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September 23, 2011 10:00 am

A Roundup of Valuable Facebook Tools

Not long ago we had a post featuring some valuable Twitter tools, and we received requests to do the same kind of post for Facebook. In the interest of giving our readers what they want, and the community content that is useful, this post was born. Today we are presenting a list of tools to enhance your Facebook experience.

Even with Google+ on the virtual horizon, Facebook remains a major social media platform that many users never foresee leaving. So for designers and developers compiling tools for making the most of Facebook will never go out of style. Hopefully in our post today you will find some new tools that will optimize your own Facebook ventures, or those you are preparing for clients.

For the User End

Facebook Tools for WordPress is a WordPress plugin that allows you to auto insert OpenGraph tags, insert a like button, send button, and comments box, and retrieve Facebook comments on your WordPress blog.

Media Feedia is a complete Facebook tool for businesses. It allows you to manage multiple accounts at once, get email notifications from your fan pages, set admin’s to your account and protect your page, and schedule posts with pictures and links.

Buddy Media offers a variety of Facebook tools allowing you to grow and connect with your Facebook fan base, drive traffic to your website, and monitor fan usage and feedback.

AllFacebook Stats lets you track and compare the performance of your Facebook pages and places with deep analyses in the fields fans, interaction and content, benchmarking vs. competitors and best-practice examples, the ability to manage large amounts of pages/places in one place, and a customizable dashboard with all your important stats on one page.

ShrotStack lets you customize your Facebook Page with contests, sweepstakes, videos, custom forms and more.

Wildfire lets you track up to 3 different Facebook pages allowing you to track your own stats along with those of your competitors and receive alerts to changes and trends.

Pagemodo is another site that lets you easily create a custom Facebook fan page including free and paid options.

Webtrends for Facebook pulls data from your Facebook pages and apps using Facebook API. Additional conversion data is available with the Webtrends tag. Within a couple of clicks and less than 30 seconds, you start seeing ideas about whats working and whats not.

Vitrue is a social relationship management platform that offers a variety of Facebook tools including a Facebook page evaluator, custom wall apps, the ability to customize the look and feel of your fan page, and more.

How to Design and Program a Facebook Landing Page is an an introduction video tutorial teaching you how to design and program a Facebook landing page using iFrames.

For Facebook Developers

For any developer looking to work within or link with the Facebook Platform with their own work, Facebook Developers is an invaluable resource amassed by the FB team to help you out. With a plethora of tutorials and tools collected there, we could not do this roundup without a nod to this virtual toolbox. Straight from the horses mouth, here are some developer specific tools.


  • Like Button – The Like button lets users share pages from your site back to their Facebook profile with one click.
  • Comments – The Comments plugin lets users comment on any piece of content on your site.
  • Login Button – The Login Button shows profile pictures of the user’s friends who have already signed up for your site in addition to a login button.
  • Registration – The registration plugin allows users to easily sign up for your website with their Facebook account.
  • Javascript Test Console – A simple way to learn, test and debug the JavaScript SDK. It also includes a large number of working examples.
  • Debugger – Helps you debug your Open Graph protocol pages. Having problems with the Like button or our other Social Plugins? Start here.
  • Test User API – A test user is a user account associated with an app created for the purpose of testing the functionality of that application. Facebook Platform supports the creation of test users via the Graph API for manual and automated tests.


  • Canvas Tutorial – This document walks you through the key steps to getting your app up and running within the Facebook chrome.
  • Apps on – Building an app on Facebook gives you the opportunity to deeply integrate into the core Facebook experience.
  • Page Tab Tutorial – One of the most interesting features of Apps on is the ability for your app to be used within the context of a Facebook Page.
  • Mobil Apps – This guide walks you through the basics of creating mobile apps that leverage Facebook Platform.


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