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April 21, 2022 11:34 pm GMT

Investigating Machine Learning Techniques to Improve Spec Tests IV


This is a part of the series of blog posts related to Artificial Intelligence Implementation. If you are interested in the background of the story or how it goes:

This week we'll showcase testing process and the early results of the model. We will be using SerpApi's Google Organic Results Scraper API for the data collection. Also, you can check in the playground in more detailed view on the data we will use.


Training Data

Here's an structural breakdown of the data we store for training inside a json file:

[  {     "Key 1": Value_1,    "Key 2": Value_2,    "Key 3": Value_3,    "Key 4": [      "Value_1",      ...    ],    "Key 5": {      "Inner Key 1": Inner_Value_1,      ...  },  ...]

Here's an example:

[  {    "position": 1,    "title": "Coffee - Wikipedia",    "link": "",    "displayed_link": "  wiki  Coffee",    "snippet": "Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, the seeds of berries from certain flowering plants in the Coffea genus. From the coffee fruit, ...",    "snippet_highlighted_words": [      "Coffee",      "coffee",      "coffee"    ],    ...  },  ...]

Links we collected the organic results of Google from:
Link for Tea (around 100 results)
Link for Coffee (around 100 results)

Testing Structure

We have already covered how we trained the data in detail in the past three week's blog posts. Today, we will test how the hypothesis holds by calculating the training accuracy.

We can reutilize the Train, and Database classes to create examples, and create example vectors with the following lines:

  example_vector = Database.word_to_tensor example! {|el| el = el.nil? ? 0: el}  example_vector = Train.extend_vector example_vector  weighted_example = Train.product example_vector

example in here is the string we provide. Any value for any key within Google Organic Results that is converted to a string will be a valid example.

We can reutilize Database.word_to_tensor to get the vectorized version of our string in accordance with our vocabulary.

If any value is nil (null), which is not present in our vocabulary, it will be replaced with 0, which is the value for our <unk> (unknown).
example_vector, then, should be expanded to maximum string size for calculation purposes using 1s.
weighted_example will be the product of the @@weights we calculated earlier with our vectorized example.

This value's closest vectors in multidimensional space, from the examples we provided, should have the same key, or their average should lead us to the same key. So, in our case, if the example we provide isn't a snippet, closest vectors around the weighted_example should give us less than 0.5 (their identities are 0 and 1) in average. Conclusion should be that the example isn't a snippet.

We measure the distance of our example with every example in the dataset using Euclidean Distance formula for multidimensional space:

  distances = []  vector_array.each_with_index do |comparison_vector, vector_index|    distances << Train.euclidean_distance(comparison_vector, weighted_example)  end

We take the indexes of the minimum distances (k many times):

  indexes = []  k.times do     index = distances.index(distances.min)    indexes << index    distances[index] = 1000000000  end

Then, we take the real identities of each of these vectors:

  predictions = []  indexes.each do |index|    predictions << key_array[index].first.to_i  end

key_array here is the array containing 0, or 1 in first item of each row, and the string in second. To give an example:

[  ...  ["0", ""],  ["1", "Born and brewed in Southern California since 1963, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf is passionate about connecting loyal customers with carefully handcrafted ..."],  ["0", "4"],  ...]

1 represents that the item is snippet, 0 represents it isn't.

Let's return the predictions:

  prediction = (predictions.sum/predictions.size).to_f  if prediction < 0.5    puts "False - Item is not Snippet"    return 0  else    puts "True - Item is Snippet"    return 1  end

Here's the full method for it:

def test example, k, vector_array, key_array  example_vector = Database.word_to_tensor example! {|el| el = el.nil? ? 0: el}  example_vector = Train.extend_vector example_vector  weighted_example = Train.product example_vector  distances = []  vector_array.each_with_index do |comparison_vector, vector_index|    distances << Train.euclidean_distance(comparison_vector, weighted_example)  end  indexes = []  k.times do     index = distances.index(distances.min)    indexes << index    distances[index] = 1000000000  end  predictions = []  indexes.each do |index|    predictions << key_array[index].first.to_i  end  puts "Predictions: #{predictions}"  prediction = (predictions.sum/predictions.size).to_f  if prediction < 0.5    puts "False - Item is not Snippet"    return 0  else    puts "True - Item is Snippet"    return 1  endend

Testing with Google Organic Results for Snippet

Now that we have a function for testing, let's separate snippets from non-snippets in our examples:

true_examples = {|el| el = el.first == "1" ? el.second : nil}.compactfalse_examples = {|el| el = el.first == "0" ? el.second : nil}.compact

This will allow us to calculate easier.

Let's declare an empty array to collect predictions, and start with non-snippets:

predictions = []false_examples.each do |example|  prediction = test example, 2, vector_array, key_array  predictions <<! {|el| el = el == 1 ? 0 : 1}

Since we know that none of these examples are snippet, any prediction that gives 1 will be wrong. So if we test our model with false examples, and then reverse 1s to 0s, and 0s to 1s, we can combine it with our true examples:

true_examples.each do |example|  prediction = test example, 2, vector_array, key_array  predictions << predictionend

Now that we have the desired array filled:

prediction_train_accuracy = predictions.sum.to_f / predictions.size.to_fputs "Prediction Accuracy for Training Set is: #{prediction_train_accuracy}"

If we divide the number of 1s to number of predictions, we can calculate the accuracy results.

Preliminary Results

We have done exactly the same process for the data we mentioned earlier. The number of predictions for snippet was 1065, and the k value was 2, and the n-gram value was 2.

The model predicted 872 times correctly. This means the training accuracy was 0.8187793427230047 (%81.87).

This is a good number to start, and with more tweaks, and testing with a bigger dataset, the initial hypothesis could be proven to be true.

Full Code

class Database  def initialize json_data, vocab = { "<unk>" => 0, "<pad>" => 1 }    super()    @@pattern_data = []    @@vocab = vocab  end  ## Related to creating main database  def self.add_new_data_to_database json_data, csv_path = nil    json_data.each do |result|      recursive_hash_pattern result, ""    end    @@pattern_data = @@pattern_data.reject { |pattern| pattern.include? nil }.uniq.compact    path = "#{csv_path}master_database.csv"    File.write(path,  end  def self.element_pattern result, pattern    @@pattern_data.append([result, pattern].flatten)  end  def self.element_array_pattern result, pattern    result.each do |element|      element_pattern element, pattern    end  end  def self.assign hash, key, pattern    if hash[key].is_a?(Hash)      if pattern.present?        pattern = "#{pattern}__#{key}"      else        pattern = "#{key}"      end      recursive_hash_pattern hash[key], pattern    elsif hash[key].present? && hash[key].is_a?(Array) && hash[key].first.is_a?(Hash)      if pattern.present?        pattern = "#{pattern}__#{key}__n"      else        pattern = "#{key}"      end      hash[key].each do |hash_inside_array|        recursive_hash_pattern hash_inside_array, pattern      end    elsif hash[key].present? && hash[key].is_a?(Array)      if pattern.present?        pattern = "#{pattern}__n"      else        pattern = "#{key}"      end      element_array_pattern hash[key], pattern    else      if pattern.present?        pattern = "#{pattern}__#{key}"      else        pattern = "#{key}"      end      element_pattern hash[key], pattern    end  end  def self.recursive_hash_pattern hash, pattern    hash.keys.each do |key|      assign hash, key, pattern    end  end  ## Related to tokenizing  def self.default_dictionary_hash    {      /\"/ => "",      /\'/ => " \'  ",      /\./ => " . ",      /,/ => ", ",      /\!/ => " ! ",      /\?/ => " ? ",      /\;/ => " ",      /\:/ => " ",      /\(/ => " ( ",      /\)/ => " ) ",      /\// => " / ",      /\s+/ => " ",      /<br \/>/ => " , ",      /http/ => "http",      /https/ => " https ",    }  end  def self.tokenizer word, dictionary_hash = default_dictionary_hash    word = word.downcase    dictionary_hash.keys.each do |key|      word.sub!(key, dictionary_hash[key])    end    word.split  end  def self.iterate_ngrams token_list, ngrams = 2    token_list.each do |token|      1.upto(ngrams) do |n|        permutations = (token_list.size - n + 1) { |i| token_list[i...(i + n)] }        permutations.each do |perm|          key = perm.join(" ")          unless @@vocab.keys.include? key            @@vocab[key] = @@vocab.size          end        end      end    end  end  def self.word_to_tensor word    token_list = tokenizer word {|token| @@vocab[token]}  end  ## Related to creating key-specific databases   def self.create_key_specific_databases result_type = "organic_results", csv_path = nil, dictionary = nil, ngrams = nil, vocab_path = nil    keys, examples = create_keys_and_examples    keys.each do |key|      specific_pattern_data = []      @@pattern_data.each_with_index do |pattern, index|        word = pattern.first.to_s        next if word.blank?        if dictionary.present?          token_list = tokenizer word, dictionary        else          token_list = tokenizer word        end        if ngrams.present?          iterate_ngrams token_list, ngrams        else          iterate_ngrams token_list        end        if key == pattern.second          specific_pattern_data << [ 1, word ]        elsif (examples[key].to_s.to_i == examples[key]) && word.to_i == word          next        elsif (examples[key].to_s.to_i == examples[key]) && word.numeric?          specific_pattern_data << [ 0, word ]        elsif examples[key].numeric? && word.numeric?          next        elsif key.split("__").last == pattern.second.to_s.split("__").last          specific_pattern_data << [ 1, word ]        else          specific_pattern_data << [ 0, word ]        end      end      path = "#{csv_path}#{result_type}__#{key}.csv"      File.write(path,    end    if vocab_path.present?      save_vocab vocab_path    else      save_vocab    end  end  def self.create_keys_and_examples    keys = { |pattern| pattern.second }.uniq    examples = {}    keys.each do |key|      examples[key] = @@pattern_data.find { |pattern| pattern.first.to_s if pattern.second == key }    end    [keys, examples]  end  def self.numeric?    return true if self =~ /\A\d+\Z/    true if Float(self) rescue false  end  def self.save_vocab vocab_path = ""    path = "#{vocab_path}vocab.json"    vocab = JSON.parse(@@vocab.to_json)    File.write(path, JSON.pretty_generate(vocab))  end  def self.read_vocab vocab_path    vocab = vocab_path    @@vocab = JSON.parse(vocab)  end  def self.return_vocab    @@vocab  endendclass Train  def initialize csv_path    @@csv_path = csv_path    @@vector_arr = []    @@word_arr = []    @@maximum_word_size = 100    @@weights = Vector[]    @@losses = []  end  def    @@word_arr =    @@word_arr  end  def self.define_training_set vectors    @@vector_arr = vectors  end  def self.auto_define_maximum_size    @@maximum_word_size = {|el| el.size}.max  end  def self.extend_vector vector    vector_arr = vector.to_a    (@@maximum_word_size - vector.size).times { vector_arr << 1 }    Vector.[](*vector_arr)  end  def self.extend_vectors    @@vector_arr.each_with_index do |vector, index|      @@vector_arr[index] = extend_vector vector    end  end  def self.initialize_weights    weights = []    @@maximum_word_size.times { weights << 1.0 }    @@weights = Vector.[](*weights)  end  def self.config k = 1, lr = 0.001    [k, lr]  end  def self.product vector    @@weights.each_with_index do |weight, index|      vector[index] = weight * vector[index]    end    vector  end  def self.euclidean_distance vector_1, vector_2    subtractions = (vector_1 - vector_2).to_a! {|sub| sub = sub*sub }    Math.sqrt(subtractions.sum)  end  def self.k_neighbors distances, k    indexes = []    (k).times do      min = distances.index(distances.min)      indexes << min      distances[min] = distances.max + 1    end    indexes  end  def self.make_prediction indexes    predictions = []    indexes.each do |index|      predictions << @@word_arr[index][0].to_i    end    predictions.sum/predictions.size  end  def self.update_weights result, indexes, vector, lr    indexes.each do |index|      subtractions = @@vector_arr[index] - vector      subtractions.each_with_index do |sub, sub_index|        if result == 0 && sub >= 0          @@weights[sub_index] = @@weights[sub_index] + lr        elsif result == 0 && sub < 0          @@weights[sub_index] = @@weights[sub_index] - lr        elsif result == 1 && sub >= 0          @@weights[sub_index] = @@weights[sub_index] - lr        elsif result == 1 && sub < 0          @@weights[sub_index] = @@weights[sub_index] + lr        end      end    end  end  def self.mean_absolute_error real, indexes    errors = []    indexes.each do |index|      errors << (@@word_arr[index][0].to_i - real).abs    end    (errors.sum/errors.size).to_f  end  def self.train vector, index    k, lr = config    vector = extend_vector vector    vector = product vector    distances = []    @@vector_arr.each_with_index do |comparison_vector, vector_index|      if vector_index == index        distances << 100000000      else        distances << euclidean_distance(comparison_vector, vector)      end    end    indexes = k_neighbors distances, k    real = @@word_arr[index][0].to_i    prob_prediction = make_prediction indexes    prediction = prob_prediction > 0.5 ? 1 : 0    result = real == prediction ? 1 : 0    update_weights result, indexes, vector, lr    loss = mean_absolute_error real, indexes    @@losses << loss    puts "Result : #{real}, Prediction: #{prediction}"    puts "Loss: #{loss}"    prediction  endendjson_path = "organic_results/example.json"json_data = = JSON.parse(json_data) json_data## For training from scratch                     Database.add_new_data_to_database json_data, csv_path = "organic_results/"Database.create_key_specific_databases result_type = "organic_results", csv_path = "organic_results/"##Database.read_vocab "vocab.json"## We will use an iteration of csvs within a specific path in the endcsv_path = "organic_results/organic_results__snippet.csv" csv_pathkey_array = Train.readvector_array = { |word| Database.word_to_tensor word[1] }Train.define_training_set vector_arrayTrain.auto_define_maximum_sizeTrain.extend_vectorsTrain.initialize_weightsTrain.config k = 2vector_array.each_with_index do |vector, index|  Train.train vector, indexenddef test example, k, vector_array, key_array  example_vector = Database.word_to_tensor example! {|el| el = el.nil? ? 0: el}  example_vector = Train.extend_vector example_vector  weighted_example = Train.product example_vector  distances = []  vector_array.each_with_index do |comparison_vector, vector_index|    distances << Train.euclidean_distance(comparison_vector, weighted_example)  end  indexes = []  k.times do     index = distances.index(distances.min)    indexes << index    distances[index] = 1000000000  end  predictions = []  indexes.each do |index|    predictions << key_array[index].first.to_i  end  puts "Predictions: #{predictions}"  prediction = (predictions.sum/predictions.size).to_f  if prediction < 0.5    puts "False - Item is not Snippet"    return 0  else    puts "True - Item is Snippet"    return 1  endendtrue_examples = {|el| el = el.first == "1" ? el.second : nil}.compactfalse_examples = {|el| el = el.first == "0" ? el.second : nil}.compactpredictions = []false_examples.each do |example|  prediction = test example, 2, vector_array, key_array  predictions <<! {|el| el = el == 1 ? 0 : 1}true_examples.each do |example|  prediction = test example, 2, vector_array, key_array  predictions << predictionendprediction_train_accuracy = predictions.sum.to_f / predictions.size.to_fputs "Prediction Accuracy for Training Set is: #{prediction_train_accuracy}"


I'd like to apologize the reader for being one day late on the blog post. Two weeks later, we will showcase how to store them for implementation, and further tweaks to improve accuracy.

The end aim of this project is to create an open-source gem to be implemented by everyone using a JSON Data Structure in their code.

I'd like to thank the reader for their attention, and the brilliant people of SerpApi creating wonders even in times of hardship, and for all their support.

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