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July 1, 2019 08:55 pm GMT

New Vets Who Code Curriculum!

Finally excited to have completed the #VetsWhoCode updated curriculum! I built this coursework around five things:

Accessibility to the technologies
Ease of adoption
Market trends
Our production stack
Serverless Web Practices

It's taken me about 18 months of studying, mistakes and interviews to put this together with the focus on bleeding edge, still use stable technologies and focusing heavily on API's. The entire process was not only new but different for me. I focused on being modern not only in what we are teaching, but how as well. On top of that this will be the first class taught only by #VetsWhoCode alumni. That means the instructors have been where you have been and are at where you wanna be. Meaning, they get paid to write code DAILY by companies.

Doing this meant that there were some sacrifices. I had to add another week to the education, but I rather you learn this stuff and be prepared to do real work than not. Its really a labor of love. Check out the curriculum here and git commit or it didn't happen.

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