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Creating Custom Font Stacks with Unicode-Range
Any web designer or front-end developer worth their salt will be familiar with the CSS @font-face
rule used for embedding fonts in a web page. We’ve all used it — either directly in our code ourselves, or via one of the web font services like Fontdeck, Typekit or Google Fonts.
If you’re like me, however, you’ll be used to just copying and pasting in a specific incantation of lines designed to get different formats of fonts working in different browsers, and may not have really explored all the capabilities of @font-face
properties as defined by the spec.
One such property — the unicode-range
descriptor — sounds pretty dull and is easily overlooked. It does, however, have some fairly interesting possibilities when put to use in creative ways.
The unicode-range
descriptor is designed to help when using fonts that don’t have full coverage of the characters used in a page. By adding a unicode-range
property to a @font-face
rule it is possible to specify the range of characters the font covers.
@font-face { font-family: BBCBengali; src: url(fonts/BBCBengali.ttf) format("opentype"); unicode-range: U+00-FF;}
In this example, the font is to be used for characters in the range of U+00
to U+FF
which runs from the unexciting control characters at the start of the Unicode table (symbols like the exclamation mark start at U+21
) right through to at U+FF
– the extent of the Basic Latin character range.
By adding multiple @font-face
rules for the same family but with different ranges, you can build up complete coverage of the characters your page uses by using different fonts.
When I say that it’s possible to specify the range of characters the font covers, that’s true, but what you’re really doing with the unicode-range
property is declaring which characters the font should be used for. This becomes interesting, because instead of merely working with the technical constraints of available characters in a given font, we can start picking and choosing characters to use and selectively mix fonts together.
The best available ampersand
A few years back, Dan Cederholm wrote a post encouraging designers to use the best available ampersand. Dan went on to outline how this can be achieved by wrapping our ampersands in a <span>
element with a class applied:
<span class="amp">&</span>
A CSS rule can then be written to select the <span>
and apply a different font:
span.amp { font-family: Baskerville, Palatino, "Book Antiqua", serif;}
That’s a perfectly serviceable technique, but the drawbacks are clear — you have to add extra markup which is borderline presentational, and you also have to be able to add that markup, which isn’t always possible when working with a CMS.
Perhaps we could do this with unicode-range
A better best available ampersand
The Unicode code point for an ampersand is U+26
, so the ampersand font stack above can be created like so:
@font-face { font-family: 'Ampersand'; src: local('Baskerville'), local('Palatino'), local('Book Antiqua'); unicode-range: U+26;}
What we’ve done here is specify a new family called Ampersand and created a font stack for it with the user’s locally installed copies of Baskerville, Palatino or Book Antiqua. We’ve then limited it to a single character range — the ampersand. Of course, those don’t need to be local fonts — they could be web font files, too. If you have a font with a really snazzy ampersand, go for your life.
We can then use that new family in a regular font stack.
h1 { font-family: Ampersand, Arial, sans-serif;}
With this in place, any <h1>
elements in our page will use the Ampersand family (Baskerville, Palatino or Book Antiqua) for ampersands, and Arial for all other characters. If the user doesn’t have any of the Ampersand family fonts available, the ampersand will fall back to the next item in the font stack, Arial.
You didn’t think it was that easy, did you?
Oh, if only it were so. The problem comes, as ever, with the issue of browser support. The unicode-range
property has good support in WebKit browsers (like Safari and Chrome, and the browsers on most popular smartphone platforms) and in recent versions of Internet Explorer. The big stumbling block comes in the form of Firefox, which has no support at all.
If you’re familiar with how CSS works when it comes to unsupported properties, you’ll know that if a browser encounters a property it doesn’t implement, it just skips that declaration and moves on to the next. That works perfectly for things like border-radius
— if the browser can’t round off the corners, the declaration is skipped and the user sees square corners instead. Perfect.
Less perfect when it comes to unicode-range
, because if no range is specified then the default is that the font is applied for all characters — the whole range. If you’re using a fancy font for flamboyant ampersands, you probably don’t want that applied to all your text if unicode-range
isn’t supported. That would be bad. Really bad.
Ensuring good fallbacks
As ever, the trick is to make sure that there’s a sensible fallback in place if a browser doesn’t have support for whatever technology you’re trying to use. This is where being a super nerd about understanding the spec you’re working with really pays off.
We can make use of the rules of the CSS cascade to make sure that if unicode-range
isn’t supported we get a sensible fallback font. What would be ideal is if we were able to follow up the @font-face
rule with a second rule to override it if Unicode ranges aren’t implemented.
@font-face { font-family: 'Ampersand'; src: local('Baskerville'), local('Palatino'), local('Book Antiqua'); unicode-range: U+26;}@font-face { font-family: 'Ampersand'; src: local('Arial');}
In theory, this code should make sense for all browsers. For those that support unicode-range
the two rules become cumulative. They specify different ranges for the same family, and in WebKit browsers this has the expected result of using Arial for most characters, but Baskerville and friends for the ampersand. For browsers that don’t have support, the second rule should just supersede the first, setting the font to Arial.
Unfortunately, this code causes current versions of Firefox to freak out and use the first rule, applying Baskerville to the entire range. That’s both unexpected and unfortunate. Bad Firefox. On your rug.
If that doesn’t work, what can we do? Well, we know that if given a unicode-range
Firefox will ignore the range and apply the font to all characters. That’s really what we’re trying to achieve. So what if we specified a range for the fallback font, but made sure it only covers some obscure high-value Unicode character we’re never going to use in our page? Then it wouldn’t affect the outcome for browsers that do support ranges.
@font-face { font-family: 'Ampersand'; src: local('Baskerville'), local('Palatino'), local('Book Antiqua'); unicode-range: U+26;}@font-face { /* Ampersand fallback font */ font-family: 'Ampersand'; src: local('Arial'); unicode-range: U+270C;}
By specifying a range on the fallback font, Firefox appears to correctly override the first based on the cascade sort order. Browsers that do support ranges take the second rule in addition, and apply Arial for that obscure character we’re not using in any of our pages — U+270C
So we get our nice ampersands in browsers that support unicode-range
and, thanks to our styling of an obscure Unicode character, the font falls back to a perfectly acceptable Arial in browsers that do not offer support. Perfect!
That obscure character, my friends, is what Unicode defines as the VICTORY HAND.
So, how can we use this?
Ampersands are a neat trick, and it works well in browsers that support ranges, but that’s not really the point of all this. Styling ampersands is fun, but they’re only really scratching the surface. Consider more involved examples, such as substituting a different font for numerals, or symbols, or even caps. Things certainly begin to get a bit more interesting.
How do you know what the codes are for different characters? Richard Ishida has a handy online conversion tool available where you can type in the characters and get the Unicode code points out the other end.
Of course, the fact remains that browser support for unicode-range
is currently limited, so any application needs to have fallbacks that you’re still happy for a significant proportion of your visitors to see. In some cases, such as dedicated pages for mobile devices in an HTML-based phone app, this is immediately useful as support in WebKit browsers is already very good. In other cases, you’ll have to use your own best judgement based on your needs and audience.
One thing to keep in mind is that if you’re using web fonts, the entire font will be downloaded even if only one character is used. That said, the font shouldn’t be downloaded if none of the characters within the Unicode range are present in a given page.
As ever, there are pros and cons to using unicode-range
as well as varied but increasing support in browsers. It remains a useful tool to understand and have in your toolkit for when the right moment comes along.
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