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January 20, 2023 11:50 pm GMT

Building a Data Lakehouse for Analyzing Elon Musk Tweets using MinIO, Apache Airflow, Apache Drill and Apache Superset

Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one's self-esteem. That is why young children, before they are aware of their own self-importance, learn so easily.
Thomas Szasz


A Data Lakehouse is a modern data architecture that combines the scalability and flexibility of a data lake with the governance and performance of a data warehouse. This approach allows organizations to store and analyze large amounts of structured and unstructured data in a single platform, enabling more efficient and effective data-driven decision making.

To deep dive in this, we will build a Data lakehouse solution for analyzing tweets from Elon Musk using MinIO as storage, Apache Drill as query engine, Apache Superset for visualization and Apache Airflow for orchestration. This article will take you through the process of building and utilizing this solution to gain insights and make data-driven decisions.

Then, well use Docker-Compose to easily deploy our solution.


Table of Content

  • What is Apache Airflow?
  • What is MinIO ?
  • What is Apache Drill ?
  • What is Apache Superset ?
  • Code
    • get_twitter_data()
    • clean_twitter_data()
    • write_to_bucket()
    • DAG (Direct Acyclic Graph)
    • Apache Drill Configuration
    • Apache Superset Configuration
    • docker-compose & .env files
  • Result

What is Apache Airflow

Airflow is a platform created by the community to programmatically author, schedule and monitor workflows.

Apache Airflow is an opensource workflow orchestration written in Python. It uses DAG (Direct Acyclic Graphs) to represent workflows. It is highly customizable/flexible and have a quite active community.

You can read more here.

What is MinIO

MinIO offers high-performance, S3 compatible object storage.

MinIO is an opensource Multi-cloud Object Storage and fully compatible with AWS s3. With MinIO you can host your own on-premises or cloud Object storage.

You ca read more here.

What is Apache Drill

Schema-free SQL Query Engine for Hadoop, NoSQL and Cloud Storage.

MinIO is an opensource Multi-cloud Object Storage and fully compatible with AWS s3. With MinIO you can host your own on-premises or cloud Object storage.

You ca read more here.

What is Apache Superset

Apache Superset is a modern data exploration and visualization platform.

Superset is fast, lightweight, intuitive, and loaded with options that make it easy for users of all skill sets to explore and visualize their data, from simple line charts to highly detailed geospatial charts.

You ca read more here.


The full code can be accessed here:

Source code:


Below is the python Task that pulls Elons tweets from Twitter API into a Python list:

import osimport jsonimport requestsfrom airflow.decorators import dag, task@taskdef get_twitter_data():    TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN = os.getenv("TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN")    # Get tweets using Twitter API v2 & Bearer Token    BASE_URL = ""    USERNAME = "elonmusk"    FIELDS = {"created_at", "lang", "attachments", "public_metrics", "text", "author_id"}    url = f"{BASE_URL}?query=from:{USERNAME}&tweet.fields={','.join(FIELDS)}&expansions=author_id&max_results=50"    response = requests.get(url=url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN}"})    response = json.loads(response.content)    print(response)    data = response["data"]    includes = response["includes"]    return data, includes


Below is the python Task that cleans & transform the tweets in the right format:

from uuid import uuid4from datetime import datetimefrom airflow.decorators import dag, task@taskdef clean_twitter_data(tweets_data):    data, includes = tweets_data    batchId = str(uuid4()).replace("-", "")    batchDatetime ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")    # Refine tweets data    tweet_list = []    for tweet in data:        refined_tweet = {            "tweet_id": tweet["id"],            "username": includes["users"][0]["username"],  # Get username from the included data            "user_id": tweet["author_id"],            "text": tweet["text"],            "like_count": tweet["public_metrics"]["like_count"],            "retweet_count": tweet["public_metrics"]["retweet_count"],            "created_at": tweet["created_at"],            "batchID": batchId,            "batchDatetime": batchDatetime,        }        tweet_list.append(refined_tweet)    return tweet_list, batchDatetime, batchId


Below is the python task transforms the tweets list into a Pandas Dataframe, then writes it in our MinIO Object Storage as a Parquet file.

import osfrom airflow.decorators import dag, task@taskdef write_to_bucket(data):    tweet_list, batchDatetime_str, batchId = data    batchDatetime = datetime.strptime(batchDatetime_str, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")    import pandas as pd    from minio import Minio    from io import BytesIO    MINIO_BUCKET_NAME = os.getenv("MINIO_BUCKET_NAME")    MINIO_ROOT_USER = os.getenv("MINIO_ROOT_USER")    MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD = os.getenv("MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD")    df = pd.DataFrame(tweet_list)    file_data = df.to_parquet(index=False)    client = Minio("minio:9000", access_key=MINIO_ROOT_USER, secret_key=MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD, secure=False)    # Make MINIO_BUCKET_NAME if not exist.    found = client.bucket_exists(MINIO_BUCKET_NAME)    if not found:        client.make_bucket(MINIO_BUCKET_NAME)    else:        print(f"Bucket '{MINIO_BUCKET_NAME}' already exists!")    # Put parquet data in the bucket    filename = (        f"tweets/{batchDatetime.strftime('%Y/%m/%d')}/elon_tweets_{batchDatetime.strftime('%H%M%S')}_{batchId}.parquet"    )    client.put_object(        MINIO_BUCKET_NAME, filename, data=BytesIO(file_data), length=len(file_data), content_type="application/csv"    )

DAG (Direct Acyclic Graph)

Below is the DAG itself that allows specifying the dependencies between tasks:

from datetime import datetimefrom airflow.decorators import dag, task@dag(    schedule="0 * * * *",    start_date=datetime(2023, 1, 10),    catchup=False,    tags=["twitter", "etl"],)def twitter_etl():    raw_data = get_twitter_data()    cleaned_data = clean_twitter_data(raw_data)    write_to_bucket(cleaned_data)twitter_etl()

Apache Drill Configuration

  • To grant Apache Drill access to our MinIO (s3) bucket, we need to defining Access Keys in the Drill core-site.xml file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><configuration>    <property>        <name>fs.s3a.access.key</name>        <value>minioadmin</value>    </property>    <property>        <name>fs.s3a.secret.key</name>        <value>minioadmin</value>    </property>    <property>      <name>fs.s3a.endpoint</name>      <value>http://minio:9000</value>    </property>    <property>      <name>fs.s3a.connection.ssl.enabled</name>      <value>false</value>    </property>    <property>      <name></name>      <value>true</value>    </property></configuration>
  • Next, well configure the S3 Storage Plugin to specify the buckets to be access by Apache Drill in the storage-plugins-override.conf file:

    "storage": {  s3: {    type: "file",    connection: "s3a://twitter-data",    workspaces: {      "root": {        "location": "/",        "writable": false,        "defaultInputFormat": null,        "allowAccessOutsideWorkspace": false      }    },    formats: {      "parquet": {        "type": "parquet"      },      "csv" : {        "type" : "text",        "extensions" : [ "csv" ]      }    },    enabled: true  }}

You can read more here.

Apache Superset Configuration

To be able to query Apache-Drill, we need to build a custom image of apache/superset using superset_drill.Dockerfile:

FROM apache/superset# Switching to root to install the required packagesUSER root# install requirements for Apache DrillRUN pip install sqlalchemy-drill# Switching back to using the `superset` userUSER superset

You can read more here.

docker-compose & .env files

Below is the .env file that we need to create that hold the environmental variables needed to run our pipeline:

You can read this to learn our to generate the TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN.


And below is the docker-compose.yaml file that allow to spin up the needed infrastructure for our pipeline:

version: '3.4'x-common:  &common  image: apache/airflow:2.5.0  user: "${AIRFLOW_UID}:0"  env_file:    - .env  volumes:    - ./app/dags:/opt/airflow/dags    - ./app/logs:/opt/airflow/logsx-depends-on:  &depends-on  depends_on:    postgres:      condition: service_healthy    airflow-init:      condition: service_completed_successfullyservices:  minio:    image: minio/minio:latest    ports:      - '9000:9000'      - '9090:9090'    volumes:      - './data:/data'    env_file:      - .env    command: server --console-address ":9090" /data    healthcheck:      test:        [          "CMD",          "curl",          "-f",          "http://localhost:9000/minio/health/live"        ]      interval: 30s      timeout: 20s      retries: 3  drill:    env_file:      - .env    image: apache/drill:latest    ports:      - '8047:8047'      - '31010:31010'    volumes:      # If needed, override default settings      - ./conf/drill/core-site.xml:/opt/drill/conf/core-site.xml      # Register default storage plugins      - ./conf/drill/storage-plugins-override.conf:/opt/drill/conf/storage-plugins-override.conf    stdin_open: true    tty: true  superset_drill:    env_file:      - .env    ports:      - '8088:8088'    build:      context: .      dockerfile: superset_drill.Dockerfile    volumes:      - ./superset.db:/app/superset_home/superset.db  postgres:    image: postgres:13    container_name: postgres    ports:      - "5433:5432"    healthcheck:      test: [ "CMD", "pg_isready", "-U", "airflow" ]      interval: 5s      retries: 5    env_file:      - .env  scheduler:    <<: *common    <<: *depends-on    container_name: airflow-scheduler    command: scheduler    restart: on-failure    ports:      - "8793:8793"  webserver:    <<: *common    <<: *depends-on    container_name: airflow-webserver    restart: always    command: webserver    ports:      - "8080:8080"    healthcheck:      test:        [          "CMD",          "curl",          "--fail",          "http://localhost:8080/health"        ]      interval: 30s      timeout: 30s      retries: 5  airflow-init:    <<: *common    container_name: airflow-init    entrypoint: /bin/bash    command:      - -c      - |        mkdir -p /sources/logs /sources/dags        chown -R "${AIRFLOW_UID}:0" /sources/{logs,dags}        exec /entrypoint airflow version


  • When we access the Apache-Airflow Web UI, we can see the DAG and we can run it directly to see the results.
    DAG (Apache-Airflow web UI):

  • Tweets Parquet file generated in our bucket (MinIO Console):

  • If needed, we can query our Data-Lakehouse directly using Apache-Drill Web Interface:

  • Finally, we can visualize our Dashboard (I built this already, but it can be easily modified and the data is stored in the superset.db file):

This is a wrap. I hope this helps you.

About Me

I am a Data Engineer with 3+ years of experience and more years as a Software Engineer (5+ years). I enjoy learning and teaching (mostly learning ).

You can get in touch with me through Twitter & LinkedIn or [email protected].

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