so naturally I wrote my first articles and blog posts in portuguese. Back then, the idea of being able to write a complete and easy to read article in English felt distant and pre...
02:00 pm GMT - Wed, July 29, 2020
Dev To
Making API Requests with Python
Python is in the midst of a resurgence. It never went away, but usage now grows like never before. With machine learning developers and data scientists relying on Python, much of the web development e...
01:24 pm GMT - Wed, July 29, 2020
Dev To
Deploy HTTP Services Written in Swift to AWS in Seconds
Recently, Apple announced the Swift AWS Lambda Runtime. It's now possible to write self-contained functions that run on AWS using the same Swift you use for iOS development. This lets you not only reu...
12:41 pm GMT - Wed, July 29, 2020
Dev To
Calm, Private and Healthy, A HEY Email Review
You might have seen Basecamp making headlines when they took on Apple to fight for fair app-store monetization policies. HEY is a new email service which, you guessed it, sends and receives email. Goi...
11:56 am GMT - Wed, July 29, 2020
Dev To
Decoding CSS art ()
Backstory alert!!When I joined Twitter, I came across people who were posting CSS illustrations and I was extremely intrigued and confused at the same time. It was not until a month later that I...
10:17 am GMT - Wed, July 29, 2020
Dev To
Azure Static Web Apps are Awesome
Over the last 3 months or so, Ive been building a lot of experimental software on the web. Silly things, fun things. And throughout, Ive wrangled with different ways to host modern web content.Ive bee...
09:57 am GMT - Wed, July 29, 2020
Dev To
9 tools & resources that I use while building & designing a website.
Hello everyone!Long time I haven't made a post, because Jesus Abril and I are working on our side project, but I wanted to share this because maybe it can help you too.Most of them you probably ...
05:27 am GMT - Wed, July 29, 2020
Dev To
My Thoughts After Learning React For 3 Months
React is one of the most popular Front-End JavaScript frameworks. Developed by Facebook in 2013, it is actively maintained as an open source project, and has made building complex user interfaces easi...
02:54 am GMT - Wed, July 29, 2020
Dev To
Do You Have Your Own Website/Portfolio?
How many of you have your own website? Did you create it in one go? Launch it and then build it over time?I haven't created mine yet, hoping to be inspired. Would love to hear about how you decided to...
01:42 am GMT - Wed, July 29, 2020
Dev To
A11y for everyone: Building inclusive and accessible web applications
Want to do more with static web apps?Join us at CREATE:Frontend on Jul 29 (8:30am PDT / 11:30am EDT) for a 4-hr free virtual event with 8 talks and a 90-minute hands-on workshop to jumpstart yo...
10:30 pm GMT - Tue, July 28, 2020
Dev To
Docker shell shortcuts - because writing full commands is hard!
Containers for fun and profit!So you're now officially excited about Docker and containers.Good! They're an awesome tool to create portable configurations for your software and make sure it work...
06:59 pm GMT - Tue, July 28, 2020
Dev To
My monolith doesn't fit in your serverless
Serverless is the future, no doubts about that, and I love the model. For a small agency like Ingenious it helps us reduce costs and allow us to forget about infrastructure.As cool as serverless is, I...
06:50 pm GMT - Tue, July 28, 2020
Dev To
Git 2.28 brings default branch option
Git 2.28 dropped yesterday (July 27, 2020) and it brings a nifty feature to set a default branch.$ git config --global init.defaultBranch mainAny projects initialized with git init will now use the br...
06:25 pm GMT - Tue, July 28, 2020
Dev To
A Beginner's Guide to Git GitHub
Terminology RepositoryA directory or folder where your code lives. RemoteThe version of your repository that lives on GitHub's servers and is accessible to anyone with an internet conn...
06:14 pm GMT - Tue, July 28, 2020
Dev To
Get asynchronous data in JungleJS, the new Svelte JAMstack library
JungleJS is a new static site generator that uses Svelte and GraphQL. It also has a handy routing feature akin to NextJS and Sapper, where you can have src/routes/[slug].svelte and query for data base...
06:08 pm GMT - Tue, July 28, 2020
Dev To
Doing code review
How do you do code reviews?This question was recently presented to me from someone considering adding code reviews to his team's process.This post lists his questions and my answers (lightly edited) f...
05:18 pm GMT - Tue, July 28, 2020
Dev To
Using TypeScript ADT's to write more reliable React
You may have heard of Algebraic Data Types (ADT's) before but didn't understand how they can be applied to everyday code - so this article will provide some examples and explanations of why you should...
03:42 pm GMT - Tue, July 28, 2020
Dev To
Build your First Typescript Package in Under 10 Minutes
I've been putting off building my own Typescript packages for a while.Not for a lack of ideas, but because I know modern Javascript/Typescript development is a mess. Just check the size of your node_...
03:24 pm GMT - Tue, July 28, 2020
Dev To
Code anything in Javascript, with only 8 characters
You can convert any Javascript code into these characters:()[]{}!+and only these characters. Here's how: NumbersWe can get 0 by casting an empty array using +[]. The + is the unary plus, which co...
03:00 pm GMT - Tue, July 28, 2020
Dev To
4 Ways to Combine Strings in JavaScript
Here are 4 ways to combine strings in JavaScript. My favorite way is using Template Strings. Why? Because its more readable, no backslash to escape quotes, no awkward empty space separator, and no mor...
01:27 pm GMT - Tue, July 28, 2020
Dev To
Daily Challenge 274 - Aerial Firefighting
You are an aerial firefighter (someone who drops water on fires from above in order to extinguish them) and your goal is to work out the minimum amount of bombs you need to drop in order to fully exti...
12:01 pm GMT - Tue, July 28, 2020
Dev To
Everything new coming in ES2021
This article was originally posted on my blog. Head over to for more articles and tutorials. Check out my JavaScript course on Educative to learn everything from ES6 to ES2020.Every...
09:12 am GMT - Tue, July 28, 2020
Dev To
I am Chris Heilmann, Principal Program Manager for the Microsoft Edge developer tools - AMA!
I am Chris Heilmann, Principal Program Manager for the Microsoft Edge developer tools - AMA!As part of the Create Frontend conference, my team and me wanted to invite the attendees (and anyone, ...
07:39 am GMT - Tue, July 28, 2020
Dev To
11 Tips And Tricks To Write Better Python Code
In this tutorial I show 11 Tips and Tricks to write better Python code! I show a lot of best practices that improve your code by making your code much cleaner and more Pythonic. Here's the overview of...
05:43 am GMT - Tue, July 28, 2020
Dev To
Is "C Programming language" Still Worth Learning in 2021?
C has been an evergreen language and played a prominent role for most of the system developments that took place in the last few decades. C programming was originally developed by Dennis Ritchie betwe...
01:23 am GMT - Tue, July 28, 2020
Dev To
Shtab: Provide Autocomplete for your Python App
I believe most folks have written a bash or Python app/tool that runs from the terminal command line to do some useful stuff. These programs usually accept some parameters and options. And it's really...
01:15 am GMT - Tue, July 28, 2020
Dev To
Using CRAP to enhance the web experience
Well, CRAP!One of the widely accepted design guidelines is CRAP, catchy yet misleading, referring to contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity. Graphic designers tend to think in these term...
06:43 pm GMT - Mon, July 27, 2020
Dev To
Becoming a Freelancer
It was time to make a change.I've been struggling to thrive in corporate environments for a while. Lots of meetings, very little team-play, or having poor leadership. Some of the workplaces I'd ...
06:02 pm GMT - Mon, July 27, 2020
Dev To
Where to start as a developer?
Hi Devs, this is my first technical blog. This is my first attempt at this and i would love to hear your opinions on this topic!I dont know if its true for all or I am the only one feeling this but wh...
04:28 pm GMT - Mon, July 27, 2020
Dev To
State machines: How to stop making Horcruxes in your code
My code contains Horcruxes. I'm not proud to admit it, since to make a Horcrux you need to commit a murder. The murders seemed intuitive at the time, and were usually for expedience. But nonetheless, ...
04:16 pm GMT - Mon, July 27, 2020
Dev To
A Plumber's Guide to Cloud
Hey everyone! My name is Daniel Singletary from the Metro Atlanta area and I am an Industrial and Residential Plumber. I am currently working towards transitioning into the IT industry out of the trad...
03:55 pm GMT - Mon, July 27, 2020
Dev To
Building a secure GraphQL app in minutes with Hasura
Hasura is an amazing service which you can point at any PostgreSQL database to automatically spin up a realtime GraphQL API for your data. In this guide, we'll use Hasura to build a secure todo list a...
02:55 pm GMT - Mon, July 27, 2020
Dev To
CS Visualized: CORS
Its every developers frustration once in a while to see that big red Access to fetched has been blocked by CORS policy error in your console! Although there are some ways to quickly get rid of this e...
02:19 pm GMT - Mon, July 27, 2020
Dev To
My favourite Javascript learning resources on Github
I started to learn Javascript about a year ago, there are so many online tutorials, blogs, courses and even the GitHub it's not only the place I push my codes, but also a place to learn! And I realise...
02:03 pm GMT - Mon, July 27, 2020
Dev To
Full Stack Reddit Clone - Spring Boot, React, Electron App - Part 2
Full Stack Reddit Clone - Spring Boot, React, Electron App - Part 2 IntroductionWelcome to Part 2 of creating a Reddit clone using Spring Boot, and React.In Part 1 we initialized our projec...
01:42 pm GMT - Mon, July 27, 2020
Dev To
Three Starting Points for Making Accessible Digital Content
Accessibility can be pretty overwhelming at first. There are a lot of things to consider and it's really hard to figure out what you don't know when you're just starting out. I hope you find this shor...
01:16 pm GMT - Mon, July 27, 2020
Dev To
Data Governance Maturity Model: How Mature Is Your Approach to Data?
Theres been a global shift toward data-driven business. But, in many cases, the data just under the surface is dirty, and its failing modern companies.In their 2020 Global data management research rep...
12:58 pm GMT - Mon, July 27, 2020
Dev To
Why is StackOverflow so pedantic?
This post is a little bit of a personal rant. But it might resonate with some of you. ResearchI'm doing some research for a game I'm creating, where I need a full Spanish dictionary. I've been lo...
12:38 pm GMT - Mon, July 27, 2020
Dev To
Tell me a thing that makes your day at work better
A simple discussion to start the week lightly. Whether it's a cup of your favorite tea or a real good playlist, how do you improve your mood at work?...
11:02 am GMT - Mon, July 27, 2020
Dev To
How to review a software architecture diagram
I see hundreds of software architecture diagrams every year, predominantly through my software architecture workshops. Some diagrams are better than others, but I've noticed that many people struggle ...
10:02 am GMT - Mon, July 27, 2020
Dev To
How to become a Game Developer?
Hi folks!Today I want to start a discussion about how to become a game developer.But first a little bit of premises I'm a full-stack web developer, I've worked on the web since 7 years ago, for d...
07:53 am GMT - Mon, July 27, 2020
Dev To
The Story Behind My First Project.
Building a project is great. You learn a lot, you make friends, and hopefully, it helps to solve a certain problem for certain people. But behind every project, there is a story of how it comes to rea...
06:17 am GMT - Mon, July 27, 2020
Dev To
What are Git Hooks?
IntroductionIn this article, we'll look at what Git Hooks are, why using Git Hooks are beneficial, and some practical examples of how to use them for development. What are Git Hooks?Git hoo...
04:01 am GMT - Mon, July 27, 2020
Dev To
Live Coding Pairing: Converting a Preact Component to use hooks
A few weeks ago, I wrote a post asking DEV community members if they wanted to potentially pair program with me during a live coding session. Let's Pair during a Live Codi...
02:40 am GMT - Mon, July 27, 2020
Dev To
Pure CSS Custom Checkbox Style
This is the nineteenth post in a series examining modern CSS solutions to problems I've been solving over the last 13+ years of being a frontend developer. Visit to view the whole series...
10:50 pm GMT - Sun, July 26, 2020
Dev To
How I Migrated to JAMStack: Next.JS, Vercel, and Contentful.
Migrating your React web application can be painful, but JAMStack makes that easy.Fast and secure sites and apps delivered by pre-rendering files and serving them directly from a CDN, removing the req...
10:11 pm GMT - Sun, July 26, 2020
Dev To
Explaining JavaScript 'this' to my cat
My cat is not very good at JavaScript (also at many other things), so today I will try to explain this keyword to him to help in his future career.The main rule is: you don't need to remember this as ...
10:06 pm GMT - Sun, July 26, 2020
Dev To
How do you get over bad days?
I've been in the field for almost 8 months and the more I learn, the more I have the feeling that the amount of things I need to know is never-ending. How do you get over not so good days? How do you ...
09:45 pm GMT - Sun, July 26, 2020
Dev To
Understanding Arrays in JavaScript
Photo by MIKHAIL VASILYEV on UnsplashAn array in JavaScript is an ordered collection of data.Arrays are ordered by numbered indices starting at 0. These indices are used to access elements in arrays. ...
08:11 pm GMT - Sun, July 26, 2020
Dev To
Using Google's OAuth, Passport.js , and Express for Authorization - Part 3
Alright folks, here it is: our third and final post detailing how we can use Google's OAuth API with Passport to give our users the ability to login as well as authenticate those users on behalf our a...
07:55 pm GMT - Sun, July 26, 2020
Dev To
Five reasons you should consider AppSync over API Gateway
Since its inception in 2015, GraphQL has enjoyed a meteoric rise in popularity and a huge community has grown around it.AppSync is a fully managed AWS serverless service for real-time data queries, sy...
07:12 pm GMT - Sun, July 26, 2020
Dev To
An Introduction to GraphQL
IntroductionWe have been using REST architecture to build APIs. This structure is still very well used but it also has it's issues. REST comes with some problems such as: Having to use multiple ...
06:13 pm GMT - Sun, July 26, 2020
Dev To
An Introduction to Shaders - Frontend Horse
This is an issue from the newsletter Frontend Horse. This was originally published on July 16th, 2020. Visit Frontend.Horse to subscribe and find more issues.Howdy, and welcome to the thoroughbred web...
05:43 pm GMT - Sun, July 26, 2020
Dev To
Abbreviations in Software Development
One of my pet peeve's in the software world is how much we all use abbreviations. Technical or non-technical. Seems half the time we don't even know what they mean. I've put together a reasonably comp...
05:28 pm GMT - Sun, July 26, 2020
Dev To
Analyzing Stocks with .NET
Year after year, hedge fund managers somehow manage to outperform their benchmarks and even create profits with extreme market headwinds. How do they do it is a reasonable question to ask. There's a v...
01:03 pm GMT - Sun, July 26, 2020
Dev To
Writing Tips as a Developer
The original post was on Writing Tips as a Developer - Reading Time: 4 Mins and cover image by Hannah Grace on Unsplash IntroductionWhen it comes to writing, the first thought that comes to my mi...
12:35 pm GMT - Sun, July 26, 2020
Dev To
Is JavaScript truly a functional language?
I've been coding in JavaScript where functions are treated as first-class citizens, they also play the role of implementing the key OOP concepts (encapsulation/inheritance/polymorphism), but does that...
11:26 am GMT - Sun, July 26, 2020
Dev To
Git cheat sheet
I made this cheat sheet for git terminologies and most common commands when I was going through a Udacity course about version control. It helped me a lot and though it will be great to share it with ...
10:50 am GMT - Sun, July 26, 2020
Dev To
How do you order your functions?
Many linters complain that functionA cannot be declared on bottom of functionB when this is the case:function first(){ second()}function second(){ // Whatever}This rule will warn when it encounters ...
08:56 am GMT - Sun, July 26, 2020
Dev To
"elm-starter", a tool for the Modern Web
Lately there has been some interesting discussion about Modern Web.I personally think thatSingle Page Applications (SPAs) have been (ab)used in places where a more traditional server side approach cou...
08:12 am GMT - Sun, July 26, 2020
Dev To
let's understand git diff
Have you ever used git diff command? git diff is multi-use command which will help you to find out the difference between git data sources. These data sources can be commits, branches, files. First un...
07:22 am GMT - Sun, July 26, 2020
Dev To
Is Node.js really single-threaded?
Many developers wonder at some point in their Node.js programming journey that, is Node.js really single-threaded? If it is, how is it able to do asynchronous execution? Some people understand it in t...
03:50 am GMT - Sun, July 26, 2020
Dev To
GPT-What: Intro to the next big thing
So a few weeks ago I stumbled upon something that reminded me of Arthur C. Clarke's famous 3rd law Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.It was something I'd never see...
09:56 pm GMT - Sat, July 25, 2020
Dev To
How to encrypt strings & files in your source code?
I would like to introduce you to my Visual Studio Code extension - StringEncrypt. I've been working last week to make it work and I really enjoyed discovering Visual Studio Code ecosystem and its exte...
06:38 pm GMT - Sat, July 25, 2020
Dev To
Sliding Window Technique - From O(N) to O(N)
Hey curious people! Have you ever felt so good after writing an algorithm that not only solves a problem but solves it efficiently? In this blog, we'll learn about an algorithm that'll help you get th...
06:22 pm GMT - Sat, July 25, 2020
Dev To
Top 10 best uses of GPT-3
Hi everyone,After watching a lot of buzz about GPT-3 on social media and how it is about the change the world I have decided to bring to you all a collection of some of the best uses of GPT-3 and what...
05:28 pm GMT - Sat, July 25, 2020
Dev To
Using JSX without react
I'm personally a big fan of JSX & love the way it allows me to split up & componentize my code. Even though JSX had been around before React, it wouldn't have been nearly as popular without Re...
11:41 am GMT - Sat, July 25, 2020
Dev To
Enhancing useReducer.
I really like React built-in useReducer and useContext hooks. They made an app state management handy and using Redux lost any sense for me.When I used them first time I realized that there is a short...
10:26 am GMT - Sat, July 25, 2020
Dev To
Learn Blockchain by creating one
The best way to learn how Blockchain works is to create oneYou are here because like me you have heard about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, and want to learn how they work. After spending hours rea...
09:49 am GMT - Sat, July 25, 2020
Dev To
How to learn a skill?
According to successful people, it takes around 20 hours to learn a new skill and 10000 hours of continuous efforts to be an excellence in a skill. The same goes for coding.Programming is a skill that...
09:38 am GMT - Sat, July 25, 2020
Dev To
How do you keep notes?
Keeping notes at all times is extremely important, so you can track down your thoughts and ideas. Whether inspiration strikes when you're at home or on the go, a note-taking app offers an easy, conven...
08:56 am GMT - Sat, July 25, 2020
Dev To
AWS S3 bucket notification system
IntroductionAmazon S3 is a simple storage service that allows you to store, retrieve any amount of data ensuring scalability, reliability, easy access and inexpensive in nature. It stores data i...
04:48 am GMT - Sat, July 25, 2020
Dev To
GPT-3: Programming in English
Sharif Shameem @sharifshameem ...
02:27 am GMT - Sat, July 25, 2020
Dev To
I'm a "Lifelong Beginner". Are you?
Some HistoryTwo weeks ago I wrote up a spur-of-the-moment thread on Twitter about how we are all Lifelong Beginners. Nitya | #Codeland Conf! ...
10:50 pm GMT - Fri, July 24, 2020
Dev To
Getting Started With React TypeScript Tailwind Classnames In Minutes
In this morning quick start, we are going to bootstrap a create-react-app with Tailwind and see how you can get it all up and running quickly with some state-based styling using classnames. Insta...
10:03 pm GMT - Fri, July 24, 2020
Dev To
What was your win this week?
Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of?All wins count big or small Examples of 'wins' include:Learning something new at CodeLand:Distributed!Starting a new projectFixing a tr...
09:27 pm GMT - Fri, July 24, 2020
Dev To
Develop a Rock Band game with HTML and JavaScript
This is an abridged version of the workshop "Rocking the Gamepad API" that we did as part of Codeland:Distributed conference. This post is also available in Spanish.In this post, we are going to learn...
06:21 pm GMT - Fri, July 24, 2020
Dev To
Deploying Your Rails 6 App
This article was originally published at: guide will demonstrate how you can set up a local Ruby on Rails 6 environment, create a simple view, and deploy it to...
06:03 pm GMT - Fri, July 24, 2020
Dev To
Swing with git basic
Draw your git swordNote- will start with the understanding of git commandsTo see present origin repo git remote -v To add origingit remote add origin --remote repo URL-- origin can be named anything b...
04:14 pm GMT - Fri, July 24, 2020
Dev To
Build Your First Voice-Driven Web Application
Some time ago I had the goal to implement a web application to be able to write what I'm speaking automatically and allow to execute actions through my voice commands. I thought it was a good idea to ...
03:39 pm GMT - Fri, July 24, 2020
Dev To
Flutter game tutorial: Fruit Slicing
The goalThe goal of this tutorial is to develop a clone of the game Fruit Ninja in a basic way. We will not use any frameworks so that you as a reader can learn from scratch how things work. ...
02:50 pm GMT - Fri, July 24, 2020
Dev To
I just created my first NPM package. It ain't much but it's honest work
Yesterday I learned that these NPM packages exist: have to admit that this both surpri...
02:12 pm GMT - Fri, July 24, 2020
Dev To
A list of assignments I was given when interviewing for companies.
Writing after a long break.So I have been giving interviews for quite some time and usually it involves an assignment where they will define some requirements according to which I have to work on them...
01:57 pm GMT - Fri, July 24, 2020
Dev To
5 Great Go Resources
Here are 5 great resources for all you Gophers out there: Awesome Go avelino / awesome-go A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, librar...
01:24 pm GMT - Fri, July 24, 2020
Dev To
4 Powerful CSS Selectors (The Basic Ones Actually)
As I mentioned in a previous post, CSS has five categories of selectors. The basic category includes the Universal Selector (*), Tag selectors, Id selectors, and Class selectors. Now, let's get to kno...
10:53 am GMT - Fri, July 24, 2020
Dev To
How do you deal with node_modules?
Node has been around for more than a decade. Developing on it has been fun, tho one of the main drawbacks has always been it's spacious package management.In 2020, create-react-app would create over 3...
09:27 am GMT - Fri, July 24, 2020
Dev To
Have You Mastered These 9 Vue Techniques?
Now Vue.js has become a hot framework for front end development. There are a lot of engineers utilizing the convenience and powerful features of Vue.js. Yet, some of the solutions we've done might not...
08:12 am GMT - Fri, July 24, 2020
Dev To
THANK YOU: Riding the CodeLand Wave
This post was originally published on July 24, 2020 on my blog.Guys! Gals! CodeLand was yesterday, and so was my talk and panel discussion, and I am most definitely still riding a wave of utter elatio...
07:45 am GMT - Fri, July 24, 2020
Dev To
Trie Like Pie
If you're not familiar with tries and want to learn more, then this post is for you! A trie is like pie in that both rhyme* but thats where the similarities end. A trie is a tree-like data structure ...
03:54 am GMT - Fri, July 24, 2020
Dev To
A complete guide to writing React Applications: A Step-by-step tutorial guide
IntroductionReact is a painless open-source JavaScript library for building interactive user interfaces. This great astonishing work can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mo...
01:26 am GMT - Fri, July 24, 2020
Dev To
Build an Air Pollution Monitor with a Raspberry Pi, a Particulate Matter sensor and IoT Central
Build an Air Pollution Monitor with a Raspberry Pi, a Particulate Matter sensor and IoT Central BackgroundBorn of necessity, this project tracked the air quality over Sydney during the heig...
10:19 pm GMT - Thu, July 23, 2020
Dev To
8 Landing Page Tips from Rob Hope
I submitted my book's landing page for Rob Hope's review and he obliged! Brutal feedback incoming. I respect Rob's opinion mainly because this is literally his thing and he is writing THE BOOK on this...
10:13 pm GMT - Thu, July 23, 2020
Dev To
Embracing digital minimalism by doing a digital declutter
In his book, Digital Minimalism, Cal Newport recommends taking a month-long digital declutter. In this time, you should take a break from all optional technologies in your life.Why? Its easy to spend ...
09:22 pm GMT - Thu, July 23, 2020
Dev To
Pets of Codeland 2020
As we are all attending the Codeland Conference from home, our pets get to join in on the fun too! What are your pets doing today? Here's the chance to share the pictures we wish we could share in the...
07:21 pm GMT - Thu, July 23, 2020
Dev To
Not into Front-end Do I need to be?
I am good at backend dev , connecting to APIs ,DBs ,Deploying etc. I infact LOVE Backend But Recently I didn't got an internship as I didn't made the exact looking page the recruiter asked for , Altho...
06:09 pm GMT - Thu, July 23, 2020
Dev To
Master 404 Error Page Designing/Development 12hacks
Hello to all my community people :-) This is my 5th post and I'm thankful to everyone because I love this community. And special thanks to all my 400+ followers. I'll try to provide valuable post ever...
04:55 pm GMT - Thu, July 23, 2020
Dev To
Vanilla JavaScript emoji picker! New and improved.
Emoji Button is a vanilla JavaScript emoji picker component I have been working on over the past year or so. Because it's just plain JavaScript, it can be made to work with any framework, site, or app...
04:18 pm GMT - Thu, July 23, 2020
Dev To
10 Standout GitHub Profile READMEs
My good friend and colleague @bdougieyo is at Codeland today and is giving away early access to Codespaces to three lucky people who create a profile README (a new feature we quietly launched a few we...
03:11 pm GMT - Thu, July 23, 2020
Dev To
Changing the default branch name on GitHub
While the tech industry struggles to address injustice in our society, a small step you can take today is to remove the use of "Master/Slave" terminology from your tools.git still calls the default br...
02:55 pm GMT - Thu, July 23, 2020
Dev To
Create your npm package: design&tech
Hello, users! Today I'll be explaining (in an easy format) how to create and publish a npm package, no matter if it is for your styles or your logic.I wanted to create this tutorial after the release ...
02:36 pm GMT - Thu, July 23, 2020
Dev To
How Google manages open source
Many people know that Google uses a single repository, the monorepo, to store all internal source code. The Google monorepo has been blogged about, talked about at conferences, and written up in Commu...
02:10 pm GMT - Thu, July 23, 2020
Dev To
Where are you attending CodeLand from today?
Today's CodeLand Conference is Distributed, meaning we're able to gather as a community with developers of all backgrounds and experience levels all around the world.Where are you attending from today...
01:58 pm GMT - Thu, July 23, 2020
Dev To
CodeLand Speaker Post Round-Up
In addition to the full schedule available at, I wanted to provide a round-up of the amazing speaker post that you'll be hearing from today.Plenty of these speakers will be joining the...
01:38 pm GMT - Thu, July 23, 2020
Dev To
Build a REST API with Node.js and HarperDB
If you are building an application using Node.js, it can get a little overwhelming since there are a variety of databases to choose from and different ways to build APIs. One way to reduce development...
01:23 pm GMT - Thu, July 23, 2020
Dev To
5 Strategies for a Successful Job Search in Tech
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the job search, but it is still possible to find a rewarding tech job. To make your job-hunt successful, utilize multiple strategies at the same time. Lets take a loo...
05:56 am GMT - Thu, July 23, 2020
Dev To
Build a desktop app using HTML/CSS/JS & Electron
If you know how to build a website you can build desktop apps with the Electron framework.As an introduction to the framework well create a simple desktop clock application.Before getting started its ...
02:15 am GMT - Thu, July 23, 2020
Dev To
VS Code & Web Dev
There are many different text editors out there but by far one of my favorites is VS Code. It's an incredibly lightweight option with the added benefit of being open source makes it a great choice for...
12:53 am GMT - Thu, July 23, 2020
Dev To
Python: Explore Standard Libraries
Did you know that there are more than 200 standard library modules that come with Python? As standard libraries are already part of Python installation, they could be used right away without the need ...
12:46 am GMT - Thu, July 23, 2020
Dev To
How to make your express API more secure with helmet
Security is a serious matter! Are you concerned about the security of your APIs?When it comes to APIs built with Express.js, one simple step can help you increase the level of security on your system:...
12:33 am GMT - Thu, July 23, 2020
Dev To
Day One at CodeLand:Distributed heres what you need to know.
We cant believe CodeLand:Distributed is almost here!! If youre planning to join us for day one, heres everything you need to know.Day one (July 23) is free!View the livestream of keynotes, talks...
12:32 am GMT - Thu, July 23, 2020
Dev To
Show off Github repos in your Gatsby site using Github GraphQL API
Want to show off your Github repositories in your Gatsby site? Preview:Even if you don't know GraphQL, this guide shows you just enough GraphQL to get you started learning it and using it. We'll use G...
11:24 pm GMT - Wed, July 22, 2020
Dev To
How to Deploy A Django Project
This post is first published at the Django Tutorial for Beginners, we talked about how to deploy a Django project using a ...
08:46 pm GMT - Wed, July 22, 2020
Dev To
10 Projects and Skills That Will Make You a Better Developer
I wrote this article for the developer blog on the TomTom Developer Portal, but I thought it would be a helpful article for the community especially newbies, emerging devs, and career changers...
02:35 pm GMT - Wed, July 22, 2020
Dev To
Daily Challenge 272 - Printer Errors
In a factory, a printer prints labels for boxes. For one kind of box, the printer has to use colors which, for the sake of simplicity, are named with letters from a to m.The colors used by the printer...
01:41 pm GMT - Wed, July 22, 2020
Dev To
The complete guide to CSS media queries
Did you know there is a media query for inverted colors? Or one for saving data?Media queries are what make modern responsive design possible. With them you can set different styling based on things l...
07:08 am GMT - Wed, July 22, 2020
Dev To
Why Developing Your Personal Investment Strategy is a Must?
If you learned how to save money successfully, sooner or later, many of us will be faced the question: How can we invest our hard-earned money profitably assets like shares, stocks, bonds, funds, cer...
12:58 am GMT - Wed, July 22, 2020
Dev To
Don't seek mentors, seek friends
There seems to be a lot of talk around finding a mentor in the tech industry.Dont get me wrong, the idea of mentorship is great. How could having a dedicated person for all of your learning be a bad t...
08:53 pm GMT - Tue, July 21, 2020
Dev To
Building an Animal Crossing Turnip Timer! [video]
Have you started playing Animal Crossing New Horizons on your Nintendo Switch? Do you keep forgetting to buy turnips every Sunday? Looking for a fun & easy project that will help remind you when t...
08:24 pm GMT - Tue, July 21, 2020
Dev To
The 7 Most Popular DEV Posts from the Past Week
Every Tuesday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take i...
06:59 pm GMT - Tue, July 21, 2020
Dev To
You > You Think
A co-worker replied to this tweet: Gavin Elliott @gavinelliott What was the one moment/conversation/decision which ha...
06:20 pm GMT - Tue, July 21, 2020
Dev To
LocalStorage vs Cookies: All You Need To Know About Storing JWT Tokens Securely in The Front-End
JWT Tokens are awesome, but how do you store them securely in your front end? We'll go over the pros and cons of localStorage and Cookies.We went over how OAuth 2.0 works in the last post which ...
06:15 pm GMT - Tue, July 21, 2020
Dev To
How To Build a Todo App with React, TypeScript, NodeJS, and MongoDB
In this tutorial, we will be using TypeScript on both sides (server and client) to build a Todo App from scratch with React, NodeJS, Express, and MongoDB.So, let's start by planning the API.API with N...
05:14 pm GMT - Tue, July 21, 2020
Dev To
SDKs, App Games, & Zapier Oh My!
The Cloud Hackathon that Brought it AllLast month, the HarperDB team hosted our second hackathon and the participating teams did not disappoint. We had 10 overall submissions, and each was more ...
04:58 pm GMT - Tue, July 21, 2020
Dev To
PROBLEM SOLVING GUIDE for acing FAANG coding interviews
Advice like "clarify the question" and "write pseudocode" is a good place to start, but it's not where you want to end if you're trying to impress an interviewer with your problem solving skills. How ...
04:39 pm GMT - Tue, July 21, 2020
Dev To
In this lockdown, what new skills have you learned?
They say we should be able to put new things on our resume every 6 months. What skills have you learned since March? Have you utilized this time to update your skills?For me:C (on the way)GitI finishe...
04:26 pm GMT - Tue, July 21, 2020
Dev To
Introducing Streamoji - Custom Emoji Library for iOS
Custom emojis are a fun way to bring more life and customizability to your apps. They're available in some of the most popular apps, such Slack, Discord, and Twitch. However, iOS SDK doesn't provide s...
03:56 pm GMT - Tue, July 21, 2020
Dev To
How to Get Into Tech and Become a Senior Engineer in 4 Years
As software continues to eat the world, more and more people ask me about "getting into tech," i.e. a successful Software Engineer easily making around $350,000 in total annual compensation. I get ask...
03:29 pm GMT - Tue, July 21, 2020
Dev To
Show your latest posts automatically on your GitHub profile readme
I just created a GitHub Action that lets you add links to your latest blog posts from and other sources to your Github Profile readme automatically. Check it out if you want a readme like this:...
03:24 pm GMT - Tue, July 21, 2020
Dev To
Git Bisect, the Undervalued Debugging Machine Gun
Git bisect is a fantastic tool that could make debugging a breeze. Yet, very few people use it actively.In this quick article, I will showcase how git bisect can point out the where your bug cause lie...
02:59 pm GMT - Tue, July 21, 2020
Dev To
Fix Text Overlap with CSS white-space
Sometimes nowrap is helpful when you don't want the text to break in an awkward spot However, nowrap can sometimes lead to overlapping text. You can easily fix it by setting the white-space to be norm...
12:36 pm GMT - Tue, July 21, 2020
Dev To
Learn Durable Functions with .NET Core and C, stateful Serverless
Follow me on Twitter, happy to take your suggestions on topics or improvements /ChrisDurable Functions are an extension of Azure Functions that lets you write stateful functions in a serverless enviro...
11:37 am GMT - Tue, July 21, 2020
Dev To
So a few months ago I stumbled upon spck editor app on playstore while doing my occasionaly peruse around Playstore. I checked out the rating and the preview pictures and got super hyped to try it out...
10:57 am GMT - Tue, July 21, 2020
Dev To
No, I don't want to become an AngularGDE
A highly toxic environment. Cover photo by ATDSPHOTO on Pixabay.The views expressed in this article are entirely my own. They do not represent any organization.I used to have a lot of respect for Goog...
10:52 am GMT - Tue, July 21, 2020
Dev To
10 Resources for recreating old school & retro user interfaces today!
Recreate your childhood or go retro with these cool user interface resources. 1. NES.cssNES.css is NES-style (8bit-like) CSS Framework. 2. Amiga WorkbenchA Javascript Amiga Workbench 1.3.3 l...
10:48 am GMT - Tue, July 21, 2020
Dev To
Creating MERN Stack Applications (2020)
Before you begin make sure that you have Node and Create React App installed. And if you are planning on using a local mongodb database then make sure that you have that setup too. Reference Mate...
09:00 am GMT - Tue, July 21, 2020
Dev To
Inspiration of The Day: React Router
We have been using React to develop Single Page Applications, so far and it's not that we don't like SPAs, we love them, but we tend to get involved in more complex applications that require multiple ...
06:10 am GMT - Tue, July 21, 2020
Dev To
How to Create Configurations for Different Environments in Your Node Applications
Having multiple configurations can be handy for your node applications. It is quite probable that your applications will run in different environments and require slightly different configurations bet...
03:43 am GMT - Tue, July 21, 2020
Dev To
Coming back to my game-dev hobby after a burnout
The game is available on it's Free, on Mac, Windows and Linux. Before we startThe focus of this article is burnout. I do not speak about a lot of technicalities behind the game, unity o...
11:51 pm GMT - Mon, July 20, 2020
Dev To
An Introduction to Linux
From smartphones to cars, supercomputers and home appliances, home desktops to enterprise servers, the Linux operating system is everywhere.This phrase can be intimidating or challenging, but don't le...
10:59 pm GMT - Mon, July 20, 2020
Dev To
What *is* an iframe?
Let's get this out of the way. An iframe is an inline frame that allows embedded HTML documents. This somewhat recursive definition covered 90% of pages I visited while learning about iframes. But the...
10:25 pm GMT - Mon, July 20, 2020
Dev To
WebRTC The technology that powers Google Meet/Hangout, Facebook Messenger and Discord
Here is what happens during a P2P connection, and all you need to know about Web Real-Time CommunicationRead the original Post hereEverything you need to know about Web RTC in 9minutes History of...
08:53 pm GMT - Mon, July 20, 2020
Dev To
What's the minimum a full stack front-end dev should know?
I realize this might differ depending on seniority level or even location on the map, but what technologies do you think a full stack front-end developer should be to be familiar with?Image source: Ti...
08:53 pm GMT - Mon, July 20, 2020
Dev To
What's the minimum a full stack dev should know?
I realize this might differ depending on seniority level or even location on the map, but what technologies do you think a full stack developer should be to be familiar with?Image source: Tim van der ...
08:53 pm GMT - Mon, July 20, 2020
Dev To
[Edited] What's the minimum a full stack dev should know?
Edit: my question was actually referring to what skills should a full stack developer have and not a front end developer. Sorry about the confusion .I realize this might differ depending on seniority ...
07:52 pm GMT - Mon, July 20, 2020
Dev To
Writing my First "Hello World"
I wasn't sure what I was actually doing or what was really happening, but after seeing an average developer with experience between one to two years earning around $45,000 dollars a year, damn I knew ...
06:48 pm GMT - Mon, July 20, 2020
Dev To
Deploying your Django 3 App
This guide will demonstrate how you can set up a local Django development environment, create a simple view, and deploy it to Render. The application will be configured to use a Render PostgreSQL data...
06:25 pm GMT - Mon, July 20, 2020
Dev To
Learn Node.js with these 5 modules on LEARN
This is a set of tutorials that was just released on the topic of Node.js. It takes you from the very beginning of your developer journey with Node.js to tell you the what and whys of Node.js to teach...
05:49 pm GMT - Mon, July 20, 2020
Dev To
Getting into Gatsby
Gatbsy is a very popular framework used to create static webpages. In this blog, we'll discuss what kind of tool Gatbsy is and why is it so helpful in building webpages that follow a JAMstack approach...
03:22 pm GMT - Mon, July 20, 2020
Dev To
How Ruthless Prioritization is Helping Me Stay Focused
I spent the month of June working on my Q3 plan. It started with creating a "parking lot" of ideas: a list of every possible thing I could do or would like to do related to my business without thinkin...
03:20 pm GMT - Mon, July 20, 2020
Dev To
First steps in WebGL
Original post: this article we'll see what WebGL is and how to draw a triangle by talking to the graphics processing unit (GPU). Although this simple e...
03:14 pm GMT - Mon, July 20, 2020
Dev To
Optional chaining (?.)
Theoptional chainingoperator (?.) permits reading the value of a property located deep within a chain of connected objects without having to expressly validate that each reference in the chain is vali...
02:44 pm GMT - Mon, July 20, 2020
Dev To
Creating beautiful HTML tables with CSS
It's easy to make your HTML tables look great - in today's post, we're gonna take a look at around 30 lines of CSS to do just that! Video TutorialBefore I get into it, if you prefer this tutorial...
01:32 pm GMT - Mon, July 20, 2020
Dev To
What the heck is GPT-3 anyway?
If you've been minimally active on the internet last week you've probably seen the term "GPT-3" all over the place.Be it in a JSX code generator, essay generators or in a text-to-UI Figma plugin, the ...
01:10 pm GMT - Mon, July 20, 2020
Dev To
3 Mistakes Junior Developers Make with React Function Component State
A few weeks ago I wrote an article all about mistakes that developers sometimes make when working with React component state. All of the examples I provided were using class components and the setStat...
12:40 pm GMT - Mon, July 20, 2020
Dev To
Cool stuff with Typescript
Last year I started working with JavaScript as my main language. It was a fresh experience coming from C# and Java. But after a while I've got annoyed with Type errors, while Eslint helps to avoid typ...
12:34 pm GMT - Mon, July 20, 2020
Dev To
A Collection of JavaScript Tips Based on Common Areas of Confusion or Misunderstanding
Please give this post a , , or if it you learned something!This is a collection of JavaScript tips based on common areas of confusion and misunderstanding. I created this collection based on personal...
11:56 am GMT - Mon, July 20, 2020
Dev To
6 Powerful CSS Techniques You Can Use Instead of Javascript
There are a lot of discussions about CSS vs. JavaScript and the battle is getting seriously once CSS is adding a bunch of amazing features and it's letting easier to do many things without JS.CSS and ...
07:36 am GMT - Mon, July 20, 2020
Dev To
Nullish Coalescing Operator Explained
Nullish coalescing operator is one of those features that look simple, but can be difficult to understand. This tutorial will help you learn about. It will explain what nullish coalescing operator is,...
07:07 am GMT - Mon, July 20, 2020
Dev To
Non-Technical Skills Every Developer Needs
How many new and unknown things were at the time when I started my career as a developer! And the technical side was more-less clear, but everything about processes, internal communication, behavioura...
06:05 am GMT - Mon, July 20, 2020
Dev To
The Github Contribution Stats
Hello!Just want to share this project about generating template of your github contribution stats. Sample UsageJust copy paste this into your markdown content and replace the value of ...
11:16 pm GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
How do you stay motivated with your side projects?
For me, it's staying organized. I'm tracking my feature list on my Github project. Keeping the features relevant and up to date has helped me stay on track. Here's what my Github project looks like:Wh...
10:50 pm GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
Next.js OAuth with NextAuth.js
NextAuth.js is a library to easily and safely implement OAuth and email / passwordless authentication in Next.js apps. NextAuth.js v2 was released in June 2020, and currently v3 is under development. ...
09:54 pm GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
How to Manoeuvre Twitter as an Ordinary Mortal and Keep Your Sanity
Do you often find yourself shaking your head in disbelief, questioning all of humanity and feeling completely out of place while browsing through Twitter? If the answer is yes, here are some tips that...
09:02 pm GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
Dockerizing your first web app with python and flask
Second part of how to measure covid-19 impact on Jitsi project with python and elasticsearch. This time, my colleagues (David, Gerardo) and I (Ana) built a web app with Python technology and Flask fra...
08:56 pm GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
Is linux good enough for everyday programming?
Disclaimer: Im writing about my experience with major OS (Windows 10, macOs High/Sierra, Ubuntu/Manjaro) using a Solid State Drive. It has a huge impact in term of speed and it could be different from...
07:21 pm GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
Putting on your LinkedIn?
I recently saw this post about putting on your resume, and I thought it was very helpful! I had put dev on my resume for some positions that were more specific to writing, but now I think I wil...
05:47 pm GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
Eliminate the undocumented TODOs with todocheck
Yesterday, I released todocheck - a new kind of static code analyser for annotated TODOs.Way too often, we let leftover TODOs slip into our main branch, which leaves your coworkers puzzles, looking at...
05:45 pm GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
Authorization and Authentication For Everyone
Authentication and authorization are necessary for many of the applications we build. Maybe you've developed apps and implemented authentication and authorization in them possibly by importing a thir...
05:00 pm GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
My tips on learning how to code.
Originally posted on my website on July 18th 2020 Some techniques to strengthen your learning path.In this article i want to try and share some of the small "techniques" i found useful when learn...
03:49 pm GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
How to version large files with Git
It's not a secret, Git doesn't handle large files well:Indeed. The git architecture simply sucks for big objects. It was discussed somewhat during the early stages, but a lot of it really is pretty fu...
02:30 pm GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
An Introduction to Ruby on Rails for Javascript Devs
SOME BACKGROUNDRuby is "a dynamic, open-source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write," according to its ...
02:30 pm GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
An Introduction to Ruby for Javascript Devs
SOME BACKGROUNDRuby is "a dynamic, open-source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write," according to its ...
01:57 pm GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
Setup Prometheus Monitoring in Kubernetes using Prometheus Operator
Learn how to setup Prometheus and Grafana to monitor your Kubernetes cluster.In general there are 3 ways to do the setup:Create all the configuration files yourself Using Prometheus Operator Using He...
12:28 pm GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
How to fix Page Not Found on netlify
Since you are reading this, you surely might have came across the same error as shown in the cover image.I'm not sure if other static site servers/platforms are all like that, but if you deploy SPA to...
11:35 am GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
How to Setup Logging Server with Rsyslog in Debian 10
It is an important need to collect and analyze logs formed in various clients and servers in a common place. For this need, rsyslog is a very efficient tool.I wanted to create this article because the...
08:52 am GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
Building a Code Editor for the Web - Configuring Ace Editor
In this video, we'll work on configuring ace with some options and getting the user input from Ace to execute in the chrome dev toolsFind the code for each video here in its own branch: https://github...
08:27 am GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
GitHub profile readme generator
I kinda love this github new feature about readme profile files.So i decided to create profile views counter, but then it got me thinking why not to create profile readme generator?So in me weekends i...
06:55 am GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
Responsive Testimonial Cards UI Design using HTML and CSS only
In this Tutorial, we'll build Responsive Testimonial Cards Design using HTML and CSS only. This Project-based Tutorial is suitable for all especially Beginners. Concepts covered in this video:Semantic...
06:48 am GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
What is Docker? Explained!
In this video, let's understand what is Docker and why we need docker?Follow onGithub:
05:55 am GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
Number.range; Stage-1 proposal
Number.range() proposal for ECMAScript in currently on stage-1 and if it makes to stage-4(I strongly hope it will) one day we would be able to use Number.range() and BigInt.range in Javascript.Current...
05:50 am GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
Filter Commands in Linux System
In the last post, we looked at viewing and sorting of files.There are many times that we want to look at only a specific part of the file and even more times when just want to analyze the file content...
04:11 am GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
How Kubernetes is used? Own Namespaces?
Hey Kubernetes practitioners, one of the questions that keeps coming up is how large teams are using Kubernetes? Do you use namespace as a ownership boundary in your teams? Do you share Kubernetes clu...
03:01 am GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
What is PEP in python?
IntroductionIf you are new to python you heard something like PEP-8 which is called python style guide or PEP-20 The Zen Of python Or some guides named with PEP and a number. and at some point y...
02:08 am GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
More readable conditional with Array.includes()
Do you know the function Array.includes() of the JavaScript? This function was specified in ES7 and is capable of making a conditional much more readable.This function determines is the parameter is c...
12:46 am GMT - Sun, July 19, 2020
Dev To
O(1) Reloading With Create React App
Bundlers have been the standard in web development over recent years, but as your application grows in size, so too does the bundle times. This creates issues for developers and costs everyone preciou...
10:06 pm GMT - Sat, July 18, 2020
Dev To
System Design Getting Started
Taking a real world example to cover the basics of designing a distributed system.Let's say you got an idea of running a fast-food restaurant.You start by finding a perfect market place, hiring staff,...
09:50 pm GMT - Sat, July 18, 2020
Dev To
The Requirements of Community
Photo by Elena Kloppenburg on UnsplashWhen you talk about requirements in our industry, you are referring to the purpose of a particular piece of software as a whole or in part and are explicitly de...
08:34 pm GMT - Sat, July 18, 2020
Dev To
JavaScript Best PracticesDesigning Functions
Cleaning up our JavaScript code is easy with default parameters and property shorthands.In this article, well look at the best practices when designing functions. Design at the Function LevelWe g...
08:32 pm GMT - Sat, July 18, 2020
Dev To
JavaScript Best PracticesArrows, Const, and Duplicate Members
JavaScript is a very forgiving language. Its easy to write code that runs but has mistakes in it.In this article, well look at confusing arrows, assigning to const constants, and duplicate members. ...
08:15 pm GMT - Sat, July 18, 2020
Dev To
JS var, let and const
I hate intros but we must have one Before 2015 javascript developers used to use var as the keyword to declare variables, and life was easy, but not calm With using var to declare variables developers...
07:17 pm GMT - Sat, July 18, 2020
Dev To
Emojis for Better Git Commit Messages
I have to confess that I'm madly in love with emojis. They're cute, little digital beings that convey your emotions or meaning far better/deeper/shorter than words. Using them in git commit messages w...
05:51 pm GMT - Sat, July 18, 2020
Dev To
Jinja2 - Short introduction and Sample Apps
Hello Coders,This article is a short introduction in Jinja2, a modern templating language used by Python programmers in frameworks like Flask, Bottle, optionally in Django from 1.8 version.For those a...
05:48 pm GMT - Sat, July 18, 2020
Dev To
Spice up your page loads with subtle animations!
In today's article I wanted to share a little twist that I like to include on some of my websites to enhance the overall user experience - adding subtle animations on page load.I think this really add...
04:03 pm GMT - Sat, July 18, 2020
Dev To
5 steps to perform a search when user stops typing using React Hooks in a controlled component
I need to perform a search when the user stops typing. But with React I can't find how it works!It's a common use-case to want to perform a search after the user stops typing. This way the user doesn'...
03:24 pm GMT - Sat, July 18, 2020
Dev To
use create-react-app to develop Chrome extensions
create-react-app (CRA) is probably the most common way to build, develop, and deploy React apps. A couple of weeks ago, I was working on a chrome extension. I wanted to use CRA to do it, but CRA only ...
03:15 pm GMT - Sat, July 18, 2020
Dev To
Setting up Cypress
Cypress is a great way of testing your frontend application with end to end tests and it is so nice to work with. Writing the tests and making sure they get ran on each build is really important too. ...
02:26 pm GMT - Sat, July 18, 2020
Dev To
Life-saving git commands
1. Life-Saving git tipsWe have two branches (dev and master) and one file in both branches with one commit for implementation of below scenarios git inittouch file.txtwrite something like- these...
12:58 pm GMT - Sat, July 18, 2020
Dev To
Yaml for Web Developers
More and more, we, web developers need to learn about different areas to become better professionals and less dependent on others for simple things.If you start a career as FE, you might see a lot of ...
08:48 am GMT - Sat, July 18, 2020
Dev To
AlexNet (ILSVRC Winner 2012)
AlexNet Architecture (Split into two GPUs)AlexNet was introduced in the paper, titled ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Networks, by Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, Geoffrey E. Hinton a...
07:27 am GMT - Sat, July 18, 2020
Dev To
10 Ways Developers Can Invest Time Instead of Wasting it
In todays, in the past and probably in the future world the time is more valuable than money, and the right time waits for no one. Hence, we have to make the most out of it to succeed in life.Time is...
07:12 am GMT - Sat, July 18, 2020
Dev To
React : Painting a Mental Model
Whether youve been working with React for years or are just starting, having a useful mental model is, in my opinion, the fastest way to feel confident working with it.By having a good mental model yo...
05:34 am GMT - Sat, July 18, 2020
Dev To
README badges that increased my GitHub visitor stats
If you are caught in the README hype, like me, then these are some badges that you can use.Remember to replace USER and REPOSITORY with your GitHub name and repository. Visitor St...
04:24 am GMT - Sat, July 18, 2020
Dev To
I Asked DEV for Resume Advice and Here are 14 Things I Learned
Last week, I wrote a post on DEV asking for advice on my resume. I had been sending out lots of job applications, but having a hard time even getting an interview. So I figured I must be missing the...
03:13 am GMT - Sat, July 18, 2020
Dev To
How to write regex in natural language
Everyone knows regex is most powerful feature of JavaScript but at the same time it can give hard time to even experienced developers. Reading your regex after few months sometime become too difficult...
03:12 am GMT - Sat, July 18, 2020
Dev To
Introducing, Reactive Resume v2!
Its with extreme excitement, happiness and relief that I can now say, introducing Reactive Resume v2.With nearly 1.7k stars on GitHub, around 100 closed issues and feature requests, I heard you loud a...
01:20 am GMT - Sat, July 18, 2020
Dev To
Advice for a struggling bootcamp grad?
Hi dev community - I have not yet posted a #discuss type question here, so apologies in advance if this is too common of a question/too long. I know the market is saturated with coding bootcamp grads,...
12:21 am GMT - Sat, July 18, 2020
Dev To
How to Get Out of (or Completely Avoid) the Tutorial Trap
ExordiumThis post comes from my 2.5-year experience in the Tutorial Trap. This is an experience where new programmers continuously complete tutorial after tutorial, but never break out of their ...
12:04 am GMT - Sat, July 18, 2020
Dev To
Lesser-Known JavaScript Tricks
Constructor brackets are optionalconst newDate = new Date(); // validconst myClass = new MyClass(); // validconst anotherDate = new Date; // Also validconst myClass = new MyClass; // You bet thi...
10:29 pm GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
Understanding Binary Search Trees
As promised in my last post on recursion, which I recommend reading before this article as we will be using it a lot in my examples, I want to take a closer look at the tree data structure in this art...
10:25 pm GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
How To: Create A Rainbow Link Hover Effect
So, typically I try to write pretty long, in-depth articles and tutorials. This week I do not have the energy, so we're doing a quick tutorial on how I created a rainbow hover effect for the links in ...
10:25 pm GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
How To: Create A Rainbow Link Hover Effect
So, typically I try to write pretty long, in-depth articles and tutorials. This week I do not have the energy, so we're doing a quick tutorial on how I created a rainbow hover effect for the links in ...
08:55 pm GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
Why I Converted from Vue to React
I've been a long time VueJS fan and still think it's a great framework with a lot of potential. It was the first JS framework I learned and will always have a special place in my heart. In fact, when ...
08:55 pm GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
Why I Converted from Vue to React
I've been a long time VueJS fan and still think it's a great framework with a lot of potential. It was the first JS framework I learned and will always have a special place in my heart. In fact, when ...
08:24 pm GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
Create Your Own Simple Virtual Assistant
What is Virtual Assistant?Definition: An intelligent virtual assistant (IVA) or intelligent personal assistant (IPA) is a software agent that can perform tasks or services for an individual base...
07:02 pm GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
Have you ever felt personally overlooked or targeted by technology?
In the pilot episode of DevDiscuss (DEV's first original podcast), @ben and @jess joined @penelope_zone for an important conversation about a major problem in our industry: deadnaming, or the intentio...
07:02 pm GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
Have you ever felt personally overlooked or targeted by technology?
In the pilot episode of DevDiscuss (DEV's first original podcast), @ben and @jess joined @penelope_zone for an important conversation about a major problem in our industry: deadnaming, or the intentio...
04:49 pm GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
Responsive Svelte (exploring Svelte's reactivity)
Svelte is truly a new and revolutionary approach to web development! It does an amazing job of automating your app's reactivity.This article is focused on uncovering some "behind the scene" detail of...
04:49 pm GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
Responsive Svelte (exploring Svelte's reactivity)
Svelte is truly a new and revolutionary approach to web development! It does an amazing job of automating your app's reactivity.This article is focused on uncovering some "behind the scene" detail of...
04:31 pm GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
Build Your First Python Chatbot In 5 Minutes
This article was originally published at the age of AI, chatbots are getting popular day by day. It's industrys newe...
04:31 pm GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
Build Your First Python Chatbot In 5 Minutes
This article was originally published at the age of AI, chatbots are getting popular day by day. It's industrys newe...
04:31 pm GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
Build Your First Python Chatbot In 5 Minutes - "Jarvis"
This article was originally published at the age of AI, chatbots are getting popular day by day. It's industrys newe...
04:27 pm GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
What was your win this week?
Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of?All wins count -- big or small Examples of 'wins' include:Getting a promotion!Starting a new projectFixing a tricky bugCleaning your hou...
04:27 pm GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
What was your win this week?
Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of?All wins count -- big or small Examples of 'wins' include:Getting a promotion!Starting a new projectFixing a tricky bugCleaning your hou...
03:55 pm GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
Tips for Programming with a low end PC.
DISCLAIMER: The term low-end is subjective, this is intended to help anyone with a less than powerful pc.For the past few months I've been using a laptop with 4 GB RAM for working, learning and just a...
03:55 pm GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
Tips for Programming with a low end PC.
DISCLAIMER: The term low-end is subjective, this is intended to help anyone with a less than powerful pc.For the past few months I've been using a laptop with 4 GB RAM for working, learning and just a...
02:59 pm GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
Use Git Hooks to ease your development workflow
Git hooks allow us to run custom scripts whenever certain important events occur in the git repository such as commit, push, merge. Basically git hooks are stored in the .git/hook directory of your lo...
02:59 pm GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
Use Git Hooks to ease your development workflow
Git hooks allow us to run custom scripts whenever certain important events occur in the git repository such as commit, push, merge. Basically git hooks are stored in the .git/hook directory of your lo...
01:35 pm GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
[Challenge] FizzBuzz without if/else
This challenge is intended for Javascript, but you can complete it with any language you like and can.Most of us will know the FizzBuzz game/exercise and probably have done it many times. It should be...
01:35 pm GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
[Challenge] FizzBuzz without if/else
This challenge is intended for Javascript, but you can complete it with any language you like and can.Most of us will know the FizzBuzz game/exercise and probably have done it many times. It should be...
08:11 am GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
Don't Give Up On Learning JavaScript After Three Weeks
This post was originally published on July 17, 2020 on my blog.Happy Friday to all who celebrate it! Despite it being a very short week, I feel like I've gotten a good number of things accomplished, w...
08:11 am GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
Don't Give Up On Learning JavaScript After Three Weeks
This post was originally published on July 17, 2020 on my blog.Happy Friday to all who celebrate it! Despite it being a very short week, I feel like I've gotten a good number of things accomplished, w...
08:10 am GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
How I simplified my import paths in TypeScript
I think as developers using ES modules we have all got to a point where import paths start to become ugly and unmaintainable - especially in large codebases.With a couple of lines added to your tsconf...
08:10 am GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
How I simplified my import paths in TypeScript
I think as developers using ES modules we have all got to a point where import paths start to become ugly and unmaintainable - especially in large codebases.With a couple of lines added to your tsconf...
06:03 am GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
Python Programming: A Beginners Guide
Python is an interpreted, high-level, powerful general-purpose programming language. You may ask, Pythons a snake right? and Why is this programming language named after it? Well, you are in the right...
06:03 am GMT - Fri, July 17, 2020
Dev To
Python Programming: A Beginners Guide
Python is an interpreted, high-level, powerful general-purpose programming language. You may ask, Pythons a snake right? and Why is this programming language named after it? Well, you are in the right...
09:09 pm GMT - Thu, July 16, 2020
Dev To
Accessibility for the web - standards to follow
Web accessibility has quite a few moving parts and some of them are: user agents (software created by people to access the web content like, desktop, mobile and voice browsers, plug-ins, multimedia pl...
08:47 pm GMT - Thu, July 16, 2020
Dev To
How to store app secrets for your ASP .NET Core project
This article is for you that is either completely new to ASP .NET Core or is currently storing your secrets in config files that you may or may not check in by mistake. Keep secrets separate, store th...
08:29 pm GMT - Thu, July 16, 2020
Dev To
Let's Talk: Current Challenges of Networking
Current Challenges of NetworkingAs the world is transitioning to a digital forefront, networking events must become more and more creative. As a rising senior in college, networking is essential...
07:01 pm GMT - Thu, July 16, 2020
Dev To
JavaScript: Do While Loop
We learned about while loops in the previous blog post. Loops allow us to repeat the same action multiple times.The key difference between a while and a do-while loop is that the former evaluates the ...
06:55 pm GMT - Thu, July 16, 2020
Dev To
Creating a Reusable Grid System in React
The grid system is arguably the most valuable layout tool for building websites. Without it, responsive layouts would be, well, NOT responsive.I use React a lot, so I decided to create a grid system t...
06:14 pm GMT - Thu, July 16, 2020
Dev To
Using Docker Containers to Test Microservices
Cover photo credit: Docker 101: Introduction to Docker webinar recap by Jenny Fong What are Docker Containers?Each Docker Container is essentially an isolated software-defined environment. Contai...
05:03 pm GMT - Thu, July 16, 2020
Dev To
It can be hard to understand serverless
Serverless is a dream. To be truly serverless there must be a perfect boundary between all the technical concerns that matter to your business and all the arbitrary, fiddly, un-fun platform hosting wo...
04:53 pm GMT - Thu, July 16, 2020
Dev To
How I Made a Simple Snake Game with Ruby 2D
SnakeEverybody loves Snake. Although the original concept of the game dates back to 1976, this classic game won many hearts when it came preloaded on Nokia phones since 1998. I have many fond ch...
04:12 pm GMT - Thu, July 16, 2020
Dev To
5 Tips for Getting Alert Fatigue Under Control
Originally published on Failure is Inevitable. What is alert fatigue, and why should I care?Alert fatigue, or pager fatigue, is something that can drastically reduce even the most seasoned teams ...
03:35 pm GMT - Thu, July 16, 2020
Dev To
GraphQL Basics: Types, Queries, Mutations, and Schema
Originally published at on July 15, 2020.Once you get a grasp of what GraphQL is, and why it is important, you also realize that it is a different design process. And before...
03:17 pm GMT - Thu, July 16, 2020
Dev To
10 VS Code Extensions for FrontEnd Engineer
Visual Studio Code, has a whole lot of extensions, they come with a kind of Extension-store (just like App store for your apps) called Market Place. There are extensions for debugging code, formatting...
02:04 pm GMT - Thu, July 16, 2020
Dev To
Add a visitor count on your GitHub profile with one line of Markdown
In a previous article, I wrote about how you could add a visitor counter to your GitHub profile with a little node/express app. The article suggested that if you wanted to add a counter to your GitHub...
01:47 pm GMT - Thu, July 16, 2020
Dev To
The Firestore Tutorial for 2020: Learn by Example
Cloud Firestore is a blazing-fast, serverless NoSQL database, perfect forpowering web and mobile apps of any size. Grab the complete guide to learning Firestore, created to show you how to use Firesto...
11:39 am GMT - Thu, July 16, 2020
Dev To
"Why do you want to work for us?" - Interview Question (Demystified)
IntroductionThanks to Jack Domleo (@jackdomleo7) for asking the question on twitter which triggered a lot of discussions and debates. I thought, hey, this needs to definitely be shared as an art...
10:13 am GMT - Thu, July 16, 2020
Dev To
Send data between tabs with JavaScript
Did you know you can send information between open browser tabs using JavaScript?Let's say your user is viewing your site with multiple tabs and something happens one tab which you want to react to on...
09:27 am GMT - Thu, July 16, 2020
Dev To
9 Examples of building your own version of React
React is an incredibly popular JavaScript framework with over 150,000 stars and used by more than 3.5 million other repositories on Github.Sometimes the best way to understand something is to build y...
09:25 am GMT - Thu, July 16, 2020
Dev To
Important tips for a self-taught developer
There are some big tips out there that will teach you the core fundamentals (mostly technical) to withstand, as a junior developer, the first times at a company. This post, however, focuses on traits ...
08:55 am GMT - Thu, July 16, 2020
Dev To
Reinvent the Wheel, then Display It Like a Trophy
People talk about "reinventing the wheel" as if it's some sort of curse. It's true: in this day and age, tons of libraries are already available for your picking. These libraries have a lot of people ...
04:53 am GMT - Thu, July 16, 2020
Dev To
Python Cheat Sheet
This cheat sheet tries to provide a basic reference for beginner and advanced developers, lower the entry barrier for newcomers, and help veterans refresh the old tricks. Full Python Cheat Sheet. ...
04:20 am GMT - Thu, July 16, 2020
Dev To
How to create an animated flip card with CSS 3D transforms
*** Working demo on cards can be created using just HTML & CSS.They can be used in a number of ways to display more information to a user on hover.In this example well create a fli...
03:38 am GMT - Thu, July 16, 2020
Dev To
Lost in VS Code windows?
Marquee strives to make working inside VS Code more productive . Thanks to VS Code's lightweight nature, devs love to open multiple windows for projects, repo, and workspaces. Running multiple VS Code...
02:12 am GMT - Thu, July 16, 2020
Dev To
444 Days Later, Tori Hit the Jackpot
If you've been following me for a while, you know that I had been searching for a job for quite some time, 444 days to be exact. Thankfully, I have some fantastic news to share with y'all. I started w...
11:39 pm GMT - Wed, July 15, 2020
Dev To
How I structure my React /TS applications
It is currently summer vacation for me and I will be working on side projects. For my summer projects, I will use ReactJS for every front-end I create. I created a boilerplate repository that I can re...
10:50 pm GMT - Wed, July 15, 2020
Dev To
Onion Architecture
Onions are a delicious vegetable and are a core ingredient in cuisines around the world. Perhaps then you are wondering, why are we discussing them in the context of software engineering? First introd...
10:45 pm GMT - Wed, July 15, 2020
Dev To
How to Build Your Own Website - Introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
The world of web development and design is rapidly growing. Whether you're establishing a professional online presence, showcasing a design portfolio, or recording your everyday life, creating a websi...
06:02 pm GMT - Wed, July 15, 2020
Dev To
Are you sure you are a professional developer?
If you are interested in reading this article in Spanish , check out my blog:The Developer's DungeonFor many years I believed that the only thing that constituted being a professional was being paid f...
05:13 pm GMT - Wed, July 15, 2020
Dev To
Practical Functional Programming in JavaScript - Techniques for Composing Data
Hello there. Welcome back to my series on practical functional programming in JavaScript. Today we'll go over techniques for composing data, that is best practices that make life easy when working wit...
05:04 pm GMT - Wed, July 15, 2020
Dev To
LMDB Deep Dive: Interview with a CTO on using the Open Source Key Value Store
Recently, the HarperDB team invited the folks behind AlaSQL, a popular client-side in-memory SQL database, to a virtual Q&A. It was interesting to learn more about AlaSQL and how HarperDB uses Ala...
04:20 pm GMT - Wed, July 15, 2020
Dev To
DevOps Roadmap
There has been a constant request on giving a roadmap on becoming a DevOps Engineer and of course the required skills that you need to master to become a DevOps Engineer.In this article, I am going to...
04:10 pm GMT - Wed, July 15, 2020
Dev To
Favorite Examples of Clear, Understandable Documentation?
What guidance exists for writing technical documentation? What are some of your favorite examples for easy to understand documentation when tackling a new framework, language, or library?...
03:40 pm GMT - Wed, July 15, 2020
Dev To
How do you rate my website?
How much do you rate my website on a scale of 1-10 and why?https://harshvats.vercel.appDon't count my picture plz....
02:50 pm GMT - Wed, July 15, 2020
Dev To
How to Check if Object is Empty in JavaScript
Here's a Code Recipe to check if an object is empty or not. For newer browsers, you can use plain vanilla JS and use the new "Object.keys" But for older browser support, you can install the Lodash li...
01:45 pm GMT - Wed, July 15, 2020
Dev To
Why I moved to TypeScript and have no regrets
Its worth being said that it wasnt my intention to move to TypeScript instead of vanilla JS. It just happened that we decided to move our production-ready project to Angular 4, which, as all of you kn...
01:16 pm GMT - Wed, July 15, 2020
Dev To
A few more techniques to help you become a self-taught developer
IntroCover photo by Annie Spratt on UnsplashSelf-learning is the skill that changes people's futures. Sounds shocking, I know.But jokes aside, being able to consistently and rigorously learn a s...
11:59 am GMT - Wed, July 15, 2020
Dev To
Is anyone planning a full or partial "early retirement" from software development?
It's not that uncommon for folks to move into other careers after working as a developer. It can be a demanding job and the pace of change can be hard to keep up with.While there is plenty of space to...
10:35 am GMT - Wed, July 15, 2020
Dev To
Learning Through Gradient Descent
Having looked at linear and logistic regression, we will look at how these algorithms "learn". Loss Functions:For a machine algorithm to learn, it needs some way of evaluating its performance. Th...
09:29 am GMT - Wed, July 15, 2020
Dev To
Managing React Forms Efficiently at Scale
Managing forms in React can easily become painful as your app scales. It could probably be due to the unorganised approach you followed while starting a project or writing the same boilerplate in ever...
07:55 am GMT - Wed, July 15, 2020
Dev To
My Thoughts After Learning React for 3 Months
React is one of the most popular Front-End JavaScript frameworks. Developed by Facebook in 2013, it is actively maintained as an open-source project and has made building complex user interfaces easie...
03:20 am GMT - Wed, July 15, 2020
Dev To
Depth first traversal in Javascript
Depth First Traversal in Binary TreesHello!In an effort to teach myself fundamentals that I might have missed in my rudimentary yet effective bootcamp experience, I'm going to cover some basics in a s...
10:25 pm GMT - Tue, July 14, 2020
Dev To
Accessibility for the web - what is it and why do we need it
What is accessibility and what is the impact it has on disabled people when they're trying to use the web?Accessibility refers to the design of products, devices, services, or environments for people ...
08:44 pm GMT - Tue, July 14, 2020
Dev To
Responsive CSS Width
Have you been writing CSS and you had to use media queries just so your website could look good across all devices? Well, the good news is, you don't always need media queries.This series would be foc...
08:26 pm GMT - Tue, July 14, 2020
Dev To
Understanding Vue by building a country directory app Part 1
Hello everyone. This is my very first article on VueJs. I've been learning Vue for a while now and honestly it has been a bitter-sweet experience for me. I hear people say Vue is easy, yea, it is inde...
08:16 pm GMT - Tue, July 14, 2020
Dev To
Algorithms in Interviews: Hazing Ritual or Valuable Vetting Technique?
This article first appeared on the Triplebyte blog and was written by Joseph Pacheco. Joseph is a software engineer who has conducted over 1,400 technical interviews for everything from backend, to mo...
07:37 pm GMT - Tue, July 14, 2020
Dev To
Making MySpace in 2020
I recreated MySpace on my GitHub profile thanks to the new GitHub Profile README feature and I am now going to share the quick details on how you can too. New Profile README Feature who dis?GitHu...
06:02 pm GMT - Tue, July 14, 2020
Dev To
Daily Challenge 269 - Decompose n!
The goal of this challenge is to decompose n! (factorial n) into its prime factors. The function decomp(n) should return the decomposition of n! into its prime factors in increasing order of the prime...
05:07 pm GMT - Tue, July 14, 2020
Dev To
Zen in the Art of the Expanding Search Bar
Take a minute and create a basic search bar. I mean really. Standard. Just an input and a button, maybe nest them inside a div if you're feeling generous. This search bar needs data to filter through ...
05:00 pm GMT - Tue, July 14, 2020
Dev To
What On Earth Is OAuth? A Super Simple Intro to OAuth 2.0, Access Tokens, and How to Implement It in Your Site
We're excited to tell you that Cotter now generates access tokens and refresh tokens on authentication. Let's first go over the concepts of OAuth 2.0 and the tokens before we jump in on how to use it....
04:45 pm GMT - Tue, July 14, 2020
Dev To
Software Developer Workflow 2020 (MERN Stack)
Useful Tools and FrameworksESLint - Pluggable JavaScript linterJest Delightful JavaScript Testing React Testing Library Testing LibraryMocha - the fun, simple, flexible JavaScript test frameworkCha...
04:05 pm GMT - Tue, July 14, 2020
Dev To
Building a Twitter Bot with Python and AWS Lambda
I think bots are neat. I really like the artwork on Pokmon trading cards. So I built a Twitter bot that tweets out two Pokmon cards every six hours in Pokmon in-game battle style.You can check out the...
03:48 pm GMT - Tue, July 14, 2020
Dev To
The 7 Most Popular DEV Posts from the Past Week
Every Tuesday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take i...
02:10 pm GMT - Tue, July 14, 2020
Dev To
Let's Pair during a Live Coding Session!
I started live streaming a couple of months ago. I've Started to Live Code on Twitch for DEV Nick Taylor (he/him) Apr 1 2 min read #twitch #str...
12:27 pm GMT - Tue, July 14, 2020
Dev To
CDK Patterns at 20! Let's Walk Through all 20 Serverless Patterns for AWS
There are now 20 fully deployable serverless architecture patterns at, all built with AWS CDK TypeScript/Python and all including the vanilla CloudFormation Template.This seemed like a...
12:12 pm GMT - Tue, July 14, 2020
Dev To
How do you identify "over-engineering"?
How do you spot over-engineering as it is happening, how do you communicate around this issue?...
11:43 am GMT - Tue, July 14, 2020
Dev To
Ui/Ux Design Vs. Web Development
If you have these qualities, you may be a future... Ui/Ux Designer You're interested in how to improve things for others.You're open to different ways of looking at the world.You see improvements...
10:53 am GMT - Tue, July 14, 2020
Dev To
Add Dark Mode to your Websites with CSS
It's super easy to include a dark theme for your existing websites using CSS. In this tutorial, we're going to do this by taking advantage of CSS Variables.We're going to have 3 different options for ...
04:19 am GMT - Tue, July 14, 2020
Dev To
Pure CSS Custom Styled Radio Buttons
This is the eighteenth post in a series examining modern CSS solutions to problems I've been solving over the last 13+ years of being a frontend developer. Visit to view the whole series...
10:45 pm GMT - Mon, July 13, 2020
Dev To
How I open and resize all my applications with just a keyboard shortcut
Every morning I have to open, resize and and reposition all applications I need to work, so I thought: What if I only had to press a keyboard shortcut that could do that for me...To make this happen I...
09:42 pm GMT - Mon, July 13, 2020
Dev To
A beautiful open source comments for your blog
You don't need a server to host your comment system, you can easily host Kucos on Vercel and database on Mongo Atlas where 500mb is for free (for comments it is a lot space :)).Kucos is focused on com...
09:31 pm GMT - Mon, July 13, 2020
Dev To
HTTP Caching Tech
In this blog we will be going through what is caching, what is http caching and an overview of some http caching technologies out there for us to use. What is Caching?Caching reduces time and r...
09:10 pm GMT - Mon, July 13, 2020
Dev To
The Beauty of CSS
The cover photo is a screenshot of a Troy Skyline by Jordi Ru created with HTML and CSS. You'll find the code in an embedded codepen in this article. IntroductionCSS is the language that sits at ...
08:26 pm GMT - Mon, July 13, 2020
Dev To
Discord Bot in Typescript hosted on Heroku
Hey guys! been a long time since I wrote an Article on Dev!for the last few months I have been trying to develop using Typescript and host my own apps. Since decided to ban pinging services ...
08:02 pm GMT - Mon, July 13, 2020
Dev To
Scaling with Object Caches
Object caches go a long way in helping us secure the benefits caching delivers to the scalability and user experience of our web applications. Object caches are built on key-value stores, a simple typ...
07:59 pm GMT - Mon, July 13, 2020
Dev To
HoneyByte: Make a Beeline Toward Observability Just Like DEVs Molly Struve
When things broke, Molly explained, youre mad scramblingjumping from website to website to website, trying to put the pieces together. Molly was able to use Honeycomb to fix things up: It makes my job...
07:55 pm GMT - Mon, July 13, 2020
Dev To
This is my JAMstack
What is JAMstack?Lets talk about an approach to building applications that may be more frontend developer-friendly. JAMstack is a concept or approach for building out applications if you want to...
06:18 pm GMT - Mon, July 13, 2020
Dev To
The proper care and feeding of your Gradle build
Gradle builds dont maintain themselves. They require proper care and feeding (nutritious food rather than the chips and soda most of us give them), else they will get way out of hand, demanding ever m...
06:01 pm GMT - Mon, July 13, 2020
Dev To
Why Should I Learn to Code? 17 Reasons to Learn Programming
If you wonder whether to invest some time into learning programming, or you already code, but feel stuck or lack motivation - this article is for you. Why should you learn to code? Ive come up with a ...
05:58 pm GMT - Mon, July 13, 2020
Dev To
Android Vitals - What time is it?
Note: the pretty header photo is from Romain Guy.Yesterday I had an idea: Py @piwai Anyone interested in a blog seri...
04:59 pm GMT - Mon, July 13, 2020
Dev To
Backdrop Filter effect with CSS
Yesterday i came upon a really cool looking effect on a website and tried to reproduce the effect for a new web app i was developing. It had a transparent container create a filter backdrop on the bac...
02:54 pm GMT - Mon, July 13, 2020
Dev To
Demystifying React Hooks: useReducer
React Hooks are a simpler way to encapsulate stateful behavior and side effects in functional components instead of classes. Some hooks are easier to understand than others, therefore this series of p...
02:21 pm GMT - Mon, July 13, 2020
Dev To
Making GitHub Overview Page Interesting with new ReadMe Feature
I was creating My GitHub Static Page and when I wrote my username, I got message that imdhruv99 is special type of repository.Its will appear on your public profile!. So, I thought let's che...
01:33 pm GMT - Mon, July 13, 2020
Dev To
The Strategy Pattern Exemplified in TypeScript
Source Code on GitHub | Original Article on my Blog | Follow me on Twitter: @LifeLongThinkerThe Strategy Pattern is one of those design patterns that are remarkably simple in style yet efficient in fu...
12:41 pm GMT - Mon, July 13, 2020
Dev To
Why I quit my full-time job as a jr. Developer after 17 days
The reason Im writing this article is to share with you my early experience as a jr. web developer into a full job. It is but a mere experience of almost one year and a half developer, not a rule that...
12:30 pm GMT - Mon, July 13, 2020
Dev To
Theres More to Freelancing Than Just Coding
One of the common mindsets of people who want to become freelance web developers is they just have to be so good at coding and the rest will follow. WRONG.If youre serious about being successful, this...
12:13 pm GMT - Mon, July 13, 2020
Dev To
How to Build a Content Moderation Service with Node.js, TensorFlowJS, and ReactJS. Part 2: Moderation Automation.
Over the last weeks, our team successfully has taken on the challenge to develop a simple and yet effective Content Moderation Service. The end goal is to help app creators keep their projects safe fo...
11:20 am GMT - Mon, July 13, 2020
Dev To
Illustrations for Websites
Hey everyone!Could you please suggest me some websites where I can find illustrations to add in my website? ...
09:30 am GMT - Mon, July 13, 2020
Dev To
My learning method: what worked for me.
Hello, users! How are you doing? I wish you, friends, family and close ones are healthy and well.We've been through challenging times, but I'm pretty convinced we all will go on and keep encouraging e...
07:59 am GMT - Mon, July 13, 2020
Dev To
The linux commands that help me work
Here are some commands to help me with my work.And what are your useful commands that you use? Searching for files and folders with the given namegrep -i -n -r 'Search string' /var/www/path/Shows how ...
06:17 am GMT - Mon, July 13, 2020
Dev To
How to: ReactJs custom hooks
Quite some time has passed since we have introduced hooks in the codebase of our projects. Because of them, it has made the code reusable, cleaner, more readable and more satisfying write. They presen...
04:00 am GMT - Mon, July 13, 2020
Dev To
Quotes about TypeScript
I've been in the industry for a while now and have had the fortune to talk with many people at different companies, in different roles, different regions of the world, and to even have backroom conver...
12:20 am GMT - Mon, July 13, 2020
Dev To
Using Gulp to Optimize Your Site Speed and Improve SEO
If you've ever done anything like run your websites through Lighthouse or any page speed insights tool you might be disappointed to realize that it's slow. Like... really slow.One of the major drawbac...
09:25 pm GMT - Sun, July 12, 2020
Dev To
Name an essential front end learning resource
Could be very well known or obscure - I would actually like to hear about some resources which are not very main stream.Image source: Christina Morillo/ @divinetechygirl on pexels...
07:14 pm GMT - Sun, July 12, 2020
Dev To
How To Freelance on with no experience
IntroductionFreelancing is a great way to make a living as a developer, you have more freedom, and its easier to work remotely. However with little to none professional experience it might be hard to...
07:04 pm GMT - Sun, July 12, 2020
Dev To
3 HTML tags youve never heard of or used before
HTML does have some strange code sometimes. Let's look at the 3 most uncommon tags that are rarely used and what their purpose is.1. var tagAs far as its usage goes, its meant to simply denote to a br...
06:20 pm GMT - Sun, July 12, 2020
Dev To
Editing Kubernetes Secrets Inline
We work a lot with Kubernetes and when you're working with Secrets it can be a total pain to edit them. A standard workflow can be something like.# Grab the existing secretkubectl get secret some-secr...
05:39 pm GMT - Sun, July 12, 2020
Dev To
I tried the Pomodoro technique for a week. Here's how it went.
This post was originally published to my personal blog. You can find it here.I had to admit it: I had a productivity problem. It was not like it was ruining my whole life, I still got all my work done...
04:57 pm GMT - Sun, July 12, 2020
Dev To
Projects To Complete When Learning Web Development
If youre intermediate beginner web developer, you have probably run into the wall. The basic tutorials are too easy now. But its hard to figure out what to code.You are probably looking for project id...
04:17 pm GMT - Sun, July 12, 2020
Dev To
Java Under the Hood
This post offers a brief introduction to how Java executes a code written in Java Language under the hood.Here is the list that I am going to explore,1. Java Compiler2. JVM Java Compiler Is ...
03:58 pm GMT - Sun, July 12, 2020
Dev To
Show your most recent DEV post on your Github profile with Pipedream
Github just launched READMEs for your Github profile. This is pretty powerful. Since you can add any Markdown to a README, you can now add images, links, and all sorts of other content to your profile...
03:14 pm GMT - Sun, July 12, 2020
Dev To
Deploy a website using Firebase Hosting
There's a lot of options cheap or even free in the market to deploy our projects. One of these and my favorite is the Firebase Hosting, a service of Google.This is my first post written in English. I'...
02:52 pm GMT - Sun, July 12, 2020
Dev To
What is your work environment (Office, remote, or hybrid)?
As COVID progresses and cases surge, what is your current and future work environment? Will you be going back to work in an office, staying remote, or trying a mix/hybrid? No matter what you do for a ...
01:18 pm GMT - Sun, July 12, 2020
Dev To
Getting Started with Rust
This post published on my blog beforeHi everyone! In this post, I'll talk about Rust programming language. IntroductionThe Rust programming language helps you write faster, more reliable software...
11:07 am GMT - Sun, July 12, 2020
Dev To
Hey bug I can spot you
Hello, welcome back to the 7th edition of the series can python do that.Today we will look through python libraries what will help in monitoring your code Libraries we over today areSentryDatadogRoll...
09:08 am GMT - Sun, July 12, 2020
Dev To
How do you stay up-to-date as a software developer who is slow in learning?
I have the impression new things emerge on a very regular basis and it's hard to keep up.Currently I'm learning Docker and Kubernetes. Then I want to dive into kafka. And the things I already know als...
08:55 am GMT - Sun, July 12, 2020
Dev To
Awesome github README Templates
Github recently relased profile features and it is look awesome. We have collected the all awesome profile templates and listed out in this repo
06:04 am GMT - Sun, July 12, 2020
Dev To
Implement a Stack with TypeScript
Hi Guys Good Day!TypeScript is still booming, take a look at this survey StackOverflow. A lot of people are using it right now and will so for the next couple of years because of the rise of Den...
05:50 am GMT - Sun, July 12, 2020
Dev To
Getting started with Next.js and GraphCMS
In this tutorial, we'll learn how we can create a Next.js project and integrate it with GraphCMS. IntroductionGraphCMS's mission is to remove traditional content management pain points by using t...
03:07 am GMT - Sun, July 12, 2020
Dev To
Closures in JavaScript
What are closures?I consider closures in JavaScript as an advanced topic. It is one of the topics that gets asked in interviews a lot.Understanding closures would be more comfortable if you have...
12:55 am GMT - Sun, July 12, 2020
Dev To
Setup React with Webpack and Babel
I went over setting up a basic project with Webpack in this post, so here I'm going to just focus on how to take your React Project and upgrade it to use Webpack and Babel.In case you forgot, Webpack ...
11:33 pm GMT - Sat, July 11, 2020
Dev To
The Typecast Tango: Avoiding the Frontend Label as a Woman In Tech
I recently tweeted something off the cuff that seemed to hit a note with some people JTK @heyjtk Can I just say...
07:42 pm GMT - Sat, July 11, 2020
Dev To
Hoisting in JavaScript
What is hoisting?Hoisting in JavaScript allows you to access variables and functions before they are created. Function Hoistingconsole.log(helloWorld()); // Hello Worldconsole.log(multiplyN...
06:59 pm GMT - Sat, July 11, 2020
Dev To
RethinkDB: Open Source Real-Time Database
This post published on my blog beforeHi everyone.Today I'll talk about RethinkDB.It's an open-source solution for a realtime database. Whats is RethinkDBRethinkDB is a database that is document-o...
05:55 pm GMT - Sat, July 11, 2020
Dev To
My top 5 tools for Web Design
Whenever I start a new web design project there are a few tools and resources I repeatedly use for my design process. They work all the time and help greatly ease the workflow and generally make it ea...
05:37 pm GMT - Sat, July 11, 2020
Dev To
5 ways to delete an element from an array in JavaScript
Situation:Whenever we need to delete an element from an array based on index or certain condition, we can use following 5 ways.[1] Array pop() method:-This removes the last element from original array...
05:32 pm GMT - Sat, July 11, 2020
Dev To
8 SCSS Best Practices to Keep in Mind
This past week I had an opportunity to browse through a company's coding guideline, some of which I found very useful not only in collaborative settings but also in developing personal projects.Here a...
05:26 pm GMT - Sat, July 11, 2020
Dev To
Scope in JavaScript
Scope in JavaScript defines where a declared variable or function is available. Depending on where the declaration happened, a variable or a function may be available to individual code blocks in Java...
05:08 pm GMT - Sat, July 11, 2020
Dev To
Create a Todo App with React Hooks and LocalStorage
Creating a Todo App is always a good idea for anyone who started learning new web technologies and want to practice with building something because it's kinda a simplest CRUD app.I've been making a To...
05:07 pm GMT - Sat, July 11, 2020
Dev To
Develop an Eye for Good Design
Having a good design taste is essential; not gonna say why though. To many designs comes off as talent rather than skill. Truth is, artistic ability is achievable through practices.[Research approves]...
02:49 pm GMT - Sat, July 11, 2020
Dev To
Daily Challenge 268 - Swapping Characters in Strings
You are given two strings s and t. Both strings have length n and consist of lowercase letters.You can swap any two adjacent characters of s any number of times. Output the minimum number of moves to ...
12:42 pm GMT - Sat, July 11, 2020
Dev To
How To Create A GitHub Profile README
GitHub recently released a feature that allows users to create a profile-level README to display prominently on their GitHub profile. This article walksthrough how to access this new feature. I'll als...
09:53 am GMT - Sat, July 11, 2020
Dev To
JavaScript concepts to write better React code
Beginning development in React can be fun and trivial, however your codebase could quuickly get messy, verbose and unreadable unless some careful toughts are put into the development process. Writing ...
07:44 am GMT - Sat, July 11, 2020
Dev To
Ever wondered what happens when you type in a URL in an address bar in a browser?
Here is a brief overview of what happens when you type in a URL in a address bar in a browser......
08:40 pm GMT - Fri, July 10, 2020
Dev To
Redux vs Recoil: which should you use?
Facebook recently announced a new state management library for React called Recoil. Even though its still at an early, experimental phase it has received a lot of hype with 8000+ stars on Github.With ...
06:07 pm GMT - Fri, July 10, 2020
Dev To
Announcing Style Stage: A Community CSS Showcase
This special episode is about a new project that will give you a chance to flex your modern CSS skills.Dear CSS community:I invite you to participate in a new project where you have the opportunity to...
05:51 pm GMT - Fri, July 10, 2020
Dev To
Beginner's guide to creating an empathetic chatbot
"I am sorry, I didn't catch that. Please try again."There is nothing more frustrating than talking to a chatbot that does not know how to help you. You find yourself repeating "let me talk to a human"...
05:11 pm GMT - Fri, July 10, 2020
Dev To
What was your win this week?
Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of?All wins count -- big or small Examples of 'wins' include:Getting a promotion!Starting a new projectFixing a tricky bugCleaning your hou...
02:16 pm GMT - Fri, July 10, 2020
Dev To
Smooshing arrays : flat() and flatMap()
If you want to flatten an array that has sub-arrays, these two methods are helpful. They were introduced in the ES2019 standard. There was a bit of a controversy with the initial name flatten. Sometim...
02:09 pm GMT - Fri, July 10, 2020
Dev To
What does it mean to YOU to "make an impact"?
I've been thinking about this a lot. Some days more that others but the questions I ask myself are "What does it mean to 'make an impact'?", "How do I know whether I've made 'enough' impact?", "What i...
11:09 am GMT - Fri, July 10, 2020
Dev To
This Post is Written by AI
After seeing many succesful attempts of training a neural network model to write scripts for movies, make videos, I was super excited to make my own. As I already have a fair amount of programming kno...
10:23 am GMT - Fri, July 10, 2020
Dev To
JavaScript Katas: Count the number of each character in a string
Intro I take interesting katas of all levels and explain how to solve them.Problem solving is an important skill, for your career and your life in general.You'd better learn to solve problems! ...
10:21 am GMT - Fri, July 10, 2020
Dev To
Iconic Admin Dashboards - AdminLTE, Black Dashboard, CoreUI, Adminator, Material Dashboard
Hello coders,This article presents a short-list with iconic admin dashboards, free, open-source, and actively supported by their vendors and/or by a significant open-source community.Dashboards short-...
09:00 am GMT - Fri, July 10, 2020
Dev To
Show me your personal website/portfolio
So, show me your website/portfolio and tell me what technologies do you use and why?Here is mine https://thedev.skIt uses Preact and Typescript, Bundled by Parcel, everything is prerendered and hosted...
08:07 am GMT - Fri, July 10, 2020
Dev To
The concepts that React tutorials usually skip over
Virtual DOMThe vDOM is an in-memory JavaScript representation of the DOM. Just as the DOM is built of nodes, the vDOM is built of virtual nodes (vNodes).vNodes can be broadly categorized into tw...
07:44 am GMT - Fri, July 10, 2020
Dev To
Dynamically Generated Github Stats For Your Profile ReadMe
Hey guys! i hope you are doing well. Yesterday after seeing that lot of people on twitter are creating their Github profile Readmes i thought i should do something cool & unique, so i created this...
07:25 am GMT - Fri, July 10, 2020
Dev To
Review my open source repository
I am trying to build a community and gain contributors for the open source project:didi.landStabilizing this repository has been tricky for a mind maker upper, there are lots of moving parts, but I ha...
07:12 am GMT - Fri, July 10, 2020
Dev To
The Importance of Financial Independence For Software Developers
If you read this post, chances that you are a software developer who is seeking financial advice for smart money-saving or investment or early retirement. Orange Book ...
04:00 am GMT - Fri, July 10, 2020
Dev To
July 10th, 2020: What did you learn this week?
It's that time of the week again.So wonderful devs, what did you learn this week? It could be programming tips, career advice etc.Feel free to comment with what you learnt and/or reference your TIL po...
02:38 am GMT - Fri, July 10, 2020
Dev To
Glitch free 1,000,000 record data processing in TypeScript with js-coroutines
Sometimes we need to process data on the front end, perhaps we are using an offline system or accessing local data. When that data gets large it can easily cause the UI to glitch. A few days ago I w...
02:07 am GMT - Fri, July 10, 2020
Dev To
React & Redux Project: Gomojii
What is GomojiiWell, it all came down to this, my final Flatiron School project. My project is named Gomojii, an emoji themed application that will contain multiple widgets that will also be emoji the...
01:41 am GMT - Fri, July 10, 2020
Dev To
How To Integrate A Rich Text Editor (WYSIWYG) In Your React.Js Project.
In this article, we're going to learn how to "Integrate A Rich Text Editor" in your react.Js project using TinyMCE.Before we begin, let's do a quick summary of what a "Rich Text Editor" also commonly ...
12:53 am GMT - Fri, July 10, 2020
Dev To
10 websites to help you with your CSS problems
This is a list of websites that makes you CSS more fun, easy and maybe solve many of your CSS problems. 1. Pixel artYou probably also love to use pixel art with your website. I can say 90% of you...
11:39 pm GMT - Thu, July 9, 2020
Dev To
Intro to GraphQL
Is been around 5 years since GraphQL has been released by the Facebook team, back in 2015. Since then GraphQL just has a raise in popularity. Besides Facebook, companies like Airbnb, Netflix, Coursera...
11:12 pm GMT - Thu, July 9, 2020
Dev To
How I built Ngrok Alternative
Here's a quick intro of what I builtNgrok is a fantastic tool that helps developers to expose their localhost to the Internet with minimal effort. One day I was going to share a local project with a c...
10:22 pm GMT - Thu, July 9, 2020
Dev To
Are these lists equal?
This is an entry-level algorithm to get you warmed up for tough interviews like those you get in Amazon, Google, Toptal, and top remote work sites. It'll get you exposed to a real-life problem with ti...
09:17 pm GMT - Thu, July 9, 2020
Dev To
Build modern, offline apps with Progressive Web Apps
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) could be the next big thing for modern mobile app development. This powerful tool combines the capabilities of a native app and the reach of a web application. They use mod...
08:34 pm GMT - Thu, July 9, 2020
Dev To
Customize Your Ubuntu a bit ! )
I have installed Ubuntu and I had been trying a lot and testing everything to make my system as beautiful as let's Customize ( ) Tweaks :The first step is to make sure that we have th...
08:34 pm GMT - Thu, July 9, 2020
Dev To
Customize Your Ubuntu a bit !
I have installed Ubuntu and I had been trying a lot and testing everything to make my system as beautiful as let's Customize ( ) Tweaks :The first step is to make sure that we have th...
07:27 pm GMT - Thu, July 9, 2020
Dev To
How to write Javascript and React with VS Code FASTER!
This post was originally published at on July 9, 2020.If you are using VS Code to write Javascript or React code, keep reading!VS Code is my favourite code editor and I use it mostly to...
06:26 pm GMT - Thu, July 9, 2020
Dev To
How to Create an AWS Account
IntroductionThis tutorial is a step by step walk-through on how to set up an AWS account. To use any of the services available on AWS you must first create an account. With an account you will h...
06:23 pm GMT - Thu, July 9, 2020
Dev To
Top 5 DEV Comments from the Past Week
This is a weekly roundup of awesome DEV comments that you may have missed. You are welcome and encouraged to boost posts and comments yourself using the #bestofdev tag.@kailyons shared some reassuring...
02:51 pm GMT - Thu, July 9, 2020
Dev To
How are you dealing with quarantine?
For me, even though I already have experienced remotely work, it's still difficult to maintain the mental health in this hard times.In this period of quarantine I'm dealing with a anxiety and wasting ...
02:38 pm GMT - Thu, July 9, 2020
Dev To
Intro To Linux [For Beginners]
One of the most important tools for a programmer is the Operating System, it runs your whole device and it's important to choose the one that suits you the best!In this post, I'll be sharing why Linux...
01:59 pm GMT - Thu, July 9, 2020
Dev To
Daily Challenge 267 - Braking Speed
Braking distance d1 is the distance a vehicle will go from the point when it brakes to when it comes to a complete stop. It depends on the original speed v and on the coefficient of friction mu betwee...
01:42 pm GMT - Thu, July 9, 2020
Dev To
Project: COVID 19.
Disclaimer:Built this project after taking inspiration from a lot of projects that I saw on youtube based on COVID19. I'm glad I completed this project. Even though I did not know all the tech u...
12:41 pm GMT - Thu, July 9, 2020
Dev To
Doing my bit to tackle imposter syndrome
Hello fellow geeks! In this article I want to talk about something that I don't think is addressed enough - the serious problem with imposter syndrome in this industry.Imposter syndrome is horrible. Y...
10:25 am GMT - Thu, July 9, 2020
Dev To
React Infinite Scroll Tutorial: With and Without a Library
This tutorial was originally published at scroll is a modern web & application design concept that loads content continuously as t...
06:26 am GMT - Thu, July 9, 2020
Dev To
How to add a README to your GitHub profile
A new feature arrived on GitHub today. You can finally add a README to your GitHub profile.This is how it works:Create a repo with your github username (e.g.
06:11 am GMT - Thu, July 9, 2020
Dev To
Most Common Loss Functions in Machine Learning
Every Machine Learning Engineer should know about these common Loss functions in Machine Learning and when to use them. In mathematical optimization and decision theory, a loss function or ...
05:46 am GMT - Thu, July 9, 2020
Dev To
Looking for Feedback on my Resume
Hi! My name is Ryan. I'm currently employed but actively looking to move into software. I have been rejected for quite a few positions so far, which feels bad, but I'm not giving up. If you're som...
12:59 am GMT - Thu, July 9, 2020
Dev To
Top 8 Free Resources to Learn Python
Its an exciting time to learn anything, especially Python. There are several Python resources available online including books, video tutorials and courses. If one wants to learn Python the traditiona...
11:26 pm GMT - Wed, July 8, 2020
Dev To
Docker GitHub Actions = Your Next Productivity Superpower
When GitHub introduced GitHub Actions, it opened up a whole new set of opportunities for developers to empower their projects.With the power of GitHub Actions, you can run a whole suite of actions to ...
09:15 pm GMT - Wed, July 8, 2020
Dev To
A documentation site with Angular and Scully
This August I will be participating as a trainer at a major Angular conference, I am super excited about and was already putting the lessons together to spread all the knowledge I ...
08:56 pm GMT - Wed, July 8, 2020
Dev To
React App with Tailwind CSS / Emotion / Twin Macro
I'll explain how install and configure Tailwind CSS / Emotion and twin.macro in a Single Project of React to improve the way we use styles in our projects. Setting up our ProjectThe first step, i...
08:44 pm GMT - Wed, July 8, 2020
Dev To
What was the most remarkable bug you have ever had to fix ?
Share stories about the most remarkable bug you have ever had to fix.Could be a really silly one, a very tough one, one that almost cost you your job, one that had incredible ripple effects, one that ...
07:40 pm GMT - Wed, July 8, 2020
Dev To
Currying in JavaScript
Currying is a process in functional programming in which we can transform a function with multiple arguments into a sequence of nesting functions. It returns a new function that expects the next argum...
07:37 pm GMT - Wed, July 8, 2020
Dev To
What's New in Django 3.1
Django 3.1 will be released in early August 2020 and comes a number of major new features and many minor improvements including asychnronous views and middleware support, asynchronous tests, JSONField...
06:54 pm GMT - Wed, July 8, 2020
Dev To
Arrow functions: a walkthrough and gotchas
In this blog post I show how to transform a traditional function into a so-called 'arrow function'. I start with functions with two arguments, then cover no arguments and finally, one argument. T...
06:07 pm GMT - Wed, July 8, 2020
Dev To
How to grow in your career: Hint, it's not about the tech.
Here is my take on 7 things to grow in your software development career beyond getting better at the tech. 1. Learning to estimate and planA way to leverage more value from yourself is to lead ot...
05:32 pm GMT - Wed, July 8, 2020
Dev To
5 DevOps Books to Read for FREE
Since its very beginning, DevOps movement has been a pretty vast topic, with many followers worldwide. Considering constant iterations and creation of new software, it becomes clear that to succeed in...
03:52 pm GMT - Wed, July 8, 2020
Dev To
How I'm using Vue Slots on my site
Say hi to the first Vue tidbit Its about time I start covering Vue in my code tidbits, right Use the new named slot shorthand with "#". This is available now in Vue 2.6.0+ <!-- Old --><templ...
03:22 pm GMT - Wed, July 8, 2020
Dev To
How to Build a Virtual Classroom iOS App with Video and Chat
In this tutorial, we'll build an iOS app where students and teachers can interact in a virtual classroom using Stream Chat, to deliver fully featured chat components, and, to provide quality ...
03:19 pm GMT - Wed, July 8, 2020
Dev To
5 things that might surprise a JavaScript beginner/ OO Developer
Follow me on Twitter, happy to take your suggestions on topics or improvements /ChrisTLDR; this is not a critique against JavaScript, it's just acknowledging the fact that it differs a bit from OO lan...
02:13 pm GMT - Wed, July 8, 2020
Dev To
The good first issue myth
This post was originally published on my blog.More and more people are getting involved with open source. Some would like to contribute code, other improve documentation, third test new features and r...
01:47 pm GMT - Wed, July 8, 2020
Dev To
Daily Challenge 266 - Who Likes It?
You probably know the "like" system from Facebook and other pages. People can "like" blog posts, pictures or other items. We want to create the text that should be displayed next to such an item.Imple...
10:36 am GMT - Wed, July 8, 2020
Dev To
Simple Calculator with Dark Mode.
Here's a simple calculator built using HTML, CSS and obviously, JavaScript.This calculator also has dark mode which looks really good. And here's how you can do that:Here's the markup:<!DOCTYPE htm...
10:26 am GMT - Wed, July 8, 2020
Dev To
Slack: You don't have to reply so fast
When we see a new message on Slack, some of us have the urge to reply immediately even though we haven't thought of the full answer. That's fine and natural, and why Slack is great for conversations, ...
09:49 am GMT - Wed, July 8, 2020
Dev To
What do you do to protect yourself from burning out? Share some tips.
Continuously working from home made me realize Im working more than ever before. I noticed I take fewer breaks for example. What do you do to protect yourself from burning out? Share some tips....
08:40 am GMT - Wed, July 8, 2020
Dev To
How Rust Lets Us Monitor 30k API calls/min
At Bearer, we are a polyglot engineering team. Both in spoken languages and programming languages. Our stack is made up of services written in Node.js, Ruby, Elixir, and a handful of others in additio...
06:46 am GMT - Wed, July 8, 2020
Dev To
We don't know how React state hook works
If you prefer watching a video, here is the Youtube version of this articleThis article is about: When is the state updatedThe update queue and lazy computationBatchinguseState vs. useReducerPerforma...
06:10 am GMT - Wed, July 8, 2020
Dev To
Understanding Istio: part 16 Observability / Metrics
Understanding Cloud technologies, like Kubernetes, can be difficult or time-consuming. In order to spread knowledges about it, I started to create sketchnotes about Kubernetes and know it's time to ta...
12:19 am GMT - Wed, July 8, 2020
Dev To
Awesome things for awesome people - June 2020
Because not everyone signs up to my newsletter.Here's a roundup of some of the CodePens I made in June Scroll that triggerScroll to fire a gun! Once upon a timeScroll to tell a story. ...
12:13 am GMT - Wed, July 8, 2020
Dev To
Build A Simple Blog Using PHP and Laravel (Beginner's Guide)
Hey guys! I've completed my first tutorial on PHP and Laravel. I this tutotial, we'll go through the basics of the Laravel framework by building a simple blogging system. Note that this tutorial is on...
12:12 am GMT - Wed, July 8, 2020
Dev To
Recursion Explained (with Examples)
To understand recursion, one must first understand recursion - UnknownRecursion is a method of solving problems where you solve smaller portions of the problem until you solve the original, larger pro...
11:02 pm GMT - Tue, July 7, 2020
Dev To
Seven Deadly Slack Sins (And How to Solve Them with Automation)
All names are fictional and any similarities to any person, living or dead, are purely coincidental, profile pictures are from Unsplash.You can read the original version hereLooks like some offices wi...
10:52 pm GMT - Tue, July 7, 2020
Dev To
React Context and Hooks: An Open Source Project to Understand How They Work
Intermediate level articleThere are different approaches regarding the best ways to learn something new, and one of them is by doing. I agree with that approach, as long as the basics are already clea...
09:11 pm GMT - Tue, July 7, 2020
Dev To
How to design Serverless Apps like a Pro using *Interactive* Serverless Reference Architectures
In order to solve tough software problems we often start with best practices for architectural patterns. Today, that means adopting a serverless approach that handles a lot of scalability and high ava...
09:05 pm GMT - Tue, July 7, 2020
Dev To
The 7 Most Popular DEV Posts from the Past Week
Every Tuesday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take i...
08:58 pm GMT - Tue, July 7, 2020
Dev To
Top 5 free HOSTING sites with Instructions
Getting your website deployed is probably the first thing you want to do and with these 5 sites, you can do it in just minutes. Table of Contents - The order is alphabeticalFirebaseNetlifyRender...
07:45 pm GMT - Tue, July 7, 2020
Dev To
4 YouTube Resources to Get Started with Kubernetes
Kubernetes (K8s) is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy...
03:30 pm GMT - Tue, July 7, 2020
Dev To
Add commit hash version to your Reactapp
ProblemCheck the current build version to be sure that everything is up-to-date. Ideally in some unnoticeable for user place on the page (if you have any reasons not to use console in this case)...
01:54 pm GMT - Tue, July 7, 2020
Dev To
Unit Testing is Overrated
The importance of testing in modern software development is really hard to overstate. Delivering a successful product is not something you do once and forget about but is rather a continuous recurring...
01:48 pm GMT - Tue, July 7, 2020
Dev To
Before building your next static site with React, consider this
Warning: Potentially controversial opinions ahead! Turn back now if Gatsby is your lord and savior, and you serve to protect the React dogma.So I just finished building my shiny new personal site I ...
01:15 pm GMT - Tue, July 7, 2020
Dev To
Daily Challenge 265 - Equal Sides
You are going to be given an array of integers. Your job is to take that array and find an index N where the sum of the integers to the left of N is equal to the sum of the integers to the right of N....
01:08 pm GMT - Tue, July 7, 2020
Dev To
Firefox is the best browser for web-developers
Hello allIn this article, I am going to tell you guys why Firefox is the best browser for web-developers to date in deep. Contents of ArticleBasic Intro Benefits and Features of FirefoxHow I cont...
10:31 am GMT - Tue, July 7, 2020
Dev To
Activate CSS Overview Tab in Chrome
There's a cool new feature in Chrome. It's in the "experimental" features so it's still in development. Steps to activate it you: Open the dev tools - Command+Option+I on Mac & Control+Shift+I on ...
10:21 am GMT - Tue, July 7, 2020
Dev To
What keyboard do you use?
Laptop user here, looking for solid keyboard options to upgrade.What keyboard do you use and why did you choose the particular model?...
09:19 am GMT - Tue, July 7, 2020
Dev To
Scripting for Beginners
The scripting language is a language where instructions are provided for a run time environment. Scripting languages are an integral part of the engineering teams in enterprises. They are often used i...
07:46 am GMT - Tue, July 7, 2020
Dev To
setTimeout() - any drawback?
Recently, I had come across a bug that needed auto-refresh after a certain point of time. And setTimeout() had been used to count down to the time and reload the page. Little did I know that setTimeou...
06:26 am GMT - Tue, July 7, 2020
Dev To
Want to find yourself in web development? Is it too late to start learning how to code?
This is a topic for all those who are wondering how hard it is to make that big step of changing profession and entering this exciting world of programming languages and endless lines of code. This is...
06:20 am GMT - Tue, July 7, 2020
Dev To
Learning React : JS refresher
React uses the most recent version of javascript. If someone already knows this, they should skip this part. let and constIn ES6 (ECMAScript-6), two new ways of creating variable were created in...
10:54 pm GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
Find and Replace elements in Array with JavaScript
This article was originally posted on my blog. Head over to for more articles and tutorials. Check out my JavaScript course on Educative to learn everything from ES6 to ES2019.Array...
10:07 pm GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
7 CSS Tips To Save Your Sanity
Change my mind: CSS is hard. In fact, I preach day in and day out that scalable CSS is one of the more difficult concepts to grasp effectively. Here are 7 tips to help you scale and manage CSS and its...
09:02 pm GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
Starting with State Machine and Xstate!
As a software developer, we all must have heard about state machines at some point in time. A finite state machine is pretty famous in designing algorithms like calculating the output on the basis of ...
09:00 pm GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
Why I Stopped Using Redux
Redux was a revolutionary technology in the React ecosystem. It enabled us to have a global store with immutable data and fixed the issue of prop-drilling in our component tree. For sharing immutab...
07:06 pm GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
Creating a Design System Monorepo
When creating a design system, it's often useful to break things up in to smaller, separate modules (or packages). When you decide to deliver each component separately, or utility modules alongside yo...
05:34 pm GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
An Introduction to the Command Line (it's not as scary as you think!)
YouTube | Twitter | InstagramHey geeks! Today we're going to be talking about the command line. If you're on, chances are you're familiar with the command line and this article may not be super...
04:26 pm GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
Just started learning Vue - any advice?
One advice I already gave myself (after half an hour into the tutorial) is "stop comparing it to React". Maybe you also have one - or maybe you can share a must use resource that will make learning ea...
03:21 pm GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
Search as you type at 60fps with js-coroutines
It's nice to be able to make user interfaces that require the least number of clicks for the user to achieve their goal. For instance, we might want to search a list as we type. The challenge is thou...
03:10 pm GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
Learn and use Composition in JavaScript and TypeScript
Follow me on Twitter, happy to take your suggestions on topics or improvements /ChrisWhat does the word composition mean? Let's start with the verb to compose. Looking up a dictionary you find a lot o...
02:13 pm GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
CSS Animation Without CSS - AOS in Plain JS and React
"CSS is beautiful but hard".Most developers can agree on that statement. In fact many backend developers left the frontend because of the difficulty it posed. CSS Animation is one of the most difficul...
01:14 pm GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
What language or tool are you curious about, but have not found the time to use or learn?
12:54 pm GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
TOP Motivation killers to avoid
Motivation is the secret engine that keeps us going every day. While it's hard to stay motivated all the time, it's important to know a few things that should be avoided, to preserve it. What I t...
12:53 pm GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
Angular Autosave for Forms, Services and NgRx
Saving a user's changes automatically improves user-experience by preventing data loss. Let's see how we can implement autosave behaviors with Angular. Autosave vs. CachingI'm referring to autosa...
12:05 pm GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
Computer Vision is so fun!
I work as a Software Engineer at Endtest.In this article, I will show you how easy it is to use Computer Vision.The term itself sounds intimidating, it might make you think that you need a PhD in Mach...
11:50 am GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
Ascii Text Shader (single text element, no canvas)
I've build a Ascii Text Shader with a single text element and no canvas or glsl on CodePen....
11:08 am GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
Mutation is ok
The phrase - "mutation" started to have almost negative connotation in our programming community. It's like something wrong to mutate. As if we mutate we are not writing our beloved functional code an...
10:58 am GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
What are the most awesome personal projects you have seen?
08:22 am GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
Problem-solving and thedirty dishes principle ofsoftware development
In this story, I would like to explore with you the cost of solving various tasks and problems.More specifically, lets explore how the cost of solving a problem grows with respect to the size of...
08:04 am GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
You dont believe in clean code
It happened again yesterday.I was completely focused on some code when my manager jumped out of nowhere and started shouting: "The cyclomatic complexity is fine and the coupling between packages is ac...
07:57 am GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
Commands for Viewing and Sorting Files
In the last few posts, we looked at I/O Redirection and Piping in Linux System.Today we are going to look at commands that help us in viewing and sorting files.Let's start from the command that we hav...
07:19 am GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
The JavaScript Technical Interview Guide (400 questions)
IntroductionHi devs especially junior devs! For the past 5 months I've been super focused on writing a technical interview guide for juniors who want to break into the web-development industry. ...
07:07 am GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
What's your 'money best spent' on tech?
What's your most valuable tech purchase, considering durability, longevity, quality and price? For me it would be Logitech Wireless Mouse M195. I bought it like a decade ago, never failed me, been dro...
06:08 am GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
A better way to use fetch api in Javascript
I have a kind of love-hate relationship with JavaScript. Nonetheless, it has always intrigued me. I have been working on it for the last 3 years now, watching all the design patterns and learning new ...
04:56 am GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
Top 8 Node.JS Frameworks to Look at in 2020
As more and more programmers move towards a universal programming language, Javascript has been gaining popularity as a go-to language to build web and mobile applications.But before 2009. Developers ...
01:50 am GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
A Simple Introduction to TypeScript
Just over a month ago, Stack Overflow released their annual Developer Survey.Unsurprisingly, JavaScript is still the most commonly used programming language, making it eight years in a row.And while m...
01:23 am GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
How to use BEM
You may have heard of a CSS technique called BEM. It stands for Block Element Modifier, and that is just a naming convention for your CSS elements. Naming conventions are needed for just about every s...
12:06 am GMT - Mon, July 6, 2020
Dev To
My Journey as a self-taught programmer
I intend to write this article purely about my coding journey. I believe every programmer is a self-taught programmer because we cannot become a better programmer without hard work from our side.It wa...
10:54 pm GMT - Sun, July 5, 2020
Dev To
The not so technical guide to being a better front-end developer
When you go online looking for resources on how to become a better front-end developer, you most probably would see things like learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript, then pick a JavaScript framework.....Thi...
10:13 pm GMT - Sun, July 5, 2020
Dev To
Why Should You Care About Pair Programming?
I joined my current company at the beginning of this year and just a month after that the COVID19 lockdown happened, so the whole company ended up working from home. Being the only junior on the team ...
07:25 pm GMT - Sun, July 5, 2020
Dev To
30 Days of Python - Day 15 - Generators
Today I explored all about the concept of generators in Python. The concept of generators exists in the JavaScript world as well. It was introduced in the ES6 version of JavaScript however I haven't u...
05:19 pm GMT - Sun, July 5, 2020
Dev To
Learning React : Introduction
Here I am beginning my react journey. I have chosen a course on Udemy by Maximilian Schwarzmller.And I am planning to write posts about what I have been learning in a series. So that I can refer to th...
05:11 pm GMT - Sun, July 5, 2020
Dev To
When to choose NoSQL over SQL?
The agenda of this blog is simple. Well discuss various parameters that we keep in mind while deciding a perfect database for our Application Service.In terms of data engineering, data pressure is the...
01:49 pm GMT - Sun, July 5, 2020
Dev To
The Nine Buffalo Rule: How to stop writing unreadable code
Nine BuffaloBuffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.The nine-buffalo sentence above is commonly cited as the longest grammatically correct sentence you can write with a s...
01:37 pm GMT - Sun, July 5, 2020
Dev To
js-coroutines gives your code: data indexing and lookup functionality, in idle time
Following user feedback I've added some key "lodash" like functions to the out of the box features of js-coroutines.I've added keyByAsync groupByAsync, includesAsync, uniqueByAsync. Here are all of th...
12:29 pm GMT - Sun, July 5, 2020
Dev To
Twitter Dynamic Name Generator
Twitter dynamic name generator is a pet project in which the twitter profile name updates for every minute with the followers count. I just written this article as a journel note of how I did this.It ...
11:35 am GMT - Sun, July 5, 2020
Dev To
Popularity of flutter is getting higher everyday! If you are thinking about a hybrid app, then most people will suggest to you flutter. I am also going suggest flutter instead of react native. For lea...
11:08 am GMT - Sun, July 5, 2020
Dev To
How do you deal with null vs undefined?
I just recently started refactoring my large scale angular app to Typescript's strict mode. Dealing with lots of null checks the question arose again if I should prefer using undefined over null or vi...
11:04 am GMT - Sun, July 5, 2020
Dev To
Launching GitHub Confirm It!
IdeaWhenever we have to perform any action in from the Danger Zone section of GitHub repository options, such as:Change VisibilityTransfer OwnershipArchive RepositoryDelete RepositoryIt asks to...
10:47 am GMT - Sun, July 5, 2020
Dev To
Credit card number check
For people building an e-commerce website, a payment portal from scratch, here's some thing which you'll find useful! No plugins required!This is the luhn algorithm or luhn formula that checks if the ...
10:21 am GMT - Sun, July 5, 2020
Dev To
5 EXACT alternatives of VSCode!
At the end of the day, Visual Studio Code(or VSC) is a text editor just like notepad or atom or something else. But what makes VSCode special than others? Not sure about you, for me it is...Extensibil...
10:19 am GMT - Sun, July 5, 2020
Dev To
Building a Code Editor for the Web - Introduction
In this video series, we're going to look at how to create our own simple code editor for the web or in the browser. You'll see the process and tools we can use to make something like this as we repli...
05:58 am GMT - Sun, July 5, 2020
Dev To
A Comprehensive Guide to JavaScript - Part 1 - ES6
JavaScript is an amazing programming language for the Web. JavaScript can execute on the browser, the server, or any device for that purpose which has a javascript engine(Chrome - V8 Engine, Firefox -...
04:05 am GMT - Sun, July 5, 2020
Dev To
Design Github profile using
You can Design your Github profile using Username/ repo, this amazing update is under development. If you want to listed your all project, website, all social media link and many other link t...
03:47 am GMT - Sun, July 5, 2020
Dev To
Improveyour productivity when working with React by making these changes in Visual Studio Code
In this article, we will see some of the settings you can do in Visual studio code to improve your productivity when working with ReactSo Let's get started Enable emmet for ReactIf you are HTML/C...
02:39 am GMT - Sun, July 5, 2020
Dev To
The algorithm behind Ctrl F.
Ctrl + F on chrome opens up a search box that is used to find text on a web page, pdf, etc. It's one of the fastest ones I have seen and decided to dig deeper into what's going on.So let's go on a jou...
02:19 am GMT - Sun, July 5, 2020
Dev To
More Techincal Skills for Becoming a Successful Developer
Subscribe to my email list now at me on Twitter at more articles at more articles at http://thewe...
01:35 am GMT - Sun, July 5, 2020
Dev To
Secure your Data API from Web Scrapers
I do a lot of data scraping on the web, and one of the first things I look for is an API. Even if the platform doesn't provide a publicly documented API, generally they will probably have some sort of...
01:26 am GMT - Sun, July 5, 2020
Dev To
The 9-Step Plan For Becoming Dangerous In Any Language
Regardless of tenure, learning a new language is akin to climbing a new mountain. There are new challenges, unfamiliar domains and a whole community out there to discover!There are many reasons to lea...
11:50 pm GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
Python: Fun Function Facts
(Assuming that) we all know what a python function is; I want to show some hacks that might help you. (1) Optional parametersdef hi(name, age=18): print(f"Hi {name} who is {age} years old!")Here...
11:07 pm GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
Git blame should be called git credit
Positive languageLanguage is important, really important. How we express our ideas and our desires has a big impact on how our words will be received. Positive statements get more quickly receiv...
11:00 pm GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
Protecting images on your website
While this is not going to completely stop your images from being ripped off of your website, it will help prevent someone from using the common ways they would usually get an image save to their comp...
10:41 pm GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
Javascript (ES2020) **Nullish Coalescing_( ?? ) and Optional Chaining ( ?. )Explained
Nullish Coalescing operator ( ?? )It is a logical operator that returns its right-hand side operand when its left-hand side operand is null or undefined, and otherwise returns its left-hand side...
09:23 pm GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
A St-St-Stuttering Developer
Do you know someone who stutters? I stutter. My stutter doesn't hold me back from being a developer. What is a stutter?A stutter, which can also be more formally known as a stammer is a type of s...
09:01 pm GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
Different Ways to Center a Div in a Webpage
One of the most common things you might be doing as a web developer is to centre a div on a webpage. So, in this small post, I'm going to discuss 3 different ways to centre a div on a webpage. Disclai...
08:55 pm GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
A selfish reason to contribute to open source
About a month ago, a recruiter at Google told me me that if I didn't get an internship at Google this Fall, the closest thing I could get to an internship is to regularly contribute to an open source ...
08:26 pm GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
How my portfolio got a SEO score of 100 ?
Hi there!The reason why you're here is probably because you wanna know what I did to achieve a SEO score of 100 on lighthouse.Link to my portfolio website is at the bottom.I will lay out all my tips a...
08:07 pm GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
Basic RegEx in Javascript for beginners
What is regular expressionThis is a sequence of character that define a search pattern in a form or text. It is used in popular languages like Javascript, Go, Python, Java, C# which supports reg...
06:43 pm GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
My website now loads in less than 2 sec! Here's how I did it!
Hi there!The reason why you're here is probably because you wanna know what I did to load my portfolio website in just 1.8 seconds and achieved a performance score of 94 on lighthouse.Link to my portf...
06:36 pm GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
Legacy application code review - Part 1: The big picture
This post is the first part in a series about what to look for when inheriting a legacy code base. This post will focus on looking at the big picture of the application and how the system fits togethe...
05:52 pm GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
Hey Python , say cheese
Hey, I welcome back y'all to the sixth edition of the series can-python-do-that. I hope you find this post informative.This week let's surf over three image processing libraries in python .Scikit Ima...
05:48 pm GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
Javascript Explained | Sketch-notes PART3
Hey There! Here are the past week's #sketchnotes that I created for my 'You Don't know JS' series that I post on twitter:This one shows how scope is treated differently for variables declared using va...
05:01 pm GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
A Guide for Contributing to Any Open Source JavaScript Project Ever
Lately, I had people asking how can they contribute to open-source projects when the codebase is large, or issues are taken, or good first issues seem difficult. Initially, I've faced these questions ...
04:30 pm GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
Creating a Todo List App with React (using Hooks and Contexts)
One of the things that has worked out for me while learning a new language or framework is to create a small app as soon as I have learned a few crucial concepts. What better way to learn than to appl...
03:44 pm GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
Dog Breed Classifier Using CNN Algorithms
Over thousands of years, dogs helped humans hunt and manage livestock, guarded home and farm, and played critical roles in major wars. The contrast of talent and apparent patterns along with emotional...
03:36 pm GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
I'm hosting a workshop at CodeLand:Distributed
A few months back, I submitted a couple of workshop ideas for the Codeland conference. Since then, the world has changed quite a bit, the conference moved online... and one of the ideas got picked!Thi...
03:28 pm GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
Big-O For the Non-CS Degree - Part 2
If youre reading this, and havent read part one in the series I recommend reading that first. There we went over constant, logarithmic, and linear time complexities as well as examples of each.In this...
02:30 pm GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
Terraform simply explained
With the below Terraform Tutorial you'll get a good overview of what Terraform is, how Terraform works, how it does its job to get started quickly.The video covers the following: What is Terraf...
01:40 pm GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
Python pro tips
Learn useful tricks and concepts to write smarter scripts and prevent bad errors in Python. Use get() with dictionariesIn Python, dictionaries are collections of data with key-value pairs.A direc...
11:30 am GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
Event Bubbling and Event Capturing in Javascript
The interactivity of our HTML web page is handled by Javascript. This interactivity is nothing but a bunch of events that the HTML elements undergo. An event can be something the browser does or somet...
07:12 am GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
SEO For Django: 5 Methods To Improve SEO
This Week I decide to look into improving the SEO of my personal website. I don't know much about it, but after some research I found few things developers can do on their Django websites to improve y...
05:55 am GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
Clojure 101 / threading macros
When you have deeply nested functions or transformations, it might help you to consider a thread macro which helps the readability of your code. (-> x & forms)-> is the thread-first mac...
05:08 am GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
Build your React App Faster!
So I guess most of you must be wondering from the title that how can I build my apps faster. Is there some sort of extension for autocomplete or some niche little vscode tricks to get your development...
03:54 am GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
The best way to Dark Mode your Website.
Dark mode has been there for a while now. From apps to websites, its influence on the people has been really great. It's no wonder why everyone would love to have a switch to dark mode option in their...
03:31 am GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
Fullstack Project Planning
So, this week I meant to put up the next post in my MERN stack project series, but I realized that I was leaving out a huge part of the project-process by not talking about proper project planning. Fo...
02:58 am GMT - Sat, July 4, 2020
Dev To
How to create load more logic in React
So usually we prefer to use load more logic using the backend api where we pass the skip value and it will return us the next set of data but what if we want to implement same logic in frontend for so...
11:41 pm GMT - Fri, July 3, 2020
Dev To
Top 3 Things to Drop From Resumes - Discuss Additional!
As always, I'm helping people put together resumes and get re-employed during this whole pandemic induced depression we're barreling into. In light of that I've noticed a bunch of stuff on resumes tha...
10:57 pm GMT - Fri, July 3, 2020
Dev To
Rails Caching, Pt. 1
I've been exploring caching recently, mostly at a high level to better understand the importance of a cache and what goes on behind the scenes (check out Cache Me If You Can and Implementing an LRU Ca...
10:30 pm GMT - Fri, July 3, 2020
Dev To
I Created a Responsive Portfolio Website Using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript
I already had a portfolio but it was created by others. But now have created my portfolio from scratch using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and javascript.Tell me, what amazes you? What should I change?Here is...
09:10 pm GMT - Fri, July 3, 2020
Dev To
How To Install Jenkins on Ubuntu 20.04
IntroductionWhen faced with repetitive technical tasks, finding automation solutions that work can be a chore. With Jenkins, an open-source automation server, you can efficiently manage tasks fr...
08:15 pm GMT - Fri, July 3, 2020
Dev To
The State Pattern Exemplified
The State Pattern ExemplifiedSource on GitHub: this article I'd like to introduce the State Pattern and show how it can be implement...
07:27 pm GMT - Fri, July 3, 2020
Dev To
Create node-react-docker apps easily
Every time that we start a new project, even to play around with new technologies in express/node/react. We need to configure a bunch of things, and that can be a little boring.That's why I've created...
06:44 pm GMT - Fri, July 3, 2020
Dev To
PHP Composer: Speed Up Your Docker Build
Once I was disappointed at dockerizing Nodejs applications. Runing npm install was like leaving earth for mars. Thanks to Yarn for saving my ass. But nowadays PHP composer has taken that place. Runnin...
06:26 pm GMT - Fri, July 3, 2020
Dev To
How to Design Better Types in Typescript by Following One Simple Principle
All maintainable, long-lived React codebases that are a joy to work with, even after years, share one thing:They consist of components that are built around data, that has the right structure.One of m...
06:15 pm GMT - Fri, July 3, 2020
Dev To
JavaScript: How to Remove Duplicate Values from Arrays
Originally posted on Will's blogIn a previous post we saw how to determine whether a JavaScript array contains duplicate values. Today, I want to show a few different methods I've found for removing d...
05:58 pm GMT - Fri, July 3, 2020
Dev To
Creating a dataset for your ML project.
The problem.I sat out to work on a machine learning project yesterday. I grabbed my cup of coffee and was so motivated to start this project.The first thing I wanted to search for, was a good da...
03:21 pm GMT - Fri, July 3, 2020
Dev To
Software architecture diagrams - which tool should we use?
In Modelling software architecture with PlantUML, I showed you a way to generate multiple software architecture diagrams in PlantUML format, all from a single definition of a model and views. That def...
03:09 pm GMT - Fri, July 3, 2020
Dev To
Paid Developer tools you cant live without?
In general, I believe most Developers always tend to look for using Free or Open Source Tools. And the fact is, thanks to the amazing community of Open Source Developers, you can have all the essentia...
01:45 pm GMT - Fri, July 3, 2020
Dev To
6 essential tools you should know before launching your website
Before you launch your shiny new website, use these tools to make sure that your site is compliant, secure, high performing, and can be easily discovered by your audience. HTML ValidatorsThese to...
01:01 pm GMT - Fri, July 3, 2020
Dev To
Getting started with state management using react-sweet-state
Compared to other state management libraries, react-sweet-state is a relatively obscure one. However it is what I use day-to-day in my job at Atlassian - and I think it's pretty cool! Similar to my pr...
12:50 pm GMT - Fri, July 3, 2020
Dev To
How not to fail the "take home" test
As a senior dev I have done take home tests multiple times and I have also graded them. Every place has their own criteria, so no universal truth exists, however I can give you multiple types of ammo ...
12:41 pm GMT - Fri, July 3, 2020
Dev To
Build an amazing Job Search App using React
In this article, we will build a beautiful Job search app using Github Jobs APIBy building this App, you will learn:How to lazy load images in ReactHow to use React Context API for sharing data betwee...
11:27 am GMT - Fri, July 3, 2020
Dev To
Python is an amazing programming language to learn. If you are thinking about data science or machine learning then python is the language you need to know! I know a lot of developers are interested t...
10:01 am GMT - Fri, July 3, 2020
Dev To
Whiteboard: React Hooks
We have talked before in Text Recorder: React States, Event Handling and Conditional Rendering about states and how to set them and handle their changes. That was while using Class components, but of ...
08:24 am GMT - Fri, July 3, 2020
Dev To
Dynamic Pages using React Router
Hey there! If you've ever visited a site with a bunch of different users with different content from each user such as a blogging site, social media or even, you've probably noticed that each p...
07:37 am GMT - Fri, July 3, 2020
Dev To
5 tips for supercharged Laravel Eloquent queries
I've been working with Laravel for the last five years or so, and over that time I've come across a few cases where I needed a unique or atypical way of returning a piece of data from my application. ...
06:39 am GMT - Fri, July 3, 2020
Dev To
60fps with Functional Programming in idle time
js-coroutines has been able to process standard functions like parsing and stringifying JSON, or compressing data in idle time since it was launched - splitting up jobs over multiple frames so that ev...
04:06 am GMT - Fri, July 3, 2020
Dev To
Lessons and Regrets from My $25000 Launch
ICYMI, I launched my first book yesterday! So now for what has become tradition - passing on lessons and regrets from new maker to aspiring makers! As with basically everything I do, I am not an exper...
09:48 pm GMT - Thu, July 2, 2020
Dev To
How to Solve Sock Merchant Code Challenge
I started the Interview Preparation Kit on Hacker Rank yesterday. The thought of why not sharing how I solve those problems came to my mind. And here I am!In this article, I'll use the UPER (Underst...
09:48 pm GMT - Thu, July 2, 2020
Dev To
AWS Billing and Pricing
AWS BudgetsAWS Budgets is a service that helps you plan service usage, service costs, and instance reservations.Note: First two budgets are free of charge.Each budget is $0.02 per day with a 20,...
09:12 pm GMT - Thu, July 2, 2020
Dev To
Bash: How To Teleport In The Terminal
OverviewToday, I'm going to be sharing a little trick I use to teleport around my terminal with ease. Do you change to your project directory like this?> ~$ cd Documents> ~/Documents$ cd p...
07:47 pm GMT - Thu, July 2, 2020
Dev To
How I went from Frontend Dev to Machine Learning Engineer
This is the story of how I went from zero to do real client work on Machine Learning. I want to keep this article short so you can grab what's useful for you and leave. But, if you're interested in th...
07:35 pm GMT - Thu, July 2, 2020
Dev To
How you can learn Closures in JavaScript and understand when to use them
Follow me on Twitter, happy to take your suggestions on topics or improvements /Chrisif you are like me, you hear concepts like lexical environments, closure, execution context and you're like yep I h...
06:39 pm GMT - Thu, July 2, 2020
Dev To
Survival package (not just) for devOps newbies
Welcome to your company!Landing at a big software corporation can be tough, especially if their onboarding process is outdated - which often is!- along with their unmaintained wiki pages and wor...
06:16 pm GMT - Thu, July 2, 2020
Dev To
Top 5 DEV Comments from the Past Week
This is a weekly roundup of awesome DEV comments that you may have missed. You are welcome and encouraged to boost posts and comments yourself using the #bestofdev tag.What @habereders coworkers lack...
05:26 pm GMT - Thu, July 2, 2020
Dev To
Share your experience with feelings of embarrassment during code reviews
The format of DEV's first official podcast, DevDiscuss, begins with an interview and ends with commentary from the community.For this weeks episode, we want to know...Have you ever felt embarrassed or...
05:24 pm GMT - Thu, July 2, 2020
Dev To
4 Ground-breaking JavaScript features of the future
Ever since the release of ECMAScript 6 (ES6), JavaScript has been enjoying a very lively and vibrant development. Thanks to the now-yearly release cycle of the ECMA-262 standard and hard work of a...
02:11 pm GMT - Thu, July 2, 2020
Dev To
Daily Challenge 264 - Digital Root
Digital root is the recursive sum of all the digits in a number. Given n, take the sum of the digits of n. If that value has more than one digit, continue reducing in this way until a single-digit num...
01:36 pm GMT - Thu, July 2, 2020
Dev To
Unraveling the Azure Maya Mystery and Building A World
Art by Dana Moot II Story of a MansionLast Hallowe'en, it was my pleasure to help launch the Azure Mystery Mansion, a text-based game built using Twine. Users explore the various rooms of an old ...
01:17 pm GMT - Thu, July 2, 2020
Dev To
What are your favorite coding podcasts?
It's 2020, the software landscape is always coming up with new media, and at the same time others suffer degrading quality.What are your favorite shows right now and going forward?...
01:10 pm GMT - Thu, July 2, 2020
Dev To
8 Projects with Designs you can do to Become Front-end developer
IntroductionThese are 8 projects with requirements and designs that you can do to become a Front-end developer. The order is from easy to intermediate 1. Reusable ButtonOne best way to star...
12:57 pm GMT - Thu, July 2, 2020
Dev To
What The Webpack
Webpack can seem overwhelming and something you might have avoided learning about when building out react applications. But it is pretty simple to set up and create yourself, for you react apps. This ...
12:39 pm GMT - Thu, July 2, 2020
Dev To
The Concept of Domain-Driven Design Explained
Using microservices means creating applications from loosely coupling services. The application consists of several small services, each representing a separate business goal. They can be developed an...
11:04 am GMT - Thu, July 2, 2020
Dev To
Understanding Hoisting
IntroductionBefore we talk about hoisting, it is important to understand how the JavaScript engine looks at the code, interprets, and runs it. Once we understand this, hoisting becomes straight ...
10:13 am GMT - Thu, July 2, 2020
Dev To
Share your portfolio - I'll review it in a video
When I started developing websites about ten years ago, one of the hardest things was to get someone else's opinion for my pages.That's why I'm now trying to help others out by reviewing their portfol...
09:12 am GMT - Thu, July 2, 2020
Dev To
Learn to Code in 6 Simple Steps
What can you do with coding? You know you can become a valuable resource to employers or even become a freelance developer. As the coding industry is exploding, learning coding skills has become an in...
07:06 am GMT - Thu, July 2, 2020
Dev To
Understanding Istio: part 14 Authorization with JWT
Understanding Cloud technologies, like Kubernetes, can be difficult or time-consuming. In order to spread knowledges about it, I started to create sketchnotes about Kubernetes and know it's time to ta...
04:21 am GMT - Thu, July 2, 2020
Dev To
Do not just use color to convey information
Using colors to emphasize information is great. They help distinguish the content and make it easier to identify while making it more stylish for the users. But it needs to be a booster something that...
12:18 am GMT - Thu, July 2, 2020
Dev To
Implementing Stacks with JavaScript
While arrays allow us to add or remove elements at any index, sometimes we need a data structure where we have more control over adding and removing items. In this article, I am going to explain what ...
11:17 pm GMT - Wed, July 1, 2020
Dev To
Best Markdown Editor
OverviewBest Markdown Editor is a website I built recently to help me write, edit, and export all of my markdown files. I created this because I felt a need to consolidate and simplify my markdo...
08:53 pm GMT - Wed, July 1, 2020
Dev To
How To Install Git from Source on Ubuntu 20.04
IntroductionVersion control systems like Git are essential to modern software development best practices. Versioning allows you to keep track of your software at the source level. You can track ...
07:09 pm GMT - Wed, July 1, 2020
Dev To
Animate website content with JavaScript and CSS
This article will explain how to add visual effects or animation to your website content with just 5 lines of JavaScript and a few lines of CSS. As we all know that adding visual effects to web pages ...
06:22 pm GMT - Wed, July 1, 2020
Dev To
OAuth & Heroku Play Nice
Hosting my Rails app on Heroku was A Lot. But that story ended in success!And yet, when I tried to log in using Google, no dice. My OAuth authentication that worked seamlessly prior to hosting on Hero...
05:45 pm GMT - Wed, July 1, 2020
Dev To
Taking Notion to the Next Level
I've recently been on a big Notion kick recently, spending a lot of time watching videos on Notion and re-organizing my pages. It's been inspirational to see the various ways other people have structu...
05:41 pm GMT - Wed, July 1, 2020
Dev To
DevDiscuss Episode 9: How to Develop for Neurodiversity and Universal Accessibility
S1:E9 - How to Develop for Neurodiversity and Universal Design DevDiscuss Your browser does not support the audio element...
05:22 pm GMT - Wed, July 1, 2020
Dev To
So I joined the Code First Girls Coding Kickstarter - (Remote) Introduction to Web Development
It was a bright Monday morning that I was browsing the infamous web in search of something to do. Upon the third time scrolling through my Twitter, I came across an organization that led me down a rab...
04:02 pm GMT - Wed, July 1, 2020
Dev To
Building a decentralized web is hard. Who's in?
The first web page went live on August 6, 1991. It was dedicated to information on the World Wide Web project. The engineer behind the project was Tim Berners-Lee (who I blew off once) and his vision ...
03:44 pm GMT - Wed, July 1, 2020
Dev To
From no programming experience to web developer in 19 small steps
Youtube | Twitter | InstagramSometimes it's really hard to know where to start. You make this decision that you want to become a web developer, and you do a bitta Googling, and suddenly you just have ...
03:01 pm GMT - Wed, July 1, 2020
Dev To
Overcoming the Mental Struggles of Finding a Developer Job
The Struggle of Finding a JobLanding a new job is difficult, no matter how confident or experienced you are. New developers can feel like imposters. Established developers can start confident th...
02:28 pm GMT - Wed, July 1, 2020
Dev To
JulyOT - A month dedicated to learning and building IoT Projects
Attention all makers, students, tinkerers, hardware hackers, and professional IoT developers! The month of #JulyOT is here! To celebrate, we have curated a collection of content - blog posts, hands-...
01:51 pm GMT - Wed, July 1, 2020
Dev To
How to Build a Content Moderation Service with Node.js, TensorFlowJS, and ReactJS. Part 1: Restful API Service
The Open-Source Content Moderation Service we have prepared for you is so simple and elegant to use, that even if you do not have any knowledge about algorithms, it wont matter! You just need to know,...
01:16 pm GMT - Wed, July 1, 2020
Dev To
What not-so-popular newsletters would you recommend?
What are some not-so-well-known IT newsletters that you would recommend? A newsletter that is a hidden gem, but sometimes overlooked because it is not from a major company or a popular developer.For e...
01:11 pm GMT - Wed, July 1, 2020
Dev To
J.A.R.V.I.S is now READY!
J.A.R.V.I.S Python powered AI Requirements:datetimeos pyttsx3 wikipedia speech_recognition webbrowser sys smtplibrequestsjsondefflibgeocoderurllib What it does...Send Gmail messa...
05:40 am GMT - Wed, July 1, 2020
Dev To
The two universes of programming! OOP and FP!
Hey there community!A lot of people getting into programming hear two words really often! OOP and FP! Which OOP has the advantage in their mind since it is heard more often.Here I will explain ...
03:51 am GMT - Wed, July 1, 2020
Dev To
My Top 10 VS Code Extensions
Today, I am going to take a slight break from writing about JavaScript and re-visit my favorite editor, Visual Studio Code or VS Code. We are going to go over my top 10 extensions. AndromedaAndro...
01:10 am GMT - Wed, July 1, 2020
Dev To
Comparing the same web scraper in Haskell, Python, Go
So this project started with a need - or, not really a need, but an annoyance I realized would be a good opportunity to strengthen my Haskell, even if the solution probably wasn't worth it in the end....
12:44 am GMT - Wed, July 1, 2020
Dev To
Ways to keep all your Github projects up and running!
We upload our projects on GitHub repositories, Won't that be really cool if we can keep them live and running. For this, we generally host our application on Netlify or Heroku and other different plat...
11:40 pm GMT - Tue, June 30, 2020
Dev To
How to search faster in Vim with FZF.vim
One thing that modern text editors/ IDEs got right that Vim didn't is how easy it is to find files and to find in files with modern editors/IDEs. In this article, I will show you how to use FZF.vim to...
11:15 pm GMT - Tue, June 30, 2020
Dev To
async/await: under the hood
I'm really interested in concurrency strategies in programming languages, and because there's a lot of written research out there on the topic, you can find lots of strategies out there. When you look...
10:40 pm GMT - Tue, June 30, 2020
Dev To
How to create a sticky Website footer in 5 different ways
Cover photo by Sean Pollock on Unsplash. IntroductionMost Website have two components in common which are header and footer. The header is always found at the top of the Web page and the footer, ...
09:20 pm GMT - Tue, June 30, 2020
Dev To
React - how to use pseudo-selectors with Radium
If you're a fan of using inline styling and you find it difficult to deal with things like pseudo-selectors or media queries in React, one of the solutions for you could be Radium.As specified on thei...
09:15 pm GMT - Tue, June 30, 2020
Dev To
Progressive Web Apps: Practical Usage Guide
There are a lot of articles about PWA that tell in detail what it is and how to set it up. Yet you may not always understand them from the first time.My goal is to provide basic information in simple ...
07:34 pm GMT - Tue, June 30, 2020
Dev To
My custom CSS Hacks
After many years of experience with UI and web design i have collected a small but nice list of my favoite CSS hacks that I use on pretty much every project, app or website.I hope you can learn from t...
05:42 pm GMT - Tue, June 30, 2020
Dev To
Database Architectures & Use Cases - Explained
With over 300 databases on the market, how do you determine which is right for your specific use case or skill set?We continue to see the common debate of SQL vs. NoSQL and other database compar...
05:19 pm GMT - Tue, June 30, 2020
Dev To
The 7 Most Popular DEV Posts from the Past Week
Every Tuesday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take i...
04:29 pm GMT - Tue, June 30, 2020
Dev To
Handling webhooks with EventBridge, SAM and SAR
Applications I worked on in the last decade were rarely isolated from the rest of the world. Most of the time, they had many interactions with other applications out there. From time to time, some of ...
04:21 pm GMT - Tue, June 30, 2020
Dev To
Behind the scenes of the internet: How the web works in 5 simple steps.
Whenever you type some website URL in your web browser like or post a story on Instagram or even check your email you are using the internet in one or the other way. But how does this a...
04:00 pm GMT - Tue, June 30, 2020
Dev To
6 Use Cases of Spread with Array in JavaScript
Here are 6 ways to use the Spread operator with Array in JavaScript. You can use it to merge or clone an array. Or use it to convert iterables to an array.// Merge Array[...array1, ...array2]// Clone ...
03:43 pm GMT - Tue, June 30, 2020
Dev To
Is It Okay To Have a Certain 'Niche' as a Front-End Dev?
This August, I am planning to start freelancing as a front-end developer (or even land a decent job for it as a student). However, I consider myself as someone who's not very 'creative' with design. W...
01:58 pm GMT - Tue, June 30, 2020
Dev To
Postman vs Insomnia: which API testing tool do you use?
API testing is a crucial part of web development, allowing us to pass a specific set of data (or not) to application and making sure the expected response is returned, without using fancy UIs.Currentl...
01:22 pm GMT - Tue, June 30, 2020
Dev To Skynox
This post is about the collaboration of my company, Skynox Tech, with DEV. Yes, this very platform you're reading this post on. This post is one I've been dying to write for months! A Serendipito...
11:25 am GMT - Tue, June 30, 2020
Dev To
When things are back to normal, will you be working from home or in an office?
In a year from now if the world has returned to "normal", do you see yourself working from home or an office, and do you have any say in the matter?...
10:51 am GMT - Tue, June 30, 2020
Dev To
What are you using for your documentation?
Hi everyone,I am sure there is no "best" tool for it but what are your recommendations for documentation. It should support MDX.Gatsby has some nice themes for documentationthere is Docz which is buil...
08:42 am GMT - Tue, June 30, 2020
Dev To
How I got a full-stack internship as a beginner.
I still remember the day I got my IELTS and GRE test scores. I got a decent 7.5 in IELTS and 301 in GRE. With these, I was ready to apply to the universities in the US, for masters in CS. Everything w...
07:44 am GMT - Tue, June 30, 2020
Dev To
My Minimal Linux Setup 2020
My preferred Os of choice is Linux, and with that, I often spend quite a lot of time setting up my environment. After 'distro' hopping, PopOS is my distro of choice. My bare minimum includes: . Git. N...
05:34 am GMT - Tue, June 30, 2020
Dev To
1 Simple Trick to Boost Performance Using Reduce
Have you ever realised that using a map followed by a filter, or vice versa, is quite common? Did you know that you could half the computation time needed if you just used a reduce instead? We will be...
04:59 am GMT - Tue, June 30, 2020
Dev To live conference from Google
Hey all! The virtual conference is going to be conducted for 3 days. June 30, July 1st, July 2nd. It is packed with a lot of content just like any other Google Conference. You will also be a...
02:50 am GMT - Tue, June 30, 2020
Dev To
More Ways to Level Up as a Developer
Subscribe to my email list now at me on Twitter at more articles at more articles at http://thewe...
02:28 am GMT - Tue, June 30, 2020
Dev To
weird and curious things in javascript
javascript was the first programming language I learned, but javascript is not a very intuitive this post list some curiosities of javascript and I will try to explain them. #1 w...