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May 15, 2022 11:34 am

Ask Slashdot: What's the Best Alternative to Google's Search Results?

"I first heard about Google here on Slashdot," writes Captain Chad (Slashdot reader #102,831). "At the time I was using AltaVista for web searches, but Google immediately proved its superiority."Now 20+ years later I struggle with Google's latest system. It appears to be interpreting the perceived intent of my search request instead of using the very specific keywords I provide. I'm often getting results that aren't on the same topic as what I'm looking for, and adding more keywords seems to make it worse. Even using double quotes doesn't help much any more. Google Search has become too "intelligent" for me to use effectively. So I'm looking for a replacement search engine, one that searches for what I tell it to search for, like Google used to do. With that in mind, what search engine(s) do you recommend? The question's already drawn several responses. Khopesh (Slashdot reader #112,447) points out that ironically "Doing a Google search for "google alternatives" comes up with a pretty decent list, including DuckDuckGo (powered mostly by Bing) and Brave Search (powered by its own crawler), which are both privacy-first items that do not customize queries to the individual. Also consider Startpage (powered by anonymized Google queries, see their Wikipedia article). Other readers shared their own complaints. "Even if no one has a good alternative can someone tell me why pretty much all internet search has become crapified?" asks Slashdot reader Iamthecheese. My biggest gripe is how Google's search results are technically all referrer URLs -- so if you right-click to copy the link, it's never what you expect. (And that when I search for something that sounds like a product, several rows of the top results are always ads.) Anyone else? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments. And what's best alternative to Google's search results?

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