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August 27, 2022 07:46 am GMT

The Modern Refresher to React Development in 2022

Theres no denying that React is the most popular web framework out there. This fact is even proven by StackOverFlows recent survey polling thousands of developers.

Top Wanted Frameworks

Having already covered Vue development in our prior article in this series comparing web frameworks, its only fair to give React an equal chance by showing-off its features and community-made treasures.

And while React is backed by multi-trillion dollar company, its open-source community is still one of the key factors in its large success. In this article, well go through the React development process for beginners and developers who just need a quick refresher.

Well build a website for publicly sharing short-messages, called ithink. Its like Twitter, but with no accounts and you cant delete what you post.

GitHub logo ithink-corp / react

Official implementation of ithink, made in React and powered by Cyclic.

ithink, powered by Cyclic

Deploy to Cyclic

Run it on your own machine:

npm installnpm dev

First, we need an API

If you play around with the CodePen above, youll quickly realize that the database is not fake.

We actually have a back-end side of our application: it handles the storing and retrieving of simple text data. Its also built on Amazons S3 object storage service.

GitHub logo ithink-corp / api

Official API for ithink, powered by Cyclic.

The Official ithink API, built on

This is an example REST API designed to be deployed on

Deploy to Cyclic


Learn how to use the ithink API, using the curl command.

List all items

curl "" -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Create a new item

curl "" --data '{"text": "Say something nice!"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

A developer would normally spend hours and hours setting-up a database like this, and its not free either. Luckily for us, we get a free instance of the AWS S3 Storage when we use Cyclic. No credit card is required.

How do we create a new React project?

A beginner shouldnt have to create anything from scratch.

Thats a fact, and the React community recognizes it so much that they built a completely interactive program that helps newcomers setup their projects without much hassle.

Terminal recording of create-react-app

Its called create-react-app, and it usesBabelandwebpack under the hood, but you dont need to know anything about them. But Id be irresponsible if I told you that youll never encounter these two programs, so I recommend saving these articles about webpack and Babel. Read them when youre ready.

Its finally time to use this magical software. Make sure that you have NodeJS and NPM installed on your machine, then launch your terminal and run the following command in your preferred directory:

npx create-react-app my-appcd my-appnpm start

If youre not using Linux or MacOS for programming, check out this cheat-sheet covering our commands counter-parts in Windows.

Dont worry if it takes unusually long for these commands to execute. They may take longer to run if you have a slower internet connection. Please give it some time, as you only need to run it once per project.

React template

When these commands finally cease to run, a new tab will automatically open in your current web browser. While not much, the source-code behind it is critical to the development that were gonna do in this article.

Regardless of what starter is given to us when we run create-react-app, the first step is to actually erase all of it. Yes, you heard me correctly; were gonna erase almost all of what this magical program does.

But dont fret, the part that were gonna delete is not the useful part of the React template, so go ahead and run this command:

rm src/* -r # erase all files in the src/ foldertouch src/index.js # create a new file called "index.js" in the src/ folder

We already did too much change, but we can go a step further and craft our own folders. A good folder structure is key to a well-organized and future-proof project. There are many not-so-well-agreed-on candidates out there, but were gonna go simple and create only two new directories:

mkdir src/components src/utils # create two directories in the src/ folder

As their name suggests, components (like the pop-up modal) will go into the components/ folder, and useful functions (like a function to post data to the server) will go into the utils/ sibling.

Another step that we would do in this stage is to set-up TailwindCSS and FontAwesome as theyre used in this project. These packages both contain detailed guides that will help you set them up for yourself. This is just another consequence of the wide popularity of React.

No beginner tutorial covers this, but theres a little secret in programming that you should start practicing as soon as possible. Its the use of linters, programs that enforce style-guides in your code and catch bugs before they happen. I recommend using eslint, the most popular linter in the JavaScript world. Setting-it up is easy, as covering in the linked guide.

How do we deploy a React project to the Internet?

Its hard-enough to create an entire application in ones local computer, its its own industry with the name: Frontend Development. A frontend developer should not have to worry about the intricacies behind servers and deployment.

Lucky for us, Cyclic gives us the ability to deploy React applications to the cloud for free, by just clicking one button and adding one script to our application. With Cyclics React starter, we know to add the following script to the root of our project:

// /server.jsconst express = require('express')const path = require("path");const app = express()// This configures static hosting for files in /public that have the extensions// listed in the array.var options = {  dotfiles: 'ignore',  etag: false,  extensions: ['htm', 'html','css','js','ico','jpg','jpeg','png','svg'],  index: ['index.html'],  maxAge: '1m',  redirect: false}app.use(express.static('build', options))const port = process.env.PORT || 3000app.listen(port, () => {  console.log(`React app listening at http://localhost:${port}`)})

Its also important to add the following changes to the package.json file:

{    "scripts": {        - "start": "react-scripts start",        + "start": "node server.js",    + "dev": "react-scripts start",    }}

Deploying an app to Cyclic

With that done, all it takes to launch our app to the world-wide-web is creating a Cyclic account and clicking the DEPLOY button. Trust me, its so satisfying seeing it do all the work for you! And you can even choose your own free subdomain afterwards!

How do we create a component in React?

As it currently stands, our app is not functional. This stems from the fact that the index.js script is still empty, and thats because we just created it.

Lets learn a new fact about React: each application must have one main component. Its like the <body> element, where all the content is held. React places the insides of the main component inside a top-level #root element, as you can see in the following image:

DOM root

As you might have guessed, we create this main component inside the index.js file. It might sound scary to create something from scratch But its not, because it always resembles the following template:

// The importsimport React from 'react'import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'// The componentclass App extends React.Component {        // The JavaScript Logic        constructor(props) {            super(props)        }        // The HTML Markup        // Notice how we use className instead of class; this is important!        // read this:    render() {                return (                    <div>                        <header className="...">                            <h1>ithink</h1>                            <button>                                New                            </button>                        </header>                    </div>                )        }}// Injecting the component inside the #root elementconst root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'))root.render(<App />)

Hold on! Those are a lot of new things that you may have never seen before. First of all, theres the presence of imports and classes. Please make sure that your understanding of these two concepts is rock-solid before continuing with this article.

But theres one other thing that still stands out, and its surely new to all beginner React developers. Its the weird mix of JavaScript code and HTML markup. This odd format is called JSX, the Java*Script Ex*tension. All you need to know about it for now is that it makes the inclusion of HTML markup inside JavaScript code okay.

  • It doesnt always work!

    With JSX, this is not okay:

    render() {    <article>...</article>    <article>...</article>}

    But this is:

    render() {    <div>        <article>...</article>        <article>...</article>    </div>}

    Lesson learned: always wrap your HTML markup around one and only one element.

How do we listen to click events in React?

We all know how to attach buttons to logic using pure JavaScript code, but the same task is done quite differently (and quite more simply as youll see) in React. Were gonna be using the onClick attribute, and while its already available in pure JavaScript, its usage is quite more common in React.

class App extends React.Component {    ...    render() {        return (            <div>                ...                <button onClick="this.toggleModal">New</button>            </div>        )    }}

With one simple attribute, were able to call any method defined on the component. Its recommended to define component methods in the following manner:

class App extends React.Component {    ...    // Bad! :(    toggleModal() {        // do stuff...    }    // Okay :)    toggleModal = () => {        // do stuff...    }    ...}

Long story short, the first style would prohibit your method from accessing the this keyword, which you would need to alter other parts of the component. On the other hand, the second method is fine and you should make it a habit to define class methods in that style.

How do we create a toggle in React?

Almost every user-interface component has one or more toggles in it, and our pop-up modal is no different. With a Boolean toggle, we can dictate if the modal is either open or closed. Thankfully, creating toggles is no hassle at all.

Variables that control the UI are all collectively called the state, and our modal toggle is clearly one of them. The state is anything from data displayed in the application to user input to toggles that can do pretty much everything. When a state variable changes, the component is quickly and efficiently refreshed. Creating stateful variables is also the easiest thing in the world:

class App extends React.Component {    constructor(props) {        super(props)        this.state = {            isModalOpen: false,        }    }        ...}

Toggles wouldnt be very interesting if we couldnt actually toggle them. This logic falls into the component method that we created earlier. Unfortunately, mutating stateful variables is quite counter-intuitive:

toggleModal = () => {    // Wrong! :(    this.state.isModalOpen = true    // Correct! :)    this.setState({        isModalOpen: true    })}

How do we create multiple components in React?

Aside from the main component, applications are composed of a ton of UI parts that must all be organized in an effective fashion. We created the components/ folder for this reason; its time to finally put it to use!

Im also gonna introduce to you a new template for creating components in React, and its the simplest one. Instead of classes, which we may not all be comfortable with, were gonna use functions, which we definitely all have used enough times before that we could even write them with our eyes closed. Please make sure that youre fluent with JavaScript exports before following with this article:

// components/modal.jsexport function NewModal(props) {  // notice the use of 'htmlFor' instead of 'for'  // read this to understand why:  return (    <div>      <dialog open>        <main>          <form method="dialog">            <label htmlFor="content">Content</label>            <textarea id="content" autoFocus></textarea>            <div>              <button value="cancel">Cancel</button>              <button value="default">Post</button>            </div>          </form>        </main>        <footer>          <p>Whatever you write will become public.</p>        </footer>      </dialog>    </div>  );}

And while our component is now almost done, it wont magically appear in our application. One more step that we must take is to import the modal into the main component. Its easy to do and very similar to native HTML elements:

import { Modal } from './components/modal'class App extends React.Component {    ...    render() {        return (            <div>                ...                <Modal />            </div>        )    }}

We also cant forget about the toggle logic that we just implemented in the last section of this article, so we must put it to use. Its easy to tell React to conditionally show an element based on a Boolean state variable. The syntax that Im about to introduce is quite new, and its special to JSX:

{ this.state.isModalOpen && <Modal/> }

The double brackets are key to combining JavaScript logic with HTML markup. They can contain almost anything from calculations to String manipulations and even lists of HTML elements as well soon see in this guide:

{ 'Hello' }{ 5 + 5 }{ 'Hello' + ' World' }

This neat feature of JSX is called interpolation, and we can even combine it with JavaScripts logical AND operator (&&) to conditionally display HTML markup depending on a variety of possibilities:

{ false && <div></div> /* will NEVER display */ }{ true && <div></div> /* will ALWAYS display */ }{ condition && <div></div> /* will ONLY display if condition is TRUE */ }

How do we submit data to the server with a React component?

After having already covered the process of listening to click events, its no surprise that form submission wont be much of a hassle at all. I will therefore quickly cover it right now. And please notice how we dont have to use the this keyword anymore with function-based components.

export function NewModal(props) {  async function onSubmit(e) {    e.preventDefault()    // TODO: submit data to the server  }  return (    <div>      <form onSubmit={onSubmit}>        ...      </form>    </div>  )}

But while this is all fun and games for us, its still critical to pose the following question: how do we get the inputs value in React? To answer this seemingly easy question, I have to introduce you to React Hooks, the most important concepts in modern development. And while theyre a bit beyond the scope of this tutorial, were gonna use a handy hook to create state variables for function-based components.

import { useState } from 'react'export function NewModal(props) {  const [message, setMessage] = useState('')  ...  return (    ...    <textarea      value={message}      onChange={(event) => setMessage(}    />  )}

Thats surprising simply! With the useState hook, were able to both access the stateful variable message and mutate it using its setMessage sibling. With these two gems, we used JSX interpolation to set the value of the text-area and respond to change events by updating the state. Expect to see this pattern again-and-again in React applications.

import { postMessage } from '../utils/server'// it's now easy to post data to the server!async function onSubmit(e) {    e.preventDefault()    await postMessage(message)}

We still cant actually submit data to our server without writing a script to do that job. As a utility function, were gonna put this logic inside a new file named server.js in the utils/ directory. Theres nothing new here, just an ordinary data fetch() function to communicate with our server.

// utils/server.jsexport async function postMessage(message) {    await fetch('', {        method: 'post',        headers: {            'Content-Type': 'application/json',        },        body: JSON.stringify({            text: message,        }),    })}

How do we close a modal when clicked outside in React?

One feature that we see again and again in websites is the ability to close pop-ups by tapping anywhere outside their area. This is clearly positive for the user-experience of our application, so its not crazy that were gonna be adding it, even in this high-level tutorial.

Thankfully, we dont have to do much code ourselves thanks to the great React community. Being such an important feature, experienced developers have already implemented it and shipped it along-with dozens of other small utilities as hooks. (yes, hooks are marking their presence once again; I told you that theyre very important concepts!) Its all packaged in a nifty library called react-use.

import { useRef } from 'react'import { useClickAway } from 'react-use'export function NewModal(props) {        ...    const containerRef = useRef(null)    useClickAway(containerRef, () => props.onClose())        return (            <div>                <dialog ref={ containerRef }>...</dialog>            </div>        )}

Notice how were also making-use of yet another hook, useRef. Its one of the most popular hooks out there, because its function is one thats very important. The useRef hook gives us access to the DOM; using it is as simple as adding a ref attribute to the desired HTML element as you can see in the code snippet above.

How do we display a list of items in React?

Good news! Were done with the modal component! But were still missing one major part of our application: the list of messages. Not much is new here, so lets just create a new component file named message-list.js in the components/ directory as usual.

// index.jsimport { MessageList } from './components/message-list'render() {    return (        <div>            ...            <main><MessageList /></main>        </div>    )}// components/message-list.jsexport function MessageList(props) {    if (props.messages) {        // Display list of messages        return (            <div></div>        )    } else {        // Display loading skeleton        return (            <div></div>        )    }}

As you can see, were using an if-condition to decide which UI to display. If data is loaded, were gonna return a list showing all of it. Otherwise, were gonna show a loading skeleton. Of course, none of these things is currently being shown. Thats because I have to introduce you to a new concept in React.

Remember JSX interpolation? Theres something very interesting we can do with this magical feature. Its possible to use the Array map() method to return a dynamic list of HTML elements!

<div>    {{ message }) => <p key={message}>{ message }</p>) }</div>

Isnt that so amazing? We can do the same thing to display the loading skeleton.

<div>    { Array.from(Array(20).keys()).map((number) => <div key={number}></div>) }</div>

Notice the use of the key property in both examples. Its important to include it when using this interpolation feature, as it helps React keep track of the list of elements. Its critical that these keys are all unique!

How do we load a list of data from the server with a React component?

While we already built the messages listing component, it still doesnt display any data and its stuck in the loading state. Obviously, we havent made any effort to actually load messages from the server yet. Thankfully, this is not very different from former server function that we just implemented.

class App extends React.Component {    constructor(props) {            super(props)            this.state = {                ...,                messages: null            }        }}

As soon as the main component is created, we wish to load data from the server. Theres no immediately obvious way of implementing this logic, because you still dont know about lifecycle hooks. With these magical devices, were able to run whatever logic we want at important times in a components lifecycle.

class App extends React.Component {    ...    componentDidMount() {        // load items    }}

With the compnentDidMount lifecycle hook, were able to run whatever we want when the component is finally rendered, which is exactly what we were looking for. With that done, were left with the task of filling the messages stateful variable with data from the server.

import { getMessages } from './utils/server'class App extends React.Component {    ...    componentDidMount() {        const messages = await getMessages()                this.setState({                    messages: messages,                })    }}

Of course, we cannot dismiss the logic that actually retrieves data from the server.

// utils/server.jsexport async function getMessages() {    const res = await fetch('', {        headers: {            'Content-Type': 'application/json',        },    })    const items = await res.json()    return => ({        message: item,    }))}


And voila, our application is done, just like that! The React development process is definitely a unique one, and you can immediately tell many differences from the VueJS process that we covered in our last article.

We covered many features of React:

  • Creating new projects with create-react-app,
  • listening to and handling events,
  • hooks and the react-use library,
  • custom components,
  • JSX interpolation,
  • stateful variables,
  • dynamic lists.
  • DOM refs.

And while we just scraped the surface of what React is capable of, we still got a good idea of what the React development process is like and thats enough to help us choose the best framework for our purposes.

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